10 deadly sins of the bible. Commandments and laws of nature

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Once the Lord gave Moses commandments on how to live in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven. They, with some changes, began to be used in Christianity, becoming the basis of the divine teaching about salvation. are considered the basis of a Christian’s life, by which one must navigate in the world. This is what the Lord called people to do who want to serve him, to live in peace and harmony with themselves, in harmony with the world around them.

Commandments of Moses

On Mount Sinai, the Lord gave 10 commandments to the Jewish people. They formed the basis of both the Old and New Testaments. However, there were some changes to the original version. For example, Jews still consider the Sabbath a sacred day - in Israel even shops are closed at this time until sunset. Christians consider the day of Christ's resurrection sacred, but the essence of the commandments themselves is preserved. Here are 10 commandments in Russian, which become guidelines for a Christian even in the modern world.

1. You will have no gods other than me. This commandment is directed against polytheism and those who doubt the faith and correctness of the teachings of Christ. In the church there is even such a concept as spiritual fornication, the meaning of which means restlessness (fornication and the word “get lost” have the same root). Therefore, you just need to believe in Christ and not try to follow several religions, teachings, or try to simultaneously practice black magic and go to the temple.

2. Do not make yourself an idol. Continuation of commandment 1. Do not rely too much on material values, talismans or specific people, as this is the path to disappointment and mental loss. Moreover, you cannot deify someone specific. For example, for an inexperienced girl, a young man may seem almost like a god, and then after falling in love there will be severe disappointment. And here again the 10 commandments of God in Russian become a beacon. In order not to be disappointed in life and not to lose faith, the initial feeling of love for God, you cannot deify objects or other people, no matter how attractive they may seem.

3. One should not take the name of the Lord in vain. This can get you into trouble.

4. Remember the Sabbath day. In Christianity, Sunday is considered holy, so you need to work for 6 days, and take a break at 7, if possible. In the modern world, it is not always possible to fulfill this commandment - after all, you cannot explain to your boss that you cannot work on Sunday. However, in most situations, Sunday is considered a day off. Therefore, it is best to spend it in prayer and spiritual reflection.

5. Honor your father and mother. This commandment requires clarification: do not offend, try to make them feel good, listen to their advice if it is reasonable. Unfortunately, for centuries, reverence was understood as the slavish acceptance of someone else’s opinion, which has broken more than one fate. It is for this reason that this commandment is reluctantly observed in the modern world today. Moreover, parents have different ideas about what is good and bad, and it is not always worth following their advice. However, you shouldn’t offend your parents either.

6. You can't kill. Any murder is considered a very serious sin, both human and animal.

7. Do not commit adultery. Usually this word refers to cheating on a spouse and relationships outside of marriage, but the meaning of this word is broader. Adultery is translated as an act against love, a betrayal of love. Therefore, it also means failure to fulfill a promise, betraying a friend’s secrets, telling other people what was a secret. That is, adultery implies any action that violates love.

8. Don't steal.

9. Don’t tell lies, don’t slander anyone.

10. Don't be jealous.

It is these commandments that constitute Christian teaching. Christ also gave a new commandment, which unites the previous ones: “love one another, love your enemies...”. It sums up everything that has been described previously. But there are also mortal sins that necessarily require repentance to the priest.

7 Sins

If a person commits them, he must say so in confession and try not to repeat them again.

They are considered spiritual guidelines for a Christian. But not only they contribute to the salvation of man. The teachings and books of the Holy Fathers also help to become a support and come to one’s own repentance, even if it is sometimes difficult to resist so as not to commit some sin or do something against the commandments of God.

God's commandments and mortal sins are the basic laws of Christianity; every believer must adhere to these laws. The Lord gave them to Moses at the very beginning of the development of Christianity. To save the people from the Fall, to warn them from danger.


I am the Lord your God, and let there be no other gods besides me.


Do not make for yourself an idol or any image; do not worship or serve them.


Well, take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

Fourth Commandment:

Remember the Sabbath day: six days do your earthly affairs or work, and on the seventh day, the day of rest, dedicate it to the Lord your God.


Honor your mother and your father, so that it may be well for you and that you may live long on earth.

Sixth commandment:

Seventh Commandment:

Don't commit adultery.

Eighth Commandment:

Don't steal.


Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Don't bear false witness.


Do not covet anything that belongs to another: not your neighbor’s wife, do not covet his house, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.

Interpretation of God's Ten Laws:

The Ten Commandments of Jesus Christ, translated into everyday language, state that it is necessary:

  • Believe in only one Lord, one God.
  • Don't create idols for yourself.
  • Do not mention, do not pronounce the name of the Lord God just like that.
  • Always remember Saturday - the main day of rest.
  • Respect and honor your parents.
  • Don't kill anyone.
  • Do not commit adultery, do not cheat.
  • Don't steal anything.
  • Don't lie to anyone, don't lie to people.
  • Do not envy your comrades, friends or just acquaintances.

The first four commandments of God directly relate to the relationship between man and God, the rest - the relationship between people.

Commandment one and two:

Signifies the unity of the Lord. He is revered, respected, considered Almighty and wise. He is also the kindest of all, therefore, if a person wants to grow in virtue, it is necessary to look for it in God. “You cannot have other gods besides Me.” (Exodus 20:3)

Quote: “What do you need other gods, since your God is the Lord Almighty? Is there anyone wiser than the Lord? He guides righteous thoughts through people's everyday thoughts. Satan controls through the traps of temptation. If you worship two gods, keep in mind that one of them is the Devil.”

Religion says that all power lies in God and in him alone; the next one follows from this first commandment.

People blindly pray to pictures with other idols depicted on them, bow their heads, kiss the priest’s hands, etc. God's second law speaks of the prohibition of the deification of creatures and their veneration on an equal footing with the Creator.

“Do not create for yourself a carved or any other image of what is above in the heavens, below in the earth, or in the waters under the earth. Do not worship or serve them, for remember that I am your God Jehovah, who requires exceptional devotion!”

(Exodus 20:4-5)

The Christian religion believes that after meeting the Lord it is impossible to honor anyone more than Him, that everything that is on earth was created by Him. Nothing is compared to it or compared, for the Lord does not want the human heart and soul to be occupied with someone or something else.

Commandment three:

God's third law is stated in Deuteronomy (5:11) and Exodus (20:7).

From Exodus 20:7 “Do not take the name of the Lord in vain; believe that the Lord will not leave unpunished the person who takes His name in vain.”

This commandment uses a word from the Old Testament and is translated as:

  • swear falsely by God's name;
  • to pronounce It in vain, just like that.

According to the teachings of antiquity, great power lies in the name. If you pronounce the name of God, which contains special power, with or without reason, then there will be no benefit from it. It is believed that the Lord hears all prayers offered to him and responds to each of them, but this becomes unlikely if a person calls on him every minute as a saying or at dinner. The Lord stops hearing such a person, and in the event that this person needs real help, God will be deaf to him, as well as to his requests.

The second part of the commandment contains the following words: “...for God will not leave unpunished those who pronounce His name just like that.” This means that God will certainly punish those who violated this law. At first glance, using His name may seem harmless, because what’s wrong with mentioning Him in small talk or during a quarrel?

But it is important to understand that such an oversight can offend the Lord. In the New Testament, he explained to his disciples that all ten commandments are reduced to only two: “Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” The third law is a reflection of man’s love for God. He who loves the Lord with all his heart will not take his name in vain. This is equivalent to how a young man in love does not allow anyone to speak incorrectly about his beloved. Mentioning the Lord in vain is baseness and an insult to the Lord.

Also, breaking the third commandment can ruin the reputation of the Lord in the eyes of people: Romans 2:24 “For because of you, as it is written, the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles.” The Lord commanded that His name should be sanctified: Leviticus 22:32 “Do not dishonor (profane) My holy name, that I may be holy among the children of Israel.”

An example of how God punishes people for violating the third commandment of God's Law is the episode from 2 Samuel 21:1-2 “There was a famine in the land in the days of David for three years, one year after another. And asked God. The Lord said: it was for the sake of Saul and his bloodthirsty house that he killed the Gibeonites. Then the king called to the Gibeonites and communicated with them. They were not from the children of Israel, but from the remnant of the Amorites; The Israelites swore an oath, but Saul wanted to destroy them because of his zeal for the descendants of Israel and Judah.” In general, God punished the people of Israel for breaking the oath of truce that they swore to the Gibeonites.

Commandment four:

According to legend, the creator created our world and the Universe itself in six days; he devoted the seventh day to rest. This rule generally defines human life, where he is obliged to devote most of his life to work, and leave the rest of the time to the Lord.

According to the Old Testament version, Saturday was celebrated. The Sabbath rest was established for the benefit of man: both physical and spiritual, and not for the sake of enslavement and deprivation. To collect your thoughts into one whole, to refresh your mental and physical strength, you need to step away from everyday activities once a week. This allows you to comprehend the purpose of everything earthly in general and your work in particular. In religion, work is a necessary part of human life, but the main one will always remain the salvation of his soul.

The fourth commandment is violated by people who, in addition to working on Sunday, are also lazy to work on weekdays and shirk their duties, because the commandment says “to work six days.” Those who, without working on Sunday, do not dedicate this day to the Lord, but spend it in continuous amusements, indulge in various excesses and revelry, also violate it.

Fifth commandment:

Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, honored His parents, was obedient to them, and helped Joseph with his work. The Lord, for refusing parents the required maintenance under the pretext of dedicating everything they had to God, reproached the Pharisees, because by doing this they violated the requirement of the fifth law.

With the fifth commandment, God calls us to honor our parents, and for this he promises a person a prosperous, good life. Respect for parents means respecting them, loving them, under no circumstances insulting them with words or deeds, being obedient, helping them and caring for them when necessary, especially in old age or illness. It is necessary to pray to God for their souls both during life and after death. A great sin is disrespect for parents.

In relation to other people, the Christian religion speaks of the need to honor everyone, in accordance with their position and age.

The Church has always considered and still considers the family to be the basis of society.

Sixth Commandment:

With the help of this law, the Lord imposes a ban on murder, both for himself and for others. After all, life is God’s great gift and only the Lord himself can deprive someone of life on earth. Suicide is also a serious sin: it also conceals the sin of despair, lack of faith, and rebellion against God’s meaning. A person who has violently ended his life will not be able to repent, because after death it is not valid. In moments of despair, it is necessary to remember that earthly suffering is sent for the salvation of the soul.

A person becomes guilty of murder if he somehow facilitates a murder, allows someone to be killed, helps commit it with advice or consent, covers up a sinner, or pushes people to commit new crimes.

It should be remembered that you can lead a person to sin not only by deed, but also by word, so you need to watch your tongue and think about what you say.

Seventh Commandment:

The Lord commands spouses to remain faithful, and unmarried people to be chaste, both in deeds and in words, thoughts, and desires. In order not to sin, a person must avoid everything that causes unclean feelings. Such thoughts need to be nipped in the bud, not allowing them to take over your will and feelings. The Lord understands how difficult it is for a person to control himself, so He teaches people to be merciless and decisive towards themselves.

Eighth commandment:

In this law, God prohibits us from appropriating for ourselves what belongs to another. Thefts can be different: from simple theft, to sacrilege (theft of sacred things) and extortion (taking money from those in need, taking advantage of the situation). And any appropriation of someone else's property through deception. Evasion of payments, debts, concealment of what was found, deception in sales, withholding payments to employees - all this is also included in the list of sins of the seventh commandment. A person’s addiction to material values ​​and pleasures pushes him to commit such a sin. Religion teaches people to be selfless and hardworking. The highest Christian virtue is renunciation of any property. This is intended for those who strive for excellence.

Ninth Commandment:

With this law, the Lord prohibits any lie, for example: deliberately false testimony in court, denunciation, gossip, slander and slander. “Devil” means “slanderer.” A lie is unworthy of a Christian and is inconsistent with neither love nor respect. A comrade understands something not with the help of ridicule and condemnation, but with the help of love and a good deed, advice. And in general, it is worth watching your speech, since religion is of the opinion that the word is the greatest gift.

Tenth Commandment:

This law encourages people to refrain from unworthy desires and envy. While the nine commandments talk about a person's behavior, the tenth pays attention to what happens inside him: desires, feelings and thoughts. Encourages people to think about spiritual purity and mental nobility. Any sin begins with a thought; a sinful desire appears, which pushes a person to act. Therefore, to combat temptations, one should suppress the thought of it in the mind.

Envy is mental poison. No matter how rich a person is, when he is envious, he will be insatiable. The task of human life, according to religion, is a pure heart, for only in a pure heart will the Lord dwell.

Seven deadly sins


The beginning of pride is contempt. The closest to this sin is the one who despises other people - poor, low. As a result, a person considers only himself wise and noble. It is not difficult to recognize a proud sinner: such a person is always looking for preferences. In self-satisfied rapture, a person can often forget himself and assign imaginary virtues to himself. The sinner first distances himself from strangers, and subsequently from comrades, friends, family and, finally, the Lord himself. Such a person does not need anyone; he sees happiness in himself. But in essence, pride does not bring true joy. Under the rough shell of complacency and pride, the soul becomes dead, loses the ability to love and make friends.

This sin is one of the most common in the modern world. It paralyzes the soul. Petty desires and material passions can ruin the noble motives in the soul. A rich person, a person of average income, and a poor person can suffer from this sin. This passion is not just about possessing material things or wealth, it is about the passionate desire to possess them.

Often a person in sin cannot think about anything else. He is in the grip of passion. Looks at every woman as if she were a female. Dirty thoughts creep into the consciousness and clouds it and the heart, the latter wants only one thing - the satisfaction of its lust. This state is akin to an animal and even worse, because a person reaches such vices that an animal cannot always think of.

This sin is a desecration of nature, it spoils life, a person in this sin is at enmity with everyone. The human soul has never known a more destructive passion. Envy is one of the ways of enmity, and it is almost insurmountable. The beginning of this sin originates from pride. It is difficult for such a person to see his equals nearby, especially those who are taller, better, etc.

Gluttony makes people consume food and drink for pleasure. Because of this passion, a person ceases to be a rational person and becomes like an animal that lives without reason. Through this sin various passions are born.


Anger separates God and the human soul, since such a person lives in confusion and anxiety. Anger is a very dangerous advisor; everything done under its influence cannot be called prudent. In anger, a person commits evil, which is difficult to do worse.

Despondency and laziness

Dejection is considered to be a relaxation of the strength of the body and soul, which is combined with desperate pessimism. Constant anxiety and despondency crush his mental strength and bring him to exhaustion. From this sin comes idleness and restlessness.

Pride is considered the most terrible of sins; the Lord does not forgive this. God's commandments allow us to live in harmony. They are difficult to comply with, but throughout life a person needs to strive for the best.

God's Law is a guiding star for every Christian. This is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The modern world is very difficult for any person. Therefore, everyone should see the need for the 10 commandments of God and the 7 deadly sins. This applies not only to adults, but also to children. That's why many people turn to such authoritative guidance. The 10 commandments of God in Russian appeared relatively long ago.

Interpretation of the 10 biblical commandments

God created rules and laws. People must have an understanding of evil and good, of their own intentions and actions. Children cannot understand the commandments in an adult way, which means they need to be explained in a simple form. That’s why God’s commandments are presented here with clear interpretations for children.

God is one

The Bible says, “I am the Lord your God, and there are no other gods besides Me.” There is only one Creator, and there is no one else but him, therefore you must believe with all your soul and heart. This is equivalent to believing your parents - mom and dad. The Creator who created the world does not forget about people and takes care of everyone. God must always be remembered and revered, and one must turn to him only through prayer.

God said so that people do not create any image for themselves, do not serve or worship it. If any idol appears, many forget about the commandments and about God himself. A bad child is one who is able to exchange his father and mother for a computer or dolls.

An example can be taken of Kai, who became addicted to evil, therefore, he lost love and goodness, because he chose the snow queen as an idol. The fairy-tale character had different toys, but he had no happiness. Only after Gerda came to the ice castle, Kai’s heart was filled with kindness and love, after which he came to life again. For Christians, God becomes above all, and the next lower level is occupied by loved ones. Idols can be not only things, but also people, for example, celebrities. Therefore, you should not get carried away by popular people who will not do anything good for your soul.

Don't take the name of the Lord in vain

The Lord's name should be treated with reverence and not pronounced unnecessarily. One must speak the name of God only with great reverence and attention. Every appeal to the Lord is done through prayer. One priest once said that it is like a telephone conversation: at one end of the tube they speak, and at the other they listen. Therefore, a Christian person should not cry out to God without reason. The Lord's name is kept in the heart with all thrift and there is no point in letting it out in vain. If during a conversation the words “Lord” were accidentally said, then immediately in addition the words “Glory to you” or “Have mercy on me” are said.

Six day work week

For 6 days you can do all the things and work, but on the 7th day you can’t do this - this is God’s day and is dedicated only to him. The seventh day is Sunday. On ordinary days one must fulfill all the commandments and pray, but on Sunday everyday chores stop and attention is devoted to the Heavenly Father. To fulfill the fourth commandment, you should go to church and take communion, and also take part in the divine service.

Honor your parents

Christ said that those who honor their parents will be blessed on earth. Children are obliged to help their parents and obey them. When children are small, parents raise them and help them until they become adults. Adult children should not forget about their elderly mother and father.

Respect is not limited to politeness; specific assistance must be provided. Parents will be at the end of their lives, so adult children should provide all possible help, both materially and spiritually. Support means a lot, so you should listen to your elders and respect mentors and teachers. To be worthy, you need to treat people well.

Don't kill

The taking of human life by another human being is truly the most horrific event. God gave life - it is a priceless gift. No one has the right to take such a gift from a person. If we take various wars as an example, killing aggressors is also considered a sin, but to a lesser extent. This sin is justified, but refusing to defend yourself is truly a betrayal and such a decision is considered a terrible sin. You always need to protect loved ones from invaders.

Adults and teenagers must understand that it is possible to commit murder without a weapon in your hands. It is enough to take a sneaky step with a word or deed. Although the one who conceived the terrible intention did not participate in direct contact, he is the murderer who conceived such an intention. It is unacceptable to mock our smaller brothers: domestic animals, birds, beasts and insects - all those who have life. God created man to take care of them.

Don't commit adultery

You cannot cross love. It is also prohibited to betray. This law of fidelity is about those who are loved by a person and love him. To save the family, it is important to observe the commandment of fidelity. A husband should not look at other women - this is adultery. Even thoughts about others develop into lust, which in turn is sin.

A husband and wife who are faithful to each other will remain together forever and live a long and happy life. Any factor of betrayal is treason. It is difficult to live with such a feeling of guilt, and besides, a person will bring a terrible sin onto his soul.

Do not steal

The next bad thing is stealing, which means taking other people's things without returning them. Most people are inclined to believe that if an item was found on the street, then the act is not considered theft.

For example, a man was walking along the road from work and found an expensive phone. There are two options: take it with you, no matter how much it costs, or find the owner of the device. In the second case, the act will become noble. You can't steal or take someone else's property. In this way, God tests a person’s faithfulness, so you should not be tempted and take sin on your soul.

Don't bear false witness

Sometimes people deliberately use lies to hide the truth and overcome some unpleasant situations in life. They think it will help them. It is important to understand: no matter what the deception, it will always be revealed, even later, but this cannot be avoided. It is a sin if one person comes up with something bad to say about another. Many engage in slander to defame innocent people.

Don't covet anything that belongs to others

Envy knows no bounds; it destroys joy. Therefore, you cannot be jealous. Usually this happens because someone lives better than another. There is a saying: “The miser pays twice.” There are moments in life when a greedy and envious person uses cunning to buy some product, but after a while, even if it’s a long time, that person will also be tricked. You can’t do this; you have to rejoice in positive situations, when something good happens to friends or loved ones. We should thank God for such an event, and not grind our teeth and envy. In Christianity they do not envy “white envy”; they can only rejoice. Such virtue is much better than envy and greed.

Seven deadly sins

In this regard, there is a widespread opinion that the “seven terrible sins” are an equal number of committed actions. This is wrong. The list of small sinful acts can be very long, for example:

Simply, the number 7 consists of main groups and has many subgroups of bad deeds. Saint Gregory the Great first proposed the idea of ​​such a classification. This happened in 590. But in the church there was a slightly different classification, and there were eight sins.

Deadly sins in Orthodoxy, list of main addictions:

  1. pride. A slight contempt for a person gives rise to pride. If a proud person feels contempt for others because they are low in origin, poor and ignorant, then he independently ascribes himself to the wisest people. After all, he is rich, strong, noble and prudent. He resists and mocks the preferences of others. But he can be healed if he turns to God. After all, it was said that the Lord gives grace to the humble, but resists the proud;
  2. envy. The well-being of a neighbor always upsets an envious person. Therefore, the human soul becomes evil. The vice of an envious person manifests itself in this way: to see the happy as unhappy, the rich as poor, the healthy as poor. The happiness of an envious person appears when the happy life of another person is overtaken by disaster. Such a vice, penetrating the heart, forms the launching pad for all other sins, not counting the many upcoming small and large dirty tricks. As a result, a terrible sin can happen - murder, due to the fact that someone lives better and has his own good deed. Perhaps the envious person is not capable of committing a crime, but this will always make him feel bad. Vice will begin to intensify and devour the soul. A person will needlessly bring himself to the grave, but the afterlife will not save him. There he will continue to suffer;
  3. gluttony. There are three types of gluttony: eating at different times is the first type; the second is oversaturation, and the third is the consumption of exclusively tasty dishes. A true Christian must be careful: meals are taken at a strictly defined time, one must not oversatiate oneself, one must thank God, even for the merest food. With gluttony, the stomach is in its own slavery. This is not only excessive gluttony at the dinner table, but also an insane culinary pickiness with a preference for gourmet dishes. If you look at it from a cultural point of view, there is a huge gap between a gourmet and an unrestrained glutton. Nevertheless, they are doomed to food slavery. For this category, food is not an ordinary source of energy, but becomes the main goal in life;
  4. fornication. Man is not omnipotent and succumbs to various temptations, but one cannot stop fighting and repenting of sins. Only in this way can the path to holiness be paved. At every step in a modern metropolis one encounters a wide variety of images. These perversions are shown on TV, and the Internet is full of all sorts of bad things. Often a young person overshadows his good desires with poisonous images and is unable to think about anything else. The demon of passion begins to take possession of him. Walking next to women, a young man perceives them as females. The intoxicated brain is filled with lustful thoughts, and the heart craves the satisfaction of dirty thoughts. Such depravity is not inherent even in animals, but man is capable of stooping even to such a level. Fornication is considered not only extramarital sex life and infidelity, but also similar thoughts;
  5. anger. In a fit of anger, a person entails great danger. He swears at himself, yells at those around him, and becomes feverish with anger. Such a person is like a demon. But for the human soul, anger is considered a natural property. The Lord God specifically invested such a quality in man, but in order to resist and be angry at sin, and not at people. Over time, righteous anger became perverted and began to be directed at one’s neighbor. Over trifles, fights, swearing, shouting and murder occur. This is a harmful sin;
  6. greed. Many people claim that only wealthy people who want to increase their wealth can be greedy. But such sin applies to everyone: both rich and poor people. Passion consists of painful attempts to possess things and increase material wealth;
  7. laziness. Expressed by extreme pessimism and general physical and spiritual relaxation. A strong-willed person purposefully moves towards a goal with jealousy in his heart, which moves him forward. And despondency manifests itself in an unattainable goal. A person sets himself too difficult a task, therefore, the will is not moved by jealousy, which in turn results in laziness. A person becomes upset that he cannot achieve what he wants, and gives up, despondent for days on end. This happens when a person moves away from the Creator and directs all his thoughts to earthly affairs, and not to heavenly ones.

Ten Interesting Facts About the Bible

The most legendary book is the Holy Scripture. It was written in ancient times several thousand years ago. It is one of the most famous and purchased on the entire planet.

Interesting Facts:

The list of the worst human passions consists of seven points that must be impeccably observed for the sake of saving the soul and righteous life. In fact, there is little mention of sins directly in the Bible, since they were written by famous theologians from Greece and Rome. The final list of mortal sins was compiled by Pope Gregory the Great. Each point had its place, and the distribution was made according to the criterion of contrasting love. The list of the 7 deadly sins in descending order from most serious to least serious is as follows:

  1. Pride- one of the most terrible human sins, implying arrogance, vanity, and excessive pride. If a person overestimates his capabilities and constantly repeats his superiority over others, this contradicts the greatness of the Lord, from whom each of us comes;
  2. Envy- this is a source of serious crimes that are reborn on the basis of the desire for someone else’s wealth, well-being, success, status. Because of this, people begin to do nasty things to others until the object of envy loses all his wealth. Envy is a direct violation of the 10th commandment;
  3. Anger- a feeling that absorbs from the inside, which is the complete opposite of love. It can manifest itself as hatred, resentment, resentment, and physical violence. Initially, the Lord put this feeling into a person’s soul so that he could renounce sinful acts and temptations in time, but soon it itself developed into sin;
  4. Laziness- is inherent in people who constantly suffer from unrealistic hopes, dooming themselves to a boring, pessimistic life, while the person does nothing to achieve their goal, but only becomes discouraged. This leads to a spiritual and mental state of extreme laziness. Such inconsistency is nothing more than a person’s departure from the Lord and suffering due to the lack of all earthly goods;
  5. Greed- most often rich, selfish people suffer from this mortal sin, but not always. It doesn’t matter whether he is a person from the rich, middle and poor class, a beggar or a rich man - each of them strives to increase his wealth;
  6. Gluttony- this sin is inherent in people who are in slavery to their own stomach. At the same time, sinfulness can manifest itself not only in gluttony, but also in the love of delicious dishes. Whether it is a common glutton or a gourmet gourmet, each of them extols food into a kind of cult;
  7. Voluptuousness, fornication, adultery- manifests itself not only in physical passion, but also in sinful thoughts about carnal intimacy. Various obscene dreams, watching an erotic video, even telling a vulgar joke - this is, according to the Orthodox Church, a great mortal sin.

Ten Commandments

Many people are often mistaken when they equate mortal sins with God's commandments. Although there are some similarities in the lists, the 10 commandments relate directly to the Lord, which is why their observance is so important. According to biblical accounts, this list was delivered by Jesus himself into the hands of Moses. The first four of them tell about the interaction between the Lord and man, the next six tell about the relationship between people.

  • Believe in the only God- first of all, this commandment was aimed at fighting heretics and pagans, but since then it has lost such relevance, because most beliefs are aimed at reading the one Lord.
  • Don't create an idol for yourself- This expression was originally used in relation to idol worshipers. Now the commandment is interpreted as a rejection of everything that could distract from faith in the one Lord.
  • Don't take the Lord's name in vain— you can’t just mention God fleetingly and meaninglessly; this applies to the expressions “Oh, God,” “By God,” etc., used in dialogue with another person.
  • Remember the day off- this is not just a day that needs to be devoted to relaxation. On this day, in the Orthodox Church it is often Sunday, you need to devote yourself to God, prayers to him, thoughts about the Almighty, etc.
  • Honor your parents, after all, it was they who, after the Lord, gave you life.
  • Dont kill- according to the commandment, only God can take the life of a person to whom he himself gave it.
  • Don't commit adultery- Every man and woman should live in a monogamous marriage.
  • Don't steal- according to the commandment, only God gives all the benefits that he can take away.
  • Do not lie- You cannot slander your neighbor.
  • Do not envy- you cannot desire what belongs to someone else, and this applies not only to objects, belongings, wealth, but also to spouses, pets, etc.

Mortal sins are actions by which a person moves away from God, harmful habits that a person does not want to admit and correct. The Lord, in His great mercy towards the human race, forgives mortal sins if he sees sincere repentance and a firm intention to change bad habits. You can find spiritual salvation through confession and...

What is sin?

The word “sin” has Greek roots and when translated it sounds like a mistake, a wrong step, an oversight. Committing a sin is a deviation from the true human destiny, entails a painful state of the soul, leading to its destruction and fatal illness. In the modern world, human sins are portrayed as a forbidden but attractive way of expressing personality, which distorts the real essence of the term “sin” - an act after which the soul becomes crippled and requires healing - confession.

10 deadly sins in Orthodoxy

The list of deviations - sinful acts - is long. The expression about the 7 deadly sins, on the basis of which serious destructive passions arise, was formulated in 590 by St. Gregory the Great. Passion is the habitual repetition of the same mistakes, forming destructive skills that, after temporary pleasure, cause torment.

In Orthodoxy - actions, after committing which a person does not repent, but voluntarily departs from God and loses contact with him. Without such support, the soul becomes callous, loses the ability to experience the spiritual joy of the earthly path and posthumously cannot exist next to the creator, and does not have the opportunity to go to heaven. You can repent and confess, get rid of mortal sins - you can change your priorities and passions while in earthly life.

Original sin - what is it?

Original sin is the tendency to commit sinful acts that has entered the human race, which arose after Adam and Eve, living in paradise, succumbed to temptation and committed a sinful fall. The tendency of the human will to do bad things was transmitted from the first inhabitants of the Earth to all people. When a person is born, he accepts an invisible inheritance - a sinful state of nature.

Sin of Sodom - what is it?

The formulation of the concept of the sin of Sodom is associated with the name of the ancient city of Sodom. The Sodomites, in search of carnal pleasures, entered into physical relationships with individuals of the same sex, and did not neglect acts of violence and coercion in fornication. Homosexual relations or sodomy, bestiality are grave sins arising from fornication, they are shameful and abominable. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorah, as well as the surrounding cities, who lived in debauchery, were punished by the Lord - fire and rain of brimstone were sent from heaven to destroy the wicked.

According to God's plan, man and woman were endowed with distinctive mental and physical characteristics in order to complement each other. They became one and extended the human race. Family relationships in marriage, the birth and raising of children are the direct responsibility of every person. Fornication is a carnal sin that involves physical relations between a man and a woman, without coercion, not supported by a family union. Adultery is the satisfaction of physical lust with damage to the family unit.

Misappropriation - what kind of sin is this?

Orthodox sins give rise to the habit of acquiring various things, sometimes completely unnecessary and unimportant - this is called money-grubbing. The desire to acquire new objects, to accumulate many things in the earthly world enslaves a person. An addiction to collecting, a tendency to acquire expensive luxury items - storing soulless valuables that are not useful in the afterlife, and in earthly life take up a lot of money, nerves, time, and become an object of love that a person could show towards another person.

Covetousness - what kind of sin is this?

Extortion is a way of making money or obtaining money by infringing on a neighbor, his difficult circumstances, acquiring property through fraudulent actions and transactions, theft. Human sins are harmful addictions, which, having realized and repented, can be left in the past, but renouncing covetousness requires the return of acquired property or waste of property, which is a difficult step on the path to correction.

Love of money - what kind of sin is this?

Sins in the Bible are described as passions - habits of human nature to occupy life and thoughts with hobbies that interfere with thinking about God. The love of money is the love of money, the desire to possess and preserve earthly riches; it is closely related to greed, stinginess, covetousness, money-grubbing, and covetousness. A money lover collects material assets - wealth. He builds human relationships, career, love and friendship according to the principle of whether it is profitable or not. It is difficult for a money lover to understand that true values ​​are not measured by money, true feelings are not for sale and cannot be bought.

Malachi - what kind of sin is this?

Malakia is a Church Slavonic word meaning the sin of masturbation or masturbation. Masturbation is a sin, the same for women and men. By committing such an act, a person becomes a slave to prodigal passion, which can develop into other serious vices - types of unnatural fornication, and turn into the habit of indulging in unclean thoughts. It is appropriate for those who are single and widowed to maintain bodily purity and not to defile themselves with harmful passions. If there is no desire to abstain, you must get married.

Dejection is a mortal sin

Dejection is a sin that weakens the soul and body; it causes a decline in physical strength, laziness, and a feeling of spiritual despair and hopelessness. The desire to work disappears and a wave of hopelessness and careless attitude overtakes - an unclear emptiness arises. Depression is a state of despondency, when an unreasonable melancholy arises in the human soul, there is no desire to do good deeds - to work to save the soul and help others.

The sin of pride - how is it expressed?

Pride is a sin that causes a desire to rise, to be recognized in society - an arrogant attitude and contempt for others, based on the importance of one’s own personality. The feeling of pride is a loss of simplicity, a cooling of the heart, a lack of compassion for others, and the manifestation of strict, unmerciful reasoning about the actions of another person. A proud person does not recognize God’s help in life’s journey and does not have feelings of gratitude towards those who do good.

Idleness - what kind of sin is it?

Idleness is a sin, an addiction that causes a person’s reluctance to work, to put it simply - idleness. This state of soul gives rise to other passions - drunkenness, fornication, condemnation, deception, etc. A person who does not work - an idle person lives at the expense of another, sometimes blaming him for insufficient maintenance, is irritable from unhealthy sleep - without working hard during the day, he does not get proper rest. given by fatigue. Envy seizes the idle man when he looks at the fruits of the toiler. He is overcome by despair and despondency - which is considered a grave sin.

Gluttony - what kind of sin is it?

Addiction to food and drink is a sinful desire called gluttony. It is an attraction that gives the body power over the spiritual mind. Gluttony manifests itself in several forms - overeating, enjoying tastes, gourmetism, drunkenness, secret consumption of food. Satisfying the belly should not be an important goal, but only a reinforcement of bodily needs - a need that does not limit spiritual freedom.

Mortal sins cause spiritual wounds that lead to suffering. The initial illusion of temporary pleasure develops into a harmful habit, which requires more and more sacrifices, takes away part of the earthly time allocated to a person for prayers and good deeds. He becomes a slave to a passionate will, which is unnatural for the natural state and ultimately causes harm to himself. The opportunity to realize and change your bad habits is given to everyone; passions can be overcome by virtues that are opposite to them in action.

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