Burial address at Novodevichy cemetery. Burials at Novodevichy Cemetery

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Celebrity graves on Novodevichy Cemetery– the most famous and prestigious necropolis of Moscow – are included in the list of “must see” excursion and tourist routes in the capital of Russia. The churchyard was founded in late XIX centuries at the southern wall Novodevichy Convent. Subsequently, the burial places of prominent compatriots, major politicians, scientists, and artists were located here.

Yeltsin's grave and government officials at Novodevichy Cemetery

Boris Yeltsin, First President Russian Federation, buried in section 6 of the Novodevichy cemetery (central alley). On the wide tombstone, the Russian tricolor made of red porphyry and sky blue is spread out in monumental folds. Byzantine mosaic and white marble.

Grave of Alexandra Kollontai, Russian revolutionary noble origin, framed it sculptural image. Kollontai became the world's first female minister, then the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in Mexico, Norway, Sweden, and in 1944-1945. - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to the Kingdom of Sweden.

Tombstone of the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1958-1964. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev confirms the unspoken rule according to which Kremlin wall they did not bury the disgraced statesmen. The complex political fate of the Soviet leader is symbolically reflected in the tombstone commissioned by Khrushchev’s son by Ernst Neizvestny. The simple face of the First Secretary, sculpted with maximum portrait likeness, is surrounded, like an angular spacesuit, by white and black vertical composition- faith in a bright communist future and the dark legacy of mass repression.

Andrei Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. “No” of the Soviet foreign policy, was the last person planned to be buried near the Kremlin wall. Nevertheless, the grave was placed at the Novodevichy cemetery at the will of Gromyko himself and at the request of his relatives.

Monumental monument to General Alexander Lebed, governor Krasnoyarsk Territory, who died in a plane crash, depicts the military leader sitting, in full dress with complete set orders

Viktor Chernomyrdin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation in 1992-1998, rests in a paired family grave, decorated with monuments in the traditional Russian style, with carvings in black marble.

The tombstone of Yevgeny Primakov, intelligence officer and diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, was a massive monolith of gray granite and a light stone scroll with the text of a poem written by this outstanding politician: “I firmly decided everything: to be in harness until the end I won't be exhausted until I fall. And if it becomes unbearably hard, then even then I will not leave the road.”

Famous scientists at the Novodevichy cemetery

Powerful thinkers, founders are buried in the Novodevichy necropolis scientific directions and schools, which were extremely fruitful.

The snow-white marble monument, covered with a transparent protective case, marks the burial of the Russian cosmist scientist, the outstanding mineralogist Vladimir Vernadsky, who first introduced the terms “biosphere” and “noosphere”. At the base of the monument there is a quote: “We live in wonderful time“when a person becomes a geological force that changes the face of our planet.”

Tombstone of the brilliant theoretical physicist, laureate Nobel Prize Lev Landau made by Ernst Neizvestny. A block of dark granite with a bust-length sculptural portrait of a scientist rests on a metal column formed by three concave sections.

The grave of geologist and geographer Vladimir Obruchev is marked by a gray granite monolith with a sculpturally detailed portrait and a symbolic image of a geological hammer crossed by a writer's pen. Obruchev perfectly mastered the art of effective time management, successfully combining intensive scientific work with the creation of science fiction works, including such voluminous ones as “Plutonia” and “Sannikov Land”.

Famous composers at the Novodevichy cemetery

The names of the composers buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery have become iconic phenomena in the history of music.

A black marble stele with the dates of the life of Sergei Prokofiev marks the burial place worldwide famous author instrumental concerts, symphonies, seven operas and eleven ballets.

The tombstone of Dmitry Shostakovich, one of the most performed composers in the world, is no less laconic. His numerous works had a significant impact on the development musical culture humanity.

Gogol's unquiet grave. Burials of writers on Novodevichy

The great classic Nikolai Gogol was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. In 1931, during the liquidation of this monastery graveyard at the height of the fight against religion, the writer’s ashes were transferred to the Novodevichy cemetery. In 1952, over the new grave, instead of the previous cross with a stone base, a sculptural monument with the inscription “Words from the government to the Great Russian artist Soviet Union" In 2009, the tombstone again acquired old look: only stone and only cross.

A special black stone with a lumpy surface, shaped like Golgotha, the site of Christ’s crucifixion, located on Gogol’s original grave, was installed as a tombstone over the burial of another master of words, Mikhail Bulgakov.

The Novodevichy cemetery as a whole has become a real pantheon of writers and poets. Here, under a white stele in the New Russian style, Anton Chekhov rests. The urn with the ashes of the frantic futurist, proletarian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky is buried under a massive slab of dark gray granite. Over the grave of the creator of new words, “Chairman globe» Velimir Khlebnikov laid an ancient sculpture from the Kyrgyz steppes. The tombstone of the intellectual symbolist Valery Bryusov, who sought inspiration at the intersection of science and poetry, is decorated with an accurate, stylistically consistent profile portrait of the poet. A medallion with a bas-relief profile of Alexei Tolstoy, favored by the Soviet regime, is accompanied by sculptural images of the characters of his most monumental works- novels “Peter the Great” and “Walking through Torment”. The monument to Alexander Fadeev is complemented by heroes from Krasnodon from the Young Guard. There are no sculptures or portraits at the grave of the wonderful poet Andrei Voznesensky. The tombstone, made according to his own design, is an inclined polished plane of dark granite. It’s as if a large stone ball is about to roll down it, held back from rapid movement down the slope only by a small bronze crucifix.

Steel wing hands, fiery engine of the heart - creators and heroes

Bas-relief and sculptural portraits mark the burial places of outstanding aircraft designers - Pavel Sukhoi (Su fighters), Andrei Tupolev (Tu planes), Semyon Lavochkin (LaGG and La fighters), Alexander Yakovlev (Yak fighters).

The polar pilot Anatoly Lyapidevsky, the first to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and the air marshal, three times Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Pokryshkin, a fighter ace, one of the most successful pilots of the Great Patriotic War, are buried at Novodevichy. Patriotic War.

Space. Earth. Ocean

Above the grave of cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov there is a sculptural portrait of him with an eagle. “Eagle” was Titov’s call sign in radio communications with the Earth. Buried at Novodevichy, cosmonaut and test pilot Georgy Beregovoi, who piloted the Soyuz-3 spacecraft, received the first title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War.

The space theme is displayed on the exclusive tombstone of Yuri Senkevich, who for 30 years was the permanent TV presenter of the Film Travel Club. Senkevich was engaged in medical preparation of space and high-latitude expeditions, took part in ocean voyages on the papyrus boats “Ra” and “Tigris” at the invitation of Thor Heyerdahl. On the tombstone, these voyages are represented by a sculpted wave with a reed ship under straight sail.

Act four, final and eternal

Life is like a play in three acts - exposition, twists and turns and denouement - among stage people there may be a fourth act, which continues in the memory of followers and admirers.

The author of the acting technique of genuine emotions, which has been followed for a hundred years, Konstantin Stanislavsky rests in the Novodevichy cemetery under a red granite slab. On it there is a white vertical stela-curtain with the Moscow Art Theater emblem - a seagull, topped with a large Orthodox cross.

At the grave of Stanislavsky's direct follower, Evgeniy Vakhtangov, there is a bronze figure of a woman, whose sadly bowed face is hidden by a cape.

Burial place great Mary Ermolova is indicated by a vase made of dark polished granite with flowing drapery. A bas-relief profile of the actress is placed on a dark pedestal.

The bas-relief profile of an actor of unique talent, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, is captured in a round medallion on a gray grave boulder. Bronze sculpture Vyacheslav Tikhonov reproduces the image of the actor in the role of intelligence officer Stirlitz. A white marble rounded stele with a bas-relief Orthodox cross was installed on the grave of Oleg Efremov. The monument to Lyudmila Gurchenko combines black polished granite and snow-white marble with a sculptural image of the actress in full height. The grave of Yuri Yakovlev is overshadowed by a white marble eight-pointed cross, designed in the style of Chekhov's tombstone. The great comedian Yuri Nikulin is forever captured in bronze, sitting on a low curb-pedestal.

At the Novodevichy cemetery there are many memorable places, which allow us to remember the great voices of Russia - Chaliapin, Zykina, Yuri Levitan, a whole galaxy of artists, outstanding chess players, film directors, doctors, teachers, architects. This necropolis with twenty-five thousand burials - a real encyclopedia domestic celebrities.

Novodevichy Cemetery. Lists of celebrities

  • Alexander Vertinsky
  • Lyudmila Zykina
  • Elena Obraztsova
  • Galina Vishnevskaya
  • Klavdiya Shulzhenko
  • Fyodor Chaliapin
  • Leonid Utesov
  • Yuri Levitan

World chess champions

  • Vasily Smyslov
  • Mikhail Botvinnik

A galaxy of artists and famous patrons of the arts

  • Valentin Serov
  • Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya
  • Isaac Levitan
  • Mikhail Nesterov
  • Tretyakov brothers


  • Arkady Raikin
  • Yuri Nikulin

Film directors

  • Sershgay Eisenstein
  • Sergei Bondarchuk
  • Eldar Ryazanov

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Novodevichy Cemetery is considered the second most important burial place in Moscow. At the same time, it is one of the oldest. The cemetery appeared back in 1898 on the southern side of Novodevichy convent. More than a hundred years ago, it was considered an honorable place for the last refuge due to the proximity of the holy monastery.

During the Soviet Union, Novodevichye turned into a real pantheon national heroes and outstanding figures of art and science. Only burial near the Kremlin wall can be more prestigious.

History of Novodevichy

The very first graves on the territory of the modern Novodevichy cemetery appeared in the 16th century. But then these were isolated cases of burials. Here some of the inhabitants of the monastery found their last earthly refuge. The number of their graves gradually increased. Over time, they were joined by the tombs of noble people.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the territory of the Novodevichy cemetery was actively developed. It was expanded by adding soil on the southern slope. The territory was fenced with a brick wall, which adjoined the ancient monastery walls. Now on Novodevichy there are 11 sites on which more than 26 thousand people are buried. To receive the honor of being buried in this place, during your lifetime you must be an outstanding person, a son (or daughter) of whom the Motherland could be proud.

Who lies here

Novodevichy Cemetery is, in a sense, a Russian historical museum. It is included in the register World Heritage UNESCO. Some of the first “sovereign” personalities buried on its territory were relatives of Ivan the Terrible: his daughter Annushka, as well as his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. High-born nuns also found peace here, and in the past - the princesses Ekaterina and Evdokia of Miloslavsky, Sophia, the sister of Tsar Peter I, and his wife Evdokia Lopukhina.

Later, representatives of famous Russian families were buried here: princes Sergei Trubetskoy, Alexander Muravyov, Decembrist Matvey Muravyov-Apostol, Count Alexey Uvarov, etc. During the years of Soviet power, the ashes of the great author of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” Nikolai Gogol and worldwide famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin (the latter’s ashes were transported from France several decades after the death of Fyodor Ivanovich).

It’s interesting that, in a sense, a real “grew up” on the old territory of the cemetery. cherry orchard" Many are buried here famous actors Moscow Art Theater headed by the unforgettable Anton Chekhov and Konstantin Stanislavsky. In addition to these graves outstanding people on Novodevichy you can find tombstones final resting places Mikhail Bulgakov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Prokofiev, Vladimir Vernadsky, Ivan Sechenov and other world-famous poets, writers, playwrights, composers and scientists.

Who can be buried at Novodevichye in our time?

According to official data, burial places are provided in 2 cases: for special services to the Fatherland and in the presence of ancient family burials. In the first case, the Moscow government provides a place in the cemetery free of charge to a person whose services to the Motherland are undeniable. Such persons include outstanding scientists, figures of art and literature, politicians etc. The state provides them free of charge with the opportunity to rest in close proximity to the great sons of Russia and automatically replenish this glorious pantheon.

In the second case, you need to be a descendant of an old Russian family, whose representatives already have graves on Novodevichy. Naturally, in such a situation it is necessary to provide documents confirming the relationship of the deceased with those who were previously buried at historical cemetery. According to the law, new family burials cannot be opened here (Novodevichye is considered a closed cemetery).

At the same time, you can often find advertisements for funeral services that offer assistance in conducting burials on Novodevichy. According to unofficial data, prices for a plot in this historical cemetery start from 150 thousand rubles and can reach 1.5-1.8 million. Usually such burials are possible only if very old grave, but this happens extremely rarely.

Before moving on to the story, I will apologize to the readers for such an ordinary title of the article. All the relevant headlines related to the cemetery sounded ambiguous. “How to get to the Novodevichy Cemetery” or “How to get ....” - can be interpreted in different ways, not to mention “How to get to the Novodevichy Cemetery.” We also didn’t like our standard heading “Features of the national walk...” Therefore, they left the stable phrase “Novodevichy Cemetery”. Now let's move on to summary articles:



The road to the Novodevichy cemetery lies past the Novodevichy Convent. I am adding a second section heading so that the article can be used by people who want to visit only the monastery.
The metro station closest to the Novodevichy cemetery and the monastery is called “Sportivnaya”, this is the red Sokolnicheskaya metro line. Sportivnaya station is located southwest of the center of Moscow.

There are two exits at the station. If you are coming from the center, then take the last carriages and exit to the left. In any case, follow the sign “exit to 10th Anniversary of October Street and Novodevichy Convent.”
The lobby of the Sportivnaya metro station is located on a small square. Immediately at the exit there is a sign on the column with an arrow “To the Novodevichy Convent”.

We go straight across the square to the ground pedestrian crossing.

You need to cross the narrow 10th Anniversary of October Street and immediately turn right. Now we go straight down the street.

The picture shows 10th Anniversary of October Street.

Landmarks on the street - by left hand First we see the cafe “Nineteen Twenty Seven”

When you reach the end of the street, in the distance you will see the white wall and red towers of the Novodevichy Convent. Those who are going to a monastery, skip a couple of paragraphs. We are going to the cemetery. That is, IN FRONT of the square and IN FRONT pedestrian crossing you need to turn left.

Here, BEFORE THE TRANSITION, you need to turn left.

From a distance you can already see the red brick wall of the Novodevichy cemetery.

In this photo, the low red brick wall of the cemetery is barely visible behind the trees ahead.

Don’t rush to cross the road at the first crossing you come across!

Go to the next one, it will be more convenient. The second crossing is located directly opposite the entrance to the Novodevichy cemetery.

Be careful, crossing WITHOUT traffic lights!

Here is the route map from the Sportivnaya metro station (the desired lobby is marked with a red circle).

Now I'll take a break for a while and tell people


We walked from the Sportivnaya metro station along 10 Letiya Oktyabrya Street and parted at its end. I think you yourself have guessed that the Novodevichy Convent is just a stone’s throw away, it’s already clearly visible. Just be careful! You need to cross three overpasses. One is unregulated. Be careful, not all drivers allow pedestrians to pass!

After the transition we continue to move straight. Traffic lights are installed at the other two surface crossings.
Second transition.

And the third.

It's hard to get lost here. The monastery is at your fingertips.

We go to the entrance, to the gateway Church of the Transfiguration.

If you want to walk around the territory of the Novodevichy Convent and go to the Assumption Church, go straight through the gate.

If you are interested in exhibitions in the chambers of the monastery, then you will have to buy a ticket. The ticket office is located to the right of the gate.

I would like to warn you that photo and video shooting on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent is paid, and at the same box office you need to buy a ticket for the right to photograph and video shoot. Until recently, a ticket for a photo shoot cost 100 rubles, a video – 200 rubles.

Remember that the main shrine of the monastery, the Smolensk Cathedral, is not heated. It is open only in the warm season, that is, in summer. Every year it is opened in different times, depending on temperature. Sometimes a visit is possible at the beginning of May, sometimes from the end of the month or even from the beginning of June. The Smolensk Cathedral is closed in September-October. In summer, there is also a high chance that you will find yourself at a locked gate. In rainy weather, the Smolensk Cathedral is closed. If the cathedral is open, you will have to buy a ticket to visit it. It is considered an object of display at the Museum of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Novodevichy Convent is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
An adult ticket costs 300 rubles. Schoolchildren, students, pensioners pay 100 rubles per ticket.


At least famous cemetery is located close to the monastery, the through passage through the monastery territory is closed. You need to exit the gate and turn right. At the round corner tower, turn right again.

The path along the monastery wall will lead to the entrance to the Novodevichy cemetery.

Here is a map of the passage from the Sportivnaya metro station to the Novodevichy Convent (purple arrows) and from the monastery to the Novodevichy cemetery (blue arrows).

To visit the necropolis, you need to know


Novodevichy Cemetery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you arrive at the gate at 4:30 p.m., you will be allowed through, but will be asked to finish examining it by 5 p.m.


There are no restrictions for individual visits to the cemetery. If you go alone or two or five of you, admission is free. IN flower shop you can buy flowers. You are allowed to bring your own bouquets or candles.


The entire territory of the cemetery is divided into three sections: the old territory, the new and the newest. We will offer you the traditional route.

You have entered the main (and only open) gate and found yourself in new territory. Walk straight along the central alley to the former Funeral Square.

At the intersection of two wide alleys, turn right.

To your right will be the graves of T. Samoilova, L. Zykina, S. Mikhalkov, Y. Nikulin, M. Ladynina, I. Moiseev and others famous figures culture.

Enter the gate of the old territory.

As soon as you enter the gate, immediately turn right, walk along the wall to area No. 2, paying attention to the burials on the left.

You will pass by the graves of L. Kassil, N. Gogol, A. Chekhov, M. Bulgakov, K. Stanislavsky, M. Ermolova, M. Nesterov, I. Levitan, A. Tolstoy. A little before reaching the cemetery fence, turn left at the grave of S. Marshak.

Graves of S.Ya. Marshak and his relatives

Let's follow this path.

On the left side you will see the grave of D. Shostakovich and his first wife.
Then walk along the stone fence of the cemetery (it will be on your right) to the burial place of N. Alliluyeva, the wife of I. Stalin.

White marble monument at the grave of N. Alliluyeva

Immediately after her grave, turn left. Don't miss the grave of People's Commissar V. Molotov (left), writer N. Ostrovsky (right), aircraft designer N. Polikarpov, People's Commissar G. Chicherin.
As soon as you reach the wide alley, turn left and then right to site number 4.

Alley of the fourth section. Monument at the grave of A. Gromyko

Here you will see the burial places of A. Gromyko, A. Scriabin, S. Taneev, F. Chaliapin. Along the central alley of the fourth section you will reach the gate of the new territory. As you exit the gate, you will immediately see the grave of Boris Chirkov.

Burial of B. Chirkov

Here turn left and walk along the wall separating the old territory from the new one.

On the right will be the burial place of N. Podgorny. Walk a little forward to the grave of announcer Yu. Levitan.

Tombstone to the famous All-Union radio announcer, People's Artist Yu. Levitan

You have reached the 11th precinct. People's artists T. Shmyga, V. Tikhonov, M. Ulyanov, O. Yankovsky, N. Kryuchkov L. Gurchenko, G. Zhzhonov, A. Raikin, E. Evstigneev and many other celebrities are buried there. This area is highlighted in red in the diagram.

Scheme of an approximate route for a walk through the Novodevichy cemetery.

Then return to the new territory again. The entrance is clearly visible in the photo.

Grave of cosmonaut No. 2 German Titov. The photo clearly shows the fence between the newest and new territories of the Novodevichy cemetery and the passage to the new territory

To the left of the fence (it was left behind) in the new territory at the corner of the 7th section you will see the grave of N.S. Khrushchev.

At the seventh site you will also meet many familiar names. When you return to the funeral square, go further past the grave of B.N. Yeltsin, to the southern wall of the cemetery. There you will find the grave of R.M. Gorbacheva, to the right of it you will see a monument on the grave of General A. Lebed.


For those who do not have the opportunity to walk around the Novodevichy cemetery, we present several photographs of burials.

The grave of aircraft designer S.V. Ilyushina
Burials of Artyom Borovik (center) and Yuri Senkevich (right)
Tombstone of aircraft designer A. Tupolev
B.N. Yeltsin's grave
grave people's artist Yu.Yakovleva
Graves of L. Brezhnev's wife and daughter V. Brezhneva and G. Brezhneva
Tombstone over the burial of R.M. Gorbacheva
Grave of People's Artist V. Tikhonov
Tombstone over the grave People's Artist L. Gurchenko
Grave of People's Artist K. Shulzhenko


You can wander around the Novodevichy cemetery for a long time. But without a guide you are unlikely to find the grave of D. Ulyanov ( younger brother V. Lenin) and Vasily Shukshin, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Sergei Prokofiev. Of course, you can buy a booklet with a diagram of the main burials, but no booklet will tell you how the “Golgotha” stone from the grave of N.V. Gogol ended up above the burial of M.A. Bulgakov, why a copy of her sculpture was installed on the grave of Nadezhda Alliluyeva portrait and where on Novodevichy you can see “a heart on the palms”. On the excursion you will learn a lot of interesting and unknown information to the general public about the lives of famous people.

The Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow is one of the most famous necropolises in Russia, which appeared in the 16th century and was officially rebuilt in 1898 at the Novodevichy Convent according to the designs of architects S.K. Rodionov, I.P. Mashkov. Today the pantheon occupies a significant territory of the Moscow Khamovniki district in the Central Administrative District (about 7.5 hectares) and is divided into the Old (1904-1949), New (1949-1970) and Newest (1970-2000) Novodevichy cemetery.

Playwright Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov
Artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan
President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin
Engineer Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev
Singer Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

More than 25 thousand people are buried on the territory of the cemetery. In the tombs of the Smolensk Cathedral at the monastery there are the graves of Anna Ioanovna (daughter of Tsar Ivan the Terrible), Princess Sophia Ioanovna and Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina (sister of Tsar Peter I and his first wife), the Obolensky princes.

On the territory of the Old Novodevichy Cemetery there are graves of heroes of the war of 1812, including the poet Denis Davydov (1784-1839), the Decembrist princes S. Trubetskoy (1790-1860), A. N. Muravyov (1792-1863), M.I. Muravyov-Apostol (1793-1863), revolutionary A. N. Pleshcheev (1825-1893), historical writers and philosophers I. I. Lazhechnikov (1790-1869), A. F. Pisemsky (1821-1881), S. M. Solovyov (1820-1879), General A. A. Brusilov (1853-1926).

Here lie the ashes of writers N.V. Gogol, S.T. Aksakov, V.A. Gilyarovsky, A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Ilf, M.A. Bulgakov, S.Ya. Marshak, V.M. Shukshin, poets D.V. Venevitinov and V.V. Mayakovsky , artist I. I. Levitan, creators of modern Russian theater K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, actors L. P. Orlov, M. N. Ermolova and V. P. Maretskaya, directors W. B. Vakhtangov, S.M. Eisenstein and V.I. Pudovkin, composers A.N. Scriabin, I.O. Dunaevsky, S.S. Prokofiev and D.D. Shostakovich, singers F.I. Chaliapin and L.V. Sobinov, scientists S.I. Vavilov, I.M. Sechenov, P.P. Kashchenko and V.I. Vernadsky, architects A.V. Shchusev and V.I. Mukhina.

On the new and “newest” territory of the Novodevichy Pantheon the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, N. S. Khrushchev, aircraft designers S. V. Ilyushin and A. N. Tupolev, pilot A. Maresyev, cosmonauts G. Beregovoy and G. are buried. Titov, writers I. G. Erenburg, A. T. Tvardovsky, N. A. Zabolotsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, Yu. Nagibin and Yu. S. Semenov, directors I. A. Pyryev, M. I. Romm, S. Gerasimov, S. Bondarchuk, singers A. N. Vertinsky, L. Utesov, L. G. Zykina, L. A. Ruslanova, M. N. Bernes, K. Shulzhenko, composers O. B. Feltsman, S. T. Richter, M. L. Rostropovich, G. Sviridov, D. Kabalevsky, A. Schnittke, N. Bogoslovsky, J. Frenkel, ballerina G. S. Ulanova, artists Emil and Igor Kio, Yu. V Nikulin, Yu. V. Yakovlev, R. Plyatt, E. Leonov, A. Papanov, I. Ilyinsky, R. Bykov, N. Kryuchkov, I. Smoktunovsky, E. Matveev, E. Evstigneev, M. Ulyanov, O . Yankovsky, announcer Yu. Levitan

Since 1922, the Novodevichy Convent has been turned into a museum under open air, although in the 30s more than two thousand burials were destroyed in its necropolis. In 2007, burials in the cemetery were officially stopped after the funeral of M. Rostropovich. Today the cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Address: Luzhnetsky proezd, 2

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00, free admission.

How to get to Novodevichy Cemetery: st. metro station Sportivnaya avt. 64, 132, troll. 5, 15. Or when leaving the station. metro Sportivnaya turn right and walk along the street. 10th Anniversary of the October Revolution to the Novodevichy Convent, then turn left and walk along the monastery wall to the cemetery gate.

The first burials in the area of ​​the current Novodevichy cemetery appeared in the 70s of the 16th century on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent. Nuns were buried in the monastery, and later others.

By the end of the 19th century, the monastery necropolis was almost full, and in 1898, two hectares of land were allocated on the southern side of the monastery to increase the area of ​​the cemetery. Under the guidance of professor of architecture I.P. Mashkov, the walls of the cemetery were built and the plots were laid out. The official opening of the Novodevichy cemetery took place in 1904, but burials began to take place before its opening. Now the territory of this cemetery is called the “old Novodevichy cemetery”.

In 1949, the cemetery was expanded even further to the south, and this territory was named “New Novodevichy Cemetery.” During 1950-1956, walls were built around the new territory, as well as office premises. The Novodevichy Cemetery was expanded once again in 1970, the “Newest Novodevichy Cemetery.” Today, the Novodevichy cemetery consists of four parts with a total area of ​​more than 7.5 hectares. About 26,000 people are buried here.

Since the beginning of the Novodevichy cemetery was laid in the necropolis of the monastery, but it is here that the most ancient burials are located. In the basement of the Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent lie the remains of Ivan the Terrible’s daughter Anna, his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. The daughters of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the sisters of Peter I, as well as princesses Sophia (nun Susanna), Evdokia and Ekaterina Miloslavsky, the first wife of Peter I Evdokia Lopukhina (nun Elena) are also buried here. In the 19th century, wealthy merchants, writers, scientists, musicians, prominent political and public figures began to be buried on the territory of the monastery.

In 1922, the Novodevichy Convent, together with the cemetery, acquired the status of a museum and was taken under state protection. But in 1930, it was decided to lay out a park with lawns and alleys on the site of the necropolis. As a result of reconstruction, out of more than two thousand ancient graves, only about a hundred remained, and they were significantly damaged.

But on the territory of the monastery the transformations were not so destructive. There are graves here famous hero The Patriotic War of 1812, poet Denis Davydov, Prince S. Trubetskoy, Lieutenant Colonel M. I. Muravyov-Apostol, A. N. Pleshcheev, writers I. I. Lazhechnikov and A. F. Pisemsky, creator of the orphanage Nikolai Rukavishnikov, historian S. M. Solovyov, philosopher Vl.S. Solovyov, writer Vs.S. Solovyov, historian and writer M.P. Pogodin, founder Historical Museum Count A.S. Uvarov, General A.A. Brusilov, father of Herzen, landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovlev, director of the Department of Spiritual Affairs of the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education - A.I. Turgenev, brothers N.A. and D.A. Milyutin. A.P.’s grave has also been preserved. Chekhov. Chekhov died of tuberculosis in the German resort town of Badenweiler in July 1914. The writer's body was delivered to Moscow in a special refrigerator car designed for transporting oysters. At first, Chekhov was buried next to the grave of his father, and later the writer’s ashes were transferred to the “old” site of the Novodevichy cemetery.

Near the apses of the Smolensk Cathedral you can see a large white marble slab - the first abbess of the Novodevichy Convent, Elena Detochkina (died November 18, 1548), is buried here. The abbess, Mother Seraphima Chernaya (life: 1914-1999), was also buried on the territory of the monastery, under whom the monastery’s activities were resumed in 1994.

As already mentioned, after the revolution, the Novodevichy cemetery turned into a burial place for high-ranking officials. When an active anti-religious campaign unfolded in the 30s, the graves of many were moved from the ruined monastery necropolises to the Novodevichy cemetery famous people, among which were the burials of N.V. Gogol, D.V. Venevitinov, writer S.T. Aksakov, artist I.I. Levitan, Sergei and Pavel Tretyakov and others. On the old territory there is also the grave of the famous Russian bass - F.I. Shalyapin. Initially, after his death, Chaliapin was buried in Paris, and almost fifty years later the singer’s ashes were reburied in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

In the old cemetery territory, the numbering of plots starts from the Central Alley. On the 1st and 2nd sections, the rows run in the direction of Luzhenetsky Proezd, and for the 3rd and 4th sections - towards the “newest” cemetery. The first section has a total of 47 rows, of which 40 are located perpendicular to the monastery wall, and 7 run parallel to it. The second section has 41 rows, the third section has 65 rows, and the fourth section has 61 rows.

Writers M. A. Bulgakov, V. A. Gilyarovsky, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, I. A. Ilf, N. A. Ostrovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, and others are also buried on the old territory of the Novodevichy Cemetery. L. A. Kassil, V. M. Shukshin, directors V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. B. Vakhtangov, S. M. Eisenstein, famous actors L.P. Orlova, O.I. Yankovsky, musicians A. N. Scriabin, I. O. Dunaevsky, S. S. Prokofiev, D. D. Shostakovich, sculptor V. I. Mukhina, scientists S. I. Vavilov, I. M. Sechenov, P. P Kashchenko, V. I. Vernadsky, architect A. V. Shchusev, surgeon N. N. Burdenko, political figures L. M. Kaganovich, A. M. Kollontai, A. I. Mikoyan, V. M. Molotov, A. . A. Gromyko, Stalin's second wife N. S. Alliluyeva - and this is just a short list of names.

Areas 5 to 8 are considered "New" territory. It began to be used in the mid-20th century. A columbarium for burying urns with ashes was built within the walls of the New Cemetery. Currently, about 7,000 urns are stored in the columbarium of the New Cemetery. One of the most famous burials in this area is the grave of the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, which is located on the Central Alley. To the right of the entrance is the 5th section, to the left is the 6th, and to the left of the 6th section is the 8th (along the wall of Khamovnichesky Val). Plot number 7 is located in the far part of the cemetery behind plots 5, 6 and 8. Writers A. T. Tvardovsky, I. G. Erenburg, N. A. Zabolotsky, Yu. S. Semenov, directors M. I. Romm, I. A. Pyryev, singers Mark Bernes, L. Ruslanova, A. are buried here. Vertinsky, artist A. A. Deineka, aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev, musicians S. Richter, M. Rostropovich, ballerina G. Ulanova, actor Yu. Nikulin, political figures N. S. Khrushchev, R. M. Gorbachev, governor Krasnoyarsk Territory A. I. Lebed.

The “newest” territory of the Novodevichy cemetery arose in the early 80s on the site of a stone-masonry workshop. You can get here along the Central Alley, which starts at the entrance. On Newest cemetery Actors Evgeny Leonov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Rolan Bykov, Anatoly Papanov, Rostislav Papanov, Igor Ilyinsky, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Oleg Borisov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Georgy Zzhynov, George Yankovsky, Alfred Svinitikov, Alfred Shnitinikov, Alfred Shnikov are buried. , Dmitry Kabalevsky, singers Ivan Kozlovsky, Klavdiya Shulzhenko, legendary announcer Yuri Levitan, cosmonaut pilots German Titov and Georgy Beregovoi, heroic pilot Alexey Maresyev, academician P. L. Kapitsa, directors Sergei Bondarchuk, Sergei Gerasimov.

Novodevichy Cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Many travel companies mention it as a historical and cultural monument. In addition to burials outstanding personalities, the cemetery is also known for its unique tombstones made by such architects as: N. A. Andreev, M. K. Anikushin, E. V. Vuchetich, L. E. Kerbel, S. T. Konenkov, V. I. Mukhina, E. I. Neizvestny, N.V. Tomsky, I.D. Shadr and others. Some graves and urns are monuments cultural heritage regional and federal significance.

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