Alyonushka's tales, mother's Siberian, audio download. Alyonushka's tales

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In 1877, Dmitry Mamin went to the Urals, where he lived for fourteen years, and then moved again to St. Petersburg. Mamin's childhood dream was always writing, and in 1875 he became a reporter for a St. Petersburg newspaper.

At the same time, his first stories, published in good quality, saw the light of day. And from 1881 to 1882. a series of essays written by him, “From the Urals to Moscow,” was regularly published in the famous publication “Russian Vedomosti.”

In the early spring of 1882, the magazine “Delo” published the essay “In the Stones” - under the work was the pseudonym “D. Siberian". This publication marked the first steps of this writer on the path of great literature - he wrote tirelessly! The first novel was published in 1883.

D. Mamin-Sibiryak: essays about nature and people.

  • In his writings of the 80s, the writer embodied pictures of the Ural nature on the pages of his books, depicted the life style of workers and revealed the depth of the problems of social strata.
  • Later, the writer began to enthusiastically write for children, including such masterpieces as “The Gray Neck”, “Alyonushka’s Tales” and other wonderful works that can be listened to for free in most online libraries.
  • In 1906, as a reaction to the revolution, the collection “Crime” appeared. And in 1907, the story “Mumma” was published, which turned out to be the final creative path of this famous author.

D. N. Mamin passed away on November 15, 1912. This author made a huge contribution to the Russian literary language. Original works created in a variety of genres, even fairy tales, are very realistic and vividly convey the Russian indestructible spirit, revealing the fate of the Russian people, their phenomenal passion for life!

Listen to Mamin-Sibiryak’s audio tales in excellent performance on our website!

M,"Children's literature", 1989

“Alenushka’s Tales” were written by Mamin-Sibiryak for his daughter Alyonushka, Elena Dmitrievna Mamina. Hence the special character of the book “Alyonushka’s Tales” - full of immeasurable fatherly love, but not blind love. Mamin-Sibiryak's audio tales are educational in nature. The child must learn to be careful and overcome selfish tendencies. Fairy tales were published in the magazines "Children's Reading" and "Vskhody" in 1894 - 1896. They were published as a separate edition in 1896 and have been reprinted many times since then. “This is my favorite book,” Mamin-Sibiryak admitted in a letter to his mother, “it was written by the most love, and therefore it will outlive everything else.”
The audio book "Alenushkin's Tales" is compiled from complete audio texts, a summary of all the fairy tales of the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, taken from the 7th volume of "Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the World" - "Tales of Russian Writers", 1989 edition: audio fairy tale "Pricazka", audio "Tale about a brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail", audio "Tale about Kozyavochka", audio "Tale about Komar Komarovich - long nose and about shaggy Misha - short tail", audio tale "Vanka's name day", audio "The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha", audio "The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived", audio "Smarter than Everyone", audio "The Parable of Milk, Oatmeal Porridge and the Gray Cat Murka", audio " It's time to sleep". These audio fairy tales by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak are suitable for listening online to the youngest children, children from 0. These are the best audio fairy tales for children to listen to at night. The audio collection "Alyonushka's Tales" also includes: a beautiful sad audio fairy tale-story "The Gray Neck" and a magical audio "The Tale of King Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea" with a complex adventurous plot and folk jokes.
The audiobook "Alyonushka's Tales" can be listened to online or downloaded to the audio library for children from 6 years old, and "The Gray Neck" - for children from 3 years old.

The audio book of the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "Alenushkin's Tales" provides a biography of the author, a brief summary of all included audio fairy tales, namely: the audio fairy tale "The Gray Neck", the audio "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea...", the audio "Alenushkiny" fairy tales" ("Fairy tale", "Tale about the brave Hare...", "Tale about Kozyavochka",...

A wonderful sad audio fairy tale-story "The Gray Neck". The Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak repeatedly corrected its text. First published under the title "Serushka" in the magazine "Children's Reading" in 1893. Later, the writer changed the title and added a chapter that talks about the salvation of Gray Neck. The dark ending isn't...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea." The audio fairy tale begins with an intricate saying: “Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Fairy tales are told to old people and old women for consolation, to young people for instruction, but...

Audio "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and His Beautiful Daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea" by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak. Chapters 3, 4 and 5. “Every day the glorious Tsar Pea became worse and worse, and the people kept looking for who spoiled him...” This is how the author describes the transformation of the cheerful Tsar Pea into a despot. "...glorious...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea." Chapter 6, 7 and 8. The people in the kingdom of Peas protested against his tyranny, war and famine. Princess Pea turned into a fly and flew into the dungeon, where the princess’s sister was sitting in the tower...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea." Chapter 9, 10, 11. Princess Pea arranged the wedding of King Kosar and Princess Kutafya. She, in the form of a lame, pockmarked and hunchbacked Sandal, brought the hungry and tired King Pea...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Glorious Tsar Gorokh and his daughters Kutafya and Goroshinka." Chapters 12 and 13. Queen Lukovna, in order not to anger her husband and ashamed of the guests, hid Pea in her room. Little Sandal, aka the enchanted princess Pea, looked at the fun from the window and cried. And also...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Glorious King Pea and his daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea." Chapters 14 and 15. “Sandalfoot was absolutely delighted when they made her a goose farmer. True, they fed her poorly - only scraps from the royal table were sent to the backyard, but from the early morning she stole ...

Audio book "Alenushka's Tales" by the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak - audio fairy tales for the youngest children, audio bedtime stories. "Alenushka's Tales" were published in the magazines "Children's Reading" and "Vskhody" in 1894 - 1896. A separate edition of "Alenushkin's Tales" was published in 1896 and has since been reprinted many times. "That's mine...

In the audio fairy tale about the brave Hare, the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, with laconic touches accessible to children, presents an important, turning point in the life of the “brave Hare”. "...The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew up big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid. “I’m not afraid of anyone!” -...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of Kozyavochka". After listening to this audio tale, we will learn about most of the life of a small insect from spring to autumn. The little booger flies from the grass to the flower, feeding on the “sweet juice” of the flower, hiding under the leaves of the grass from the wind, rain and from enemies. With a bumblebee and a worm she has...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail” - a typical fairy tale about animals. A fairy tale about that. how mosquitoes defended their original swamp from a bear, who decided to sleep in the coolness of their swamp in the heat. The indignant Komar Komarovich resolutely attacked...

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Audio fairy tale by the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ersh Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha” - about two friends Sparrow Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich. How equally difficult it was for them to live in the winter cold, how similar their enemies were, the hawk and the pike. One day, friends quarreled over a worm. Sandpiper snipe...

Audio fairy tale by Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived" - about a cheerful young fly, about kind people who "... everywhere brought various pleasures to flies." Alyonushka left “...for the flies a few drops of spilled milk, and most importantly - crumbs of bread and sugar... Cook Pasha...

Audio fairy tale by the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “Smarter than All” about a arrogant turkey who considered himself the smartest and wanted everyone in the poultry yard to think so. “The turkey, out of pride, never rushed to feed with others... The turkey was such a modest and kind bird and was constantly upset that the turkey was always with...

The household audio fairy tale by the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “The Parable of Milk and Oatmeal Porridge” is an amazingly kind and affectionate fairy tale that immediately makes both milk and any porridge very tasty. "...The most amazing thing was that this was repeated every day. Yes, how they put a pot of milk and an earthenware saucepan with... on the stove in the kitchen...

Audio fairy tale-lullaby of the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “The Saying” at the beginning of “Alenushkin’s Tales” and “It’s Time to Sleep” at the end of this cycle. “Alyonushka’s Tales” were written by Mamin-Sibiryak for his daughter Alyonushka, Elena Dmitrievna Mamina. "...One of Alyonushka's eyes falls asleep, Alyonushka's other ear falls asleep..." Further in...

The Ural land is generous not only with natural resources, but also with human talents. Audio tales by Mamin-Sibiryak, who was born in this unique region, will introduce listeners to the beauty of the taiga and its many inhabitants. The characters of magical and realistic stories written by Dmitry Narkisovich will not leave either children or adults indifferent.

A reverent attitude towards nature is felt in all the works of the talented writer. The heroes of each of Mamin-Sibiryak’s fairy tales, which you can listen to on the website, are distinguished by their liveliness of character and color. Gray Neck, Brave Hare, Medvedko or Komar Komarovich will become the favorite characters of most children and their parents.

Listen to Mamin-Sibiryak's tales online

An excellent help when putting your child to bed will be soothing audio tales created by the writer for his young daughter. Kids will be able to listen to Alyonushka’s Tales online at any time. A magical world full of warmth and affection will quickly plunge them into a deep sleep. The works of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak leave an unforgettable mark in the hearts of those who are able to feel the beauty of the style of a genuine Ural nugget.


The stories of Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak “Adopter”, “Breadwinner”, “Postoiko”, “Skewer” and “Emelya the Hunter” are soulful works in which the author was not only a talented writer, but also a keen expert on child psychology and the lives of different layers of the population.

Listening to an audiobook is simple and easy. A child will easily understand all the experiences of the main characters, relying even on his own little life experience. An adult will discover a world of simple joy and quiet sadness, humanity and hopelessness.

Mamin-Sibiryak made little Proshka the hero of the story “Spit”. Twelve years of his life are not rich in joyful memories. He spends almost all his time in a stuffy, cramped workshop next to the large wheel of a cutting machine. The owner of the workshop is cunning and greedy. The workers in his workshop eat poorly, are paid little, and work a lot. In such conditions, the child withers and fades away. One day a rich lady and her son visited the workshop. She felt sympathy and compassion for little Proshka and invited him to her house. The lady seems to show sincere participation in his fate: she teaches the boy to read, feeds him, and dresses him in warm clothes. Although her actions have their own benefits. The lady dreams that a clear example of Proshka’s little skewer will help her son Volodya get rid of attacks of lordly laziness. This is not hidden from the astute poor boy. He is very struck by the contrast between the lives of ordinary workers and rich people. Soon Proshka fell ill. And even in his dying sufferings, he flatly refuses to move into the warm house of his lady and dies in his native workshop.

Dmitry Narkisovich's stories, despite the fact that they were written about children and animals, are devoid of sweetness and touching. By depicting the death of little Proshka, the author wanted to show the real life of the working class, contrast two worlds and awaken the consciousness of thinking people of that time. The same task was set when writing the story “The Breadwinner”. After the death of his father, the little day laborer Proshka must earn a living for himself and for his family. His sister Fedora, who “buried” her girlish beauty and happiness at the factory, did not have a better fate. Proshka split huge blocks of ore with a hammer every day. He did this both in the summer heat and in the winter cold. His ultimate dream was to get to work in a workshop where it was always warm and light. And the whole job is to look after the car. Fedora, despite the fact that she scolded her brother, loved him more than anyone. In addition, he was her hope, because it was Proshka who was supposed to become the breadwinner of the family - to go to the factory as a foreman. The older sister negotiated a place in the workshop for her brother. But the boy, essentially still a child, could not cope with his eternal desire to sleep. Proshka fell asleep in the most unexpected places, and one day he was scalded by steam. And so the little hope of a small family perished. So life ended before it even began.

Dmitry Narkisovich was able to show the life of a poor, unprotected creature in the city not only through depicting the fate of a child, but also an animal. The story “Postoiko” reveals to him the inner world of the yard dog Postoiko. He was taken from the village as a puppy because the master's son liked the small dog. But in the city the boy forgot about his pet and Postoiko lived only thanks to the fact that the cook fed him scraps from the master's table. In the big city, the dog was left to his own devices. He fought with the neighbor's pointer, did not like the general's lapdogs, and teased the janitors. One day, Postoiko and his eternal enemy, the pointer, fell into the hands of murderers and were taken to a kennel. Here the dogs lived out their last three days and, if their owner did not buy them, they were sent to the gallows. Postojko went through a lot during these three days. I saw the despair of purebred and homeless dogs, saw how life faded away in their eyes, when the heart was still beating, how hopelessness overtook everyone, regardless of breed and origin. And Postoiko himself had already said goodbye to life, but a kind cook found him and ransomed him.

The tragic fate of the little boy is also described in the story “Emelya the Hunter.” Little Grishutka was left an orphan. His father died, and his mother was killed by wolves when she hid her young son with her body. Now Grishutka lives with Emelya the hunter. The old grandfather knew the picturesque forests around the village for a hundred miles. When the boy fell ill, he asked his grandfather to catch a little deer and Emelya went into the forest. He tracked the deer for several days and finally got on the trail. The brave mother deer led the hunter for a long time in order to divert attention from her cub. And when Emelya found the yellow calf, he could not kill it, remembering Grishutka and his mother. When Emelya returned home, he told his grandson about the deer. They laughed for a long time and rejoiced at the salvation of the fawn.

The story “Foster” is a beautiful, kind and pure story about the attachment of an animal to a person. But despite all the warm feelings, gratitude and care of a person, freedom remains in first place for the animal. Old man Taras found, sheltered and left the swan. Very quickly the bird became part of a small family, which consisted of an old hunter and his dog. But when a flock of swans appeared on the lake, the little bird left its now-home home and went with the flock. Taras worried for a long time that the inexperienced swan would not survive the flight, but he could not do anything.

The stories of Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak were voiced by Valery Karnaukh. The announcer did a great job with the sincere, kind, simple and pure stories. It will be a pleasure to listen to the stories more than once, both for adults and children.

Listen to the tales of Mamin-Sibiryak for children of primary and school age. Born on October 25 (November 6), 1852 at the Visimo-Shaitansky plant in the family of the factory priest Narkis Matveevich Mamin (1827-1878). Younger brother - V.N. Mamin, deputy of the Second State Duma. He received a home education, then studied at the Visim school for children of workers, later at the Yekaterinburg Theological School (1866-1868) and at the Perm Theological Seminary (until 1872, he did not complete the full course). In 1872 he entered the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy in the veterinary department. Since 1874, to earn money, he wrote reports on meetings of scientific societies for newspapers. In 1876, without graduating from the academy, he transferred to the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. After studying for a year, he was forced to leave the university due to financial difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health (pleurisy began).

He entered the literature with a series of travel essays “From the Urals to Moscow” (1881-1882), published in the Moscow newspaper “Russian Vedomosti”. Then his essays “In the Stones” and short stories (“At the Border of Asia”, “In Thin Souls” and others) were published in the magazine “Delo”. Many were signed under the pseudonym “D. Siberian".

The writer’s first major work was the novel “Privalov’s Millions” (1883), which was published for a year in the magazine “Delo” and was a great success. In 1884, the novel “Mountain Nest” appeared in the magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski,” which established Mamin-Sibiryak’s reputation as an outstanding realist writer.

Long trips to the capital (1881-1882, 1885-1886) strengthened Mamin-Sibiryak’s literary connections. He met V. G. Korolenko, N. N. Zlatovratsky, V. A. Goltsev and other writers. During these years, he wrote and published many short stories and essays.

The writer's last major works were the novels “Characters from the Life of Pepko” (1894), “Shooting Stars” (1899) and the story “Mumma” (1907).

In his novels and stories, the writer depicted the life of the Urals and Siberia in the post-reform years, the capitalization of Russia and the associated breakdown of social consciousness, legal norms and morality.

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