Anfisa Chekhova: biography and personal life. Anfisa Chekhova: biography, personal life, parameters Anfisa's real name

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Perhaps not many of us know who Alexandra Korchunova is. But TV viewers and Internet users know firsthand about the busty, eccentric and uninhibited Anfisa Chekhova, whose real name, in fact, was mentioned above. Moreover, many adore her and eagerly follow the life of the Russian TV presenter.

Today we decided to talk about how the TV presenter’s creative career began, what secrets Anfisa Chekhova’s biography hides, and whether it’s true that Anfisa Chekhova divorced her husband. Read about all this below.

Early childhood

For many of us, the name of Anfisa Chekhova is associated with the image of an uncomplicated and free woman, who was one of the first on television to talk about frank topics throughout the country. It is worth noting that this reputation allowed her to achieve incredible success and shine brighter than many other TV stars.

The peak of popularity of TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova came just at the turn of the century, although even now thousands of fans, not to mention the paparazzi, eagerly await her appearance in public.

And it all started quite modestly. Anfisa Chekhova, whose biography today we are considering in detail, was born on New Year's Eve. It was decided to name the girl, who was born into the family of Alexander Ivanovich and Natalya Alekseevna Korchunov, Sasha, in honor of her father. The exact date of birth of Alexandra Korchunova (Anfisa Chekhova) is December 21, 1977.

Five years after the birth of their daughter, her parents divorced their marriage. Anfisa Chekhova’s father, at that time a successful businessman and master of sports in hand-to-hand martial arts (later Zhirinovsky’s personal driver in the prime of his political career), left the family, leaving his ex-wife a house so that she would not file for alimony.

Although Anfisa Chekhova’s mother was not a resigned woman, according to the girl, the family fell apart because of the head of the family. Anfisa considered him a domestic tyrant, and during recent events (when her father showed up and publicly accused her of lack of help) she refused to accept dad at all.

By the way, the real name and surname of the eccentric TV star Anfisa Chekhova became known precisely when the scandal that broke out between daughter and father reached television proportions. Until then, many knew her only under a pseudonym. She made up her name, but took her grandmother’s last name. The name change was official, so according to the passport the girl became Anfisa Alexandrovna Chekhova.

By the way, the father of a successful star and socialite Chekhova has a new family and another child, a son. For Anfisa, he is a half-brother. And although they are connected by blood, there are no warm relations and close communication between them.

Student years

Already in childhood, Anfisa’s rebellious character was obvious. The result of the violent manifestation of her temper was a frequent change of schools. Over the years of her studies, she had to move to new educational institutions four times, settling on the school of aesthetic education with additional study of theater skills. It was the future TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova who graduated very successfully at the age of 16.

After graduation, the girl, who decided to conquer the stage as a child, tried to enter GITIS. The first attempt was unsuccessful, and young Anfisa had to look for a job to help her mother provide for the family and pass the time until the next introductory season. Chekhova entered GITIS on her second attempt.

Studying at the institute was successful, but did not last long. Having decided to try herself as a singer, Anfisa Chekhova performed during her student years as part of the pop trio “Crazy Fireflies”. For the sake of one of the group’s concerts, Chekhova had to skip an exam, which is why she was soon expelled from the university.

However, the girl, who was determined to become an artist, did not give up, but decided to try her hand at a new role. Anfisa went to the casting for presenters without any connections on television. She is an ambitious and purposeful girl, which, perhaps, was influenced by her zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Despite the fact that the girl’s external characteristics are far from those of a model (Anfisa Chekhova’s height is 1 m 65 cm), she confidently outstripped her rivals and became the new host of the “Disk Channel” music program on TV-6. Two years later, Anfisa Chekhova’s stellar career received a new round when the artist was invited to another project. It was a television program “for those over 18” - “Drema”.

Until 1998, Chekhova worked on the TV-6 channel, and then moved to TV Center, where she was called by Vladimir Epifantsev, the organizer and presenter of Drema. Together with him, Anfisa Chekhova began hosting the show “Cultivator” on the new channel, which caused a lot of indignation among viewers, and therefore was closed soon.

After this, Anfisa Chekhova had a two-year break, during which the TV star performed in nightclubs as a presenter and only occasionally appeared on stage as a pop performer. Then there were several more not very successful projects on TV, in which the eccentric Chekhova appeared (TV shows “Star Reconnaissance”, “Looking at Night”, “Show Business”).

Climbing the career ladder

But with the advent of 2004, the situation changed dramatically. Journalism student Anfisa Chekhova was again invited to television. This time she was offered the role of presenter in her own entertaining and piquant show for adults on the TNT channel. The project was called “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova.”

It is worth noting that it was this program, the concept of which was fully approved by the management of the Russian channel and the TV star herself, that allowed Anfisa Chekhova’s talent to fully reveal itself. News about the life of a glamorous beauty has since then continued to interest not only domestic but also foreign audiences.

Thanks to her extraordinary appearance and ability to voice what many were afraid to say out loud, Anfisa Chekhova gained a reputation as an eccentric and completely uninhibited presenter. This helped her successfully develop her career in the future.

From the moment a program aimed at an adult audience was launched on TNT, Anfisa Chekhova began to receive invitations to participate in projects of various formats. Even when the erotic show “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” was closed due to lack of finance, the presenter did not lose her popularity.

Since 2009, she began actively acting in films (mainly in Russian comedies) and even appeared on the pages of the popular glossy magazine Maxim. All the films that Anfisa Chekhova was able to make viewers memorable are collected in a single list and presented on the pages of Wikipedia.

Anfisa Chekhova, in addition to filming films, participated in various entertainment television, radio and theater projects. So, in 2009-2011, she was the host and at the same time the main character of a show called “Wife for Rent”, as well as “Good Night!” for men, etc. Since 2011, the star also actively began to appear on Ukrainian television. The famous “Dancing with the Stars”, “Master Chef” and “The Bachelor” are reality shows in which Anfisa had to leave her native country to participate.

Recently, the TV presenter does not appear on TV screens as often as before. Now, having written a book, which was published under the title “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” in 2006, and painted her first picture, Chekhov’s celebrity delights fans on the Internet.

Spicy details from personal life

No less attractive to viewers and fans of the busty beauty’s work is the personal life of Anfisa Chekhova. And it started relatively early for her. So, Anfisa (at that time Alexandra) was lucky enough to experience the feeling of love for the first time at the age of 16. Having fallen in love with one of her classmates, she called her “victim” incognito, as Anfisa Chekhova herself admits.

The children studied together, but the boy had no idea that his peer had strong feelings for him. Many years later, he learned about this when Chekhova revealed this secret in one of her frank interviews. As the TV star herself later admitted, after that her former classmate even called her and “lamented” that he had overlooked such a woman long ago.

When Anfisa was about 19 years old, she met her first man. He was an Italian (married in his homeland) who came to work on Russian television. The romance was not successful, as Anfisa Chekhova found out about his marriage and left the foreigner.

After this, the girl had numerous novels, including work ones. According to the celebrity herself, not all of them brought her positive experiences. For example, Chekhova’s love affair with a certain Georgiy ended in separation, although the guy was liked not only by Anfisa, but also by her mother. If we consider that living together with a guy under the same roof for more than 1 year is an actual marriage, then this red-haired Zhora is Anfisa Chekhova’s first common-law husband.

Following this novel, the presenter began a new one. She also lived for three years in a civil marriage with another Russian TV celebrity, Vova Tishko. The sexually liberated and courageous Anfisa met him when she was invited as a presenter to the STS channel. However, Anfisa Chekhova and Vladimir Tishko were unable to create a real family - their civil marriage ended in 2004, accompanied by mutual scandalous accusations in public.

Some time later, Chekhova met an Englishman on her life's path, who sincerely admired her beauty, looked after her beautifully and even took her to Paris. The girl broke off her relationship with him on her own initiative. And then I met David, who lives in Germany, a Georgian by nationality, who has his own business in Berlin. But the relationship between the lovers did not last long.

Married life of a socialite

The girl met her long-awaited “prince on a white horse” in 2009 on the stage of the theater, during the preparation of the theatrical performance “One Hot Night,” in which the famous TV presenter was assigned the main role. At the age of 32, Anfisa Chekhova met her next husband (but the first and only official one) - Guram Mikhailovich Bablishvili.

Since at first he did not dare even hint to the star of “frank broadcasts” about his feelings, their relationship did not begin to develop immediately. The actors’ romance lasted 6 years before the common-law “spouses” decided to legitimize their union. Their wedding took place in the midst of summer 2015.

It cannot be said that they spent these six years in vain, because in 2012, in the spring, Anfisa gave birth to Guram’s son. Those who are interested in how the son of Anfisa Chekhova was named should know that he received the name of the famous Israeli king - Solomon. It is worth noting that Anfisa Chekhova spends a lot of time with her son, and this is confirmed by numerous photos on her Instagram.

But this marriage lasted only 2 years from the moment of official registration. The fact that the glamorous beauty Anfisa Chekhova and the brutal Georgian macho Guram Bablishvili broke up became known only recently. According to the media, the official divorce took place in mid-autumn 2017.

Neither the TV star herself nor Anfisa Chekhova’s now ex-husband say anything about their separation. Although fans of the famous presenter suspect that it could be caused by Chekhova’s new hobby. Judging by the photos that appeared on the Internet in the summer of 2017, which show Anfisa Chekhova and the new host of the TV show “Let Them Talk” Dmitry Borisov together, the socialite started a new romance.

As for the news about Anfisa Chekhova’s divorce, it is known that the couple separated without scandals. Guram left her a car and their shared Moscow apartment. Even the question of their son did not cause any controversy: they decided to work together to raise Solomon. Recently, photos have begun to actively appear on the Internet in which ex-spouses are relaxing and spending time with their son apart from each other. Author: Elena Suvorova

Anfisa Chekhova is a popular TV presenter and actress, famous for her provocative image, which she created in the TV show “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova.”

She did not immediately find her niche on television, but hard work and luck helped Chekhova become a screen star.

Childhood and youth

Anfisa Chekhova (real name Alexandra Aleksandrovna Korchunova) was born on December 21, 1977 in the family of Natalya and Alexander Korchunov. In honor of her father, the girl was named Sasha. My mother worked as a speech therapist, my father was an athlete who at one time worked as a driver for. As Anfisa herself later admitted in an interview, she is a quarter Jewish by nationality, but there were also Adyghe and Turks in her family.

Relationships in the family were characterized by tension, Alexandra’s mother was sharp-tongued and could easily offend others, and her father raised his daughter in strictness, trying to suppress and subjugate the girl. 4 years after the birth of their daughter, Anfisa’s parents divorced. The father left the family an apartment in Strogino so that the mother would not file for child support, and after that he stopped communicating with his daughter and ex-wife.

Little Anfisa realized as a child that she dreamed of acting in films and being an actress. The willful nature of the future artist led to her changing 3 schools. As a result, Chekhova transferred to a school of aesthetic education with a theatrical focus, which she graduated in 1993. While studying at school, she participated in theatrical productions, and at the request of her father (who by that time had become a Hare Krishna), she even played in several performances with a religious slant.

At the age of 17, in order to annoy her father, the future star changed her surname Korchunov to her grandmother’s surname and became Anfisa Chekhova. The girl did not enter the institute right away. After school, Chekhova applied to GITIS, but failed the entrance exams and was forced to look for a job in order to try again a year later.

In parallel with her studies at GITIS, Anfisa began singing in the group “Crazy Fireflies”. In her 2nd year, because of the group’s concert at the “Generation-96” competition, she was forced to skip the exam. The director of her course, who was in the hospital at the time and saw the young singer’s performance on TV, was furious at the artist’s impudence, and she was expelled from the university.

Anfisa's mother was upset by her daughter's expulsion; for some time they even quarreled over this. But the artist did not even try to recover at the university, but continued her musical career, which, however, soon came to an end.

Films and television

In 1996, Anfisa’s friend invited her to a casting for the TV-6 channel in the program “Disk Channel”. The future TV presenter did not believe that it was possible to get on television without cronyism and did not hope to pass the competition. And yet, having no acquaintances on television and not being, in the opinion of the artist herself, a written beauty, Anfisa passed the casting and became the new TV presenter of the program, thus starting a stellar career. Chekhova hosted a music program for 2 years before she was invited to the “Drema” project. The program was broadcast at night and was aimed at an adult audience.

In 1998, the director of the “Drema” project went to work for the TV Center channel and invited Anfisa with him. The girl was offered the role of a live broadcaster in the “Cultivator” program, where she broadcast from the deck of a ship. But due to financial difficulties, the program had to be closed, and Anfisa disappeared from TV screens for 2 years. At that time, Chekhova worked as a host of club parties and also performed there as a singer.

This continued until the girl was again invited to television: this time Chekhova was invited to the “Show Business” program of the STS television channel. At the same time, the artist was accepted into the project “Looking at Night” on the MuzTV channel, but Chekhova did not work there for long.

In 2002, Anfisa made her debut as an actress in the comedy series “Theater Academy”. The sitcom, filmed by directors Alexander Zamyatin and Vadim Shmelev, was shown on screens in Ukraine and Latvia, but Russian television viewers never saw the series.

In 2003, the star decided to return to school and entered the Institute of Journalism, from which she graduated 5 years later, receiving a higher education and a diploma in journalism.

Anfisa Chekhova in the show "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova"

In 2005, after the closure of the Show Business project, the heads of the TNT television channel invited Anfisa to host her own show. Tired of the stars and their star stories, the presenter chose the familiar “TV show for adults” format. The channel's management approved the concept of the program, and in the same year the first episode of the show “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” was released. The success of the program had a positive impact on the development of the artist’s creative biography.

Thanks to the project and the TV presenter’s extraordinary appearance, she was often invited to film projects, TV series and shoots in glamor magazines. In 2009, due to the economic crisis and the lack of advertisers willing to sponsor the erotic program, “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” was closed. Until 2012, the show was shown on the channel in reruns.

Anfisa Chekhova in the film "Real Boars"

In 2008, the Russian horror film “S.S.D.” was released, where Anfisa played the main role. In the film, she appears in her usual role as the host of a reality show, in which terrible events happen to the project participants. In the same year, the comedy film “Hitler Kaput!” was shown, where Chekhova again played the TV channel host. Later, Chekhova starred in the TV series “Real Boars” and “Wedding Ring.”

2009 gave Anfisa an unusual show “Wife for Rent”. According to the plot of the show, the actress finds herself a “chosen one” among the stars, to whom she suddenly arrives in a wedding dress, and then for a whole week the “couple” creates a family life: the on-screen newlyweds prepare breakfast for each other, meet each other’s parents and help their other half in work and projects. Chekhova’s “husbands” were such celebrities as brothers and, and even. By the way, Anfisa called the latter an ideal husband.

Anfisa Chekhova in the project "Wife for Rent"

Since 2011, Anfisa Chekhova began to appear in many well-known Ukrainian television programs. The presenter took part in the filming of the show competition “Dancing with the Stars”, where she danced together with professional dancer Vitaly Zagoruiko. The Ukrainian channel STB offered the position of presenter in 2 of its projects at once: the reality show “Bachelor. How to get married" and the talk show "How to get married with Anfisa Chekhova."

At the same time, the artist continues her film career. She appeared in the lyrical comedy “All Inclusive!”, where comedians shone. Soon, with the participation of Chekhova, the premieres of the melodrama “Five Stars” and the comedy “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” took place.

Anfisa Chekhova at the beauty contest ""

In 2012-2013, together with the Telenedelya magazine, Chekhova held a beauty contest “” for girls of non-standard beauty. The main requirements for participation in the competition were non-model appearance and the absence of plastic surgery. The project jury was headed by Anfisa herself.

In 2015, the actress became a participant in a social photo project about the benefits of milk. In addition to Anfisa Chekhova, other celebrities happily responded to the request to cover such an important topic.

Around the same time, the actress became embroiled in a scandal. Anfisa Chekhova, like some other stars, supported the aspiring actress, who was raising money for cancer treatment. But the press discovered photos of Stella on vacation at the seaside and wondered where the cash-strapped girl got the money for resorts.

Baranovskaya began to be accused of fraud. Chekhova stood up for her and stated that she herself had seen Baranovskaya’s certificates of illness, and Stella added that she was being treated with the help of alternative medicine, and a sea holiday was included in her recovery program. TV and the press delved into history for a long time, but fate removed all questions: in 2017, Stella.

Host of the program “Anfisa in Wonderland”

In 2016, Anfisa Chekhova appeared in a new author’s program on Yu-TV - “Anfisa in Wonderland.”

In 2017, Anfisa Chekhova began to draw and managed to paint her first picture. But it is difficult to say that the actress discovered a new talent in herself - Chekhova herself was skeptical about her creation and admitted that, most likely, she was not an artist after all. In the same year, the artist expanded her repertoire with work in the comedy series “Favourites” about a former emergency doctor who becomes an employee of a veterinary clinic.

Personal life

The artist has quite strict requirements for her “soul mates.” Anfisa is sure that her partner should be of the same social status and become a reliable support for the star and their common children.

For 3 years, Anfisa Chekhova dated actor and presenter Vladimir Tishko. The couple met thanks to filming on the STS TV channel, where Anfisa hosted the “Show Business” program, and Vladimir was the host of the “Newlyweds” project. They lived together, but due to disagreements they separated in 2004.

The breakup did not happen without a loud scandal. Anfisa spoke about Tishko more than once in interviews, often not the most pleasant things, and the TV presenter, although he ignored Anfisa’s statements for a long time, ultimately wrote a caustic open letter, where he responded to all the claims and dissatisfaction that Chekhova expressed in the interview. For a long time, the former couple told journalists the unpleasant details of their romance.

In 2009, a Georgian actor appeared in Anfisa’s life, with whom the star played in the theatrical production “One Sultry Night.” The romance between them broke out unexpectedly, and at first the artists did not even want to advertise the relationship, believing that it would not last long. At one time there were even rumors that Anfisa was having an affair with Ukrainian businessman Nikolai Tishchenko, with whom the TV presenter participated in the MasterChef program as an expert jury.

At that time, the businessman was just going through a divorce from his young wife Irina Zhuravskaya. But Anfisa herself rejected all speculation, posting an angry post on

Popular TV presenter, actress and singer Anfisa Chekhova is recognized by TV viewers for her numerous TV shows (primarily “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” on TNT, which she hosted for 4 years) and style.

Updated 02/27/2018 10:00

Anfisa Chekhova's figure parameters:

  • Age: 40 years (as of February 2018)
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 62 kg
  • Dimensions: 95/65/93
  • Foot size: 39

Carefully styled curls, an elegant hairband, thoughtful cosmetics with the obligatory red lipstick, a boldly form-fitting dress with a deep neckline - this is the hallmark of Anfisa’s look.

Neatly styled hair, red lipstick and a daring neckline - the signature style of Anfisa Chekhova

At birth she was named Alexandra Korchunova, who was born in Moscow on December 21, 1977. The future presenter became Anfisa Chekhova at the age of 16 when she received her passport. According to the star, her maternal great-grandmother bore the surname she chose.

In her youth, Chekhova struggled with excess weight, but it did not stop her from becoming a successful TV presenter.

Anfisa’s mother is a doctor, her father is an athlete, master of sports in wrestling, worked as a bodyguard for Zhirinovsky in the early years of his political career. When the girl was three years old, the family broke up.

Until the age of 20, the girl desperately struggled with excess weight, as she always dreamed of becoming an actress. But then I realized that I need to be in harmony with my natural characteristics. Now Anfisa Chekhova accepts her height and weight with pleasure, without focusing on them. Her appearance is beautiful, she radiates charm, emphasizing the grace and attractiveness of her shape with her outfits.

Anfisa Chekhova accepts her height and weight with pleasure, without focusing on them

The path to creativity was not an easy one: a secondary school of aesthetic education with a theatrical bias, admission to GITIS on the second attempt, expulsion from the second year for failure to appear for acting exams (the girl participated in a pop competition, which was also condemned by the teachers).

Then she passed the casting of presenters on TV-6, worked on Muz-TV, M 1, TV-Center, STS, TNT, DTV (Peretz), Ukrainian STB, and the Megapolis FM radio channel. Acts in films and videos. In 2008 she graduated from the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity. A year later she made her debut in several performances.

Anfisa Chekhova is not only a famous actress, but also a happy wife and mother

She was married to Georgian actor Guram Bablishvili. The birth of an heir in May 2012 and a happy marriage brought tangible changes to Chekhova’s life on all fronts. The media personality has become not only calmer, but also much slimmer than she was as a girl. An unexpected divorce, after which, occurred in October 2017. Now she is raising her 5-year-old son Solomon herself.

Anfisa Chekhova after losing weight 2018

The TV presenter and actress changed her clothing size from size 50 to 46. The celebrity continues to lose weight. The girl is proud that she was able to overcome herself and get rid of extra pounds.

Now, after losing weight, she feels slim and graceful. Anfisa Chekhova was invited to host the new season of the project “Weighted and Happy” as an excellent example of how a person, having the desire, can lose more than 20 kg.

In childhood, from the moment of birth (December 21, 1977) until the age of 16, the girl bore her father’s surname, Korchunov, and her name was Alexandra. Sasha was born into the family of Moscow businessman Alexander Korchunov. She inherited her glib character from her father, and from her mother the girl learned the ability to sarcastically retort to her interlocutors. The parents had a strained relationship, so when Alexandra was 4 years old, her parents divorced. The father left him and his mother an apartment and forgot about their existence forever. Chekhova to this day does not communicate with her father.

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From a young age, Sasha wanted to become an actress and, dreaming of fame and a career, she persistently pursued her goal. At the age of 16, Alexandra Alexandrovna decided to change her name and surname, taking her grandmother’s surname - Chekhov and becoming Anfisa. There is an opinion that she did this on purpose to erase the memory of her father.

A year later, although not the first time, she still manages to enter GITIS. The girl studies diligently, but the craving for the public does not leave her. As a result, she and her peers create the group “Crazy Fireflies”. However, conservative teachers at GITIS were outraged by the student’s passion, considering her activities inappropriate for a student at a higher educational institution. Anfisa faces a difficult choice: study at a prestigious university or her favorite singing activity. She chooses the second one. After which, after two courses, the girl was expelled from the university. Not knowing what to do next, Anfisa accidentally ends up at a casting call for the TV-6 channel. Having brilliantly passed the competitive selection, she becomes the host of the Disk Channel program. The channel's management, satisfied with her work, invites Chekhova to host a program for adults called “Drema.”

The first role for Anfisa was the series “Theatrical Comedy”. But Chekhov does not stop there. Since 2004, she has been hosting the program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova,” which she herself authored. Then she creates for herself the image of a fatal bitch and a wise woman who tells the audience about sensitive topics. In this role she appears in the sitcom “Happy Together”. Since 2008, Anfisa begins to be invited to films to play leading roles. At the moment, she has already played in 16 films: “I Love You”, “Hitler Kaput”, “My Favorite Witch”, “Kaleidoscope”, “S.S.D.”, “Aram Zam Zam, or All Inclusive”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”, “Woman on the verge”, “Five Stars”, “From the Screw 3D”, “And Mom is Better!”, “Thank God you came!”, “Southern Butovo”, “Real Boars”, “ Theater Academy".

In 2002, Anfisa decides to resume her studies. Having graduated from the university, the girl completes the work of her youth and after 6 years of difficult studies receives a diploma in journalism. After 12 months, Anfisa resumes her activities as a presenter on the MUZ-TV channel.

Anfisa Chekhova's hard work is enviable. The actress does not stop there, constantly testing herself in different areas. Chekhova begins working on the radio and travels around the cities of Russia, acting as a theater actress. Thanks to her curvaceous figure, she becomes a popular model for candid photography, appearing in men's magazines.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the star hid her lovers, the press still managed to find out more about her personal life. One of her brightest novels is a long relationship with Vladimir Tishko. But after three years of romantic relationships and living together, they broke up. Chekhova said only that the relationship had exhausted itself about the reason for the breakup. Vladimir, without hesitation, told the details and even published a letter on social networks, where he spoke far from positively about his former lover.

When the scandal with Tishko subsided, Anfisa again met her love - actor Guram Bablishvili. They met while playing together in the play “Once Upon a Hot Night.” Their love was not hampered by either a busy schedule or distance (they often had to be apart). Soon the happy couple had a son, for whom they chose the Georgian name Solomon. However, the young parents decided to register their marriage only in 2015. After the birth of her son, actress Anfisa Chekhova made a lot of efforts to lose weight. As a result, she achieved such a result that she became slimmer than before pregnancy. Just six months after giving birth, fans of the actress were able to see photos of a renewed and prettier Anfisa on social networks. And during her first – as a mother – appearance at a social event, she amazes everyone with her slimness and a happy sparkle in her eyes. Now Chekhov is no longer associated with a bitchy beauty. Now she is an exemplary wife and loving mother. Having relegated work to the background, Anfisa Chekhova devotes a lot of time to raising her boy and often posts family footage online, where there is a feeling of comfort and warmth. And most importantly - love.

Anfisa Chekhova born on December 21, 1977 in Moscow. Today she is a famous actress and TV presenter. Many people know her for her explicit show called “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova.” Anfisa also gained her popularity in such comedies: “Rzhevsky against Napoleon”, “Real Boars”, “Hitler Kaput”, “From the Screw” and others.

Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova's childhood

At birth, the girl was named Alexandra, but soon, after many years, the woman was able to officially change her last name and first name.

Alexandra Korchunova officially changed her first and last name to Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova's father, Alexander Korchunov, was an athlete, and then began to engage in entrepreneurship. When the baby was 4 years old, he divorced Anfisa’s mother and moved in with another woman.

Anfisa Chekhova and father in the early years

The girl dreamed of conquering the stage at an early age; during her entire studies she managed to change 3 schools. School of aesthetic education with a theatrical focus No. 123 was the last, so after graduating, the girl immediately submitted documents to GITIS. Anfisa was able to get in only on her second attempt.

Chekhova was unable to graduate from GITIS, and was expelled from her second year because she very often skipped school for the sake of her love for the stage.

Always beautiful Anfisa Chekhova

Television and career

Since 1997, Anfisa could regularly be seen on the night air of TV-6. In 1999, Chekhov could be seen on air on M1 (“Star Reconnaissance”), TVC (“Cultivator”), and STS (“Show Business”).

After some time, the girl became very popular and in 2005 she was invited to host her own program on the TNT channel. So Anfisa was the main figure of the famous show called "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova." For about 4 years the show was in demand and new episodes were released on the channel. But in 2009, the economic crisis came, and the project was forced to be frozen.

In 2011, our beauty was able to found another author’s project, “How to get married to Anfisa Chekhova.” Various experts, guests and the presenter herself discussed in the studio all the intricacies of relationships between women and men, and also gave various advice that would be useful to young couples.

Photo by Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova and cinema

Anfisa could be found in the TV series “Theater Academy” since 2002. The role became her acting debut.

In 2004, she played a busty waitress in the film I Love You. Many TV viewers may have noticed Anfisa in the series “Happy Together.” She was often the main character of all Gena Bukin's erotic fantasies.

In 2008, Anfisa Chekhova played in 4 films: “Kaleidoscope”, “Hitler Kaput!”, “My Favorite Witch” and “S.S.D.”

In 2010, she was a radio host. Together with VJ Artem Korolev, Anfisa hosted the program “Anfisa and the King” on Megapolis FM radio.

Personal life, children

The TV presenter does not often share her personal life, but she once said that at school she was in love with her classmate, whose father was the director of the Central Department Store. After this story, an older classmate called Anfisa and said for a long time that he “overlooked love.”

At the age of 19, the girl dated an Italian, but they separated because Anfisa found out that he had a wife in Italy.

In 2001, Vladimir Tishko and Anfisa Chekhova tried to start their love life. However, after living together for three years, the couple had to break up with a very strong scandal. Quietly, under a fictitious name, he showed the world Chekhova’s real name, and also condemned the girl’s character and appearance.

Anfisa Chekhova and Vladimir Tishko

Since 2009, Anfisa began dating the actor Guram Bablishvili. Their relationship turned out to be very strong and after some time, namely on May 31, 2012, the woman gave birth to Guram’s son, who was named Solomon. In the summer of 2015, Guram and Anfisa got married. Now Chekhova is watching her figure, and also continues her career as an actress and presenter.

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