Angelina description of name and character. Angelina's childhood

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It has long been considered an important celebration. Several centuries ago, on this holiday they set a beautiful and tasty table, baked pies and personalized loaves, went to church to receive communion - in general, they celebrated it almost like an anniversary. Angel Day, as a rule, is celebrated according to the calendar (on the date of memory of the patron saint after whom the person is named). For each Orthodox name, only one saint is venerated, but there may be several name days. For example, Angelina, whose angel days are celebrated 4 times a year, has one patroness - the Venerable Angelina of Serbia.

When choosing a name for your baby, it is very important to know which saint you are naming him after, because it is believed that it greatly influences his character and his destiny. There is one more important nuance: the child’s name at baptism may not necessarily correspond to the one written on the birth certificate. If you choose this option, then the name with which you were baptized must be kept secret from everyone. Such a maneuver can save you from damage and the evil eye. Now let's try to figure out what days it celebrates

Angel Day and Venerable Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya grew up in the Orthodox family of the Albanian prince Ariyanit. At a young age, she married the blind King Stephen of Serbia, and in their marriage they had two wonderful sons and a daughter. The life of Reverend Angelina was full of sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died very early, and she had to wander with her two sons and the relics of her husband for a very long time in search of refuge. Saint Angelina's children also died quite early. The Orthodox Christian woman spent the rest of her life in the women's monastery in prayer. Reverend Angelina was very devoted to God and preached Christianity all her life.


The name Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, comes from the masculine Angelos. It is easy to guess that it means “angel,” that is, a messenger. In different European countries, the name Angelina can sound differently: Evangelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Andelina. In our country, Angelina can be briefly called Lina or Gelya.

Controversial character

Many mothers like this name, and they call their daughters this way, hoping that they will behave like God's messengers. But Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated in honor of the Serbian saint, is in fact not at all sweet and obedient, but rather the opposite. Girls with this name are most often very militant and stubborn. They really like to command, and, as a rule, they always get their way. They cannot stand a lack of attention, and in order to somehow attract the attention of their relatives, they are ready to do anything. However, Angelina needs attention only in order to once again assert herself. These girls rarely need help and support and usually take all advice and recommendations with hostility.

A very great advantage of the baby named Angelina, whose Angel Days are celebrated several times a year, is her independence, because this is very rare for girls. Asking for something for her is much more difficult than doing everything yourself. Angelina loves home and comfort; frequent visits are not for her. She has a very hard time with moving and traveling. Angelina does not immediately adapt to the new place, and at this time she feels defenseless.

Angel Day influences character and destiny

It becomes interesting why girls with such a wonderful name have such a complex character. Some philosophers believe that this is connected with Angelina, for example, it is celebrated on July 14 (according to the old style, July 1). On this day, in the month of Ramadan, according to Islamic teachings, the “Night of Power and Predestination” is celebrated. Oddly enough, Angelina girls are most often really very powerful and domineering.

Angelina in adulthood

Love is above all for her. She values ​​coziness, comfort and care. Angelina is inherently very jealous and does not tolerate competition. You can’t call her too purposeful. In case of obvious defeat, she will quickly fade into the shadows. Angelina is, as a rule, a creative person with a very vulnerable soul. She may be withdrawn, especially if she had a difficult childhood. On the day of Angelina, it is necessary to leave her alone at least for a short time so that she can enjoy her solitude to the fullest.

How and when to congratulate on Angel's Day?

Angelines don't like surprises too much (except perhaps only from very close people), so don't try to surprise this girl too much. Your attention will already be very pleasant and unexpected for her. According to the church calendar, Angelina Day is celebrated on July 14 and 30, August 12, and December 23. It is on these days that the memory of St. Angelina of Serbia is venerated.

Angelina must visit church on this day, light candles and confess. If possible, it is advisable to take communion the next day. You need to know the prayers of your saint and turn to her for help at the right moments. It is believed that the patron after whom a person is named is a guardian angel who will help him all his life. It is imperative to say words of thanksgiving to the Venerable Angelina of Serbia on the day of the Angel of Angelina.

The date that symbolizes the name day can be chosen alone and celebrated as a second celebration. For example, of all four days on which the memory of Angelina of Serbia is revered, you can choose one, the most important - December 23, and celebrate the name day on this day. But most often the date that is closest to the birthday of the birthday person is chosen.

The name Angelina means “messenger”, “like an angel”.

Origin of the name

Angelina is a Russian female name with Greek roots. The origin of the name Angelina is related to the Latin male name Angelius. Translated from Greek, it means “like an angel,” “messenger,” “messenger.”

Characteristics of the name


Little Angelina often lives in an imaginary world in which harmony, love and tranquility reign. Moreover, in real life, a girl can be irritable, quite stubborn, and self-willed. Usually she tries to boss everyone around, even her mother. If someone does not obey her, Angelina gets very irritated. All this, of course, does not contribute to the growth of the number of friends. The girl is reluctant to go to school and studies mediocrely, as she does not show much interest in acquiring knowledge.


The matured Angelina independently takes care of her upbringing and development. Usually a girl chooses a certain area of ​​knowledge that interests her and studies it. She is very independent and relies solely on her own strengths. This is due to the fact that Angelina is afraid to trust anyone. She is sure that no one knows her better than herself, so she does not need anyone's advice.

In his younger years he is often a real fighter for the truth. She can make many attempts to change the world. And how disappointed she can be when she realizes that these changes are not needed by anyone but herself! With age, Angelina has an epiphany. She does not give up her ideals, but already sees the futility of trying to change the world around her.


Angelina often finds herself in creative professions. She can make a career as an artist, musician, ballerina, actress, writer. She often makes successful journalists and photo reporters.

Personal life

She attracts men with her extreme sexuality, which, as a rule, is not ostentatious. Angelina is one of those women whom men remember all their lives. At the same time, for Angelina, family relationships will always come first. This woman strives to create a cozy family nest with a man who will respond to her feelings. Usually she becomes an excellent housewife and loving mother, whose children are always well-groomed and well-educated.

Name compatibility

The name Angelina successfully combines with the patronymics Andreevna, Ivanovna, Markovna, Igorevna, Dmitrievna, Eduardovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Boris, Andrey, Alexey, Georgy, Victor, Valery, Vladimir, Pavel, Peter, Igor, Daniil, Semyon.

Name day

Angelina's Orthodox name day:

  • July – 1, 14, 30;
  • August – 12;
  • September – 12;
  • December – 10, 23.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Angelina: Angelina Serbskaya, Angelina Vovk, Angelina Chernova, Angelina Bulycheva.

The ancient name Angelina recently began to sound new. However, its meaning has not changed, Angela or Angelica has a strong character, and her fate develops the way she wants it.

History of the name

Many words are international. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess what the name Angelina means. It originates from the Greek word “angelos” (άγγελο,) meaning messenger and in ancient times referred to Zeus and Artemis. Later, divine messengers began to be called this, in whose honor the male name Angel arose, which is still common in the Balkans and Spain. Its feminine form, Angelina, is included in Orthodox and Catholic naming books and has gained popularity throughout the world. In Russia, girls were named this way in memory of the Venerable Angelina of Serbia, the wife of Stefan Brankovich, the last ruler of this country before the Turkish conquest. At the end of the sixties of the last century, after the release of films based on the novels of Anna and Serge Golon, Europeanized forms of this name became very common: Angela, Angela, Angelica. Regardless of the spelling, the meaning of the name does not change. This was the name given to many famous women, among whom we can recall:

  • Angelina Vovk, the legendary Soviet TV presenter;
  • Angelina Stepanova, People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Angelina Guskova, radiologist, academician, laureate of international awards;
  • Angelina Jolie, fashion model and actress;
  • Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, and many others.

How to write correctly

In everyday life and official documents, this name may look different. In addition to the full forms Angelina and Angelina, short versions are also used - Angela and Angela (Angela). Another related name is the popular Angelica. Its short form Lika is also often used, which can also be used for Glyceria or Lydia. The following spellings and sounds are used in different countries:

A country Writing Pronunciation
Greece, Cyprus Αγγελίνα Angelina
Russia Angelina Angelina
Ukraine, Belarus Angelina Angelina
Bulgaria Angelina Angelina
Serbia Angelina, Anelina Angelina
Czech Republic, Slovakia Angelina Angelina
Poland Andżelina Angelina
Hungary, Germany Angelina Angelina
France Angeline Angeline
Spain Angelina Angelina
English-speaking countries Angeline Angelin

The usual spelling in international passports is ANGELINA.

Angela, Gel, Gela, Gelina, Lina, Elya, Ela can be used as a shortened name. Affectionately, a girl can be called Angelinochka, Angelya, Gelochka, Gelyusya, Angelochok, Angelushka, etc. If the full name is Angelika, then the abbreviations Angela or Lika are used, and the diminutive forms can be Anzhelonka, Anzhelochka, Likochka, Likusya, etc.

Name day

According to the Orthodox church calendar, the day of remembrance of only one saint who bore this name is celebrated. Reverend Angelina was the daughter of George Arianiti, an Albanian prince who became famous for his battles against the Turks. In 1460 she married Stefan Branković, the ruler of Serbia blinded by the Turks, and bore him five children. Fleeing Turkish persecution, Angelina lived in Italy, then moved to Serbian Srem, which was under the rule of the Hungarian crown. There she accepted the monastic rank, with the help of the Russian Tsar Vasily III, she built the Krushedolsky Monastery, where she transferred the remains of her husband, which were considered miraculous. After her death in 1520 she was canonized.

The memory of Angelina of Serbia is celebrated on July 14 (1), the same date also marks the name day of all bearers of the name. In addition, she is commemorated on the day of the Council of Serbian Saints, which falls on August 12 (July 30), as well as on December 23 (10) together with her son John and her husband Stefan. If desired, Angel Day can be celebrated on one of these dates.

Angelina's childhood

This name is best suited for a girl born under the sign of Cancer. From her earliest years, her character bears little resemblance to an angel, since Angelochka is very willful. She does not take into account the authority of elders and family traditions, values ​​her own autonomy and independence, and is easily irritated when something does not go the way she wants. These characteristics are further exacerbated if the girl's parents are divorced. Therefore, the mother will have to show a lot of patience and endurance so that Gelechka finds somewhere to put her energy without damaging the environment. She develops early beyond her age, is very inquisitive and active and prefers to play with boys. Angelina often becomes an unspoken leader among them; she never makes concessions, knows how to force others to do as she needs, and does not see anything bad in this.

The period of studying at school can bring additional problems, since Gel is “stressed” by schoolwork and discipline requirements. However, with a reasonable attitude, she is able to take a creative approach to subjects and independently choose an area of ​​knowledge to study which she will make every effort. Angela is a leader in the company of her peers, boldly defends justice and is not afraid to enter into conflicts. But hidden in her self-esteem is the secret that she cannot stand being treated with disdain or condescension. Even being called by a diminutive name may offend Angelina. In most cases, such problems can be easily resolved among peers, but tense relationships can develop with elders or parents. This can worsen health and provoke neuroses. Angelina often has problems with her spine. They are not inclined to pay much attention to taking care of themselves and may miss the initial stage of the disease, so loved ones need to be very attentive to the girl’s health.

Adult personality

As she grows up, Angelina’s character traits do not smooth out, although they may become less demonstrative. She remains willful and independent, which often leads to a deterioration in relationships with others and even a complete cessation of acquaintance. A woman is not inclined to worry too much about this, but it can cause certain difficulties at work. Her desire for leadership leads to dictatorial habits and a desire to achieve maximum power. Angela goes straight to the goal, because for her attempts to negotiate mean, first of all, concessions. However, if she chose the right direction and correctly assessed her capabilities, her fate will be happy. One should also take into account such a paradoxical trait of the bearer of this name as gullibility. Not knowing how to be cunning, she expects the same from others, which is why she may be deceived.

The main character traits of a woman with this name are listed below.

Personal and family life

Angelines are often very attractive, but it is not so easy to penetrate their thoughts and feelings. This is often facilitated by the “fighting” traits of her nature, because of which those around her cannot always discern a woman in her. However, this does not frighten an extraordinary and strong personality; she will always be in the center of attention. Therefore, Angela will sooner or later find her chosen one, who will become for her not so much an ardent lover, but a reliable friend. But at the same time, she will never share her experiences and secrets of her personal life with anyone.

Often in love relationships, Angelica can take the initiative into her own hands and do this at a very young age. Most often this happens when she has a conflict with her parents and strives to break free from their influence. True, such a marriage is rarely happy, since demandingness and intransigence can lead to constant conflicts. However, if a girl meets someone who becomes her like-minded person and a worthy partner, then the union will turn out to be very strong. A woman will reveal the best features of her soul in him and become a loving, caring mother. Male names with which Angelina has good and bad compatibility are given below.

Work and career

In matters of choosing a profession, Angelina is just as independent of other people’s opinions as in everything else. Her nature is more suited to creative pursuits, the basics of which she learns in childhood. This girl can become a successful athlete, coach, dancer, actress, singer. Since she loves animals, she will be a good veterinarian or trainer.

The bearers of this name are suitable for any activity that arouses their interest, but they work best alone. Angelina would be an excellent leader or manager, but her inability to smooth out conflicts and find compromise does not contribute to the cohesive work of the team and turns many, especially women, against her.

The gentle female name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word “angelos”. It is translated as “angel”, “messenger”, “messenger”. This is a very beautiful and quite rare name for girls. Not to be confused with related names Angelica, Angela, Angela.

Angelina is an extraordinary person: thus, her name should indicate an angelic and flexible character, which is not true. In fact, the owner of this beautiful name is willful, irritable and stubborn. She is temperamental, impulsive, kind and energetic, but she absolutely does not recognize authorities. Angelina lives in some kind of her own world, outside of which all human vices remain. Her world is filled with harmony and love, but she doesn’t like to let strangers into it.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Corresponding zodiac sign: Leo ♌.

Patron planet: Mercury ☿.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Water 水.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Lapis lazuli, Turquoise.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Tree talisman: Olive 🍁.

Plant talisman: Cornflower.

Animal mascot: Owl.

The most successful day: Monday ☽.

Happy time of year: Summer ☀.

Character traits: Independence, Self-love, Activity.

Spring Angelina ambitious, ambitious and stubborn, so she easily achieves what she wants. At the same time, this woman has so much unspent warmth and tenderness that she can surround both her family and friends with her care. Because of her difficult character, spring Angelina finds it difficult to arrange her personal life, so she most often gets married at a fairly mature age to a sensible and reliable man who is ready to become her friend first and foremost.

Summer Angelina– a trusting, cheerful and vulnerable nature. It is very easy to deceive her, because she is used to opening up to people without thinking about the consequences. Because of her naivety, Angelina, born in the summer, fails in her first marriage, which she enters early and thoughtlessly, guided solely by feelings. This woman needs to become tougher in her relationships with others, otherwise they will continue to take advantage of her favor for selfish purposes.

Autumn Angelina prudent, decisive and practical. She will make a strict, authoritative, respected and fair leader. But in her personal life she is rarely lucky, since she has absolutely no understanding of men, which is why she suffers. Autumn Angelina attracts men who are accustomed to living at the expense of their woman, while Angelina finds a lot of excuses for such gigolos, just not to notice that she is simply being used.

Winter Angelina stubborn and intractable, which is due to her strong masculine character. Don’t even try to convince her of anything, because she has her own unyielding opinion on everything. It’s quite difficult to call winter Angelina a highly moral person, because if necessary, she will commit deception without a twinge of conscience. But still, this woman is full of good nature and compassion; it’s just that not everyone knows about her sincerity and sympathetic heart.

Character of the name Angelina

By a strange coincidence, in a family where a girl is called this way, the parents do not get along well with each other and often get divorced. This is not a pattern, but a common occurrence. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate among themselves and do not quarrel in front of the child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and others. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often capricious, and in games with other children he always takes the position of leader and manipulates them.

The secret of the name is that Angelina herself shapes her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions that she herself invented, and childish naivety often leads to the fact that the girl, and then the young lady, makes many attempts to change a crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only in adulthood does she finally refuse to remake those around her and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly absent-minded and constantly with her head in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina does not tolerate pressure at all. She is burdened by obligatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should spend a lot of time with their daughter in elementary school, role-playing the learning process to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who risks checking this will repent for a long time.

Positive traits of the name Angelina: This is a confident and independent woman who achieves her goals only through her own efforts. She is inquisitive and interesting to communicate with, but often does not trust people and never shares her secrets.

Negative traits of the name Angelina: A woman named Angelina has such traits as irritability and stubbornness. She likes to command people, is often irritable, can offend a person or easily break off relations with him.

Interests and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: going to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has wonderful vocal abilities and good hearing, and often plays a musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly stand being given orders. Therefore, she often quickly rises to the level of a manager or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people’s ideas. For her, a good option is to work as a flight attendant, journalist, designer, or creative activity. A girl with this name is a “free artist”, perhaps even running a shadow business.

Angelina can perfectly run a business on her own, unlike many other women, and all thanks to her qualities such as determination and independence. She does not need assistants, because she loves to lead, and her partner’s opinion will have to be taken into account.

Mentality and health

Angelina is a phlegmatic person. She understands people well, but tries not to interfere in anyone's life, even if she is asked to do so. She firmly believes that every person should be able to make their own decisions and take full responsibility for them. Angelina’s equanimity, coldness and restraint often repel people who consider this woman narcissistic and selfish. This opinion is partly true, but few people know that behind these qualities lies a kind and sympathetic nature that will not refuse to help anyone.

Angelina does not particularly take care of her health, especially at a young age, which can negatively affect the development of the spinal region and the functioning of the nervous system. Angelina's health is very precarious due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she was prone to colds. If you do not learn to cope with increased emotionality, then by adulthood a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible. She should also pay attention to the functioning of the pancreas.

Love and sex

Temperamental and passionate Angelina dreams of true love, in which there is no betrayal and lies. At the same time, dreamers, philosophers and romantics are not her profile. She prefers decisive suitors who know what they want and boldly go towards their goal. For the sake of such a strong and courageous man, Angelina is ready to go to great lengths. Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and completely enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. Attaches great importance to details: a romantic and comfortable environment, additional surroundings, attentiveness and affection. Men do not ignore Angelina, but they are in no hurry to build a serious relationship with her, because they are afraid of her coldness.

Passionate Angelina prefers variety in her intimate life, so she is interested in experienced partners who can give her new emotions and sensations. She strives to receive pleasure, and at the same time does not forget about her partner. If her sex life does not suit her, then she will not tolerate it, but will break off relations with her old partner and find a new one. From physical intimacy, Angelina expects a feeling of happiness, as well as the joy of being. Monotony depresses her and makes her irritable.

Family and marriage

Romantically inclined Angelina is capable of searching for her soul mate all her life. To start a family, she is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in her first marriage she makes a mistake about the chosen candidate, she cannot live with him, but embarks on a new search. She will give her love to a man who is strong in character and successful, who can not only provide her with a comfortable life, but also protect her from all misfortunes. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes an ideal wife - a loving, caring, devoted and magnificent mother.

Angelina is a warm and hospitable hostess, a faithful wife, and a caring mother. Her integrity and uncompromising nature can become an obstacle to family happiness. Therefore, to preserve the family, a woman needs to show diplomacy and gentleness, and a man needs to show understanding and patience. Often Angelina is able to give up her ambitions for the sake of her family and become a housewife, whose main goal is to provide comfort, warmth and coziness to her household.

Horoscope named after Angelina

Angelina-Aries ♈– cheerful, kind, friendly and sympathetic Angelina-Aries cannot live a day without communication. She cannot stand loneliness; she is always surrounded by many friends. This woman often idealizes those around her, which is why she herself suffers. Angelina-Aries plunges headlong into relationships, because she, like air, needs a close person nearby who will surround her with love and care. She will give her chosen one true and comprehensive love.

Angelina-Taurus ♉– you can always rely on the reliable, open and sympathetic Taurus Angelina, because she will always help with both advice and deeds. You can easily trust her with any secret, because she cannot stand gossip. For her partner, Angelina-Taurus will become a wonderful and faithful wife who will share with him all the sorrows and joys. The main thing is that her chosen one is a sincere, open and honest person who lives in harmony with his conscience.

Angelina-Gemini ♊– this woman has a difficult character, which not everyone can understand. She is hardworking and efficient, while she tries to diversify her leisure time by visiting friends. But even in a cheerful company, Angelina-Gemini feels lonely. She is looking for ideal love, so she does not build a serious relationship for a long time. There is a likely chance that this woman will start a family at a fairly mature age, when she gets tired of waiting for her prince on a white horse.

Angelina-Cancer ♋– shy, very timid, but at the same time incredibly charming and feminine Angelina-Cancer attracts men’s attention, but not everyone will be able to win her trust, much less love. It requires a special approach, including approval and praise. And in general, Angelina-Cancer should learn to take life more easily, become liberated and independent, only in this case will she be able to find her feminine happiness.

Angelina-Leo ♌– this woman has a special charm that can’t help but endear her. At the same time, Angelina-Leo knows about her magnetism and knows how to use it. Moreover, she has such a quality as selfishness, so she does not consider it anything shameful that she prefers to take, but not give. For those who point out this flaw to her, Angelina-Leo points to the door. In her personal life, she needs a man who will encourage her cult of herself in every possible way.

Angelina-Virgo ♍ is a versatile personality who is very demanding not only of others, but also of himself. Angelina-Virgo always worries about her mistakes and mistakes, which negatively affects her nervous system. In addition, this woman absolutely does not know how to relax and forget about her problems, even for a while. She needs an active, energetic and cheerful man who can distract her from the drabness of everyday life and teach her to relax.

Angelina-Libra ♎– tactful and diplomatic Angelina-Libra encourages communication. She is open, delicate and non-conflicting. Thanks to her erudition, this woman can easily support a conversation on any topic. Angelina-Libra is an excellent listener and adviser. She needs an equally sincere and good-natured person who will understand her perfectly and share her views on life. This caring and gentle woman is often happily married.

Angelina-Scorpio ♏ is an uncommunicative and reserved woman who does not seek entertainment and avoids noisy companies. She is demanding and strict, and does not forgive the mistakes of others. Public opinion means nothing to Angelina-Scorpio, so she does not strive to please everyone around her. Men are afraid of her authority and coldness, so it is extremely difficult for this woman to build a happy and harmonious personal life.

Angelina-Sagittarius ♐– cheerfulness, energy and optimism are inherent in Angelina, born under the sign of Sagittarius. She loves cheerful and noisy feasts, guests are always welcome in her house, and she herself does not mind spending time in the company of friends. But an overly frivolous attitude to life can lead to the fact that in the end Angelina-Sagittarius will be left alone with her problems, especially with regard to her personal life. After all, men view her more as a friend, and not as a potential wife.

Angelina-Capricorn ♑– This woman is characterized by practicality, seriousness and pragmatism. She is not prone to lengthy thoughts about life and unrealistic dreams. On the contrary, all of Angelina-Capricorn’s plans are quite realistic and achievable. She spends a lot of time at work, so she often has neither the strength nor desire for her personal life, which can ultimately result in loneliness. Angelina Capricorn should learn to separate work and personal life if she wants to find family happiness.

Angelina-Aquarius ♒– this woman knows the art of communication perfectly, which helps her both in the professional sphere and in her personal life. Angelina-Aquarius knows how to empathize, so many people go to her with their problems. Despite the fact that this woman is well aware of her advantages, she never uses them for selfish purposes. Her beloved man and children occupy a dominant role in her life, for their sake she is ready to forget about work and career.

Angelina-Pisces ♓ is a creative person who leads a bohemian lifestyle, in which there is no place for the realities of modernity. So, Angelina-Pisces lives in a world of beauty and illusions, in the world of love stories, painting and theater. She is attracted to smart, tactful, intelligent and courteous men, devoid of arrogance and rudeness. In a relationship, Angelina-Pisces is gentle, caring, loving and faithful, which any real man will appreciate.

Compatibility of the name Angelina with male names

Angelina and Dmitry– in this bright union two independent and independent personalities come together who do not know how to give in. As a result, their romance is very passionate, but often unpromising in terms of family life. Although if Dmitry and Angelina learn to compromise, then everything can work out.

Angelina and Alexander– this tandem consists of partners who complement each other in an amazing way. Their life together is like a holiday in which there is no place for loneliness and especially boredom. Angelina and Alexander are a wonderful union that will withstand any test.

Angelina and Evgeniy– both partners have fairly similar characters, which makes their tandem not only strong, but also stable. Evgeniy and Angelina easily find a way out of any current situation, and they always act together.

Angelina and Sergey– the domineering and capricious Angelina bears little resemblance to an angel. On the contrary, she tries to suppress Sergei, always imposing her opinion on him in everything. In addition, she tries to control his every move, which sooner or later leads to the breakup of the couple.

Angelina and Andrey– both Angelina and Andrey do not want to overwork to achieve their goal. They want to get everything, and at once, but in real life this is hardly possible. Material difficulties and the lack of a sense of novelty in a relationship can destroy this tandem.

Angelina and Alexey– the strength of the relationship between Angelina and Alexei is in great question, since the woman is trying to establish herself as a leader, while the man fundamentally disagrees with this. The outcome of the development of such relations is easy to predict.

Angelina and Yuri- this contradictory union can be very strong, or it can fall apart as soon as it is created. And it’s all because of the independent characters of Angelina and Yuri, who try to surpass each other in all areas of life.

Angelina and Ivan is a happy, calm and stable union in which Angelina and Ivan value family, family values ​​and each other. Both strive to develop as individuals, so they are always interested in being together, which is important for family relationships.

Angelina and Maxim– the impulsiveness and changeable moods of Angelina and Maxim initially stimulate their relationship, bringing brightness and novelty to them, but over time both get tired of the excess of passion. This couple lacks stability.

Angelina and Egor- energetic and strong in character, Angelina and Egor think, and, therefore, act in the same way. They will make not only a friendly and harmonious family, but also a promising working union, which is destined for prosperity.

Angelina and Roman– the relationship between Angelina and Roman is complex and contradictory, because the woman wants novelty and romance, but the man in this couple is not always ready to give her what she demands. The life of a hermit is closer to Roman’s heart, but he realizes it too late.

Angelina and Vladimir– stubborn Vladimir, despite his hard work, is not always able to provide the demanding Angelina with the lifestyle and level of comfort to which she is accustomed. Because of this, couples often have quarrels that can lead to separation.

Angelina and Denis– Initially, the tandem of Angelina and Denis develops very successfully: both partners complement each other, they are ambitious and ambitious. But soon the rivalry between them develops into open confrontation, which leads to a break.

Angelina and Artem– the multifaceted relationship between Angelina and Artem is built not only on a feeling of love, but also on friendship, mutual respect and complete trust. It is quite natural that this union is strong and durable.

Angelina and Anton- impetuous, impulsive and fickle Anton will not be able to become the ideal man for the practical, proud and independent Angelina, who will never forgive anyone for betrayal and lies. This tandem has no future.

Angelina and Mikhail– both partners are aimed at creating an ideal family that will become a real stronghold of love and understanding. A responsible attitude to the choice of the other half leads to the fact that Angelina and Mikhail create a strong union.

Angelina and Nikolay– this couple is an example of the fact that it is not always possible to build strong relationships on sexual compatibility. Angelina and Nikolai, despite their passionate love, cannot live together and lead a common life, their views on family are so different.

Angelina and Igor– freedom-loving Igor is sometimes quite selfish, and Angelina is proud and ambitious. She will not tolerate the betrayal of her chosen one and his frivolity, but will turn around and leave, even if the couple has children.

Angelina and Anatoly– Angelina’s temperament breaks against Anatoly’s wall of calm, but still, in this union there are often disagreements and stormy showdowns. But no quarrels can separate this loving couple, who quickly forget insults.

Angelina and Vyacheslav– Angelina and Vyacheslav put common interests, family traditions, trust and the desire to create a real family at the forefront of their lives. They value their feelings, which only increase over the years, making this tandem truly strong.

Angelina and Ilya– the man Ilya is hardworking and responsible, while Angelina is lazy and tries to protect herself from obligations. It is not surprising that against this background, serious disagreements often arise in couples, which ultimately lead to a break in the relationship.

Angelina and Vitaly- in these relationships there is a full range of feelings - from passionate love to all-consuming hatred, so it is doubly surprising that Angelina and Vitaly manage to build a fairly strong and stable relationship.

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of such an issue as the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that this female name is characterized by the presence of ancient Greek roots. According to the translation from Greek, the name Angelina means “messenger”, “messenger”.

In addition, there is also the same root name “angelos”, which in a mythological sense represents the meaning of the union of the gods Zeus and Artemis. Some linguistic experts express the opinion that this female name can also be translated as “like an angel.” Over the centuries-old history of this name, the Orthodox religion has somewhat modified the name Angelina.

However, the maximum variety of word forms on behalf of Angelina was achieved during the USSR era. This is due, first of all, to the penetration of Western trends into our country, even despite existing prohibitions. As a result, there are currently a significant number of names that are derived from the female name Angelina. These include Angelina, Angela, Angela, Angelica, Angelika.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Starting to look in more detail at the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that revealing the characteristics of this name for women perfectly explains all the pros and cons of the character of its bearer. To some extent, this will allow the parents of this person to find out the meaning of the name Angelina and choose this name.

In general, a woman bearing the name Angelina is a freedom-loving, stubborn person with a pronounced, strong willpower. Most often, all women named Angelina struggle with the need to remain patient, reasonable and sweet in the process of communication with the simultaneous lack of desire to come to terms with curbing their own explosive temperament.

The woman Angelina, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being considered, is constantly afraid to open up to the world around her, to flaunt the most ideal qualities of her character, as she assumes that this can backfire on her. A woman named Angelina finds it difficult to communicate with strangers, while feeling the need to remain faithful to her own behavioral principles and beliefs.

Characteristics of Angelina

Angelina is sure that the main principle of her entire destiny is the struggle for fair treatment. However, over the years, such zeal comes to an end. This is due to the fact that a woman named Angelina is convinced that she cannot change the world around her. A woman named Angelina tries to find harmony in her own soul in order to achieve a feeling of happiness in her life.

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that such a woman throughout her life demands quite a lot from those around her, while she herself does not fit the description of an ideal personality at all. For this reason, a woman named Angelina does not always do well at work, since this nature is characterized by natural laziness. Every woman bearing the name Angelina and born in winter is distinguished by a stubborn, intractable character.

In absolutely every life situation, Angelina is characterized by having her own opinion. The winter woman, named Angelina, does not fit the description of a highly moral nature. Such a person can easily deceive, while being completely unaffected by the pricks of his conscience. Most often, a woman named Angelina hides the main advantages of her character from the eyes of others, and only those closest to her have an idea of ​​their presence.

Angelina's childhood

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that the secret of the future success and happiness of such a child will be the parents’ mandatory combination of strict education methods and positive, meaningful joint communication. Such a child feels quite strongly the family atmosphere, as well as the relationships that reign between parents.

With such a child, there is no need to quarrel and make trouble, say any words that could offend, or make minor comments. This is precisely the most important condition for the correct development of little Angelina’s full-fledged worldview. If little Angelina’s dad and mom regularly argue and don’t get along very well with each other, then the child will eventually turn into a conflict-ridden, stubborn woman. Usually the character traits of a woman named Angelina correspond to the character traits of her mother.

Such a child simply loves to give orders, but is very reluctant to make concessions. Even a small trifle can “make” a child. Angelina is practically not interested in studying during her school years; she is not at all enthusiastic about the learning process. Such a child loves independent development and education more. Little Angelina is characterized by having a large amount of independence, i.e. she was used to relying solely on her own strength.

Besides this, the girl is not very active. She does not like to visit, but she is happy when guests come to her house. For this reason, the parents of the future girl should know the meaning of the name Angelina in order to have an idea of ​​​​what is expected of them in the future when choosing it.

Angelina's love relationship

It should be noted that in terms of intimacy, Angelina is a fairly versatile, passionate and loving person. This is confirmation that a woman named Angelina loves to experiment in sex, however, sometimes she is capable of experiencing a lack of emotions and inventions. A woman named Angelina is often capricious, domineering and very impatient in intimacy; all that matters to her is her own pleasure.

Very often, in order to receive a portion of fresh emotions, she is capable of betrayal. Angelina places increased demands on her significant other; if she doesn’t like him sexually, she will immediately leave him. In turn, a woman named Angelina knows the art of intimacy very well and always tries to improvise, which she also demands from her partner.

In general, the name Angelina, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, suggests that such a nature tries not to limit sex to direct intimacy and is completely immersed in love games. The woman named Angelina does not like partners who want to have sex immediately; she first needs a large amount of pleasure and obligatory foreplay. The most important thing for such a woman is to receive the highest pleasure, and not the standard relief of stress.

As for intimacy, a woman named Angelina is an egoistic person and tries to achieve only satisfaction for herself. But only then will he think about his own partner. From intimacy, a woman named Angelina wants to get a rise in her emotions, achieve harmony, happiness, and a feeling of joy.

Such a woman is capable of talking completely openly, without the slightest embarrassment, with representatives of the stronger sex about sex. Her love is an exciting, all-consuming feeling that also becomes available to Angelina’s partner. Such a nature knows perfectly well its own capabilities and abilities, and also masters the art of using them correctly.

Angelina's family life

When the meaning of the name Angelina for a girl was described, it was indicated that the character of this person is almost a complete copy of her mother. It is for this reason that there are certain subtleties in her family relationships. Angelina tries to subordinate everything that relates to the family sphere to her own leadership and can experience great disappointment if suddenly she is unable to do this.

A woman named Angelina strives to devote every free minute to her own family. In addition, such a woman will prove herself very well in terms of household chores, in other words, she does not at all mind spending a lot of time cooking at the stove. At the same time, a woman named Angelina is able to hire a housekeeping assistant.

As a mother, this woman loves her own children very much, for this reason she always spoils them greatly. Angelina wants to be an ideal wife for her own husband, treats him with the utmost respect, and is a faithful, reliable intimate partner for him.

Angelina's career

Revealing the details of the life of the woman described, it should be noted that the secret of the name Angelina indicates the possibility of such a person mastering absolutely any field of activity. This, in turn, means that a woman named Angelina is not able to stop in the face of emerging difficulties, although she tries to do all the work on her own, in splendid isolation.

A woman named Angelina does not welcome the rise in collective spirit, as well as its great cohesion. Such a woman could easily become an excellent boss, since she has the ability to both organize the work of a team and convince her subordinates of the correctness of her point of view. Angelina scares off other women with great ease, while among her male colleagues she very easily takes the position of leader.

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