Dishes high in fiber. What foods contain this beneficial fiber?

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Fiber is one of the best means for losing weight and maintaining normal intestinal function. Therefore, every person who cares about their health should include foods containing fiber in their daily diet in order to remove waste and toxins from the body and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. Today we will tell you which foods contain a lot of fiber.

Types of fiber

Fiber is divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Products rich in the first type of fiber are apples, cabbage, citrus fruits, broccoli, wholemeal flour, various berries, seeds, oats. This fiber can be turned into a jelly-like mass; it is more gentle on the stomach.

Insoluble plant fiber is found in foods such as legumes, grains (mainly in their shells), and in the peels of vegetables and fruits.

What foods contain fiber?

We have already talked about the benefits and norms of fiber consumption, you should have no doubt about the need to use it. An adult needs 20-30 grams of fiber to avoid problems with digestion, intestinal microflora, and the elimination of toxins and heavy metals. Therefore, it is important to know which foods contain fiber.

Products containing a lot of plant fiber are, first of all, stems, roots, fruits, tubers and leaves. The list of foods containing a lot of fiber starts with the vegetables we are used to. Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, peas, beans, broccoli, radishes are vegetables rich in fiber. Foods containing fiber include fruits, berries and nuts. Especially pear, apple, grapes, peaches, pistachios and figs.

But the highest fiber content is in foods such as buckwheat, oatmeal and other types of whole grains. Bread with bran is especially useful. Now you know which foods contain plant fiber.

Please note that foods containing a lot of fiber must be consumed fresh and should not be cooked. Avoid the following additives in foods: inulin, polydextrose, maltodextrin.

Many people consume milk, fish, meat, cheese, thinking that they are enriching their body with healthy fiber, but we note that these are products that do not contain fiber.

Amount of fiber in food

Below is a list of foods high in fiber. The amount of fiber in products is indicated per 100 grams:

  • Beans and peas - 15%;
  • White rice and wheat - 8%;
  • Oats and barley - 8-10%;
  • Nuts, almonds, olives -10-15%;
  • Fresh vegetables - 2-5%. Vegetables with the most fiber: green peas, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, carrots;
  • Berries - 3-7%. Raspberries and blackberries contain the most fiber;
  • Fruits and citrus fruits - 5-10%. The following fruits contain the most fiber: bananas, peaches, pears and apples.

Products containing fiber: table

If you don't know what fiber contains, the table below will help you figure it out. We present to your attention foods containing fiber: the table is very simple, you can quickly create your own diet by including foods that contain fiber.

Name Quantity Fiber (grams)
Apples with skin 1 average 5,0
Apricot 3 medium 0,98
Apricots, dried 5 parts 2,89
Banana 1 medium 3,92
Blueberry 1 cup 4,18
Cantaloupe, cubes 1 cup 1,28
Dried dates 2 medium 3,74
Grapefruit 1/2 medium 6,12
Orange 1 medium 3,4
Peach 1 medium 2,0
Peaches, dried 3 parts 3,18
Pear 1 medium 5,08
Plum 1 medium 1,0
Raisin 1.5 ounces 1,6
Raspberries 1 cup 8,34
Strawberry 1 cup 3,98
Avocado (fruit) 1 medium 11,84
Beets, cooked 1 cup 2,85
Beet leaves 1 cup 4,2
Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 2,76
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 4,5
Brussels sprouts 1 cup 2,84
Cabbage, cooked 1 cup 4,2
Carrot 1 medium 2,0
Carrots, cooked 1 cup 5,22
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup 3,43
Slaw 1 cup 4,0
Sweet corn 1 cup 4,66
Green bean 1 cup 3,95
Celery 1 stem 1,02
Collard greens, cooked 1 cup 7,2
Fresh onions 1 cup 2,88
Peas, cooked 1 cup 8,84
Bell pepper 1 cup 2,62
Popcorn 3 cups 3,6
Potatoes baked in their jackets 1 medium 4,8
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 4,32
Pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 2,52
Sweet potatoes, boiled 1 cup 5,94
Chard, cooked 1 cup 3,68
Tomato 1 medium 1,0
Large-fruited pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 5,74
Zucchini, cooked 1 cup 2,63
Cereals, grains, pasta
Bran bread 1 cup 19,94
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 2,0
Oats 1 cup 12,0
Whole grain pasta 1 cup 6,34
Cinnamon rice 1 cup 7,98
Legumes, nuts, seeds
Almond 1 oz (28.35 g) 4,22
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 14,92
Cashew nuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 1,0
Flax seeds 3 spoons 6,97
Chickpea fruits (beans), cooked 1 cup 5,8
Beans, cooked 1 cup 13,33
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 15,64
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 13,16
Peanut 1 oz (28.35 g) 2,3
Pistachios 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1
Pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup 4,12
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 7,62
Seeds 1/4 cup 3,0
Walnuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1

You have probably heard many times about fiber and its benefits for the body. But complete and reliable information about this substance, which is often scattered across the Internet, cannot always be found in the required volume. Therefore, in this article we have prepared useful material that maximally reveals all the properties, benefits and features of fiber.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a nutritional element in the form of small dietary fibers. It should be noted that it does not saturate the human body with a charge of energy, however, it is very important in the functioning of the human body.

Contains mainly fibrous cellulose in plant food products, which contain a small amount of sugar. This element “works” for the benefit of the body, combining with other nutritional components. It is noteworthy that it inhibits the absorption of consumed fats, as well as proteins and carbohydrates. This means that such dietary fibers are actively help you get rid of extra pounds. This also means that it is not recommended for those who want to gain weight to consume fiber.

The benefit of fiber is to slow down the process of digesting food, therefore slowing down the processing of carbohydrates by enzymes. Eating soluble fiber reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

Types of dietary fiber and their content in different products

Insoluble fiber. It is contained in bran, grains(which were not processed), seeds, legumes, nuts, cauliflower and broccoli, as well as in the peels of various fruits and vegetables.

The beneficial properties include accelerating the digestion and movement of food. Often such fibers are used to prevent constipation and relieve the condition when it occurs. In addition, they effectively restore balance in the body's microflora.

Soluble fiber. Contained in beans, legumes, lentils, oats, barley, raisins, avocados, berries, apples, pears and peaches.

List of foods containing fiber:

Products, 100 g dry Cellulose
Bran 40-45 g
Flax-seed 25-30 g
Dried mushrooms 20-25 g
Dried fruits 12-15 g
Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) 9-13 g
Whole wheat bread 8-9 g
Various berries (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.) 5-8 g
Avocado 7 g
Sweet fruits (peaches, pears, oranges, strawberries, etc.) 2-4 g

Benefits of consuming fiber

1. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels are normalized.

2. The microflora is restored and maintained normally. At the same time, many pathogenic organisms become uncomfortable in it, as a result of which they die

3. Toxins are removed from the intestines.

4. The functioning of the digestive system improves.

5. Weight loss.

In addition, representatives of science have found that fiber reduces the risk of death from heart and vascular diseases. To do this, you need to consume 210 grams per day.

If we compare our present century and past centuries, then life has changed greatly and dramatically. The rapid development of science and technology has made human life different from what our ancestors had. Yes, time does not stand still, but what has always been and will be relevant? That's right, health and beauty, and now the trend of self-care has become popular. And one of the frequently asked questions is what foods contain fiber, why is it indispensable for us? And if you came for answers, you will find them further; the article promises to be interesting.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of vegetables, fruits and berries.

So, in recent years, many diseases have become very, so to speak, younger. Scientists are sounding the alarm; everywhere we hear that nutrition and stress can ruin our health. Haste has become a habitual way of life. The marketing plan for the promotion of semi-finished products, instant food and other “heat in the microwave for a couple of minutes and you’ll be full” products brought enormous profits to shopping centers. Well, what about our health? But it has weakened, because we would rather eat something harmful, just quickly, otherwise we have to run to work, it is better to buy instant porridge for children than to cook it with natural milk with our own hands or choose products with fiber for the intestines, and so on.

You understand perfectly well what we are talking about, because most of us live like this and think that it’s time to change something when alarm signals from the stomach, intestines, and the entire gastrointestinal tract have already begun. Well, what can we do, our mentality is “until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself,” many will say. But life is priceless and alone, and time is an irreplaceable resource, so you need to choose food wisely, and most importantly, develop a good habit. Have you heard about coarse fibers in food? Something somewhere, it seems, but you can’t explain exactly what’s what? It's time to broaden your horizons and find out everything related to this issue, and at the same time look at the table at the end of the article, there is a list about fiber, which products contain it and how much.

What are coarse fibers or cellulose?

We know that plant foods are much healthier for our body than animal products. Our ancestors knew about this thousands of years ago, and traditional medicine healers have knowledge about this in our time. Plant foods can not only give us food, but also heal us from a number of diseases. Sometimes healers say that each illness has its own herb, and it grows next to the person. Nature gives us fruits and plants, they contain many different macro- and microelements, vitamins and, of course, fiber. What is it and how does it work?
Fibers in products of plant origin that have a hollow structure are what we are talking about today, that is, fiber. These fibers intertwine and form a certain mass, which is a necessary component for our body. This is the rough part in plant foods, and our body cannot digest it. Absorption takes a long time, after which these fibers are eliminated naturally. Products rich in fiber must be in our diet in the required quantities, otherwise the body will fail over the years.

There are two types of fiber:

  1. Soluble. These substances, when entering our body, take a lot of water, after which they become like jelly. These are pectin, resins, alginates.
  2. Insoluble. These fibers do not disintegrate and do not change their structure. They simply swell with moisture, like spongy material, and are then expelled from the body. These are lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose also belongs to insoluble fiber.

Why is this happening? By eating food every day, especially unhealthy, unhealthy food in large quantities, we do not fill the body with health. Yes, we satisfy the feeling of hunger and thirst, but the energy and benefits are minimal, and this is at best. More often, food for most people is toxins, waste, cholesterol and excess weight, fat deposits, clogged blood vessels and other negative consequences. Our stomach is simply not able to cope with such a diet for years, and as a result, illnesses begin. That’s why you need coarse fiber; you’ll find out what foods contain it below. But for now let’s talk about the consequences of the shortage.

What can happen to your health if you don’t have fiber products in your diet?

Let's start with the main thing for all of us - appearance. We may not notice pain in the side or discomfort in the stomach, but if the skin is covered with acne and inflammation, then this is a problem. This is a wrong approach, but still, if you are the kind of person for whom appearance always comes first, then you should think about the fact that all skin rashes, sallow color, acne and other troubles appear in those who have a “dirty” body. We hope you understand that dirty means polluted, filled with toxins, undigested food.

For information! By eating unhealthy and heavy food before bed, you do not allow the body to rest; it cannot cope with digestion, absorption is minimal, and large residues remain. Further, they are not excreted - the food rots, ferments, and gives off a foul odor inside, which can often be smelled from the mouth in the morning.

It’s an unpleasant situation, but it’s true, and yet it’s necessary to eat right so that nothing rots or ferments in your body. Fiber helps us with this; it removes these residues, removing them naturally. Then toxins will not come to the surface, strewing our face and body with ugly pimples and inflammations.

But that's not all. Stagnation of food leads to constipation, which, in turn, leads to an even more unpleasant problem - hemorrhoids. Again, the food remains in the body, and its intoxication begins. A person may feel sick, feel bad, the body does not feel energy, there is no strength. Against this background, our nervous system also suffers, because life productivity decreases both at work and simply at home. Appearance suffers, skin becomes dull. Of course, a person experiences stress against this background.

Attention! It won’t be enough to just start eating a lot of fiber if you still consume junk food, alcohol, and nicotine. You need to work on your health and appearance in a complex way - healthy food, sports, good moral and spiritual state.

Products containing fiber are also important for pregnant women. Their body must be clean, and it's not just about appearance. The child must develop in a favorable environment. Also, during pregnancy, problems in the intestines are often observed, and after childbirth, constipation and the same hemorrhoids are often added to this. The issue is delicate, but it needs to be talked about. The fiber contained in foods, in the right foods, will help you recover quickly and make your mother’s life easier, and her gastrointestinal condition will be good.

Of course, pathogenic microflora multiply in a polluted body, and this, as has long been known, causes various diseases, and the worst thing is oncology. Cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, increased gas formation, bloating, bad breath, and atherosclerosis can also often occur.

Important! You should not sharply increase your fiber intake; consistency and gradualness are needed here. Due to a sharp excess of fiber, diarrhea and other consequences may begin. The daily fiber intake per day is 20-30 grams, you can take a little more - up to 50 grams.

Fiber helps our health

By listing the harm we do to our bodies by not eating high-fiber foods, we've let you know the consequences, but that's not all that fiber in plant foods can do.

  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improving.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • Fiber can help you lose weight, and nutritionists often prescribe foods containing it during a diet.
  • Struggling with hunger, a person eats less.
  • The level of sugar in the blood is normalized. It may also decrease.
  • Cleaning from harmful substances.
  • Normalization of peristalsis.
  • Cleansing lymph and blood from harmful cholesterol.
  • It prevents a number of diseases, including the cardiovascular system and oncology.
  • Improves external condition, fills with energy and vitality.

We hope you understand all the benefits of such irreplaceable and, at first glance, invisible components of plant foods for our health. Whether you are a man or a woman, vegetables, fruits and more should be a priority on your table. Read in the next section exactly which foods contain fiber; also below you will find a table that will show how much fiber is contained in what, and how much of this product you should eat. Remember that a minimum of 20 grams is needed per day.

How to make up for fiber deficiency or foods containing it

Dried fruits

This entire large group of products is very healthy; there is a lot of fiber. If you include dried raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs and others in your diet, for example, adding a handful to your morning porridge, then your gastrointestinal tract will “thank you.” Dried fruits are of great benefit, in general, for the whole body, but remember that they contain a lot of calories and those who are losing weight do not need to get carried away with this delicacy.

Vegetables rich in fiber

Just like dried fruits, vegetables are rich in fiber. But the most useful here are greens, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers and cabbage, carrots, and beets. Of course, there is fiber in potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, radishes, and the favorites are legumes. Tomatoes also contain fiber, you can find out the amount in the table below.

An important rule in eating food rich in plant fibers is good and repeated chewing. It is also worth noting that vegetables, as well as fruits, lose many useful components, including fiber, after heat treatment. Therefore, try to eat more fresh, raw products.


As for nuts, there is a lot of fiber, as well as other useful components. Nuts, like legumes, can replace meat for those who decide not to eat it. They are nutritious, tasty, and the record holders for fiber of plant origin are almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Fruits rich in fiber

Most natural products, be it herbs or berries, mushrooms, vegetables and, of course, fruits, contain a storehouse of everything that is necessary and useful for us. For excellent digestion and intestinal cleansing, eat more grapes, raspberries, apples, pears, peaches and bananas. All of them contain fiber in varying quantities.

For information! People often wonder, what about juices? Are they also useful? The fact is that if the juices have been processed, then the fiber in them is no longer retained. It is also not found in milk or eggs. Food of animal origin does not contain plant fiber.


We all know about porridge from childhood. People who care about their diet, figure, and health know that it is necessary to eat cereals. And if we talk about fiber, it’s there too. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley are full of everything we need, but there is an important rule here too. Processed cereals, like vegetables, lose most of their benefits. The healthiest porridges are those made from whole grains.

In general, you understand that plant fiber is found in various types of foods. You should include vegetables and fruits, cereals in your diet, and snack not on unhealthy chips or sandwiches, but on nuts. By changing your diet, you will feel that you have more strength and energy, and you will no longer have the desire to consume something unhealthy, especially alcohol. Activity should also enter your life. All this is a matter of habit, whether they are harmful or useful, but they can be strengthened through daily repetition. Well, then look at the table of fiber content in various foods and fruits.

Fiber content in foods

Fiber, gr.Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.



Fresh peas

Wheat bread made from 1st grade flour


Corn flour

Wheat flour 2 grades

Dried white mushrooms

Pasta made from 1st grade flour

Premium wheat flour

Buckwheat flour


Oat flour

Rye flour

Whole grain bread

Pine nuts


Oat bran

Sweet corn

Wheat bran

Canned corn

Rice cereal

Wheat bread made from wallpaper flour

Fresh mushrooms

Premium flour pasta

Wheat flour 1st grade



Barley grits

Bread made from premium flour

Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.





Sea ​​buckthorn


Bulgarian pepper

You can find out what fiber is and what foods contain it by reading our article. Fiber is a unique type of dietary fiber that is transformed in the stomach into sucrose molecules and, without decomposing, is excreted from the body. Fiber should be an essential part of our diet. An adult should eat about 20-30, but not less than 15 grams of fiber every day. If a person is engaged in heavy physical labor or is fond of sports, his body’s need for fiber increases to 40 grams per day.

Sources of fiber are common foods and artificially synthesized food additives (BAS). It is better to divide your daily fiber intake into several meals. The absorption of fiber by the body is influenced by several factors: this is the general state of health, the quality of the products, and the method of their preparation (during heat treatment, the fiber softens, and it is easier for the body to absorb it).

The benefits and harms of fiber in nutrition

The diet of modern people includes few foods rich in coarse fibers. We increasingly prefer to eat out somewhere (fast food), ready-made frozen foods and restaurant dinners, forgetting about vegetables and fruits. Meanwhile, even the highest quality nutritional supplements will not help compensate for the deficiency of fiber obtained from natural foods.

Excess weight, diseases of the cardiovascular system and - this is the deplorable result of an unhealthy diet low in coarse fiber. Fiber stimulates digestion and intestinal peristalsis - it is easier for the body to remove undigested food residues when there is fiber in the diet. When there is a shortage of it in the intestines, fermentation processes begin, which leads to constipation and flatulence.

However, for the health of the body it is important to eat varied and at the same time moderate. Too much coarse fiber in the diet interferes with the absorption of other beneficial substances from food. Once in the digestive system, fiber tends to increase in size at least twice. Some products containing fiber (for example, bran) can increase 5 times.

The minimal consequences for the body that result from uncontrolled consumption of coarse fibers are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and bloating. If you decide to enrich your daily diet with high-fiber foods, start doing it gradually, start with small portions and gradually increase your fiber intake to the norm.

Although fiber is digested and absorbed slowly, it is difficult to overestimate its benefits for our body:

  • it normalizes the work of the housing and utilities complex;
  • supports intestinal microflora, thereby increasing its peristalsis;
  • promotes weight loss as it slows down the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • helps cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • helps remove harmful substances and heavy metals from the body;
  • prevents cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Main types and characteristics of fiber

Fiber is divided into two types:

  1. Soluble - has a relatively gentle effect on the digestive organs; in the intestines it turns into a viscous gel-like substance, which slows down the absorption of food and reduces. Soluble fiber is found in foods such as: carrots, apples, broccoli and cabbage, citrus fruits, wholemeal flour, cereals (oats, barley and rye), legumes (peas, beans, lentils), a variety of berries, sunflower seeds ).
  2. Insoluble fiber has the opposite effect - it swells when it enters the stomach and intestines, thereby speeding up the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This is what determines the mild laxative effect of fiber. In addition, insoluble fiber restores intestinal microflora and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Insoluble fiber is found in bran, legumes, peels of vegetables and fruits, shells of cereal plants, nuts and seeds).

If we consider the types of fiber in more detail, we can distinguish the following types:

  1. pectins (intercellular carbohydrates),
  2. gums (walls and seeds of tropical plants),
  3. cellulose (plant cell walls),
  4. mucus (plant seeds and algae),
  5. hemicellulose,
  6. lignin


What foods contain fiber (table)?

Every person who cares about their health should know foods rich in fiber in order to include them in their diet daily. In general terms, we can say that plants, their leaves, fruits, stems, tubers and roots are rich in fiber. Sources of plant fiber content are cereals, vegetables and fruits, berries and nuts.

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The foods richest in fiber include:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • whole grain bread and baked goods with bran.

To make it more convenient for you to plan your daily diet and make a shopping list, we have compiled a convenient table. Now you will know which foods contain a lot of fiber. You can print the chart and hang it in your kitchen, and it is also convenient to take with you while shopping.

Foods rich in plant fiberList of High Fiber Foods
Cereals and grain-based products contain the most fiberWhole wheat and bran breads, whole wheat pasta, oats, brown (unrefined) rice.
VegetablesBeets, avocados, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts, corn, carrots, green beans, celery root, onions, bell peppers, green peas, potatoes with skin, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant.
LegumesBeans, lentils, soybeans.
Nuts and seedsAlmonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
FruitsApples, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates), apricots, bananas, melon, grapefruit, peaches, oranges, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries.
GreeneryLettuce, parsley, dill, green onion, fennel, asparagus, celery, spinach.

There are products that do not contain coarse fibers. These include all food of animal origin: meat and fish, dairy and fermented milk products and cheeses. Such products are not considered fiber.

If you want to get the maximum health benefits from fiber, try to eat it along with foods that contain beta-carotenes, vitamins E and C. Try to get fiber from a variety of sources, making sure that all foods containing this substance are included in equal amounts in your diet. Fiber is contraindicated in infants and people with gastrointestinal diseases. Fiber is an essential component of a modern healthy diet. Include it regularly in your diet, and you will soon notice an improvement in your health.

Now everyone knows that whole grain bread is healthier than white bread, long-cooked cereals are better than processed ones, and cabbage hardly raises sugar and is incredibly useful for diabetes. All of these foods contain large amounts of fiber.

It is important to know! A new product recommended by endocrinologists for Constant control of Diabetes! All you need is every day...

It is not digestible in the stomach, has no nutritional value, and does not provide the body with any energy. Despite all these “no”, and in many ways thanks to them, fiber can prevent some diseases of the digestive system, help fight obesity and keep diabetes under control. Let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties of fiber, which foods are rich in it, how much you need and can consume per day.

What is fiber

Fiber, or otherwise cellulose, belongs to the group of dietary fibers. It is a polysaccharide that lines the walls of plant cells. Its main functions are supportive and protective; it is a kind of plant skeleton. Most fiber is found in tree trunks and fibrous grasses, such as flax. In food products, cellulose is distributed unevenly, the main part is located in the stems, peel, and seed shell.

Diabetes and blood pressure surges will be a thing of the past

Diabetes is the cause of almost 80% of all strokes and amputations. 7 out of 10 people die due to blockages in the arteries of the heart or brain. In almost all cases, the reason for such a terrible end is the same - high blood sugar.

You can and should beat sugar, there is no other way. But this in no way cures the disease itself, but only helps fight the consequence, not the cause of the disease.

The only medicine that is officially recommended for the treatment of diabetes and is also used by endocrinologists in their work is.

The effectiveness of the drug, calculated according to the standard method (the number of recovered patients to the total number of patients in a group of 100 people undergoing treatment) was:

  • Normalization of sugar – 95%
  • Elimination of vein thrombosis – 70%
  • Eliminate palpitations – 90%
  • Relief from high blood pressure - 92%
  • Increased vigor during the day, improved sleep at night - 97%

Manufacturers are not a commercial organization and are financed with government support. Therefore, now every resident has the opportunity.

Man has always consumed a lot of fiber, since his diet has always been based on plant foods. In the summer these were fresh vegetables, in the winter they were pickled or those that could be stored in cellars for a long time. The digestive tract is accustomed to coping with large volumes of roughage and has adapted its work to a diet rich in fiber.

Nowadays, our table is dominated by foods low in fiber, but the proportion of refined sugars is high. As a result, we consume more calories than we need, food takes too long to digest, poisons the body with toxins, constipation is common, and short-term increases in blood glucose regularly occur. Such nutrition is the cause of disturbances in the usual metabolism and an increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus.

How does it work

The role of fiber in the human body:

  1. Foods that are rich in fiber require chewing longer, which releases saliva, digestive juices, and bile. The body prepares for normal digestion of food.
  2. Long chewing cleanses teeth and massages gums. Thus, fiber begins to provide benefits in the oral cavity.
  3. Intestinal motility improves. Dietary fiber facilitates the movement of foods through the gastrointestinal tract, forming a lump together with other food, which is easier for the contracting intestinal walls to push forward.
  4. Fiber creates bulk without adding calories. Therefore, the feeling of fullness occurs faster, the person does not overeat. Foods rich in fiber help you lose weight.
  5. Thanks to the same volume, the intestines are emptied more often, constipation and intoxication do not occur, which reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids and rectal cancer, and reduces the formation of gases.
  6. Fiber binds and removes some of the cholesterol from foods and bile acids from the body. This reduces the risk of the most common complications of diabetes – vascular disease.
  7. Fiber feeds the bacteria that make up the intestinal microflora. They fight putrefactive microorganisms, produce amino acids and some vitamins.
  8. And finally, fiber slows down the absorption of sugars from the intestines. Glucose in the blood increases gradually, the pancreas does not have to function in emergency mode. Thanks to this, existing insulin resistance does not arise or is reduced, and diabetes compensation is easier to achieve.

Best Sources of Fiber

It is customary to group food products into groups depending on their origin and nutritional value. Similar products contain approximately the same amount of fiber. We can safely say that a cup of fruit will contain about 2 g of fiber, vegetables - 3 g, legumes - 4 g, and a meat dish will have none at all. But in each group there are also champions for the presence of dietary fiber. It’s worth basing your diet on them in order to get the missing amount of fiber.

Vegetables and greens

If you have diabetes, vegetables and greens should be the main source of fiber in your diet. Preference should be given to raw vegetables, since some dietary fiber is lost during heat treatment.

Record-breaking vegetables for fiber content:

  • avocado;
  • green pea;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • green beans;
  • parsley;
  • eggplant;
  • broccoli;
  • beets and their tops;
  • carrot.

Cereals and pasta

The consumption of cereals for diabetes is limited, so you need to choose the healthiest ones, which have fewer carbohydrates and more fiber:

  • barley;
  • whole oatmeal (not flakes);
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley

When preparing porridge, try not to overcook it in order to preserve maximum dietary fiber. Cooking in a thermos is considered the best: pour boiling water over the washed cereal in the evening and leave until the morning.

Whole grain pasta is better; it contains much more fiber - 8% versus 3.5% in pasta made from premium flour.


There is quite a lot of fiber in legumes: 11-13% in soybeans, beans, lentils, peas; about 9% in peanuts and chickpeas. Despite their high carbohydrate content, legumes can be an excellent side dish or soup component for diabetics.

Fruits and juices

Fruits are eaten without peeling, since the peel contains the most fiber. For example, an average apple has 4 grams of fiber, but the same apple, but peeled, has only 2.

Best fiber-rich fruits for diabetics:

  • black currant;
  • pear;
  • apple;
  • orange;
  • strawberry;
  • grapefruit;
  • cherry plum

In juices, due to the peculiarities of production technology, the fiber content is expressed in fractions of a percent (about 0.2), most of all in tomato juice - 0.8%. Things are better with juices with added pulp - they contain up to 1.2% dietary fiber. But in any case, juices cannot be a source of fiber.

Nuts, seeds and their oils

There is not as much fiber in nuts as is commonly thought - from 2 (cashews) to 12% (almonds). Given their high calorie content (about 600 kcal), it will not be possible to get enough dietary fiber from them.

Sunflower seeds contain 5% fiber, but any vegetable oil contains no cellulose, all of it remains in production waste - cake.

Animal products

Milk and products made from it, eggs, meat, offal and fish do not contain fiber, so it is advisable to accompany their consumption with a serving of vegetables.

High Fiber Foods Chart

List of products with data on their calorie, fiber and carbohydrate content:

Food product Calorie content, kcal Fiber, in g per 100 g Carbohydrates, in g per 100 g
apricots 44 2,1 9,0
avocado 160 6,7 8,5
cherry plum 34 1,8 7,9
orange 43 2,2 8,1
peanut 567 8,6 16,1
watermelon 30 0,5 7,6
eggplant 25 3,1 5,9
banana 122 2,3 31,9
broccoli 34 2,6 6,6
Brussels sprouts 43 3,8 9,0
oyster mushrooms 33 2,3 6,1
grape 72 1,6 15,4
cherry 52 1,8 10,6
dry peas 298 11,2 49,5
fresh green peas 55 5,5 8,3
grapefruit 35 1,9 6,5
Walnut 654 6,7 13,7
buckwheat 343 10,0 71,5
pear 47 2,9 10,3
melon 35 1,0 7,4
zucchini 19 1,0 4,6
White cabbage 30 2,1 4,7
cabbage 21 1,3 2,0
cauliflower 32 2,2 4,2
potato 77 1,5 16,3
pine nut 673 3,8 13,2
cashew 600 2,0 22,5
strawberry 33 2,0 7,7
kohlrabi 44 1,8 7,9
corn grits 328 4,8 71,0
leek 61 1,8 14,2
bulb onions 41 3,0 8,2
pasta, premium flour 338 3,7 70,5
pasta, whole grain flour 348 8,3 75,0
mandarin 38 2,0 7,5
semolina 333 3,6 70,6
almond 575 12,3 21,7
carrot 32 2,4 6,9
chickpeas 309 9,9 46,2
oatmeal 342 8,0 59,5
cucumber 14 1,1 2,5
Bulgarian pepper 29 1,0 6,7
pearl barley 315 7,8 66,9
parsley 36 3,3 6,3
sunflower 601 5,0 10,5
millet 342 3,6 66,5
radish 21 1,6 3,4
black radish 41 2,1 6,7
rice 333 3,0 74,0
iceberg lettuce 14 1,3 3,0
beet 42 2,6 8,8
plum 49 1,5 9,6
black currant 44 4,9 7,3
pineapple juice 53 0,3 12,9
Orange juice 47 0,3 11,0
tomato juice 21 0,8 4,1
Apple juice 46 0,2 11,4
soybeans 364 13,5 17,3
tomato 20 0,8 4,2
pumpkin 22 2,1 4,4
green beans 23 3,5 3,0
dry beans 298 12,4 47,0
dates 292 6,0 69,2
hazelnut 628 9,7 16,7
lentils 295 11,5 46,3
Champignon 22 0,7 4,3
spinach 23 2,2 3,6
apples 52 2,4 13,8
cell 313 8,1 65,4

Every day an adult's diet should include from 20 to 40 g of fiber.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Institute of Diabetology - Tatyana Yakovleva

I have been studying the problem of diabetes for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to report good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences managed to develop a medicine that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 98%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved adoption, which compensates for the high cost of the drug. Diabetics in Russia until February 23 can get it - For only 147 rubles!

Statistics show that 80% of the population does not receive this standard. Consumption of less than 16 grams increases the risk of vascular disease by 1.5 times and does not allow you to control blood sugar in diabetes, even if the patient adheres to a special diet and diligently counts carbohydrates.

Whether your body gets enough fiber can be determined by the frequency of bowel movements. If feces are excreted every day without tricks in the form of laxatives or prunes, there is enough dietary fiber in the diet. Food without the required amount of fiber can linger in the intestines for more than 3 days.

How to Increase Your Fiber Intake

How to change your diet to get enough fiber:

  1. Keep track of what products end up on your table. Give preference to natural ones, do not buy semi-finished products.
  2. Reduce cooking time for fiber-rich foods.
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. People with increased water weight need even more. Volume of fluid consumed per day = weight x 30 ml.
  4. For diabetes snacks, use whole, unpeeled fruits rather than fruit desserts.
  5. Fill your diet with dietary fiber gradually, over a couple of weeks, so that the gastrointestinal tract has time to adapt to the changes.
  6. Make it a habit to always have fresh vegetables in the refrigerator and make at least 2 salads a day from them.
  7. Do not use a blender to blend foods rich in fiber, as this will impair its effect.
  8. Check to see if you started eating more carbohydrates after changing your diet. Check your blood sugar regularly and monitor other diabetes management parameters.

Effect on weight loss

Filling the gastrointestinal tract and swelling in it, fiber acts on receptors that are located on the walls of the stomach and notify the brain that there is enough food in it. At the same time, the person experiences a feeling of satiety.

There are diets that exploit this effect. They use only foods that are especially rich in fiber, or add cellulose from the pharmacy to low-calorie foods. For example, a kefir diet - drink 4 glasses of kefir a day, each with a tablespoon of fiber mixed in. For diabetic patients, such diets are possible only with mild type 2 diabetes and for a short time. If a diabetic is taking medication, such dietary restrictions will result in hypoglycemia.

Health effects of excess fiber

Consumption of fiber above the norm does not at all mean that the nutritional value of food is increased at the same time. If you regularly exceed the limit of 50 g per day, health problems are possible; a large amount of fiber is harmful in case of intestinal microflora disorders, changes in acidity due to inflammation, and infections.

Consumption of more than 50 g per day leads to insufficient absorption of nutrients and vitamins, inhibits the absorption of zinc, calcium and iron. Excess fiber interferes with the breakdown of fatty foods, which means it deprives a person of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K.

If the fiber in foods increases sharply, digestion processes are disrupted, bloating, colic, and diarrhea occur. We must not forget about sufficient drinking regime, otherwise cellulose will have the exact opposite effect - cause constipation.

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