Bulgarian female names are beautiful and rare. Among other common names in the country

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The centuries-old traditions of any country are largely reflected in the names that parents give to their children at birth. For example, many Bulgarian names have special meaning and show certain features of the child. In addition, they may contain a wish for success, health or wealth for a person. Some of them have Slavic roots, others are Muslim. As in other countries, children nowadays are called by international names.

Origin and traditions

The most common names in Bulgaria are Slavic origin. They became most popular when the Orthodox faith strengthened in these territories. Besides them, Names of other origins have also become widespread:

  • Turkish;
  • Greek;
  • Latin;
  • Jewish.

Around the middle of the 20th century, Western European and American names, often children began to be named after famous performers, actors or heroes of films and books.

However, compared to many other countries, many, especially Bulgarian male names, have remained unchanged. This is because in Bulgaria there is still a tradition of naming children in honor of their ancestors, and often a child could be named after his grandmother or grandfather, regardless of his gender. Names in the country are unique in that many of them have both male forms, and women's. Among them:

  • Zhivka-Zhivko;
  • Kalin-Kalina;
  • Todor-Todorka;
  • Spas-Spaska.

Often names are chosen according to the church calendar. Then the child is named after the saint on whose day he was born. A name can also mean one or another property. This is explained by the Bulgarians' belief in the power of words. The influence of other cultures, in particular Turkish, is felt in the names. These names are of Turkish origin, How:

  • Demir and Demir;
  • Emine;
  • Mustafa and other Muslim names.

In addition, there are a lot of gypsies in the country. For this reason, there are people here whose names are Gozho, Evsenia, Bakhtalo and others. Some of them are truly of gypsy origin, in other cases the parents named their children that way due to influence.

Features of female and male names

The country is unique in that people are called, following centuries-old traditions, and still exists large number original traditional names. The variety of Bulgarian names for girls is amazing. Many of them have special meaning, for example:

There are women's traditional names of this country, which in Russia are considered masculine, and in short form. For example, Petya or Vanya. In Bulgaria you can often meet girls whose names are Tsvetans, Ivankas, Tsvetskas, Jordankas, Zornitsyas and more.

Men's names also have their own characteristics. In particular, there are a large number of them that end in “slav” or “peace”:

  • Zlatoslav;
  • Radimir;
  • Lubomir;
  • Zlatoslav.

No less popular are the names more familiar to Russians - Vladimir or Yaroslav. Original Bulgarian names can be called short forms, which are often considered official. For example, Tosho (from the full Todor), Gogo (George), as well as Zhivko, Zlatko and more.

Like women's names, Bulgarian boys' names have their own meaning. In addition, it was often possible to determine by the boy’s name what his family was doing.

For example, Dimitars or Georgies most often called the children of peasant farmers. But Philippas most often appeared in the families of riders or horse breeders. This name translates to " horse lover" It is quite possible that the ancestors of the singer Kirkorov were involved in horses.

Other meanings of male names include:

In addition, in Bulgaria there are Angel or Apostle. It is worth noting that there are more men in Bulgaria who have “Angel” written in their passport than in the world. For this reason, many call Bulgaria “the country of Angels”.

Current trends

According to the statistics of the Bulgarian national institute, then the number of names in the country is more than 67 thousand names. Moreover, if there are 29 thousand male names, there are much more female ones - 38 thousand, respectively.

Boys are most often called Ivan and Georgiy. 38 percent of the male population is called this way. And the most common female name in the country is Maria, if we also count its form as Mariyka.

Other common names in the country include:

Today, one of the most popular names for newborn girls is Victoria, which can be called a trend towards globalization. But boys are still mostly called Georgies. And also in recent years girls were often called double names in a foreign way, such as Anna-Maria, Maria-Margarita and others.

Last names and patronymics

The concept of a surname as a family hereditary sign in Bulgaria appeared relatively recently compared to other European countries. Their history of formation began only end of the 19th century century.

In spelling, they do not differ from traditional Russian surnames, but, unlike them, they have a “floating” accent that can change. Like the Russians, many Bulgarian surnames feminine or masculine end in -ev (Botev or Tashev) or -ov (Todorov, Vazov). A smaller number were formed using the suffixes -shki, -ski or -chki, reminiscent of Polish. Their origins are ancient, associated with the cities or villages of human origin. For example, Lesicherski (a native of the village of Lesicharska) or Ohridski (from the city of Ohrid).

Many surnames of people in Bulgaria are derived from given names - both directly Bulgarian and Christian in general. For example, Pavlov, Isaev, Ivanov and others, some are in no way different from Russians.

There are also special surnames that are also considered traditional Bulgarian, however, it may seem that they have Muslim origin. These include the surnames Hadzhipopov, Hadzhigeorgiev and others with a similar prefix. The word "Hajj" in Muslim world interpreted as a pilgrimage to Mecca. In Bulgaria, the owners of such surnames may not be hereditary Muslims, but their ancestors during the time of Turkish oppression were called this way when they traveled to Jerusalem or visited other holy places, and not necessarily Muslim ones.

There are surnames that indicate nicknames or activities. For example, the surname Kovachev comes from the word “blacksmith” and is an analogue of the Russian surname Kuznetsov or the Ukrainian surname Kovalev (or Koval).

Currently, newborns in Bulgaria are given a choice of the surname of their father or mother, either assigned a new one after the name of their grandfather, or the surnames of their parents are combined. Previously, in most cases, women after marriage took their husbands' surnames, but now they mostly switch to a double one.

There are also Bulgarian patronymics. They differ from Russians by the absence of the characteristic ending “vich” or “vna” and are more reminiscent of surnames. For example, if a woman's name is Ivanka Stoyanova, and her father's name is Todor, then her full name will sound like Ivanka Todorova Stoyanova. If a person’s surname is Ivanov, and his father’s name is Ivan, then the surname and patronymic will look the same in writing, but will differ in emphasis. In the patronymic it will be on the first syllable, and in the surname it will be on the second, respectively.

Unlike others Slavic countries, in Bulgaria a large number of Old Church Slavonic names forgotten in Russia have been preserved, which are distinguished by their euphony and have their own meaning. The traditions that continue to be honored in the country contributed greatly. Although, despite this, the fashion for international names still growing. It’s too early to say whether they will be able to displace traditional ones.

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There are many names in Bulgaria, which often carry a special meaning. By doing this, parents try to show the child’s character traits or endow him with some special features. Often, Bulgarian names are a kind of wish for prosperity, success or health to the newly born person. Today we will try to consider not only their meanings, but also to understand which names are the most popular in this state, how they are formed and what Bulgarian traditions observed when naming children.

Origin of Bulgarian names

The most common and popular Bulgarian names are of Slavic origin. They firmly came into use after the adoption of Christianity as the main faith. Greek, Latin and Old Hebrew gained considerable popularity. Turkish rule in Bulgaria, oddly enough, had little effect on the variety of names, since states rarely named their children Muslim. For a long time parents named their sons in honor of the Slavic princes Alexander and Vladimir.

Since the mid-20th century, the names of Western European and American origin. During this period, Bulgarian names (female and male) were enriched with new forms due to popular movie characters, singers and actors.

Be that as it may, Bulgarian men and women are called in a special way, even if the names are derived from words often used in other countries. Agree, it’s rare in any country in Europe, America or Asia that you can hear a girl’s name being Miljana or Luchezara, and men being called Tsvetan or Yasen.

Traditions: how they give a name in Bulgaria

Bulgarian names, especially for men, have been preserved unchanged due to the naming of descendants in honor of their grandfathers or great-grandfathers. There was no special system for the sequence of inheritance. The older child could be called grandma or grandpa, no matter what gender the baby was. Bulgarian names are unique in this regard: boys and girls are often called the same. An example of this is the male name Zhivko and the female name Zhivka, Spaska and Spas, Kalin and Kalina.

In addition, Bulgarian names for girls and boys are chosen according to church calendar. In this case, children are named after the saints on whose day they were born. Also in Bulgaria they still believe in the power of words as such, so names of young Bulgarians are often given as names of plants or properties of human character.

Female names in Bulgaria and their meaning

So we're already in general outline learned what Bulgarian names are. Female and male, as mentioned above, are often consonant or have the same meaning. But there are those whose sound is unique not only for a particular country, but also for the whole world. These include names such as Gisela ("beauty"), Smaragda ("jewel"), Salvina (healthy), Vavilia ("God's gate") and so on.

Many female names in Bulgaria are given to girls as a talisman. For example, Bliss, according to the Bulgarians, should endow a girl with happiness, and Iskra with sincerity. They call a girl radiant when they want to give her strength, and Demira when a girl needs fortitude. Several names for little Bulgarians have their origins in myths and legends. So, Veda means “mermaid” or “forest fairy”, Xanthe means “golden-haired”, Luchezara means “heavenly star”.

Bulgarian male names

The meaning of Bulgarian is as varied as that of girls. There is a whole list. At the same time, some of the names are capable of endowing the boy with certain qualities: Blagomir (“bringing good to the world”), Boyan (“strong-spirited fighter”), Branimir (“defending the world”), Nikolaa (“conquering nations”), Peter or Penko (“ strong as a stone, a rock").

Bulgarian names (male) are often associated with a person’s character or the main one in the family. For example, Georgie and Dimitar are two of the most popular names from peasants working on the land. They are translated as "farmer". The name Philip (“who loves horses”) was more often given to children in families of grooms, equestrians, or horse breeders.

Love for children, the desire to endow them with beauty in appearance and character are also reflected in male names in Bulgaria. For example, Luben (love), Lyudmil (dear to people) and Tsvetan (flower) are still often found in this country. Also in Bulgaria they believe that good luck and respect in the future will be with those who are called Slavey Zvezdelin ("star") or Yan ("who worships God").

Popular boy and girl names in Bulgaria

For last decades Bulgarian girls have Iliya, Rositsa, Rada (Radka) and Mariyka. They are called about 20% of all newborn girls. Slightly less popular are Stoyanka, Vasilka, Stefka and Yordanka. Bulgarian names for boys, which have gained popularity in recent years, do not sound very exotic. Most often, boys are called Petry, Rumen, Todor and Ivan. Nikola, Atanas, Marin and Angel deserved slightly less popularity.

"Tiny" names

In addition to the official ones, in Bulgaria it is customary to use so-called “tiny” names, which are a shortened version of the name given at birth. This tradition is rarely applied to women, but male names often reduced beyond recognition. An example of this is Georgiy: in Bulgaria, men with this name are often called Gosho, Gezha, Gogo or Zhoro. But Todor can be pronounced as Tosho, Totio or Toshko. In rare cases, a “tiny” name can become independent and official, after which it can be entered into documents.

Modern female and male Bulgarian names are different amazing diversity. They have a very rich sound and unusual deep meaning. Most of the names used by Bulgarians are borrowed from. Some of them consist of two stems (for example, Borislav, Dragomir, Vladislav, etc.), others are formed from the same root, to which different endings are added (Radan, Radko, Radastin, etc.).

Some of the beautiful Bulgarian names for boys and girls are taken from Orthodox calendar. Some parents name their newborn children according to the calendar. The sons are named Angel, Dimitar, Todor, Vasil, Ivan, etc., and the daughters are Maria, Vasilka, Todorka, Ivanka, etc. In addition, Bulgarians quite often use foreign names, especially women's.

The meaning of male and female Bulgarian names

The meaning of Bulgarian names and surnames is traditionally given great value. Parents believe that their future depends on how their child is named. In view of this, they try to choose not only a euphonious, but also a meaningful name for a newborn. Its meaning may be related to both personal qualities humans, as well as with various plants, animals, celestial bodies etc.

The meaning of most beautiful Bulgarian names for boys indicates such masculine traits as courage, strength, energy, belligerence, love of freedom, etc. In addition, it can be associated with representatives of the animal world, natural phenomena and other categories. As for modern Bulgarian names for girls, they are also beautiful. In view of this, their meaning is most often associated with such traits as tenderness, kindness, thriftiness and external attractiveness, as well as with a variety of flowers, jewelry, etc.

List of the most common Bulgarian names for boys

  1. Angel. Interpreted as "messenger"
  2. Georgi. Bulgarian male name meaning "farmer"
  3. Dimitar. Translated into Russian it means “dedicated to Dematre”
  4. Jordan. Boy's name corresponding to the Jordan River
  5. Kaloyan. Bulgarian boy name which means "beautiful"
  6. Petar. Interpreted as "stone"
  7. Stoyan. Bulgarian boy name meaning “steadfast”
  8. Todor. Translated into Russian it means “gift of God”
  9. Christo. Interpreted as “rescuer”
  10. Eder. Male Bulgarian name meaning "beautiful"

List of the most beautiful Bulgarian names for girls

  1. Angela. Translated into Russian it means “messenger”
  2. Gisela. Interpreted as "beautiful girl"
  3. Desislava. Female Bulgarian name which means = “has achieved fame”
  4. Ivana. Female form named Ivan, which means “Yahweh is merciful”
  5. Lala. Translated into Russian it means “spring tulip”
  6. Mikhaela. Bulgarian girl name meaning "like God"
  7. Petra. Translated into Russian it means “stone”
  8. Rada. Interpreted as “one that brings joy”
  9. Rosena. Bulgarian female name meaning "dew"
  10. Colors. Means "flower girl"

The most popular Bulgarian names for boys and girls

  • In recent years, the most popular female Bulgarian names are Ivanka, Yordanka, Penka and Maria.
  • In addition, girls are often called Radka, Rositsa, Elena, Daniela, Petya and Desislava.
  • As for Bulgarian boys, most of them have names such as Dimitar, Petar, Jordan, Georgi, Hristo, Stoyan and Todon.

The ancient slogan “Know thyself” can also be applied to a personal name. Our ancestors considered the name to be an important energetic factor in the fate of a person, who is able to control the fate of its owner. In ancient times, choosing a name was considered a ritual act that could provide a person with an additional source of strength. After all, almost every name has its own history, meaning and properties.

For example, in Bulgaria even now they take personal and family names. So, in Sofia at State Academy Sciences there is a division that studies Bulgarian names. In this institution, everyone has the opportunity to receive a certificate, which will indicate historical data about his name and surname.

A little history

Bulgarians have many unique names that reflect their rich cultural heritage various peoples. The Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Smolyans, Bulgars, Timochans and Strumians who lived on the Bulgarian lands left their mark on the history of the country. They shaped her ancient traditions and influenced ethnic characteristics states. Today, the concept of “original Bulgarian names” implies a mixture of traditional Bulgarian and Slavic names for people.

Proto-Bulgarian names

Unfortunately, most of the Bulgarian names have sunk into oblivion because they were difficult to pronounce. In addition, mainly monarchs, princes, boyars and their descendants had the right to wear them. Their striking examples are the Bulgarian names that have survived to this day: Kotrag, Batbayan, Asen, Asparukh, Altsek, Valch, Vokil and Sandok. Some of the names that are still popular today, such as Jordan, Piyo and Shoal, probably originally hide a Bulgarian, Cumman or Pecan root. During the long Greek and Turkish protectorate, almost all ancient names disappeared from folk tradition of this state. And only in lately some of them were literally restored. Another part of the Proto-Bulgarian names mixed with Slavic ones, and now it is quite difficult to determine their most likely origin.

Names of Slavic origin

System forming different names from one or more bases, is characteristic of all Slavic tribes. For example, in the names Darin, Darko, Darinka, Daria, a common root word is used - “gift”, which is actually the meaning for these names. And such Bulgarian male names of Slavic origin as Miroslav, Dobromir, Spasimir, Berislav, Berimir, Zhivoslav, Rodislav, have two bases. Their meaning is dedicated to protection and achieving the desired goal. In general, the number of names in the Bulgarian language containing the words “good”, “glory”, “peace” is quite large.

The meaning of Bulgarian names with a common Slavic element - Vladimir, Vladislav, Dragomir or their shortened forms Drago, Miro, Slavs - also shows the desire to achieve peace and glory. Names that are defensive in nature are no less common. It is believed that the names Strazhimir, Tihomir and Stanimir will protect their bearers from the evil forces.

Christian names

The adoption of Christianity in Bulgarian lands was reflected in the traditions and culture of the population. Orthodox faith also brought new Bulgarian names. A striking example of this is Prince Boris, who, having converted to Christianity, became Michael at baptism. The names we call Christian generally correspond to three linguistic systems - Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

The Jewish system is represented mainly by biblical heroes from Old Testament. These are names such as Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Abraham, David, Daniel and so on. Greek system represented by the names given in the calendar. For example: Anastasia, Ekaterina, Zoya, Mina, Peter, George, Nikolai, Alexander, Christo, Anastas, Gerasim. Thanks to the spread Greek culture In Bulgaria, the names of such mythological characters as Galatea, Cassandra, Hercules, Dionysius also began to appear. Latin names in this country they are no less popular. Quite often you can find the options Victor, Victoria, Valentin, Valentina, Vera, Ignat.

Turkish influence

Despite centuries of slavery, Turkish personal names did not particularly take root among Bulgarians, probably due to differences in religion. They are found mainly among the population of Pomaki. Of these names, however, a small number have been found containing Turkish root. But they were formed on Bulgarian soil from well-known Turkish words. These are: Demir, Demira, Demirka, Kurti, Sevda, Sultana, Sirma, Fatme, Ayse.

Political influence

During times national revival More and more names are appearing in Bulgaria reflecting political, literary and other influences. For example, at the end of Turkish slavery, the personal name Venelin appeared, which is actually the surname of the Russian writer, historian Yuri Venelin. A little later, after liberation, the names Alexander and Vladimir became more popular because of the Russian Emperor Alexander II and his son Vladimir. And after October Revolution such personal names as Lenin, Budyon, and later Stalin and Stalinka appeared.

Based on semantics, old names that are again becoming popular among young parents can be divided into two groups. They do not always have clear boundaries, but are divided into protective and those that include Best wishes parents to their child.

Male names

  • Life and health: Zhivko, Zdravko.
  • Well-being in the family: Bro, Baino, Vezenko, Tatun, Novko, Zabarin.
  • Success in life: Parvan, Vidu, Velcho, Great, Sreten.
  • Strength and courage: Warrior, Boyko, Strakhil, Silyan, Grudy.
  • Positive characteristics: Veselin, Radi, Drago, Dobri, Iskren.
  • Physical beauty: Mleden, Kudra, Khuden.

Female names

Popular Bulgarian female names, in addition to wishes for physical beauty, in themselves mean good and pleasant things:

  • Beauty: Vida, Mila, Lepa.
  • Flowers: Iglika, Nevena, Ruya, Temenuika, Rose, Tsvetanka, Albena.
  • Herbs and trees: Billa, Detlina, Rositsa.
  • Trees and fruits: Elitsa, Viburnum.
  • Birds: Pauna, Slavia.
  • Heavenly lights: Star, Denitsa, Desislava, Zornitsa, Zorka, Zorina, Zorana, Zoritsa.

Despite the growing interest in ancient names, according to sociological research, the following remain the most popular in Bulgaria: Ivan, Ivanka, Georgi, Georgana, Ayordan, Ayordanka, Bogdan, Bogdana, Anastas, Anastasia, Maria, Marin, Margarita, Alexandra, Elena , Daria, Todor, Dimitar, Vasil, Kaloyan, Ivelin, Stefan.

Experts divide Bulgarian female names into several types:

  1. Slavic origin– the names of the Bulgarians are varied and rich, most of names has Slavic roots. Often having the same root of a Slavic word, several different names are formed. For example, the word “zora” means a celestial star. Bulgarians have the following names with this component: Zorina, Zorana, Zoritsa, Zorka. From the word “joy” the following are derived: Radana, Radka. No less popular are names from two roots: Desislav, Miroslav, Svyatoslav, Zlatoslav.
  2. Second group of names - borrowed from the Orthodox calendar: Margarita, Maria, Ivanka, Elena.
  3. Names Turkic origin , namely Turkish. When Bulgaria was dependent on Ottoman Empire, cultural assimilation took place, borrowing names and words. This name is: Demira. "Demir" means iron.

One of the main features of the Bulgarian name book is a large number of diminutive forms of the name. For example: Mariyka, Todorka, Vasilka. Some female names come from the names of flowers: Tsveta, Grozdana, Navena (calendula) Jasmine.

How are girls chosen and named?

There were no established traditions of naming a newborn in Bulgaria. Often the girl was given the name of her great-grandmother or grandmother. If there are two children of opposite sexes in a family, they are sometimes called by the same names: Spas and Spaska, Kalina and Kalin, Zorin and Zorinka. In this regard, the names are universal and unique.

When choosing a name, some parents focus on literal translation. For example, the name “Radiant” corresponds to a celestial star. Some families name the newborn based on hair color: “Xantha” – golden-haired, “Rusana” – fair-haired. Like other nations, Bulgarians want to endow a child with a name necessary qualities . For example, “Gisela” is beautiful, “Dilyana” is soulful.

List of beautiful ones in Russian, their meaning, brief interpretation - alphabetically from A to Z

  • Albena– mountain peony. Does not perceive momentary joys, is cheerful, sociable, trusting, prefers long-term relationships.
  • Alexandra- protecting the people. In relationships with the opposite sex, she is uninitiative, an exemplary mother and wife, strong in spirit, has a lively and prickly character.
  • Alexandrina– protecting the world, humanity. At the same time gentle and rough, she gets things done quickly, decisively, and proactively.
  • Angela- bringing news. Attractive to men, mysterious nature, values ​​professionalism and intelligence.
  • Belotsveta- flower white. She has the ability to convince people, tries to be the first in business, is active, purposeful, and achieves her plans.
  • Berislava- take glory. She is friendly, “the life of the party,” energetic, and sometimes makes rash and impulsive decisions.
  • Biljana- grass in the field. Likes to lead people, knows how to conduct a dialogue, and takes on difficult tasks.
  • Blessed- happy girl. Balanced, it is difficult to anger her, she is sociable, sincere, and sometimes talkative.
  • Bogdana- gifted by God. She has a vulnerable nature, takes everything to heart, is easily offended, and sees only positive traits in people.
  • Božana- a gift from God. Attentive, caring, values ​​relationships, becomes persistent with age.
  • Boryana- a strong fighter. She has natural talents, an enthusiastic nature, appreciates every minute, a faithful companion.
  • Boyana- rich bride. Practical, kind, quickly gets over grievances, loves to take care of animals.
  • Babylia- God's gate. Lively, has many acquaintances, quick bursts of joy are replaced by sadness, knows how to control others.
  • Vega- woman, girl. Gambling, loves adventures, travel, change of scenery.
  • Vela– big, large. She has a persistent character, is strong, courageous, and an interesting conversationalist.
  • Wenceslas- famous all over the world. She has leadership qualities, is not afraid of difficulties, is idealistic, and sometimes aggressive.
  • Vidoslavna– having a glorious appearance, beautiful. Well-mannered, affectionate, attractive to men, has good feeling taste.
  • Gergana- working in the ground. Slow, secretive, does not listen to the opinions of others, strives to do everything her own way.
  • Darena- a gift from God. Responsible, decisive, active, diligent.
  • Demira- confident, firm. She often does not know how to correctly express feelings, pays attention to little things, the main thing for her is action, not empty chatter.
  • Dzhemila- helpful woman. When correct revealed talent able to achieve success in different areas: from science to painting, has a subtle perception of beauty.
  • Donka- invaluable beauty. Has main goal life - to achieve family success, a wonderful mother and wife.
  • Elena- beautiful, beauty. Has a vivid imagination, is emotional, knows how to communicate with different people, gaining their trust.
  • Zhivka– mobile, active. Optimistic, honest, open, independent, self-reliant.
  • Zamfira– sapphire shine. She has a sense of taste, does not strive for career development, the main thing for her is spiritual growth.
  • Zaryana- jewel, gold. Obedient, speaks little, sensitive, brings everything to the end.
  • Ivana- the kindness of God. Has good intuition, is rich inner world, strives to grow intellectually.
  • Ilyana- bright, clean. Unpretentious, open to people, compliant, compromises.
  • Kaleria- beauty, kindness. Stubborn, brave, daring, quickly ignites.
  • Xanthe- a girl with golden hair. Sincere, hardworking, sincere, practical.
  • Lala- laurel tree. Excellent orientation extreme situations, full of energy, proactive.
  • Lei- a strong lioness. Impulsive, persistent, headstrong, romantic person.
  • May- mother of the family. She defends her rights, is bright, disciplined, and strict towards others.
  • Nikolina- human victory. Mysterious, takes everything to heart, a leader in the professional field.
  • Foam- stone rock. Caring, friendly, attentive to the problems of others.
  • Preslava- glorified by deeds. Calm, sensible, has good performance.
  • Rada- joy. Inherently daring, strong character who sometimes interfere with communication, responsible, touchy.
  • Raina- purity of soul. Boastful, sometimes shy, spiritual nature, values ​​​​freedom.
  • Paradise- princess, queen. The main one in a relationship, a neat housewife, a faithful wife, she can be aggressive and tyrannical.
  • Rositsa- morning dew. Possesses analytical thinking, purposeful, original, loves risk.
  • Salvinastrong health. Understanding, diligent, open.
  • Svetozara- illuminating with light. Creative nature, cannot take criticism, reliable in relationships.
  • Silvia– forest. Independent, agile, temperamental, self-confident.
  • SlavSlavic woman. She is self-sufficient and careful, has a strong will, and is diligent in business.
  • Snezhana- snow woman. Calm, purposeful, achieves success in business relations, achieves goals, she is a person of duty and word.
  • Philippa- horse lover. Impatient, emotional, daring, decisive, careful in business.
  • Colors- blooming. Graceful, self-confident, sometimes selfish, loves noisy companies, loneliness weighs on her.
  • Evdokia- a noble, good desire. She has a good sense of taste and humor, is determined, unapproachable and proud, independent.
  • Yanagood God. Stubborn, has excellent intuition and an open soul.

Bulgarians have their own peculiarities in naming newborns. Like other peoples, when choosing a name for a girl, it is important for them to become familiar with its interpretation and meaning. Then the choice will be correct, and the child’s life will have only positive connotations.

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