It was early spring evening dawn, option 22. According to the text by Troepolsky It was early spring (Unified State Examination in Russian)

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Subject: Test dictation with a grammar task on the topic “Morphemics, word formation, spelling”

Target: test the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired while studying the topic.

Educational: – test your ability to detect spelling in text, write words based on learned rules

Educational: encourage independent mental work develop the student’s ability to analyze and classify, draw independent conclusions, find errors, analyze them, correct their work; develop the student’s attention and memory, develop the ability to listen to the teacher

Educational: foster a culture of academic work

Planned results:

Subject: Determining the level of development of skills to determine the method of word formation, perform morphemic and word-formation analysis.


Regulatory: control and self-control educational activities

Cognitive: make necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action.

Communicative: formulate your own opinion.

Personal: Formation of interest, desire to write beautifully and correctly.

Lesson progress

    Organizational stage.

    Setting goals and objectives. Motivation for learning activities

"Continue the line of the poem"

To write a dictation for us,

You need to know spelling...(know).

And when we write,

The rules are no longer... (let's forget).

We promise to remember

And then we get...(five).

    Dictation with its subsequent spelling pronunciation

Student task

Be careful. Remember the rules and instructions you have learned. Try to complete the task based on this knowledge and skills.


Was early spring

The evening dawn was just beginning, and it was already twilight between the trees, although the leaves had not yet appeared. Everyone's down in dark colors. The trunks, last year's dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry grass stems and rose hips looked like coffee beans.

The branches rustled slightly from the light wind. They seemed to be feeling each other, sometimes touching the ends, sometimes lightly touching the middle of the branches. The tops of the trunks swayed gently. The trees seemed alive even if they were leafless. Everything was mysteriously rustling and thickly smelling. Behind every tree there is something unfamiliar, mysterious. Bim did not move further than twenty steps from Ivan Ivanovich. It will run forward, then left, right and roll back. He looks me in the face and asks: “Why did we come here?”

(100 words)

(According to G. Troepolsky)

Grammar task

    Execute parsing offers:

Option 1: Behind every tree there is something unfamiliar, mysterious.

Option 2: The trunks, last year’s dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry grass stems and rose hips looked like coffee beans.

    Perform morphemic analysis:

Option 1: began (1 sentence)

    option: touched (5 sentence)

4. Reflection

Check your work.

Who thinks that he tried and wrote excellently?

Who is unhappy with their job?

What did you find particularly difficult about your work?

What did you do with ease?


    Repeat vocabulary words in boxes up to page 49

    Repeat spellings that caused you difficulty

Option 22
Part 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Giving the city being built on the Neva a capital status, Peter I pursued two goals. (2) First: he sought to reduce the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite; the second is quite obvious: the renewed Russia needed a naval outpost, which would become a kind of “gateway” for trade with European countries. (3) founded at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland, practically on the shores of the Baltic, the fortress city acquired special political significance in the conditions of the Northern War.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) By giving the city being built on the Neva a capital status, Peter I sought to reduce the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite.
2) In the conditions of the Northern War, Russia needed a naval outpost, which became the city on the Neva, which was being built according to European models.
3) The city, being built practically on the shores of the Baltic, was beneficial to Peter I in the fight against the Moscow boyar elite and, in addition, had important commercial and military-political significance.
4) The future capital being built on the Neva became a kind of “gateway” for trade with European countries.
5) Solving the problem of reducing the influence of the old Moscow boyar elite, Peter I built a city on the Neva also with the aim of intensifying trade and for military-political purposes.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).
To avoid this
Contrary to this
For example,

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word PURSUIT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.
CHASE, -blow, -blow; -anny; nesov.
1) someone or something. Follow; chase someone for the purpose of capture and destruction. P. enemy. P. beast.
2) translation, whom (what). Relentlessly follow someone. P. stranger.
3) translation, whom (what). About a thought, a feeling, a memory: not to leave alone, to torment. He is haunted by memories.
4) translation, whom (what) than. Subject to something. unpleasant, pester with something. P. someone ridicule.
5) someone or something. To oppress, oppress, persecute. P. their political opponents.
6) what. Strive for something. (to what is called a noun) (book). P. noble tasks.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.
5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.
A specialist immediately sees the DIFFERENCE between a professionally manufactured product and a fake.
Carry out what is suggested physical exercise need after a deep BREATH.
For safety reasons, the area under the cornice must be FENCED.
The first performance of the aspiring artist was UNSUCCESSFUL.
COMMEMORATIVE coins are a fascinating and very interesting story numismatics.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
THEIR work
ladies' SHOES

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

1) Ermolai told me with a smile that the samovar was ready.

B) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

2) While working on my essay, I was given a remark.

C) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

3) The girl enters the hall and did not pay attention to me.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

4) Those who have admired the sunset at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful spectacles.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

5) Most of the books telling about the life of reptiles were published in our country.

6) One of the most famous schismatics, whose fate interested V.I. Surikov, was the noblewoman Feodosya Morozova.

7)The design of this car of the future belongs to a designer known for his development of cars for computer games.

8) Thanks to his friendship with the Aksakov family, upon his arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the writer’s house.

9) Lily of the valley is a flower that has been used in folk medicine since ancient times.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
age... century
k.. institutional
spread out
9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
n.. visual, with.. sound
pr.. seaside, pr.. found
in.. trembled, not.. pressed with.. grated, over.. protected
pr.. ran, pr.. sharp

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap
set up
rod.. howl

11 Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.
fighting... fighting
dozing.. sew
bed.. sew
be patient.. sew

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.
(NOT) DESPITE the complexity of the topic being studied, we will try to understand it as best as possible.
Today his words sounded (NOT)WARM and affectionate as before, but cold and somehow aloof.
His eyes burned with an (UN)TAMABLE passion.
It was a quiet, not at all HOT June day.
Peter's visit to the dentist WAS (NOT) postponed.
13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.
Just as a person’s childhood seems beautiful to him, memories of the harsh dawn of humanity are immersed for us in a romantic haze.
(FINALLY) I managed to catch (THAT) HOUR when the slanting rays of the sun begin to pierce the forest, like golden knitting needles.
Saffron milk caps can be collected both in the fall and (B) throughout the summer: it all depends (ON) what kind of summer it is.
He mastered the language AS easily as people master their voice, BECAUSE he learned the language from ordinary people.
5) (OFTEN) people don’t realize (HOW) HOW important it is to look after their health.

14. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.
We see that in the bone(1) skates, found(2) by archaeologists in northern Europe, holes were made for leather(4) ribbons.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) There is a lot of fussy and funny businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.
2) In the count’s living room, mirrors and paintings and vases were real works of art.
3) For many, the books of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are more interesting than any detective novel.
4) In the warm autumn, it’s nice to get lost in the dense thickets of aspen and birch trees and breathe in the musty smell of grass.
5) Both theater and cinema are types mass art.
16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.
The sparrow (1) unexpectedly took off (2) disappeared into the light greenery of the garden (3) transparently visible (4) against the background of the early evening sky.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).
Whoever it is (1) you (2) my sad (3) neighbor (4) I love you as a friend youth,
You (5) comrade (6) my random (7) Although fate is an insidious game
We are separated from you forever
A wall now - and then a secret.
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.
Stone paths (1) whose winding lines (2) (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) acquire special meaning in the Japanese garden.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
The fog melted (1) and (2) when the boat went to the shore (3) it was visible (4) how specks of water lilies and lilies swayed on the waves.

Read the text and complete tasks 20–25.

(1) It was early spring. (2) The evening dawn was just beginning, and it was already twilight between the trees, although the leaves had not yet appeared. (3) Everything below is in dark colors: trunks, last year’s dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry stems of grass, even rose hips, deep ruby ​​in the fall, now, having withstood the winter, seemed like coffee beans. (4) The branches rustled slightly from the light wind; they seemed to be feeling each other thinly and barely, now touching the ends, now lightly touching the middle of the branches: are they alive? (5) The tops of the trunks swayed gently - the trees seemed alive even if they were leafless. (6) Everything was mysteriously rustling and thickly fragrant: both the trees and the foliage underfoot, soft, with the spring smell of forest earth.
(7) In a forest tired of the burden of winter, when the awakened buds have not yet blossomed, when the sorrowful stumps of the winter felling have not yet sprouted, but are already crying, when the dead brown leaves lie in a layer, when the bare branches do not yet rustle, but only slowly touch each other friend, - the smell of snowdrops suddenly reached me! (8) Barely noticeable, but it is the smell of awakening life, and therefore it is trembling and joyful, although almost imperceptible. (9) I look around - it turns out he’s nearby. (10) There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness, to whom it is due and available. (11) But for everyone, both happy and unhappy, he is now the adornment of life.
(12) That’s how it is among us: there is modest people With with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. (13) They decorate life, containing all the best that exists in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust. (14) So a snowdrop seems like a drop of heaven on earth...
(15) A few days later I was in the same place again. (16) The sky has already sprinkled the forest with thousands of blue drops. (17) I search, I look out: where is he, the very first, the bravest? (18) It seems that here he is. (19) Is he or is he not? (20) I don’t know. (21) There are so many of them that he can no longer be noticed, cannot be found - he got lost among those following him, mixed with them. (22) But he is so small, but heroic, so quiet, but so assertive, that it seems that it was he who was frightened by the last frosts, surrendered, throwing out the white flag of the last frost at the edge of the early dawn. (23) Life goes on.
(24) And at home I thought about it. (25) Isn’t this a dream - yesterday’s spring forest with blue snowdrops on the ground? (26) Well: such dreams are a divinely healing medicine, albeit temporary. (27) Of course, temporary. (28) For if writers preached only beautiful dreams, leaving gray everyday life, then humanity would stop worrying about the future, accepting the present as eternal. (29) The destiny of doom in time is that the present should become only the past. (30) It is not in the power of a person to order: “Sun, stop!” (31) Time is unstoppable, unstoppable and inexorable. (32) Everything is in time and movement. (33) And the one who seeks only stable peace is all already in the past, whether he is young or old - age does not matter. (34) The beautiful has its own sound, it sounds like peace, oblivion, but only temporary, just for relaxation; You should never miss such moments.
(35) If I were a writer, I would definitely address this: “O restless person! (36) Glory to you forever, who thinks, who suffers for the sake of the future! (37) If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality. (38) Go quickly: in a few days there may be no snowdrops, and you will not be able to remember the magic of the vision given by nature. (39) Go and rest. (40) Snowdrops, people say.”
(According to G.N. Troepolsky*)
* Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (1905-1995) - Russian Soviet writer.

20. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should take the place of the gap in sentence 40? Write down this word (combination of words).
they bloom for a long time, fortunately, late flowers do not smell, they grow singly

21. Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.
1) Sentences 1-6 give a description.
2) Propositions 17-21 contain reasoning.
3) Proposition 28 names the consequence of what is said in sentences 26 and 27.
4) Propositions 31 and 32 give the reason for what is said in sentence 30.
5) Sentences 35-38 present a narrative.
22. From sentences 9-11, write down the individual author’s word.
23. Among sentences 24-34, find one(s) that is connected to the previous one using a subordinating conjunction. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

24. “Being an agronomist by profession, G. N. Troepolsky wrote a lot about the nature around us. In this text, the following paths help the author convey the beauty of the spring forest: (A) _______ (for example, “the stumps are crying” in sentence 7, “they were afraid of the last frost, they gave up” in sentence 22) and (B) _______ (“mysteriously rustling and densely fragrant" in sentence 6, "quiveringly joyful" in sentence 8). The imagery of the text is also given by the device - (B) _______ (“dream of reality” in sentence 37) and the syntactic device - (D) _______ (in sentences 30, 35).
List of terms:
comparative turnover
rhetorical appeal
interrogative sentence
series of homogeneous members of a sentence
lexical repetition

Part 2
Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text. Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account). The essay should be at least 150 words.
A work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text), not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.
Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Answer Option 22




Primorye acquired acquired Primorye


you tolerate


oftenas often as often

123 any other sequence of these numbers

2457 any other sequence of these numbers

1234 any other sequence of these numbers



1. The problem of perceiving the beauty of the surrounding nature. (How to see the beauty of the world around us?)
1. Anyone who is in the forest and notices the changes taking place in nature is able to see the beauty of the world around us. Thus, the awakening of nature in spring is accompanied by the most beautiful flowering of snowdrops and decorations of life.

2. The problem of the impact of nature on humans. (What influence does nature have on humans?)
2. The beauty of nature awakens in a person a feeling of joy and happiness, acts on him as a healing medicine, makes him think about beauty.

3. The problem of the commonality of nature and man. (What are the similarities between nature and man?)
3. There are many similarities and similarities between nature and man. So, both among people and among plants there are “inconspicuous”, “small”, “quiet” creatures, but heroic, assertive, with a huge soul.

4. The problem of the transience of time. (Can time be stopped?)
4. Time is unstoppable, unstoppable and inexorable, so we cannot miss moments when there is an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful, to see the beauty of the world around us.

What impact does the beauty of nature have on humans? Russian writer G.N. thinks about this question in his text. Troepolsky.

In early spring, the hero of the text was walking through the forest when he “unexpectedly heard the smell of snowdrops,” “the smell of awakening life.” When looking at this “tiny drop of blue sky,” he felt joy and happiness, the forerunner of which was this small flower, the only one that made its way out from under the snow. Being in the same place a few days later, the hero already saw a lot of snowdrops, but did not feel the same joy, and kept looking for the very first one.

At home, the hero thought about the fact that such a “beautiful dream of reality” could and should only be temporary. Otherwise, “humanity would stop caring about the future” and would stop appreciating such rare, truly beautiful moments.

The beauty of nature awakens in Troepolsky a feeling of joy, happiness, acts on him as a healing medicine, but such moments of beauty in nature are actually very fleeting and one must be able to appreciate them - this is what he wanted to show us in his text.

And I agree with the writer. We see nature every day, it becomes an imperceptible noise in the background for us, but in rare moments - sunsets, sunrises, snowfalls, buds opening - we turn to it with our whole soul, we are saturated with its beauty with our whole being. And such moments remain in our memory forever.

I remember the story “Winter Oak” by Yu. Nagibin. Fifth-grader Savushkin was constantly late for class, although he lived closest to everyone. Anna Vasilyevna, his teacher, is going to visit Savushkin’s mother, and the boy leads her along the forest path along which he goes to school. As soon as the teacher entered winter forest, the reason for the fifth-grader’s constant tardiness became clear to her - she was surrounded by unprecedented beauty.

You can also recall an episode from the life of Natasha Rostova, the heroine of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". It was a fresh night, in the almost starless spring sky there were luminaries full moon. Natasha could not sleep, enjoying the view from the window, and woke Sonya up so that she could also enjoy this lovely night. After all, there will be other nights, starry, snowy, but exactly the same - never again.

In conclusion, I can conclude that the beauty of nature has a strong influence on humans. It makes you think about beauty, a person feels the delight of life. The beauty of nature is an antidote to despondency and sadness, and happy is the one who knows how to see it.

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It was early spring

The evening dawn was just beginning, and it was already twilight between the trees, although the leaves had not yet appeared. Everything below is in dark colors. The trunks, last year's dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry grass stems and rose hips looked like coffee beans.

The branches rustled slightly from the light wind. They seemed to be feeling each other, sometimes touching the ends, sometimes lightly touching the middle of the branches. The tops of the trunks swayed gently. The trees seemed alive even if they were leafless. Everything was mysteriously rustling and thickly smelling. Behind every tree there is something unfamiliar, mysterious. Bim did not move further than twenty steps from Ivan Ivanovich. It will run forward, then left, right and roll back. He looks me in the face and asks: “Why did we come here?”

(100 words)

(According to G. Troepolsky)

Grammar task

  1. Parse the sentence:

Option 1: Behind every tree there is something unfamiliar, mysterious.

Option 2: The trunks, last year’s dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry grass stems and rose hips looked like coffee beans.

  1. Perform morphemic analysis:

Option 1: began (1 sentence)

Option 2: touched (5th sentence)

  1. Write down words with roots that have alternating vowels.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Quests test work allow you to check how sixth graders have mastered the material of the section. Quests of different nature: remember the rule, spelling exercises gor-/gar-, kos-/kas-, pristavo...

The lesson is conducted with the aim of generalizing and expanding knowledge on this topic; improving the skills of morphemic and word-formation analysis; spelling skills in writing words with prefixes...

And in the second season, that is, in the third year from Bim’s birth, Ivan Ivanovich introduced him to the forest. It was very interesting for both the dog and the owner.

In the meadows and fields, everything is clear there: space, grass, bread, the owner is always visible, walk like a shuttle in a wide search, search, find, make a stand and wait for the order. Lovely! But here, in the forest, it’s a completely different matter.

It was early spring.

When they first arrived, the evening dawn was just beginning, and it was already twilight between the trees, although the leaves had not yet appeared. Everything below is in dark colors: trunks, last year's dark brown leaves, brown-gray dry stems of grass, even rose hips, deep ruby ​​in the fall, now, having survived the winter, seemed like coffee beans.

The branches rustled slightly from the light wind; they seemed to be feeling each other thinly and barely, now touching the ends, now lightly touching the middle of the branches: is he alive? The tops of the trunks swayed gently - the trees seemed alive even if they were leafless. Everything was mysteriously rustling and thickly fragrant: the trees, and the foliage underfoot, soft, with the spring smell of forest soil, and Ivan Ivanovich’s steps, careful and quiet. His boots also rustled, and his footprints smelled much stronger than in the field. Behind every tree there is something unfamiliar, mysterious. That is why Bim did not leave Ivan Ivanovich more than twenty steps: he would run forward - left, right - and roll back and look him in the face, asking: “Why did we get here?”

– Don’t understand what’s what? - Ivan Ivanovich guessed. - You will understand, Bimka, you will understand. Wait a little.

So they walked, looking out for each other.

But then they stopped in a wide clearing, at the intersection of two clearings: roads on all four sides. Ivan Ivanovich stood behind a hazel bush, facing the dawn, and looked up. Bim also began to look there.

It was light above, but down here it was getting darker and darker. Someone rustled through the forest and became silent. He rustled some more and became quiet again. Bim pressed himself against Ivan Ivanovich’s leg - so he asked: “What is there? Who's there? Maybe we should go take a look?”

“Hare,” the owner said barely audibly. - Everything is fine, Bim. Fine. Hare. Let him run.

Well, if it’s “good”, then everything is in order. “Hare” is also understandable: more than once, when Bim came across the trail of an animal, this word was repeated to him. And once I saw the hare itself, tried to catch up with it, but received a strict warning and was punished. It is forbidden!

Suddenly, someone above, invisible and unknown, grunted: “Hor-hor!.. Hor-hor!.. Hor-hor!..” Bim heard this first and shuddered. The owner too. Both looked up, only up... Suddenly, against the background of a crimson-bluish dawn, a bird appeared along the clearing. She flew straight at them, occasionally screaming as if it were not a bird, but an animal, flying and grunting. But it was still a bird. It seemed big, but its wings were completely silent (not like a quail, partridge or duck). In a word, the unfamiliar was flying above.

Ivan Ivanovich raised his gun. Bim, as if on command, lay down, not taking his eyes off the bird... In the forest, the shot was so sharp and strong that Bim had never heard before. The echo rolled through the forest and froze far, far away.

The bird fell into the bushes, but friends quickly found it. Ivan Ivanovich put it in front of Bim and said:

- Meet my brother: woodcock. “And he repeated again: “Woodcock.”

Bim sniffed, touched with his paw long nose, then sat down, trembling and moving his front paws in surprise. Of course, this is what he said to himself: “I’ve never seen such noses before. This is really a no-no!”

And the forest made a little noise, but it became quieter and quieter. Then it suddenly became completely quiet, as if someone invisible had lightly flapped a mighty wing over the trees in last time: enough rustling. The branches became motionless, the trees seemed to fall asleep, except for the occasional shudder in the semi-darkness.

Three more woodcocks flew by, but Ivan Ivanovich did not shoot. Although they no longer saw the latter in the darkness, but only heard a voice, Bim was surprised: why his friend did not shoot even at those who were clearly visible. This made Bim worried. And Ivan Ivanovich either simply looked up, or, looking down, listened to the silence. Both were silent.

This is when no words are needed - neither for a person, nor especially for a dog!

Only in the end, before leaving, Ivan Ivanovich said:

- Okay, Bim! Life begins again. Spring.

By his intonation, Bim understood that his friend was now pleased. And he poked his nose into his knee, wagging his tail: okay, they say, what are we talking about!

...The second time they came here late in the morning, but without a gun.

The fragrant swollen birch buds, the powerful smells of roots, the thinnest streams from the sprouts of herbs - all this was amazingly new and delightful. The sun penetrated through everything in the forest, except for the pine forest, and even that was cut up here and there by golden rays. And it was quiet. The main thing was that it was quiet. How beautiful is the spring morning silence in the forest!

This time Bim became bolder: everything is clearly visible (not like then, in the twilight). And he rushed through the forest to his heart's content, without, however, losing sight of his owner. Everything was great.

Finally, Bim came across a thread of woodcock scent. And he pulled. And did a classic stance. Ivan Ivanovich sent “forward”, but he had nothing to shoot with. Moreover, he ordered me to lie down, as it should be when a bird takes off. It is absolutely unclear: does the owner see or not?

Bim looked sideways at him until he was sure that he saw him.

For the second woodcock everything turned out the same way. Bim now still expressed something similar to resentment: a wary look, jogging to the side, even attempts at disobedience - in a word, discontent was brewing and was looking for a way out. That is why Bim chased the woodcock that had taken off, the third one, like an ordinary mongrel. But you can’t jump far after a woodcock: it flashes in the branches, and it’s gone. Bim returned dissatisfied, and besides, he was punished. Well, he lay down on the side and took a deep breath (dogs are great at doing that).

All this could still have been endured if a second insult had not been added. This time Bim discovered a new flaw in the owner - a perverted instinct: already insensitive, and even...

And it was like this.

Ivan Ivanovich stopped and looked, looked around and sniffed (right there!). Then he stepped towards the tree, sat down and quietly, with one finger, stroked the flower, so tiny (for Ivan Ivanovich it was almost odorless, but for Bim it was incredibly smelly). And what does he need in that flower? But the owner sat and smiled. Bim, of course, pretended that he also seemed to feel good, but this was only purely out of respect for the individual, but in fact he was quite surprised.

- Look, look, Bim! - Ivan Ivanovich exclaimed and tilted the dog’s nose towards the flower.

Bim could no longer bear this - he turned away. Then he immediately walked away and lay down in the clearing, expressing one thing with all his appearance: “Well, smell your flower!” The discrepancies required an urgent clarification of the relationship, but the owner laughed in Bim’s eyes with a happy laugh. And it was insulting. “Me too, he’s laughing!”

And he goes back to the flower:

- Hello, first one!

Bim understood for sure: “hello” was not said to him.

Jealousy crept into the dog's soul, so to speak, that's what happened. Although relations at home seemed to have improved, it was a bad day for Bim: there was game - they didn’t shoot, he ran after the bird - he was punished, and what’s more - it was a flower. No, after all, even a dog’s life can be a dog’s life, for it lives under the hypnosis of three “pillars”: “impossible”, “back”, “good”.

Only they did not know, neither Bim nor Ivan Ivanovich, that once this day, if they remembered, would have seemed to them great happiness.

Notes from the owner

In a forest tired of the burden of winter, when the awakened buds have not yet blossomed, when the sad stumps of the winter felling have not yet sprouted, but are already crying, when the dead brown leaves lie in a layer, when the bare branches do not rustle yet, but only slowly touch each other, - suddenly the smell of snowdrops came! Barely noticeable, but it is the smell of awakening life, and therefore it is trembling and joyful, although almost imperceptible. I look around and it turns out he’s nearby. There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness to whom it is due and available. But for everyone, both happy and unhappy, he is now an adornment of life.

This is how it is among us humans: there are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. They decorate life, containing all the best that exists in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust. So a snowdrop seems like a drop of heaven on earth...

And a few days later (yesterday) Bim and I were in the same place. The sky has already sprinkled the forest with thousands of blue drops. I search, I look out: where is he, the very first, the bravest? It seems that this is it. He or not him? Don't know. There are so many of them that he can no longer be noticed, cannot be found - he got lost among those following him, mixed with them. But he is so small, but heroic, so quiet, but so assertive, that it seems that it was he who was frightened by the last frosts, surrendered, throwing out the white flag of the last frost at the edge of the early dawn. Life goes on.

...And Bim cannot understand any of this. I was even offended for the first time and became jealous. However, when there were already a lot of flowers, he did not pay attention to them even then. During the training, he behaved not so well: he was upset without a gun. He and I are at different stages of development, but we are very, very close. Nature creates according to a stable law: the necessity of one in the other, from the simplest to the highly developed life, everywhere - this law... Could I have endured such terrible loneliness if there had been no Bim?

How I needed her! She also loved snowdrops. The past is like a dream...

Isn't it a dream - the real thing? Isn't this a dream - yesterday's spring forest with blue on the ground? Well: blue dreams– a divinely healing medicine, albeit temporary. Of course, temporary. For even if writers preached only blue dreams, moving away from the gray color, then humanity would stop worrying about the future, accepting the present as eternal and future. The destiny of doom in time is that the present must become only the past. It is not in the power of a person to command: “Sun, stop!” Time is unstoppable, unstoppable and inexorable. Everything is in time and movement. And the one who seeks only stable peace is all in the past, whether he is a young man who cares about himself or an old man - age does not matter. Blue has its own sound, it sounds like peace, oblivion, but only temporary, just for relaxation; You should never miss such moments.

If I were a writer, I would definitely address this: “O restless man! Glory to you forever, who thinks, who suffers for the sake of the future! If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality. Go quickly: in a few days there may be no snowdrops, and you will not be able to remember the magic of the vision given by nature. Go get some rest. Snowdrops – fortunately, people say.”

...And Bim is sleeping. And he sees a dream: he kicks his legs - he runs in his sleep. This one doesn’t care about snowdrops: he sees blue only as gray (that’s how a dog’s vision works). Nature has created a kind of denigrator of reality. Go and convince him, dear friend, so that he can see from a human point of view. Even if you cut off the head, you will see it your own way. A completely independent dog.

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