Life of Kievan Rus briefly. Life and customs of ancient Rus'

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Korean ginseng is well known to many, but not everyone can accurately describe the plant, much less why it is useful. There are Korean ginseng benefits that can be obtained from the use of this herb. Korean ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, contains phytochemicals that are considered powerful alternative medicines for addressing emotional and physical stress. Its thin and long...

Release form: Liquid for oral administration in 325 ml bottles. Active ingredients: 100 ml of solution contains sodium-iron citrate complex 200 mg, vitamin B1 2 mg, vitamin B2 2.85 mg, panthenol 8.5 mg, nicotinamide 20 mg, vitamin B6 2 mg, vitamin B12 5 mcg, vitamin C 100 mg and alcoholic extract of hawthorn berries 80 mg,…

Release form: Capsules of 100 mg N.10 and 30. Active ingredient: Standardized ginseng extract. Therapeutic effect: Metabolic, adaptogenic, biostimulating. Indications: Asthenic conditions of various etiologies, convalescence period, prolonged physical and mental overload, to increase the level of performance and body resistance (especially in the elderly). Manufacturer: Boehringer Ingelheim.

Release form: Lozenges N.30. Active ingredients: Vitamin complex from the “Elixir of Health” series. Dietary supplement with ginseng and licorice. Contains vitamins A, E, D, group B, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, biotin. Therapeutic effect: has a general strengthening and tonic effect, helps strengthen the body's immune system, slows down the aging process, has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. Indications: Used for fatigue, overexertion , nervous...

Release form: Liquid for injection 2ml No. 10. Active ingredient: Preparation from the vitreous body of the eyes of cattle. Therapeutic effect: Stimulation of bone tissue formation, analgesic. Indications: Hyperscarring (for softening and resorption of scar tissue), joint contractures, neuralgia, phantom pain, sciatica. Manufacturer: Belmedpreparaty.

Release form: Tablets 100 mg N.50 and 100; suspension for oral administration 100 mg/5 ml - 200 ml. Active ingredient: Pyritinol hydrochloride. Therapeutic effect: Nootropic. Indications: Impaired memory, thinking, concentration ability, lack of drive and motivation, premature fatigue, affective disorders in dementia syndrome and after traumatic brain injury. Manufacturer: E. Merck.

Release form: Solution for oral administration in 50 ml bottles with a 2 ml pipette. Active ingredients: Alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesylate and caffeine (in 2 ml of solution 2 and 20 mg of active substances, respectively). Therapeutic effect: Alpha-adrenergic blocking, stimulating nadopaminergic and serotonergic receptors of the central nervous system, antiaggregation, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain, antihypoxic. Indications: Cerebrovascular insufficiency, residual effects after...

I want to devote this chapter to plants that are called adaptogens or biostimulants. These herbs have unique properties: they strengthen the body, tone, stimulate the nervous system, within reasonable limits, of course. They invigorate the tired, and calm the nervous ones, raising their vitality. But most importantly, they increase resistance to diseases and help a tired body cope with chronic diseases. After all, the main thing is to treat not the disease, but the patient. These herbs help a person himself - mind you, himself - to overcome the disease. And they are not hidden somewhere beyond the seven seas. They grow here, in Russia, in the wild - in Siberia and the Far East or on special plantations and in amateur gardeners' plots. But growing them, of course, is not as easy as potatoes. But you can...

There are seven main natural adaptogens, like the seven wonders of the world. But before you start talking about these herbs, you need to understand a little - what biostimulants (adaptogens) are and how their effect on the human body is expressed. A little theoretical knowledge will help you make sure that there are means ready to support a person in difficult times.

If we look into smart books, we can read there that biostimulants are biological stimulants, that is, substances that are of natural (plant) origin and have a stimulating, adapting, tonic and general strengthening effect on the human body.
“Bio” means life, a stimulant is what pushes one towards this life, makes life better and more beautiful. Of course, we can say that drugs also make life “better and more beautiful” for a certain period, and then become a disaster for a person. And many drugs, by the way, are also of plant origin...
Yes.. it is true.. these are somewhat similar phenomena, but a person becomes addicted to drugs very quickly, he cannot live even a day without them, but there is no addiction to the plants we are talking about. You feel bad, you are sick - drink adaptogens, you are cured, life has acquired bright colors, your strength has increased - stop drinking herbs. These herbs are not evil, they will not pump energy out of you, on the contrary, they will fill you with life and modestly move aside. Live and be happy, and when you need them, call them, they are always there and ready to help.

What are these 7 wonderful herbs?

The most famous biostimulant is, perhaps, the famous ginseng, which was used 4,000 years ago, and maybe more. The miraculous power of ginseng is legendary. Manchurian aralia, tall zamaniha and eleutherococcus senticosus have similar properties. And this is not surprising, because these plants are related to ginseng: they all belong to the Araliaceae family and contain substances that are almost identical in their chemical structure.
Schisandra chinensis, Leuzea safroliformes and Rhodiola rosea, although not related to ginseng, are also included in the list of “golden herbs”. The number of ailments they can fight is very large. In terms of their medicinal value, they are in no way inferior to representatives of the Araliaceae family, and in some cases even surpass them. These seven wonderful plants provide invaluable help to humans.
Sometimes in books there is another name for this group of golden herbs: according to the international classification of medicinal herbs they are called “general tonic preparations,” and in domestic pharmacology they are called “natural adaptogens.” But “biological stimulants” is the most accurate name, because the adaptogenic, tonic, and restorative properties are based on the natural stimulation of the body as a whole by increasing the performance of all its systems.

Now let’s talk in more detail about what effects these medicinal plants have on the body.
Once in our body, these herbs affect the nervous, digestive, cardiac, hormonal, immune, and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that the range of indications for the use of these herbs is so wide. They were called biological not only because they are of plant origin. Unlike chemically synthesized remedies, these herbs stimulate all systems naturally without overstraining them.

Let's take amphetamine (a chemically synthesized drug that stimulates the nervous system) for comparison. When taking this drug, nerve cells immediately release all their mediators (chemicals that transmit information to nerve endings and cells of other organs). Thanks to this, a person’s mood improves dramatically and even euphoria sets in. But then... The mediators released into the blood are quickly utilized, and the nervous system simply does not have time to produce new ones in such a short period of time - half a day, a day. And what? Left without mediators in the blood, a person falls into terrible depression... until the nervous system restores the expended strength.

Or this. Everyone knows that after an illness, a person’s immune system resembles a wallet before a paycheck: a couple of kopecks at the very bottom. Such an exhausted system is no longer capable of fighting a new infection. But let’s say that the threat of infection hangs over this person who has just recovered from the disease. By taking the chemical, he will, of course, boost his exhausted immune system, and it will produce a new portion of cells that will fight the pest. But this encouragement will be a real mockery: you can beat an exhausted horse as much as you like, but it won’t make it go faster, and if it does, it will soon die.

That's not how biological stimulants work. They very carefully influence this or that system, rather strengthening, strengthening, healing it than actually stimulating it. This ensures the natural production of substances necessary for the body in the quantities necessary for its normal functioning. Biological stimulants take care of the present while thinking about the future. It is this property that becomes especially valuable when gross interference in the healing process, in the work of a particular system, is unacceptable.
What can biostimulants do? Cure neuroses, depressive conditions, relieve anxiety, help recovery after long-term chronic diseases, defeat infections, improve digestion and cardiac activity - these are just some of the results of the stimulating effects of these medicinal herbs.

All adaptogenic herbs are the same in strength. And in action, each is good in its own way. Each biological stimulant, in addition to its general effect, also has its own characteristics. For one disease it is preferable to use one plant, for another - another. For example, lemongrass is good for weak eyes, ginseng is good for age-related female ailments, maral root gives masculine strength. Schisandra leaves have a caffeine-like effect: they drive away sleep, invigorate, but they do not give you the “coffee-like” shake, which is very important for drivers. Eleutherococcus is used to strengthen the immune system, and Rhodiola rosea is the most acceptable biostimulant for children and heart patients: it acts gently and also has little effect on the heart.

But not only these 7 herbs are biostimulants. Along with them, other substances are also used, not always of plant origin, but I still want to mention them in this chapter.

For more than 10,000 years, the magic of amber has protected the spirit and body of man. Due to its beauty and healing properties, it was endowed with mystical and protective qualities. It was always used to make amulets, amulets, rosaries and church utensils. One of its names is “electrum”, which translated from ancient Greek means “I protect”. "Electrum" was used in all forms: taken orally in the form of tinctures and powders, rubbed into the skin, inhaled the vapors, and more often simply applied to the sore spot. Amber is a natural biostimulant; it has an electromagnetic field that is beneficial to our body, restores “damage” to the aura and helps eliminate diseases. Wearing amber jewelry, fingering rosaries and, especially, using amber massagers actively affects the active points of our body in a very beneficial way.

Flower pollen .
The use of flower pollen in medicine was first proposed by the French Chauvin and Lenormand in 1957. Their studies showed that pollen has a regulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract of patients suffering from constipation or chronic diarrhea, in the treatment of which antibiotics were unsuccessfully used. Good results have been obtained in the treatment of colitis. In case of childhood anemia, treatment with pollen leads to a rapid increase in hemoglobin content in the blood, giving an increase in strength and weight. Pollen is a good biological stimulant in the treatment of premature aging.

Natural coffee
Coffee and the caffeine it contains are not a drug, but just a mild biostimulant. Coffee has become the secret engine of human life because it not only has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, but increases blood circulation in the blood vessels, stimulates performance, facilitates perception, improves concentration, increases motor activity, reduces fatigue, and increases performance.

But the most important thing to remember when working with biostimulants is that everything is good in moderation. We rarely remember this truism and even less often apply it in life. There is such an anecdote: “I need more pills for greed, more, more...” At one time it was very fashionable to take mumiyo, propolis and some other biostimulants for treatment and prevention. It was believed, and many still believe so, that they only bring benefits. Alas, this is not always the case. Any remedy taken at the wrong time and in unlimited quantities will not lead to good. There are cases where a medicine perfectly treats one disease and leads to another. You cannot overly delay the course of treatment with biostimulants so that the body does not get used to the “stimulation”, but begins to work on its own.

And the last thing I would like to say today. Not everyone can take biostimulants at all. They are contraindicated for cancer patients, both those with malignant and benign pathologies. They stimulate growth/increase in tumor size.

You can read more about each of the seven “golden herbs” in the library.

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