Carla's dreams is where the band comes from. Lead singer of Carla's Dreams: I'm sickeningly ugly, so I hide my face

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The Moldavian group Carla's Dreams sounds at every turn today. Her popularity is off the charts thanks to her successful hits. The once inconspicuous music company has become popular all over the world, their tracks have become recognizable and adored.

On YouTube on the worldwide video hosting site, their compositions are listened to a million times. Everyone doesn’t skimp on leaving pleasant comments: “that the music is very melodic”, “they sing beautifully”, “who are these guys”, “where can I download Carla’s Dreams Sub pielea mea”, “what is the name of the song”, “I’ve already listened to this 30 times track and I want more." Similar reviews are left by caring fans who know nothing about this group from Moldova.

Who are these singers from the group Carla's Dreams and how did they appear?

The musical and vocal project, opened in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, in 2012, gained popularity in the summer of 2016 and is at the top of all music charts. The Chisinau boy band Carla's Dreams consists of a soloist and anonymous musicians: it includes songwriters, vocalists, guitarists and other people. Members of the hit band cannot reveal the secret of the group: who they are, what their names are, how many there are, all information is kept confidential the strictest secret.

Members of the musical group shared with online publications that they do not intend to reveal the names of the group members and their number. They consider themselves most likely amateurs, but not professionals who do not have music education From time to time the group experiments, they have real voices, they sound without changes or any special effects, that is, not processed. They sing their songs in 3 languages: their native Romanian, Russian and English. The hits of the Carla's Dreams group contain several styles of music: rock, pop, jazz and hip-hop.

The members of the group nevertheless revealed the secret of the name of the group; by the way, they themselves started this conversation. So, the name of the musical and vocal project Carlas Dreams contains the name of the hero of the works of John Le Carré. IN original form The character's name means Carla. Also, the name “Karla” is an acronym; the team promises to decipher it someday.

Photos and songs of the participants of Carla s Dreams Sub pielea mea eroina

The public has not seen the true face of the singer Carla's Dreams since the founding of the group in 2012. The soloist and other musicians go on stage, appear in videos with painted faces, as if putting on a mask, so that no one recognizes them, creating an inimitable image for themselves. In addition to the body art technique, the group's faces wear glasses and a hood for greater veil. While the intrigue remains, we'll see what happens next.

Although some paparazzi dug into the group to find out the truth and the real names of the lead singer and musicians of the group, and it seems they succeeded. True or not, photo reporters unanimously confirm that the singer performing the song Sub pielea mea is Andrei Tserush, former member"In Quantro". Also, his work collided in a duet with Inna, Delhi and Loredana Groza.

Carla's Dreams lyrics translation Sub Pielea Mea

Songs Carla's Dreams all albums Carlos Dreams

1. "Hobson's Choice", 2012
2. "YES. NOT. NA.", 2014
3. Plays
4. "Caution"
5. "Raslabon"
6. “We choose life” (“We choose to live”)
7. "Heart"
8. "The Art of Love" ("The Art of Love")
9. "Zburînd" ("Fly")
10. "The Wall" ("The Wall")
11. "(" The earth rotates "(" The earth rotates ")
12. "If" ("if only...")
13. "At the Crossroads" ("At the Crossroads")
14. "My Girl"
15. "Born in Moldova"
16. "Lullaby"
17. "Lovers" ("Lovers") with Dara
18. "Hobson's Choice"
19. "Mom"
20. "Dad"
21. "For those who can"
22. “In the colors of red” (“In red colors”)
23. "Little Brother's Letter"
24. "P.O.H.U.I"
25. "P. O. H. U. I" with Inna
26. "Funeral do"
27. "Your World" with Loredana
28. "Tempus Ran"
29. Wednesday
30. "At the Heights" ("From the Heights")
31. "Farewell"
32. "Tempus Escaped 2"
33. "Only you"
34. "You're different"
35. "So free"
36. "Neiubită" ("Unloved")
37. "Off Season Duckling"
38. "Sit"
39. “Come what may” with Daru, Inna, Antonia
40. "Rockets"
41. "Like Us" with Delia
42. "Yes, Mom" ​​with Delia
43. "Tempus Ran 3"
44. "Zarplata" (A-ta-na-na-na)
45. "Please"
46. ​​"In My Skin"
47. "Wings"

Carla's Dreams video clips

Never before has there been a time when there is so much to say, but few people manage to do so. Today, being talented and not achieving success is a paradox. People of the 21st century are opening up hitherto unknown opportunities, but the majority generously neglects them. It's easy to be heard, especially if you know what you're talking about.

"Carla's Dreams" is an anonymous musical project that received public approval quite quickly, and when you hear their songs, you are not surprised. Their music and words hit where they need to be - apparently this is one of the properties of art without the admixture of money. In this interview The lead singer of "Carla's Dreams" lifted the veil of secrecy over the group. True, his answers raise even more questions.

If you google "Carla's Dreams", you will also see a link to a series of American "Interns" and the name racehorse. What is the reason for the name of the group?

The word "Carla" has a decoding, but we will not reveal it for now. In addition, this name made it possible to reset any frames and labels. Carla can have a variety of thoughts and a variety of dreams in her head.

Tell us about your team.

"Carla's Dreams" is a musical project created by us, which we are promoting with the help of like-minded people. There are few of us, literally a couple of people. Our work is impersonal, we do not know each other by sight, but each of us is an integral part of the project.

What's the point closed projects?

There are two basic principles: no information about the source (music, text, etc.) and no concert activities, except for closed events.

And the team members agreed that all your activities are anonymous?

Yes, everyone was interested in it. The core of the team works hard, but we leave some things to outside professionals. They are also not against this kind of cooperation - after all, this does not change the payment for their work.

In this case, how do you prepare materials?

We write the lyrics and music ourselves - in otherwise this would mean disclosing the project. We don’t skimp on mixing and mastering, we’re friends with those who can do it. We have been working with them for a long time, these people have already become part of the project. Preparing all the material took a little over two years, now we have about 40 ready-made melodies at our disposal. For some this is a long time, but for me it is extremely important to be sure that I have achieved the maximum result. For example, the song "It"s raining" was re-recorded 6 times, but the result meets all the requirements.

What inspires you? When listening, I get the feeling that I’ve heard it somewhere before.

Yes, that is right. The point is that we are not creating something fundamentally new. At least for now. This is our interpretation of the music we like. It's nice that people have associations with other, more famous performers, That's a compliment.

The website became the platform for the start and promotion of the group. Why?

This is a spontaneous decision. We decided to promote our songs in all possible ways, sent them to more than 20 people who did what they considered necessary to bring them to the Internet. Cornelia Bucataru (mix, mastering) decided to send one of them to the admin of, since this site is one of the most visited in Moldova, and this song, to put it mildly, fit with their format. "Dăti-n ch***a mătii" even became their anthem. In many ways, we achieved this result thanks to their help.

On your YouTube channel there have already been more than 170,000 views, comments are more than approving, apparently the promotion has been effective. How does it feel?

Double. When we started we didn't have any expectations, the first YouTube subscriber was considered a 100% win. The surprising thing was that the matter did not stop there. This fact, of course, makes us happy, but it also complicates our task: listeners have certain expectations, and we need to maintain the quality level. Although this provokes more original ideas.

Why are you anonymous? Why are you a closed project?

There are several motives. Firstly, it is possible that soon we will make material that would be better released impersonally. Secondly, we don’t need unnecessary attention to ourselves - this age has passed. Anonymity makes it possible to remain free. It's important for us to promote the music, not ourselves.

Do not forget that any person determines the framework within which the project is associated. For some, it is difficult to imagine that the same person sings “Dăti-n ch***a mătii” and the song “The Wall”. We don’t like boundaries, we are free in themes and styles, let everyone see who they want.

When it comes to impersonal material, there are two options: either it is something extremely offensive, or it goes against “the system.”

If you dig deep, you can find something political in any song. People very often rationalize and give meanings to songs that are not there and could not be there. I will say this - everyone will take their own. For some, the meaning will be offensive, for others it will be an anthem against the system, and the third will not see anything at all. We know what we want to convey, and I am sure that someone will understand, even if he is one in a hundred.

Your songs can be downloaded freely. Why free? For most people, music is a business.

This was given to me free of charge; I do not consider myself entitled to demand money for it. All project participants contribute, be it free time or money. Perhaps someday "Carla's Dreams" will make a profit, but for this there are a couple of conditions that will not be realized soon, and maybe never. We do not have an ultimate goal.

Do you hope that someday you will be able to live only from music?

No, I don't count on it. I never count on anything at all. I have Full time job, not related to music, few people know about my hobby. In a sense, I have two lives. For me it’s more interesting - why build the same thing twice? The fact is that the environment has a very big impact on all of us, but not on the anonymous person. I am real in both “images”, but there is a big plus in creativity - there I am free from the influence of circumstances.

What foreshadowed your occupation music?

I'll start from afar. I believe that since ancient times nothing has essentially changed, and the archetypes of the social system have remained the same. I'm sure you've noticed that sometimes time moves slower than usual. This state of a kind of trance is usually caused by people, they are like modern shamans. I want to make people's time flow differently. And for this I have only one opportunity - music.

You can’t do without asking about plans for the future. You are preparing a video, please share the details.

It will appear very soon, in about a month. The clip is quite unusual, at least the idea is not entirely mainstream. The song has not yet been released, work on it is ongoing in parallel. There will be a different topic and a different approach, stay tuned to the page on

The sensational hit Sub Pielea Mea-Eroina Carla group"s Dreams has been occupying the first lines of the main European charts for seven months now. The Moldovan band quickly burst into the world show business not only thanks to its memorable repertoire, but also thanks to its unusual image. In public, musicians always appear with painted faces in dark glasses and in hoods. In the foreign press, the group has long been called a phenomenon - no one knows what its members look like or what their names are. IN exclusive interview The lead singer of the group told Life about how the musical project was created and why its participants are forced to hide their faces.

Is this your first time in Moscow?

Yes, this is my first time in Moscow with part of my band. We came for three days - just to scout out the situation. I haven't had time to go anywhere yet. True, some guys were at some club yesterday. But I didn’t go - I needed to get enough sleep, before the flight I spent the whole night in the studio, so I had absolutely no desire to go anywhere, despite the fact that it was my first time in Moscow.

The group is called Carla's Dreams, so who is Carla?

While the project exists, I will not tell you whether it was named after a girl or not. I can only say that in John Le Carré’s novel there was such a character as Karl, a spy about whom practically nothing was known. This is absolutely suitable for our project.

From the very beginning of the project, did you start painting your face?

The idea was ours, and it is absolutely not new. There was just a problem and it needed to be solved. The problem was that we didn’t want a public life. We are not interested in social life and show business parties. Initially it was an Internet project. There was absolutely no communication with the press. Even when the project grew and became popular. Then there was an urgent need to do at least one concert. There was a problem: I didn’t want to come out as I was. Of course, I would like to brag that I am such a good marketer, but I am not. I am aware that now this looks exactly like a smart PR move, if someone thinks that I am so smart, this is only a plus for me.

There are rumors that you hide your face due to skin problems.

Yes, I confirm that I look very bad. I'm sickeningly ugly, that's why I hide. I just don't want to spoil people's mood. But, seriously, everything is fine with my health, including my skin.

For privacy reasons, do you get your makeup done by the same makeup artist every time?

We do our own makeup. In four years, we have already learned how to apply our own makeup. The make-up artist comes only when we need more complex makeup, for example, latex. This is when the shape of the cheekbones changes, but these are already perversions, but sometimes we resort to them. Just because we want to, it’s cool to change our appearance.

Always on stage different quantities people, how many members does your band have?

We are not a band, we are a project. There are more than two dozen of us. The project has a musical component and several others that I won’t talk about, but it unites a circle of people. These people are not in the same country, because we have been living in the 21st century for 16 years, many things can be done remotely. Therefore, someone does not need to fly from Kyiv to Bucharest or from Chisinau to Kyiv in order to come up with something, write something, or just talk. Fortunately, we have the Internet. At concerts the musicians are usually different. There could be 8 of us - that's the maximum, or 5, or 6, or even 3. Depends on the venue and concerts. These people are absolutely impersonal, there is no such thing as this particular drummer or that particular guitarist performing. The vocalist, unfortunately, does not change; yes, it is technically difficult to do.

During the existence of the group, many outsiders have worked with you, how do you monitor information leaks?

It is impossible to completely eliminate information leakage. There are at least three news stories in Moldova that I know of that are a lot of fun. In the press they called me all sorts of names: Andrei, Roma, and Sergei. Proving identity is very difficult. We have to try very hard, I haven’t met such people yet. In addition, there is a legal component - disclosing information will be expensive. Even obscenely expensive. Plus we choose people who see things the same way we do. There is another point that I am proud of - this is that the public in Moldova and Romania boycotts news that begins with the words “we have found out the identity of the lead singer of Carla’s Dreams.” People post such news and are immediately banned, while publications There are a lot of haters spreading this news. The public themselves do not want to know who we are. Therefore, journalists lose interest, since there is no demand for this news.

How will the life of the group change if your names are declassified?

If someone wants to do us harm, Well, that's their business. This will create great social inconvenience. This will change your lifestyle. I also don’t want to be known because it’s expensive to be famous. I don't want to buy myself fashionable clothes and go to social gatherings. Savor presupposes certain standards: how I should dress, where I should go and whom I should smile at. I don’t want to smile at anyone just because it’s good for business or it’s rude not to smile.

But it turns out that this is double standards?

Agree. I believe, and most people think so, that the truth is somewhere in the middle. The more relatively you look at things, the calmer and easier your life will be. Well, yes, it happens both ways: both ours and yours.

Foreign journalists claim that you are a former member of the Moldovan group In Quadro, which was produced by Alexander Russo. What can you say about this?

I know both Alexander Russo and Ivan Lazolvan - he is a member of this group. The fact is that a couple of years ago there was news that I was former soloist or a member of this group. One of the members of the In Quadro group - Andrey - actually worked with us on some level. Once journalists called him and asked about it, he answered them something incomprehensible, and that’s how the news appeared. That's why they mistake me for Andrey. I responsibly declare that this is not so! I have never been a member of the group In Quadro and have no connection with it.

How do you know Russian so well?

Some people think that I have relatives in Russia. I have no Russian roots. Me and some of the guys come from Chisinau, and there are quite most of The population speaks Russian well. Plus, before the collapse of the USSR, we had your language state language. Well, plus the influence of media from Russia also played a role. Now in the project some of the guys are from Romania, some from Ukraine, now, maybe, I’ll take them from Russia too.

You have a release coming soon new song, tell us about it.

Well, the song is so-so. No, actually, she's very cool. The idea is beautiful. The song will be called "Triangle" or "Triangles", we haven't decided yet.But the clip has already been invented: withFrom a moral point of view, it will be very difficult for the viewer to determine who he is for. Everyone is right.

The group Carla’s Dreams from Moldova today has become popular all over the world, many hits have become favorites. Most of the comments are written with declarations of love for the songs, how good the compositions are and that the videos and music can be reviewed several times, some have up to thirty views at a time.

What kind of band Carla’s Dreams is the story behind it?

The musical project, founded in the capital of Moldova in 2012, has today gained popularity and is in the top of the charts. The Chisinau collective Carla's Dreams consists of a group of anonymous musicians: songwriters, vocalists, guitarists and other people. The members of the hit band do not want to reveal the group’s secrets: who they are, how many there are, what their names are, all information is kept in the strictest confidence.

Participants musical group reported to the media that they do not intend to disclose the names of the group members and their number. As they explain, they are not professionals; most likely they consider themselves amateurs who do not have any specialty in the field of music. From time to time the group experiments, their voices sound authentic, not processed. They sing their hits in three languages: their native Romanian, English and Russian. Carla's Dreams hits include several styles of music: hip-hop, pop, rock, jazz, etc.
They nevertheless revealed the secret of the group’s name; it is noteworthy that they raised this topic themselves. So here's the name music project Carla's Dreams comes from the name of a character in John le Carré's novels. In the original, the character's name is Karla. In addition, the name “Karla” is an acronym; members of the team promise to someday make its decipherment available to those around them.

Photos of Carla's Dreams participants

Their true face since its foundation, namely since 2012, no one has seen it. The lead singer and the rest of the group, called Carla’s Dreams, have their faces painted using body art, and the group performs and appears in videos wearing glasses and hoods. They themselves decided to keep the intrigue, the main thing in their performances was the meaning of the text and the music.

Initially, Carla's Dreams did not consider anonymity as a way to gain popularity around the world, but once this happened, they considered it a marketing ploy. They are sure that to a large extent, their obscurity as individuals frees them from the stresses of famous public life.

But the photo reporters could not calm down and got to the bottom of the truth, it turned out that the lead singer of Carla’s Dreams is Andrei Tsarush, an ex-member of the group “In Quadro” born October 25, 1984, in the town of Slobodzeya, the Republic of Moldova. Even in a duet with Loredana Groza, Inna and Delia, he achieved success, releasing real ones. Behind him is the Chisinau Faculty of Public Law.

The first play Carla's Dreams released was called "Dă-te" ("Get Out"). In the spring of 2013, in March, the group shot a video for the song “P.O.H.U.I” together with Romanian performer Inna, changing it a little. The group is slightly different from other local singers and groups, as they use personalized slang in their songs, words in the lyrics about realities Everyday life Of course, they combine several musical styles in their compositions.

They released their first album Carla's Dreams in in electronic format. Collaborating with Dara, we shot the first video clip. In 2013, in Romania, Carla's Dreams launched its project in collaboration with Inna, the play “P.O.H.U.I.” was released, then with Loredana the track “My World”, and together with Delia the plays were recorded: “Da, mamă” and “Cum ne noi”, etc. .d.

The group plans to write a lot of songs, the main thing is not popularity, but beautiful compositions with meaning and the development of their project. Recently they became the most beloved among anonymous people; together, the music team dreams of bringing their songs to listeners and fans important questions everyday life and all the colors of life in the appropriate musical format.

Discography of the group Carla’s Dreams all songs, albums:

1. Hobson's Choice, 2012
2. “DA. NU. NA.", 2014
3. Plays
4. "Caution"
5. "Raslabon"
6. “Alegem să trăim” (“We choose to live”)
7. "Inima"
8. "Arta iubirii" ("The Art of Love")
9. "Zburînd" ("Fly")
10. "Zidul" ("Wall")
11. “(„Pămîntul se învîrte” (“The earth is spinning”)
12. “Daca” (“If…”)
13. “La intersecții” (“At the crossroads”)
14. "My Girl"
15. “Născut in Moldova”
16. "Cîntec de leagăn"
17. “Îndrăgostiți” (“Lovers”) în colaborare cu Dara
18. "Hobson's Choice"
19. "Mama"
20. "Tata"
21. "Pentru cei ce pot"
22. “În culori roșii” (“With red colors”)
23. "Scrisoare fratelui mai mic"
24. "P.O.H.U.I"
25. “P.O.H.U.I” în colaborare cu Inna
26. "Funeral face"
27. “Lumea Ta” in colaborare cu Loredana
28. "Tempus Fugit"
29. "Wednesday"
30. “De la înălțime” (“From on high”)
31. Farewell
32. "Tempus Fugit 2"
33. "Numai tu"
34. “Ești altfel”
35. "Atât de liberi"
36. “Neiubită” (“Unloved”)
37. "Rățușca"
38. "Mai stai"
39. “Fie ce-o fi” colaborare Dara, Inna, Antonia
40. "Rachete"
41. “Cum ne noi” in colaborare cu Delia
42. “Yes, mama” in colaborare cu Delia
43. "Tempus Fugit 3"
44. "Zarplata" (Ci-ta-na-na-na)
45. "Te Rog"
46. ​​"Sub pielea mea"
47. "Aripile"

The news that Life had declassified the identity of the performer of the hit Sub Pielea - Eroina, hiding under a thick layer of makeup, caused a great resonance on the Internet. So that our readers do not have any doubts about the authenticity of the published material, we decided to let you in on the nuances of the investigation.

On August 29, we received a message in the LifeCorr app with first and last names. An anonymous user claimed that in a few days four men would fly to Moscow: Catalin Andrei Petre, Octav Capota, Josef Cherian and Emanuel Masson, three of whom are musicians of the Moldovan project Carla's Dreams, which has been hiding the names and faces of its participants for more than four years.

Engaged in a mystery game, we found out which hotel the musicians were planning to stay at and rented them during check-in. It was then for the first time that the paparazzi captured the faces of the artists without makeup. Having analyzed the profiles of the young people whose names were sent to us on social networks, and having discovered a striking resemblance to the men filmed at the hotel, we were convinced that the young people were indeed participants in the shocking project. However, it was still not possible to understand which of them had the sexual hoarseness. Understanding the responsibility with which the team approaches conspiracy, we decided that the main member of the group could have stayed in a completely different hotel. Later our assumptions found basis.

As part of Carla's press tour Dreams soloist team visited our editorial office for an interview planned long before his arrival. The artist was warned that the holding company has a permit system, which requires the presence of an identity card. However, on day X, the musician, as usual, appeared in makeup and introduced himself at the pass office with the name of another member of the group - Catalin Andrei Petre. When security officers asked her to confirm her identity with a document, the celebrity silently threw up her hands and walked into the studio, explaining that she could not declassify personal data even to security officers.

Meanwhile, the LifeCorr editorial office received data from a Moldovan citizen who arrived in Moscow on the same day as the project participants, but to another hotel located on a nearby street. It turned out to be Andrei Tarus. It was Tserush, a former member of the once popular boy band In Quadro, according to one version of foreign media, who formed Carla's Dreams, becoming the leader and soloist of the group. The fact that Andrei and the group simultaneously flew to Moscow from Chisinau and settled in neighboring hotels, of course, did not say that Tserush is the lead singer of Carla's Dreams. More evidence needed to be collected.

After the next broadcast on one of music channels Tserush, having washed off his makeup in the room and changed into “worldly” clothes, went to dinner. Leaving the hotel alone, Andrei met his manager at the establishment, whom we immediately recognized. It turned out to be Carla's Dreams agent Stefan Lucia. Having discovered Tserush's next intersection with the group, we continued to collect confirmation.

Sitting at the next table in the restaurant, we recorded a fragment of the conversation to make sure whether the voice of Andrei sitting at the table was similar to the voice of the soloist who gave an interview to our publication. Having discovered the striking similarity of timbres, we did not rely on our own perception and turned to professionals for help. A phonoscopic examination specialist, having compared the audio recording from the restaurant with the interview of the soloist, established the absolute identity of the voices.

Timbre, tonality, range, intonation, as well as the phonetics of the pronunciation of words - all this is absolutely the same, there can be no doubt about it, voice expert Boris Sergienko told Life.

Realizing that Andrei Tsarush, a member of the disbanded Moldovan group In Quadro, is the elusive lead singer of the group Carla's Dreams, we decided to exclude all possibilities of random coincidences and turned to another expert for help - a specialist who studies facial features. Physiognomist Elena We provided Filatova with two photographs: the lead singer of the group in a mask giving an interview, and Andrei Tsarush, which we took in the restaurant and when leaving the hotel. The expert established one hundred percent identical facial expressions, shape and facial features.

The face shape is absolutely the same. The distance between the mouth and nose is identical. Mouth size, lip shape. The same distance that the nose protrudes. Fa-lin lines come from the nose; judging by Chinese physiognomy, they are equally pronounced. The nostrils are defined, the cheekbones are also the same. They even speak the same. This is one hundred percent the same person! There is no doubt! - physiognomist Svetlana Filatova told Life.

After the experts confirmed the identity of the man in the mask and the man filmed by Life, all we had to do was escort the artists to the airport. On the day of departure, around noon, a car drove up to Andrei Tsarush’s hotel, from which all the other musicians of Carla’s Dreams appeared one after another.

After a cigarette break with Tserush, the men got into the car with him. Their next destination was Domodedovo Airport. And on passport control We were once again convinced that the name Tserush was indeed registered in the passport of the main person involved in the investigation, whom we had been following for several days.

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