What does a limited number of bitcoins mean for their owners? How many Bitcoins are there in the world?

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The galloping growth in the exchange rate of the two most popular cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and Ethereum – is creating a stir around digital money. Both the mining of coins and the volume of investments in these currencies are increasing. More and more often questions arise: how many Bitcoins and Ethereum have already been mined, what is the maximum number of Bitcoins and whether the limit of cryptocurrencies will be exhausted, whether there will be enough cryptocurrencies for all...

Exhaustible and inexhaustible crypto coins

Cryptocurrencies can be divided into exhaustible ones, in the code of which a limit on the issue of coins is built in, and inexhaustible ones, which, on the contrary, can be mined endlessly. Of the 25 largest cryptocurrencies by capitalization, 17 (which is 68%) have an emission limit. These include Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), etc. The developers of the remaining 8 of the analyzed cryptocurrencies do not have any limits (for example, Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), NEM (XEM), etc.).

Below is a table showing the share of mined cryptocurrencies with limited emission.

Cryptocurrency Capitalization, billion $ Number of coins in circulation, million coins Issue limit, million coins Share of mined coins
Bitcoin (BTC) 117,6 16,8 21,0 80%
Ethereum (ETH) 32,2 96,9 No -
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 21,4 16,9 21,0 80,5%
Ripple (XRP) 8,1 38739,1 100000,0 39%
Litecoin (LTC) 3,5 54,8 84,0 65%
Dash (DASH) 3,3 7,8 18,9 41%
NEO (NEO) 1,95 65,0 100,0 65%
IOTA (MIOTA) 1,9 2779,5 2779,5 100%
Monero (XMR) 1,9 15,6 No -
NEM (XEM) 1,8 9000,0 No -
Ethereum Classic (ETC) 1,7 99,1 No -
Lisk (LSK) 0,9 117 No -
Qtum (QTUM) 0,87 73,8 100,2 74%
OmiseGO (OMG) 0,79 102,0 140,2 73%
EOS (EOS) 0,77 604,9 1000,0 60,5%
Zcash (ZEC) 0,73 3,1 No -
Hshare (HSR) 0,73 42,5 84,0 50,6%
Cardano (ADA) 0,7 25927,1 45000,0 58%
Stellar Lumens (XLM) 0,6 17890,5 103432,4 17,3%
Tether (USDT) 0,59 1468,1 1468,1 100%
BitConnect (BCC) 0,56 6,3 28,0 22,5%
Waves (WAVES) 0,5 100,0 No -
Popular (PPT) 0,4 37 53,3 69,4%
Stratis (STRAT) 0,35 98,7 No -
Ark (ARK) 0,3 98,0 129,2 76%

Table - Bitcoin emission and the 24 largest crypto coins by capitalization
Source: calculation site according to coinmarketcap.com

How many bitcoins are left?

At the time of writing, the number of bitcoins in the cryptocurrency market was more than 16.8 million, which is 80% of the established emission limit. In other words, only 4.2 million bitcoins remain in the cryptocurrency depths.

The rate of Bitcoin emission is built into its code and is strictly limited. Every four years, production is halved. In addition, as the graph below shows, it becomes more difficult to find a new block every month.

Source: blockchain.info

In what year will all bitcoins be mined?

When will the last Bitcoin be mined? Around 2140, the last 21 millionth Bitcoin will appear; it is difficult to predict how much Bitcoin will cost and what will happen next. Some experts believe that by this time the rate may increase thousands of times compared to how much Bitcoin used to cost, due to the shortage, others believe that the developers will lift the emission limit and the rate will level out.

In addition, it is worth considering that during the circulation process, some part of BTC coins is constantly lost and goes into oblivion forever. According to DigRate research, about 21% of bitcoins are “dead” and not in circulation.

How much ether is there on the market?

One of the popular queries of Internet users is how many Ethereum coins there are. As stated above, Ethereum has not set a maximum number of coins to issue, and at the moment more than 96.9 million coins have been mined.

The next logical question is how much ethereum will cost when the plan to issue all bitcoins is completed, and the amount of ETH will be hundreds, or even thousands of times higher than the amount of BTC. There is no clear opinion on this issue yet, and experts believe that by 2140 (by the time Bitcoin is exhausted), the cryptocurrency market will change beyond recognition.

It is worth noting that Vitalik Buterin (one of the creators of Ethereum) is thinking about limiting the emission of Ethereum, but he intends to do this not by analogy with Bitcoin, but in a more “cunning” way. The developer proposes to introduce a commission on applications created on the Ethereum blockchain system. This will contribute, according to Buterin, to the withdrawal of part of the tokens.

As for the difficulty of mining Ethereum, it, like Bitcoin, increases over time. However, at the end of October, after a protocol change, it became twice as easy to mine ETH.

The emergence of Bitcoin in 2009 was the basis for the development of a unique direction in all respects, characterized as mining. Quite quickly after their appearance, hundreds of thousands of people decided to start mining cryptocurrency using the devices and computer equipment at their disposal. They are interested in how many Bitcoins have been mined to date. In this article you can find out how much currency has been mined today, as well as how much is left to be mined if the maximum number of coins in the world is set.

At the initial stage, mining performed on a regular PC gave significant results, but over time, income indicators began to decline.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the total amount of cryptocurrency cannot be infinite, its quantity is limited.

Experts note that the number of Bitcoins generated will reach a maximum of 21 million coins. The closer modern users get to this indicator, the more complex the Bitcoin mining process is, and the more power is required to obtain it. Despite such difficulties, the number of miners is rapidly increasing. The multi-million army of people who want to earn money in this way is increasing almost every day with new volunteers.

Currency generation is a special area of ​​online earnings. It is carried out not only by private individuals, but also by fairly large enterprises that combine their forces in pools. This process is called mining or coin mining through the generation of new blocks. The process of obtaining cryptocurrency is based on complex tasks and actions in mathematics.

Huge modern resources are being used to solve them, and innovative technical devices are being used.

Knowing that the number of Bitcoins is limited, the “miners” throw all their resources into mining, spend the money they earn, and make full use of the capabilities of mining organizations.

Approximately 3,600 coins are added to the overall currency network every day. New arrivals are increasingly costing users more and more complexity. According to certain data, users have already received 13 million coins. Users will be able to reach the upper limit around 2140. This decline in speed is based on two main reasons:

  1. The requirements for the devices used to produce currency are constantly growing.
  2. The time required to mine one Bitcoin increases significantly.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that modern mining companies, focused on the extraction of new coins, invest large sums on the purchase of new expensive equipment. Such organizations calculate as accurately as possible how many coins they need and how long it will take to return the invested funds.

Maximum number of Bitcoins in the world?

The number of cryptocurrency coins that can be mined over time is 21 million units. Currently, users have received approximately 60% of this amount. Each coin received is valid. Currency, unlike ordinary monetary units, is not backed by gold and debt, but solely by supply and demand.

Professionals note that the ever-increasing value of Bitcoin is based on the amount of resources spent that are required to obtain each individual coin.

In some cases, currency is backed by the price of the product, which is set by the seller, as well as the price offered by the buyer.

How many Bitcoins are left to mine in 2019?

Information answering the question of how many Bitcoins are left to be mined this year and in general is not a secret. A failure in such forecasts can only occur if someone decides to purchase a large number of coins at once, which is unlikely.

The impossibility is based on the fact that the seller, knowing full well the situation with Bitcoins, will constantly increase the cost of the financial product, increasing it until the buyer has completely exhausted all funds.

Also, not all Bitcoins can be sold, especially since approximately 40% of the coins have not yet been mined at all, that is, it is clear how many Bitcoins there are at the moment and how many more are planned to be mined.

We can conclude that one coin is a means of making calculations with an exchange rate price that directly depends on the current demand and supply at a given moment. The closer the end of mining gets, the higher the currency shortage, the faster the cost of one Bitcoin increases.

The cost and quantity of mined coins is influenced not only by supply and demand, but by such factors as:

  • Features of application in leading countries of the world;
  • Relations of the main financial regulators;
  • General political situation;
  • Use of coins by powerful financial market players.

It is for this reason that the question of how many Bitcoins are left and at what price the coins are sold is relevant only for traders and for people who carry out basic calculations using currency.

Despite some forecasts indicating the possibility of cryptocurrency mining before 2140, many experts doubt this. The time to receive the last Bitcoin directly depends on a large number of factors. This includes the degree of popularity of the currency, the level of power used, and the development of the technical field. There is a good chance that in a year or two a machine will be developed that can generate all the remaining coins.

Why is the number of Bitcoins limited?

All miners know that the total number of bitcoins cannot exceed 21 million coins. Not everyone knows the reason for this restriction. The thing is that the production of new coins is spelled out as precisely as possible in the special btc protocol; it is “hardwired” into its main program code. Based on the new protocol, a reward can be paid to miners for each new block of transactions made to the blockchain. Initially, professional miners received about 50 coins for each block.

Summing up

The information in this article may be thought-provoking, but people who are mining professionally need not worry. Simultaneously with the increase in the total number of coins, the volumes and scale of financial transactions involving bitcoin are rapidly growing. In a few years, when the currency takes a dominant position in the modern financial market, professional miners will completely change the type of their activities.

After some time, individual calculation nodes will begin to receive decent commissions for approving a money transfer.

There is only talk in the world about the new cryptocurrency - bitcoins. They are written about in the media, on blogs and websites. Many are excited by the idea of ​​money without an owner and without a material equivalent. A currency that cannot be touched has recently risen in value. You can read about how many bitcoins there are in the world, how you can earn them and where to spend them in this article.

What are Bitcoins

Many people, when faced with the concept of cryptocurrency and bitcoin for the first time, cannot immediately understand what we are talking about. Indeed, this phenomenon stands out from the usual perception of things. The fact is that Bitcoin is an intangible item. You cannot touch it, exchange it at the nearest bank, or pay for bananas at the market. It is likely that such an option will be available in the near future. For now, all that can be said about this strange currency is that there are no physical equivalents to it - there is only software code.

How did bitcoins appear and how many coins are there in the world? Virtual currency was “born” in 2009 through the efforts of a group of programmers who felt that modern banking systems were very far from ideal. The commissions and taxes that are levied for completed transactions did not suit them at all. Under the leadership of Satoshi Nakamoto, a payment system was invented in which all transfers can be made directly, and there are no commissions in principle. How then is everything arranged?

Each virtual “coin” is a unique code that is reliably protected from theft. If you decide to pay someone with bitcoins, then this code will be transmitted to the person through the payment system. It is not surprising that such a simple and effective method quickly gained popularity among people.

How many rubles does Bitcoin cost?

Cryptocurrency is not tied to any economic system, which means it is a phenomenon that has no equal. The complete system is practically not subject to devaluation. One bitcoin is currently valued at $426 or 529,000 rubles. Now the currency has a high value, but

At first, financial analysts and specialists did not believe in the viability of this invention of programmers and predicted its rapid disappearance. But their predictions did not come true. In 2009, the cost of one bitcoin was only $1. In 2010, an American programmer Paslo Hanich transferred 10,000 bitcoins to a pizzeria account. This way he paid for two pizzas. The company was very lucky, because they received about 10 thousand dollars by then standards. Bitcoin continued its growth, and by spring the price was already about $9. Then its price increased several times every year until it reached $1,000 in 2013. But the record amount did not last long and by the spring of 2014 it fell three times. Despite the price reduction, the steady growth of the cryptocurrency suggests that it is in demand and will be present on the electronic money market for a long time.

What you need to know about the benefits of cryptocurrency

Many people ask about how many bitcoins there are in the world. You can find out by understanding the features of this virtual currency. What makes thousands of people believe in the effectiveness of bitcoins and buy them, hoping for further growth?

  • Ease of use: the procedure for obtaining an electronic wallet is simplified as much as possible. It will only take a few minutes to register. In addition, transferring monetary units is easier than ever.
  • Bitcoins were created as a fundamentally new currency, as opposed to the traditional one. Therefore, there are no hidden fees or transaction fees.
  • Speed ​​of transfers. There is no need to wait for “1-5 business days” for funds to be credited, since bitcoins are credited to your account instantly.
  • Anonymity. To register a wallet, you will not need to link to personal data, so your incognito will remain.
  • Guaranteed protection for bitcoin transactions. No one will hack your wallet or steal your personal funds.
  • Autonomy: the cryptocurrency is not tied to either oil or gold, which means it is not subject to devaluation and other negative factors.

How many bitcoins are there in the world?

The current popularity of bitcoins makes almost everyone interested in the new currency. Many people are interested in how many bitcoins there are in the world now. According to various sources, about 13 million coins have already been mined, which is about 60% of the maximum possible amount. Bitcoins are “mined” using computers and solving mathematical processes. In the first four years, when the currency was not yet so popular and there were a lot of coins, users of the program “mined” about 40 percent of the total number of coins. But the program is designed in such a way that the further the process goes, the more difficult and longer the “virtual gold” is extracted, the more capacity is needed for its extraction. The process is similar to the real work of gold miners: long and hard work for a couple of grains of precious metal.

Bitcoin also has a smaller analogue - satoshi, 100,000,000 of which constitute one unit of this cryptocurrency. However, the complexity of the process does not stop the majority of those who want to receive their share. What’s noteworthy is this: if you ask how many bitcoins in the world were “in circulation,” the answer would be about 37%. The remaining 63% was never used. How many bitcoins are currently lying idle in the world and why? Until Bitcoin receives official status and widespread use, the situation most likely will not change dramatically.

What is mining?

How can you get bitcoins? Many people draw an analogy with the extraction of gold from ore, which requires patience, a lot of effort and time. The same thing happens with bitcoins, only for their extraction they use not mines, but a special program. By installing it on your computer, you get the opportunity to get your share of the cryptocurrency. But there is one drawback: the successful execution of the algorithm requires computers of enormous power, so you are unlikely to be able to “mine” bitcoins on an ordinary home PC. The fact is that such programs are solved by enumerating various numbers, each of which corresponds to a specific code. If everything matches the given pattern, then a new unit of cryptocurrency is released.

How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? No one has exact numbers, but it is reliably known that every year the process of mining bitcoins is slower and slower, as more and more users connect to the program. In addition, cryptocurrency can not only be mined, but also simply purchased; sometimes btc is used to pay for various services.

How and where to buy cryptocurrency

No matter how many bitcoins there are in the world, many people want to purchase at least some of this money. And if you don’t have a powerful computer, you can simply contact the currency exchange. But this is a rather risky undertaking, because... no one can guarantee you the reliability of such a purchase. The lack of a material equivalent of currency leads many to bewilderment. The fact is that bitcoins exist only in the form of code. And the numerous coins that you can see in the photographs are just souvenirs that represent currency. Such “gold” has no value. Therefore, if you want to buy real treasures, go to the exchange. If you don’t want to deal with the exchange, you can try to purchase currency at special exchangers.

You can also receive cryptocurrency for free by performing certain actions. At the so-called “faucets,” Satoshis are given out for choosing pictures or entering a captcha. Having collected a certain number of coins, they can be exchanged for bitcoins, although this will take time.

How many bitcoins are there in the world?

There is no definite answer to this question, but the figure fluctuates around 4000 coins. All miners know that it is almost impossible to mine bitcoins on a regular PC. Large mining companies build a business on the extraction and sale of bitcoins: they buy expensive equipment and leave virtually no chance for ordinary users of the program. The maximum number of coins that can be mined has already been determined in advance - this is 21 million bitcoins. It will not be possible to exceed this amount, since the restrictions are written into the source code of the program.

When will cryptocurrency run out?

How many bitcoins are mined per day in the world? At the moment this is about 3,600 thousand coins per day. Agree, not so much, considering the hundreds of thousands of people connected to the program. Programmers have already calculated that the last Bitcoin will be mined around 2140, which means we all still have time to participate in its mining. Therefore, discussions about how many bitcoins are left in the world are often meaningless. Every year the number of participants in the program will increase, and the number of coins produced will decrease, so the cryptocurrency will most likely become even more valuable.

Who has the most bitcoins

There is more and more hype around virtual currency and its owners. The biggest Bitcoin millionaires usually bought the cryptocurrency long before its rise. Whether they were able to predict such popularity, or whether luck helped them, is unknown. But they certainly made a good investment with their money. The richest coin owners are the Winklevos brothers, who own a fortune of one and a half million in bitcoins.

Behind them is the founder of the currency himself. How many bitcoins does Satoshi Nakamoto currently have in the world? It is believed that the programmer owns 1 million btc. The third in number was Roger Ver, who was one of the first to learn about the new currency and believe in it. True, his fortune is significantly inferior to Nakamoto. Roger owns 300,000 bitcoins, which translates to about 84 billion rubles. It is unknown whether these funds will be used. So far, most of these funds lie untouched in the virtual wallets of their owners.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency

It is growing every day, as is the number of people wishing to receive it. It is worth considering whether the hopes of miners are justified, and whether such a rapid growth of the currency should be trusted. What is the advantage of Bitcoin?

  1. Independence. Cryptocurrency is not tied to anything and, in fact, no one owns it, therefore it is not subject to depreciation.
  2. Anonymity. When registering in the program, you will not need to enter personal data; when transferring funds, you also do not need to fill out the standard “first name-last name” columns. Therefore, users can be sure that they will remain completely anonymous.
  3. High rate of currency growth: Bitcoin has only crashed once so far, in 2011, and has continued to rise since then.
  4. No intermediaries. When paying for services using Bitcoin, you do not need to pay commissions or, after going through a series of procedures, open a savings account. Simplicity and security are the main symbols of btc success.

But with all the positive aspects, bitcoins also have many disadvantages.

  1. First of all, it is the instability of the exchange rate that frightens financial analysts. After all, what grows quickly usually collapses just as quickly. In this regard, cryptocurrency does not inspire much confidence.
  2. Lack of legal status. The governments of many countries are suspicious of Bitcoin. Some even consider cryptocurrency to be another money pyramid like MMM. This happens because the status of Bitcoin is largely unclear, as is its impact on the economy.
  3. Lack of mass use. Only a few stores and companies accept coins like Bitcoin for payment. Because of this, it is difficult to pay for services using cryptocurrency, and it often just lies idle in the accounts of its owners.

What can you do with virtual coins?

The question of how many bitcoins there are in the world makes no sense without knowing where they can be spent. The first thing you can do if you want to get rid of your bitcoins is to sell them. The transaction is carried out at the current rate on cryptocurrency exchanges. You can also pay with bitcoins in some stores, just be careful with your change. If you're hungry, PizzaForCoins will gladly feed you in exchange for cryptocurrency, and you can buy medications by contacting The Swiss Pharmacy. And, naturally, the future company Virgin Galactic, which plans to launch space tourism in the near future, also accepts bitcoins.

Other types of cryptocurrency

Bitcoin is the most famous form of virtual money and accounts for 40% of the entire segment. But the most famous types of cryptocurrency include others:

  • Ether is the first analogue of Bitcoin that uses smart contract technology. Developed by programmer Buterin and takes up 18% of
  • Ripple was created in order to increase the speed of transactions carried out in banks and save on commissions. For large companies, the amount is more than impressive - about a million dollars in net savings.
  • Litecoin - appeared thanks to a minor change in the Bitcoin program code. The transaction processing speed in Litecoin is 2.5 times higher than that of its “parent”. The quantity of this currency is also limited to 84 million coins.


Bitcoins are a currency that, according to analysts, is much more stable than the “money” we are accustomed to. Whether thousands of Bitcoin “miners” will get rich or not, time will tell. Having found out how many bitcoins there are in the world and when they will run out, everyone can get an idea about these coins.

Publication date: 2017-04-08

The emergence of cryptocurrency in 2009 became the impetus for the development of a unique direction - mining. From the first days of birth, thousands, and over time, hundreds of thousands of people began to mine cryptocurrency using the capacities at their disposal. And if at the initial stage mining on your own PC guaranteed acceptable results, then over time the income began to decline. The reason is the fall in the volume of available cryptocurrency and its limitations. The total number of Bitcoins that will be generated is limited to 21 million coins. The closer miners are to this figure, the more difficult it is to mine, and the more power is required to obtain cryptocurrency. Despite the increasing complexity of the mining process, the number of miners collecting or extracting speculative online coins using various available methods is growing every day. Their multimillion-strong army is constantly replenished with new volunteers.

How many Bitcoins are there today?

Bitcoin generation is a direction engaged in by large enterprises and individuals who join forces in pools. This process is called mining, that is, the extraction of coins by generating new blocks. Receiving cryptocurrency is based on complex calculations, and the process itself uses enormous technical resources. Knowing how many Bitcoins there are in total, “miners” manage to adapt to current realities in a timely manner, purchase equipment, unite into more powerful pools, and use the capabilities of large mining companies.

Every day, about 3,600 coins are added to the overall cryptocurrency network. At the same time, the new injection makes the process of extracting the next batch more difficult for participants. In 2009-2012, Bitcoin mining was possible using a home PC. All that changed during that period were the requirements for hardware, namely the power of the video card and processor. At that time, it was possible to mine tens, or even hundreds of Bitcoins within a month. The greatest benefit was received by the first miners, who extracted coins with minimal expenditure of technical resources.

How many Bitcoins are there today? According to various sources, about 13 million coins have already been received. According to miners, the upper limit will be reached by the middle of the next century, around 2140. But what are the reasons for such a delay if 60% of the available Bitcoins have been mined over the past seven years? There are two of them:

  • Increasing requirements for equipment used for cryptocurrency mining.
  • Increasing the time required to mine 1 Bitcoin.

Against the background of the increasing complexity of the calculation process, large mining companies are appearing, focused on obtaining new coins. Their managers invest huge amounts of money and resources in the purchase of expensive equipment. They calculate exactly how many Bitcoins can be earned and how long it will take for the investment to pay off.

Over time, the resulting capacity is used to solve their own problems (capital accumulation) or to rent to other users. Such a business is in demand, because the number of people wishing to earn cryptocurrency is only growing.

Proof of change in the total number of Bitcoins

When considering the issue of the value of cryptocurrency and the features of its production, it is important to take into account the security factor. It is mentioned above how many Bitcoins will be generated in total (21,000,000) - of which almost 60% have been received. Each coin created can be used as a means of payment. Money has meaning if it is backed by something - debt, gold or other precious metal. Bitcoin cryptocurrency is an exception. Virtual money is not backed by gold, but is backed only by current supply and demand.

There is an opinion that the value of Bitcoin is supported by the amount of resources required to mine one coin. This is not true. In a way, cryptocurrency is backed by the value of the item set by the seller and the price the buyer is willing to pay.

There is another concern associated with buying a large number of coins. Information about how many Bitcoins have already been mined is not a secret. What happens if someone decides to purchase a large amount of cryptocurrency? The problem is that it is impossible to carry out such a transaction in one go. The seller will constantly raise the price until the buyer runs out of funds. In addition, not all Bitcoins are available for sale, not to mention the fact that 40% of the cryptocurrency is not mined at all.

It turns out that one coin is a means of payment, the exchange price of which depends on the current supply and demand. The closer the mining limit is, the higher the shortage and the faster the value of 1 Bitcoin grows. In addition, the cryptocurrency rate depends on a number of other factors - the possibility of application in large countries, the attitude of financial regulators, the political situation and the use of coins by powerful market “players”.

So the question of how many Bitcoins there are today is primarily relevant for miners, market participants (traders) and people who accept coins as a means of payment.

How difficult is mining based on the fact how many Bitcoins are there in total?

The total number of Bitcoins is information that has not been a secret since the early days of the cryptocurrency. The emission of one coin is directly related to mining, which uses the computing power of different units. The process of earning cryptocurrency has gone through several stages, starting with work on personal computers and ending with the use of the power of large farms. At the same time, the issue of earning coins using one computer is a thing of the past. A new era has arrived - large pools and mining farms.

Official data shows that in the last 4-5 years alone, almost 11 million virtual coins have been generated. It is impossible to calculate how many Bitcoins can be received in the coming years. This depends on many factors - the popularity of the cryptocurrency, the level of power used, and the development of the technical sphere. Perhaps in 1-2 years there will be a machine capable of generating the remaining volume of coins within 1-2 years.

If you believe the statistics, then since 2009, the following trend has taken place - every four years the volume of mined coins decreases twice. What does it mean? If during the first four years, for example, 10 million coins were mined, then in the next similar period the figure will decrease by half (5 million), and then by the same amount (2.5 million). It turns out that the question of reaching the total number of Bitcoins will gradually move away. One day a situation will arise when 100 thousand coins remain to be mined, but this process will take several more years. The question is whether the strategic interest in cryptocurrency mining will remain in this case, or whether no one will engage in mining at all.

The knowledge that Bitcoin mining will sooner or later come to an end worries many users of the crypto network. Already today, dozens of theories are being put forward about what will happen to virtual currency and what its future will be. At the moment, such reasoning does not make sense. Knowing how many Bitcoins there are in total , should be perceived from the position of help, not a sentence.

The predicted year 2140 is still far away, but technological progress shows no sign of stopping. Perhaps in 5-10 years other money will appear, to which Bitcoin will lose in all respects. In the meantime, it’s worth taking advantage of the available opportunities and working on popularizing existing virtual coins. Current realities show that the release of cryptocurrency in 2009 was justified, which is also proven by the popularity of new coins. All that remains for miners is to take into account how many Bitcoins there are today and persistently continue to mine them. This is important as long as the new money brings profit and benefits to society.

Instead of an epilogue

The judgments made in the last part of the article undoubtedly lead to specific thoughts. However, people involved in mining should not worry about the future. Indeed, with the increase in the number of mined coins, the volume and scale of financial transactions carried out using Bitcoin grow. In the future, when cryptocurrencies dominate the global financial market, miners will change their activity profile, and individual computing nodes will receive quite reasonable commissions for approving each money transfer. The genius of Nakamoto's ideas is that, by that time, Bitcoin will have a very high value, and interest rates will be truly miserable compared to the standards in force in the modern financial world.

Bitcoin is an innovative currency on the Internet. It is called “cryptocurrency”. It is in great demand in the market. It is an ideal option for investing money. Many people have noticed that Bitcoin is an excellent currency for investing money. However, many people still do not understand the principles of Bitcoin.

How many Bitcoins are there in the world?

Many people are interested in the question of how many bitcoins are in the world today. Approximately, their number reaches 16 million (statistics for May 2017). The system involves the creation of a new bitcoin in such a way that its buyer uses his own computer to carry out numerous computing operations, as well as process data about all transactions that have been carried out (another name for this process is mining). It should be understood that it will not be possible to “print” a lot of bitcoins as a separate currency. The maximum number of bitcoins that can be created per day is 3600 (BTC).

Today there is a maximum number of Bitcoins that can be created (that is, there is a limit to the creation of a new currency). In numbers this will be 21 million.

Bitcoin - what is it? What ultimate meaning does it have for the consumer in practice?

There is no reason that the creation of a new amount of cryptocurrency would lead to a significant drop in its value. An example is the US dollar (over the past 100 years, the currency has fallen more than 300 times, as new and new types of money were created around the world). And it is worth noting that control over the release of such belonged to only one structure. This suggests that people's investments/savings can depreciate at any time. That is, classical currency is no different from cryptocurrency or from a payment system. Bitcoin is a currency that is no different from paper (classical) currency.

Still not sure whether to buy Bitcoin? Can't understand what Bitcoins are? Interested in the question of how many bitcoins are there in the world? The above material will help you understand all these numerous concepts.

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