What do you like to do in life? How to understand what you want to do

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I think I’ve finally found a method for finding what you love to do.

It sounds funny, but it’s true! Very often we work in jobs that we seem to like, but inside ourselves we understand that this is absolutely not what we would really like to do.

So, why don't we leave our jobs and follow what we like to do?

Reasons 2:
1. We don't know what we like to do.
2. Fear. We lead a lifestyle that needs to be maintained. We have bills to pay, families and loved ones to take care of. We are incredibly bored that there will be no stable income, we are afraid of what others might think or say about us, etc. Just Fear.

The main reason is 1. Indeed, many people simply don’t know what they like to do. Or they are afraid to “open their eyes” and look at themselves.

STEP 1: Don't hesitate! You will find the answer. No matter how long it takes you. There will be an answer.

STEP 2: _Write_ down a list of SKILLS (1st column) and INTERESTS (2nd column) in two columns.
It's important to write it down. And do it with full dedication. Sitting in solitary confinement so that no one can distract you. Without looking at the computer, at people, without listening to music and without doing anything else. Just dive into yourself and make a LIST. Let it be ridiculous. Well, you like to collect tags from clothes - write it down. Write whatever comes to mind! Make it! OK? Right now. Put everything the fuck aside, take a piece of paper and do it. Otherwise, why are you reading this? To spend another piece of your life? This will not make it any better for you, and certainly not for me. Just don’t ask unnecessary questions, but make a list. We are looking for what we love to do. Isn't that right? :) Come on, write already!

After you make your list, think:
1. What interested you at work. On this one, on the last one... on the one before last :)
2. Remember, if you walk into a bookstore, what section do you naturally go to? And which one? What attracts you?
3. Ask your friends, girlfriends, acquaintances - what skills and interests they see in you. Perhaps you will discover a lot of new things for yourself. M?
4. How do you spend the lion's share of your free time? What are you looking forward to doing?
5. What did you like to do when you were five to ten years old?
6. What were you praised for?
7. What skills, interests and abilities did your parents and teachers mention?
8. Why did you write down these particular skills and interests and not others? :) Maybe it's because you like it? Maybe because the very thought of it makes you sick?

So, Skills: They have a little secret. You need to develop what you are strong at. And don't say you don't have them. Everyone has skills. It just never occurred to you to sit down and think about it and write them down. Using your skills, you will be able to get a starting point, a catalyst.

Now a few words about Interests: Simply put, you need to love what you will do. By turning on interest, you trigger another form of mechanism that does not allow you to leave the “distance”. After all, the path does not always go along the highway; there are also winding mountain paths.

You may notice a simple skill thing might revolve around one or two skills. The same can happen with interests. This is fine.

STEP 3: Now let’s slightly modify the question “What do I like to do”, because... it is very broad, to “What would I enjoy doing every day that combines my skills and interests, and, most importantly, brings significant benefit to people?”

Why add a value-added part? Because it can lead you to discover a way to make money doing what you love. Ferstein?

STEP 4: So, the hardest part is over. Let's move on.
We look at the list that we managed to compile, choose one idea that seems more attractive. It may be possible to combine several ideas into one. The main thing is to end up with one that will bring the greatest satisfaction not only to you, but also to other people.

How do you know that you have finally managed to find what you love to do?
It's simple - if "it" makes you feel good, and you're very cool... No, you're just PISSED from this topic - then it's yours.

Now all that’s left to do is take action.
Don't think about the complexities and difficulties of the process. Just start moving forward little by little no matter what. And everything will work out!

Do you not understand what you want from life and what you really want to do? From this article you will learn about six steps, by taking which you will understand yourself and be 100% confident in your desires.

Swamp of unlimited possibilities

Almost every person has a moment in life when he suddenly realizes with horror that he does not know what he really wants from life. He feels that he is drowning in a strange swamp of desires, emotions, thoughts, actions and events. In an attempt to escape, a person actively kneads the cold and slippery liquid with his hands and feet, which pulls him into itself with every movement.Through the darkness he can hear shouts of “act!”, “you don’t have much time!”, “you can do anything!”, “the main thing is don’t stop and don’t give up!” A person instinctively responds to calls and climbs. But active movements do not lead him out of the swamp.

No one can answer the question that torments a person except himself. The fact that his consciousness does not give a clear answer does not mean that there is no answer at all. It’s just that for now it’s hidden in the depths – in the subconscious. Under a thick layer of stereotypes of other people's attitudes and thoughts, lies the pearl of vocation. To clarify everything for yourself, you need to get this pearl from the depths.

The methods of diving into the subconscious and searching for this pearl are quite simple - they have long been studied, described and tested. But for some reason they are still not taught about them in schools and universities. And millions of people themselves do not know what they want and live their whole lives in doubts, fears and do not receive the happiness that their calling brings. People have been looking for an answer for years and haven't found it.

Read also:

Why is it so important to understand what you want from life?

The modern economy requires people to do more and get tired less. And people themselves want to worry less about survival issues, develop more and fill their lives with bright emotions. Topics of personal effectiveness such as time management, self-motivation and self-discipline are gaining popularity.

Personal effectiveness is setting personal goals and achieving them. Many trainings and books on personal effectiveness begin with a call to set goals. Like, having a goal in itself makes you more effective than 90% of people. And it's true. But when a person does not have the habit of setting goals, he formulates it from the desire that first comes to mind. Very soon this desire disappears somewhere, but the goal remains and continues to influence the person, as if from the outside, like a supervisor, generating dissatisfaction with oneself and driving his self-esteem to the floor.

The 21st century provides a huge choice of development paths and great opportunities for realizing your wildest dreams. Successful young people earn a lot of money, travel around the world and do not deny themselves anything. The Internet is teeming with artists, designers, actors, directors, singers, businessmen, politicians, bloggers and writers. They live a bright and eventful life, change the world as they want and do not worry about finances.

A person has never had such a wide choice of options for self-realization until today. But this same endless choice of possibilities creates chaos from desires and a person rushes from one opportunity to another. Chaos pulls the rug out from under your feet and turns life into that swamp of uncertainty. It is impossible to be effective and competitive without defeating this chaos. You can’t take everything from life when you don’t know what exactly is included in this “everything”. You need to know exactly what you want, because high efficiency and a sense of freedom are based on this.

Create a Personal Charter

People who have not become highly effective on their own, before setting goals, need to understand themselves and create a foundation for goal setting - accept a fundamental document, a certain Personal Charter. To use it to set goals, make plans and implement them. I suggest you take a few simple steps, as a result of which you will create your Personal Charter. With him you will gain confidence in your desires and plans.

The charter in organizations is where management and development begin. It describes the essence of the organization, the basic rules and methods of resolving controversial situations. Effectively managing the life of a modern person is no less complex a process than managing an organization, so every person needs to have such a document.

Step 1 – Film a trailer of your life

Treat your life creatively, like a director treats a movie. Answer yourself the question, what kind of movie do you want to make? Blockbuster, melodrama, adventure, epic or thriller? What does it look like? What scale? Titanic, Terminator, Star Wars, Captive of the Caucasus or Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka?

Make a general storyboard - first of all, you need an image of your life. Take a sheet of paper, lay it horizontally, divide it into 9 equal cells. Draw in these cells the 9 main frames of your life from birth to death. These shots should capture the most important moments. It’s up to you to decide what these moments are - it could be world achievements - victories in the Olympic Games or presidential elections, receiving an Oscar for acting or Cannes Lions for the coolest commercial in the world. Or maybe these are moments from a quiet and cozy family life.

There are different ways to fit your entire life onto one sheet of paper. Here's one of them.

In nine frames, fit the main storyline, without going beyond this framework and being aware that those frames that are not included in this sheet are of secondary importance. You can redraw this storyboard several times in a row until you are convinced that these shots are really the main ones and that they must be in your life. Now, in your imagination, add details and colors to these frames, set each frame in motion for a few seconds and glue it all into the trailer of your film with suitable music. Rewatch this trailer in your mind several times. So how? Do you like the trailer of your life? 🙂

This is your vision. The main thing you should have in order to understand what you really want from life. The sooner you have a vision, the better. What can stop you from creating it? Undeveloped imaginative thinking and doubts. Develop your inner artist - learn to draw, take photographs, paint, edit photos, shoot and edit videos. The Internet is full of articles and video tutorials on this topic. Then go back to the trailer of your life and redo it periodically until you get one that you are completely satisfied with. If you put together a simple cartoon or a slideshow of frames with music, it will be a victory.

Until you make your own trailer, you can look at the old Pirates of the Caribbean trailer as an example and for inspiration. 🙂

There is only one danger in the trailer idea - when you start creating the movie of your life, you may lose interest in films and TV series. Because the emotions that fictional characters and stories give you will lose their brightness against the background of your life, and the need for artificial emotions will decrease.

Step 2 – Start Writing Your Memoir

If you have a vision, then half the work is already done. Now you need to describe your core values ​​in words. The problem is that people do not build a hierarchy of their values ​​and do not set priorities. In this form, values ​​flash chaotically before the eyes, and a person reacts to them situationally. This is the same swamp of chaos. From this chaos the question arises: “how to separate what I really want from what I don’t really want?” It can only be answered if values ​​are organized into a system. And when a situation of choice arises, turn to this system. It is important that it be built and described by that time.

How to build and describe it? First you need to find true values ​​in the general flow of life. There are several tools for this: a memoir, an ultimate “why?”, a personal mission statement, a million dollars and 100 dreams.

Every evening before going to bed, take 3-5 minutes to remember all the events of the day and write down the most emotionally significant one in your diary/memoir. It doesn't have to be the result of your actions, perhaps it's a conversation with a friend or an insight found on someone's blog. An event can be either positive or negative. Next to each event, write down the value it is associated with. Example:

Event – ​​“read a blog post about productivity techniques.” The value is “self-development”. Event – ​​“talked to my beloved guy about new VKontakte memes.” The value is “memasics”. 🙂

At the end of the week, remember all the events of the week and choose the most important of them. At the end of the month - the main event of the month. At the end of the year - the main event of the year. By devoting 5 minutes a day to studying your values, within a year you will have a list of your values ​​and understand their relative weight in your life. You will get the first results within a couple of weeks of such attentive life or even earlier. But the longer you keep such an emotional-value account, the better you will understand what you want from life.

Step 3 – Get to the Ultimate “Why?”

This is an important exercise that primarily relates to managing your free time. If you understand how you spend your working time, because it most often depends on your boss, then in your free time you are your own boss. At the same time, most people waste their free time pointlessly, without asking the question “why am I doing this?”

It may surprise you, but usually a person only has a few hours of free time a week. The rest of the time is taken up by work, household chores, hygiene, transport, etc. People invest these few hours in development, relaxation, entertainment, hobbies or degradation. Many people do not think about why they do what they do in their free time and are not aware of how it affects their future.

The Ultimate Why is a simple exercise, and it's all about figuring out what you do with your free time. When you plan what you will do in your free hours, ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing. For example, you are going to watch funny pictures on a social network or videos on YouTube for an hour. For what? To relax, unload your brain, relieve stress. Is this the best way to relax or are there better options?

Or you decide to take a course on time management. For what? To get more done at your job. Why is this? To get a promotion and earn more. Why is this? To go on vacation to Bali and provide education for your child. Ask the question why as often as possible and to the limit. Having reached the ultimate values, you will be able to understand them and arrange them into a hierarchy. Again, these need to be recorded and included in your charter.

Step 4 – Write your personal mission statement

You are a free person and your greatest freedom is to decide what you will devote your life to. A short answer to the question “why did you come into this world?” - this is your mission. If you still don't have this answer, then try to figure it out as soon as possible. This short sentence summarizes your values. This is the meaning of your life, your main motivator, your goals should be based on it. But the mission can be quite difficult to find and formulate.

To get closer to understanding the meaning of your life, you need to get closer to its opposite, that is, to your death. To do this, it is not necessary to expose yourself to real risk - again, imagination comes to the rescue. Try to imagine what will happen if you are not there? What will change in the world? Who will suffer from this? What will the world not know or receive if you do not continue the main work of your life?

The most powerful way to understand your mission is to write an obituary - a newspaper article about your own death. How would you like to see her?

“... was born in... He reached outstanding heights in... He was especially loved... and... for his unsurpassed... Such... as he did not exist before him and we are unlikely to see them in our lifetime.”

A personal mission is the core on which the pyramid of your values ​​is strung. Without this core, the system will not be stable.

At the moment, I see my mission as launching irreversible positive changes in the development of Russia through media, educational, and cultural activities. I am trying to make sure that the blog that you are reading now and this particular article works towards the realization of this mission.

Step 5 – Spend 5 million euros

Here's a simpler and more enjoyable task for you. Imagine that you have no financial restrictions. From your second great-great-grandmother, who lived her entire life in France and recently died, you inherited 5 million euros. What will you spend it on? What is the need behind every purchase? Write down all your purchases in one list, and in the column next to them answer the question “why?” These are your values ​​for today. Try to divide them into your “native” ones and those imposed from outside. Get rid of the limitations in your head more often and your imagination will tell you new possibilities.

I know it's not euros :)

Step 6 – Start Purposefully Dreaming

The last task is perhaps the most enjoyable, although not the easiest. Remember, find and write down one hundred of your dreams that you have not yet realized, but which you want to realize during your life. Assign each dream a “weight” from one to ten and distribute the dreams by weight from most to least. You don’t have to write all 100 in one evening. Just start writing this list, re-read it sometimes and add to it. When a new dream appears, be sure to write it down on this list so you don’t forget.


Let's take stock and decide what exactly needs to be done in order to have a convincing answer to the question “what do I really want from life?”

  1. Describe your vision for your life as a filmmaker. Decide what kind of movie you want to make, make a life storyboard of six frames on one sheet. Imagine a “trailer” of your life, or better yet, make it from drawings or edited photographs. Create your life like a movie.
  2. Start keeping a diary/memoir. Write down the most emotionally significant events of the day, week, year and the values ​​with which these events are associated. Distribute these values ​​on a separate sheet according to their weight in your life.
  3. Ask yourself the question “Why?” often until you get the ultimate answer. Write down your ultimate answers in a diary or notepad. Build a hierarchy out of them.
  4. State your personal mission in one sentence. Give a brief answer to the question, why did you come into this world and what will you leave behind? Write an obituary about yourself.
  5. Make a shopping list for 5 million euros. Write down the needs that these purchases satisfy.
  6. Write a list of 100 dreams. Dream regularly, make your dreams come true and complement them. Collect it all in one document. Call it the Charter of Ivan Ivanov (or whatever your name is). Print it out. Accept it, approve it with your signature. You can download the charter template from this link.
  7. Be sure to include points 1-6 in your plan. Set yourself the task “Create a Personal Charter” with a deadline of “until such and such a date.” Until you have it at least in draft form, consider that your problem is not solved.
  8. Review your Charter periodically so as not to forget what you really want, refer to it in moments of uncertainty. If necessary, amend it, publish new versions and re-adopt it.

I took some of the ideas for this article from the book “Time Management. Full course." You can purchase its electronic version on Litres. I believe that personal effectiveness should begin with this book and precisely with the steps that I gave you in this article.

I am confident that if you have a Personal Charter based on these exercises, you will know exactly what you want from life. With such a foundation, you can set the most ambitious goals and achieve amazing results. I will write about how to correctly set goals, plan plans and achieve results in one of the following articles in this same article. In order not to miss it, subscribe to the channel

Many successful people did not immediately understand what they wanted to do in life. Luckily for you and everyone else who is at a crossroads like you, a few simple steps can help you stay calm and find a job you love.

1. Take a deep breath and realize that everything is okay.

2. Give in to uncertainty.

Deepak Chopra, renowned author and founder of the Chopra Foundation, expresses on his LinkedIn page his regret that he did not appreciate the wisdom of uncertainty at a young age:

“Early on in my medical career, I was confident about where I was going. At the same time, I did not take into account the uncertainty of life and did not understand what uncertainty can do to a person. If only I had known then, as I know now, that uncertainty is accompanied by wisdom - it opens the door to the unknown, and only through the unknown is life constantly renewed.”

3. Experiment

Following your passions seems like a great idea, but if you don't know exactly what those passions are, things get complicated.

Ivanka Trump recently told Business Insider that the surest way to figure out what you like is to try new things, think less and do more.

"Self-searching won't help you figure out what you're passionate about," she explains. “It takes time and experience to understand what makes your eyes light up.”

This means that after you pay attention to areas that are potentially interesting to you, try yourself in them, regardless of whether it is an internship or a job.

4. Make a list of your likes and dislikes.

"Write down the job tasks and characteristics that attract or repulse you," says Kahn.

Different careers suit different personality types. For example, do you like to interact with people, think abstractly, work independently, and rely more on your brain than your senses? Maybe a career as a reporter is right for you.

Write down what you consider the most important aspect of the job. What worries you most: salary, status or work tasks? What fascinates you more: a specific job or an industry?

Don't forget to consult this list in your job search to filter out interesting jobs and jobs that aren't worth your time.

5. Play to your strengths

Ask yourself: “What skills do I have? What are my strongest personality traits? What can I do best?

“Pay attention to where your strengths can shine,” says Kahn.

6. Think about the type of work environment you're interested in

Which lectures did you like better at the university: streaming ones or those with few students? What did you do better: group projects or individual assignments? This will help you understand what type of company you prefer.

If you were comfortable in lectures with a lot of people, you could probably work in a corporation. If you were more interested in seminars for a select few, working at a startup might be right for you. In addition, there is the possibility of working in a small group working for a large company.

Also consider whether you prefer to work independently or under supervision.

7. Use connections

Connecting with someone who works in a field that interests you is an invaluable opportunity.

Ask your friends, family, family friends, teachers, classmates - whoever you can reach - to help you reach such a person and arrange a simple informational interview. Absorb all the possible information about what this person does, what he prefers, what steps he took to start working. Listen to any advice he may give you.

8. Evaluate your education

Maybe you'll be interested in learning a new skill, or the job will require additional training or education, if not now, then in the future, notes Kahn. With approximately 1.855 million students earning a bachelor's degree each year, it makes sense to make sure you stand out.

Look for continuing education opportunities, online courses, seminars, or even graduate school tracks if they will help you stand out from your competitors or explore a new area of ​​interest. Mastering the skills needed for a particular job will help you understand how interested you are in this field of activity.

9. Evaluate your experience

Kahn recommends: Consider what you can offer based on your work experience and where you are in your field of interest. If you are interested in a position as a coordinator or manager, you can try starting as an assistant. Think about your path to your desired position.

Sooner or later the moment comes when you begin to think about your purpose in life and your own realization. Despite the simplicity of the question and the freedom of choice given to a person, not everyone can choose the right solution. Our main task is that everyone can find themselves and understand what is worth doing in life.

Let's start our story with the famous phrase: “Without a goal, a person ceases to exist.” Our life path is essentially a road from birth to death. During this period, everyone sets important goals for themselves and tries to leave an imprint behind themselves.

What to do if I can’t decide what I want from life

Let's look at a specific situation when you can't decide what you want from life.

There could be several sources for this problem:

Firstly, medical problems (regular psychoneurological stress over many years, duality of choice, depressive states when you have lost loved ones);

Secondly, the complexity in the decision-making process.

In any case, the right path in life requires the activation of inner strength, good energy and a clear mind. In this case, you will not need any additional thought.

Therefore, we recommend that you start working, first of all, with your internal state. Elimination of depression (medication), stress, etc. After normalization of the internal state, you can begin the issue of self-determination. It is very important not to oppress yourself by focusing on failures.

Your life path is only in your hands:

Set yourself a goal and never deviate from it;
be an example for many and forget yourself in the past (uncertain and uncertain);
do what you love;
experience new sensations regularly.

Remember that all situations that do not kill us - they make us stronger. Imagine that you are in trouble again. But from all this you can take away the most valuable thing - experience that cannot be purchased with money. Experience is what elite companies need and what a mother should have. Life does not give us tasks that we cannot cope with.

During the entire developmental stage, the butterfly larva experiences difficulties in order to overcome the walls of the cocoon and flap its wings. Don’t you really want to see yourself new, cheerful and happy?

How to help an adult son enroll for free;
how to start a new life after divorce;
your purpose, how to realize yourself, will change;
professions that are right for you, ways to find a job, etc.

Even before implementing the recommendation, many readers claimed that it was difficult in their souls and only the desire to live forced them to move on. After a year or two, the goal was achieved: the old job began to be liked and generate income, many received satisfaction from what they loved and found their purpose, despite their age.

Many people worry about the loss of a person whom they consider important, but only a few know that a new life is already beginning and you will have to take care of yourself. The point is that you will find a match and it will be a happy moment. Now you will start working and not devote a single day to the past. This is certainly an important period (time) that will determine some meaning in life. Now you should want to be simple, look for a good distraction and new activity, become simple and understand that the passage of time will change everything. Soon you will become interesting to men, you will begin to enjoy your favorite activities, the problem will go away, and your soul will begin to understand that you should always choose yourself.

Everything that the article describes needs to be done several (once or twice) times a day. Every person has an excellent ability to overcome obstacles. It is important to want this and know that the main thing is not to give up.

It's never too late to change your life

Especially for you, the best coaches and psychologists have prepared a series of exercises that will help you find yourself in life.

Let us remember the magnificent story when Macedonian met the philosopher Diogenes. Despite the fact that the latter was completely naked and simply basked in the rays of the Sun, the commander envied him that he was “living.” In this case, the question arises: “Who is the real king of life: the one who enjoys it or the one who constantly looks back and doubts.”

In any case, changing yourself and achieving your goal is the most important task for everyone. Let's look at several effective ways to implement it.

5 magic rules from a psychologist:

Love yourself. Each person is individual and unique and you are no exception. Tell yourself this every day while standing in front of the mirror.

Everyone has problems. Look around - dozens of sick people in the final stages, cripples and disabled people. Your problems may seem very insignificant.

Fight back all troubles. Now, if you have a difficult life situation, then regard it as an opportunity to gain experience.

Favorite activity. Remember that the path to self-realization comes in the process of life. If you do what you love, then it will play for you.

Development and hobbies. Pay attention to yourself and your own skills. If you don't have a hobby yet, get one.

How to find yourself in life - “my calling” test

If you want to take the test, there are a lot of them online today for every taste and color.

You will have to answer several questions, during which algorithms analyze the type of activity that is suitable for you. This will help you make the right decision on the way to your cherished goal. Remember that there are no easy roads in life - search and you will always find.

Here is an example of good tests:

  1. Who am I really? https://psi-technology.net/psytest/samopoznanie/
  2. Get to know yourself in 5 minutes http://test.passion.ru/poznai-sebya/uznai-sebya-za-5-minut.htm
  3. Which job will bring you more satisfaction? http://www.psychologies.ru/tests/test/550/

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