What does Denis Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” teach me? The essence and meaning of the comedy “Minor. Household comedy "Undergrown" D

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To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (2.1−2.4). In the answer form, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Rely on the text literary works, take into account the position of the author, involve the necessary theoretical and literary concepts, reveal own vision Problems. In an essay on lyrics, it is necessary to analyze at least two poems.

2.2. How would you comment on the researcher’s words about N.V. Gogol’s play: “The Inspector General is a whole sea of ​​fear”?

2.3. Why are Lermontov’s lyrics called romantic (using the example of two or three poems)?


Comments on essays

2.1. What can Fonvizin the playwright teach viewers (readers)?

In the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin showed how the vices inherent in the entire feudal society cripple the souls of people from childhood. Condemning these vices, the playwright exposes their carriers to general ridicule. This is the ideological and artistic value of the comedy “The Minor,” created in the eighteenth century, but retaining its relevance to this day.

Fonvizin's hero is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is affected by the disease of dishonesty, spreading to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is dishonest in his attitude towards his mother, through whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness, and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation.

Mitrofanushka’s “knowledge” of grammar, his desire not to study, but to get married, are ridiculous. But his attitude towards Eremeevna, his readiness to “take people for granted,” and his mother’s betrayal no longer cause laughter: a despot, an ignorant and cruel serf-owner, is growing before us.

Mitrofan is selfish and selfish. Depending on the change in the position people occupy, Mitrofanushka’s attitude towards them also changes. He lives only by this principle. He even loses interest in his own mother as soon as power is taken away from her.

Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word “minor” became a common noun for a quitter, a loafer and a lazy person. There are a lot of such mitrofanushkas today, which is why comedy lives on and makes you think about issues that were relevant in the 18th century and remain topical today.

2.2. How would you comment on the researcher’s words about N.V. Gogol’s play: “The Inspector General is a whole sea of ​​fear”?

“In comedy, I decided to collect everything bad in Russia and laugh at everyone at once,” wrote N.V. Gogol about The Inspector General. Indeed, the plot of the comedy reflects the whole of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. From the very first words of the characters, the entire chaos of city life is described: lawlessness, dirt, lies. Each phenomenon reveals to us the atmosphere of those times. The object of satire in N.V. Gogol itself becomes modern life in its comically ugly manifestations. Moreover, the heroes themselves tell the most unpleasant, comic, and ugly things about themselves.

Take, for example, the scene of Khlestakov boasting to the ladies. His speech is completely devoid of aside remarks, which are abundant in other characters in the play. The false inspector lies and lies so much that he drowns in his own lies, swallowing and not finishing the ends of phrases and sentences. From an employee who “only rewrites”, in a few minutes he grows almost to the “commander-in-chief” who “goes to the palace every day.” The Homeric scale stuns those present: “thirty-five thousand couriers” rush at full speed to find the hero, without him there is no one to manage the department. The lies in the scene are so blatant and open that it is simply impossible not to see it. If the officials and the mayor had not been so frightened, Khlestakov would hardly have been mistaken for an inspector. If the city officials had not been so “stupid”, it is unlikely that the scene would have ended with impunity for Khlestakov.

This very “sea of ​​fear” makes possible the very story that happened in the county town.

2.3. Why are Lermontov’s lyrics called romantic (using the example of two or three poems)?

To prove that Lermontov can be called a romantic poet, we need to remember the definition of romanticism. Romanticism - artistic method, formed in early XIX century. Romanticism is characterized by a special interest in the personality of the hero. Hero romantic work- a person with particularly strong feelings, he is taller than those around him, but, as a rule, lonely. Romantics are concerned with the nature of the individual’s relationship with surrounding reality and opposition real world ideal. Originality artistic manner Lermontov is that at all stages of his work the poet acted both as a romantic and as a realist, with a predominance in early period romanticism, and in mature years - realism. As a romantic poet, Lermontov was a representative of progressive romanticism, who expressed a decisive rejection of his contemporary reality (“Demon”) and affirmed a positive beginning of life - a heroic personality who understands life as a struggle, as an active action (“Mtsyri”).

An example for analysis could be Lermontov’s poems “Sail”, “I Go Out Alone on the Road”, etc.

2.4. How is the theme “Man and War” revealed in the work (the work is chosen by the student)?

The topic can be revealed using the example of works about the Great Patriotic War: “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” by B. Vasiliev and others. Boris Vasiliev himself fought, defending his homeland during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. He witnessed all its horrors, and was able to plausibly and in detail recreate the terrible moments of that time in his books. One of them is brilliant work“And the dawns here are quiet...” The story tells about the feat of Soviet women during the war. Each of the girls - the heroines of the story "And the dawns here are quiet..." - has its own pre-war fate, their joys and tragedies. And although “war is not a woman’s business,” they bravely fight for their Motherland in the name of the future. All the girls die tragically at the hands of the treacherous invaders - the Nazis. Boris Vasiliev in his story created the image of real heroes of that terrible and cruel time.

What did D.I.’s comedy teach me? Fonvizin "Minor"?

The comedy "The Minor" taught me positive human qualities. Gave me an idea of ​​the ideal citizen.

In this comedy, the ideal citizen is Starodum. He is a merciful, virtuous, honest, sympathetic person.

There is not a single moment in the work when Starodum deceives, steals, or speaks obscene words. He is always calm, balanced, Starodum never talks in vain, always gives advice, reasons, but in addition, he also jokes and laughs.
Some other characters in the comedy also have similar qualities: Pravdin is a member of the governorship; Milon - military commander, Sofiushka's fiancé; Sofyushka is Starodum’s niece. They are an example of an ideal citizen.
The contrast to the ideal citizen is the Prostakov family of estate nobles. Mrs. Prostakova is a greedy, impolite, heartless, cruel woman. The author even calls her by the name of the ancient Roman avenger goddess Furia. The only person she loves very much is Mitrofanushka, her son Lazy by nature, “learning” from hired teachers, he is as uneducated and impolite as his mother. Speaking about Prostakov, we can say that he feels good when he has no conflict with his wife, when she does not yell at him. When reading the comedy, it is clear that he constantly pleases her and is afraid of her. Skotinin is the brother of Mrs. Prostakova, a man who respects and values ​​pigs more than people. He only wants to marry Sophia, knowing that she has a lot of pigs in her village.
The main characters of the comedy "The Minor" can be divided into two parts - good and evil. Evil, dishonor, ignorance are represented by the Prostakovs and Skotinin. Good, nobility is represented by Starodum, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia, i.e. people who can be called ideal citizens.

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The comedy “Undergrown” taught me positive human qualities. Gave me an idea of ​​the ideal citizen.
In this comedy, the ideal citizen is Starodum. This is a merciful, virtuous, honest, sympathetic person. There is not a single moment in the work when Starodum deceives, steals, or speaks obscene words. He is always calm and balanced. Starodum never chats in vain, always gives advice, reasons, but in addition, he also jokes and laughs.
Some other characters in the comedy also have similar qualities: Pravdin is a member of the viceroyalty; Milon - military commander, Sofiushka's fiancé; Sofyushka is Starodum’s niece. They are an example of an ideal citizen.
The opposite of the ideal citizen is the Prostakov family of estate nobles. Mrs. Prostakova is a greedy, impolite, heartless, cruel woman. The author even calls her by the name of the ancient Roman avenger goddess Furia. Only person The person she loves very much is Mitrofanushka, her son. Lazy by nature, “learning” from hired teachers, he is as uneducated and impolite as his mother. Speaking about Prostakov, we can say that he feels good when he has no conflict with his wife, when she does not yell at him. When reading the comedy, it is clear that he constantly pleases her and is afraid of her. Skotinin is the brother of Mrs. Prostakova, a man who respects and values ​​pigs more than people. He wants to marry Sophia only because he knows that she has a lot of pigs in her village.
The main characters of the comedy “Minor” can be divided into two parts – good and evil. Evil, dishonor, ignorance are represented by the Prostakovs and Skotinin. Goodness and nobility are represented by Starodum, Milon, Pravdin, Sophia, i.e. people who can be called ideal citizens.

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What did D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” teach me?

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a famous Russian satirist. He wrote the comedies “The Brigadier” and “The Minor.” The comedy “The Minor” was written in the era of the autocratic-serf system. In it, Fonvizin denounces the system of noble upbringing and education. He creates typical images of feudal landowners, narcissistic and ignorant. The writer is concerned about the future of Russia.

The comedy teaches me to treat my elders with respect, so as not to be like Mitrofanushka, who even treats his own uncle with disdain: “Why, uncle, have you eaten too much henbane? Yes, I don’t know why you deigned to attack me.”

He called the elderly nanny who raised him “the old bastard.” Mitrofan treats teachers like his mother treats serfs: “Well! Give me the board, garrison rat! Ask what to write." “The Minor” teaches me to treat my parents with respect, and not like Mitrofanushka: “Let go, mother, how you imposed yourself...” He only feels sorry for mother because she is tired, “beating father.”

Comedy teaches me to work as hard as I can and to appreciate the work of others. Mitrofan only “runs to the dovecote.” His mother does nothing, but pays Eremeevna “five slaps a day” for faithful service.

“Nedorosl” teaches me to successfully master knowledge, unlike Mitrofan, who in four years of study only “finishes the Book of Hours.” His knowledge of grammar makes him laugh: “The door... This one? Adjective. Because it is attached to its place. Over there by the closet... the door is not hung: so for now that’s a noun.” The hero’s mathematical “knowledge” does not stand up to criticism: “Zero and zero - zero. One and one... (Thinking).”

Comedy teaches me to appreciate smart people, educated people. Prostakova herself despises smart people and is afraid of enlightenment: “There are a lot of smart people these days. It’s them that I’m afraid of.” And her son is of the same opinion: “I myself, mother, am not a fan of clever girls. Your brother is always better.” Prostakova believes that geography is not a noble science: “Nobleman, just say: take me there, they will take you wherever you please.” Although she teaches her son, she has a negative attitude towards education: “People live and have lived without science. The deceased father... did not know how to read and write, but he knew how to make enough money.” Prostakova instills self-interest in his son: “I found the money, don’t share it with anyone. Take everything for yourself...” The ignorant Skotinin is also hostile to science: “I haven’t read anything in my life... God saved me from this boredom.”

The comedy “The Minor” teaches me to value kindness and honesty. I like Starodum’s statements: “... it is much more honest to be bypassed without guilt than to be rewarded without merit.” He says that one must work honestly, without vile seniority, without robbing the fatherland.” Starodum left the court “without ranks, without a ribbon, without villages,” but retained his honor and dignity. He believes that happiness does not lie in wealth and nobility, but in “helping someone who doesn’t have what they need.”

“The Minor” teaches me to love people, so as not to be like Skotinin, who prefers pigs to people and wants to marry Sophia only because there are pigs in her villages: “I love pigs, sister, and in our neighborhood there are such big ones...” Yes, and Since childhood, Mitrofanushka has had a love for them: “When I was only three years old, it used to be when I saw a pig that I would tremble with joy.”

Comedy also teaches you to restrain your emotions so as not to be like Prostakova, cruel temper which makes the life of the entire house unbearable: “From morning to evening I don’t give up: I scold, I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.” Fighting even brings her pleasure: “Oh, father! It took my heart, let me fight!”

“The Minor” teaches you to love your Fatherland and be useful to it, Starodum speaks about this in the comedy: “... there are people to help, there is a Fatherland to serve.” Pravdin believes that the state should be led by worthy people: “So that worthy people there was no shortage, special efforts are now being made to educate...” Education should be the key to the well-being of the state. Starodum says: “Well, what can come out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents also pay money to ignorant teachers?” Moral education landowners instruct the serfs: “... and instead of one slave, two come out...”

The comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor” does not leave the theater stages. Viewers enjoy watching it these days. She denounces evil and tyranny. Teaches us to work for the good of the Fatherland, and not for our own benefit, to love our neighbor, to value intelligence, kindness, and honesty in a person. The author advocates the triumph of knowledge and reason. He believes that the future of Russia is in the hands of honest, enlightened people.

Denis Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is one of the most bright works Russian classicism. The questions that the author focuses on in the play excite the minds of viewers and readers even in our time - more than three centuries after its writing. The work created by Fonvizin is difficult to compare with traditional classic comedies, because the ironic farce, ridicule of the vices of society, and topical themes in the play look as funny as they are tragic. Using the techniques of contrast, ridicule, and irony, the playwright leads the reader to deep meaning and the essence of "Undergrowth".

The ideological meaning of the comedy “The Minor”

At first glance, the work is an ordinary everyday play - the central plot of “The Minor” is linear and revolves around Sophia’s marriage. girl in early age lost her parents and now lives in the care of the landowner Prostakov family. Prostakova, wanting to get rid of the “extra mouth,” decides to marry Sophia to her brother, Skotinin, without her consent. However, the news that the girl has become the heiress of a huge fortune, and her uncle is coming any day, changes Prostakova’s plans. The woman refuses Skotinin, offering her underage son Mitrofan as the new groom. Fortunately, Starodum, Sophia's uncle, turns out to be reasonable person, which exposes the interests of Skotinin and Prostakova, supporting the girl’s desire to marry her lover Milon.

Even by brief description“The Minor” it becomes clear that the plot of the play fits well into the canons of classic comedies. However, the work is complemented by a secondary story line, associated with Mitrofan - a stupid, spoiled, lazy, greedy and cruel young man, the son of the Prostakovs. Despite such a negative characterization, he is the most comical character in the play - the funniest scenes of the work are connected precisely with his training. In general, in “The Minor” there are only two funny characters - Mitrofan and Skotinin. They amuse us with their stupidity and lack of understanding when it is better to remain silent instead of saying absurd things.

“The Minor” can rightfully be called a play of education - since family ties in the work determine the character and inclinations of a person. However, if Skotinin and Mitrofan are similar even in their love for pigs, which also causes laughter, then you don’t want to laugh at Prostakova. Despotic, cruel and rude to her peasants and relatives, the woman finds no joy either in her “hopeless fool” husband or in her son, whom she blindly loves. Even her statements about how to count correctly (the scene of Tsyfirkin’s lesson) are funny, but they rather ridicule the morals of the old nobility rather than her. In terms of activity and influence in the play, she can be compared with Pravdin, however, if a man defends humanistic, highly moral ideals, then Prostakova is the bearer of “her own” landowner morality, which prescribes the greatest value of money and ranks before the life of her serfs, an honest name, education and virtue.

The main meaning of “Minor” lies precisely in this opposition of two radially opposite views - new, humane, educational and outdated, landowner. Fonvizin focuses attention not only on the negative beginning of the latter, but also on the need to change the views of the old nobility, otherwise the “fruits of evil” will be inevitable. The author emphasizes that the origins of this malice are in their upbringing itself - Prostakova and Skotinin adopted their views from their parents and passed them on to Mitrofan, just as the foundations of humanism were laid in Sophia by her parents.

The essence of the comedy "Minor"

The essence of "Minor" follows from ideological meaning comedy - education must be correct and instill high ideals. According to the traditions of classicism, the surnames of the characters largely complement the characteristics of the characters and further reveal the author’s idea. Fonvizin gave Skotinin such a surname for a reason. In addition, let us remember that Prostakova only received her friend’s surname from her husband; she is also Skotinina. Mitrofan is the son of Skotinina. And the characters really resemble animals - they are illiterate, stupid, accustomed to looking only for their own benefit, for which they are ready to do anything (that is, they completely lack such traits as integrity and self-esteem). It is also noteworthy that Mitrofan is taught by people of the lower classes, actually servants. In the village of Prostakova, servants take care of the cattle, so from childhood the young man is raised not as a worthy nobleman, but, at best, as a servant.

Fonvizin not only exposes the ignorance of the “Skotinins”, contrasting them with the bearers of high human ideals - Pravdin, Starodum, Sophia, Milon, but also focuses on the inconsistency traditional upbringing and education, emphasizing the need personal development. This is precisely the essence of the work. Fonvizin believed that as soon as each “Mitrofan” receives the right upbringing and decent education, Russian society will change and become better. Nowadays, the comedy “The Minor” is a reminder to every reader of the highest human ideals and the need to improve every day so as not to become like “Mitrofan”.

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