Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom. Why did Tatyana Larina choose life with her unloved husband rather than with Evgeniy? (School essays)

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Honor and dishonor

Quotes and epigraphs

Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom.

V. G. Belinsky

Honor is the desire to gain honor; to observe your honor means not to do anything that would be unworthy of honor.

F. Voltaire

He who is not ready to die for his own honor will find dishonor.

B. Pascal

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost.

A. P. Chekhov

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor.

A. Schopenhauer

The concept of honor in our time

In our cruel age it seems that the concepts of honor and dishonor have died. There is no special need to preserve honor for girls - striptease and depravity pay dearly, and money is much more attractive than some ephemeral honor. I remember Knurov from “Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky:

There are boundaries beyond which condemnation does not cross: I can offer you such enormous content that the most evil critics of other people's morality will have to shut up and open their mouths in surprise.

Sometimes it seems that men have long ceased to dream of serving for the good of the Fatherland, protecting their honor and dignity, and defending the Motherland. Probably, literature remains the only evidence of the existence of these concepts.

A.S. Pushkin’s most cherished work begins with the epigraph: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” which is part of a Russian proverb. The entire novel Captain's daughter"gives us the best idea of ​​honor and dishonor. Main character Petrusha Grinev is a young man, practically a youth (at the time of his departure for service he was “eighteen” years old, according to his mother), but he is filled with such determination that he is ready to die on the gallows, but not to tarnish his honor. And this is not only because his father bequeathed to him to serve this way. Life without honor for a nobleman is the same as death. But his opponent and envious Shvabrin acts completely differently. His decision to go over to Pugachev’s side is determined by fear for his life. He, unlike Grinev, does not want to die. The outcome of the life of each of the heroes is logical. Grinev lives a dignified, albeit poor, life as a landowner and dies surrounded by his children and grandchildren. And the fate of Alexei Shvabrin is clear, although Pushkin does not say anything about it, but most likely death or hard labor will end this unworthy life of a traitor, a man who did not preserve his honor.

War is a catalyst for the most important human qualities, she shows either courage and courage, or meanness and cowardice. We can find proof of this in V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. Two heroes - moral poles narratives. The fisherman is energetic, strong, physically strong, but is he courageous? Having been captured, he betrays his partisan detachment, reveals its location, weapons, numerical strength - in a word, everything in order to eliminate this center of resistance to the fascists. But the frail, sickly, puny Sotnikov turns out to be courageous, endures torture, and resolutely ascends to the scaffold, not for a second doubting the correctness of his action. He knows that death is not as terrible as remorse from betrayal. At the end of the story, Rybak, who escaped death, tries to hang himself in the toilet, but cannot, because he does not find a suitable weapon (his belt was taken away during his arrest). His death is a matter of time, he is not a completely fallen sinner, and living with such a burden is unbearable.

Years pass by historical memory Humanity still contains examples of actions based on honor and conscience. Will they become an example for my contemporaries? I think yes. The heroes who died in Syria, saving people in fires and disasters, prove that there is honor, dignity, and there are bearers of these noble qualities.

Total: 441 words

Honor and dishonor

What does the concept of “honor” mean today? Everyone will interpret this concept in their own way. For some, it is a collection of higher moral principles, respect, honor, recognition of other victories. For others it is “land, cattle, sheep, bread, commerce, profit - this is life!” For me, honor and dignity are not an empty phrase. It's too early to say that I live by honor. But I hope that these concepts will always serve as a life guide for me.

Nowadays, it seems that the concepts of “honor and dignity” are outdated, having lost their original, true meanings. But earlier, in the time of the valiant knights and beautiful ladies, preferred to give up their lives rather than lose honor. And your dignity, the dignity of your loved ones and simply dear to my heart It was customary to protect people in duels. Let us at least remember how, defending the honor of his family, A.S. died in a duel. Pushkin. “I need my name and honor to be inviolable in all corners of Russia,” he said. The favorite heroes of Russian literature were people of honor. Let us remember what advice the hero of the story “The Captain's Daughter” receives from his father: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” The father did not want his son to become a secular reveler and therefore sent him to serve in a distant garrison. Meeting with people devoted to duty, Motherland, love, for whom the honor of the uniform was above all, played a decisive role in Grinev’s life positive role. He passed all the trials that befell him with honor, and never once lost his dignity or compromised his conscience, although there were plenty of reasons.

"Honor is like gem“The slightest spot takes away its shine and takes away all its value,” Edmond Pierre Beauchaine once said. Yes, this is indeed true. And everyone, sooner or later, will have to decide how to live - with honor or without it.

A woman's honor

Each newborn is given a name. Along with a name, a person receives the history of his family, the memory of generations and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhonor. Sometimes a name obliges you to be worthy of your origin. Sometimes, through your actions, you have to wash away and correct the negative memory of your family. How not to lose your dignity? How to protect yourself in the face of emerging danger? It is very difficult to be prepared for such a test. You can find many similar examples in Russian literature.

In the story by Viktor Petrovich Astafiev “Lyudochka” there is a narration about the fate of a young girl, yesterday’s schoolgirl, who came to the city in search of better life. Having grown up in the family of a hereditary alcoholic, like frozen grass, she tries all her life to preserve her honor, some kind of feminine dignity, tries to work honestly, build relationships with the people around her, without insulting anyone, pleasing everyone, but keeping her at a distance. And people respect her. Her landlady Gavrilovna respects her for her reliability and hard work, poor Artyomka respects her for her rigor and morality, she respects her in her own way, but for some reason her stepfather is silent about it. Everyone sees her as a person. However, on her way she meets a disgusting type, a criminal and a scumbag - Strekach. The person is not important to him, his lust is above all. The betrayal of Artyomka’s “friend-boyfriend” turns into a terrible ending for Lyudochka. And the girl is left alone with her grief. For Gavrilovna there is no particular problem with this:

Well, they tore off the plonba, just think, what a disaster. Nowadays this is not a flaw, but now they marry just anyone, ugh now about these things...

The mother generally moves away and pretends that nothing happened: the adult, they say, let her get out of it herself. Artemka and “friends” invite you to spend time together. But Lyudochka does not want to live like this, with her honor soiled and trampled. Seeing no way out of this situation, she decides not to live at all. In her last note she asks for forgiveness:

Gavrilovna! Mother! Stepfather! I didn’t ask what your name is. Good people, forgive me!

The very fact that Gavrilovna, and not the mother, comes first here speaks volumes. And the worst thing is that no one cares about this unfortunate soul. In the whole world - no one...

In the epic novel " Quiet Don» Sholokhov, each heroine has her own idea of ​​honor. Daria Melekhova lives only in the flesh, the author says little about her soul, and the characters in the novel generally do not perceive Daria without this base principle. Her adventures both during her husband’s life and after his death show that honor does not exist for her at all; she is ready to seduce her own father-in-law just to satisfy her desire. I feel sorry for her, because a person who lived his life so mediocrely and vulgarly, left no record of himself good memory- insignificant. Daria remained the embodiment of the base, lustful, dishonest female insides.

Honor is important for every person in our world. But especially the honor of women, maidenhood remains business card and always attracts Special attention. And let them say that in our time morality is an empty phrase, that “they will marry just anyone” (in Gavrilovna’s words), what is important is who you are for yourself, and not for those around you. Therefore, the opinions of immature and narrow-minded people are not taken into account. For everyone, honor has and will come first.

Total: 463 words

What is honor

(No literary example)

What is honor and why has it been so valued at all times? He talks about her folk wisdom“Take care of your honor from a young age,” poets sing about it, philosophers think about it. They died in duels for her, and, having lost her, they considered their life over. In any case, the concept of honor contains the desire for moral ideal. This ideal can be created by a person for himself, or he can accept it from society.

In the first case, in my opinion, this is a kind of internal honor, which includes such individual qualities of a person as courage, nobility, justice, and honesty. These are the beliefs and principles that form the basis of a person's self-esteem. This is what he cultivates and values ​​in himself. A person's honor outlines the limits of what a person can allow himself and what kind of attitude he can tolerate from others. A person becomes his own judge. This is what constitutes human dignity Therefore, it is important for a person not to betray any of his principles.

I would correlate another understanding of honor with more modern concept reputation is how a person shows himself to other people in communication and business. IN in this case It is important not to “lose your dignity” in the eyes of other people, because few people will want to communicate with a rude person, do business with an unreliable person, or help a heartless miser in need. However, a person may still have bad traits character and simply try to hide them from others.

In any case, the loss of honor leads to negative consequences - either a person becomes disappointed in himself or becomes an outcast in society. Honor, which I defined as reputation, has always been considered the calling card of a person - both men and women. And sometimes it hurt people. For example, when they were considered unworthy, although it was not they who were to blame, but gossip and intrigue. Or rigid social boundaries. I have always found it surprising that the Victorian era condemned a young woman who was in mourning for her husband and wanted to start a new life.

The main thing I realized is that the word “honor” is related to the word “honesty.” You need to be honest with yourself and people, to be, not to seem worthy person, and then you will not face either condemnation or self-criticism.

The theme of honor in the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin

After reading the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter”, you understand that one of the themes of this work is the theme of honor and dishonor. The story contrasts two heroes: Grinev and Shvabrin - and their ideas about honor. These heroes are young, both of them are nobles. YES, they end up in this outback (Belogorsk Fortress) not of their own free will. Grinev - at the insistence of his father, who decided that his son needed to “pull the strap and smell the gunpowder...” And Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress, perhaps because big story associated with a duel. We know that for a nobleman a duel is a way to defend honor. And Shvabrin, at the beginning of the story, seems to be a man of honor. Although from the point of view common man, Vasilisa Egorovna, a duel is “murder.” This assessment allows the reader who sympathizes with this heroine to doubt Shvabrin’s nobility.

You can judge a person by his actions Hard time. For the heroes, the challenge was the capture Belogorsk fortress Pugachev. Shvabrin saves his life. We see him “with his hair cut in a circle, in a Cossack caftan, among the rebels.” And during the execution, he whispers something in Pugachev’s ear. Grinev is ready to share the fate of Captain Mironov. He refuses to kiss the impostor’s hand because he is ready to “prefer a cruel execution to such humiliation...”.

They also treat Masha differently. Grinev admires and respects Masha, even writes poetry in her honor. Shvabrin, on the contrary, confuses the name of his beloved girl with dirt, saying “if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings.” Shvabrin slanderes not only this girl, but also her relatives. For example, when he says “as if Ivan Ignatich was in an inappropriate relationship with Vasilisa Egorovna..” It becomes clear that Shvabrin actually does not love Masha. When Grinev rushed to free Marya Ivanovna, he saw her “pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress.” The girl’s appearance eloquently speaks of what she had to endure due to the fault of Shvabrin, who tortured her, kept her in captivity and constantly threatened to extradite her her rebels.

If we compare the main characters, of course, Grinev will evoke more respect, because, despite his youth, he managed to behave with dignity, remained true to himself, did not disgrace his father’s honorable name, and defended his beloved.

Perhaps all this allows us to call him a man of honor. Self-esteem helps our hero at the trial at the end of the story to calmly look into the eyes of Shvabrin, who, having lost everything, continues to fuss, trying to slander his enemy. Long ago, while still in the fortress, he crossed the boundaries defined by honor, wrote a letter - a denunciation to Grinev's father, trying to destroy the newly born love. Having acted dishonestly once, he cannot stop and becomes a traitor. And therefore Pushkin is right when he says “take care of your honor from a young age.”

About honor

(no literary example)

Concepts such as “honor” and “conscience” have somehow lost their relevance in modern world indifference and cynical attitude towards life.

If previously it was a shame to be considered an unscrupulous person, today such a “compliment” is taken lightly and even with bravado. Pangs of conscience - today this is something from the realm of melodrama and is perceived as a movie plot, that is, the audience is indignant, and at the end of the film they go and, for example, steal apples from someone else's orchard.

Nowadays, it has become a shame to show mercy, compassion, empathy. Nowadays it’s “cool”, to the approving hooting of the crowd, to hit a weak person, kick a dog, insult an elderly person, be rude to a passerby, and so on. Any nasty thing created by one scumbag is perceived as almost a feat by the fragile minds of teenagers.

“Human races” - Negroid Mongoloid Caucasoid The inhabitants of Australia are often classified as a separate race. Plan. Negroid – indigenous people Central and South Africa, Australia. The concept of race. Form a negative attitude towards the reactionary essence of racism and social Darwinism. Mongoloid - indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, Siberia.

"Human Races" - Mulattoes. Equatorial. Mongoloid (Asian-American). Hair sections of Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasian races. Malgashi. Equatorial race (Two branches: Australoid and Negroid). Europeans. Negroids. Mongoloid peoples. Papuans. Human races. Mixed races. Caucasians. Mongoloid.

“Human Society” - The basis of the economy - an institution that has achieved high development private property. Intersocial problems. Reasons for the emergence of a post-industrial economy: Scientific developments become the main one driving force economy. The right of ownership is considered as natural and inalienable. Man-society.

The LMA StoneBreaker™ can be moved into a sterile operating room area. Conclusion. Stone removal Open surgery Urethroscope + basket. GDP Intravenous pyelogram/urogram. Watchful waiting. Treatment. Stones of the urinary system - Anatomy and pathophysiology. Clinical rationale. We recommend instead...

"The structure of the human psyche" - Inner world and human socialization. Signs that distinguish humans from animals: On the left are the names of the levels of the psyche according to Freud, and on the right are definitions. - The highest form of psyche. There is a table in front of you. How did social factors influence human evolution? Language. Plan: The role of natural and social factors in the process of human evolution.

“How rocks are destroyed” - Water gets into the cracks. In nature in warm sunny days stones and rocks heat up and cool down at night. Individual pieces of stones break off and fall to the foot of the cliffs... The stones expand and contract unevenly. How are rocks destroyed? Strong winds can blow small particles off the surface of rocks.

Honor... Conscience... Nobility...

(Preparation for writing part C based on the text by D. Granin)

Trofimova N. I.

Teacher of the highest qualification category


1. Learning to write an argumentative essay based on the text by D. Granin.

2. Formation of argumentation skills on the problems posed.

3. Cultivating a sense of duty, honor, self-esteem, nobility.

During the classes.

There are texts and criteria on the tables.

Statements on the board:

"Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom." (V. Belinsky)

“True honor is the decision to do in all circumstances what is useful to the most people.” (B. Franklin)


Honor. Duty. Conscience. Nobility. True to your word.

How did you feel when I said these words?

(Integrity, honesty, integrity...)

Yes, all this is correct.

How do you understand the word “honor”?

And as in dictionaries:

HONOR - worthy of respect and pride moral qualities person; its corresponding principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hurt someone. Part: Court of Honor (officer). (Ozhegov)

HONOR the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience. A man of honor, unblemished honor. On my honor, I assure you on my honor, assurance, affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. You can’t sew honor to your skin if you don’t. If only you knew honor, you would be ashamed. (Dahl)

Honor is a moral or social dignity, something that evokes and maintains respect (for oneself or from others). And the first treasure was my honor, the treasure that torture took away. Pushkin. Go into the fire for the honor of your fatherland. Nekrasov. The most remarkable thing about competition is that it produces a radical revolution in people’s views on work, for it transforms work from a shameful and heavy burden, as it was previously considered, into a matter of honor, into a matter of glory, into a matter of valor and heroism. Stalin. Debt of honor. Personal honor. A sense of honor. I swear on my honor. To hurt someone. value, dignity, this and that they are proud of. The honor of my head has thinned and turned white. Pushkin. This student is a credit to our institute.

How does our literature interpret the word “honor”? Give examples.

I know in your heart there is

And pride, and direct honor. (Lermontov)

The poet, a slave of honor, died. (Lermontov)

While we are burning with freedom,

While hearts are alive for honor. (Pushkin)

Take care of your honor from a young age. (Pushkin)

Oh, where are you, honor,

Give me this word

Give it to me - and I’ll be at your feet! (Lermontov’s “Masquerade”. Insisting on a duel, the offended Prince Zvezdich appeals to Arbenin’s decency.)

It is no coincidence that we are talking about honor. Today we will learn to write an essay that mentions this concept.

The teacher reads the text.

Here are the criteria.


K1 – formulation of the problem. Remember, your entire essay will depend on how correctly you understand the problem and formulate it.

Name the problems (the problem of preserving the concept of honor in the modern world, is it outdated; the problem of being faithful to one’s word)

K2 – comments on the problem: that is, explanation, interpretation, but not retelling.

Are the problems relevant in the first place? (students speak out)

Your task is to adequately perceive the author’s position.

Before speaking, a word about the author. (student speaks)

Is the position formulated in the text? (read out)

(Yes, a sense of duty cannot become obsolete, it is a moral core for a person, for modern man be honest with yourself.)

The debate is that honor is outdated.

Is the concept of honor outdated (someone says yes... Proves)

K4 – argumentation of one’s own opinion (proof, confirmation. You must remember that the argument must prove the thesis, be related to the problem, must confirm the importance of life’s postulates.)

This was your homework, in addition, you must express agreement or disagreement on what your argument is based on. (On literary material or life experience).

Students give arguments (Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”, Tolstoy “War and Peace”, Onegin and Lensky).

My argument.

In letters to his wife on May 18, 1836, Pushkin wondered: where did these “prudent young people come from, who are spit in the eyes and wipe themselves away instead of defending their honor? "My honor demands blood." Duel! Is it really possible to pay such a high price for the concept of “honor”!”

What an irreparable and senseless death!

Guys, do you think the death of the poet is really meaningless? (Answer options).

Conclusion. Yes, an irreparable death, but not a senseless one. Yes, a slave of honor, as Lermontov called him, but of honor!

A year before the duel, Pushkin wrote to Count Repnin: “As a nobleman and the father of a family, I must guard the honor and name that I will leave to my children.

That's all that remains for the children: honor and name.

They don’t need everything else, everything else doesn’t matter.”

What about these days?

Conclusion. Obviously, we still have a lot to go through and change our minds. To return to understanding this truth.

Life experience.

Fine. Well done. Everyone has their own point of view and we have no right to criticize it. E. Asadov has a poem “Love, Treason and the Sorcerer”. (Excerpt).

Love said: “Loyalty, decency and purity are needed in the world; people should be honest and kind.

That's the beauty.

Treason screamed:

Empty dreams! Who will thank you for this?

Here, really, people's stomachs will burst from laughter.

Even brainless fish:

You need to live skillfully and wisely:

Where to be defenseless

Where to climb ahead.

Does the passage relate to what we are talking about? Maybe it really is outdated.

Do you think there are many people in our society today who value honor and always strive for justice and truth?

Is it because there is so much injustice today because there are few people who live according to the concepts of honor and being true to their word (there should be different statements).

Yes, I respect the opinion of each of you, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of the majority, but everyone has the right to express their opinion. And yet, the majority is inclined to believe that the concept of honor and loyalty to one’s word will never become outdated.

Word to Reside. Spent research work V different groups people, what happened.

To say about her: everyone different opinion on this occasion.

In conclusion, I asked you to write an essay, taking into account all the criteria. After reading, give a review of what worked and what didn’t. Are the arguments successful?


Write to everyone.

I will not be a teacher, but an expert, I will check according to the criteria.

Let us turn to the statements as we understand them.

The measure of my life forever

Everything that is in me will remain.

I will never part with this -

Love for Russia and, of course, honor.

And it's not beautiful words!

I have not been accustomed to lying since childhood.

Let your gray head shine

I don’t feel sorry for anything for my Motherland.

If you have a good conscience,

You keep peace and quiet in your soul,

Know that you are sowing seeds of kindness,

And you won’t desecrate your honor. (Genrikh Akulov).

There is very little left before the final essay. We continue to prepare with the guys.

Today I present to your attention materials for the “Honor and Dishonor” direction, selected by me and my students.

In order not to repeat myself, I do not offer vocabulary lists that define the concepts themselves, nor many formulations of topics that are on many sites created to help eleventh-graders - I simply publish statements (proverbs, aphorisms) on the topic. Everyone can use them at their own discretion: as an epigraph, for an introduction or conclusion, a bridge between parts of an essay.

Perhaps someone will find our selection of poems about honor and dishonor useful.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Russian proverb

Honor goes along the road, and dishonor goes on the side. Proverb

The mind gives birth to honor, but the latter takes away dishonor. Proverb

You cannot dishonor someone who is not afraid of death. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Honor is more valuable than life. Johann Friedrich Schiller

The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-esteem are the strongest.
F. M. Dostoevsky

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Honor is true beauty! Romain Rolland

The more honest a person is, the less he suspects others of dishonesty. Cicero

Honor from the dishonest is also dishonor. Publius Syrus

Without virtue there is neither glory nor honor.A. Suvorov

For honest people, a promise is a commitment. Tournier

If you want to be happy all your life, be an honest man. Thomas Fuller

Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest speck robs it of its shine and takes it away from it. its entire price. Pierre Beauchaine

Honor is the diamond on the hand of virtue. Voltaire

Honor is the reward given for virtue. Aristotle

Honor is the cornerstone of human wisdom. Vissarion Belinsky

He who is not ready to die for his own honor gains dishonor. Blaise Pascal

You won't get rich by trading your honor. L. Vauvenargues

He who demands payment for his honesty most often sells his honor. L. Vauvenargues

Never leave the path of duty and honor - this is the only thing from which we will find happiness. Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

Honor and honor do not lie in nobility and rank,
And in modesty and honest upbringing. Alisher Navoi

The honor of the fatherland... is guarded not by the one who covers up its crimes, but by the one who is not afraid to cleanse it of them. - Boris Akunin. Diamond Chariot

It annoys me that the word “honor” has been forgotten
And what is the honor of slander behind the back.
Vladimir Vysotsky

It is not the dress that adorns a person.
Like the sun sparkling from behind black clouds,
So honor shines under the clothes of the poor.William Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew

The day will come and the hour will strike,
When intelligence and honor
The whole earth will have its turn
Standing first.

Robe rt burns


Water, Wind, Fire and Honor

Water, Wind, Fire and Honor met , became friends, and it occurred to them to take a walk around the world. They walked on the ground for a long time, got tired and decided to rest.

“There is a flame burning under this mountain, I will unite with it,” said Fire. - Look for me there.

“Reeds grow along the shores of this lake,” said the Wind. - Look for me there.

“There’s a spring on that slope over there.” “I will merge with him,” said Water. - Look for me there.

Honor directed eyes to the sky and remained silent.

- How can we find you? – the Wind asked Honor.

“It’s no use,” said Honor. “Anyone who leaves me will never find their way back.”

D.S. Likhachev
Letters about the good and the beautiful
Letter ten

I don't like definitions and am often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.

There is one significant difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and by conscience one is purified to one degree or another. Conscience is gnawing. Conscience is never false. It can be muted or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But ideas about honor can be completely false, and these false ideas cause enormous damage to society. I mean what is called “uniform honor.” We have lost such a phenomenon, unusual for our society, as the concept of noble honor, but the “honor of the uniform” remains a heavy burden. It was as if the man had died, and only the uniform remained, from which the orders had been removed. And inside which a conscientious heart no longer beats.

"The honor of the uniform" forces managers defend false or flawed projects, insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful construction projects, fight with societies protecting monuments (“our construction is more important”), etc. Many examples of such defense of “uniform honor” can be given.

True honor is always in accordance with conscience. False honor is a mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of the human (or rather, “bureaucratic”) soul.

Poems about honor and dishonor

Samuel Marshak

Gold can't buy honor.
An honest man will not yield to honor.
He needs honor like light.

Glad to sell it to the dishonest...
But, as everyone knows,
U dishonest honor No.

HonorI have

Otar Chiladze

“I have the honor” - two short words -
Threw my age out of the vocabulary...
The gun is loaded. All is ready.
And a man stepped towards the barrier...

And now it will be settled differently:
There is a bottle of cognac on the table...
What do we care about boyish eccentricities?
Duelists of the Ensk regiment.

The bed of the Black River has dried up,
You can't see the mountain due to the fog.
It will be easier for us to live without these words,
But it will be harder to die.

What to do? Time will dictate
New convenient words.
A black wind blows from the Black River,
Like Mashuk, his head is turning grey.

I will bring my enemy closer, I will abandon my friend,
I’ll explain my feelings to my unloved one.
I'm not afraid of a vicious circle,
I'm afraid of the new vocabulary.

Like a young lieutenant, growing cold
From the mockery of a secret enemy,
One day I will shout: “I have the honor,”
Confusing years and centuries.


Nikolay Glazkov

Take care of your honor from a young age! -
That's a fair word.
It happened many times
It's said where it needs to be!..

But even in mature years
Your honor is not nonsense,
And her - this is what we're talking about -
You should also take care!

And in old age
Honor is more valuable than honor:
Life is meaningful if there is
Honor preserved!

“Structure of the human psyche” - Consciousness. Language. Which name should correspond to which definition? How do you think natural factors influenced human evolution? Structure human psyche. Thinking. There is a table in front of you. Answer questions, complete tasks after point 17 Learn new concepts. On the left are the names of the levels of the psyche according to Freud, and on the right are definitions.

“Human Society” - Property rights are seen as natural and inalienable. Relations between the individual and society are built on the principles of mutual responsibility. Society is autonomous from the state, and a developed civil society has emerged. The ability and readiness for change and innovation are recognized as the most important social values.

“Human Races” - Hair sections of the Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasian races. Equatorial. Mongoloid race. Negroid. Armenoid. Indians. Reporting forms of racism. Equatorial peoples. Alpine. Veddoids Australians Aina Papuans and Melanesians Negritos. Mongoloid. Species Homo sapiens ( Homo sapiens). Mixed races.

"Urine Stone" - Made in Switzerland... Watching the watch. Anatomy – general review. Keep the end of the sensor in sight. Stones. Pelvis. High Energy There is virtually no sensor movement. Features and main characteristics. 60 bar. Reduces physician fatigue and irritability. Select the required sensor.

“How rocks are destroyed” - Individual pieces of stones break off and fall to the foot of the cliffs... In nature, on warm sunny days, stones and rocks heat up and cool down at night. Stones expand and contract unevenly. Water gets into the cracks. Strong winds can blow small particles off the surface of rocks. It happens that during a storm the wind carries with it many grains of sand.

“Human Races” - Concept of races. All races are the same in their mental abilities! Negroid - the indigenous population of Central and Southern Africa and Australia. Each race is characterized by a unity of origin. 1. Concept " human race» 2. Brief description of the main human races. Mongoloid - the indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, Siberia.

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