What do sports dances give? Sports ballroom dancing for children: at what age and what are the benefits?

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Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. But not everyone knows that the baby’s health needs to be monitored from a very early age. And especially his physical development. Most The best way To improve your child's health is to send him to a dance school. After all, dancing perfectly develops a child, and for girls it is best view sports

The best option for children is sports ballroom dancing. Unlike other types of dances, children can practice ballroom dancing from a very early age.

Ballroom dancing is useful for many:

  • develop motor skills,
  • coordination of movements,
  • sense of rhythm,
  • ear for music,
  • the ability to control your body.

In addition, children who dance are less shy and get used to the stage from an early age. It doesn’t matter where the child will work in the future, but he will overcome his fear of the audience.

Each age has its own characteristics of teaching dance.

As a rule, classes for children from 2 to 6 years old take place in game form, are based on numerous jumps, stretching, and gymnastics. Such techniques help strengthen children’s muscles and develop their general physical fitness. Dance technique begins to be required from about 6 years of age, when children are already physically ready for it.

Various competitions and competitions are held based on ballroom dancing. By participating in such events, a child from an early age will strive to win or try to take a prize.

This creates an incentive for the child to work on himself.

Ballroom dancing contributes not only physical development child, but also social. After all, visiting dance groups, the child will make many new friends.

It is important to note the influence of parents on the child’s desire to dance. Often parents send their child to dance school and forget to take an interest in the success of their baby. But the child wants to be praised and supported. Therefore, parents need to attend their child’s training and performances as much as possible. This will encourage the child to do as well as possible in order to please mom and dad with his success.

When choosing a dance and sports club great attention should be given to the dance coach. It is important that this is a person who loves his job and has teaching experience, preferably at least 10 years. Then the child’s education will be successful.

Advantages of sports ballroom dancing in childhood over other sports

When caring for their children, parents always attach great importance to the health of their child. In order for a child to grow healthy and develop harmoniously, it is necessary to healthy image life.

What does the concept of “healthy lifestyle” include? Firstly, it's correct balanced diet, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Secondly, an active lifestyle. It is necessary to move a lot and play outdoor games. Play sports, preferably dance.

Today there is a very large selection of sports sections where you could send your child.

But in most sports there is a local load on certain muscles of the body, and not evenly on the entire body. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the body develop unevenly.

The main and correct goal is the balanced development of the body, increasing endurance, improving the appearance and health of the child.

It is necessary to choose one sport that would meet all these requirements. This is a sports ballroom dance.

IN Lately The first place in the list of parental preferences is confidently occupied by dance studios. As a rule, a child is not taken to such studios with the goal of receiving a return in the form of medals and other awards in a few years. Mostly older generation cares about improving the health and shaping the aesthetic taste of its offspring, and in this, sports ballroom dancing is beyond competition.

At what age should children be enrolled in sports ballroom dancing?

Parents are faced with the question immediately after the birth of their child, what ability they can unlock and when is the best time to do it.

Some of them believe that as soon as possible, the better. But let's resolve this issue regarding dancing, since this is what parents choose for additional classes your beloved children. Let's figure out what dancing is like, which in its lightest form determines the load. Professionals set the age for dancing at six years. By this time, the child’s skeleton had already formed. By this time, the child is able to perform all the exercises and control their implementation. The best place There will be a dance school for the child. But parents must remember that they cannot immediately demand from their child good results. You need to understand the purpose of dancing. This will happen for general development or for further dance lessons.

In the first option - for general development - it is recommended to start classes at a later age. late age. It all depends on the dance school and the teacher to whom the parents entrusted the child. Do not forget that for a three-year-old child these activities will be interesting entertainment and nothing more. They can be taught such dances in kindergarten.

The second option is serious classes with “prospects in dancing” - you need to start at preschool age. What will a child lose if he starts going to dance classes later?

As he gets older, he will find less and less time for these activities. When asking what age is ideal to start ballroom dancing, you should follow the advice of experts who can help you understand this problem. Trainers recommend starting with preparatory stage. It’s good if a child starts doing rhythmoplasty from three to four years old. This will teach him the simplest movements and skillfully prepare the body for the load. At five years old you can determine what a child is capable of and if he has interest, then five years is the most wonderful age to start serious ballroom dancing classes.

Ballroom dancing lessons for children

Starting dance lessons is exciting for both children and their parents. In fact, ballroom dancing is a wonderful activity for children because it can encourage positive self-esteem in both girls and boys. Dance lessons can teach a child self-confidence, self-discipline and poise. The child who started dancing in early age A love of art is likely to develop, as well as a passion for rhythm and movement. And most importantly, dancing is just a lot of fun.

Starting ballroom dancing at an early age

Some people believe that a child should be enrolled in a dance school as soon as possible, and sometimes do this when he is only 2 years old. Toddlers and preschoolers usually start with dance classes rather than structured dance classes. If the child is 4 or 5 years old, it is worth considering his emotional maturity and the degree of personality formation. If your baby is very shy, forcing him to dance can completely discourage him from dancing. However, if the child is ready to do something new in a team strangers, That early start classes will have an extremely beneficial effect on his abilities.

Search for a trainer and dance school

When deciding where your child will study dance, there are several things to consider. Sports ballroom dancing has gained great popularity in last years, and for sure, in each city there will be several studios from which to choose. Worth making a list possible options, and then go to each studio to look and decide. All dance studios are different and, of course, you need to take into account the level and professionalism of the trainers, and choose a dance school where your child can receive the best dance training.

Clothes for sports ballroom dancing

Probably one of the most important things when starting dance lessons is purchasing special clothing and shoes. If anyone is unsure about what kind of clothing a child should wear to ballroom dancing classes, it is worth asking the coach. In our dance school, in the Sports Ballroom Dancing section, there is a description of Clothes and shoes for sports dancing. You can familiarize yourself with it and be informed in advance.

Good posture, flexibility, coordination, balance, the habit of respecting opposite sex- these are not all the advantages of sports ballroom dancing. And if you are planning to introduce your child to this wonderful sport, or are already the parent of a dancer, you are absolutely done right choice, and we wish you success and victories.

Still can't decide what to do with your beloved baby? Sport sections, literary clubs, theater studios, art schools— the choice of activities is huge.

Ballroom and dance Sport- this is something that is definitely worth trying! The elegance of the steps and bewitching music attract more than one generation of young dancers. Why not take up this wonderful sport for your child?

Health benefits of dancing

Sports and ballroom dancing is not only an extremely beautiful hobby, but also a very healthy hobby. Dance classes:

  • Strengthens blood vessels and muscles;
  • Increases the child’s physical endurance;
  • Improves posture;
  • Remove muscle tension;
  • Improves respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • They teach the child to be calm about failures and losses, and to be more stress-resistant.

What does a passion for dancing lead to?

However, physical health is far from the only reason why you should enroll your child in a dance school. Ballroom and sports dancing influence many areas of children's development. They:

  • Trains motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • They develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, and aesthetic taste.
  • Improve moral and ethical qualities.
  • They learn to live in society and communicate with other people.
  • They form a beautiful gait.
  • Reveal Creative skills child.
  • They make children more active, collected, and disciplined.
  • They learn to control their body.
  • They transform their appearance - a sparkle in their eyes, a smile on their face and a toned figure adorn the children.
  • Develops intelligence and curiosity.
  • Orient the child to achieve goals.
  • They help get rid of many fears, complexes and self-doubt, as well as raise self-esteem. Dancing changes even the shyest and most introverted guys!

Interested? Then read where you need to start dancing.

When should classes start?

After decision taken The question arises for parents: “And at what age is it best to send your child to choreographic studio According to experts, it is best to do this at the age of 6-7 years. However, it all depends on the individual qualities of your child.

On the one hand, children who started dancing early (at 3-5 years old) are much more likely to succeed. On the other hand, children who have not yet turned 6-7 years old get tired quickly, their coordination of movements is poorly developed, and they cannot concentrate on one thing. And it’s still difficult for them to perceive correctly all the demands of the coach.

If you still want to take your baby to dance at 3-4 years old, then answer the following questions:

  1. Will the baby be able to understand and follow the coach’s commands?
  2. Is he able to coordinate movements and concentrate attention?
  3. Is he able to endure physical activity, or does he usually spend his time passively?
  4. Does your child want to dance?
  5. Does he have a good memory and musical ear?

If you answered “yes” to 3-4 questions, then feel free to take your child to the dance section. IN otherwise take your time, most likely he is not ready for this yet.

Clothes, shoes and other... expenses

Ballroom and sports dancing are one of the most expensive sports. In addition to paying for classes, you will need:

  • Footwear and costumes for performances;
    • Minimum 2 pairs of training shoes (shoes or shoes). They should be light, comfortable and natural;
    • Minimum 2 suits for training. Boys train in trousers and shirts or T-shirts made of elastic fabric. Girls wear a loose short skirt and a top or blouse that fits their figure.

Concert outfits will need to be made to order, while workout clothes are usually purchased in specialized stores.

You will also need to pay for travel to the venue of competitions and competitions, accommodation and meals (for you and your child) and individual lessons if necessary.

Before starting classes, think about whether you can do it. If you feel that you can’t handle it, choose a more suitable one for your child. a budget option activities to protect him from tears and disappointments in the future.

Choosing a school and teacher

When choosing a dance section, give preference to those that are closest to your home. Long trips will tire both you and your child. Besides, after school he will need to rest, eat and change clothes.

You should also pay attention to Timetable of classes(it should be comfortable for the child) and age group (it would be best to study with peers). Find out if there are any special requirements for appearance(clothes, shoes, hairstyle).

Specify cost of classes- more low prices usually in those schools that have recently opened or are located in less prestigious areas.

You need to find out coach's name and surname, his status- work experience, age, whether Teacher Education and a diploma from the Institute of Physical Education, how many years he has been working at this school, etc.

Ask about school status- what organization it belongs to, who its graduates are, whether students take prizes in competitions, how many years they have been studying here.

By comparing all the nuances, you will surely choose the most suitable section, studio or dance school.

Let's hope that the passion for dancing will bring your child a lot of impressions and positive emotions. And who knows, maybe from little dancer one day a star of world significance will grow up!

Ballroom dancing for children is not only an elegant children's sport, but also a fascinating art that can captivate girls and boys.

Ballroom dancing is an excellent alternative to any sport and even more than an alternative, because it is movement, plasticity, and a love of music at the same time. Without exaggeration, ballroom dancing for children really enhances the all-round development of a child. In order to glide so easily on the parquet, in fact, a child requires remarkable strength and endurance - they are developed through a variety of training, intense movement and constant complication of elements.
Flexibility and coordination are needed here no less than in rhythmic gymnastics: many movements require good stretching, and learning various figures will allow you to learn how to move around the floor correctly and correlate your actions with the actions of your partner and other dancers. And of course, dancing is an endless variety of magnificent melodies.
“Getting into the music” is one of the main requirements even for beginning dancers: children learn to hear the music, feel the rhythm and correlate their movements with it. The movements become more complex gradually and at the same time the musical fragments become more intense.

When should I start exercising?

3–4 years: early start You can start dancing from a very early age.

It is best to start ballroom dancing at the age of 5, but some children are already able to learn well at 3 years old. It all depends on how easily the child perceives information. Imitation abilities are also important - whether he can repeat the movements behind the coach, and then independently. If you are thinking about taking your child to ballroom dancing at an early age, pay attention to how active he is in movement and how he listens to music.

It’s a good sign if the child begins to move to the music himself and gets into the beat. But it’s better to show the child to a professional teacher, and he will determine the child’s readiness for classes.”

5–6 years:

We choose – dance school or professional sports. From the age of 5, anyone can take ballroom dancing classes; no special training is required. At this age, classes are held on average 2 times a week for 60 minutes; the trainer, focusing on the level of the group, can gradually increase the duration. Dmitry Tarasevich claims that “it’s not even talent that is important here, but desire and perseverance - these are serious pursuits, work in which you often have to overcome yourself.”

Features of classes at an early age

At 3–4 years old it’s even enough collected child It is better to study individually so as not to be distracted by other children.

At an early age, children study 1-2 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
The coach must have great experience working specifically with children. The main difficulty in working with children is their scattered attention: the coach needs to be able to win the child’s respect and attention, teach him to concentrate and persistently achieve results.
For kids, any children's activities should be in the form of a game. In ballroom dancing, a child's learning is based on constant repetition of movements, so the coach will have to try to turn the routine into a game.

It is also important to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, which involves not only correctly repeating after the coach, but also listening to his instructions. Parents should pay attention to ensuring that their child masters spatial concepts (up/down, forward/back, right/left), as well as body parts (neck, chin, elbows, etc.) in home games. Then it will be much easier for the child to perceive the words of the coach: left hand up, right leg back, knee higher, etc.

Where to dance?

Education centers. Many clubs operate on the basis of schools, providing opportunities for additional development of children.

Advantages: no need to take your child anywhere (classes take place directly in the school halls); the opportunity to study with classmates.

Fitness and sports clubs, dance studios, creativity houses

Advantages: the opportunity to dance “for yourself”, not to take part in any official competitions; the ability to create your own schedule of classes.

Dance and sports clubs(net official clubs Federation of Dance Sports of Russia)
Advantages: high-class trainers; the opportunity to practice both in pairs (competitive dancing) and independently (dance school); participation in Federation events; competitions and competitions from the first year of study.

In a dance and sports club there are always 2 areas of development: dance school and competitive dancing.

Dance school- This is a school of mass training, here they learn several dances, in which they start with the simplest elements, gradually complicating them. It is important that at a dance school you can dance without a partner - therefore the ratio of boys and girls in the group is completely unimportant. To go to new level the guys undergo certification: these are real competitions for which they seriously prepare. It is the upcoming competitions that discipline and spur them on during classes, when their strength is already running low.

Competitive dance– this is already professional training. Here they compete in pairs, and the pair is selected from the very beginning.
It can be difficult for children to maintain mutual understanding, which is absolutely necessary for the couple to be stable and the time spent “dancing” not to be wasted because of a petty quarrel.
For each pair it is created individual program, based on physical and psychological characteristics children.

Is this a man's business?

It’s easy to understand why ballroom dancing attracts girls. But if you doubt that dancing is a suitable children's sport for a future man, remember that ballroom dancing used to be a mandatory element good education, and not only for girls, but also for boys. All famous generals and commanders were not only daredevils, riders and with accurate arrows, but also excellent dancers. And in modern military schools, officers are still taught ballroom dancing.

For a boy, there are many conquests and heights to be achieved in sports dancing. In addition, classes are a constant, serious sporting activity; our boys often run and jump in competitions for the entire school. Everyone’s motivation is different: some are attracted by music, others by interesting communication and travel, others by the charisma of the teacher. Much depends on the parents - it is very important how much attention they are willing to pay to their child, because competitive dancing involves constant tournaments, training camps, and travel.

Despite the fact that ballroom dancing is considered a very expensive sport, children's equipment is quite modest.

For girl

Gymnastic leotard for classes
- skirt,
- bolero (optional),
- Czechs.
One set is enough for a year.

For boy

Black pants,
- White shirt,
- Czechs.

For girl

For competitions, a rating dress, one for a year is enough: plain; under 11 years of age, not only jewelry, but also any combination of fabrics is prohibited.
Shoes – special dance shoes with small heels, also without decorations.
Hairstyle – strictly complies with the requirements: a bun tightly fixed with varnish with a simple mesh, without decorations.
Only from the age of 11 girls can wear to competitions long dress for the European program and a suit for Latin, from 14 years old - dresses can be decorated with various jewelry. The cost of such dresses is made to order.

For boy

Dancing shoes,
- bow tie or tie.
Custom suits always cost more.
From the age of 11, a black shirt is allowed for latin, from the age of 14 - a vest for the European program and a separate suit for latin, from 16 - a tailcoat and also a special suit for latin.

Ballroom dancing is divided into two programs:
European (standard) – slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot, fast foxtrot (quickstep);
Latin American (Latin) - samba, rumba, paso doble, cha-cha-cha, jive.
Classification by age of the child in groups:
children 0: 7 years and younger,
children 1: 8–9 years old,
children 2: 10–11 years.

Classification by level of training:

H class (“beginner” or hobby class) – in this class only some dances are performed: slow waltz, cha-cha-cha, samba. The range of movements is limited.
E class - performed: slow waltz, Viennese waltz and quickstep in European program and samba, cha-cha-cha and jive in Latin.
D class - already includes 8 dances, excluding only the slow foxtrot in the European program and the paso doble in the Latin American program.
C class – includes all 10 dances. This class usually begins a serious career for dancers.
Higher classes: B, A, S and M are upper class skill of amateurs.
Dancing for children has always been relevant, and today it is at the peak of dance fashion

First competitions

Competition is a necessary element of any sport. If a child takes dancing seriously, then participation in competitions will become a mandatory part of the family schedule.

You can participate in your first competitions after mastering simple options movements of three dances.
Children compete among themselves in their age category.

Participation in competitions brings points; after collecting a certain number of which, the dancer moves to a new level (class). In order to move to the next level of skill, you need to take part in several competitions, sometimes 10 or even more.

Participation in competitions is paid.

Registration for competitions usually occurs early in the morning, each participant receives a number to dance under.

Usually many dancers take part in competitions at once, and children go out onto the floor in groups of 20–30 and perform one dance or another together.

The jury gives the scores, but the children, as a rule, are not given a number of points, but are assigned a place. But 125th place, even out of 500, will only upset the baby, so everyone gets first, second or third place: first - to those who danced on maximum amount points, and so on. So, according to the results of the competition, there may be several gold medalists, many silver medalists and many, many bronze medalists.

The certificates and medals that participants receive are a huge reason for pride and motivation for further activities.

Sports ballroom dance - incredible beautiful art, which in addition to physical and creative development- allows you to gain experience in interpersonal interaction between partners and other dancers, which has a positive effect at an older age. The experience of social interaction cannot be overestimated. Systematic ballroom dancing training teaches you to achieve your goals collectively. This helps a lot in life, future work and in family life.

Ballroom dancing is an incredibly beautiful and very healthy hobby.

Dance classes:

  • Increases the child’s physical endurance;
  • Development of plasticity and coordination;
  • Ability to move and dance beautifully
  • Strengthens blood vessels and muscles;
  • Increase self-esteem;
  • Cheer up;
  • Improves posture and flexibility;

What is included in the ballroom dance program?

Before you start training, you should familiarize yourself with the training program. Sports ballroom dancing consists of two programs: European and Latin American.

The European dance program or Standard consists of five main dances:

  • Slow Waltz (Slow or English Waltz),
  • Viennese Waltz,
  • Tango,
  • Slow Foxtrot and
  • Quickstep or Quick Foxtrot (Quickstep)

program Latin American dances or Latin (Latin) make up five main dances:

  • Samba
  • Cha-cha-cha (Cha-Cha-Cha)
  • Rumba,
  • Paso Doble and
  • Jive

At what age do you start dancing?

Children from 4 years old come to our club. Ballroom dancing for beginners is a warm-up, stretching, preparation basic movements. Is it worth sending your child to dance so early? Definitely yes, especially in the hands of professionals! The child begins to develop, he needs to realize his potential and splash out his energy. Masters the skills of being in a team where there are certain rules, the child learns to be attentive and collected. Develop and improve.

We believe that you can send your child to dance at any age, even start training when you are older (at 18 years old), but the age from 4 to 7 years is considered optimal. It is at this age that the child more possibilities achieve high results. At this age, children develop a sense of rhythm, they can easily stretch, correct posture and the ability to control their body are formed. In children at an early age, everything is laid out very quickly. Later, complexes and tightness appear, which we also successfully work with.

How to prepare a child for dancing?

Arousing interest in sports ballroom dancing is the foundation and key to success. It is not worth forcing and going against the will of a child and taking him to dance; it is much more important to awaken your own interest, to show the child the advantages and beauty of this activity. Watch the competition performances together, ask his opinion, offer to try. Let the child go to trial lesson and decide for himself. It happens that after 3-4 lessons there is no interest, in this case there is no need to insist.

How is the training going?

All dance training usually takes place in group classes. During training, children look at each other and learn much faster, in the process they interact with each other in dance, they develop a healthy spirit of competition and mutual assistance.

When dance couples have formed, it makes sense to think about organizing individual lessons with a trainer, for more detailed work and creation own style and practice every movement and technique. In such classes, dancers will learn to feel and understand each other.

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