What can and cannot be given. Birthday signs: what to do, what not to do, forbidden gifts

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You won't believe it, but men are also superstitious people. And knowing the signs will help you make a gift for them. You cannot present socks to a man based on them. Why - you will find out from the article.

In the article:

What you can’t give a man - signs about gifts

Believes that You can’t give anything related to medicine- vitamins, medicines, blood pressure measuring devices. This is a sign of illness and poor health. The exception is a gift to a physician from a colleague, and then only when they begin to use it for its intended purpose.

Giving a man a photo in a frame means separation. Do not give your own or joint ones. Such a gift will seem romantic and memorable. But he doesn’t promise a future together.

Men are not given rings. This sign applies to relatives, friends and spouses. Men, according to legend, buy rings for themselves. Giving it as a gift means parting with it after a huge scandal. This also applies to watches. When you want to give a branded watch or ring, give money to purchase it.

Not giving mirrors is a bad omen, and not only for men. Such a gift is directly related to magic, and you should not accept it - no matter what gender the person is. It is also given out of ignorance, but the mirror is presented to establish a connection between people, to cause damage and other unpleasant things.

Cold steel is considered a great gift for any man. But signs say that nothing good can be expected from such a gift. Donated knives, sabers and other edged weapons bring troubles and quarrels into the life of the one who accepts this gift. But you can make such a gift, but the recipient gives a symbolic amount for it to the donor. Superstitions also consider things that have nothing to do with them to be melee weapons. These are cutlery - forks and knives, needles, scissors and other metal things.

You also cannot give handkerchiefs and towels. Orthodox folklore claims that such gifts lead to tears and grief. Also, cloth napkins are prohibited in table setting sets.

Is it possible to give flowers to men?

The answer to this question is yes when it comes to etiquette. But a woman should not be given such a gift when the man is younger - it is impolite.

A stranger is allowed to give flowers when participating in a theatrical performance or performing at a concert. They give flowers to birthday people. Etiquette allows you to present bouquets to your husband or boyfriend for any occasion.

Folk omens prohibit giving the stronger sex flowers in pots. According to legend, you cannot give carnations. These flowers are often placed on graves. Accepting such a bouquet is a sign of imminent death.

When giving roses, remove all thorns. Then flowers will bring positive things, while being pricked by a rose is a negative sign. You cannot choose yellow flowers - daffodils, and when it comes to your spouse, unwanted burgundy and red ones are a sign of divorce. Poppies and dried flowers are prohibited.

What gifts should not be given to a man - signs for wives

Signs tell in detail about what should not be given to a man. Separate Negative signs can be turned to your advantage. There are socks for a man. The one who gives such a gift will stop communicating.

Don't give men socks.

When you have a friend with whom you are not comfortable communicating, persuade her to give your husband socks for one of the holidays. Daughters-in-law who know the signs also deal with overly annoying mothers-in-law. When they offer to give your husband socks, it makes sense to think about the intentions of the one who offers it - he wishes the family quarrels and discord.

A wife should not give underwear to her husband. This foreshadows betrayal. Such gifts are not given either before or after the wedding. This is allowed to a blood relative.

What gifts should you not give when it comes to your spouse? Alcoholic drinks are not recommended. They are presented to colleagues and friends. For the husband it portends alcoholism. Omens do not prohibit giving alcohol to relatives - a gift is considered official, acceptable for a boss or business partner.

What can you give a man - signs with positive meaning

Among the things that are allowed to be presented to a man, a tie stands out. But they give it for the specific purpose of tying it to themselves. It is made for a tie. Therefore, do not be surprised when the gift is not accepted. This also applies to scarves.

If you want to attract a man's love, give him a tie.

Paired pillows are a great gift idea for a family man. They bring peace and harmony. Pillows are also given to a lonely friend or relative so that he can quickly improve his personal life.

A picture with any intuitively pleasing image will definitely not bring any trouble. This also applies to boxes, but when donated, a purely symbolic coin is placed in them. So that the husband listens to his wife and understands whether to give her a pen or sunglasses.

There are several gifts that, according to folk wisdom, cannot be given. They all carry negative energy, which is activated when giving.

If you want to choose a gift for a loved one, we first recommend that you learn about dangerous gifts from the point of view of esotericism and folk wisdom. What kind of gifts are these, and what danger do they pose?

What not to give

Knives, scissors and all sharp objects. Gifts with an edge doom all the inhabitants of the house to failure. As you know, a large amount of negative energy is concentrated on sharp objects.

Watch. Why can't you give a watch? There are many versions of the origin of this folk sign. In China, for example, they believe that a gift in the form of a watch will count down the time until a person’s death. If you give a watch to a loved one, it promises a quick quarrel.

Books. This gift should not be given to a married couple. It is believed that a book given as a gift can provoke betrayal.

Dishes. According to superstitions, empty dishes should not be given as a gift - this can attract lack of money. But if you put something in it, for example, a coin, then such a gift, on the contrary, will turn out to be happy.

Wallet. You should not give a wallet and accept it as a gift. You may lose your money luck. If you put money in your wallet, then, on the contrary, it will attract wealth.

Handkerchief. With this gift, a person will receive unnecessary worries and sorrows. This gift seems to hint: “Cry into me!”

Pearl. According to superstitions and ancient legends, pearls symbolize the tears of inconsolable widows and orphans. Such a gift attracts illness, tears and loss.

Medical devices and items related to diseases. Such things will constantly remind a person of his illnesses, which will provoke a deterioration in his health.

Money. It is believed that a monetary gift can negatively affect the life of the one who gives it. A person, along with such a gift, can lose his well-being.

Mirror. This item has always been considered mystical, so you should not accept it or give it as a gift, since someone else’s mirror in the house can cause strange phenomena.

When choosing a gift, remember that it must be from a pure heart. Only then will he be welcome. And do not forget that the negative effect of a dangerous gift can be avoided if you give the giver a coin in return. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.11.2014 08:07

Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Alexey Pokhabov spoke on his website about gifts that bring evil and...

Rida Khasanova

Birthday is a wonderful and joyful holiday. To make a memorable gift and please the birthday person, you need know his interests, character, and hobbies.

However, not everyone knows that there are signs and folk beliefs about gifts that are not recommended to be given

What gifts should you not give on your birthday?

Basic gifts that should not be given on a birthday:

  1. It is not recommended to give as a gift for a holiday scissors and other sharp objects. Ancient beliefs predict quarrels, separations and ruined lives for those who give or accept this thing as a gift. An interesting fact is that this attitude towards scissors has developed in many cultures around the world. The logic is clear, scissors are the worst birthday gift, careless handling of which can lead to serious consequences.
  2. At all times with mirror connected various mystical rituals. It has long been believed that if you look long and hard in the mirror, you can lose your beauty forever. And if the item was received as a gift from an ill-wisher, the birthday person cannot avoid imminent illness. According to signs, a mirror can be accepted as a gift by paying off it. The amount given to the donor must be symbolic, and the coins must be made of yellow metal. You need to be especially careful with antique mirrors. Such things have the ability to accumulate negative energy, so ancient mirrors can bring misfortune to the birthday boy and his loved ones.
  3. A gift like slippers, associated with warmth and care for a loved one. But such a gift can only be given to the closest people. The gift will be appreciated by parents and grandparents. However, when wondering whether this item can be given as a birthday gift, they look at its color. It is strictly forbidden to give white slippers as a gift, as they symbolize death. For older people who don't know them, the gift will seem inappropriate and will cause a negative reaction. Slippers are not given to young people at an early stage of a relationship, as this can frighten and confuse the partner. You should not give slippers to your beloved woman, since this item is associated with the road. Thus, by accepting such a gift from a loved one, a woman can incur separation from her beloved man.
  4. There is a bad omen that you should not give sharp objects as gifts. Cactus as a gift – thorny plant, which prophesies cruelty, self-will and pride in the birthday boy. But the person who presented such a gift is not considered kind and sincere. Cactus tends to accumulate negative energy. People believe that a person who came with a cactus brought destruction and misfortune to the house. For a young or married woman, a cactus can become a destroyer of family relationships. The plant is called muzhegon, so you can’t give it to a girl. In all other cases, a person who accepts a thorny plant as a gift can pay off it, averting evil from himself.
  5. Folk signs even associate the gift of a comb with contradictory thoughts. From a practical point of view, women spend a lot of time on their appearance, so they choose accessories themselves. Some people like wooden combs, others prefer plastic or metal products. Beliefs link giving combs with an attempt to find out other people's secrets. If it has sharp and thin teeth, then it belongs to the category of sharp and cutting objects, which are not recommended to be given as a gift. Previous generations believed that any personal item exchanges energy with its owner. In this sense, combs that come into contact with the hair of the birthday boy are objects of conspiracies of evil magicians. Therefore, such a gift should be given and received with extreme caution. You need to get rid of a gift received from a person who does not inspire much trust, so as not to bring trouble and misfortune to your family.
  6. Socks and handkerchiefs fall into the category of unwanted gifts. A man should not be given such products, since it is believed that the woman giving the gift has stopped loving him. In the old days it was said that whoever brings a handkerchief will bring misfortune and bad weather. This assessment has arisen since handkerchiefs began to be distributed at funerals. Since that time, this product has been associated with tears and suffering.
  7. People familiar with esotericism know that presenting cutlery such as knives and forks is not the best choice for the birthday person. After all, these objects are sharp and cause discord in family relationships. It is also forbidden to give spoons as gifts - this will bring misfortune and grief to the one to whom the gift is presented. Many people are interested in... A knife is a bladed weapon, but, for example, for a hunter it is a necessary thing. Therefore, it can be given as a gift, asking for a symbolic payment.

Mirror as a gift

Cactus as a gift

Birthday Gifts to Give with Care

Together with the gifted item, you can let misfortune and misfortune into your home, so you need to learn the art of accepting and presenting gifts.

The gift must be purchased from a pure heart and only with good intentions, then it will be useful to the birthday person

There are categories of gifts that can be presented to the birthday person with special care. Such things are accepted by paying off them. Moreover, one coin will be enough for this. Money has great potential to dispel negative energy.

The birthday person is given a wallet with caution. Empty wallet cannot be given. A person who accepts such a thing as a gift risks losing his income. Therefore, if you decide to present such an accessory for a holiday, take care of the contents of the product. You should put a bill or several coins inside.

Wallet as a gift

According to superstitions, dishes should also not be given empty. Such table service can affect the financial situation and bring lack of money to its owner.

Bed linen, a towel or pillows given for a birthday promise conflicts and discord in family relationships. However, superstitions associate the colors red and orange with these things. Lingerie in these colors can lead to discord in relationships, and even adultery. You should accept such a gift from widows and single women with caution, since the birthday girl risks sharing the fate of the donor. Under no circumstances should you re-give gifts, as they absorb the energy of the previous owners.

Red bed linen as a gift

Pearl- a women's favorite and one of the most desirable gifts. Popular signs say that the stone is a harbinger of misfortune. A gift made from it can turn into trouble for the birthday girl, so only a close person can give pearls.

Ring- the most desired gift for any girl. However, this seemingly exquisite gift can carry negative energy. The thing is that the round shape of the ring carries powerful streams of impulses. Therefore, you can give a ring for a birthday to a person who treats the birthday person sincerely and kindly. Otherwise, the owner of this ring will bring failures and troubles.

Receiving an umbrella as a gift means dooming yourself to troubles and adversity for the whole year. Such a practical and useful gift, according to signs, brings only troubles. A coin given to the donor will be able to neutralize negativity and protect the birthday person from bad consequences.

For your loved one, shoes are a wonderful gift. A well-chosen pair will make the relationship much stronger and stronger, but the wrong size can cause cracks in family life. There is an unequivocal ban on shoe donation between young people who are not in a marital relationship. The ancestors believed that such a gift would cause the separation of partners who were never able to start a family.

Giving alcohol as a gift is bad form, with the exception of a bottle of rare alcohol with a long aging period.

You can give a man a belt. Such an accessory can protect its owner from many troubles and misfortunes. It is believed that the more expensive the belt, the more prosperous its owner will be. These accessories have long been used as protection, but at the same time, spells and damage were made on these accessories. Therefore, such a thing can only be accepted as a gift from close and reliable people.

Belt as a gift

A birthday vase is a great gift to give with either flowers or a coin at the bottom.

Giving an ax for a birthday is a great idea for a hunter and, in general, for a person leading an active lifestyle. As a dangerous thing, an ax can cause a quarrel between the donor or the birthday boy; to avoid this, a symbolic amount of money is paid for such a gift.

According to ancient beliefs, gloves or a tablecloth given to a person will bring discord in the relationship between the birthday person and the giver. Therefore, such gifts are accepted with caution.

Razors and weapons are dangerous items that are highly undesirable to give as a gift. However, many birthday people will be happy with such a gift, so a symbolic payment for gifts will neutralize bad energy, leaving only good things with the gift.

Gloves as a gift

Gifts you can give without fear

A money tree is one of the best gifts that can be given for any occasion.

Giving a money tree means bringing good luck and prosperity into a person’s home.

A piggy bank is a universal and useful gift. In childhood, everyone had such an item. Before giving a gift, several coins are placed at the bottom. When giving a gift they shake piggy bank with money- this procedure promises wealth to the birthday boy.

Piggy bank as a gift

According to superstition, the gift bag symbolizes financial well-being owner, so it must be given with a coin, as a guarantee of future profit.

A candlestick and candles will be a pleasant and practical gift. The birthday boy will especially like a gift with a scent. The main thing to remember is that you cannot give a candlestick without candles or an item for one candle. Such a thing promises loneliness for the birthday boy.

Candlestick with candles

Telephone - great gift, however, beliefs say that its acquisition can promise a quick separation. To avoid negativity, you should take the birthday person with you so that he can be present when choosing and purchasing an item.

You can give a cross for a birthday, but this must be done with caution. People who believe in omens are sensitive to religious overtones. Many believe that this item, which has been in the wrong hands, is capable of absorbing all the energy of the donor. Moreover, negative energy does not depend on the intentions of the person who gave the cross. The Church has a completely different opinion. The clergy believe that such a gift speaks of sincere wishes and care for a loved one.

Money is a common gift, but the giver is considered to be deprived of his wealth. It is important to give a monetary gift correctly. Banknotes should be presented in a beautiful card or envelope, then all negative energy will go away.

A large number of signs are associated with such a significant day as a birthday. The fast pace of life puts obstacles in many people’s lives and prevents their plans from happening. Therefore, in some cases, gifts are presented in advance or congratulations are given to the birthday person after a significant event.

"?" - actual question. It is believed that a gift given ahead of schedule will take away happiness and good luck from the birthday person. In this case, it is better to give a gift after your birthday and thereby warn your loved ones and dear people.

To find out what else you can’t give for your birthday, watch the video:

October 13, 2018, 00:58

Giving gifts is an art. How often, during the holidays, we frantically rush around the shops in a panic and don’t know what to give as a gift. As a result, we buy something, and then we see on the face of the gifted person that he is not at all delighted.. And here in front of us are the pursed lips of the mother-in-law, the disapproving look of the mother-in-law or the surprised face of a friend - it turns out that we have given something... that is why to give at all it is forbidden. Forget your favorite saying “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, better read our tips, they will definitely come in handy.

What you can’t give, part one

Firstly, there are popular beliefs - “bad gifts”: gifts that lead to something bad.

Giving a watch is a bad omen - they say that you will be together while it is running, if it stops, you will separate. By the way, in China they also don’t like these gifts and, according to superstition, consider them an invitation to a funeral.

You cannot give handkerchiefs as gifts - they will lead to tears and quarrels.

Pearls are not given as jewelry - it is believed that it is a stone of tears and brings misfortune.

It is a bad omen to give sharp piercing and cutting objects (knives, forks) - to enmity and quarrel.

A bad gift is a comb: they say it will reveal all the secrets of the giver.

Not giving towels and napkins means separation and quarrels.

Do not give photographs to your loved ones - they will lead to separation.

You cannot give washing cosmetics - shampoos, shower gels, etc. - they say that the person will “wash away” from your life.

It’s a very scary omen to give slippers as a gift - they say it will lead to death.

By the way, if you were given a “forbidden gift” and you believe in omens, then know that there is an “antidote” - give a small coin to the giver for it.

Part two

Secondly, there are simply a number of decorums that must be observed in the “art of gift giving.” And to look like a competent donor, know that:

The price tags must be removed from the gift (no matter how proud you are of the insane amount spent).

Gifts with a hint of the recipient's shortcomings look indecent. For example, a scale bought for your overweight friend is bad, just like anti-wrinkle cream for your mother-in-law.

Do not give your beloved women kitchen utensils, etc. (even if it is a deep fryer and you really like French fries), unless she herself has asked for it.

Do not give gifts of an intimate nature, such as perfume, underwear, etc., to people you know little or not very close to. You don’t even know their tastes and you can offend their other halves with this.

Giving money is only appropriate at weddings; in other cases, not so much. The exception is the wishes of the heroes of the occasion.

Well, and finally, “live gifts”, that is, animals are also prohibited, with the exception of a gift to your own child.

Now, armed with new knowledge, you can safely go to the store, because giving gifts is so nice!

Signs for a birthday: what to do, what not to do, what not to give

Birthday is the date of birth of a person, which has been fraught with many mysteries, magic and secrets since ancient times. It is believed that on this day a person is, as it were, “born again.” That is why there are many signs associated with this holiday, the observance of which can attract good luck, happiness and success in the future life of the birthday person.

Birthday signs: what to do on your birthday

It turns out that the New Year's sign “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” applies to a greater extent to the birthday, since on this day the individual program of the birthday person for the entire coming year is laid out.

Tune in to POSITIVE immediately after waking up on your birthday. So, you will be open to the flow of positive energy from the Higher Powers, which is so strong that it can even reanimate a damaged aura. In addition, if you have the evil eye, then on this day your GOOD MOOD will help you get rid of it.

Forget about your problems. Think only about good things, because what you wish for on this day will come into your life. Otherwise, negative emotions will block the flow of light energy, and you may suffer from black magic and energy vampires.

It is good to make prayer requests to God. On your birthday, He will definitely hear you and fulfill your prayers.

Be sure to celebrate this day (with guests or alone, it doesn’t matter). Wear a new outfit, purchased in advance, including underwear (worn items can scare away your luck). To attract financial wealth for the whole year, put money in your pocket (if there are no pockets, hem it from the inside out). Stay in this outfit until the end of the celebration, no matter what happens (gets dirty, torn, etc.). And, most importantly, remember the old saying: “how you celebrate this day, you will spend the whole year this way,” right up to your next birthday.

Signs for a birthday: what not to do on your birthday

It is important for the birthday person to know what he should not do on his personal holiday.

Since ancient times, it was believed that you should not celebrate your birthday in advance - by doing this you will shorten your life.

Do not borrow anything, either the day before your birthday or during it (not only money, but also any products are prohibited). This can lead to financial problems, troubles and conflicts at work for a whole year.

Don't give alms or lend money to anyone on your birthday - give away good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

Try to minimize, or even better, refrain from communicating with sick people - you can “drag” other people’s illnesses onto yourself. Better yet, for the purpose of self-defense, put a silver item (any) in your pocket - it will strengthen your energy field and protect you from diseases.

On your birthday, the line between you and the subtle world becomes very thin, which makes you especially susceptible to both good and bad. Therefore, in advance, exclude from the list of invited people who are unpleasant to you.

The number of guests invited, as well as the number of candles on the holiday table and cake, can also affect your coming year. It is believed that 9, 13, 18, 51, 21, 13, 99 or 100 guests should not be present at the holiday - such a number brings disaster to the birthday person. If your age matches one of the above numbers, then it is better to buy candles in the form of these numbers, or completely abandon them.

If someone breaks dishes on their birthday, they should say: “For good luck!” You can throw out the fragments, like taking out the trash, only the next day - so as not to take good luck out of the house.

Signs for a birthday: what not to give on your birthday

Birthday gifts can also have a magical effect on the fate of the birthday person. Therefore, let’s remember the signs, acting on the principle “forewarned is forearmed.” The flowers given should be an odd number (count bush roses by stems). Otherwise, remove one flower from the bouquet and place it in a separate vase. Well, or completely send the flower gift to the trash bin.

It is not advisable to give haberdashery and ceramic dishes (wallets, gloves, vases, etc.), as this will lead to troubles at work and money problems. If the gift has already been given, let the giver, or the birthday person, put a coin in them.

A knife as a gift, like any piercing or cutting objects (needles, scissors, etc.) can lead to quarrels in the family. It's better not to give them. And if it has already been given to you, then get rid of such a gift.

Gifted pearls bring tears. A donated handkerchief also leads to them. To avoid this, soak the handkerchief in holy water before use.

A mirror is a portal between the real world and the other world. Since our energy field weakens on our birthday, a mirror received as a gift can play a negative role in the fate of the birthday person. You can look at it only the next day!

Remember, you should not accept gifts from people whose integrity you are not sure of. Otherwise, you may get a “surprise” in the form of damage or lining. It is better to get rid of gifts from such donors, and under no circumstances re-gift them. If it is not possible to refuse, when taking a gift, say to yourself: “I take only what I see, and keep what is invisible for myself.” And mentally cross yourself!

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