What does the name Zarina mean for a girl: complete description. The meaning of the unusual female name Sarina

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Zarina is an interesting, multifaceted, beautiful and mysterious name. It has several different notes and facets, it sounds both Muslim and Slavic at the same time, and it is difficult to determine what it means and what its origin is.

In fact, the name Zarina is used by Muslims, Islam, Orthodox Christians, and Catholics. The first, Slavic meaning of the name Zarina is “dawn”, “dawn”, “sun”. This name was given to the most “sunny”, beautiful and bright girls who were born to illuminate those around them with their warmth and kindness of soul.

The second meaning of the name Zarina is “golden”, “fiery”, it is of Muslim, Central Asian origin, in this case the name comes from another name - Zara.

The girl can be diminutively and affectionately called Zara, Zarya, Zorya, Zorenka, Zarinochka, Zarisha, Zaryusha. There are also forms of Zorin, Zoryan, Zoren.

Characteristics and fate

Like all names, the name Zarina gives its bearer both character and destiny. This name is quite rare, and the character is also complex and unique. Regardless of nationality, the girl grows up smart, serious and strong-willed, a little capricious, sometimes disobedient and wayward.

This girl develops her own worldview from an early age; she knows how to defend her own interests and not do what she doesn’t need or want. This does not mean that the girl Zarina has a difficult temperament, far from it. She just gets smart and matures early, doesn’t like “lisping” and is generally quite serious.

The girl, whose name is Zarina, has amazing willpower. Whether she was raised in Christianity or Islam, she always has innate discipline, always finishes what she starts, and if she has promised something, she will certainly do it, no matter what it costs her.

Zarina has a very subtle analytical mind, finds the most original solutions to problems and difficulties, knows how to adapt to different situations, has a keen sense of people. She often sees the whole situation in perspective in advance, so she rarely makes mistakes in life.

She is very brave, sociable and combative. Zara's strong character and self-confidence help her find friends, settle down and gain a foothold in any new place, and gain authority. Some are afraid of her, some admire her, many come to her for help or wise, balanced advice.

The woman, whose name is Zarina, knows how to be calm in the most difficult situations! She amazingly controls and controls her own emotions, and if reason is needed, then she uses only reason. But she is not insensitive, cold or aloof. With close people she is kind, affectionate and caring, cheerful and cheerful.

In work, a woman whose name is Zarina will be able to achieve amazing success. Her qualities, such as discipline, prudence, determination and others, allow Zara to establish herself in the team, earn the respect of her superiors and colleagues, and manage a large team. She was born to lead, and even at a very young age she can become the director of a fairly large company.

But if this girl wants to engage in art, crafts or cooking, she will improve and achieve great success in this particular field. Since getting things done to the end is of great importance to her, Zarina always realizes her ideas and achieves what she wants.

In love, Zarina’s strong character can change beyond recognition. This smart and wise woman knows that you can win and keep a man only with affection and weakness, and she perfectly knows how to be feminine, fragile and defenseless, so that her man can realize himself and not feel that his woman is stronger than him.

Zara is an ideal wife. She will never become jealous out of nowhere, find fault or demand declarations of love from her husband. This woman will be able to build a family where everyone will be happy and fulfilled.

Zarina's further fate will develop exclusively as she herself wants it. This amazing woman can choose a career for herself, not a family, and always go to the heights of wealth, success and independence.

Can choose to find fulfillment in the family and achieve great happiness and harmony in this. Sometimes these women decide to help the poor, engage in charity work or volunteer work.

Sarins usually live long and interesting lives, take care of their health and live to a ripe old age, raising grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Love and compatibility

This lady has a difficult character, and not everyone can get along with her. In addition, she is very picky and will not communicate with everyone, especially when it comes to men. In a man, Zarina is looking for a real hero - one who does not say unnecessary words, but takes actions, keeps promises and achieves his goals. Let's see which male names are most suitable or, conversely, not suitable for this girl.

This female name can be found quite rarely. Nowadays almost no one names their children that. for a girl it reveals a rather complex and unique personality. Such women are very multifaceted. They have a very rich inner world. Such people have an analytical mindset.

By carefully studying the meaning of the name Zarina for a child, you can verify the unusualness of her character. Since childhood, these girls stand out among their peers for their curiosity. They are often capricious. To get what she wants, Zara can resort to all sorts of tricks and open blackmail.

Origin of the name Zarina

The name Zarina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Zarina is a Slavic name, meaning “dawn”, “beauty of dawn”.

According to another version, the name Zarina is one of the forms of the name Zara.

In ancient times in Central Asia there was such a warrior, the queen of the Aryan tribe of the Sakas, her name was Zarina (historian Ctesias), whose name meant “golden”, “golden-haired”. She was a member of the resistance against Alexander the Great. Among the Aryan population in ancient times (not only in Central Asia), this name was popular.

It remains popular among modern Ossetians. In Ossetia you can often find the name Zarina (derived from the word “zarin”, which in Ossetian means “gold, golden, golden” and “sunbeam”, “red sun”).

The name Zarina in Ossetia has a diminutive version of Zara, as well as another common version of this name - Zalina (here, apparently, the reason was the pronunciation of the letter “r” as “l”).

Among Ossetians, the name Zareta is also used (all names have stress on the 2nd syllable), but here the etymology is different: Zareta comes from the word “zaren” - stress on the 1st syllable, which means “to sing”, i.e. Zareta is a "singing songster".

From the Tatar language the name Zarina will be translated as “with gold jewelry, patterns,” and the name can also be written as Zarrina. For Armenians, the name will sound like Zarine.

There is a spelling of the name - Zorina, Zoryana, then diminutive addresses will be Zorya, Zorka. The term of endearment Rina is also a name in its own right and an appeal to many other names.

A girl named Zarina has a difficult character. She is often capricious. She easily gets along with people, is smart, multifaceted, and has a rich inner world. Even in the most difficult situations, Zarina does not look for simple solutions. She has an analytical mind.

Strength of spirit and faith help her maintain composure in any situation. Zarina is a good leader. She is much less capable of acting as a subordinate.

At work, she has influence on others and skillfully uses it. Shows diligence in all matters.

How does this name affect a child?

Girls named Zarina usually have a difficult character. Despite the fact that Zarina is a smart, kind and sociable girl, she is quite capricious. It is also worth saying that she is bad at creating friendships, although she has many friends.

Zarina is characterized by vindictiveness. Girls with this beautiful name can be cunning. To summarize, we can say that Zarina is a very contradictory girl. The meaning of the name Zarina contains inner core and perseverance, as well as creative inclinations.

A girl with this name usually studies well. Zarina has excellent abilities in mathematics, literature and history. Zarina may have a rather difficult relationship with her teachers, but she tries not to quarrel once again with the people on whom she depends.

The choice of this name for a girl, according to esotericists, is very successful, regardless of the child’s nationality. It is necessary to note Zarina’s excellent memory. She absorbs the necessary information without much effort. This ability will help her out many times in life.


Zara is especially attracted to men who are experienced in both ordinary and sexual life. What is attractive to such women in a partner is his impressiveness. These girls most often have their first love experience with timid and calm young men. In such relationships, it is Zara who takes on all the leadership tasks.

In most relationships, the owner of this name suppresses her partner. But the leadership role that Zara usually takes on does not bring her joy. She finds true happiness precisely with a man of strong character. This means that she respects only him and only with him can she be weak and tender.

In sexual relations, Zarina is a real conservative. This is not to say that experiments in bed do not matter to her at all. They do, but she usually gets real pleasure from quite ordinary things.

It usually happens that such women enter into official marriage quite late. A husband is of great importance to them. Zara largely obeys her husband and is meticulous about cleanliness in the house.

In order for married life not to fall apart, Zara’s husband must be an interesting person and a little powerful. This often means that only such a man is able to prevent possible adultery in his wife.

Business and career

Zara is quite successful in her career. Thanks to her serious leadership abilities, she quickly achieves the favor of her superiors and the respect of her colleagues. Obstinacy and determination help such women to occupy a respectable position. Hard work is also of great importance here.

Finding herself on the top rungs of the career ladder, Zara begins to show herself as a real dictator. She has a negative attitude towards any criticism addressed to her, which means she does not accept the objections of her colleagues, especially those who have a lower position.

Numerology of the name Zarina

Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people.

However, “Nines” are prone to inflated conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in their personal life.

Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Zarina

3 - all-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand.
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The Bulgarian version of the name Zara is “dawn”. According to other sources - from the Hebrew Sara: “princess”.

Zarina is a very peculiar, proud and very impulsive person. Most often she is selfish, vain and hot-tempered. Zarina knows how to skillfully pretend and lie, especially if it benefits her.

Her actions are prudent and thoughtful. Zarina has excellent creative abilities, she is very artistic and active. This is a very neat and clean woman who does not tolerate sloppiness in others.

Zarina will jealously protect her family from any outside intrusion. Family is more important to her than any career.

Zarina is characterized by some naivety and openness. In relation to close people, she is selfless. Able to devote herself to the great goal she has set for herself. People like her enjoy well-deserved authority.

But having become a generally recognized leader, Zarina should not forget about justice and the proclaimed ideals. She should not be petty, resort to disrespectful actions or behavior that is out of character for her, so as not to lose the respect and devotion that she has won.

For herself, she should not demand more than is due, and not demand from others what they are not capable of. Having gotten rid of pride, selfishness, conceit and arrogance, having learned to recognize the dignity and rights of other people, Zarina will achieve a lot.

Additional characteristics of the name Zarina

In family relationships he also tries to take a leading position. She likes to complicate things. The girl is not prone to a monotonous life. Zarina loves variety.

Celebrating her birthday in the winter months, Zarina is a conflicted and hot-tempered person. Often shows stubbornness. She is calculating and thinks everything through in advance. As a profession, he usually chooses teaching or medical specialties.

She gets married quite late. In family relationships he is flexible. The house is kept clean. Zarina loves to visit and rarely invites herself.

It is difficult to influence this woman in any matter. She is straightforward and does not like unnecessary conversations. Zarina can be characterized as a persistent and proud woman who strives to realize her goals.

Zarina is often dreamy. She likes to spend time in large companies. She is cheerful and romantic, but can behave impulsively. In a difficult situation, he will always help those who need it.

Over time, Zarina becomes prone to inflated self-esteem. She turns into a selfish and arrogant person.

The owner of this name is amorous, flighty and fickle. Her husband must be a strong personality, only in this case their marriage will be strong.

Zarina is never deceived by appearances. In all matters, she strives to delve into the essence. Her judgments are often dogmatic. A woman is capable of taking unnecessary risks. In life, she is helped by good intuition, the desire for comfort, a critical mind, courage and self-confidence. Thanks to these qualities, Zarina often achieves success.

The secret of the name Zarina is revealed by the signs and symbols related to this name:

  • The stone is amethyst. This stone is quartz, colored blood red, pink or dark purple. Amethyst is able to drive away doubts and worries. It is best to decorate a ring or bracelet with this stone.
  • Name days are April 8, December 1 and July 22.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Favorable days are Thursday and Friday.
  • The mascot is a robin songbird. It is also called the Robin. Belongs to the thrush family.
  • Plants - rose, poppy and water lily.

Where is the name Zarina popular?

According to Western research, the name is popular in many countries. Girls are especially often called by this name in African and Arab countries, as well as in countries speaking Hindi, Persian and Swahili.

Famous people

  • Zarina Nizomiddinova is an actress. She starred in the films “Modern Matchmakers” (2011), “Heaven is My Abode” (2012) and “Black-Eyed” (2010).
  • Zarina Tilidze is a Georgian singer.
  • Zarina Kairova (born 1982) – actress. She starred in the TV series “Voronin” and “Univer”. Read more:

Name forms

The diminutive form in this case will sound like Zarinochka. Derivatives – Zlata and Zorina. In short, a girl and a woman can be buried as Zara, Zorya or Zorin. The full name is pronounced with an emphasis on “i”.

Declensions: Zarina - Zarine - Zarina. At christenings the Orthodox name Zarina or Zlata is used. In addition to those listed, there are additional variants of this name such as Zarka, Zarya, Zaryana and Zarko.

When choosing a name for their unborn child, many mothers and fathers want to move away from something familiar and traditional. If parents are expecting a girl, then they should pay attention to the name Zarina. It is quite common in Arab countries, but in European countries it is considered rare and original. Despite the fact that the name is popular mainly among Muslims, it will be a good choice for a girl, regardless of nationality and religion. After all, debates about the meaning of the name Zarina do not subside, and according to one version, it also has Slavic roots.

According to the most popular theory, the name Zarina is of ancient Iranian origin. and is interpreted as “golden-haired”. This is exactly the kind of hair that the Scythian queen Zarina had, who became famous throughout the world for her beauty and wisdom.

According to another version, the name Zarina is ancient Slavic and is used in the meaning “early dawn”. In ancient Ossetian sources this name means “red sun”. In the Persian interpretation, the name is interpreted as “treasure” and “gold-bearing”

What does a girl's name mean?

Regardless of the origin of the name Zarina, the key meaning and influence on the character and fate of the owner remains the same. Zarina tries to be the first in everything and at the same time always strives to remain bright, like the sun at dawn. This is a girl with a rich inner world, active and inquisitive. She is constantly developing, looking for her own path, trying to reach new heights.

  1. Winter Zarins are strong girls who know how to stand up for themselves.
  2. Autumn Zarina can be described in one word - “determination.”
  3. Spring Zarina is more restrained and assiduous.
  4. The summer girl is the brightest and most ambitious.

Despite the fact that the name Zarina is mainly common in Islam, it is suitable for a girl of any religion. The only peculiarity will be that during baptism the girl will be given a different church name, since there is no Saint with the name Zarina in Christianity.

Character and destiny

When choosing the name Zarina for a girl, you need to take into account that in childhood she can bring a lot of trouble to her parents.

  1. The girl grows up sociable and kind, but very stubborn. She has her own view on many things and is extremely reluctant to change her point of view. During this period, parents should be as wise and tolerant as possible in order to learn how to motivate the girl and not force her.
  2. As a teenager, Zarina has the reputation of a conflicted teenager. The girl grows up straightforward and proud, which provokes difficulties in relationships with peers and elders. Zarina is often arrogant, but this goes away with age. As she gets older, she begins to be more critical of herself and her achievements.
  3. In adult life, Zarina finds a way out of any situation. But at the same time, women with this name like to complicate things. They love to create difficulties out of nowhere and then heroically overcome them. Zarina worries a lot about trifles and is very dependent on the past and memories. Having made some mistake in the past, a girl is very afraid of repeating it and would rather prefer inaction than to “step on the same rake” again.
  4. Zarina is an impulsive and emotional woman, but her natural intelligence compensates for these qualities. She is always surrounded by friends, but at any moment she can have a big quarrel with them if her emotions take over.
  5. Thanks to her analytical mind and organizational skills, Zarina is ideally suited for the role of a leader. The girl’s negative professional qualities include her dislike of criticism. But thanks to hard work and perseverance, she easily builds a career and is respected in the team.
  6. Zarina can become a good financier or marketer. The bearer of this name has enough energy and determination to achieve success in business.
  7. Luxury and wealth do not come first in a girl’s life. Zarina treats money with care, knows how to plan a budget and manage funds wisely. But the girl finds true happiness in realizing her leadership qualities. The material side in this matter is secondary for her.

Compatibility with middle names

The name Zarina goes well with similar male names of eastern origin: Magomedovna, Timurovna. But the name also fits traditional Slavic patronymics. The main thing is that they are in tune with each other - Vladimirovna, Danilovna, Romanovna.

Family life and love

Zarina is very kind to her family. In everyday life she can cheat and do what is beneficial to her, but she is not able to deceive close people. Despite her lack of restraint and explosive character, Zarina is a good daughter, a caring mother and a faithful wife.

The bearer of this name is a rather amorous and sensual girl, but in marriage she remains faithful to her husband and rarely starts affairs on the side. She can choose as a husband either a man who can curb her, or a man who will allow her to be a leader in the family.

In the first case, the husband will balance the emotionality of his wife. At first, family life will be full of scandals and mutual insults, but over time the spouses will adapt to each other’s characters.

In the second case, Zarina’s husband risks becoming a classic henpecked man, completely placing the reins of power in the hands of his wife. This option will also suit the girl quite well, but sometimes, without seeing support from her husband, she will feel tired and unhappy.

In both the first and second cases, Zarina’s marriage will be strong.

The bearer of this name loves children, easily finds a common language with them, but is in no hurry to have children of her own. Zarina is frightened by everything connected with monotony and routine, so she does not want to go on maternity leave and give up her desires and plans for life. The girl becomes a loving and caring mother, but often tries to realize in her children what for some reason she could not achieve herself.

Talismans and amulets for girls with the name Zarina

The talisman stone for this female name is yellow topaz. According to legend, it was this stone that was inlaid with the hilt of the sword of Zarina of Scythia. Nowadays, it helps the owner avoid stress and promotes quick victory over depressive conditions. The noble scarlet rose will be a talisman plant for Zarina. Rose helps an emotional girl to be guided by reason and choose the right path in life.

Future parents should not be afraid to call their girls this beautiful, regal name. Zarina's life path is always full of colors and events, which makes it bright and interesting. And character traits make each person beautiful in their own way.

Zarina is light, multifaceted and majestic. She knows how to get along with completely different people. Zarina seems cool and royally elegant to people. At the same time, Zarina is not chasing money or status. This is the person who behaves with dignity in any situation. The woman is impulsive and a little scandalous. Zarina flares up if someone reprimands her. And it doesn’t matter whether it was a fair remark or not. In a fit of anger, she offends everyone indiscriminately.

Brief meaning of the name Zarina

Character Traits

Zarina is very rational. She knows how to predict consequences. For the sake of the goal, Zarina can step over all moral principles. However, she rarely admits that she is wrong, and will never do it in front of strangers. But if she has already been proven that she is wrong, Zara will try to draw conclusions.

Zarina usually experiences love with a modest and timid partner, and only then learns that strong and experienced ones are suitable for her. In a calm relationship, Zarina will be bored, because she will be the one who will have to command. Fate prepares her happiness only with such a man, otherwise the woman will not be happy. Zarina officially gets married late.

Versions of the origin of the name Zarina

  1. . The name translates as “beauty of dawn”, “dawn”.
  2. Asian. One of the forms of the name Zara. The name was given to the Central Asian warrior Zarina, who was called “golden-haired”.
  3. The name was popular among Ossetians (“sarin” in Ossetian means “gold”, “sun ray”, “golden”, “red sun”).

Name meaning at different ages


Little Zarina is very inquisitive. She is often capricious and grows up as a demanding child. When her wishes are granted, she smiles and radiates positivity. Zarina is very stubborn, even her parents cannot convince her. She needs to be motivated, interested and attracted. Then she will obey. Among her peers, little Zarina stands out precisely for her curiosity. To achieve her goal, Zara can even use blackmail. At the same time, it is not always possible to recognize that she is being disingenuous, because Zarina is very smart.

Young woman

In her youth, Zarina not only studies well, but shines at school and university. She is active socially and loves to participate in events and show off her talents. At the same time, she is a needlewoman: she loves to embroider and knit. Zarina remains stubborn and achieves her goals with all her goals. In her youth, a girl often contradicts even her own principles. This girl has good acting skills. She does not know how to admit that she is wrong, but she very easily finds a common language with different people. Zarina always looks beautiful and never goes out without makeup.


Adult Zarina does not change. She is looking for an impressive and experienced man who will dominate and suppress her desire to lead in the relationship. Only with such a chosen one will a woman be gentle and affectionate, and their home will always be cozy. Zarina is quickly moving up the career ladder. She is always successful in everything, tries to lead, and is very hardworking. Zarina has a very sharp mind. She always analyzes situations and consequences, draws conclusions. The woman is very purposeful, so she often achieves everything she wants.

Zarina can be quarrelsome, she has a bit of narcissism. She always knows her worth. Zara is often very capricious, even as an adult and respected woman.

Declension and forms

  • I.p. Zarina
  • R.p. Sarins
  • D.p. Zarina
  • V.p. Zarina
  • etc. Zarina
  • P.p. Zarina

Various spellings of the name:

Zarochka, Zarinochka, Zaronka, Zarushka, Zarinushka, Zarulka.

Secrets of the name

Tree - Fig.

Plant - Night Beauty.

Stone - Amethyst.

Planet - Jupiter.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Totem animal - Robin.

The color of the name is Raspberry.

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