What does prod by mean in rap? From “Antihype” to YungRussia: Dictionary of new Russian rap

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IN recent years musical tastes young people have undergone a new round of changes - rap has taken the place of piercing rock ballads and incendiary dance electronics. Together with new culture New words have also penetrated the masses - terms used among performers and their devoted listeners. However, those music lovers who first discovered rap are unlikely to understand the meaning of the words flow, battle, diss, beef and similar slang words. Of course, descriptions of such terms are not difficult to find on specialized websites - the Russian-language hip-hop sector is widely represented on the Internet. However, if most terms have specific definitions, then it is quite difficult to explain in a nutshell what a flow is.

Origin of the word "flow"

The word “flow” came to Russia from the English language, the ancestor of rap culture. Flow is translated as “flow”, “flow” - at first glance, this concept has nothing to do with hip-hop. However, in in this case there is a metaphorical transfer. Rap artists and their listeners equate rhythmic and multifaceted recitative to the uniform and noisy flow of water. Thus, for a hip-hop fan, the flow is a fairly important indicator of the quality of the track.

Flow as an assessment of a composition

Among discussions of rappers and their work, you can often find the term in question as a review of an album or track. What is flow in this context - positive or negative characteristic? Based on the translation of the word from English and the beautiful metaphor, a positive response. Flow is the recognition of a rapper’s entire work or individual compositions as “rocking” or “rocking,” that is, affecting listeners to such an extent that they involuntarily begin to shake their heads to the beat of the track being performed.

Flow as a musical term

Along with everything described above, it is worth noting that the term flow is not purely emotional - for hip-hop artists it has a very specific meaning. Flow is the correct reading speed, an impeccable technique for writing and reproducing text to a “rocking” beat. However, you should not think that quality in this case depends on speed. A fast but confusing reading will not excite the viewer in the same way as a slow but clearly falling into rhythm. Thus, flow is not only an assessment of quality, but also a skill of the performer.

Flow in Russian-language rap

The ability to create truly “rocking” tracks has long bypassed Russian-speaking performers. Often the compositions were read over not particularly prominent beats in calm, almost emotionless voices. This state of affairs was probably due to Russian mentality- gray and joyless everyday life with its dank weather and heavy sky did not encourage Russian rappers to the expression of emotions. Listeners found something of their own in the quiet and melancholic performance, but hip-hop culture in Russia still remained isolated. Since appearing on Russian stage rap figures such as Hyde, Oxxxymiron, Horus (Lupercal) and other supporters of the prevalence of reading techniques and the quality of text design, something has appeared in the domestic hip-hop sector that fits all definitions of the word “flow”. Even those who have not previously listened to or understood this kind of music often highly rate these performers, noting that their tracks, unlike the compositions of many of their “colleagues,” really rock.

At the same time, fans of the “old” style of performance do not recognize such changes - in their opinion, in this form, Russian-language rap loses its soul, becoming only technically meticulously executed, but empty text. Rapper Ptah, whose compositions are mostly calm and melancholic, spoke extremely negatively about the tracks of the aforementioned Oxxxymiron, accusing him of excessive craving for pretentious poetry and complex technology, because of which, as it seems to him, the work of Miron and similar rappers ceases to be “male.” The conflict between the two rappers has not yet been resolved - it is unlikely that the two opponents will shake hands when they meet. Despite this, the new style of rhyming and performance is gaining momentum and attracting more and more new listeners, which is undoubtedly a good indicator. This only confirms that the same “flow” that could previously only be heard from overseas and some European performers has penetrated into Russian-language rap.

Anyone who has heard an unfamiliar rap word somewhere and wants to know what it means... ask :) If anyone knows, answer. I am collecting everything below to get the most correct meanings of the words.

Underground or underground (eng. underground lit. underground)

artistic movement in music (rap) that contrasts itself popular culture, mainstream. Also defined as creativity that does not have an initial, meaningfully chosen, commercial orientation.

A capella, Acapella (a capella)

(CAPA, from Italian and cappella, “as in a chapel”) - singing without instrumental accompaniment. That is, for us it is purely a voice, without a minus. The term appeared at the end of the 17th century.


(French Apéritif, from Latin aperīre “to open”) is usually an alcoholic drink served before a meal and causes appetite, salivation and improves digestion.

Bro (bro, brother)

brother, brother, brother))))

Beef (from the English beef - meat (beef)

figuratively, complaint, dissatisfaction) - enmity between representatives of hip-hop culture. Beefs, their characteristics and unspoken rules of conduct are an important component of hip-hop culture. The most famous beefs are between rappers, but such conflicts are also possible between other representatives of hip-hop culture: DJs, b-boys or graffiti artists. The reasons for beefs are usually accusations of plagiarism, claims to leadership in the genre (unfounded in the opinion of the opponent), irreconcilable creative differences, affiliation with competing record labels, and even accidental insults.

This is more of a diss. In short, when you wrote a diss track, they answered you, you wrote a diss track again, they answered you again, well, in short, and away we go. This is all called beef tobezh, a war between rappers, for example, the league and the boss

In practice, conflicts are expressed in specially recorded songs (traditionally called disses) and interviews, less often in fights and shootouts, in some cases ending in murders.

The most famous among biffs are the so-called. “War of the Coasts,” which claimed the lives of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. in the 1990s and numerous beefs with 50 Cent in the 2000s.


another one of probably hundreds of definitions hemp/herb/scum. It is the current word that is taken from English ganja - ganja - ganzhubas - dumas(there is also an abbreviation))

G - G (gangsta)

Everything is clear from the title - gangster :)

Diss (from English disrespect - disrespect)

This is a direction in hip-hop (more specifically, in rap and break dancing). The essence of a diss is saying or showing disrespect in one rapper's lyrics or movements of a breaker (or group) to another rapper(s) or breaker(s). In such tracks, obscene speech, swearing towards the enemy, and sometimes threats are practiced. Often disses come in pairs, that is, “diss - response diss,” or in chains of disses. Disses are often ignored. Disses are used in beefs. In break dancing and in dancing in general, there are only two restrictions on disses: you cannot use words (you still can’t hear anything) and you cannot touch your opponent.

True - fake (true - fake)

true - true. In rap, “real” is more appropriate (approx. real rapper)
fake - fake. That is, the antonym is true, not real.

Square flow

When the words in a line either don’t reach the bit, or there are more of them and you have to speed up the reading, or they simply don’t fit into the bit. That is, the music flows and the recitative flows, and for someone, some stones are constantly jumping out of the river, and this is a square flow.


The emotions you put into reading, the placement of intonations, the way you pronounce words. (can also be used as a synonym flow)

Punch, punchline (from English punch - to hit with a fist)

The concept appeared in battle rap. This is a neat phrase/line that should really hook your opponent. Just as in heavy boxing opponents shift and occasionally deliver crushing blows, so in battle rap reading your main blow will be the punch line, where you “hook” the enemy as much as possible with a short line.

Rhyme with squares

Rhyme method (4-column iambic). Rhyme in the text is added mainly at the end of the line, and the lines are of the same length - if you write such text on a sheet, then the written text forms a square or rectangle, hence the name. It is believed that this is the simplest way of rhyming, and if you can’t find fault with the above-mentioned rap skills, then evaluate your opponent for the “squareness of the rhyme”;)
From Iron: when lines end in nursery rhymes. For example: Rap nonsense. Bitch - Science. In short, hackneyed rhymes that even small children can come up with.

On repeat - on repeat (from English Repeat).

Usually used in relation to musical works that a person listens to several times. (Spanish: “his tracks are on repeat”)

Skills/skills (from English skills)

Briefly - your rap "skills". More details - reading, diction, text, tricks, delivery, flow, interesting phrases, phrases, original rhyming, etc. IN in general the whole a list of skills and criteria by which MS can be assessed.

Stuff (stuff - things, rubbish)

rap artists usually name their works (tracks) :)
In principle, even the literal translation is suitable, “rappers make things”, which means “appreciate my thing” - “appreciate my stuff”.
Sharp-X: The thing is that the word Stuff in English almost always (among rappers) used with the prefix New. So it turns out New Stuff. That is, most often “stuff” is the new work of rappers.

Check it out / Check it (out)

Check it out (literally translated)

Fit / feat.

From English featuring. what does it mean, with participation! i.e. feat this joint song!

Flow (from English Flow - “fluidity”)

Rhythm, speed of rap readings, sense of rhythm of music. How do you get into the beat or create additional swing and dynamics with your reading (sometimes even while listening to acapella you can start swinging to the rhythm). It is worth noting that a good flow is NOT maximum reading speed, and correct speed.

The flow also includes changes in reading speed to express great emotions and show off your cool technique))

You make your reading fit more harmoniously with the instrumental than regular music. In fashionable songs, the melody of the words and the motive clearly emerge from simple recitative.

For good rap flow needs good diction/pronunciation and breathing (so as not to have terrible breaks with sighs while reading))).. some performers also add artistic or comical features to their voice, but this is a matter of style.


improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhymed rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go. This is not a pre-written, unrehearsed, "raw" form of hip-hop. Performed to beatboxing, or to instrumental versions of previously recorded hip-hop songs. (wiki))


your definition hustle given by Lyon in the “Battle for Respect” program, I think the majority of even those who disagree with his opinion are now accustomed to the fact that the word is used specifically in the concept of “spinning” through life (from the phrase “if you want to live, know how to spin”).


Literally, fellow countryman (from the word home - house), neighbor. Most often the meaning of the word friend, acquaintance.

Narco terms

Eat " Assistant" This junkie who knows several dealers selling drugs, and there are “Buyers” who want to buy drugs but don’t know where or from whom.

"DRIVE TOURS" - when they go shopping together, and sometimes they go to several dealers in different parts of the city ( possible reason that one has run out, another has little, the third is not there, etc.)
The assistant is called - " GUIDE"
The buyer is called - " TOURIST"


In translation, production, products.
In rap it is usually used as music production, that is, “creating music”, most often it means production = music(in rap), but in principle, the production of a track includes recording, mixing, and mastering.

Musical: parts of a rap beat

  • Kick (kick, barrel)- main bass drum in the beat ( that-ts- that-ts- that-ts)
  • Snare (snare, snare drum)- the main drum which alternates with the kick drum (tu- ts-that- ts-that- ts). In hip-hop, it is mainly not the “live” drum that is used, but more processed versions or their combinations with other sounds (rim, claps).
  • Claps (claps)- often replace snare in rap beats.

In the tracklist:

Intro- abbreviation from English. introduction. Translated as “preface”, “introduction”, “introduction”. Therefore, they usually put it very first on albums, and what will sound there depends on the imagination of the performers, on what they want to convey to the listeners in the introduction.

Outro- the concept appeared as the antonym “intro”, because if there is an introduction, then there must be an ending, conclusion, conclusion, conclusion somehow. And since out is the inverse of in, the result is outro. I would call a suitable synonym in English - conclusion.

Skit- the translation is quite broad, but within the framework of hip-hop it is a funny audio production included in the album. Usually performed by the artists themselves. Skits can appear on an album as separate tracks or as parts of songs. Sometimes skits can be heard on albums of other styles.

It is believed that the first skits were introduced in the album De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising (1989).

Demo- abbreviation from English demostration (demonstration). In music we mean a song recorded not for release and sale, but for display, evaluation, PR. In the past, mostly new artists would record their demo songs on whatever equipment they had and send them to producers and record companies to present their music.

This concept can be used if, for example, one musician made initial sketches of a song in order to forward them to another member of the band. Or when a musician makes a sketch/demo of a song, recording one main accompaniment (guitar or keyboards) and voice/lyrics.

Collection, mixtape or album?

In the philistine understanding, familiar to the majority of the people of Ruinet:

  • album - original minuses, lyrics, fresh tracks, most of which have not been previously covered
  • mixtape - you take other people's tracks and write tracks on them (your voice on top)
  • collection - there is no main artist of the collection, most of the songs used have already been featured in other artists' releases separately or simply online.

EP or LP

E.P.- is a single or mini-album / 6 or more tracks (3+ records, or CD)
LP- full album / 4 (3) tracks (2 records)

records are written in parentheses, because initially this all refers to vinyl, in particular Long Play is a long-playing record. In the era of CD, it has no meaning, and abbreviations are used either by artists who actually release their releases not only on CDs but also on records. Or stupid for show off!


Please correct, add, change,... we will come to a common decision;)

Flow is another Anglicism that has taken root in Russian-speaking rap culture. In principle, it is completely natural: the word is short and intriguing. In addition, flow, which means “fluidity, flow”, is a multifaceted concept.

It refers to how the performer presents himself to the public, how he manages to “rock” the audience. Flow makes you perceive the text of words as an undeniable truth. Rhythm, high-quality reading, dynamism, varying speed to emphasize attention, or following the beat, plus the charisma of the performer (group) and all of the above - this together can be defined as a flow. If you try to fit a more or less adequate translation into one word, which means the essence of the term, following the rule of brevity, you know whose sister it is, it will be “feed”.

Disclaimer. When determining the flow of performers, we used our own subjective feelings from the perception of their creativity. Judgments do not pretend to be absolute truth, and quite likely may not coincide with the opinions of readers.

Historical excursion Flow

Flow is considered a new attribute of a quality performer, although in reality this is absolutely not the case. Even the very first rappers, who often took inspiration from their English-speaking colleagues and surrounding reality, the presentation was at a high level.

It’s just that at the dawn of hip-hop and rap in Russia, the term flow did not exist. Without him, wild popularity and the ability to get the audience so excited that they shouted the words along with the performers were obvious. The already disbanded group “Bachelor Party”, at the core of which was the triumvirate Dan-Dolphin-Mutabor plus Deer, rocked not only the halls.

In every courtyard of the early 90s of the last century, teenagers knew their scandalous texts by heart. What is remarkable is that there was no need to teach them - the energy of the feed was transmitted even through the speakers of cassette recorders. They were among the pioneers of a format that was contrastingly different from those who thundered at the same time; they will not be remembered overnight, “ Happy May" and "Mirage".

Another founder of Russian-language hip-hop, Vlad Valov (aka SHEFF), by his own definition, has a “nuclear” flow. Quite justifiably - he knows how to rhyme his thoughts and read them to the public in such a way that not only the words, but also the semantic message are clear.

Decl and Timati, for all their popularity, have a delivery as such that is far from not only nuclear, but also from the TNT equivalent. They tried to increase the flow by shocking the public. Of course, also the funds invested in promotion and the frequency of playing songs on TV and radio.

Which means flow has always been in rap culture. It’s just that he, as a separate merit of the performer (group), was not taken beyond the boundaries of creativity.

Modern trendsetters flow

Some rely on the technicality of the reading, its dynamism, while others focus on the text’s load of meaning and artistry. Various ratings on the Internet, scrupulously counting the number of subscribers of performers, or conducting voting, are subjective by definition. But almost all of them contain Guf, Scriptonite, Noise MC, and the already mentioned Timati.

Oksimiron is particularly technical, apparently due to English-language training. The absorbed rhythm of American and British rap was transferred into his own work, and, although it causes mixed reactions among his colleagues, on the whole it is a success among the public.

The appearance of singer Bianca in the ratings may seem like complete nonsense. But, besides the fact that there are few girls in hip-hop in general, she clearly has an original style. She adds dancing to the spoken texts and shamelessly exploits the sexuality of the image.

Speed, or fast-flow, when the words of the recitative are pronounced quickly, gains momentum. At the same time, it is important for the performer not only to pronounce the text quickly, but also to make it legible. Performance requires technical skill and the ability to masterfully master a sense of rhythm, setting a swinging beat (during a drop performance), or following the established one. There is the concept of sluggish flow. Its essence is clear - the presentation does not evoke a strong emotional response from the public.

Flow training

Flow, as a delivery, is available to every hip-hopper or rapper by definition. The question is quality and format. There is probably no point in explaining in detail the importance in battles. An opponent with a polished serving style obviously has an advantage.

The main problem is how to make it effective. The first stage is to analyze the set successful performances. But mindless copying alone is not enough. Rivals and listeners will definitely notice him, and they will not fail to reproach him.

The second stage, ideally, is the creation of an original flow. Which means your own author's and performing style. Talent cannot be bought, traded, or stolen. But you can work on flow, and if the goal is designated as popularity, you need to work.

Meet online valuable advice, how to improve your flow: polish your diction, train your breathing to pronounce long texts without shortness of breath or pauses, adding artistry. The presentation will be better. Another question is that this will happen through exercise, sleepless nights and daily torment spent in search of your own style of presentation. What did you want? High-quality rap is work, and there are already so many crappy surrogates.

For an unprepared listener, immersing yourself in the world of new Russian rap can be painful: lines like “BAPE on the body, skate under your feet, your shoti wants me” and “I start in a low flex, you wonder who’s in fitness here” can cause culture shock. In order to more freely navigate who, how and what has been reading in Russia over the past couple of years, we have compiled a short dictionary.



One of the most prominent representatives of the new Russian hip-hop, who once described his music as “future chanson”. The rapper from Novocheboksarsk does not change the winning formula: year after year ATL releases records filled with cheerful rave rhythms and lyrics about pagan rituals.


An association headed by Slava CPSU, aka Gnoiny. “Antihype” declares itself as a “new cultural paradigm,” but, like any other statements by Slava, this must be taken with the lion’s share of irony: in fact, the St. Petersburg rapper-provocateur and his friends (namely Zamai, SD and Booker) are being sarcastic They play up the situation (read “hype”) by writing lines like “If it weren’t for Rubchinsky, I wouldn’t *** (have sex).”


“I lied to you, friend, I can’t sing. / She asked me to coo in her ear, but in real life there is no auto-tune” (Dopeclvb feat. Thomas Mraz& Basic Boy, "Honey, I don't think I want to rap anymore."

The voice processing and correction program is one of the main attributes of the new school, which first became widespread in the West. One of the first artists to popularize auto-tune is Kanye West with the album “808s & Heartbreak”. Later, rappers from Atlanta began to actively use the program - for example, Future and Young Thug, and with some delay the trend reached local artists like LSP.



Fights, during which rappers try to humiliate each other as much as possible, have moved into the mainstream over the past few years, becoming one of the main entertainments of Russians - even the A Just Russia party tried to appropriate battle culture for its political campaign, releasing a video with the animated rapper Oksimironov " The recent battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny (the event had been awaited for about a year) is gaining millions of views in a matter of hours, in addition to the popular “Versus” and “SlovaSPB”, new projects are appearing (though also in St. Petersburg): for example, the battle “Rip on the Bits”.


“You started to grime like Sonya the Cannon. / But you’re not a baiter - you’re repeating bullshit!” (from the battle between Sonya Marmeladova and Edik Kingsta at 140 BPM).

Borrowing a style, flow, lines or any other element of someone else's music. One of the main insults in hip-hop, where among the main values ​​is originality and being true to your words.


“I’m flying to the block, I accepted the post, night watch, control area / I look like night wolf, sauce is pouring from the onions" (Yanix, "When the lights go out").

Blok is a district, a place of power.


“What is beef? Biff is a war in which everyone is against everyone. / Beef is when success awaits only the arrogant” (Oxxxymiron, “What is beef?” feat. Schokk).

Open hostility between rappers. It can end not only with a leisurely exchange of disses, but also physical violence.


“You're Action Bronson's homunculus / Brother, that's the badie bag of the night” (from Walkie vs. Edik Kingsta at 140 BPM).

From the English body bag - literally “body bag”, or rather, the MC’s clear victory in the battle.

Big Russian Boss

The rapper-comedian, hiding under a robe and a false beard, is the host of a YouTube show of the same name. In 2016, he gave a lecture at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University on creating a successful brand in the media space.



The most popular battle in the country, each major episode of which receives tens of millions of views and instantly spreads across the Internet in the form of memes. The fight between Oxxxymiron and Johnnyboy was watched 39 million times, but it’s worth considering that just recently the most long-awaited fight, if not the entire history of Versus, then at least of the year, was posted online - Oxxxymiron vs. Gnoyny. Performances are traditionally recorded in the St. Petersburg bar “1703”, and they are hosted by the creator of the project, Alexander “Restaurateur” Timartsev.

Video bloggers

“Are you alive or dead, do you pay taxes, / If you are bad at rap, as if you were a video blogger, / If you are a mind - a tight and wretched captivity - your future / A poor corpse by the road” (The Chemodan, “What is left for us”).

The transition of hip-hop to the mainstream is also facilitated by millionaire bloggers, whose audiences are interested in covers of popular rap hits and even frankly amateurish performances on Versus. The main characters are Larin, Eldar Dzhakharov and Khovansky, who appropriated the main sentiment of the indignant rappers: “How... [tired] of these hypocritical scum that, in pursuit of hype, are crawling into us, into rap.”

VK rap

An unofficial tag used to designate lo-fi recordings by young rappers from the depths of VKontakte. Just three years ago, VK-rap could be called the work of, for example, Pharaoh.


"Gas holder"

The label and Moscow club of the same name by Vasily Vakulenko (aka Basta, Noggano or Nintendo) - the patriarch of the Russian hip-hop scene. Despite his apparent conservatism (military-patriotic songs and ultimatum statements in the spirit of “Decl is a shaggy schmuck”), Basta contributed to the popularization of new names like Scryptonite and T-fest (one of the most prominent signatories of “Gazgolder”) and did not refuse Pharaoh, who turned to him with a request to record a verse for the track “Hero”.


Vyacheslav Karelin, aka Gnoyny, aka Sonya Marmeladova, aka Slava CPSU, aka Buter Brodsky, aka Valentin Dyadka, is a 27-year-old rapper from Khabarovsk, winner of a recent battle with Oksimiron. Hundreds of releases that Slava recorded are logically divided according to his pseudonyms: for example, Sonya Marmeladova records biting grime, Slava CPSU compares himself with Ramzan Kadyrov (by the way, Vyacheslav issued an apology before the Chechen people, however, because of other lines), and Buter Brodsky reads about “a big shot like a Russian crumpet”, which is “too tasty for socialists.”


"I independent artist- ST, One Hundred of Hundred. / Bitch, I wrote texts to your ghostwriters” (from the battle Oxxxymiron against ST on Versus).

Anonymous composition of a verse or the entire text to order for another artist. In Western hip-hop, Drake is most often accused of using the services of ghostwriters; in Russian, the rapper ST is accused. At the same time, ghostwriting is important article income for many artists.


Ukrainian group, which became popular in record time: from the debut banger “Intro” to the virus “Ice is Melting” that captured Russia, exactly a year passed. The latest hit has almost nothing to do with rap, but “Home on Wheels, Part 1” is still one of the most interesting hip-hop albums in the post-Soviet space.

Gosha Rubchinsky

“I’m like Gosha Rubchinsky - the most fashionable trend. / Gosha Rubchinsky is my best friend” (Face, “Gosha Rubchinsky”).

“I'm not double time, I'm high white. What time is it? - Grime-time" (Obladaet, "0 TO 100 Drake Remix").

Speed ​​reading, in which the text is read twice as fast as the beat. Because of high speed Double time in hip-hop is sometimes mistaken for grime, although grime is a completely separate and independent genre based on British electronic music, and double time is a type of flow, that is, a manner of rapping.


Founded in 2013, an association of rappers, producers and designers, headed by Gleb Golubin, aka Pharaoh. Now its members are releasing resonant mixtapes, hosting big concerts throughout Russia and even recording soundtracks for presentations Yves Saint Laurent.


“Those who diss us on the internet came in exactly five minutes ago” (Pharaoh & Boulevard Depot, “5 minutes ago”).

From the English diss, disrespect - a track in which the rapper expresses hatred towards his opponent. Typically, such attacks provoke a mutual exchange of insults, which can drag on indefinitely. Often diss songs are recorded solely for the purpose of attracting more attention. famous performer and its fan base and therefore remain unanswered.


“I wanted to come up with a dab, but Leva did it *** [to hell] Leva!” (Acid Drop King, “I’m the Problem” feat. Pharaoh).

From the English dab - a dance popularized by rappers from Atlanta - for example, Migos. A few years later, the trend reached Russia and clips of rapper L’One in particular, and in 2017 Debali was already on Channel One.


Ufa association of musicians, which currently includes rappers i61, Basic Boy and Glebasta Spal. Previously, the team included the artist Thomas Mraz, who has now left for Booking Machine (Oksimiron’s concert agency). Members of Dopeclvb record, among other things, cheerful rap about “parties of the 2000s until the morning” and ironic songs like “Honey, I think I don’t want to do rap anymore.”




"Sunset 99.1"

A young Moscow association whose members call their music “audiopunk” and themselves “cyberbastards.” The texts often mention power banks, Instagram, telegram and other topics that excite the ears of a modern teenager.



“Yeezy Boost on my feet, I'm so popular / I came to your sister and ended up in your mom” (Face, “Yeezy Boost”).

One of the favorite sneakers of Russian rappers, designed by Kanye West. To buy the original, you will have to


Track by Porchy, London beatmaker and close friend of Oksimiron. "Imperial" is notable because it is one of the few times rappers diss each other on the same track. According to one version, Porchy offered Oleg LSP record a verse for a new track, after which Oleg sent an actual diss track against Oksimiron and his agency Booking Machine. Porchy told Oksimiron himself about this, after which he added his accusatory verse to the track. As a result, the conflict was discussed on the Internet for a long time, and the two rappers finally quarreled.


Cloud rap

“You wanted to do cloud, but I did it exactly five minutes ago” (Pharaoh & Boulevard Depo, “5 minutes ago”).

A subgenre of hip-hop with slow beats and a leisurely flow, especially popular on VKontakte several years ago. The main reference points for Russian cloud rappers were the American Bones and the Swede Yung Lean.


Rapper with beautiful story. According to the artist, in 2014 he fled to Barcelona from St. Petersburg, where he was going to be tried for selling prohibited substances. Already in 2015, Kizaru flexed on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in a snow-white Thrasher hoodie - this is what the video for the track “Nikto ne nuzhen” looked like, which collected 5 million views on YouTube. Later, the rapper told how Interpol officers identified him using his IP, after which he spent four months in a local prison.


“They all want a collab, they’ll get by / Do you want my flow? Buy it on iTunes" (Obladaet, "Zloi Negr Freestyle").

Collaboration, joint creativity.

Kuznetsky Bridge

“As I bequeathed Saint Laurent/Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French/From there, fashion comes to us, and authors, and muses” (“Kuznetsky Squad”, “Squad”).

A place of power for young hypebeasts gathering near the KM20 store, where Off White, Gosha Rubchinsky and other fashionista relics are sold. “Kuznetsky” is periodically mentioned in the texts of new school rappers, and recently, their own rap group has formed on the street - “ Kuznetsk squad ».



Belarusian rap group that captured the summer of 2015 with the track “ Madness" In April of this year, LSP released the successful album “Tragic City”, but already in July one of the band members, Roma Englishman, died, after which Oleg LSP announced that he would continue the project, and the planned tour in support of the new release would still take place .


Miyagi & Endgame

A rap duet from Ossetia, unexpected for the genre. Miyagi and Endgame became famous in just a year: now hip-hop with a dash of dancehall and lines like “The sky is in diamonds - summer was flying. You are my baby - the daughter of the carnival” have finally gained a foothold in the tops of Russian iTunes and the repertoires of discos.


Low flex

“I start in low flex, look, who’s in fitness here? / I’m collecting these pesos, and these sexy ones are with me” (Basic Boy & Glebasta Spal, “Low Flex”).

Roughly translated, “flex” means “to show off,” and low flex is a dance that can be seen, for example, in the video for “Champagne squirt” by Pharaoh and Depot Boulevard or in amateur video from the vastness of Russia, where at the same time you can see the reaction of the older generation.

"Not bad for a woman"

Joint track three rappers - Mozee Montana, Masha Khima and Emelevskaya, playing with the realities of misogynistic hip-hop culture.



Oksimiron, aka Miron Fedorov, is a graduate of Oxford University, one of the key players in Russian rap, who “turned the game around” with the release of “Gorgorod” - in just a couple of months, tracks from the dystopian album, full of transparent allusions, reached Channel One, and in November of this year Oksimiron assembles the 35,000th Olympic.


A young rapper from Irkutsk, the personification of a hypebeast - most of Obladaet’s tracks can be summed up with his own line: “You ask what’s new, but I’m in everything new.”


Pasha Technician

Member of the group Kunteynir, one of the main trolls of Russian rap, hiding under the mask of a gorilla. Technik calls his music “shit rap,” and he fights according to his own rules - literally no pants. The rapper is often attributed to the “right sector,” but he himself denies any ideology, explaining that he is simply an “artist.”


“Being is a punchline, and nothing else. / Two criteria of knowledge - rhymes, punches” (Slava CPSU \ ZAMAI \ Vandalsky, “Being is Punchline”).

Intonation emphasis on a key line of text, usually aimed at insulting an opponent. The result of Oksimiron’s recent battle with Gnoiny showed that punchline is still the main criterion for victory.


Rap game

Metaphysical designation of the rap scene. "Turn the [rap] game up" - raise the bar, set new standards in hip-hop. Gradually, the expression that was often resorted to in conversations about the release of Oksimiron’s “Gorgorod” acquired an ironic connotation - for example, this is what Dmitry Malikov called his last performance, and they begin to talk about the next revolution in the game after the release of frankly passable releases.



Rapper from Pavlodar, author of the album “House with normal phenomena”, which two years ago, along with “Gorgorod”, marked a sharp rise in Russian-language hip-hop. This year, the Gazgolder signee and member of the group Jillzay released a new album, “Holiday on 36 Street.”


“Bombay, Tussin, Bacardi - I don’t even know what’s in my Sprite. / This bitch doesn’t know what’s in her sprite either” (LSP, “Madness” feat. Oxxxymiron).

Drink purple, the main ingredients of which are codeine and promethazine, which are part of the cough syrup. Lean, or purple drank, gained particular popularity in the southern states of the United States, and later the analgesic effect of the drink began to be sung. Russian rappers, despite the fact that in the Russian Federation there have been no drugs containing codeine and its analogues on the market for a long time.


Trap hut

“Right on the floor there’s already a smell of staff / This is not a brothel, a scourge, this is a trap hut” (Yanix, “Trap hut” feat. ATL).

A place for the production and/or use of drugs. In the USA, trap houses usually mean drug dens in rickety houses, but Russian rappers can also call an ordinary apartment where a large-scale registration takes place a trap house.



Gleb Golubin is one of the most popular Russian rappers at the moment, whose career was recently blessed by Sergei Shnurov. Now the author of “5 Minutes Ago”, “Champagne Squirt in the Face” and “Wildly, for example” gathers large venues across the country, does not communicate with the press and promises to release a rock album, trying on the image of Kurt Cobain.


A young rapper whose phenomenon of popularity is quite difficult to explain: Face obviously copies Western trends (in particular, the ridiculous adlib “eshkere”), while releasing the track “I’m dropping the West,” calls himself “the best rapper in the last thousand years,” and the video is his song, where a non-existent Gucci store in St. Petersburg rhymes with the word “burger” for three minutes, gains a million views in a week.


“The Russian ghetto doesn’t pay for rags, they pay for a glass and a crust of bread / Black ghetto, Kodak and Savage, but Goshenka won’t be able to become a freshman” (Zamai, SD, Slava KPSS, Booker, “Gosha Rubchinsky”).

A promising newcomer to the rap game. The American publication XXL has been compiling a list of freshmen since 2007: in 2011 it included, among others, Kendrick Lamar, in 2014 - Chance the Rapper, in 2016 - Kodak Black and 21 Savage.


“I remember explaining that I was tired of freestyle, what patterns and flips are” (from the battle between Oksimiron and Gnoyny at “Versus vs. SLOVO St. Petersburg.”

Fast response to the opponent’s text, invented during the battle.



Dmitry Kuznetsov is a rapper from Ulan-Ude, whose originality was seriously noticed after the video “Black and Black.” A year later, Husky releases the album “Favorite Songs of (Imaginary) People” and performs with it at various festivals - from the Afisha Picnic to the first rap festival on the territory of the DPR.


“Off White and VLONE / Stonak, Prim and Vetma / A nightmare for a hypebeast - Palace without tri-ferg” (Obladaet, “Themarket”).

Hype is a neologism denoting public hysteria around an event, trend or thing. A hypebeast is a fashionista who hunts for luxury streetwear - such as Palace, OFF White or Yeezy.


Shat out

“4 guys on the block are flexing, the last two will indicate yu town / Shat out to the guys from Krestall, shat out to all your rollers” (KRESTALL / Courier, “Oh, Damn” feat. Glebasta Spal & Basic Boy).

From English shout out - say hello.


“BAPE on your body, skate under your feet, / Your shoti wants me” (Morty Mort & Pharaoh, “Bape”).

From English shawty - girl.



From the Latin Ad libitum, “at will” - random shouts or words that dilute the main text. Examples: the legendary “skur-skur” of Pharaoh, “things-things” of Mozee Montana.



“I smoke Mary J. Blige, sweat and blood are the price for my hype / Boy, a cutlet from Yaroslavl says that I don’t play” (Yanix, “Hype”).

A thousand ruble banknote.


Moscow rapper who adapted American club trap. Yanix is ​​often accused of almost verbatim repeating the style of rappers like T.I. and Tyga - apparently due to the excessive use of anglicisms, auto-tune and straightforward lines like “I’ll put chain on chain on chain.”


A now defunct coalition founded by Ufa rapper Boulevard Depo. YungRussia included the associations Dead Dynasty, Dopeclvb, Sabbat Cult and Litalima, and geographically “Young Russia” fully corresponded to its name. After one and a half to two years - having managed to travel around the country on tours far and wide several times and becoming heroes documentary film Boiler Room, - the union ceased to exist, declaring: “We didn’t turn the game over, but stupidly clicked, and now it stands on its edge.”

Battle (battle, fight, fight) - a competition between rap performers, usually accompanied by humiliation of the enemy. A battle track is often nothing more than a diss on the enemy.

Beef (beef - meat (beef)

Beef (beef - meat (beef), figuratively a complaint, dissatisfaction) - enmity between representatives of hip-hop culture. Beefs, their characteristics and unspoken rules of conduct are an important component of hip-hop culture. The most famous beefs are between rappers, but such conflicts are also possible between other representatives of hip-hop culture: DJs, b-boys or graffiti artists.

The reasons for beefs are usually accusations of plagiarism, claims to leadership in the genre (unfounded in the opinion of the opponent), irreconcilable creative differences, affiliation with competing record labels, and even accidental insults.

In practice, conflicts are expressed in specially recorded songs (traditionally called disses) and interviews, less often in fights and shootouts, in some cases ending in murders.


Beat is a beat in music, used in English expression. beat per minute, bpm - beats per minute. The higher the value, the higher the tempo of the music.

Diss (diss, disrespect - disrespect)

Diss (diss, disrespect - disrespect) is a trend in hip-hop. In practice, a diss is a statement of disrespect in the lyrics of one rapper (or group) to another rapper(s). In such tracks, obscene speech, swearing towards the enemy, and sometimes threats are practiced. Often disses come in pairs, that is, “diss - response diss,” or in chains of disses. Disses are often ignored. Diss tracks are used in beefs.


Mix (mix) - several musical works(tracks) arranged in a continuous sequence. As a rule, mixes are compiled by DJs for various purposes (for example, for inclusion on the radio in thematic programs). Typically, mixes consist of tracks that are similar in genre, mood and other characteristics. On average, the duration of a mix ranges from 25 to 74 minutes (fits on an Audio CD), but can be much longer.

The sequence of tracks in the form of a mix is ​​specific in that the tracks smoothly replace each other. At the junction between the tracks there is no “gap” in the form of silence, and the tracks themselves during the transition process coincide in tempo, time signature and other characteristics, thus merging together. The process of creating a mix by a DJ is called mixing.

Skills/skills (from English skills)

Briefly - rap "skills". More details - reading, diction, text, tricks, delivery, flow, interesting phrases, phrases, original rhyming, etc. In general, the entire list of skills and criteria by which a MS can be assessed.

Flow (from English Flow - “fluidity”)

Rhythm, speed of rap readings. How does a rap artist get into the beat or create additional swing and dynamics with his rapping (sometimes even while listening to acapella you can start swinging to the rhythm). It is worth noting that a good flow is not the maximum reading speed, but the correct speed.

The flow also includes changes in the speed of the reading to express greater emotions and show off your cool technique.

The rapper makes sure that the rapping is more harmoniously combined with the instrumental than regular music. In fashionable songs, the melody of the words and the motive clearly emerge from simple recitative.

For a good rap flow you need good diction/pronunciation and breathing (so that there are no terrible breaks with sighs in the rapping); some performers also add artistic or comical features to their voice, but this is a matter of style.

Square flow

When the words in a line either don’t reach the bit, or there are more of them and you have to speed up the reading, or they simply don’t fit into the bit. That is, the music flows and the recitative flows, and for someone, some stones are constantly jumping out of the river, and this is a square flow.


The emotions that a rap artist puts into a track during performance, as well as the play of intonations. (Can also be used as a synonym for flow)

Punch, punchline (from English punch - to hit with a fist)

The concept appeared in battle rap. This is a neat phrase/line that should really hook your opponent. Just as in heavy boxing opponents shift and occasionally deliver crushing blows, so in battle rap reading your main blow will be the punch line, where you “hook” the enemy as much as possible with a short line.

Stuff (stuff - things, rubbish)

Rap artists usually name their works (tracks).
In principle, even the literal translation is suitable, “rappers make things”, which means “appreciate my thing” - “appreciate my stuff”.

Sharp-X: The fact is that the word Stuff in English is almost always (among rappers) used with the prefix New. This is how we get New Stuff. That is, most often “stuff” is the new work of rappers.

Rhyme with squares

Method of rhyming (“square on square”)). Rhyme in the text is added mainly at the end of the line, and the lines are of the same length - if you write such text on a sheet, then the written text forms a square or rectangle, hence the name. It is believed that this is the simplest way of rhyming, and if you can’t find fault with the above-mentioned rap skills, then rate your opponent for “squareness”.


True (truth, truth, real) is the opposite of fake. “True rapper” is a rapper who reads the truth, a real rapper whose words do not differ from his deeds.


Fakes, fakers (fake - lie) are liars, performers in whose tracks there are a lot of lies, and reality is at odds with the lyrics (To fake MC's).


Mixtape is a special type of music release. The name comes from English words mix and tape (literally translated as mixed recording).

Many aspiring artists consider mixtapes as a means for their own promotion, so they readily give their new tracks to famous DJs for mixtapes.

At the same time, mixtapes have a semi-official status, small circulations (relative to official albums of famous artists) and instantly leak to the Internet. IN present moment There are a great many mixtapes (no one even counted them), and people well-known in certain circles release another 5-20 every day.

Fit (English feat.)

Fit - from English featuring. what does it mean, with participation! i.e. feat is a joint song!


Freestyle - improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhymed rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go. This is not a pre-written, unrehearsed, "raw" form of hip-hop. Performed to beatboxing, or to instrumental versions of previously recorded hip-hop songs. (wiki)).


The word is used specifically in the concept of “spinning” through life (from the phrase “if you want to live, know how to spin”).


In translation, production, products.
In rap it is usually used as music production, that is, “creating music,” most often it means music production (in rap), but in principle, the production of a track includes recording, mixing, and mastering.


Respect (respect) - good disposition towards a person, respect for his creativity.

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