What is working subordination? How to stop insubordinates and maintain a pleasant work environment

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Everyone is familiar with the word subordination. True, many continue to persistently think that subordination is the servile attitude of a subordinate to a superior, something like bows, flattery and other syndromes of a wretched careerist. In fact, no, these are elementary rules that regulate the attitude of superiors towards subordinates and vice versa. It means that the boss will not treat you like slaves, and you will not make fun of his psoriasis or make obscene jokes in front of him.

There are, of course, places where grace reigns, and superiors know and value their subordinates as if they were their own children. But this does not happen everywhere: the larger the company, the less love there is in it. For such companies, this is a short excursion into the world of official relations in the workplace.

You and colleagues

1. Everyone needs to be greeted - from the janitor or security guard to the president of the company - regardless of rank and official position.

2. You shouldn’t realize yourself at the expense of your colleagues. The boss may not appreciate this, and relationships with colleagues will be ruined forever. Therefore, taking clients away and blaming all the troubles on your roommate is the last thing.

3. If you are performing a common task, then try to divide it among yourself in equal parts, unless, of course, the manager has done this. This will help avoid the appearance of “drones” who will not be useful in the work, but will receive a bonus.

4. Don't provoke your colleagues with personal questions in the middle of working hours. Not everyone comes to the workplace to sharpen their lasses. If you see that a colleague is immersed in the work process, do not distract him, even if you are on friendly terms. All personal questions - only after the factory call about the end of work. If you see that a person is not particularly busy and is happy to make contact, then why not talk?

5. There is a special rank of people - jokers. Pranksters love to stage a Petrosian massacre right in the middle of the workday and attack their colleagues with awkward questions. What to do with such people? That's right, hit him mercilessly and preferably on the head.

6. It is impossible to answer unequivocally how to address employees: “you” or “you”. If this is a small company with close relationships, when communication is not limited to working hours and boundaries, then it’s possible on a first-name basis. But if there is a division of responsibility, a division of functionality, then it is better to respect the chain of command. And remember, you have to respect the person who does the more difficult work. In companies with many levels of hierarchy, the ability to maintain a “you” position is necessary. At least in front of colleagues and superiors. Even if you are close friends who work in different departments, or he is your boss, then in public - only on “you”. The rest of the time - as you please.

7. The most important thing is not to make trouble and maintain an atmosphere of friendliness. And then everyone, from heaven to management, will thank you.

You and the boss

1. Leadership is a sacred matter, but not so sacred that at the sight of it you fall into sacred awe and remain silent, like Gerasim from Turgenev’s story. Don’t be shy to express your position and proposals for work, but do it tactfully and politely, because the manager will not tolerate impudent comments in his direction. Use phrases like “What do you think, if...” and other cautious expressions at the “please, let me” level to carefully hint to your superiors that there are bright ideas in your head.

2. You need to talk to your boss as if you were at a social event. You cannot speak in a categorical tone. The manager may think that you have a negative attitude towards him, and such people do not stay in the team. The first to be laid off are the taciturn and eternally dissatisfied subordinates.

3. It is necessary to avoid jumping “over the head” of the immediate manager, with the exception of urgent and emergency cases when there is simply no time left for a meeting. Such behavior will be regarded by the immediate superior as disrespect and doubt in his professionalism. You undermine his authority in front of the entire team, you despise him, disgrace him... Then try to explain that you are not out of malice.

4. Next is the topic of closed doors, eternal and relevant. For example, you cannot enter the boss’s office without knocking, and you also cannot visit it if the boss is communicating with someone. This conversation can be important, but here you are with your most important matters. Although if you work at a nuclear power plant and an explosion occurs, then to hell with it, you can kick the door and scream about what happened to the entire affected area.

5. Of course, we cannot help but touch on the topic of familiarity. If it’s customary in your office to address each other as “you,” then for God’s sake. But in this case, there is no need to stand out and call your superiors “you” (don’t be a black sheep, they don’t like people like that), and in other cases, publicly “poking”, even if you are friends, is strictly prohibited. This undermines the image of the boss.

You and your subordinates

Let's consider a situation where you are in the role of a boss.

1. When you communicate with a subordinate, there are only two forms of communication - an order and a request. An order is given in an emergency situation, while in a standard situation go to a request. It is expressed in the friendliness and trust of the leader. In the case of a request, the employee can offer you his options for solving the problem, express his opinion on the current situation, and you have no right to interrupt him. But in the case of an order - no demagoguery.

2. Familiarity from the boss is also not always welcome. Walking up to your subordinates, clapping them on the shoulder and saying: “What a piece of crap you did, Valerka,” is not very good. In any case, psychologists do not advise. In a personal conversation, you can allow something like this to cheer up a tired employee who has worked for a year without rest, but not in public.

3. But praising employees is highly recommended. If he has done a good job, he should receive not only financial but also moral reward. The employee must understand that his work was appreciated by you. Just don’t imagine that the entire team is working for your blessing. He works for money, which you are obliged to pay on time.

4. There is no need to stand in the shoes of your subordinates, delve into their problems and get away with violations, otherwise the staff will simply sit on their heads. Praise is one thing, but you can't do it without an iron hand. Remember, the carrot and stick method has been proven for centuries. But do not stoop to humiliation based on personal qualities. Aren't you disgusted? By the way, you shouldn’t get into their souls, it’s at least indecent, you shouldn’t tease them or joke about them.

5. If the employee does not comply with your order, you need to remind him that you have a large collection of torture instruments. These are extreme measures, just remind him that you are waiting for the result, otherwise he will decide that the task need not be completed. And the comments make it clear to the employee the seriousness of the order given to him and eloquently remind him of the possible consequences.

6. Remember the names of your employees and study their performance. You just need to know what kind of people are working for you, what tasks can be entrusted to them and what not. Sometimes recommendations need to be let go. Don’t forget to publicly report to you for everything they do!

The concept of subordination at work is understood as a set of rules of business etiquette, the function of which is to establish relationships among team members. This concept denotes the rules of communication both with superiors and among subordinates. Subordination is associated with respect for superior authority, execution of orders, culture and manifestations of personal initiative, as well as the occupation of a specific niche by each employee.

Who is obliged to comply with it?

It is characteristic not only of subordinates. The responsibilities of any manager require similar adherence to the principles of business ethics, issuing orders in the correct form, and no attempts to humiliate juniors or criticize their personal qualities.

There is always a certain order in the matter of giving subordinates superior orders. At the same time, each employee must have an idea of ​​the acceptable forms adopted in this organization, in which management is reported on how the work has been done. In certain situations, a lower-level employee has the right to appeal the actions of his immediate superior.

Why is chain of command so important at work?

These days there is a lot of talk about business partnerships, allowing any employee to become a single member of the team. This ultimately strengthens the company culture and helps solve common problems. The function of partnership is to develop important goals and ways to achieve them. Thanks to subordination, the atmosphere in the team remains healthy, manifestations of familiarity, conflicts, insults and disdainful treatment are excluded.

What are the rules of subordination? If there are no officially established standards at the enterprise, the work process may be disorganized. Any employee has the right to information about who is capable (moreover, obligated) to give him the necessary advice, from whom orders should be expected, and whose duty it is to obey. If the structure is large enough, it is impossible to do without clear regulation. In such cases, as a rule, the principles of subordination of some units to others are spelled out. Documents regulating the principles of subordination - specific orders and instructions, as well as the organization’s charter.

Where is it written about her?

The service hierarchy is also built according to the principles set out in specific documents - job descriptions, internal regulations, clauses of the collective agreement. They are also contained in the text of the employment agreement concluded between the employer and employee.

Certain structures (for example, the army) require the wearing of special insignia in the form of a uniform, etc., but in small companies the main core around which subordination in the team is built is the superior authority.

A new employee should be introduced to the basic principles of corporate ethics immediately upon hiring. This occurs in the process of negotiations about its functionality, official powers and responsibilities.

What is it like?

Service relationships can be vertical or horizontal. What do you mean? The names speak for themselves. The first (vertical) are top-down (boss - subordinate) and bottom-up (employee - manager) relationships. When talking about them, by default they mean obedience to the orders of senior management.

A real boss who adheres to the rules of corporate culture will never allow familiarity towards those who occupy lower positions. To avoid work troubles, distance must always be maintained, and in a mutual manner. After all, there are situations of inappropriate behavior on the part of employees towards the manager. This may be expressed in banter or inappropriately categorical tone.

Such familiarity backfires on employees. Those who regularly violate the principles of subordination are usually the first candidates for staff reduction. For his part, a leader who delves into the personal problems of his subordinates, is able to share private experiences with them, and forgives optionality and indiscipline, behaves short-sightedly and ultimately loses the authority due to his position.

Is the boss always right?

But, of course, moderation is good in everything. Many modern managers suffer from just the opposite qualities - they do not hesitate to behave arrogantly or treat subordinates with undisguised contempt. Of course, all these extremes do not contribute to improving the working environment.

An overly authoritarian leadership style is accompanied by a reduced level of employee initiative. When only a constant stream of commands, instructions and orders comes from superiors, subordinates automatically cease to be interested in the essence of the production process and are focused only on blind (sometimes formal) execution of instructions. If emergency situations arise, one cannot expect responsibility from them, nor can one expect a correct decision that is not supported by an order from management.

A flexible style of interaction with subordinates is much more productive. The manager may well allow himself some deviations from the rules in situations where listening to an independent point of view is required. It is precisely in this case that meetings and brainstorming sessions are held, when a decision is made through joint efforts, and a plan for further operations is optimally worked out.

How to communicate with peers

Horizontal relationships are understood as those that are characteristic of communication between colleagues at the same level in their own environment. This also includes those that develop between managers who are equal in position. This is subordination between colleagues of the same “weight category”. Horizontal relationships are built on the principles of partnership and equality. The postulates of corporate ethics are based on friendly interactions in the work environment and fair distribution of workload.

Attempts to belittle and constantly pointlessly criticize colleagues are unacceptable. Any employee who professes this line of behavior risks irrevocably ruining relationships in the team. And not every manager will tolerate a troublemaker in the work environment.

It is no secret that in any team there are sometimes cases of employees attempting to shift their own responsibilities onto the shoulders of colleagues, using, for example, friendly relations. But sooner or later, a slacker in the workplace is still identified and punished, both disciplinary and monetary.

When the deputy director is out of work

What are the most common mistakes that can be cited as typical examples of violation of the principles of subordination? One of them - the most common - is the submission of orders to a subordinate by superior management, bypassing the person who is the latter’s immediate superior. For example, the shop manager tries to give instructions to the workers, bypassing the foreman or foreman. Thus, the authority of the head of the department can be significantly reduced, and employees cease to take him seriously.

Such an error leads to an imbalance in the controllability of the entire corporate system. The director should not include in his many responsibilities the additional burden of managing staff. The task of monitoring the execution of his instructions is the job of another employee.

Another danger is that the very controlling link (immediate supervisor or deputy director) sometimes sins of arbitrariness and demands that the work process be organized to its own taste. To avoid misunderstandings, his powers should be immediately clearly defined. The danger is that the main leader may not know all the intricacies of the situation. In the above-mentioned example, the workshop manager entrusts the site foreman with only clearly defined functionality that is specified in the service instructions.

Other errors

The third point is that two different people are appointed as executors of the same order. In this case, the work process can be disoriented, since there is a serious risk of the performers shifting responsibility to each other.

Very often there are cases of appealing to senior management, bypassing the immediate superior. It is customary first of all to notify the head of the department directly about a problem that has arisen.

The inability to set priorities also refers to manifestations of broken subordination at work. The performer’s task is to clearly understand what of the planned needs to be completed immediately, and what can be postponed for the coming days.

About rudeness and tactlessness

If you criticize your boss behind his back, such behavior not only violates the chain of command, but is also downright unethical. Such criticism will sooner or later reach the ears of management. And the biggest risks are those who are “smart enough” to highlight the incompetence of their boss in the event of a public conflict. Management, as a rule, does not forgive anyone for undermining their own authority.

Among the most tactless and gross violations of subordination are attempts to criticize not the official, but the personal qualities of employees. Here there is also a rude tone in the negative assessments of the work done, which in all cases without exception makes a painful impression.

When criticizing an employee or subordinate, it is important to maintain the desire to improve the work of both him personally and the entire organization. Attempts to discuss behavior should not be intended to humiliate or demonstrate power.

Sometimes in large and small teams, subordination at work, as well as the ethics of business communication, are completely absent. Small structures where everyone knows each other quite well are especially guilty of this. Addressing “you” is not always appropriate in a business environment; it blurs the lines between superiors and subordinates, and in such an atmosphere it is difficult for a junior in position to perceive management in its true light. His motivation to unconditionally follow instructions decreases.

What to watch out for

What are the consequences of non-compliance with subordination at work? All manifestations of familiar relations with superiors, failure to follow his instructions, and incorrect criticism, one way or another, affect the business foundations of the enterprise and significantly reduce the authority of management. As consequences in such corporations, one can observe rampant disciplinary measures in the form of reprimands, comments, deprivation of bonuses, etc. Well, the extreme measure of retribution for errors against subordination is dismissal.

Eleanor Brik

Creating a favorable atmosphere in the workplace that is conducive to work is the main goal of a prudent manager who wants to increase the productivity of company employees. and the method of illusory bonuses become inappropriate decisions of the boss, because subordinates can harbor a grudge against him after learning the boss’s true intentions. In this situation, the employee is disrupted, in whose mind negative thoughts appear and flourish. Such factors negatively affect the profitability of the company, so it is important to hold an internal meeting on time, defining the rules of conduct for all team members.

Subordination at work

First, let's find out what subordination at work is? By definition, this means a business relationship between a boss and a subordinate, which is built according to the principle of a hierarchical ladder. Compliance with subordination is a prerequisite for the relationship “subordinate - boss” or “senior - junior”. Such a system helps maintain a working atmosphere in production or in the office. Moreover, observance of subordination prevents the emergence and development of conflicts in the enterprise.

Compliance with subordination is a prerequisite for the relationship “subordinate - boss”

How is subordination established?

Any enterprise must have documentation that is designed to determine the labor hierarchy, so we are talking about the following documents:

  • labor agreements agreements concluded between employers and employees at the time of hiring the latter;
  • job descriptions, designed to regulate the behavior of an employee in a team in accordance with his position;
  • agreement, which is concluded by the team;
  • rules related to the determination of internal labor regulations.

It should be noted that compliance with official chain of command at work is mandatory for all employees of any enterprise.

Distinguish two types of subordination: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical chain of command

Vertical subordination is a model of relationships between superiors and subordinates, that is, according to the principle "top down". The point is that, for example, the head of a department should not allow familiar relations with his employees. Employees should not allow themselves to make fun of people occupying higher positions, that is, with vertical subordination, a clear hierarchy is observed.

If we talk about the advantages vertical subordination, then we are talking about:

  • that there is no need to spend extra time sorting things out with superiors;
  • about establishing a healthy working environment in the team, since all employees are satisfied with their position, without suffering from infringement of their rights, without comparing themselves with those in another team who could receive a more favorable attitude from their superiors, etc.

However vertical subordination also has some disadvantages:

  • the existence of real risks associated with the fact that the company’s method of governance will very soon become totalitarian;
  • stopping employees from expressing their potential, since the authoritarianism of their bosses will simply frighten them.

In a word, with the type of subordination under discussion, bosses often “go too far”, and as a result, everyone loses: bosses, employees and the company as a whole - in connection with which it is necessary to subordinate, as they say, wisely.

Vertical subordination is a model of relationships between superiors and subordinates

Horizontal subordination

They talk about horizontal subordination when they mean communication between people occupying equal positions. These may be heads of different departments or employees of one structural unit of an enterprise or company.

With horizontal subordination, other rules of communication come to the fore, in which mutual respect, equality, and mutually beneficial partnership are welcomed. The advantages of such a model of relationships in any team are obvious, since with the proper attitude to work, joint cooperation will be fruitful and long-term.

Only if employees respect each other's ideas are real preconditions created for the possibility of long-term collaboration, the result of which can be the creation of something truly worthwhile.

However, horizontal subordination also has its own cons related to the need:

  • maintaining distance even with employees occupying positions of the same level;
  • there is a risk of employees using each other for personal gain, which often happens when their relationship becomes friendly.

Horizontal subordination involves communication between people occupying equal positions

How to maintain subordination at work?

Is it possible to punish an employee for violating the rules of subordination at work? Perhaps, and therefore all members of the work team must comply with a number of rules that will help maintain subordination at work.

  1. Contribute in every possible way creating psychological comfort in contacts between management and employees that do not involve familiarity.
  2. Any orders must be given a link that is one rank lower. Stepping over hierarchical steps, avoiding communication with the liaison department, is unacceptable.
  3. Establishing emotional neutrality, implying equal treatment of all employees by management. Management should not have favorites and enemies - all subordinates should be in the same working conditions.
  4. The availability of communication between subordinates and their boss should be limited to a certain time frame. or a specific day of the week. This will help minimize the number of meaningless conversations aimed at attracting the attention of management to one’s own person.

Features of subordination in the workplace

Subordination at work requires the presence of a certain body language, which employees and company management must be familiar with.

Business communication becomes more detailed, and a person’s hierarchical position can be easily determined by a number of behavioral characteristics.

  1. The employee of the enterprise should be the first to say the greeting words, and the boss should offer his hand during the meeting, independently determining the appropriateness of such a gesture.
  2. You can sit in the manager’s office without a special invitation when you are alone in a confined space. When other employees are in the boss's office, you can sit on a chair after the invitation of the boss or a higher-ranking supervisor.
  3. You need to get up from the table when your manager passes by in three common cases: at the beginning of the working day; to greet guests near him; when meeting a delegation or other high-ranking guests.
  4. A knock on the “boss” door reflects the employee’s suspicion or lack of self-confidence. Nowadays, to visit the manager’s office, it is enough to coordinate the office hours with his secretary, and there is no need to knock on the office door.

Subordination at work requires the presence of a certain body language

What to do if a subordinate does not comply with subordination in the team?

Subordination must be respected, otherwise there will be no order at work. However, what to do if a subordinate does not respect subordination in the team? In general, such behavior of a subordinate employee indicates that the boss failed to build the right relationships in the team. Sometimes employees' disrespectful attitude towards their boss is due to his incompetence.

In addition, it should be noted that a subordinate must treat his boss with respect, however, the boss should not neglect the rules of good manners, since his “position of authority” does not give him the right to raise his voice at his subordinates, much less insult them. By and large, a boss simply must be a role model for his subordinates, including in the matter of maintaining subordination and respectful attitude towards employees.

What to do in case of conflict with a colleague? Who should give in to whom? Who should listen to whom? It all depends on your human qualities. When people understand that they go to the office to work, and not to sort things out, then the work goes much better. By the way, failure to comply with subordination at work under Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Complex of penalties for violation of subordination at the workplace” implies the following types of punishments:

  • verbal remark;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

The main components of subordination in working conditions are tact and respectful attitude; all employees of the enterprise, including the manager, must adhere to them

On the principle of subordination in the family

Now let's talk about what the principle of subordination in the family is. The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of “senior – junior”. In traditional families, the head of the family is the husband. The strengthening of male leadership occurred back in the era of patriarchy; echoes of this can be seen in many families in which the principles of housebuilding are honored and Christian morality is attached great importance.

Subordination in the family is built on two basic principles, so it goes:

  • about a clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping lies entirely with the woman, and the man provides the family with money and makes decisions regarding raising children;
  • on recognition of the husband's authority by the wife and children in the sense that he is a protector and provider, and therefore worthy of respect and veneration.

However, it should be noted that in modern families the roles are often confused: a woman earns more than a man, works for two people, etc. In this regard, the concept of family subordination seems to be blurred. Men in such families no longer feel like an authority, which is largely facilitated by women who constantly emphasize their superiority. In families where respect reigns, subordination is observed regardless of who earns how much.

In traditional families, the head of the family is the husband

Subordination at school

In general, subordination is following the principle “juniors should respect their elders, and subordinates should respect their superiors.” In this regard, it is not at all surprising that the concept of subordination in school is very relevant, especially taking into account the fact that in our time the word “subordination” means not just direct subordination, but also behavior that demonstrates respect for seniors, status or position. Respect for subordination is a mandatory part of relationships in the “senior-junior” format.

The teacher must build trusting relationships with all students, but at the same time maintain an appropriate distance from them

It is unacceptable for a teacher to have favorites, just as there should not be outcast students. At all observance of subordination in school is extremely important, since the emergence of respect between teachers and students and the maintenance of discipline in the classroom depend on this, which directly affects the quality of teaching and children’s assimilation of knowledge.

In addition, subordination at school must also be observed between teachers; for example, it is completely unacceptable for one teacher to address another using a diminutive name - something like “Verunchik or Valyushka.” Teachers should not demonstrate romantic relationships in the presence of children, even if such exist, etc. Subordination at school is, first of all, a respectful attitude of teachers and students towards each other.

3 March 2014, 15:05

The definition of “subordination at work” means a set of rules of business etiquette, the main task of which is to correctly determine the relationships between employees within one team or an entire enterprise. Thus, the rules for communication between an employee and a superior manager and the basis for relationships between subordinates are established. Recognition by employees of the manager's authority, employees' fulfillment of assigned tasks and assignments, level of education and expression of personal initiative, determination of work responsibilities according to position and status - all this includes the concept of subordination.

Basic principles

The general principles of subordination must be observed not only by employees, but also by managers. The structure of the service hierarchy implies that the boss with the department at the level below is subordinate to the manager at the level above. If this rule is not followed, the authority of the entire management team will be undermined.

A competent manager adheres to the principles of corporate culture and does not allow familiar behavior towards subordinates. Mutual adherence to etiquette by all parties helps to avoid misunderstandings in the work process and incorrect actions.

Familiarity, an inappropriate categorical tone and banter, especially when communicating with a manager, make an employee a prime candidate for dismissal.

A boss who discusses personal problems and experiences with employees condones indiscipline and negligence in the performance of official duties and may ultimately lose his authority and reputation as a leader.

What is subordination at work and what are the features of inter-level relationships within the company are explained to all employees at the stage of applying for a job.

According to the requirements, every boss is obliged to observe the basics of business ethics when giving instructions and orders to subordinates. All instructions must be drawn up correctly; humiliation of self-esteem and criticism of the personal qualities of junior employees are unacceptable.

Respectful communication is the key to proper working relationships between superiors and subordinates, as well as a favorable environment within the team.

At all enterprises, in any company, there are established regulations for the boss to submit orders to his subordinates. Employees must be familiar with the rules adopted by the organization, the forms in which they report to management on the work done.

Along with his job responsibilities, an employee needs to know about his right and opportunity in controversial situations to appeal the actions of his immediate superior to higher management.

Types of relationships and subordination

If in an enterprise all employees report directly to the director (first person), then with regard to the subordination of the team everything is simple. Problems with subordination may arise in organizations with more complex hierarchy systems. A common task and a single goal unite all departments into an integral enterprise with a single structure.

The company defines two directions of relationships.

  • Horizontal (functional) tasks (applications), which are determined in accordance with the positions occupied. The entire list of responsibilities is functionally spelled out in the business process or job description. Determines relationships between colleagues at positions of the same level. Communication is based on equality, the principle of mutual respect, and partnership. There is a favorable environment in the department, productivity is increasing, and the team is a single team. There is a risk of professional relationships turning into friendships.
  • Vertical (administrative) tasks do not provide a clear plan regarding what the employee is required to do. These are tasks that managers set for immediate subordinates to perform. Labor relations are built on a top-down principle and imply direct communication between the manager and the subordinate. A vertical is a defined and agreed upon hierarchy of relationships within a team.

The assigned tasks, horizontal or vertical, are mandatory for execution.

Monitoring the implementation of the task, coordinating work processes, and evaluating performance based on the results of implementation is carried out by the management team, depending on whose subordination the employees are.

Executive efficiency depends on the degree of management and control, so the work process can be controlled or uncontrolled, thereby determining the level of the result obtained.

There are three types of subordination.

  • Administrative establishes the affiliation of a specialist to a specific department according to the staff of the organization. The employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department where he works.
  • The functional subordination of employees regarding functional tasks to the heads of other departments is indirectly or directly in accordance with internal regulations. The powers of managers over employees of other departments are insignificant and relate only to the timing and quality of specific types of work.
  • Ethical subordination determines informal subordination. Widely used in medicine. Characterized by goodwill and respect, based on mutual assistance and a sense of tact on the part of superior officials. Discipline and the moral and ethical component increase the level of interaction in the team.

Importance and necessity

Subordination involves a position of neutrality in the expression of emotions towards employees. Restraint and even communication towards all subordinates is the main task for a good manager.

There is a procedure and regulations for subordinates to visit their manager. There are a number of employees who have the right to contact their boss without prior information due to special job responsibilities.

For other subordinates, the visit is strictly timed. This allows each employee to be sure that he will have the opportunity to meet with his manager at the reception.

The principles of subordination serve as the basis for the etiquette of corporate relations, allowing one to define a clear boundary of interaction. Each company has its own criterion of liability for non-compliance with subordination.

The foundations of hierarchy and subordination are determined by the corporate regulations of the enterprise:

  • the employment contract (agreement) determines the conduct of each employee and his official responsibilities;
  • the collective agreement establishes the key principles of interaction in the team;
  • the job description clearly defines the position in the hierarchy of the enterprise, the responsibilities of the employee regarding the position held;
  • internal rules outline the work schedule, helping the employee to correctly distribute work and rest time.

Each company (enterprise) can individually establish a job hierarchy and determine the degree of responsibility for failure to comply with subordination. The charter takes into account the relevance and specificity of the working conditions, the basis remains unchanged. All this helps to build further tactics.

Consequences of insubordination

Service relations are determined by the scope of professional activity in the implementation of labor discipline. The job description determines the actions of all employees and their level of responsibility. The manager does not have the right to additionally assign other duties and assignments to the employee other than those established in the contract.

Each employee has a direct supervisor, whose tasks he is obliged to carry out. If he disagrees with the methods and actions of the manager, he can appeal them in the prescribed manner. When available, initiatives are taken to improve performance and product quality. Failure to carry out instructions from the boss is excluded if the rules of subordination are followed.

The responsibility of each employee, from employee to director, and their relationships are regulated by subordination. Ordinary employees may lose their jobs, and the director risks his image and business reputation. The entire vertical and horizontal of power is completely built on subordination.

The outcome and type of punishment for non-compliance with the rules of subordination are determined by the type of violation that the employee committed.

  • A verbal remark from the boss about the inadmissibility of this kind of behavior. It follows after a one-time violation of the principles of subordination and existing principles of business communication.
  • A simple or severe reprimand is assigned for a disciplinary offense and systemic violations of discipline and labor regulations; a record of this is recorded in a personal file.
  • Dismissal at own request (article). Type of punishment for failure to fulfill immediate duties, systemic failure to comply with labor discipline.

Good business relationships within an organization contribute to the efficient running of the business, thereby ensuring a healthy work environment. If a manager values ​​the company’s reputation, his work with employees and partners is based on ethical standards and compliance with the principles of subordination.

Why is subordination at work necessary to achieve effective performance? All successful companies have their own system for building relationships within the team. It aims to help create the most comfortable environment for all participants in the labor process. Let's consider how colleagues should behave among themselves and with their superiors.

Definition of chain of command

What is subordination? This Latin term usually refers to a hierarchical system of relationships between colleagues. It can be described by a simple “superiors-subordinates” scheme. The position within this system gives the participant certain rights and responsibilities. They are related exclusively to his position and do not relate to personal qualities. When promoted, a person will automatically take a new place within the hierarchy.

The system of business relations in our country cannot yet be called perfect. Many bosses are confident in their right not only to manage, but to teach and even insult employees. At the same time, many subordinates perceive the leader as a teacher, an unquestioning authority, whose comments cannot be disobeyed or criticized.

The rules of subordination are aimed at creating an understanding within the team of who is responsible for which area of ​​work. This system of relationships helps each employee know who he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him. It is the streamlining of business communication that is the main ultimate goal of subordination.

Subordination is a system of relationships between colleagues. superiors and subordinates

Types of subordination

Most often, subordination is the relationship between a superior and a subordinate. But in the full sense of the word, the system also concerns relations between managers at different levels, within the workforce, between direct and indirect managers and employees, as well as between employees of an enterprise who are not bound by subordination.

Conventionally, all relationships between colleagues and superiors are built according to one of two schemes:

  1. Vertical. "The boss is the subordinate." It is this subordination that is spoken about in most cases.
  2. Horizontal. “Colleague - colleague”, “employees of similar positions in different departments”.

For ease of understanding the versatility of subordination, it is convenient to highlight Its 3 varieties:

  • administrative;
  • ethical;
  • functional.

Subordination laws

In every organization, the system of relationships between employees is regulated by internal regulations. There is no uniform law on subordination. When developing their own procedures, enterprise managers primarily rely on the Labor Code: violation of the rights of any of the employees cannot be allowed. Other sources of information about the rules of subordination can be reference manuals for managers and employees of human resources departments.

Perhaps a state law on subordination would solve the problems of some employers with organizing relationships between employees. But in practice, each organization has its own specifics, which are very important to take into account when subordinating, but cannot be included in a general legislative act.

The atmosphere in the work team depends on subordination

Rules of subordination between subordinates and superiors

Maintaining subordination is important for healthy relationships in a team and achieving high levels of productivity. It is important to take into account all the features of the enterprise and create a truly working system of relationships between colleagues. The purpose of subordination is not to elevate superiors over subordinates, but to create a truly effective management scheme.

The rules of subordination primarily concern the rules of conduct in the workplace, the procedure for requests and communication, and the ability to demand that an employee or supervisor perform official duties. Communication between colleagues should be smooth, friendly, without condescension or familiarity. Let's consider two main options for official communication: horizontally and vertically.

Between managers

Managers at different levels in most organizations are required to maintain subordination with each other and with their subordinates. What is important to know? The manager has the right to demand from the subordinate the fulfillment of the entire scope of duties on time. At the same time, he must remain polite and correct. In a conflict situation, you cannot insult an employee, raise your voice at the employee, or ridicule him. These actions are taboo.

The manager can criticize the employee for any mistakes in his work, demand explanations or impose disciplinary sanctions. In extreme cases, the employer terminates the employment contract unilaterally. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to “get personal” - that is, to criticize an employee for his personal qualities.

Bad, narrow-minded bosses understand subordination as the right to humiliate subordinates. This opinion has nothing to do with reality.

Subordination imposes even more significant restrictions on a boss than on an ordinary employee. He sets the tone of communication, he issues orders and regulates the work process. The boss must be able to criticize, but not resort to insults. His criticism is a method for improving the quality of work, and not a tool for increasing self-esteem.

Communication between two managers of the same level is structured like communication between any two other equal colleagues. The relationship between the head of a structural unit and the heads of departments is built by analogy with the “superior-subordinate” communication.

Between subordinates

Business relationships between colleagues of the same level who are not bound by subordination are much easier to build. As a rule, it is enough to adhere to standard rules of politeness and business etiquette. A greeting, a handshake, an address to “you” (to “you” only with mutual consent) - this is enough for most organizations.

Employees of the same level communicate as equal partners, but without familiarity. If colleagues have become close friends, it is undesirable to show this at work: other employees may not understand the new format of communication or feel uncomfortable. The more friendly and equal the atmosphere between colleagues is, the more productive the organization will be.

The boss must comply with the requirements of subordination on an equal basis with everyone

Consequences of insubordination

Failure to comply with the rules of business communication in a team is fraught with negative consequences. The easiest consequence is an unhealthy atmosphere in the team. Severe - conflicts, disruption of the production process. If a manager treats employees incorrectly, it demotivates them and they lose interest in work. If he does not know how to delegate authority, confusion and disorientation are created. Thus, violations of subordination on the part of management threaten with dire consequences.

What happens if a subordinate does not comply with the rules of business relations? Most likely, he will receive a reprimand, and in more complex cases, a reprimand. Insubordination by an employee has more personal consequences, while by a boss it has more global consequences.

Properly structured chain of command serves common goals and helps the company to be more efficient. All employees will be more comfortable when the team has common rules of communication and interaction. The boss sets the tone: how he greets employees, how he distributes tasks, praises and criticizes.

Subconsciously, most employees adopt the manager’s tone of communication and use it. The boss is aggressive and arrogant - employees behave similarly, strive to protect themselves from his attacks in every way and think about this more than about their responsibilities. The boss is friendly, always helps and answers questions - his department will be the same.

It is advisable to develop a business communication standard for the company. It will help employees get their bearings and understand what exactly the organization requires of them when talking about “subordination.” Ready-made examples of such standards can be found on the Internet and adapted for your own purposes.

Insults, contempt, familiarity, hysteria and quarrels are unacceptable in any form. Any example of such inappropriate behavior will not fit into the model of a successful enterprise. All conflicts that arise must be resolved as quickly as possible, preferably with the involvement of a special ethics commission (formed from team members).

Criticism should only be direct. You cannot criticize an employee, much less a boss, in their absence in front of their colleagues. For example, a business manager should not tell workers on a production floor that their boss did something wrong (even if this actually happened). This has a detrimental effect on the authority of this manager/employee, creates a precedent for gossip in the team and gives each employee the opportunity to think that even in his absence something bad is being said about him.


The purpose of subordination - a system of relationships between colleagues and superiors - is to create a healthy atmosphere in the team, convenient regulations for the interaction of employees. A favorable psychological climate will certainly have a positive impact on work results. Subordination is based on the principles of subordination, compliance with the ethics of business communication, the absence of personal factors and reasonable distance.

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