Daniel Rustamov at the Ukrainian X-Factor competition: “Not all Tajiks are labor migrants. Daniel Rustamov from Tajikistan took part in the X Factor show - That’s why you decided to go to the competition in Ukraine

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DUSHANBE, Oct 14 – Sputnik, Sergey Kuznetsov. The Tajikistani, who conquered the X Factor, is a big fan of sports. A young and talented performer from Dushanbe became a participant in the Ukrainian version of the world famous project “X-Factor”. 20-year-old Daniel Rustamov won the hearts of the jury by singing the hit Radioactive by the American indie rock band Imagine Dragons.

20-year-old Dushanbe resident Daniel Rustamov took part in the first stage of the seventh season of the popular Ukrainian vocal show “X-Factor”. All four members of the jury - Konstantin Meladze, Yulia Sanina, Andrey Danilko, Anton Savlepov - were pleasantly surprised by the young man’s performance and gave the go-ahead for his further participation in the show.

“People are used to the fact that Tajiks come only to earn money, like guest workers, and this is sad,” the singer admitted, speaking from the stage.

He admitted that he always wanted to meet Konstantin Meladze.

“It seems like nothing special at first, but then you sit and can’t take your eyes off this person. Some kind of magic and some kind of hook grabs you and drags you,” Konstantin Meladze praised his fan.

“This is probably what they call charisma. You had a blast - and so did we. It turned out to be such a universal holiday. Well done!” - added the famous composer.

We managed to contact Daniel Rustamov, who, by the way, became the first Tajik performer to make it into any large and mega-popular music project in Europe.

According to the artist, he previously performed at school events, then with his friend Sherzod Latifzadeh they created the group “One Way”.

“We had fun playing in fashionable metropolitan clubs and restaurants, the public seemed to like it too,” says the singer. “After an unsuccessful attempt to audition for the Russian project “The Voice,” I was broken, I thought that I would not be able to raise the status of my country in Russia.”

The musician is sure that his family helped him find himself again.

“For a while I was just filming videos and posting them on social networks. Less than a few months later, a girl contacted me, offering to take part in the Ukrainian project “X-Factor”. I was given a date, and I went, saw, won,” Rustamov rejoices.

In addition to vocals, he enjoys dancing, and previously was seriously involved in sports.

“Since childhood, I have been involved in taekwondo (ITF). I trained under the guidance of the famous athlete Daler Tyuryaev. After that, in 2011, I went to Moldova to study. I continued my training there, my mentor was Alexey Tentyuk. I received a black belt, but later I had to leave the sport “I focused on my musical career and studies - I’m currently studying at the Moscow State Institute of Culture in the department of pop and jazz singing in my 2nd year,” noted Daniel.

According to Rustamov, he will soon go to Ukraine to participate in the second round of the X-Factor project. Please note that all contestants in the program are selected through public auditions.

The selection of participants is divided into four stages: casting of producers (these auditions provide an opportunity to perform in front of the judges), telecasting (judges select the best performers), training camp (contestants perform the tasks of the judges, the judges select 12 performers - 3 performers in each category), live broadcasts , where the finalist of the competition is selected.

Performance 21-year-old Daniel Rustamov from Dushanbe on the stage of the famous vocal competition “X Factor” captivated not only the judges, but also hundreds of thousands of television viewers. Immediately after the guy was shown on air, he became a real Internet star. Now Daniel has no end to fans, he receives dozens of letters on social networks, and in his native Dushanbe they film TV shows about him. But the guy himself is embarrassed by everyone’s attention.

- I'm not used to this,— Daniel admitted to the FACTS correspondent. — I don’t know how to behave in front of cameras yet. I’m embarrassed, I don’t know what to say... When I was going to the Ukrainian X-Factor, I didn’t believe that I would succeed here. And I certainly didn’t expect to get four “yes.” Besides, my adventures began at the border.

On the X Factor stage, Daniel Rustamov performed the song Radioactive by the American group Imagine Dragons. The audience gave the guy a standing ovation. And judges Konstantin Meladze, Andrey Danilko, Yulia Sanina and Anton Savlepov unanimously stated that Daniel goes to the next stage of the vocal show - he goes to a training camp.

— In order not to worry during the performance, I tried not to look at the judges at all,- Daniel admits. — I looked at the audience and it helped. Before going to the competition, I read about the judges. I felt that Anton Savlepov and Yulia Sanina should like my performance. I had my doubts about Andrei Danilko. For some reason I thought that he would tell me “no”. But with Konstantin Meladze there is a special story. A year ago, long before the X Factor, I dreamed that I was singing on stage for Konstantin Meladze and he really liked my performance. Since then, I often recalled this dream and dreamed: “If only Meladze could hear me! What if the dream comes true? But in Dushanbe he definitely wouldn’t have heard me.

— Is that why you decided to go to the competition in Ukraine?

- Not really. The X Factor producers found me themselves. It all started when a girl from this project wrote to me on social networks. It turned out that she watched videos of my performances on the Internet and decided to invite me to the show. Of course, I was very happy, but I didn’t tell my friends or family about it. The fact is that several years ago I tried to get on the Russian show “The Voice”, but not a single judge turned to me. Then, having received an invitation to a blind audition, I told everyone I could about it. I walked around happy and boasted to my friends: “I’m participating in “The Voice”!” And at the first audition I failed miserably. Therefore, this time I decided to remain silent. Even when I received four “yes” from the judges, I didn’t tell anyone except my parents. I decided wait until they show me on air.

At home, his mother, father, brother and two sisters are cheering for Daniel Rustamov.

— In our family, I’m the only one who plays music.- says Daniel. — Mom has an absolute ear for music, but all her life she only sang at home in the kitchen. I helped cook and sang along with her. Then he began performing at school concerts. I had two hobbies back then: singing and taekwondo.(Daniel even received a black belt in taekwondo. — Auto.). And in the tenth grade, after participating in a karaoke show, my friend and I decided to create a cover band. They performed together for two years. But I didn't always have enough time for music. Our family did not live well, and in high school I already worked part-time: I sold fruit at the market. Because I had to work, after school I didn’t go to university for two years. Now, by the way, I’m already a student. I study at the University of Culture.

I was traveling to Ukraine via Moscow. At the border, border guards stopped me: “Who are you? Where are you going and why?” I explained that I was going to the X Factor. They didn't believe it. They let everyone through, and I was taken for interrogation. For some reason, when they see people from Tajikistan, many people think that they are going to work. So they took me for a migrant worker. The border guards had another version: I was going to Ukraine for war. When we finally missed it, I already hoped that all the adventures were behind us. But Ukrainian border guards also began to doubt. “Well, how else can I prove that I’m going to a vocal show? — I asked them during the next interrogation. “Let me sing, you’ll understand everything yourself!” But there was no need to sing. Luckily, they let me through.

On the way to Ukraine, I seemed to have time to get ready for the performance. But what I wasn’t ready for was cameras and interviews. I was so excited that I even made a mistake when giving my date of birth. I told reporters that I was twenty years old, although in fact I was twenty-one. I realized this already when the performance was shown on air. That's why now everyone who writes about me calls me twenty.

— Did you watch the recording of your performance?

- No, I was busy. I recently found a part-time job: I sing in a restaurant. I didn't know what day they would show me. I come home from work and see a dozen missed calls and messages on social networks. “Wow! - Think. “That means they’ve already shown me.” I don’t know what will happen next, but I’m already performing at« The X Factor changed my life dramatically. Many people learned about me, and for a beginning musician this is important. In addition, I write my own music and hope to find a producer in the future. And how happy my family was! Grandma said for a long time: “I want to see you on TV already! Come on, do something! Now grandma is happy. In addition, my performance was shown on local television in Dushanbe.

— Judging by your Facebook page, after “The X Factor” you got a lot of fans...

- Yes, and they all ask the same question in their letters: “Do you have a girlfriend?” There is no girl, but for now I’m not thinking about it. Now the main thing for me is my career. And I can always manage my personal life.

For the first time, a Tajik guy took part in the X-Factor competition, and his video of his performance on the Internet is accompanied by dozens of comments. Daniel's performance was shown on Ukrainian television on the evening of October 8th.

On October 9, in a telephone conversation with Radio Ozodi from Moscow, he said that the first stage of the competition was recorded in July and was only broadcast after editing. He said that he went to Ukraine only to test his singing abilities and raise the authority of Tajikistan and wanted to show everyone that Tajiks are not only labor migrants and should not be underestimated. The X Factor judges also said that Daniel is close to his goal.

« When I first arrived in Moscow to study, my classmates asked where I would be from? When I told them that I was from Tajikistan, they looked at me askance,” said Daniel. He also said that he had previously tried several times to participate in various talent competitions in Russia, but each time his application was ignored. “By chance, one day they wrote to me, would I like to show my abilities on the X-Factor program in Ukraine? I agreed, and that’s how the dream brought me to Kyiv", he added.

Rustamov has been studying at the Moscow State Institute of Arts for the second year. At the X-Factor competition he sang the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. One of the jury members of this program Konstantin Meladze said, at first he thought this was a simple performer, but “then the wonderful performance lures you in.” Daniel noted that he dreamed of singing a song in the presence of Konstantin Meladze and such an opportunity came.

This twenty-year-old Tajik boy, having heard the praise of the X-Factor jury members, declared on Ukrainian television that he was a happy person. Dozens of netizens wrote praising comments on his performance video and encouraged him to further hone his talent. One of the users encouraged him to also sing a song in Tajik, and believes that such an experience will be successful.

Shahzodayi Samarkandi, a writer and journalist living in Holland, wrote on her Facebook page on October 9, “ Daniel Rustamov proved that there are many talented youth in Tajikistan. If economic problems do not create obstacles for them, then they will go towards their dreams. On this path there will be a cultural revolution, and I feel it in my gut».

Daniel Rustamov was born in November 1995 into a family of doctors in Dushanbe and, as he writes on his Facebook page, speaks Tajik, Russian, Korean and English. He says that they don’t have a singer in the family, but he has been in love with singing since childhood and will go with it to the end.

Participant's name: Daniel Rustamov (Begaliev)

Age (birthday): 28.11.1995

City: Dushanbe (Tajikistan), currently lives in Moscow

Education: IPCC

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Daniel was born in warm and sunny Tajikistan, where family traditions are highly valued. The boy grew up cheerful and open, and did not violate the discipline that his parents instilled in him. Rustamov was fond of singing since childhood, he liked to perform in front of the public.

In 2009, Daniel entered the local gymnasium, where he proved himself to be a good student. During his studies, he learned several foreign languages, including: English, Korean, Russian.

Rustamov actively took part in all ceremonial events and was the leader of the class. In 2013, the guy graduated from his studies and went to Moscow. There he entered the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, the department of pop-jazz vocals.

In the capital, Daniel not only studies, but also works in one of the Moscow restaurants as a soul singer. Shortly before moving to the capital, the talented Tajik managed to take part in the Ukrainian entertainment talent show “X-Factor”. There he brilliantly performed the song “Imagine Dragons” - “Radioactive”. Rustamov wanted to impress the most strict member of the jury - Konstantin Meladze. The whole hall gave him a standing ovation, not sparing their hands.

Daniel Rustamov received four “Yes” and went to training camp with the rest of the X-Factor project participants. Unfortunately, at the next stage, the charismatic Tajik dropped out of the show and returned to Moscow.

Rustamov was not used to giving up, giving up, so he went to Azerbaijan, where took part in the international song competition “Youth Vision 2017”. He again failed to reach the finals, but the resilient Daniel considers this an excellent school and invaluable experience.

In the summer of 2017, the guy registered in the project, which is under the guidance of famous performers, significant figures in the domestic pop industry: and. To get on live broadcasts and reach the finish line, the guy has to go through several stages.

The first casting started on February 10, 2018 on the TNT channel, and even then it became clear that the path to victory would be difficult.

Daniel Rustamov performed on the third broadcast, which was broadcast on February 24. He was very worried, because his whole family was rooting for him, especially his grandmother. It was her grandson who promised that he could conquer strict judges. Rustumov kept his word and brilliantly performed John Legend’s lyrical composition “All of me.”

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An ex-member of the popular group “VIA-GRA” was a guest judge at the 3rd casting. The singer most admired the unique timbre of Rustamov’s voice and wished him to “break everyone.” The guru of Russian show business, Fadeev, was not stingy with his compliments, and asked Daniel to additionally sing a song, but without musical accompaniment.

The result is three positive assessments from strict judges in the box of the young contestant and a ticket to the next round of the musical battle.

Photo by Daniel

20-year-old Dushanbe resident Daniel Rustamov took part in the first stage of the seventh season of the popular Ukrainian vocal show “X-Factor”. For the performance, the young singer chose a difficult composition - the song Radioactive by the American rock band Imagine Dragons.

All four members of the jury - Konstantin Meladze, Yulia Sanina, Andrey Danilko, Anton Savlepov - were pleasantly surprised by the young man’s performance and gave the go-ahead for his further participation in the show.

In his profile, Rustamov wrote that he came to the show to raise the status of Tajikistan and to show that there are talented guys in the country.

“People are used to the fact that Tajiks come only to earn money, like guest workers, and this is sad,” the singer admitted, speaking from the stage.

To perform on stage at such a large-scale competition and meet his idol Konstantin Meladze, according to him, was a long-time dream.

During Daniel's performance, the audience sang along with him, and some members of the jury danced along.

“A colorful character,” commented Konstantin Meladze on the participant’s performance.

“Daniel, as you understand, it’s not that difficult to move the jury members. The main thing is to choose a good song and not ruin it. You did it,” said another member of the show’s jury, Yulia Sanina.

“It seems like nothing special at first, but then you sit and can’t take your eyes off this person. Some kind of magic and some kind of hook grabs you and drags you,” Konstantin Meladze praised his fan.

“This is probably called charisma. You had a blast - and so did we. It turned out to be such a universal holiday. Well done!" - Meladze added.

The performance was recorded back in July, and was shown on Ukrainian television on Saturday, October 8. In a couple of days, a video with Daniel Rustamov’s performance spread across all social networks and collected a thousand likes and comments. Tajiks in the comments to this video thank their fellow countryman for such a bright performance, wish him victory in the competition and further success in his work.

X-Factor is the Ukrainian version of the British musical project The X Factor, the main goal of which is to find and develop the song talent of the contestants. All contestants are selected through public auditions. The selection of participants is divided into four stages: casting of producers (these auditions provide an opportunity to perform in front of the judges), telecasting (judges select the best performers), training camp (contestants perform the tasks of the judges, the judges select 12 performers - 3 performers in each category), live broadcasts , where the finalist of the competition is selected.

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