Joan's Angel Day according to the church calendar. Jeanne's name day (Jeanne's Angel Day) according to the Orthodox calendar

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Since childhood, Zhanna has been a very stubborn girl. She loves herself very much. She finds a common language with children, makes friends for a long time, and finds true friends. However, friendship does not last long, until it is offended by word or action. As soon as this happens, she will immediately cut off all ties and stop communicating. The offense will always be remembered.

Having already matured, Zhanna becomes a lighter person. It’s no longer so difficult to communicate with her and she won’t remember the insults for so long. She is very witty and can tell a good joke. But if he offends a person, he will try by all means to correct his mistake. Zhanna always has a good reputation in the team. She is considered a good and reliable friend who will always come to the rescue.

She is not particularly picky about men, which is why she always has several marriages. Raises children with the utmost severity. Professionally, Zhanna has no problems. She often organizes her own business, because she does not like to depend on anyone, but on the contrary, she likes it when they follow her. He always achieves considerable success in his work.

Fate: Zhanna is a wonderful hostess.

Angel Jeanne's Day

The name Zhanna is a French variation of the name John, which managed to take root in Russia. Translated from Hebrew, this name means “mercy of God,” “grace,” “gift of the Gods.” In France, the name Jeanne comes from the name Jean, an analogue of the name Ivan. Zhanna is a passionate name. He has enough firmness, the ability to concentrate for a long time and even courage. The latter, by the way, is associated not only with the sound energy of the word, but also with the heroic image of the great Frenchwoman Joan of Arc. It feels like the tongues of that memorable fire that killed the brave woman scorched the character of the other bearers of this name.

The name has a significant impact on the character of a person and his destiny. It can turn a naturally weak boy into a strong man, and from a shy girl into the life of the party and a bright personality. Jeanne is a beautiful and rare name of French origin. What does it prophesy to its owner?


During the popularization of Christianity in European countries, derivatives of biblical names were formed, and France was no exception. Jeanne is a female name that originates in ancient Israel from the name John, which translated from ancient Hebrew means “merciful of God,” “God’s mercy,” “God’s grace.” In France, John turned into Jean (French Jean), and soon he had a female form - Jeanne (Old French Jehanne, French Jeanne).

There is another version of the origin of this name from the Arabic جنة (“jana”), which means “Garden of Eden”, “garden of grace”.

Name forms

Most of the forms of the name are reminiscent of its French origin:

  • Zhannochka;
  • Jeannine;
  • Jeanette;
  • Janelle;
  • Zhana;
  • Nana;
  • Gianna;
  • Jenna;
  • Juana;
  • Juanet;
  • Jonet.

Church tradition

Jeanne is not in the Orthodox calendar, so her name does not have a church form. At baptism, Jeanne receives a different name - Joanna. The patron saint of the name is Joanna the Myrrh-Bearer (name day on July 10), but Jeanne can also celebrate her name day on Midsummer (July 7).

According to biblical tradition, Joanna the Myrrh-Bearer was one of the women who followed Jesus Christ, and later participated in the proclamation of His resurrection

Table: the name Zhanna in other languages

GreekΙωάννα Joanna
Chinese让娜 rangnà, Zhanna
Korean잔나 Zhana
Japaneseジャンヌ Jannah

Photo gallery: famous Joan

Princess Joan of Navarre, reigning Queen of Navarre from 1274, daughter and heir of Henry I and Queen of France, from 1285 - wife of Philip IV the Fair Joan of Arc, national heroine of France, one of the commanders of the French troops in the Hundred Years' War, subsequently condemned as a heretic and Joan of Constantinople, who ruled the counties of Flanders and Gennegau for 39 years (from 1205 to 1244), was burned at the stake.

Related names

Jeanne has many related names - both male and female, derived from the famous biblical name John. Such popular names as Jean, Ivan, Juan, John, Zheanna, Giovannina, Juana were formed from him. There are several feminine cognates in English: Joan, Joanna, Jane, Jen. The famous English writer Charlotte Bronte gave this name to the main character of her fascinating novel “Jane Eyre,” which was filmed several times.

Director Cary Fukunaga's 2011 film Jane Eyre won an Oscar for Best Costume Design.


Transliteration of the name is used when obtaining a foreign passport, ordering goods abroad, booking a room in a foreign hotel, and issuing credit and debit cards.

According to the latest transliteration rules, the name Zhanna is written in Latin as Zhanna. Janna, Zanna, Ganna forms will be considered incorrect and may result in cancellation of the document or booking.

Matching middle names

The following middle names combine beautifully with the name Zhanna:

  • Borisovna;
  • Valentinovna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Evgenievna;
  • Robertovna;
  • Yuryevna.

Meaning of the letters of the name

Felix Kazimirovich Velichko, a Russian astrologer and consultant to the astrological magazine “Horoscope,” was one of the first to suggest assigning a separate meaning to each letter of the name. He drew attention to the fact that each letter has its own semantic and emotional connotation. Based on the meaning of each letter, the whole meaning of the name, its own associative series, is derived:

  1. F - a meaningful inner world that is not revealed to everyone you meet.
  2. A - the initial impulse, desire and will to implement the plan; the desire for inner balance and tranquility.
  3. N - refusal to thoughtlessly accept everything that is imposed, internal strength and independence in judgment.
Russian astrologer, consultant of the astrological magazine "Horoscope" Felix Kazimirovich Velichko

Based on the meaning of these letters, Zhanna can be characterized as a purposeful person who has keen critical thinking and relies on her extensive knowledge when making decisions. Zhanna is able to distinguish her desires from those imposed and may be inclined to solitude - as a self-confident person with a rich inner world, Zhanna feels comfortable alone. All the letters of her name indicate independence and self-sufficiency. Zhanna has a fairly clear goal and has the energy and driving force to achieve it. However, her success largely depends on whether she can show not only impulsiveness, but also diligence.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Psychologists and esotericists offer many theories that explain the influence of a name on a person’s character.

According to the associative theory, a name evokes certain unconscious associations both in its owner and in the people around her. Psychologists conducted a study: a number of people were asked to answer the question with which color they associate this or that name. It turned out that the majority of respondents had the same associative series. The reasons for their occurrence are not yet fully understood. It can be assumed that when identifying himself with his name, a person gradually takes on the properties attributed to him by associations.

Queen Joan of Naples ruled Naples from 1343 to 1382, became famous for her cruelty, but also had positive qualities: for example, she patronized art and literature

Thus, the name Zhanna can evoke associations with the colors red and orange, which traditionally symbolize assertiveness, energy, and sometimes aggression and selfishness. The first letter of the name Zhanna evokes heat and harshness, perhaps even cruelty. However, this impression is smoothed out by the consonance with the word “femininity”. This is a rare name in Russia. It can be assumed that its owner comes from a bohemian or wealthy family or a family with foreign roots. Many may find the sound of the name pleasant, but for some people it may evoke associations with affectation and arrogance - such a prejudiced attitude can affect the character of the bearer of the name.

Zhanna is one of those queens who loves luxury and the night, but she is not destined to reign on earth for a long time. Well, for now, like a goddess, they carry Zhanna, Zhanna in their arms.

Aria - Rose Street

Zhanna in childhood

As a child, Zhanna demonstrates such qualities as curiosity, perseverance, and a keen interest in everything around her. Her persistence can manifest itself both as a positive quality, helping in studying and mastering new skills, and as a negative one - Zhanna can demonstrate amazing obstinacy, violating the boundaries and prohibitions set by her parents. Zhanna is a child with unstable self-esteem. She is naturally confident, but this confidence can turn into narcissism if parents and teachers are not careful in their praise.

The older Zhanna gets, the more clearly her wayward character manifests itself.

And there is something to praise Zhanna for - the girl from an early age demonstrates the makings of creative, original thinking. This allows her to make great progress in school without much perseverance, especially in the elementary grades. However, if Zhanna does not practice concentrating on one task, in high school she may drop to “C” due to the fact that studying will seem boring to her.


Having matured, Zhanna turns into a charming and sociable woman who easily makes new acquaintances. Her positive attitude, sense of humor, determination and openness attract people. Zhanna prefers to avoid conflicts and often makes compromises.

Zhanna is not in good health. As a rule, she is highly susceptible to seasonal colds. Zhanna often suffers from metabolic syndrome, and therefore quickly gains excess weight.

Important years in Zhanna's life: 17, 24, 26, 29.

Zhanna, being proud and self-sufficient, rarely marries early. Most often, she agrees to become the wife of a persistent and persistent admirer, in whom she sees a person no less strong than herself. In marital relationships, Zhanna can be impulsive, quarrelsome, hot-tempered, but very responsible. She takes housekeeping and raising children extremely seriously, easily distributes and delegates housekeeping responsibilities to her children and husband, happily putting herself in the role of leader.

Zhanna knows how to distribute household chores among her family members

Zhanna has a well-developed sense of beauty. If her artistic talent was noticed in time, then Zhanna could become an excellent artist, sculptor, or photographer. However, other creative professions are also good for Zhanna: makeup artist, hairdresser, florist. She has a great chance of becoming a successful stylist thanks to her innate impeccable taste. What Zhanna should not do is office work. Monotonous fussing with papers, monotonous workdays will quickly drive her crazy.

Table: name correspondences to planets and nature

Photo gallery: artists named Zhanna

Russian singer, collector and performer of Russian folk songs and urban romances Zhanna Bichevskaya People's Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Prokhorenko, made her debut in the title role in the film G.N. Chukhraya “Ballad of a Soldier” Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, performer of Soviet film hits “Call me, call”, “Fortune Teller”

Table: Zhanna's compatibility with other names

AlexanderPassionate relationships, many quarrels and reconciliations
AlexeiStrong marriage, reliable and long-lasting relationships
AndreyTemperamental relationships, love and hate, jealousy
VictorSexual compatibility, but few common interests
DmitriyMuch in common, high sexual compatibility, incompatibility in everyday life
EugeneIf you manage to overcome contradictions - a long and strong union
IlyaConstant struggle for leadership
MaksimStormy emotions, noisy showdowns
MichaelFrequent quarrels and stormy reconciliations, a lasting marriage is impossible
OlegRarely leads to a strong marriage, emotionality and noisy quarrels
SergeySincere love and passion, struggle for leadership
StepanVivid but short-lived relationships, the need for compromise
TimurThe complete opposite of quiet family life, passion and quarrels


The time of year in which Jeanne is born also leaves a certain imprint on her character:

  • spring Zhanna is a purposeful careerist. She always puts self-realization and career growth first, and only then - feelings, love and experiences;
  • Summer Zhanna is hot-tempered and impulsive, ambitious and selfish, but, as a rule, she hides it well. Zhanna, born in the summer, always does everything better than others;
  • Autumn Zhanna knows how to distribute her load, so she is not in danger of overwork. She is unpredictable, but not destructive;
  • Winter Zhanna knows how to seduce and manipulate. She knows very well that she is irresistible, and she freely uses this, she is freedom-loving and tries not to get attached to people.

Name horoscope

The characteristic features of a name and zodiac sign can not only complement each other, but also conflict, so when choosing a name for a child, you need to take into account how his energy will interact with the zodiac. Briefly, the characteristics of Jeanne, born under one sign or another, are as follows:

Bearers of this name are warriors and actresses, queens and singers, rulers and seductresses. Zhanna's energy is assertive, it is an impulsive force that helps her achieve her goals and stand her ground. By accepting her nature and learning to use it for good, Zhanna can reach dizzying heights in almost all areas.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: The French form of the name John, “Grace”, “Mercy of God”, which has become widespread in Russia

Energy of the name and character: Zhanna is a passionate name. He has enough firmness, the ability to concentrate for a long time and even courage. The latter, by the way, is associated not only with the sound energy of the word, but also with the heroic image of the great Frenchwoman Joan of Arc. It feels like the tongues of that memorable fire that killed the brave woman scorched the character of the rest of the bearers of this name.

Usually, passion begins to distinguish Zhanna from childhood. At first it manifests itself in games, in frequent quarrels and conflicts with friends. This is then reflected in an early interest in boys, in whose company Zhanna often gravitates more willingly than in girls’ company. It is not a fact that she will turn into a kind of robber; it happens that her passion surprisingly begins to combine with active study, especially if her parents instilled in her an interest in science. Many bearers of this name find an outlet for their energy in sports, where they sometimes achieve noticeable success. In a word, Zhanna’s parents should be very careful and not let her upbringing take its course, since the lively character of their daughter in her youth could push her into more than one stupidity.

With age, Zhanna's passionate temperament can serve her well, or just the opposite. It can manifest itself perfectly in the same sport, in a stage career, in some kind of art, but in family life this will most likely become a source of conflicts and discord. The same applies to doing business or even ordinary work, where excessive emotionality only ruins all good undertakings. If Zhanna wants to create favorable living conditions for herself and her loved ones, then she should not expect understanding from others, but rather find real inner balance herself, not just for show. You can do this by learning good self-irony and trying to understand people not with your feelings, but with your head. Perhaps one day she herself will be very surprised when, in the place of her former sworn enemies, who continually darkened her life, she sees nice and normal people. In addition, having found balance, Zhanna is able to discover unique abilities in herself that border on extrasensory.

Secrets of communication: Very often, Zhanna’s passion makes any argument with her absolutely impossible, and therefore long squabbles are unlikely to lead to anything good. Most likely, after some time the conflict will break out again. This can only be calmed down with good humor, but in no case with ridicule!

The name's trace in history:

Joan of Arc

The name of this amazing woman - Joan of Arc - is associated with a great many traditions and legends, where fairy tales are intricately intertwined with reality. Who was she, this girl who was given the power to decide the destinies of the greats of this world? Where did she get her unshakable confidence in her strength?

The answers to these questions are no less strange and incredible. If you believe the legend, the peasant's daughter Jeanne, when the English conquerors had already occupied most of France, suddenly began to see amazing dreams. In these half-dreams, half-visions (they were so real), saints appeared to her, with assurances that she was destined for a great mission.

After carefully listening to her “nonsense,” the heir to the French throne, the Dauphin Charles, nevertheless decided, like a drowning man, to clutch at straws and allocated the girl a small army, at the head of which Jeanne defeated the British in the Battle of Orleans. It is said that she fought with such courage that she was superior to men in many ways; she terrified her enemies with just her warlike appearance - so great was her inner strength.

In 1431, the French handed over the Maid of Orleans to the British - the French king saw in her, who saved the entire country, a threat to his throne. So Joan of Arc, the virgin heroine, was captured and, accused of witchcraft, was burned at the stake in Rouen.

According to Mendelev

Zhanna’s personality is characterized by extremely high self-esteem, which conflicts with the real properties of her nature, “rough”, non-contact, and awkward in communication. In real life, war with its merciless laws, fortunately, does not always happen, and a person, oriented, so to speak, to the “laws of war,” in peacetime feels uncomfortable himself and makes the life of those around him uncomfortable. If this person is a woman, then she additionally acquires traits that are generally not characteristic of women. In the particular case of the name Zhanna, this is a pretentious woman. She expresses her opinions in an authoritarian, indisputable manner, which naturally causes irritation in response. Zhanna mistakes the kindness of those around her for weakness and seeks to command them or use these people for her own purposes. The response is mute and sometimes outright hostility, and living in conditions of constant conflict is a difficult matter. Being determined and

Having a quick reaction, Zhanna acts without taking into account the interests of others, which is again perceived as ingratitude and even aggressiveness on her part.

Zhanna leads her family with an “iron hand,” suppressing and pushing into the depths barely emerging conflicts. Most often, the family does not fall apart, but an explosion is still likely.

At work, Zhanna usually achieves a small but leadership position - this is her “ceiling”. Of course, if she manages - which is very difficult - to change herself, everything could go differently.

The color of the name is brick red.

According to Popov

If you know that Jeanne has a tea set for six people and there are already six guests, do not expect to become the seventh, even if you are the Japanese emperor. Zhanna will not put a cutlery from another set on the table for you.

According to Higir

French version of the name John.

She is growing up to be a peculiar girl. His character reminds him of his father and often inherits from him such traits as stubbornness, perseverance, and selfishness. She is moderately sociable, loves board games as a child, and willingly gets involved in boyish activities. In the children's group she is friendly with everyone, but she does not forgive insults and can even beat up the offender. He devotes a lot of time to sports, loves skiing, basketball, and swimming. Exact sciences are more successful.

Zhanna develops friendly relations with the boys. She knows how to make friends; a friend for her is her second self. He doesn’t let his friends down, he tries not to quarrel with them over trifles.

He chooses a male profession, for example, he can be an excellent auto mechanic. There is also a “masculine” taste in clothing - a tracksuit, a jacket, jeans. But Zhanna can only be seen in a woman’s elegant dress on special occasions. She knows how to be irresistible, but rarely uses it. This girl has a “groovy” personality. He won't go out of his way to talk, but he doesn't like to gossip.

Doesn't strive for early marriage. Before marriage, he usually manages to finish college and work. She marries those whom she has known for a long time and well, often this is a long-standing friendship, almost from school. In marriage, she is the leader; the husband relies on her energy and intuition in almost everything. Zhanna cooks according to her mood; her husband often does it. Zhanna's children receive a Spartan upbringing and clearly know their responsibilities around the house.

Many Zhannas smoke and are not averse to having fun in company and drinking. They often marry twice.

Zhanna's hard work allows her to earn good money, she can successfully realize herself in business.

Meaning of the name Zhanna:"God's mercy" (Hebrew)

Since childhood, Zhanna has been a very stubborn girl. She loves herself very much. She finds a common language with children, makes friends for a long time, and finds true friends. However, friendship does not last long, until it is offended by word or action. As soon as this happens, she will immediately cut off all ties and stop communicating. The offense will always be remembered.

Having already matured, Zhanna becomes a lighter person. It’s no longer so difficult to communicate with her and she won’t remember the insults for so long. She is very witty and can tell a good joke. But if he offends a person, he will try by all means to correct his mistake. Zhanna always has a good reputation in the team. She is considered a good and reliable friend who will always come to the rescue.

She is not particularly picky about men, which is why she always has several marriages. Raises children with the utmost severity.

Professionally, Zhanna has no problems. She often organizes her own business, because she does not like to depend on anyone, but on the contrary, she likes it when they follow her. He always achieves considerable success in his work.

Other forms of the name Zhanna: Ioanna, Zhanneta, Zhannochka.

Amazing appearance
There is charisma and soul -
Our Zhanna is so beautiful
Like the sun, beautiful!

Today we wish
Zhanna has vigor and strength,
So that every ray of sunshine
He brought joy and happiness.

Congratulations, Zhanna,
Be happy dear
Joy, goodness and peace
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let them always warm your heart
Tenderness, affection and love,
And may good luck cover you
You with a warm wave.

Let your wishes come true
Everything you want will happen
Move towards your cherished goal,
Make your dreams come true.

Dear Zhannochka, congratulations on your wonderful and joyful day. May your life be bright and happy, may fate give true love and true goodness, may peace and comfort always reign in your home, may there always be celebration and joy in your soul.

Tender and strong
Fashionable and stylish,
Rich in kindness,
You are a winged muse.
Everything you have comes from God:
Long journey of life
Palms full of happiness,
If there is sadness, then make-believe,
If joy is from the heart.
Keep your congratulations and poem.
Be loved and desired!
Congratulations, Zhanna!

May good luck tirelessly
Helps and invigorates
May you, beautiful Zhanna
God will protect you from sadness

Let success decorate
Every moment and every day,
Let friends just surround you,
And there is peace in the soul!

Congratulations, Zhannochka, on your holiday!
And I wish you all the best:
And good health, and earthly love,
So that everything goes well in the family, there is peace and quiet.
Be happy in everything, go through life with a song
And keep a beautiful dream in your heart.

I wish you, Zhannochka, now,
Great happiness, sweet moments,
May you always shine like a diamond,
I wish you many bright impressions!

Let the most desired things come true,
May your soul be full of joy!
Let your heart overflow with happiness,
May you be in love with your life!

I wish you only good things,
And let trouble not come to your house,
You, Zhanna, are always strong,
So let him not let you down further.

I'm lucky in every field,
Let the prosperity be excellent,
And may he find you in love,
Your prince is handsome and decent!

In its untouched beauty,
You control millions
And in the heavenly heights
You shine brightly from the sky!

It’s your holiday today, Zhanna,
Accept congratulations,
Let life be always happy
Filling to the brim!

Let desires, like in a fairy tale,
Will be fulfilled quickly
You will have it in stock
A million wonderful days!

You are beautiful and smart
Good and versatile
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You, sunny Zhanna.

Everyday life is not boring
I also wish you delight
Let diamonds burn in your ears,
Well, mink warms your shoulders.

Let your loved one be nearby
May everything in life succeed,
Let your career lead you upward,
Let life be merry.

Congratulations to dear Zhanna
I'm sending you flying
Let among hundreds of wishes
My greetings will find you.

I wish you to be happy
You had a destiny
So that she doesn't regret it
Tenderness, love, kindness.

To generously give affection,
I didn’t skimp on luck,
I wish life
Yours has turned into a fairy tale.

Congratulations: 39 in verse, 8 in prose.

Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Joan's name day

Saints with the name Zhanna are venerated 2 times.

  • May 3 - St. John the Myrrh-Bearer;
  • July 10 - St. John the Myrrh-Bearer, righteous.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Zhanna:

The French version of the name John is “mercy of God,” grace, gracious, sublime. Joan of Arc is a French patriot and folk heroine. Recently, we have been using this name as a new, non-canonical one. It is possible that the name Jeanne comes from the Arabic word janna - “garden”, “paradise”, “garden of eternity”, “garden of grace”, “abode of the world”, “sublime”.

Zhanna is a passionate name. He has enough firmness, the ability to concentrate for a long time and even courage. The latter, by the way, is associated not only with the sound energy of the word, but also with the heroic image of the great Frenchwoman Joan of Arc. It feels like the tongues of that memorable fire that killed the brave woman scorched the character of the other bearers of this name.

Usually, passion begins to distinguish Zhanna from childhood. At first it manifests itself in games, in frequent quarrels and conflicts with friends. This is then reflected in an early interest in boys, in whose company Zhanna often gravitates more willingly than in girls’ company. It is not a fact that she will turn into a kind of robber; it happens that her passion surprisingly begins to combine with active study, especially if her parents instilled in her an interest in science. Many bearers of this name find an outlet for their energy in sports, where they sometimes achieve noticeable success. In a word, Zhanna’s parents should be very careful and not let her upbringing take its course, since the lively character of their daughter in her youth could push her into more than one stupidity.

Congratulations on Zhanna's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Zhanna's name day and congratulate Zhanna on her angel's day.

You are loved and desired

You are beautiful and bright

Only Zhanna is on everyone’s lips!

How many guys have you brought together!

Everyone is sad, they can’t sleep,

Like me, they write poetry.

They are looking for a meeting, can’t sit still,

Everyone is crazy about gifts.

Climb to a new level

On this crystal clear day

You, Zhanneta, have to.

What does this day hold?

An avalanche of warm wishes

From faithful, devoted friends,

tell friends