Open day at the children's library program. Shadow theater and superheroes: an open day will be held in libraries

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On September 20, 2017, library branch No. 1 invited everyone to an Open Day. And it’s nice that there were a lot of guests. On this day, organized groups came to us: kindergarten No. 11 (group “Pochemuchki”), 5th and 6th grades of school No. 5, 8th grade of school No. 2 and regular library readers.

What did the library tell and show? Firstly, what it has. These are subscriptions, there are two of them in the library - for adults and for children, a reading room with a WI-FI coverage area, a KinoVITok video room, a department for acquiring and using the book collection, and book storage. Secondly, the most valuable thing for the library and the reader are books of different genres, for every reader’s taste, as well as periodicals. Thirdly, there are interest clubs for any age created on the basis of the library; there are four of them in the library: the family club “Krokha+”, the creative club “Svetyolochka”, the video club “KinoVITok”, the communication club “Severyanochka”.

To interest the reader, library staff prepared interactive platforms and exciting events for all those present.

Thus, the educational program “I read - I know a lot!” was held in the children's subscription for preschoolers. In an entertaining way, the kids got acquainted with the library, the rules for using books, behavior in the library, and also learned about what a book consists of, what kind of covers there are, what a bookmark is for, etc. With the help of riddles about books, the children consolidated their knowledge, and, of course, there was some time left for playing.

An excursion “There is a library next door” was held for school students. The schoolchildren visited the reading room, where they had to complete several tasks. For example, to find the answer to a question about WI-FI, to find given definitions on the topic “ecology” in the pyramid of encyclopedic publications, and even had the opportunity to make an original bookmark for books with my own hands. During the adult subscription, schoolchildren got acquainted with the contents of the book collection and took part in the quiz “What do I know about the library.”

The visit to the book depository aroused great curiosity among the schoolchildren. The room with shelves contains several thousand books. The children learned how books are arranged and how librarians find the ones they need.

The next stop was the KinoVITok video hall. The children received information about the work of the video hall, answered questions about cinema and watched videos.

The final event of the Open Day was the screening of a feature film in the KinoVItok video hall about the first manned spacewalk, “Time of the First,” which was released in 2017.

In total, more than 80 people visited library branch No. 1 on the Open Day.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to visit our library, become our reader, and we want to say that our doors are always open for you!

Head of library-branch No. 1 Khalchenko N.A.

01-06-2016 12:48

On the eve of the professional holiday of the All-Russian Library Day and within the framework of the Year of Russian Cinema on May 26 in the library - branch No. 3 named after. N. Ostrovsky hosted an Open Day “Library Cinema Style”.

To attract the attention of residents of the neighborhood to the library, librarians decided to organize a street mob action “How to get to the library?”, the basis of which was a blitz survey. The action took place in an open area, near the Druzhba stop, where there is always a large flow of people. All passersby were asked the question: “How to get to the library?” from the starting point where we are to the library.

People who knew where our library was located were given business cards with invitations to the Open Day, and those who found it difficult to answer the question were given business cards with the address and a route map that would lead them to the library from the starting point. And, of course, librarians invited all respondents to sign up for the library and attend festive events.

The campaign showed that many residents know where the library is located in their neighborhood.

During the day, the library had several areas open. For students of school No. 28, librarian E.V. Sinchuk gave a tour of the library, during which they learned about the history of the development of libraries and the role of the librarian profession in society, became acquainted with the historical milestones of our library, departments and reference bibliographic apparatus.

After the excursion, the librarian invited the students to try themselves in the role of a librarian - to find books at the reader's request using a search in the alphabetical catalog. The understudy show “Try Yourself in the Profession” was very interesting. The students tried to find the books they needed, and all the understudies enjoyed being in the role of a librarian. E.V. Sinchuk spoke about educational institutions where you can get this wonderful profession.

The quiz “About the library both as a joke and seriously” aroused great interest among the children, which revealed the level of students’ knowledge about the library and books. The most active quiz participants received prizes. After the quiz, librarian I.V. Kostovskaya reviewed youth periodicals “The Good World of Your Friends.”

Another of the most interesting platforms for young people was the film quest “Oh, cinema, cinema!”, conducted by librarian O.Yu. Ivashchenko. Kinoquest introduced the children to a galaxy of famous actors, to the secrets of the filming process, and to film adaptations. Students from school No. 13 took part in it.

All participants were divided into two teams. At each stage of the game, the winning team received a fragment of a quotation so that at the end of the quest, from the words received, they could correctly formulate a well-known statement by a Russian writer, whose works were repeatedly filmed not only in Russia, but also abroad.

For 2 hours the guys fought in an intellectual battle for a better knowledge of the history of Russian cinema. As part of the quest, the following took place: a quiz “Recognize a movie by a phrase”, an intellectual ring “Famous books on which movies were made”; the quiz question “Cinema in the Faces”, as well as the game “Profession Screenwriter”, which forced the participants to transform into screenwriters, creating the script “One Day in the Life”, using an already existing set of words hidden in an envelope.

The teams performed well in both creative and intellectual tasks. The result of the event was the awarding of the winners. It was nice to hear enthusiastic reviews from the children who were able to discover something new for themselves and increase their interest in creativity, cinema, reading and literature in general.

And cinema connoisseurs gathered in the reading room, and on that day there was a film mix for them “Not a gray one, not a mouse: the image of a librarian in cinema.”

Although the librarian profession is not among the ten most popular professions, nevertheless, the image of a librarian and library is very popular among filmmakers. Is the myth of the gray library mouse really that persistent? Guests enjoyed watching excerpts from classic films, beloved by more than one generation of viewers, which reveal the best character traits and types of a 20th century librarian: “By the Lake,” “There Lives a Guy Like This,” “In Love of His Own Will,” “Come Tomorrow.”

But already at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, the positive image of the profession in cinema was replaced by the image of a librarian with glasses, with a knot of hair at the back of his head. The librarians on the screen are cutesy, uptight and suffer from many complexes. An excerpt from the phantasmagoric comedy “Mechanical Suite” very accurately paints this image; besides, librarians are always worried that few readers are going to the library. But footage from foreign cinema dispelled the myth that the librarian is a gray mouse. In the films “The Librarian”, “Librarian-2”, “The Mummy”, “The Secret is in His Hands” and others, the librarian acts as a superhero, and the library is full of secret knowledge, and the profession is not “bookworm”, but the keeper of wisdom. The stereotype that only potential “blue stockings” and “gray mice” go to work in the library is destroyed by the youth comedy “March Cats”. The fact that the film mix was a success is evidenced by the enthusiastic reviews of the guests, who learned a lot of interesting things from the films they watched.

The concert “To You, My Library,” in which creative groups took part (the vocal and folk ensemble “Tavrichanka” and the choir of war and labor veterans “Red Carnation”) gave the audience a lot of positive emotions, and the smiles that evening spoke of one thing - a holiday, definitely a success! The guests and students of music school No. 2, who always give us many bright, soulful compositions, were warmly greeted.

The surprise exhibition “Good Book + Gift”, presented on a subscription, was very popular that day. Each reader who took a book from this exhibition received a book or magazine as a gift.

In the reading room there was a hobby exhibition “Man-Made Magic”, which presented the works of library reader Galina Petrovna Stepanova, who conducted a master class “Ribbon Embroidery”.

The unusual bouquet was made by our readers and library guests. All wishes were written on improvised petals, from which the library bouquet “Congratulate your library” was compiled.

And one more surprise awaited our readers and guests. They became participants in the charity event “Get a book as a souvenir for your heart and soul.” Each of them took a book from the “free” shelf.

We thank everyone who did not remain indifferent, put aside their business and came to our holiday.

More than 100 people took part in the event. 28 new readers have signed up for the library!

The Kalinovskaya Library is open to visitors both on holidays and on weekdays. Here you can always find something new and interesting. A game called “Fun of Russian Antiquity,” dedicated to the history of toys, was educational and, most importantly, fun for primary school children.

Here you could not only see, but also touch toys made of clay, wood, straw, dolls and balls sewn from fabric, and much more. Adult readers brought their favorite toys from their childhood to the library: tumbler, clowns, whistles, plastic dolls. The children also saw modern toys at the exhibition - a porcelain doll, a transformer and a robot. We also looked at a marionette doll. These are acting dolls in puppet theaters.. The guys guessed riddles about toys and enjoyed recalling the poems of A.L., familiar to all generations of people in our country. Barto about toys.

A little later, children in grades 5 and 6, under the guidance of technology teacher Galimova O.S. helped the library prepare emoticons for the upcoming holiday dedicated to Children's Day. With these festive crafts we will congratulate all participants of the event at the holiday.

For the readers who visited the library that day, the librarian prepared a quiz question dedicated to books and literary works, which had to be answered.

The school year is ending, the holidays are ahead, but books have no holidays. They are always ready to meet with readers.

Library branch No. 1 in Rastorguev decided to celebrate All-Russian Library Day together with its readers: the library held an open day called “Welcome to the library or outsiders are allowed to enter.” An interesting program awaited everyone who came to our library that day: a tour of the library, acquaintance with the exhibitions “The Library Through the Years”, “An Old, Old Book”, “Uncountable Diamonds...”.

You could get acquainted with the 91-year history of the library by watching the presentation “Into the beautiful is far from the pure source...we continue our journey.”

The kids, who could not yet read, were brought to the library by their mothers and fathers. After all, it is necessary to accustom a child to books and reading from a very early age. The kids took part in the “Throw away the pacifier - pick up a book!” campaign. The winner of this campaign was the youngest future reader, Yaroslav. She received a book as a gift - a little book “Who Says Moo-oo-oo?”.

Older children actively participated in the literary riddles competition “Journey through the pages of a book of fairy tales.” Using a short poetic riddle, it was necessary to recognize the fairy-tale hero and the fairy tale from which he came. The children did an excellent job and showed themselves to be excellent experts on fairy tales. It was difficult to choose a winner, so all participants received awards.

Both children and adults enjoyed watching the cartoon “Peppa Pig in the Library.” It was useful for everyone to remember that they need to return books to the library on time, and not wait ten years, like Daddy Pig.

For older readers, a selection of statements by famous people about books and reading was prepared and a quick survey “What is a library for you?” was conducted. In their responses, readers emphasized that the library has been their favorite place all their lives, where they find rest for the soul, food for the mind and the opportunity to communicate with good people.

All visitors, both children and adults, could take their favorite book from the book sale “Let’s give the book to good hands.”

Our dear readers! We thank everyone who did not remain indifferent, put aside their business and came to our holiday.

On the open day, the library was visited by both new and experienced readers, who brought their friends and relatives.
We invite everyone to the library! The doors of our library are open, we are always happy to meet our readers.

And in the library of the village. On Novodrozhzhino Open Day, everyone could take part in the library route, during which they could find out how our library is structured, what a subscription is, a reader’s form, a librarian’s diary, what departments books are divided into, etc.! Young readers also learned how the library regularly and daily receives fresh magazines and newspapers through the mail.

Then a “game in reverse” was proposed. In it, every willing reader could be a librarian. It was really necessary to sign up a person, recommend this or that book, talk about the rules for using the library, and try to politely and competently answer readers’ questions! The best librarian was chosen by everyone together with the help of applause.

Regular readers also prepared congratulations for the librarian: they read poems and drew a poster with congratulations. This holiday ended with a traditional tea party. This is how we celebrated the “All-Russian Library Day”, sincerely and festively.

Photo album of the event

Open Day

“Her Majesty the Library, His Majesty the Reader!”


Who will answer all my questions?

Who will tell you about the things going on around you?

Yes, there is such a wizard in the world:

A book is my best companion and friend.

Hello, dear guests! What brought you to us? Joy or trouble?

1 assistant librarian: Dear patron of very rare and wise books. Today our young readers will be glad to meet you.

Librarian: Yes, indeed, kind, smart book friends live in my house. (Points to the bookshelf.) I talk to them often. They tell me so many funny stories!

1 assistant librarian. I've heard that you can find a lot of exciting, unusual games in books. Could you teach us some of them? I think everyone will want to take part in the game called “Gather in a book” ( a boy and a girl hand out cards with the names of literary characters to children).

Librarian: Guys, you have now received your cards. While the music is playing, you have to find the characters from your book and stand in circles. As soon as you all get together, name your book.

1 assistant librarian:

Let's open familiar books

And again we will go from page to page.

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, get to know each other, make friends.

Librarian: So, our game program continues. Our music hall is everywhere where music lives. (Addresses the children.) Guys, we invite you to take part in the riddle game “Guess the Melody” (songs from cartoons are played one by one, and children guess the names of the cartoons and performers).

1 assistant librarian. Another game I want to teach you to play is called "Learn the Tune". Now national melodies will sound and you must perform the national dance correctly. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Are you ready? Let's start! (Music is playing. The guys fulfill the conditions of the game).

1 assistant librarian. Well done! If you love to draw, then believe me, an artist, that the most interesting thing in the world is to make pictures for children's books. One day I worked for a long time. It was already late, the clock struck 12 strokes. But then I accidentally touched a jar of mascara. I rushed to pick up the spilled mascara with a brush and suddenly heard someone sniffling next to me. Turning around, I saw a little man.

Librarian: Oh, I know three brilliant games. But now I invite the guys to take part in two of them. The first game is called "Blotography". Now I will show you how to play it. Take a sheet of paper, use cotton wool or a thick brush to put watercolor blots on it. The blots fall and blur. And we must see something familiar in them and complete the drawing.

1 assistant librarian: Another game is called “Complete the Draw.” Take a small sheet of paper and make one continuous stroke. Then we look and draw to some understandable image (person, animal, object, etc.). So, young artists, come out three people per team. (The guys come out.) Please receive one unfinished drawing each. Now take one wax crayon at a time. You can spend no more than one minute on the entire drawing.

2 assistant librarian : We kindly ask you to come into our spacious book house! We ask you very much, look how fun we are living!

Librarian: So, true friends of the book. We present each team with a commemorative sign from Wonderland, a country that is not on any map of the world - the country of Chitalia.

How many times will I see you

A family of books appeared:

True story, fairy tale, tale and story -

All old friends.

But we don’t grow old, friends,

Try to take a peek

Unfold our pages -

And good luck with the book!

1 assistant librarian: I love fairy tales very much, I hope that you love them too. I have many friends in the fairy-tale world, now I will ask you questions, and you must guess who we are talking about (You can hear the ringing of a bell).

1. The French writer’s fairy tale begins like this: “For her granddaughter’s birthday, her grandmother gave her...” But I won’t say what she gave, otherwise you’ll immediately recognize her name. (“Little Red Riding Hood” by Chaol Perrault);

2. I was left an orphan when I was very young. People took me in, fed me, and then tortured me with work, starved me to death: I serve and clean, and am responsible for everyone and everything. And I had three sisters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle one - Two-Eyed and the smaller one - Three-Eyed. (“Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”);

3. I grew up in Italy

Where the oranges ripen

And lemons and olives,

But under the blue sky,

Not an olive, not a lemon,

I was born... (“Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari);

4. Nice song! The trouble is, my dear, that I’m getting old and can’t hear well. Sit on my face and sing it one more time. Who did she say that to? (“Kolobok” Russian folk tale);

Librarian: We continue our holiday. We have a magical chest of secrets. The guys will help us discover the secret. Here lie the characters of fairy tales or objects that belong to them.

1. He always loves everyone,

No matter who came to him.

Did you guess it? This is Gena

Nice Gena... (crocodile)

2. He is both cheerful and not angry -

This cute weirdo.

The owner is with him, the boy Robin,

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And I have a special scent for honey,

This is a plush prankster -

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

3. He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in this world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot,

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute face

What is called... (Cheburashka)

1 assistant librarian: What a wonderful holiday we have today! On such a wonderful day you need to talk only about good things, but books have a very sad life. And then the books that were once beautiful and new end up dirty and torn in the book hospital. And who treats them?

Aibolit. Right. Hello! Sorry for the delay. I accepted sick books. True, they do not sneeze or cough. My patient patients do not cry, do not moan, do not complain, but they suffer: somehow imperceptibly they begin to turn pale, turn yellow, dry out, and crumble into leaves. And this is where I and my assistants come to the rescue. We glue the book, straighten its pages, and make a new spine. And so that books are not offensive to us, we must remember that we must take care of them: do not read while eating, do not place dishes or food on them. And now you yourself tell me other rules for using the book.

Children name the rules for using the book.

Aibolit. Now I am sure that among you there are no those who spoil books. Take care of them, guys!

2 assistant librarian: I think that among you there are no such readers, after which the book will need to be taken to Dr. Aibolit.

Librarian: She speaks silently

But it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become better and smarter.

What is this riddle about? (About the book).

Librarian: That's right, guys! By reading, you become smarter, stronger, kinder. Today, not all book characters were able to come to your holiday. But they sent telegrams, although they forgot to sign them. Let's try to guess together who sent the congratulatory telegrams:

1. “I was running to you for a holiday and accidentally broke an egg...” Who was in such a hurry to come to us? (Mouse from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”);

2. “I can’t come to your holiday, my trousers are running away...” Who sent us such a telegram? (Dirty from "Moidodyr");

Well done boys! You know fairy tales well. The more often you come to the library, the more interesting books will tell you.

1 assistant librarian: Please, please come in

To our spacious book house!

2 assistant librarian: We kindly ask you to come in,

We are always, always waiting for you!

MU Centralized Library System of Berdsk

Central Children's Library.

Methodological material

Open day at the children's library.

The methodological material “Open Day Library in the Open Air” was developed for holding a mass event in a children's library.

The scenario represents a new, relevant way of holding Open Days outside the walls of the library: not only to open the doors to new visitors, but also to step towards them. It combines various non-traditional forms of working with children during an event: promotions, role-playing games, holidays, educational quiz, creative competitions, blitz surveys, excursions, etc. The child is given a choice, and he himself determines the circle of his participation.

The scenario assumes holding an Open Day on May 27 - All-Union Library Day, but it can be held at any warm time of the year, because the event is held outdoors. May 27th should be a day to represent your libraries and the value they have to the entire community.
Purpose of the event: Creating a positive opinion about the library,

attracting new users and introducing children to reading.

Advertising campaign “All roads lead to the library”
Attracting the attention of city residents and the public to the Open Day, as to any business, is possible only through advertising. Promotional activities need to be well planned and carried out in advance of the event.

  • Placing colorful announcements about the event on advertising stands in the city, in schools, and in the library.

  • Publication of information about the event in newspapers, inviting correspondents to the event.

  • Involve young volunteers in T-shirts with the library emblem to distribute leaflets “Become a reader of a children's library!” and invitations to Open Days.

  • Place colorful signs at nearby intersections and streets.

  • Sometimes unobtrusive elements have good results. You can paint large and small footprints on the sidewalk outside the library that lead directly to the library doors.
(See Attachment)
Organization of an open-air library.
It is proposed to organize an open-air library right on the alley, where the main holiday will take place, of course, subject to good weather. Design: Slogans and sayings about books and reading along the alley.

Vernissage "Museum of Reader's Creativity".

Photo exhibition “Children who read are smarter than anyone in the world.”

The inscription above the library “Kingdom of Books, Wise State.”

Balloons, children's music.

The entire space is divided into zones, which are marked with large summer umbrellas and signs.

Zones: Mini-reading room and exhibition of new books “The book went for a walk”

Game zone “Computer under a summer umbrella”

Origami workshop “Our hands are not for boredom”

Competition zone for young literature experts

Competition zone for young artists

Competition zone “Guess our riddles, guys”

Participants' area of ​​the reading support campaign “I am for reading!” ( In support of reading and appreciation for the book, everyone ties a colored ribbon to the tree, and at the end of the event, a fireworks display of balloons is launched with the call “The book lives!”).

Celebration “Alley of Reading Childhood”
The celebration takes place on the site and alley near the library. Duration of the event is 45 minutes. The event can be a good end to the school year in elementary school. If organized groups have responded to the invitation, and there are more than 100 expected visitors, then so that there is not a large crowd of children, and every child can take part in competitions, it is better to repeat the holiday scenario several times.

Scenario for the holiday “Alley of Reading Childhood”
Characters: Presenter - Librarian

Brownie Kuzya

Puppets: Leopold the cat


Leading: Good afternoon Good afternoon, our dear guests!

Every year we hold an Open Day for the children's library, when everyone can come and get acquainted with our halls and books. And this year we thought and decided to go out to meet our future and current readers, right on the alley near the library, which we called “Alley of Reading Childhood.”

You may ask why we decided to hold this event today? Today, May 27, the whole country celebrates All-Russian Library Day. Which means our library has a holiday today! So happy holiday to you! Happy library, book, and reading holiday!

I am very glad that we have so many guests and we will all celebrate Library Day together. But for this we need our most important hero! The owner of the children's library, our mascot is Kuzya the Brownie.

Brownie: Hello guys! Hello adults!

I welcome guests and book admirers, and future readers!

Leading: Where did it come from, you ask? It was a long time ago, about 60 years ago, the library was then in an old building, and the heating was stove, so one day the librarians discovered a brownie behind the stove. And he liked living among books so much that when the library moved to a new building, he moved with them. He really loves reading books. What I say is correct, Kuzya!

Brownie: What is true is true. I’ve had quite a few years now, and I don’t remember how many, but I’ve never felt so good anywhere. My hostesses are friendly, the kids come to visit me every day, and in the evenings I read books - novels, short stories, adventures, even encyclopedias. Do you even know what kind of books these are? E-CIC-LO-PE-DIE?

Children's answers

Right! These are such smart, often very thick books! You read just one page, and you will learn so many new things about everything in the world!

I appeal to you, comrades children,

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world.

Let books come into your homes as friends.

Read all your life, gain your mind.

Leading: Guys, I want to know which of you likes to read? There are such? Please raise your hands! Oh, so many hands! Probably everyone loves it!

Which books do you like best? Well, even louder, all at once!

Children's answers

Do you like fairy tales most of all?

Brownie : Well, who doesn’t love them! I also can’t sleep without fairy tales! I especially love

fairy tales about brownies! But what fairy tales have you read about me?

Children's answers

Well done! Ay, well done!

Leading: Guys, we often don’t even think about how much we need a book.

We just have them, and we can’t even imagine our life without them. But

There was a time when books were not yet printed, and there were no libraries either. At all

It’s another matter now, in every home, in stores and in libraries there are a lot of

beautiful, smart, kind books - which you can always take and read!

I know you will be remembered forever

All the books you read as a child.

When the sunny distances opened,

In the transparent silence of libraries,

And you have become more mature and wiser!

Brownie: Fairy tales, proverbs and sayings - this is all folk wisdom that has reached

us after many centuries. I know many proverbs and sayings in which

reflects the importance of books in people's lives. Let's remember them together:

The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Read a new book - met a friend!

Children's answers

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book is our friend, without it it’s like being without hands.

Living with a book is a breeze.

A book is like water - it will make its way everywhere.

Leading: Let's open our favorite books

And again let's go from page to page

It's always nice to be with your favorite hero

Meet again, get to know each other, make friends!

And here are our heroes! Hello!

Leopold the Cat and the Mouse appear. They wave their hands welcomingly, go down to the children, greet some of them and return to the presenters.

Do you guys recognize them?

What book did they come to us from?

Children's answers.

Brownie: In what other fairy tales have you met the Mouse?

Children's answers

What literary cats do you know?

Children's answers

Well done!

Leading: And now you have the opportunity to participate in the “I am for reading” campaign -

Everyone can express their support for reading and appreciation for the book

If you wish, tie a colored ribbon to the tree.

Brownie: Show your knowledge in the “Young Literature Expert” express quiz.

And Granny the Riddle is waiting for you for the competition “Guess, guys, our


Leading : Take part in a creative asphalt painting competition

"Heroes of your favorite books"

Brownie: Be sure to visit the origami workshop “Our hands are not for boredom”,

to learn how to make simple paper crafts.

Leading : And of course get small prizes.

Brownie: Everyone decides which zone to start their journey from.

The entire alley is at your disposal, and in half an hour we are again

Let's gather at this place.

Children's music is playing.

Children disperse along the alley to participate in competitions.

After half an hour, everyone is going to the stage.
Leading: Well, friends, it’s time to sum up our holiday.

Has everyone managed to participate in our competitions?

Children's answers

No one was left without prizes?

Children's answers

Well done!

Brownie : The holiday is ending, but the library is open for you every day.

Leading: Books are also waiting for you - your faithful friends and study assistants.

Brownie : Do you want to sail on the ocean?

Leading: Go deep?

Brownie : Visit many countries?

Leading: And rush to the moon?

Brownie : All edges are open to you

Leading: On the pages of our books!

Brownie : Try to look in the book,

Leading: Expand these pages!

Together: And good luck with the book!

Brownie: Guys, do you think a person needs a book?

Children's answers

Will you turn to books in your life?

Children's answers

Leading: But I see among you several guys I know who come to

library more often than others, they read a lot, handle books with care, and

are active participants in various library competitions. I want

and introduce you to them, and Little Brownie Kuzya decided to honor them with certificates and

small gifts.

Presentation of certificates and gifts. Each person is asked one of the questions.

Brownie What's your favorite book?

How many years have you been a reader of a children's library?

Do you read every day?

Children remain close to the leader.

Leading: Each of you has already expressed his attitude towards books and reading,

tying a colored ribbon on the branches of this apple tree. Now we have it bright,

It’s colored, you see how many ribbons there are on it. Let's express ours to the Book

gratitude and we will launch a salute of balloons into the sky with an appeal

“The book lives!”

Brownie: Let's practice so that we can do well.

Let us all shout loudly and in unison: “The book lives!”

Children shout “The book lives!”

One more time! …. Well done!

Leading : And we will entrust the right to release balloons into the sky to our best


Brownie: And everyone else unanimously, on the command 2 times “The book lives!”

A fireworks display of balloons with the inscription “The book lives!” is launched amid the screams of children.

Brownie: Our balls are rising higher and higher, and who knows, maybe the astronauts

They will see our message through the windows, or maybe some aliens

will unravel our message.

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end.

We say thank you to everyone who took part in it and who was present.

Brownie: And remember this alley is the alley of reading childhood, and the children's library is

your library. And we are always waiting for you.

Leading: We are our readers -

Brownie: Kind and attentive,

Leading: Neat and tidy,

Brownie: Smart, inquisitive

Leading: Like very much! To the book's house

Together: We always look forward to their visit!
Children's music is playing.

For the design of the “Open Air Library”

Slogans and sayings:

  • Reading is fashionable!

  • Reading is prestigious!

  • Read for yourself - read with us!

  • Time to read!

  • Reading is a holiday for the soul! Have a holiday for yourself!”

  • Read always, read everywhere, read on land and in water!

  • Read a book - surprise your parents!

  • Without books, it's not interesting!

  • “I owe everything good in me to books” M. Gorky

  • “Reading is the best teaching” A.S. Pushkin

  • “Just as rubles are made from pennies, so are grains of
knowledge is formed by reading” V.I. Dahl

  • “People stop thinking when they stop reading” D. Diderot

  • “Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body.
Study and read. Read serious books.

Life will do the rest” F.M. Dostoevsky

  • "To love reading is to exchange hours of boredom,
inevitable in life, for hours of pleasure” C. Montesquieu

  • “Scientific literature saves people from ignorance,
and graceful - from rudeness and vulgarity.” N.G. Chernyshevsky
For the advertising campaign “All roads lead to the library”


from 11.00 to 15.00

at 12.00, 13.00, 14.00

Children's Library

St. Sverdlova, 1

Very important for a person

know the way to the library!

Become a reader of the Children's Library!
We are waiting for you every day:

From 10 to 18 o'clock
On Sunday

From 10 to 17 o'clock
Closed: Saturday

phone: 3-05-84 Last Friday of the month –

technical day

We welcome new readers!

Central Children's Library


from 11.00 to 15.00


at 12.00, 13.00, 14.00

Celebration “Alley of Reading Childhood”









  • Reading support campaign “I am for reading!”

  • Express quiz
Young literature connoisseur"

  • Asphalt drawing competition
Heroes of your favorite books"

  • Vernissage “Museum of Reader's Creativity”

  • Photo exhibition
Children who read are smarter than anyone in the world.”

  • Exhibition of new books
The book went out for a walk”

  • Competition “Guess our riddles, guys”

  • All day excursions around the library, games.

We are waiting for everyone at the address: Sverdlov St., 1

Signs and signs:

It is very important for a person to know the way to the library!

Both girls and boys grow up here reading books!

There's a library next door!

It contains all the means for a person.

Open Day coming soon

Get there quickly!

- Boys, girls, hurry up to us,

Be sure to bring your friends with you.

Parents will also find a place here.

And believe me, adults find it interesting.

Recommended literature for proper preparation and conduct of a PR campaign:

Zaitseva S. Public relations technologies using the example of libraries

with the local community// School of Library Leadership: Tools and Technologies:

collection of articles / S.A. Zaitseva, A.V. Lisitsky, N.E. Pryanishnikov. - M.: NF

"Pushkin Library", 2008.-p.82-109.

Competition “Young Literature Expert”
It is important to prepare questions for different age audiences, and even for adults who are also happy to participate. Conditions of the competition: answer one question - you get candy, answer two questions in a row - lollipop, answer three questions - a super prize (notepad, pencil, fountain pen, etc.).

You can use books to prepare questions:

Sukhin I.G. Dunno, Hottabych, Carlson and all-all-all: a collection of literary quizzes. Crosswords and chainwords for children. - M.: New School, 1994. - 80 p.

Sukhin I.G.Moidodyr, Chernomor, Snowman and others: Literary quizzes for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. - M.: New School, 1996.-175 p.

Zagurskaya E.L., Neborskaya T.A. About fairy tales as a joke and seriously: Literary quizzes, games, competitions, charades, riddles, crosswords and holidays in elementary school. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2007.-204 p.

Competition “Guess our riddles, guys”
Select riddles for different ages in advance. For each riddle solved, the child receives a small piece of candy. To prepare, you can use any children's collection of riddles:

Golden ball: Russian folk riddles / Compiled by T.A. Klimova. - Irkutsk: East Siberian book. ed., 1994.-128p.

Riddles for kids. - M.: “Elena and K”, Foliant, 1997.-80 p.

Compiled by: Zakovryashina G.P. Head of the Central Children's Hospital of the Municipal Central Clinical Hospital of Berdsk.

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