Ten most famous museums in the world. Museums over the world - paintings collections online Museums over the world - paintings collections online The Hermitage is the largest museum in the world

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Coming on vacation to a new country, any tourist tries to visit as many interesting places and attractions as possible to make the trip memorable for a lifetime. In addition to amazing natural landscapes and outstanding architectural monuments, the majority of travelers seek to visit places associated with the country's culture, for example, famous museums or art galleries, to see the great masterpieces of world art with their own eyes. Today we will talk about the most interesting galleries in the world that are definitely worth visiting when visiting these countries.

1. Gallery of St. George in the Czech Republic– this museum-gallery is located in the Czech city of Benesov, in the beautiful Konopiste castle, fifty kilometers southeast. This ancient castle-fortress, with powerful towers, houses the Museum of St. George. There are more than four thousand interesting exhibits collected all over the world: rare paintings by great artists, amazing sculptures, objects decorated with filigree wood carvings, and other objects of decorative and applied art from the period from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

2. Dresden Gallery in Germany– located in Dresden, in the Old Town area. The Dresden Art Gallery has been operating for five centuries, and every year its exhibition is replenished with great world masterpieces from the best artists. The year 1945 became tragic for Dresden and this art gallery, since during the bombing of the Anglo-American aircraft, it was partially destroyed, and many paintings were irretrievably lost, and the surviving part of them was hidden by the Nazis in wet limestone mines, which damaged the paintings enormous damage. But, fortunately, they were saved from their inglorious disappearance by Soviet soldiers, who, having found them in the mines, took the paintings to the USSR, where they were carefully restored, and already in 1955, transferred to the German Democratic Republic. The gallery building in Dresden was restored and the paintings that came to life again adorned these walls. In the gallery you can get acquainted with the great works of the masters of Italian painting of the fifteenth-eighteenth centuries: Titian, Giorgione, Veronese, Raphael, Correggio, Tintoretto. Here you can see works by Dutch masters: Rembrandt, Vermeer, Ruisdael, Hals, as well as famous Flemings: Rubens, Van Dyck, Snyders. In addition, the gallery has a room dedicated to Spanish art. But, probably, the main treasure of the Dresden Gallery is the “Sistine Madonna” by the inimitable Raphael. Today there are fifty halls with wonderful exhibitions, and another three thousand paintings are stored in storerooms - a great part of the world's cultural heritage of the planet.

3. Gallery of modern art in Germany– located in the city of Düsseldorf, in the Kunsthalle Exhibition Center, built in 1967. The building of the art center initially had an urban style, as it was built from ready-made blocks of concrete panels, and it acquired its current shape as a result of reconstruction. It opened its doors to visitors again in 2002, and new options appeared here: an information department, ticket offices, and a cafe. This gallery does not have a permanent exhibition; exhibitions of new talented contemporary artists are constantly held here. By the way, many of today’s well-known artists were able to reveal their talent to the general public, precisely thanks to such exhibitions at the Kunsthalle.

4. Gallery of art from European and American countries of the 19th-20th centuries in Russia is a department of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin, opened in 2006. Paintings by artists from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are stored here. The gallery rooms are divided by theme. There is a hall of masters of the German school of painting, early nineteenth century, chamber halls where paintings by Delacroix and Ingres are displayed, and the Spanish school of masters is represented by the works of the great Goya. In addition, there are separate rooms where artistic creations of French impressionists, post-impressionists, and artists of the early twentieth century are displayed: Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec.

5. Tretyakov Gallery in Russia is a famous art museum located in Moscow. This gallery was founded in 1856 by P. M. Tretyakov. At first it was a private collection, which in 1892 was transferred to the Moscow authorities, along with the mansion. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see beautiful sculptures and graphics from the period from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, a large collection of Russian paintings, as well as ancient Russian icon painting from the same period. Since 1985, the Tretyakov Gallery has been merged with the State Art Gallery. The museum building was reconstructed in 1986, and since 1989 it has been supplemented with a new complex, with a children's studio, information center, conference room and exhibition halls. The number of paintings stored in the gallery is constantly growing, and if in 1917 there were about four thousand, now there are already about sixty thousand. Since 1991, the gallery was awarded the title “All-Russian Museum Association “State Tretyakov Gallery”.

6. Cariton Art Gallery in Canada– located in the British Columbia region, in the city of Abbotsford. She has been working for over forty years, exhibiting interesting works by local artists native to British Columbia. Over the years, more than three thousand exhibitions have taken place, revealing to the general public many brilliant painters who later achieved world recognition. The gallery is always crowded, and admission is free.

7. National Gallery of Armenia– this famous museum is located in the city of Yerevan. It is entirely dedicated to fine art. This art gallery is the largest in the post-Soviet space, which is why it is considered a national treasure of the country. The gallery was founded in 1921. Today, more than thirty-five thousand paintings by great artists of the world are stored here. There are a lot of paintings by Armenian and Russian artists, as well as Western European painters: French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian and German schools. This gallery contains the most complete collection of Aivazovsky’s works, magnificent masterpieces by Rubens, Van Dyck, Rousseau, and Goya.

8. Dulwich Art Gallery in the UK- This is one of the most interesting art galleries in the world and a wonderful art museum, opened in 1817, in a building specially erected for this purpose. Architect John Soane arranged the halls of the building in such a way that their close relationship can be seen. The main part of the collection is paintings from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, but there are also paintings from other eras. Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the works of Rembrandt, Antoine Watteau, Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Paul Rubens, Raphael. It is in this museum that you can see the richest collection of portraits of famous British painters.

9. Baroque gallery in front of the Jesuit College in the Czech Republic– is located in the interesting, from a historical and architectural point of view, city of Kutna Hora. This gallery opened at the beginning of the eighteenth century, at the same time as the construction of this college began. The design of the gallery building was developed by the architect Orsi from. The structure is interesting in itself: its baroque gallery is located on an approach that is similar in architecture to the Charles Bridge in Prague, it is also decorated with a terrace with a sculptural group of twelve saints, including: St. John of Nepomuk, St. Barbara, St. Joseph , Saint Francis of Xavier, Saint Charlemagne. Under each sculpture there is an inscription indicating the name of the saint and the event associated with this person, and the date of creation of this sculpture is indicated. That is, this baroque gallery not only decorates the city, but is also a historical chronogram that clearly tells tourists the history of the Czech Republic.

10. National Gallery of Australia in Canberra– this building, where an art gallery and a museum were combined, was built in 1967. It occupies a huge area of ​​​​twenty-three thousand square meters, and was built in the brutalist style: it has angular shapes, concrete walls, a rough texture, sharply contrasting with the bright and lush greenery around. On the main floor of the gallery there are large exhibition halls, with interesting collections dedicated to local aborigines, but there are also collections from European countries and America. The main exhibit of the Aboriginal collection is two hundred logs, they were used to mark graves; it is called the “Aboriginal Memorial” and is dedicated to the indigenous people of Australia who died fighting the Europeans who came to their lands. The European and American collections are represented by works of famous world artists. There are also exhibits of Asian art, which are located on the lower floor of the gallery building. All exhibits represent different eras: from the Neolithic to the present day, there are: sculptures, miniatures, wood engravings, ceramics and textiles. On the top floor you can see Australian art, as well as paintings, sculptures, photographs. In total, the National Gallery houses more than one hundred and twenty thousand pieces of art.

11. Salzburg Gallery in the Residence is a unique collection of paintings of European painting from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, collected in the Austrian city of Salzburg. The gallery has luxurious decoration and an exquisite, rich collection. Mostly here are paintings by Dutch painters of the seventeenth century, French, Italian, Austrian baroque painting, seventeenth - eighteenth centuries, Austrian painting of the nineteenth century. It often hosts traveling exhibitions or specialized shows where visitors are presented with examples of contemporary and historical art. This museum opened its doors to visitors in 1923, but at that time, the gallery did not own a single painting, because... they were all borrowed.

12. National Gallery of Slovenia in Ljubljana– is the largest art museum in the country and an interesting gallery in the world. There are many ancient works of Slovenian and European artists collected here, in different styles and genre directions. The National Gallery opened in 1918. It is divided into several halls dedicated to different directions: neoclassicism, realism, impressionism. In addition, sculptures and statues from the Renaissance are kept here.

13. National Gallery of Italy in Emilia-Romagna– located in the city of Parma, in a beautiful palace - Palazzo della Pilotta, near the Cathedral Square. Initially, the collection of paintings was collected by the influential Italian family of the Farnese Dukes, and the first collection of the National Gallery included paintings donated by the Academy of Painting of Parma. In the gallery you can see works by famous masters of Italian painting from the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries: Fra Beato Angelico, Tintoretto, Giulio Romano, Leonardo da Vinci, paintings by masters who worked from the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries: Carracci, Canaletto, Tiepolo, paintings by Parmigianino painters and Correggio - residents of Parma.

14. Ivan Mestrovic Gallery in Croatia is a house-museum in the city of Split, where more than three hundred works of art of various styles are stored, from paintings with religious themes and great masterpieces of portrait art to nude sculptures. There are sculptures made of stone, marble, wood, bronze, as well as a large collection of beautiful drawings and interesting antique furniture. Ivan Mestrovic opened the doors of his gallery to visitors in 1952, and to this day, it is a popular place to visit, not only among local residents, but also among numerous tourists.

15. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh– the gallery is located in a beautiful building of the nineteenth century, in a neoclassical style. It houses a large collection of works by contemporary artists. In front of the gallery there is an interesting garden where you can admire sculptures by Henry Moore, Rachel Whiteread, Tony Cragg, Barbara Hepworth, and since 2002, the entrance lawn has been turned into a huge sculpture by Charles Jencks. In 2005, thanks to the support of the Art Fund, the exhibition of this gallery was replenished with twenty drawings by artist Tracey Emin from Britain; in 2008, they were allocated as a separate topic. The works of other, more famous artists of the world are presented here: Picasso, Braque, Mondrian, Ben Nicholson, Matisse, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud. Unfortunately, in order to demonstrate to the public all the paintings stored in the gallery, there is not enough space in the building, which is why temporary exhibitions are practiced here.

16. Art gallery of Samarkand in Uzbekistan– presents to its visitors an original collection of paintings from different eras, which characterize the life and culture of different eastern peoples. Almost four thousand paintings are presented here, including examples of painting and graphics, embossing and sculpture. The museum collection presents rare works by Russian artists: Samuil Dudin, Richard Sommer, Usto Mumin, Leon Bure, Vasily Vereshchagin.

17. National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin-an art gallery housing the world's largest collection of Irish paintings. The gallery was founded in 1864, at the time of opening there were only one hundred and twenty-five paintings, but the popularity of this place grew, and many ordinary people and artists gave paintings here as a gift. Today, the gallery owns more than fourteen thousand paintings. There is a collection of graphics, sculptures, antique furniture, photographs and other works of art. Entry to the National Gallery is free.

18. Gallery of Sigiriya murals in Sri Lanka- in this interesting place in the rock, there are five hundred ancient frescoes, which stretch one hundred and forty meters long and go up to forty meters in height. The favorite motif of Sigiriya mural painting is depicted here - naked dancers, next to whom poems are written on the walls, praising the power of female beauty. According to the guides, all these images refer to one female goddess - Tara - the mother of all Buddhas. On the frescoes she is depicted with different appearances and even differs in nationality. You can get to this unusual, and one of the most interesting galleries in the world, via a spiral staircase and real rope bridges that are stretched over the abyss.

19. Brera Art Gallery in Milan– here is the largest collection of artistic masterpieces ever created by Italian sculptors and painters. In the forty halls of the gallery you can get acquainted with the great creations of such masters as: Raphael, Titian, Hayes, Caravaggio, works of famous Flemish painters, as well as impressionist artists. In order to see all the exhibits in the gallery, a couple of hours is not enough for you; you need to spend at least a day here. If you are limited on time, then you should definitely look at the two-ton, three-meter statue of Napoleon, the work of sculptor Antonio Canova and Raphael’s painting “The Betrothal of the Virgin”. The gallery opened to the public in the Brera Palace in 1809, according to the decree of Queen Maria Teresa of Austria.

20. London Art Gallery– a place where a unique collection of paintings by English and Western European artists is collected. The gallery is located in Trafalgar Square. Here you will see the world's famous masterpieces: Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Titian, Rubens, Canaletto, Dürer, Thomas Lawrence, William Hogarth. The gallery also displays portraits of members of the royal family, works by masters of the twelfth – nineteenth centuries. The London Art Gallery opened in 1824 with a modest collection of thirty-eight paintings, but today, thanks to the help of patrons and the tireless work of the gallery staff, there are two and a half thousand paintings painted between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries. For the convenience of gallery visitors, paintings are exhibited in chronological order.

We hope that we were able to guide you through the most famous galleries in the world that are worth visiting if you find yourself in one of the above-mentioned countries to better understand their people, history and culture.

Today there are more than 100 thousand museums in the world, and each of them is unique in its own way. However, there are museums that every person interested in history and culture dreams of visiting. These are the most famous museums in the world.

Experts give first place in terms of fame and uniqueness Louvre. This museum opened in France, in Paris in 1793. Before this, the fortress where the exhibition is located was the residence of French kings. The museum houses a huge collection of works of art, as well as various historical and scientific exhibits.

Paris Louvre

British museum is located in the capital of Great Britain, London. The establishment first opened its doors to visitors in 1753. The area of ​​this museum is equal to 9 football fields; the collection of exhibits presented here is one of the largest on the planet.

British museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art(The Metropolitan Museum of Art) is located in New York, USA. It was opened in 1872 by a group of progressive Americans, and was originally located at 5 Avenue, building 681. Later the museum moved twice, but from 1880 to this day its location has remained unchanged - this is Central Park, Fifth Avenue. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection includes about 3 million exhibits. These are works of art from all over the world.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Uffizi Gallery located in Florence, Italy. This is one of the most famous art museums in the world. It got its name from the Uffizi Square where it is located. The museum widely displays paintings and sculpture by Italian masters, as well as works by great creators from around the world.

Uffizi Gallery

State Hermitage Museum- property of Russia. The establishment is located in St. Petersburg and is world famous. Russian emperors began collecting the museum’s collection, and free access to the Hermitage was opened only in 1863. The Hermitage exhibitions number more than 3 million exhibits. Among them are not only works of art, but also archaeological finds, numismatic material, and jewelry. Today the museum occupies five buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, the Old Hermitage, the Court Theater and the New Hermitage.

State Hermitage Museum. Winter Palace

Prado Museum- National Museum of Spain, located in the capital - Madrid. This museum contains a huge collection of works of fine art from European schools.

Prado Museum

Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the legacy of a great civilization. The first exhibition of exhibits took place here in 1835. Today it is the largest museum of ancient Egyptian art. There are more than 120 thousand unique exhibits here, the age of which dates back to prehistoric times.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Madame Tussauds museum in London - an exhibition known for its uniqueness. More than 400 wax figures are collected here - including not only historical figures, but also modern stars.

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

The annual ranking of The Art Newspaper collected information on the world's largest museums in 2016 and identified patterns. The Louvre, despite any terrorist attacks, is still the most visited museum in the world. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) supplanted the British Museum (London) from second place, the Vatican Museums passed ahead of London's National Gallery. The State Hermitage is firmly in the top ten, and the Reina Sofia Center for the Arts (Madrid) managed to jump into the last carriage.

MoMA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art had to move

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The Whitney Museum of American Art, which moved to a new building in the center of Manhattan in 2015, forced out the traditionally dominant Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The Whitney Museum hosted five of the ten most visited New York exhibitions of 2016.

However, despite the meteoric rise of the Whitney Museum, MoMA and the Metropolitan remain the leaders among New York museums. MoMA is still in first place, thanks to the staff who performed the work by French choreographer Jérôme Bel every day over a long weekend in October. This performance attracted up to 6.8 thousand people a day. The more traditional exhibition “Picasso Sculpture,” held there, organized jointly with the Picasso Museum in Paris, was visited daily by about 5.9 thousand people.

Paris and Brussels are slowing down, Madrid is on the rise

Louvre, Paris

The decline in the flow of foreign tourists after a series of terrorist attacks continues to affect attendance at the Louvre, but it still tops the list of the most popular museums in the world with 7.4 million visitors in 2016 (in 2015 this figure was 8.6 million). Since 2014, attendance at France's premier museum has dropped by nearly 2 million, meaning ticket revenue has fallen significantly - while the costs of keeping the public safe have soared. Attendance at the Orsay Museum also decreased from 3.4 million in 2015 to 3 million last year. But the Pompidou Center, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, is less dependent on tourists from the USA, China and other countries. Its attendance in 2016 increased by 275 thousand people and amounted to 3.3 million.

The terrorist attacks in Brussels last March also appear to have had an impact on visitor numbers to the Royal Museums of Fine Arts, which includes several sites including the Magritte Museum and the Museum of Modern Art. Attendance at the Belgian museum cluster fell by more than a quarter - from 776 thousand people in 2015 to 497 thousand in 2016.

But the largest museums in Madrid, on the contrary, are on the rise. In 2016, the Reina Sofía was visited by 400 thousand more people (3.7 million) than in 2015, and the Prado surpassed the 3 million threshold, which it has not managed to do since 2012. About 600 thousand people - or a fifth of the total number of visitors for the year - came to the Prado for the large-scale exhibition “Hieronymus Bosch”, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the artist’s death.

Successes and defeats in London

Courtyard of the British Museum, London

A slight decline in visitor numbers to the British Museum and an increase in attendance at the Metropolitan Museum of Art means London and New York are now neck and neck. The Met does not share attendance at its three sites: the main one on Fifth Avenue, the Cloisters in Upper Manhattan and the Metropolitan Breuer, which opened last year. Together they attracted a record 7 million people. And the London British Museum, which has only one venue, was visited by 6.4 million spectators last year.

The National Gallery in London has recovered from strikes in 2015, which forced many of its halls to temporarily close. With nearly 6.3 million visitors, it remains ahead of the recently expanded Tate Modern, which had a total attendance of 5.9 million, its all-time record. According to our data, Tate Modern remains the world's most popular museum of modern and modern art.

Place in the ranking Total number of visitors Museum City
1 7 400 000 Louvre Paris
2 7 006 859 Metropolitan Museum of Art* NY
3 6 420 395 British museum London
4 6 262 839 National Gallery London
5 6 066 649 Vatican Museums Vatican
6 5 839 197 Tate Modern London
7 4 665 725 National Imperial Palace Museum Taipei
8 4 261 391 National Gallery of Art Washington
9 4 119 103 State Hermitage Museum Saint Petersburg
10 3 646 598 Reina Sofia Arts Center Madrid
11 3 443 220 Somerset House London
12 3 396 259 National Museum of Korea Seoul
13 3 335 509 Pompidou Center Paris
14 3 033 754 National Prado Museum Madrid
15 3 022 086 Victoria and Albert Museum London
16 3 000 000 Orsay Museum Paris
17 2 788 236 Modern Art Museum NY
18 2 714 271 National Folk Art Museum of Korea Seoul
19 2 668 465 National Gallery of Victoria* Melbourne
20 2 623 156 National Art Center Tokyo Tokyo
21 2 478 622 Moscow Kremlin Museums Moscow
22 2 370 051 National Galleries of Scotland* Edinburgh
23 2 325 759 State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow
24 2 259 987 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
25 2 246 646 Soumaya Museum Mexico City
26 2 216 880 Rio de Janeiro
27 2 076 526 Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam
28 2 023 467 J. Paul Getty Museum* Los Angeles
29 2 011 219 Uffizi Gallery Florence
30 1 949 330 National Portrait Gallery London
31 1 926 844 Tokyo National Museum Tokyo
32 1 876 908 Shanghai Art Museum Shanghai
33 1 810 948 National Museum of Scotland Edinburgh
34 1 800 000 Art Institute of Chicago Chicago
35 1 592 101 Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles
36 1 461 185 Academy Gallery Florence
37 1 409 849 Acropolis Museum Athens
38 1 402 251 San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts* San Francisco
39 1 349 663 Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney
40 1 333 559 Doge's Palace Venice
41 1 316 127 Australian Center for the Moving Image Melbourne
42 1 285 595 Royal Academy of Arts London
43 1 267 280 Royal Ontario Museum Toronto
44 1 259 318 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Glasgow
45 1 240 419 Queensland Art Gallery/GoMA* Brisbane
46 1 234 443 National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo Rome
47 1 205 243 Modern Art Museum Sydney
48 1 200 000 National Portrait Gallery/SAAM Washington
49 1 187 621 Serpentine Gallery London
50 1 171 780 National Museum of Contemporary Art (MMCA) Seoul
51 1 169 404 Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
52 1 164 793 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
53 1 162 345 National Museum of Western Art Tokyo
54 1 154 031 Gazebo Vein
55 1 151 922 Quai Branly Museum Paris
56 1 151 080 Whitney Museum of American Art NY
57 1 134 234 Dali Theater-Museum Figueres
58 1 133 200 State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin** Moscow
59 1 130 556 National Galleries of the Grand Palais Paris
60 1 122 826 Cultural Center of the Bank of Brazil Brasilia
61 1 081 542 Tate Britain London
62 1 066 511 University Museum of Contemporary Art Mexico City
63 1 050 000 National Art Museum of China Beijing
64 1 040 654 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Madrid
65 1 011 172 Imperial War Museum London
66 1 006 145 Berardo Collection Museum Lisbon
67 1 003 376 Saatchi Gallery London
68 991 149 Palazzo Reale Milan
69 965 929 Cultural Center of the Bank of Brazil Sao Paulo
70 960 354 Museum of Fine Arts Houston
71 958 353 Tomiv Otake Institute Sao Paulo
72 954 895 Picasso Museum Barcelona
73 953 925 Guggenheim Museum NY
74 933 683 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Montreal
75 921 950 Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Beijing
76 910 561 National Museum of the Republic Brasilia
77 900 000 Sao Paulo Biennale Foundation Sao Paulo
78 885 798 Petit palais Paris
79 875 000 Modern Art Museum San Francisco
80 873 627 Art Gallery of Ontario Toronto
81 860 000 Ashmolean Museum Oxford
82 858 632 Gyeongju National Museum Gyeongju
83 855 810 Hong Kong History Museum Hong Kong
84 852 095 Egyptian Museum Turin
85 835 606 Aarhus Art Museum ARoS Aarhus
86 820 516 National Art Museum of Catalonia Barcelona
87 806 087 Huntington Library San Marino (USA)
88 802 722 Liverpool Museum Liverpool
89 780 879 Birmingham Museum Birmingham
90 780 000 Orangerie Museum Paris
91 780 000 Art Gallery of South Australia Adelaide
92 775 043 Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia
93 770 714 National Museum in Krakow Krakow
94 769 119 Kunsthistorisches Museum Vein
95 767 590 Minneapolis Institute of Art Minneapolis
96 765 000 Renwick Gallery Washington
97 758 300 German Historical Museum Berlin
98 755 577 National Gallery of Ireland Dublin
99 753 944 Caixa Forum Cultural Center Barcelona
100 753 252 Brod Museum Los Angeles

*Institutions located in several buildings are marked with an asterisk. The table shows their summarized indicators. The individual figures are: National Gallery of Victoria (National Gallery of Victoria International - 1,985,005, Ian Potter Centre: Australian National Gallery of Victoria - 683,460); National Galleries of Scotland (National Gallery of Scotland - 1,544,069, National Gallery of Modern Art of Scotland - 503,763, National Portrait Gallery of Scotland - 322,219); J. Paul Getty Museum (Getty Center - 1,569,565, Getty Villa - 453,902); Queensland Art Gallery/GoMA (Queensland Art Gallery - 572 762, Queensland Contemporary Art Gallery - 667 657). Metropolitan Museum of Art (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cloisters, Metropolitan Breuer) and San Francisco Museum of Fine Arts (de Young Museum and Legion of Honor) - separate data not provided.

I present to you the most famous and greatest museums in the world. If you are close to these museums, be sure to check them out. You will be impressed by what you see.

The Paris Louvre will definitely be at the top of such a list.

Without a doubt the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre was a medieval fortress and palace of the kings of France before it became a museum two centuries ago. Even modernizing the square with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything away from the historical charm of the Louvre Palace. The museum's collections, which range from the birth of great ancient civilizations to the first half of the 19th century, are among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here works by some of the most famous artists in history, such as da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

This gigantic museum has the world's largest collection of paintings. This is a stunning site, covering the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present, and the Golden Room with its amazing gems is especially impressive. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenically located along the waterfront area in Downtown St. Petersburg. This is an entire museum complex that includes six different buildings of unique architectural design. Without a doubt, the Emitage is one of the greatest museums in the world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

British Museum in London.

Millions of works of art from all continents are collected here. The British Museum's galleries focus on Egypt, Greece, Roman civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing human history and culture. The Parthenon Marbles, which once adorned the Parthenon in Athens, are kept here. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't make it to the Egyptian Museum, then you can view the largest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside of Cairo right here. Also impressive is the new reading room of the British Museum, which you see in the photo below:

Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

At the Egyptian Museum in Cairo you will find the most comprehensive collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among the thousands of treasures are also famous exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1835, the Egyptian government founded the Egyptian Antique Treasure Service in an attempt to stop the looting of archaeological sites and organize an exhibition of collected artifacts. In 1900, the Egyptian Museum building was built, which now houses more than 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period, including ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you are exploring the sights of Egypt, you should not miss the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Uffizi Gallery in Florence

UNESCO estimates that 60% of the world's most popular artworks are in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery in Florence will amaze you to the core. This is definitely one of the finest collections of paintings and sculpture on the planet, with works dating back to the Renaissance by masters such as da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many more. One of the main attractions here is Botticelli's Birth of Venus.

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Established in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You'll find everything from Islamic and European paintings to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York, such as the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan is one of the most essential. This is truly one of the greatest museums in the world.

Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum is located near the center of Amsterdam. This is one of the greatest museums and is definitely worth a visit during a trip to one of the most beautiful European capitals. The museum overlooks one of Amsterdam's iconic water canals, while on the opposite side there is a spacious panoramic square with a picturesque green lawn. Inside you can fully immerse yourself in the art and periods of Dutch history. With a collection of nearly 1 million items, it's the perfect place to treat yourself to inspiring masterpieces by Rembrandt, Frans Hals and other Dutch artists. Read more about it in the selection of the best museums in Amsterdam.

Vatican Museum

The impressive Vatican Museum contains 22 separate collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to maps and modern religious art. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed by the sheer beauty and magnificence of Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's spiral columns. The main assets here are the renovated Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms.

Tourists and travelers, while in a particular country, try to visit the most significant museums. So in St. Petersburg it is the Hermitage, in London it is the British Museum, and in the capital of France it is the Louvre.

The most famous museum in London

The British Museum is recognized as the most famous museum in London. Its foundation was initiated by the government in the mid-eighteenth century. Just six years after the idea and initiative was expressed, the museum invited its first visitors. Thousands of people were involved in its creation and development.

The British Museum has two more names, the first is the Museum of Stolen Masterpieces, the second is the Museum of All Civilizations. All names are quite justified. Most of the treasures presented there were obtained in less than honest ways. Thus, the Rosetta Stone, which helped in deciphering ancient hieroglyphs, was taken along with other ancient Egyptian monuments from Napoleon’s army.

A similar story happened with the sculptural friezes of the Parthenon - they were taken from Greece by written order of the Turkish government by a certain English lord. In a similar way, the collection of this museum was replenished with sculptures of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, and sculptures of the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, and a number of other works of art. It should be noted that the exhibition of the British Museum itself is not very large. In terms of the size of the exhibition, the National Gallery is in first place in London.

The most famous museums in Russia

The most famous museums in Russia are the Tretyakov Gallery, located in the capital of Russia, and the world-famous Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. The Hermitage is considered one of the largest cultural and historical museums in the world. It owes its origins to the personal collection of Catherine II. This museum was formed and opened to visitors in the mid-nineteenth century. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1764, when the empress acquired a huge collection of Western European paintings. Today, this museum is represented by almost three million works of art and monuments of world culture. The Hermitage is represented by several majestic buildings, the main one being the Winter Palace. All these buildings are located near the embankment of the Neva River.

A huge collection of Russian fine art on a global scale is represented by the Tretyakov Gallery. This collection is recognized as the most significant on a global scale, for which Russians should be grateful to the merchant Pavel Tretyakov. The history of the gallery began with his personal and largest collection at that time, composed of works of Russian art.

Vatican Museum

The Vatican Museum is recognized as the largest museum in the world. Its exposition consists of fifty thousand objects presented in halls, the number of which is one thousand four hundred. In order to simply walk around all these halls, you need to walk about seven kilometers.

The first place that almost all visitors try to get to is the Sistine Chapel. The structure of the museum is such that in order to get to the Vatican Pinacoteca, which is one of the farthest halls, visitors must go through all the previous halls. Naturally, it is impossible to explore a significant part of the museum even in a day. To have time to see all the most interesting things, you can start from the Egyptian Museum, then go to the famous Belvedere, and then to the Stanzas of Raphael and the Sistine Chapel. It is the chapel that is called the main shrine of the museum.

It is known that construction of the Vatican began in the fourth century, when the Church of St. Peter and the residence of the high priest were founded. In the ninth century, fortress walls appeared, and in the thirteenth century a vast new papal monastery was built.

Despite the small territory owned by the Vatican, fabulous treasures are concentrated there. They accumulated gradually, but over the years the collection became so huge that it became necessary to create several museums.

The Louvre is the most famous museum in the world

Among the art museums in the world, the Louvre is the largest. Every tourist visiting Paris tries to get to the Louvre. At one time it was a castle of the French kings, which was built in 1190 by Philip Augustus. It became a museum only in 1793 and then opened to visitors. The area occupied by the Louvre is one hundred and ninety-five thousand square meters. The area occupied by the exhibition is sixty thousand six hundred square meters.

The catalog of this museum currently includes four hundred thousand exhibits. The entire exhibition is divided into seven large sections for greater convenience. One week is not enough for an attentive visitor to view the entire exhibition. Those tourists who have limited time visit only individual exhibitions. They are easy to find using special signs.

The most impressive is the painting department. Arriving there, you can see works by Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Rubens, Goya, Vermeer and Titian. By the way, according to the site, it is in the Louvre that the most mysterious and famous painting in the world, “Mona Lisa,” is located.
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