Children's fairy tales online. Children's fairy tales online Fairy tale table fell out of the window

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With the sieve rolling across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel
She walked along the street.

Axes, axes
So they pour down the mountain,

The goat got scared
She widened her eyes:

"What's happened? Why?
I won’t understand anything.”

But, like a black iron leg,
The poker ran and jumped.

And the knives rushed down the street:
“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it!”

And the pan is on the run
She shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can’t resist!”

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chatting, chattering, rattling...

The irons run, quack,
They jump over puddles, over puddles.

And behind them are saucers, saucers -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
They rush along the street -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
On the glasses - ding! - bump into
And the glasses - ding! - they break.

And the frying pan runs, strums, and knocks:
“Where are you going? Where? Where? Where? Where?"

And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.

A table fell out of the window
And he went, he went, he went, he went, he went...

And on it, and on it,
Like riding a horse,
The samovar sits
And he shouts to his comrades:
“Go away, run, save yourself!”

And into the iron pipe:
“Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!”

And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
“Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!
Come home!”

But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora!”
And the poker said:
“I am not Fedora’s servant!”

And porcelain saucers
They laugh at Fedora:
"Never have we, never
We won’t come back here!”

Here are Fedorina's cats
Tails are dressed up,
We ran at full speed,
To turn the dishes:

"Hey you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate?
With yellow-throated sparrows?

You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Come home!”

But the plates are curling and curling,
But Fedora is not given:
“We’d better get lost in the field,
But we won’t go to Fedora!”

A chicken ran past
And I saw the dishes:
“Where, where! Where-where!
Where are you from and where?!”

And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!”

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Life hasn’t been easy for you!”

“Yes,” said the copper basin, “
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are covered in slop.
Look into the tub -
And you will see a frog there,
Look into the tub -
Cockroaches are swarming there,
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through the swamps, through the meadows,
And to the sloppy mess
We won’t come back!”

And they ran through the forest,
We galloped over stumps and over hummocks.
And the poor woman is alone,
And she cries and cries.

A woman would sit at the table,
Yes, the table left the gate.
Grandma would cook cabbage soup
Go and look for a saucepan!
And the cups are gone, and the glasses,
There are only cockroaches left.
Oh, woe to Fedora,

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.

And the saucers cried:
“Isn’t it better to go back?”

And the trough began to cry:
“Alas, I am broken, broken!”

But the saucer said: “Look,
Who's that behind there?

And they see: behind them from the dark forest
Fedora is walking and hobbling.

But a miracle happened to her:
Fedora has become kinder.
Quietly follows them
And sings a quiet song:

“Oh, my poor orphans,
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water.
I'll clean you with sand
I'll douse you with boiling water,
And you will again
Shine like the sun,
And I will remove the filthy cockroaches,
I will sweep away the Prussians and spiders!”

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”

And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”

And the saucers said:
“We should go back!”

And the irons said:
“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”

I kissed you for a long, long time
And she caressed them,
Watered, washed,
She rinsed them.

“I won’t, I won’t
I will offend the dishes
I will, I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect!”

The pots laughed
They winked at the samovar:
“Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!”

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, “grandfather Korney,” as everyone around him called him, loved people very much, for whom he wrote many wonderful books and poems. And Korney Ivanovich especially loved you guys - his most devoted friends. He was a smart and kind man. That’s why his fairy tales, poems and songs are also so smart and kind, so cheerful and funny. “Grandfather Chukovsky” not only wrote himself, he collected the best poems of foreign writers and translated them into Russian so that you too could laugh and think about them.
When you read, sing and learn his wonderful fairy tales by heart, when you yourself become either the monkey Chichi, or Doctor Aibolit, or the evil and stupid robber Barmaley, playing with each other, you not only laugh, but really think about what you would have done you yourself are in the place of these fabulous people and animals. And you begin to judge the greedy crocodile who choked on the “stolen sun”: it serves you right, greedy! - or worry about the good Doctor Aibolit, who is having such a hard time getting to the Limpopo River, where his sick animals can’t wait...
And if we do not forget his fairy tales and poems, then we will never forget Korney Ivanovich himself. This happens with every great and good person: he is never forgotten, because what this person did for people, what he taught them, will forever remain with us, helps us in life.
Today you will hear two “Chukovsky” fairy tales: “Fedorino’s grief” and “Telephone”. Many of you probably know the sad story about the dirty woman Fedora and her abandoned farm. And, of course, you’ve heard the wonderful fairy tale “Telephone,” because every kid knows it:
- My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant!
Listen to these fairy tales performed by the author - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

The sieve gallops across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel
She walked along the street.

Axes, axes
So they pour down the mountain.
The goat got scared
She widened her eyes:

"What's happened? Why?
I won’t understand anything.”

But, like a black iron leg,
The poker ran and jumped.

And the knives rushed down the street:
“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it!”

And the pan is on the run
She shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can’t resist!”

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chatting, chattering, rattling...

The irons run and quack,
They jump over puddles, over puddles.

And behind them are saucers, saucers -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

They rush along the street -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
They bump into glasses - ding! -
And the glasses - ding! - break.

And the frying pan runs, strums, and knocks:
“Where are you going? Where? Where? Where? Where?"

And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.

A table fell out of the window
And he went, he went, he went, he went, he went...

And on it, and on it,
Like riding a horse,
The samovar sits
And he shouts to his comrades:
“Go away, run, save yourself!”

And into the iron pipe:
“Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!”

And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
“Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!
Come home!”

But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora!”
And the poker said:
“I am not Fedora’s servant!”

And porcelain saucers
They laugh at Fedora:
"Never have we, never
We won’t come back here!”

Here are Fedorina's cats
Tails are dressed up,
They ran at full speed.
To turn the dishes:

"Hey you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate?
With yellow-throated sparrows?
You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Come home!”

But the plates are curling and curling,
But Fedora is not given:
“We’d better get lost in the field,
But we won’t go to Fedora!”

A chicken ran past
And I saw the dishes:
“Where, where! Where-where!
Where are you from and where?!”

And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!”

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Life hasn’t been easy for you!”

“Yes,” said the copper basin, “
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are covered in slop.
Look into the tub -
And you will see a frog there.
Look into the tub -
Cockroaches are swarming there,
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through the swamps, through the meadows,
And to the sloppy mess
We won’t come back!”

And they ran through the forest,
We galloped over stumps and over hummocks.
And the poor woman is alone,
And she cries and cries.
A woman would sit at the table,
Yes, the table left the gate.
Grandma would cook cabbage soup
Go and look for a saucepan!
And the cups are gone, and the glasses,
There are only cockroaches left.
Oh, woe to Fedora,

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.

And the saucers cried:
“Isn’t it better to go back?”

And the trough began to cry:
“Alas, I am broken, broken!”

But the dish said: “Look,
Who's that behind there?

And they see: behind them from the dark forest
Fedora is walking and hobbling.

But a miracle happened to her:
Fedora has become kinder.
Quietly follows them
And sings a quiet song:

“Oh, my poor orphans,
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water.
I'll clean you with sand
I'll douse you with boiling water,
And you will again
Shine like the sun,
And I will remove the filthy cockroaches,
I will sweep away the Prussians and spiders!”

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”

And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”

And the saucers said:
“We should go back!”

And the irons said:
“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”

I kissed you for a long, long time
And she caressed them,
She watered and washed.
She rinsed them.

“I won’t, I won’t
I will offend the dishes.
I will, I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect!”

The pots laughed
They winked at the samovar:
“Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!”

Let's fly,
They rang
Yes, to Fedora straight into the oven!
They began to fry, they began to bake, -
Fedora will have pancakes and pies!

And the broom, and the broom is cheerful -
She danced, played, swept,
She didn’t leave a speck of dust behind Fedora.

And the saucers rejoiced:
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
And they dance and laugh -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

And on a white stool
Yes, on an embroidered napkin
The samovar is standing
It's like the heat is burning
And he puffs and looks at the woman:
“I forgive Fedorushka,
I treat you to sweet tea.
Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!”

Analysis of the fairy tale “Fedorino Grief” by Chukovsky

Books by Korney Chukovsky are available in every home where there are small children. His poems and fairy tales are rhythmic, they are easy to read and remember. Even kids who do not yet understand the meaning of what they heard listen to adults reading with pleasure and transfixion. Older children “draw” fancy pictures in their heads and remember instructive stories without any pressure.

The main character of the fairy tale “Fedorino Grief” is Fedor’s grandmother. She is very messy and lazy, does not clean the house, does not wash the dishes. Suddenly, grief befalls her: all the kitchen utensils come to life and run away from their owner. And it is at this moment that the heroine realizes how difficult it is for her to do without her usual household items.

What did Korney Chukovsky want to say with this fairy tale?

Of course, the first conclusion that comes to mind after reading this fairy tale is that you need to be clean, hardworking, and appreciate what you have. And children will voice this morality first.

But the main idea of ​​this work is deeper. The fairy tale teaches us to look back, not to despair in a difficult situation, to change and look for a way out. After all, that’s exactly what Fedora did. She reflected on her actions, admitted and corrected her mistakes. I began to act differently: “I won’t, I won’t hurt the dishes, I will, I will love and respect the dishes!”

Next important point. The animated dishes showed their humanity and ability to forgive. After the grandmother’s plea, the fugitives nevertheless took pity on her and returned. And this act is a clear example of the fact that a person at any age should be given a chance to improve. After all, it is unknown if the heroine had remained unforgiven and alone, she would have managed to change and improve her life. And such a fairy tale would hardly have a happy ending.

The ideological meaning lies in the fact that such sloppy and dirty Fedoras are also found in the modern world. Such people are disgusting and disgusting. The surrounding society does not accept them and refuses to communicate. And only after correction does the grandmother become a full-fledged member of society. A respectful attitude towards the heroine can be seen in the last lines of the fairy tale; the author calls her by her patronymic “Fedora Egorovna”.

This is how a seemingly ordinary children's fairy tale teaches important life principles. An accessible poetic form, a variety of characters and eloquent dialogues deeply penetrate the consciousness of children. Thanks to this, Korney Chukovsky remains relevant in our time.


The sieve gallops across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.

There's a broom behind the shovel
She walked along the street.

Axes, axes
So they pour down the mountain.
The goat got scared
She widened her eyes:

"What's happened? Why?
I won’t understand anything.”


But, like a black iron leg,
The poker ran and jumped.

And the knives rushed down the street:
“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it!”

And the pan is on the run
She shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can’t resist!”

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chatting, chattering, rattling...

The irons run and quack,
They jump over puddles, over puddles.

And behind them are saucers, saucers -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
They rush along the street -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
On the glasses - ding! - bump into
And the glasses - ding! - they break.

And the frying pan runs, strums, and knocks:
“Where are you going? Where? Where? Where? Where?"

And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.

A table fell out of the window
And he went, he went, he went, he went, he went...

And on it, and on it,
Like riding a horse,
The samovar sits
And he shouts to his comrades:
“Go away, run, save yourself!”

And into the iron pipe:
“Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!”


And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
“Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!
Come home!”

But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora!”
And the poker said:
“I am not Fedora’s servant!”

And porcelain saucers
They laugh at Fedora:
"Never have we, never
We won’t come back here!”

Here are Fedorina's cats
Tails are dressed up,
We ran at full speed,
To turn the dishes:

"Hey, you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate?
With yellow-throated sparrows?
You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Come home!”

But the plates are curling and curling,
But Fedora is not given:
“We’d better get lost in the field,
But we won’t go to Fedora!”


A chicken ran past
And I saw the dishes:
“Where, where! Where-where!
Where are you from and where?!”

And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!”

“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Life hasn’t been easy for you!”

“Yes,” said the copper basin, “
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are covered in slop.
Look into the tub -
And you will see a frog there.
Look into the tub -
Cockroaches are swarming there,
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through the swamps, through the meadows,
And to the sloppy mess
We won’t come back!”


And they ran through the forest,
We galloped over stumps and over hummocks.
And the poor woman is alone,
And she cries and cries.
A woman would sit at the table,
Yes, the table left the gate.
Grandma would cook cabbage soup
Go and look for a saucepan!
And the cups are gone, and the glasses,
There are only cockroaches left.
Oh, woe to Fedora,


And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.

And the saucers cried:
“Isn’t it better to go back?”

And the trough began to cry:
“Alas, I am broken, broken!”

But the dish said: “Look,
Who's that behind there?

And they see: behind them from the dark forest
Fedora is walking and hobbling.

But a miracle happened to her:
Fedora has become kinder.
Quietly follows them
And sings a quiet song:

“Oh, my poor orphans!
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water.
I'll clean you with sand
I'll douse you with boiling water,
And you will again
Shine like the sun,
And I will remove the filthy cockroaches,
I will sweep away the Prussians and spiders!”

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”

And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”

And the saucers said:
“We should go back!”

And the irons said:
“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”


I kissed you for a long, long time
And she caressed them,
Watered, washed,
She rinsed them.

“I won’t, I won’t
I will offend the dishes
I will, I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect!”

The pots laughed
They winked at the samovar:
“Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!”

Let's fly,
They rang
Yes, to Fedora straight into the oven!
They began to fry, they began to bake, -
Fedora will have pancakes and pies!

And the broom, and the broom is cheerful -
She danced, played, swept,
She didn’t leave a speck of dust behind Fedora.

And the saucers rejoiced:
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
And they dance and laugh -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

And on a white stool
Yes, on an embroidered napkin
The samovar is standing
It's like the heat is burning
And he puffs and looks at the woman:
“I forgive Fedorushka,
I treat you to sweet tea.
Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!”

The sieve gallops across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.
There's a broom behind the shovel
She walked along the street.
Axes, axes
So they pour down the mountain.
The goat got scared
She widened her eyes:
"What's happened? Why?
I won’t understand anything.”

But, like a black iron leg,
The poker ran and jumped.
And the knives rushed down the street:
“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it!”
And the pan is on the run
She shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can’t resist!”
So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chatting, chattering, rattling...
The irons run and quack,
They jump over puddles, over puddles.
And behind them are saucers, saucers -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
They rush along the street -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
They bump into glasses - ding! -
And the glasses - ding! - break.
And the frying pan runs, strums, and knocks:
“Where are you going? Where? Where? Where? Where?"
And behind her are forks,
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.
A table fell out of the window
And he went, he went, he went, he went, he went...
And on it, and on it,
Like riding a horse,
The samovar sits
And he shouts to his comrades:
“Go away, run, save yourself!”
And into the iron pipe:
“Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!”

And behind them along the fence
Fedora's grandmother gallops:
“Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!
Come home!”
But the trough answered:
“I’m angry with Fedora!”
And the poker said:
“I am not Fedora’s servant!”
And porcelain saucers
They laugh at Fedora:
"Never have we, never
We won’t come back here!”
Here are Fedorina's cats
Tails are dressed up,
They ran at full speed.
To turn the dishes:
"Hey you stupid plates,
Why are you jumping like squirrels?
Should you run behind the gate?
With yellow-throated sparrows?
You will fall into a ditch
You will drown in the swamp.
Don't go, wait,
Come home!”
But the plates are curling and curling,
But Fedora is not given:
“We’d better get lost in the field,
But we won’t go to Fedora!”

A chicken ran past
And I saw the dishes:
“Where, where! Where-where!
Where are you from and where?!”
And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!”
“Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Life hasn’t been easy for you!”
“Yes,” said the copper basin, “
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are covered in slop.
Look into the tub -
And you will see a frog there.
Look into the tub -
Cockroaches are swarming there,
That's why we are from a woman
They ran away like from a toad,
And we walk through the fields,
Through the swamps, through the meadows,
And to the sloppy mess
We won’t come back!”

And they ran through the forest,
We galloped over stumps and over hummocks.
And the poor woman is alone,
And she cries and cries.
A woman would sit at the table,
Yes, the table left the gate.
Grandma would cook cabbage soup
Go and look for a saucepan!
And the cups and glasses are gone,
There are only cockroaches left.
Oh, woe to Fedora,

And the dishes come and go
It walks through fields and swamps.
And the kettle whispered to the iron:
“I can’t go any further.”
And the saucers cried:
“Isn’t it better to go back?”
And the trough began to cry:
“Alas, I am broken, broken!”
But the dish said: “Look,
Who's that behind there?
And they see: behind them from the dark forest
Fedora is walking and hobbling.
But a miracle happened to her:
Fedora has become kinder.
Quietly follows them
And sings a quiet song:
“Oh, my poor orphans,
The irons and pans are mine!
Go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water. - website
I'll clean you with sand
I'll douse you with boiling water,
And you will again
Shine like the sun,
And I will remove the filthy cockroaches,
I will sweep away the Prussians and spiders!”
And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”
And the cup said:
“Oh, she’s a poor thing!”
And the saucers said:
“We should go back!”
And the irons said:
“We are not Fedora’s enemies!”

I kissed you for a long, long time
And she caressed them,
She watered and washed.
She rinsed them.
“I won’t, I won’t
I will offend the dishes.
I will, I will, I will do the dishes
And love and respect!”
The pots laughed
They winked at the samovar:
“Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!”
Let's fly,
They rang
Yes, to Fedora straight into the oven!
They began to fry, they began to bake, -
Fedora will have pancakes and pies!
And the broom, and the broom is cheerful -
She danced, played, swept,
She didn’t leave a speck of dust behind Fedora.
And the saucers rejoiced:
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
And they dance and laugh -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
And on a white stool
Yes, on an embroidered napkin
The samovar is standing
It's like the heat is burning
And he puffs and looks at the woman:
“I forgive Fedorushka,
I treat you to sweet tea.
Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!”

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