Children's theatrical music studios. Children's theater studio "WE"

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So, you have already scoured the entire Internet in search of best option additional education for your child, we read a lot of articles, talked with friends, separated the wheat from the chaff and decided - you need a theater studio! An excellent solution, but the most difficult is yet to come: out of thousands educational institutions you need to choose one, the very best, and not make a mistake! How can you do this if all your theatrical connections are limited to a couple of cloakroom attendants and a cute old man from the buffet? The most important thing is don’t get lost and don’t grab the first option that comes your way; consider only the best theater studios for children in Moscow. There are many such institutions in the capital and they are all different. To find the one you need, let's try to clarify the criteria.

Many parents solve the problem of choice simply - choose either the most high price, or the biggest name. Don’t repeat their mistake; choose an institution based on your child’s needs.

As well as sport sections are divided into professional and health groups; educational institutions with a theatrical focus can be divided into:

  • drama clubs “at home” - simple amateur or semi-professional theater groups based on interests in schools, cultural centers, etc.; inexpensive, sometimes free;
  • professional theater studios - most often exist at reputable theaters and are aimed at training personnel for these same theaters; paid, admission based on strict competition.

The options listed above deserve careful consideration, but remember that they are not equivalent, and the choice should be made depending on the desired result. For example, if you don’t see your child on stage, but only want to strengthen his self-esteem and instill a love of creativity, the Moscow Art Theater studio is clearly not for you, but you should take a closer look at the circles near your house.

Children's studios at theaters and universities

For the hopeful young talents, whose future is seen by parents only in the light of spotlights or on big screen, there are children's theater schools with big names and impeccable reputation. Of these, it is much easier to get into a theater university and note to to the right people, because the studios operate at universities, and Moscow’s leading theater teachers teach there. But getting into it can be difficult. The little candidate will have to convince admissions committee that he has more abilities than most applicants.

Among the professional institutions, the following are the most famous and best children's theater studios in Moscow:

  1. At the Moscow Art Theater. Needs no introduction. One of the ways to significantly facilitate your child’s future admission to the Moscow Art Theater School.
  2. At GITIS. That is, at the largest theater university in Europe, thanks to which a whole galaxy of stars saw the light of day national scene, screen and directing.
  3. At the Vakhtangov Theater. The Vakhtangov Theater will soon turn 100 years old from its founding; it is one of the most interesting and respected capital theaters with a rich history.
  4. Children's theater studio named after Irina Feofanova. Since 2001, it has produced many star students who successfully entered and graduated from universities, and found their place in productions of leading theaters in the capital, as well as in TV series and films.

The advantages of studying in studios at famous theaters and universities are obvious, but what can be said about the disadvantages:

  • it is expensive;
  • it is most often far from home;
  • this takes a lot of time and effort, sometimes to the detriment of the main studies, because the institutions are ambitious, and they do not study for the sake of a hobby;
  • this is risky, because no one guarantees your child not only a stellar future, but even a modest role in a more or less serious production. Everything will depend on his abilities and luck, 50/50.

Theater interest groups

If you are not raising a careerist, but a comprehensively developed personality with a love of art and creativity, the children's theater studio in Moscow will be suitable for your child, where he will be comfortable, fun and interesting. Don't be overwhelmed by professionalism, names, career prospects or lack thereof. Look for talented organizers among teachers who can not only give children knowledge, but also spark their little eyes with interest in theater and stage.

Helpful advice: go to class, sit in the hall and look at the faces of the children, they will best recommendations, whichever ones you can get.

Often, the curator of an amateur hobby group can achieve more from a child than an eminent theater teacher, so you should not be biased towards “circles.” Check out everything you find near your home, and don’t miss out on even the smallest group of theater friends. Take the time to search and be sure to ask your child where he would like to study.

Pros of children's drama clubs:

  1. It's easy to find an option close to home.
  2. Inexpensive.
  3. Doesn't require too much time and doesn't distract from your main studies.
  4. The child chooses the place, not the place - the child. The circle you don't like can be replaced with another one.

Everyone loves classes in the theater studio for children, because there is no strict teacher which forces you to learn uninteresting material, requires cramming or sitting for a long time at the desk.

Our country has a rich theatrical history and a promising present: in addition to the well-established “shelters of Melpomene” with a classical view of creative process and an established repertoire, new groups are also appearing - modern, daring, seeking. All this arouses great interest among viewers - both adults and children. Moreover, many children themselves want to participate in plays and productions, to try on the role and status of an actor.

Nothing is impossible: theater studios, clubs, creative associations, in which boys and girls can master the basics of acting, speech techniques, and stage movement. They will be helped in this by attentive and experienced teachers-mentors - people directly related to art.

Classes in theater associations allow you to form harmonious personality, participate in spiritual, moral and physical education the younger generation. Firstly, the guys liberate themselves, overcome constraint and complexes, secondly, they reveal their abilities, improve their speech, memory, find like-minded people, thirdly, they improve their health, muscles, posture - after all great attention is devoted to the physical training of young artists: in particular, choreography, gymnastics, and rhythm.

How to increase expressiveness of a young actor

Any actor - even the smallest one - must look on stage in such a way that no one can say: “I don’t believe it,” as Stanislavsky did in his time. That's why stagecraft requires the artist to be truthful and expressive. Perhaps the simplest, but at the same time effective way is pantomime. With its help it is created artistic image without words, but using the plasticity of your own body. It will be very useful for children, and, in addition, it will develop their imagination and give them fun. For example, you can “get into the role” of some animal, hero or tree.

How are stage speech classes useful for children?

Stage speaking classes will be useful not only for those who dream of being an actor. Many other public professions require correct and persuasive speaking skills. The success of any performance before school class- poetry reading, report, project defense - 90% depends on how the student speaks. During stage speech classes, children do breathing exercises, do articulatory gymnastics, train diction and eliminate its shortcomings. The child is interested in games, reading tongue twisters, voice training, and all this in a relaxed manner helps to develop important qualities and skills. The student becomes proactive, but at the same time coordinates his actions with the team, overcomes embarrassment and fears, learns to express thoughts, trains imagination, memory, ear for music. A big plus of stage speech classes is the healing effect. With the development of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system is simultaneously strengthened. So, the benefits of stage speech classes are undeniable.

What child doesn't love performing! Perform loudly and brightly, preferably in front of an audience and in a beautiful suit. Of course, parents in this case They only welcome such desires, and if it is absent, then in every possible way they contribute to its appearance. For the vast majority, the opportunity to feel like an artist at a festival is realized in the preschool period. What then? What if your child is the future “Chaplin” or a great director?
Talent, of course, needs to be developed. Talent requires daily hard work. It is possible to understand these axioms only by experiencing them. And having experienced it, decide on your readiness to devote yourself to the path of Melpomene. This review will help you find not just a theater studio, of which there are plenty in the Palaces of Creativity, but also find a master who will help your child master such a delicate profession - an artist.

Russian academic youth theater originally called Central Children's theater. This transformation from childhood to adolescence was also reflected in the Spectator Clubs at the theater. The oldest of them is “Theater Dictionary” for teenagers from 11 to 14 years old. Its program lasts 2 years and is focused on theater professions.
For preschool and younger children school age Classes are held once a month Family Club, during which its members watch best performances, discuss them, take pictures in the scenery and go through the theater on a tour. The Premiere club is intended for those who have completed classes in the first two clubs.

The name of the theater - Children's Musical Theater of Young Actors - in this case speaks for itself. The creative credo of the theater is the principle “Children actors for children spectators.”
The theater is unique precisely because of its young actors, who master the basics of musical and dramatic art, vocals and plastic arts, and the requirements are set for them as professionals, and many of the graduates study at Moscow theater universities in the capital, work in Moscow theaters, and act in films.

Since 2011, the children's acting school "Talantino" has been operating in Moscow. The school's teachers are practicing actors, producers, film directors and casting directors. In addition to the “usual” classes for acting schools, Talantino offers excursions to film sets, film studios, animation studios and behind the scenes of theaters, master classes are held with famous actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and, in addition, free events are organized.

The children's opera studio began its work in December 2010. Children from 6 to 13 years old take part in it. However, these are not just classes - studio students take the most Active participation in performances, appearing on stage in productions of “The Love for Three Oranges”, “A Game of Soul and Body”, “Cat’s House”, “Mowgli”, “Thumbelina”, “The Nutcracker”.
Training is free. In the process of getting acquainted with the world of musical theater, children learn the skills of an actor, the basics of stage movement and dance, and develop vocal abilities.
Recruitment occurs at the beginning theater season, in September.

Since 1920 in Bolshoi Theater There is an independent group - the Children's Choir. Probably everyone dreams of getting here. talented child. The team took part in many opera and ballet performances theater: " Queen of Spades", "Eugene Onegin", "The Nutcracker", "Khovanshchina", "Boris Godunov", "That's what everyone does", "Carmen", "La Boheme", "Tosca", "Turandot", "Der Rosenkavalier", "Wozzeck" , " Fire Angel", "Child and Magic", "Moidodyr", "Ivan the Terrible" and others. But today the choir not only takes part in performances, but also engages in independent concert activities.
Classes in the choir allow its students to enter higher musical educational institutions. Many of them become laureates of vocal competitions and soloists of opera houses.

The children's choral studio at the Musical Theater has been operating since 2006. Every year it accepts free education talented guys aged 6 to 13 years. May 6, 2006 in the Hall. Tchaikovsky opera troupe Musical theater presented the opera "Carmen" in concert performance at French and with spoken dialogues. This event became the choir's birthday.
Children's choir- a full-fledged participant in theater performances. Today, productions of the plays "Werther", "La Boheme", "Carmen", " Barber of Seville", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Blind. Songs at the Well", "Dream in summer night", "The Queen of Spades", "Tosca", "The Nutcracker".

Pupils of the Children's Choral Group at the Pokrovsky Theater, with a certain effort and diligence, can also “boast” of participating in the performances “Let’s create an opera”, “The Adventures of Cipollino”, “Pinocchio”, “ Prodigal son", "Noble Nest".
Classes in the group are conducted by a wonderful teacher - Elena Ozerova. The only condition for admission to the group is an excellent ear for music and voice. And group training, rehearsals for conductors, choirmasters, and choreographers are free.
Auditions for the group are held in early September each year.

A children's studio is a team of like-minded people, adults and children, united by a common creative work, where the elders help the younger ones learn the basics acting profession, and juniors adopt not only skills and abilities, but also learn self-discipline from their more experienced colleagues, develop creative imagination and imagination, attention, observation, acquire communication skills and the ability to manage their emotions.
IN junior group Children aged 5-7 years are accepted; children from 9 to 12 years old are accepted into the preparatory staff. Young artists participate in theater rehearsals and performances, and perform for veterans.
Auditions for groups are held in early September.

Children aged 5 to 15 years are invited to the studio of the Modern Theater. As a result of the training, the children receive a comprehensive education that guarantees a professional studio uniform and the opportunity to take part in performances with troupe artists on the theater stage, as well as take part in Russian and foreign festivals.
Training is differentiated depending on age and level of training. The educational course includes a number of subjects: acting, stage speech, vocals and choreography. In addition, master classes are conducted for all students by invited teachers from educational institutions high school, as well as artists.

The children's training studio of the MOST Theater is based on the results of the "Magic BRIDGE" project. This - new project theater, which is designed to develop Creative skills child.
Classes are taught by leading actors and choreographers of the theater who have experience working with children. The studio program includes two directions: acting and choreography. The result of the acting classes is a performance that will be shown to the audience at the end of the course. The result of choreographic classes - special program, which will be shown to viewers at the end of the course.

In the studios drama theater"On the Embankment" is taught to children from 10 to 18 years old in a studio theater program. The program includes work with professional theater teachers over individual, duet, artel dramatic miniatures, studio performances presented in the theater repertoire. Children study dramatic art, explore voice, plastic, dance, improvisational art. Studio graduates perform in repertory performances.
The program is conducted according to the author's methods artistic director theater F.V. Sukhova.

The child’s creative potential will be developed in the New Art Theater Studios. Looking ahead, we note that the basis of the current theater troupe is made up of students of the Studio, most of whom have already graduated theater universities capital Cities.
NAT studios are formed according to certain rules, including the age and education of students. The youngest (from 4 years old) are taught according to a specially developed program. It includes almost all professional subjects theater institutes, but significantly adapted to children's age characteristics. The Studio "I Am an Artist" teaches acting, choreography, vocals and stage speech.
Children from 7 to 16 years old are invited to the First NAT studio. The most gifted and hardworking guys who have demonstrated themselves positively during classes and rehearsals get here. They become the main participants creative projects theater Despite the fact that these studio students are closely involved in the theater’s repertoire, they continue to practice acting skills, choreography, stage speech and vocals in full.

The Drama Theater "Vernadsky, 13" invites gifted children to the Children's Theater Studio "Wings". This real school additional education with a theatrical and artistic focus. The main goal of the studio is development creative potential child.
School-age children and teenagers, as well as young people, study in the studio. Training takes place at 7 age groups. Younger children are taught theatrical acting, artistic word, choreography, basics of stage movement and acrobatics, basics visual arts, ensemble singing. And with the elders they practice acting, stage speech, choreography, stage movement, plasticity, stage combat, vocals, makeup and set design.
For those planning to receive professional creative education There is a preparatory course, and the opportunity to undergo acting practice in theater performances has also been created.

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