Complementing each other: compatibility of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. Union of different elements

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The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man can be briefly described in just a few words: close, but not together. As a rule, the union is not very strong. Cancer is thorough and reasonable, he is used to living by unspoken rules and not deviating from them.

Therefore, it will be difficult for him to understand the unpredictable, freedom-loving and frivolous chosen one under the sign of Aquarius. The best relationship between a couple develops at the very beginning of their acquaintance, when the sense of novelty is only aggravated by the complete opposite of their characters. But subsequently, misunderstanding will grow, and something will have to be done about it.

Aquarius and Cancer: compatibility

Reviews of the horoscope of people under these zodiac signs agree on something: Cancer for Aquarius brings practical benefits, and Aquarius for Cancer for a long time remains a “beautiful stranger,” mysterious and enigmatic. By the way, this is how most other signs think about him.

These people can be business partners, husband and wife, close friends, but all these unions have one feature. Aquarius loves to insult the personality of his opponent, to make fun of him - not even out of “harmfulness,” but simply to see Cancer’s reaction. These signs, despite their pragmatism, are distinguished by rare emotionality. Cancer's face is like an open book. It can read laughter or sadness, irritation or tenderness, fear or a desperate desire to hide something. And they truly enjoy reading this.

But there is a special quality that is not very good: the partner’s increased anxiety. The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man is also imperfect because the former have nothing to hide, and they often simply do not understand the suspicion and anxiety of their partners. In addition, the Aquarius girl often takes offense at Cancer for his habit of sulking. After all, whatever one may say, this is mainly a female prerogative.

Compatibility of “Aquarius girl - Cancer guy” in family life

As was already said at the beginning of the article, Cancers are attracted by stability, an established family life, and to some extent even monotony. For Aquarius, this is not only incomprehensible - he is simply physically unable to give his partner what he wants. The girl of the water element is burdened by a monotonous pastime and does not like to sit at home.

Therefore, the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man in his views on family and everyday life is not the most ideal. In percentage terms it is about 50%. But both signs, with mutual desire, will be able to maintain their relationship and make the union lasting. To do this, everyone must come to a compromise.

The secret to harmony in family life for Cancer: just mind your own business. Do not torment your partner with endless nagging, do not ask unnecessary questions. And if an absent-minded Aquarius forgets something, gently remind him of it without imposing your opinion. The recipe for Aquarius girls who want to get along well with their chosen ones is even simpler: surround Cancer with love, create an atmosphere of home comfort around him, be prepared for heartfelt communication from time to time and learn to sympathize. After all, sometimes the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man, which at first glance is by no means ideal, becomes a long and happy union.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man does not develop quickly. Firstly, he does not immediately come out of his shell, especially since at first he is frightened by the directness of the Aquarius woman. Secondly, because she is in no hurry to pay attention to the seemingly unremarkable Cancer man. But when he finally sticks his head out to people in search of something curious, he notices her - that’s why it’s hard not to notice an Aquarius woman. They are attracted: he wins her over emotionally, she magically inspires him. They feel good together, if not for one “but”: she gets bored quite quickly, and he gets tired of active communication just as quickly. Well, if they meet in doses, something will come of their love.

They both lack determination. It is quite possible that they will take the first step towards sex for a very long time, since neither the Aquarius woman nor the Cancer man is inclined to take the initiative in their intimate life. However, when they both realize that someone will have to do it, that someone will not be a Cancer man. Their meetings will be shrouded in romance and tenderness, sentimentality, and sincerity. Perhaps they both will lack a “strong hand” in bed, it is possible that they will not even notice it: both are too cut off from the earthly, sensory part of life and do not understand their sexual sensations well.

Family and marriage

On the issue of marriage, disagreements may arise between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man. The fact is that an Aquarius woman, as a rule, does not want to get married at all, but a Cancer man dreams of a family. If their passionate love is a sufficient reason for her to get married, they will have a long, happy family life - he will take care of that. It is difficult to find a more gentle husband than a Cancer man. On the other hand, he is not very practical, so she will have to solve many issues that the Aquarius woman would like to shift onto a man’s shoulders. But what family evenings they will have!

Of course, Aquarius is responsible for friendship in the Aquarius-Cancer alliance. She will be able to make her Cancer man friend feel needed. Their long conversations about nothing and everything in the world are only a small part of their friendship. Both the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man love adventure (he, of course, prefers to travel in the palaces of his own and others’ subconscious, but still), so interesting walks and trips will brighten up their leisure time together.

Work and business

The Cancer man is not about business. Although some representatives of this sign manage to build entire corporations, they still prefer to sort out interesting ideas, come up with projects and select people who can bring these projects to life. Cancer men are also very successful in creativity - this is where they share the same path with Aquarius women. Together they will be able to bring any task to perfection, if only they find those who will hone the details - they themselves are often unable to do painstaking work. An Aquarius woman will attract the necessary people to make their product perfect.

When zodiac signs belong to different elements, it is sometimes difficult for them to find a common language. However, happy unions also occur in such cases. True, less often. The compatibility of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is an interesting example and at the same time proof that very different personalities can complement each other and become a strong family.

Cancer is the element of water, and water is feelings and emotions. Aquarius is not water, as you might think from the name, but air. Simply a symbol of this zodiac sign is a beautiful young man pouring the water of life from his never-ending jug.

It turns out that initially we are dealing with completely different people. Many of their features are opposite, and many complement each other perfectly. For example, Cancer is closed, but Aquarius is very sociable and is able to win over any interlocutor. This is the key to favorable compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in a love relationship.

When these two meet each other and work up the courage to ask out, both will have an interesting experience: Cancer will be amazed at how easy-going and charming a person can be with their interactions, and Aquarius will likely be drawn to the warmth that comes from Cancer. He simply carries within himself the image of a real family man, a strong patriarch, with whom he will feel very reliable in any situation. If a girl under the sign of Aquarius sees exactly this image of a man as an ideal, she cannot find a better match.

Compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in love can serve as the basis for a long-term, interesting relationship that will at least give each other a very interesting, unique life experience. Surprisingly, such people rarely stick around for a long time. But if they have been together for more than a year, even this fact suggests that everything worked out.

Yes, there are misunderstandings. For example, Cancer will try to slightly correct the behavior of Aquarius, her words about him or about people in general. And this will be a mistake that he very quickly realizes. You should not try to somehow put pressure on Aquarius - have no doubt, even the most timid representatives of this sign will give a decisive rebuff. The point is not in their harmfulness, although sometimes it also slips through. It’s just that Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac of all that the starry sky contains.

And Aquarius can sometimes get bored with the fact that Cancer prefers quiet family evenings and walks under the moon just the two of them over noisy companies. Although the romance and tenderness of such a guy is undoubtedly capable of winning the heart of a sensitive Aquarius. And we can say for sure: if they are together, it’s not just about feelings. It’s just that Aquarius also loves for his intelligence, strength of personality and interesting outlook on life. Such a girl clearly does not have enough stability and confidence in the future.

She herself brings that touch of unpredictability that Cancer sometimes lacks. After all, a man of this sign often hides under his shell and believes that it is better to just wait out difficult times. And then suddenly such an interesting companion appears, who literally enlivens his gray reality. Here is an example of when different people do not attract according to the law of opposites, but simply complement each other with what they separately do not and cannot have.

Of course, such an idyll will be disrupted from time to time. Most likely, the source of conflict will often be Aquarius himself. It's just a more active sign than cancer. And besides, Aquarius can directly speak out about the shortcomings of his beloved, which will certainly seriously hurt him. It's worth remembering that Cancer guys have very thin skin. Do not try to challenge this statement by saying that according to your observations, no matter how much you say, he tolerates everything. Yes, he endures it, and outwardly, most likely, he puts on a half-smile on his face. In fact, he is in a lot of pain - you can be sure of that. It’s just that men of this type accumulate resentment and don’t even express any objections to their lady of the heart: they say, yes, he’s guilty, yes, he did the wrong thing, yes, he’s not cool enough for you, and everything like that.

Just don’t try to abuse this trait - you can simply undermine Cancer’s self-confidence. And this gentle creature takes a long time to recover from serious blows of fate. If an Aquarius girl shows her maximum diplomacy, she will receive in return a strong man who confidently covers her, Aquarius, with everything he can, as long as she feels good. Agree, such care will melt the heart of any, even the most unapproachable beauty.

Marriage compatibility: the husband is at home more often than the wife

A Cancer man from a very young age begins to think about his future family, and in this regard he is a completely atypical man. He remembers the image of his mother, family relationships from childhood and subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) tries to reproduce the story in an exact copy.

Speaking of mother. Do not try to speak harshly about his parents, home life, the quality of the prepared food and other similar things. For a Cancer man, the mother is almost a saint, and the parental home is the beginning. Just use all your diplomacy and criticize as much as you like, but only in the language of hints and interlinear characters.

So, the compatibility of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman in family relationships largely depends on the girl. A man has long been determined to start a family and carefully selects a life partner - one for life. And for him, believe me, these are not empty words. We are responsible for those we have tamed - this is the motto of a typical cancer.

Therefore, if an Aquarius woman accepts the rules of the game, where she will be assigned the honorable role of a lady of the heart, whom her husband will carefully protect and try to keep at home, then everything will work out. Another thing is that Aquarius can quickly get bored with the monotonous order and run away. To begin with, go to a friend, and then maybe seriously think about breaking up.

Try to soberly assess what wonderful opportunities your cancer provides for the family hearth: a caring and gentle man who strives in every possible way to provide for his home and give you everything that is within his capabilities. Try to get him out of the house, go for walks together, create your own little strange traditions, in a word, try to resolve the issue by approaching it from a completely unexpected direction.

And most importantly, inspire Cancer to do great things. Men of this sign can sometimes feel very insecure due to their innate sense of proportion and caution. At this moment, Cancer will need a spiritual charge, which Aquarius can provide in any quantity. You can rest assured that your beloved will give you a lot in gratitude.

When both partners can adapt to each other and abandon attempts to somehow change their characters, their compatibility in marriage will reach its highest point.

Compatibility in bed: the struggle between stability and unpredictability

The Cancer man is sensitive to everything related to sex. For him, this is a whole ritual with long foreplay, stormy nights and joint walks under the moon after voluptuousness. And for an Aquarius woman to get closer, the main thing is to be aroused by such an important male quality as intelligence.

The fact is that Aquarius will have very little simple romance. Yes, the flowers are beautiful, yes, the candies are amazing. And yes, the restaurant is nice. But all this is a standard set. And by the way, it’s optional. Aquarius will appreciate everything unusual. Date in an open field - why not? Walking around the entire embankment is great! Going to see horror films at the very last screening is spot on!

Here she may encounter some misunderstandings with Cancer, who is accustomed to traditional relationships and romantic evenings. To get out of an awkward situation, try to relax your companion - let him understand that he is needed and that you, Aquarius, appreciate his affection and care.

When Cancer completely trusts his partner, the girl, by the way, will be in for a pleasant surprise: a seemingly closed creature turns into a real ocean of passion. Such a surprise will amaze Aquarius so much that the couple will be able to spend many interesting nights of love. This is a guarantee of their favorable compatibility in bed.

Compatibility at work: we're just colleagues

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman are very different creatures, so they can take on some kind of joint business with pleasure. But they are indispensable in those activities that involve team resolution of issues.

For example, new projects in which Aquarius will most likely take on the function of work organizer and idea generator, and Cancer will take on routine tasks with no less pleasure. But someone has to do them too, right?

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman are creatures from different worlds. and the stars don't give them particularly great chances. But if they realize that their qualities complement each other well, the union will certainly be very successful.

According to the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man, their family union is rarely harmonious and strong. Both partners are so different that it is difficult for them to understand each other. The Cancer man always looks to the past, family values ​​and traditions are important to him, and other signs, he lives in the future, strives for everything new and unknown.

The Cancer man is thorough and lives by the rules, and even with all his desire he cannot understand the unpredictable, freedom-loving Aquarius woman. If at the beginning of a relationship they may be attracted by their differences and a sense of novelty, then over time, the feeling of novelty dulls, and misunderstanding only grows.

The Cancer man values ​​family and strong, stable family relationships are important to him. But the Aquarius woman cannot give him this. She is burdened by the monotony of spending evenings at home. She's just bored, but for the homebody Cancer - just right.

We can say that the Aquarius-Cancer couple has absolutely opposite views on life, home, family, everyday life, and it is extremely difficult to find common ground. This family can only exist due to constant compromises and the strong desire of both partners to live together.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Cancer man – PROS

An ideal relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man can only exist if they are united by something more than habit, psychological compatibility or even love. For a harmonious relationship, they need some high idea with a deep meaning that can connect people who are so different from each other. This could be a desire for a raw food diet, a passion for esotericism, vegetarianism, or some innovative pedagogical idea. In general, it could be anything, only it connected both of them.

Another option for a harmonious relationship in an Aquarius-Cancer compatibility pair can be when the Aquarius woman and Cancer man do not live together. For example, a Cancer man lives with his parents (and for him this is quite normal even in adulthood) or he already has a family. In this case, all complaints about everyday life disappear by themselves, and the love of freedom of the Aquarius woman only attracts the Cancer man. such a relationship, since she does not need to perform household duties, and communication with a Cancer man gives her pleasure, since she intuitively feels that he is much wiser than her.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Cancer man – CONS

The main problems in the compatibility of the Zodiac signs Aquarius and Cancer lie on the surface. The Cancer man most dislikes the Aquarius woman’s reluctance to devote herself entirely to the family. He is burdened by the many friends of the Aquarius woman, and her friendliness and openness with everyone, while he is open only with close people. In addition, he is very jealous and cautious, so constant guests in his house irritate him.

And the Aquarius woman does not like the Cancer man’s attempts to put pressure on her and teach her about life. and emotionally blackmail. These actions of his cause the opposite effect. The Aquarius woman is not good at understanding feelings. Therefore, she will not compete in this with the Cancer man, but will simply leave the family.

Aquarius-Cancer horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Cancer, in order for there to be harmony in their family, the Aquarius woman needs to understand a simple thing: experiences. By the way, pay attention to the fact that the Cancer man has well-developed intuition, and his receptivity allows him to see the depth and essence of things much better than you. So listen more and talk less. This will bring tangible benefits to you and will earn respect from the Cancer man. Also try to tell him less about your friends, rather talk about himself. And yet, do not show him your independence, and, most importantly, independence of thought.

If you suddenly notice that a Cancer man has begun to put pressure on you, make scenes, be offended, be capricious, this is the first sign that he is jealous of you or is not sure of your love. Don't be angry with him for this and don't rush to break off the relationship. If this man is really dear to you, then find a way to prove it to him, reassure him, show him that he has absolutely no reason to be jealous. But, do not give in to provocations and do not give up your interests. After this, the Cancer man will want to subjugate you completely. Therefore, look for compromises that would suit both of you.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Cancer man

The Aquarius girl will immediately attract the attention of the Cancer guy with her sociability and sincere interest in all people. She will simply conquer the Cancer man by paying attention and interest to his thoughts and experiences. The Cancer man always strives for family life, so he will immediately begin to consider the Aquarius woman as a suitable candidate for the role of wife. But, after getting closer, he will immediately try to completely subjugate the Aquarius woman and instill in her his views on life. The Aquarius woman respects other people's opinions, but does not allow herself to be pressured. Therefore, both partners may note over time that the best period in their lives was the initial period, when the relationship was just beginning.

However, this union can be quite happy if the spiritual side of life and a philosophical outlook on life are not alien to the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man. Then the spouses understand that on a spiritual level they perfectly complement each other and help to see new facets of events, and differences on an everyday level are only the price to pay for this.

Also, a relationship with a married Cancer man can be “ideal”. In this case, he already has someone to educate, and he expects lightness and freedom from a love story. And the freedom-loving and unobtrusive Aquarius woman is perfect for the role of a mistress.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Cancer man in friendship

Friendship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man is more like cooperation. They have a good relationship if they have a common goal and interests. For example, they can work together in the field of pedagogy, art, and politics. But no matter how close their relationship is, they still lack the warmth and emotions that usually bind true friends.

In other cases, when an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man live an ordinary life, they do not find mutual understanding. The Aquarius woman quickly gets tired of the Cancer man's isolation. He keeps everything to himself and does not immediately trust people. It takes a Cancer man a long time to open up and trust, so this friendship falls apart before the Cancer man even considers the Aquarius woman his friend.

The physical attraction of an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man to each other is small, so their “halves” should not be afraid of cheating.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Cancer man in business

A business union between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man rarely brings tangible results. They have completely different working styles, different interests and different approaches to business issues. Business cooperation is still possible when each of them is responsible for their own “front” of work.

When an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man are colleagues or partners, nothing good will come of this cooperation. Despite the fact that each of them individually has many advantages, working together they will only slow down the process.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Cancer man is a subordinate, this is a difficult combination, especially for an Aquarius woman. It is difficult for her to understand her subordinate, and she does not even know what language to speak to him. Due to the fact that the Aquarius woman is friendly to the needs of other people, such cooperation can last for some time. But, if the Cancer man does not strengthen his position with business achievements, he will soon “get laid off.”

When an Aquarius woman is a subordinate and a Cancer man is a boss, this is a complex union. The Cancer boss is used to controlling everything down to the smallest detail, but the Aquarius woman does not tolerate control over herself and her work. If the Cancer boss perceives her behavior as disrespect for herself, she will become very vindictive.

Aquarius and Cancer are a very strange union.
Rarely do relationships between these zodiac signs last long, because Cancer is very reserved and domestic, while Aquarius loves a stormy, free life.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love

The horoscope predicts for these signs:

* Compatibility in love - 70%

* Marriage compatibility - 50%

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love woman

The Aquarius woman is very active and sociable. He has an easy-going and open character and is interested in other people.
It is with these qualities that she can conquer Cancer, because he, like all men, is flattered by attention to his person and interest in his affairs. Therefore, based on first impressions, he can begin to consider Aquarius as a possible life partner.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love man

With further rapprochement, the Cancer man, as a true owner, will try to change the worldview of his beloved and persuade her to his calm and measured lifestyle.
At the same time, according to the horoscope, the Aquarius woman is a freedom-loving nature, looking for new experiences. She clearly will not like such pressure from her partner.

Cancer is a homebody and a family man. He wants his beloved to spend more time at home, taking care of everyday life. He is afraid of the open lifestyle of Aquarius. He is jealous of her many acquaintances and is offended by her reluctance to limit her world to her family.

Aquarius, in turn, is uncomfortable with the oppression and restrictions of a partner, his blackmail and manipulation. She is not particularly versed in feelings and is not a master at expressing them, so there is a high probability that one day the Aquarius woman will simply leave without any explanation.
It is precisely because of this difference in character and weak zodiac compatibility that the relationship of these signs often ends at the very first stage.

Compatibility of signs in the family

1. However, the horoscope predicts that things will be different if the man has someone to take care of in the family sense. For example, if he has children from a previous marriage or lives with his parents.
In this case, the union of these zodiac signs will be rich and full of impressions and emotions. A man has someone to take care of, so he will not “remake” a woman, finding in her an outlet from an overly measured life.
The girl will, on the one hand, feel stability, and on the other, have enough time to meet other people and spend free time.
2. Another option for a successful relationship is a “guest marriage”. In which there is no place for a dreary life together.
3. Also, the horoscope predicts a long union if both partners are passionate about the same thing. Hobbies, scientific directions, philosophical trends and so on.

Compatibility at work

As for collaboration, there is another stumbling block for these zodiac signs. They have completely different working styles.
Cancers are slower and more thorough. Aquarians work impetuously and impulsively, and most importantly, they do not accept control over themselves and the style of organizing their work. These signs rarely cooperate; it is more convenient for them to each be responsible for their own sector of work.

1. Colleagues: Aquarius and Cancer.
Unfortunately, in the work process, bosses are rarely interested in the zodiac signs of their subordinates and do not take into account the horoscope of their compatibility. And it is precisely the union of Cancer and Aquarius that will be very unfruitful.

2. Aquarius the boss and Cancer the subordinate are also not the best option.
The man will slowly carry out his duties, which will displease his superiors. The Aquarius woman does not understand this style of work. She will tolerate this for some time due to her kindness and gentleness, but in the end she will explode or stop such cooperation.

3. At the same time, the relationship between the Cancer boss and Aquarius subordinate will be even worse.
Aquarians organize their work in only one way that is understandable to them and really do not like control over themselves, while Cancers are extremely meticulous. In addition, they can take the subordinate’s love of freedom as disrespect for themselves and become vindictive.


Sensuality at a high level with elements of improvisation.

Compatibility in friendship

Friendship is probably the best way for these zodiac signs to interact. After all, in friendship the main element is a community of interests, some common goal and, most importantly, the absence of common household chores.
The Aquarius woman and the Cancer man will enrich each other with their very different views on the world, but with the same depth of emotional and even somewhat esoteric experiences.
However, the “halves” of this friendly couple should not be afraid of betrayal, since according to the horoscope of attraction of these signs, their attraction is not so strong as to push them towards each other, if they have already chosen friendship.

How to keep love

Love creates incredible things, and if an Aquarius girl and a Cancer guy have already created a family, through joint efforts they can keep it strong and long-lasting.
As in any relationship, the only way to save it is through compromise. As mentioned above, the compatibility of these zodiac signs is not great, and such an alliance is not able to last long without mutual concessions and a common goal.
Women need to show wisdom and restraint. And even more so for those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
You shouldn’t show your willfulness and independence too often, and don’t express your opinion on absolutely every issue. The ability to be silent and listen is always appropriate, but especially in this union.
However, you cannot show Cancer your weakness and allow yourself to be manipulated. The Cancer man is an owner, and if he gets his “claws” in, he won’t let go.
It is important to show that a man is the most important and most beloved person. But a woman also has the right to her own interests and personal pastime. The Cancer man, in turn, must accept the fact that his beloved has her own personal life. And trust her, knowing about her boundless love.

If the couple manages to find a compromise, if Cancer and Aquarius learn to trust each other, their union can outgrow a long and successful marriage. And it will not be affected in any way by the best compatibility horoscope.

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