Radio chanson broadcast. Vasily Akimov: “the highest manifestation of love is when it is true! Vasily Akimov biography

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Willy Tokarev died

He participated in the very first “Chanson of the Year” award ceremony in 2002. He was touching in his earflaps and with a fishing rod at Razgulay in 2009. He looked colorful in a yellow and purple suit at Razgulay in 2010. He was touching and sincere at “Chanson of the Year” in 2016, when he was accompanied by a live piano. We will remember him like this: a luxurious suit, a lush mustache, the aroma of expensive cigars and a unique voice...

Mikhail Bublik, one of the most beloved performers among Radio Chanson listeners, celebrates his birthday today. Misha is a person who knows how to enjoy the work to which he has dedicated his life: “I do my job and I want to do it well. As for the burden of responsibility, I think that...”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has once again published statistics on accidents on Russian roads. Sadly, federal highways remain the most dangerous, where 60 percent of all fatal accidents occur. As for the regions, the situation with accident rates is worst in the capital and the Moscow region. Last year, more than 18 thousand people died on Russian roads.

While our basketball players are losing leaders one after another: first Mozgov, then Shved - and significantly darkening the prospect of a successful performance at the upcoming World Championship, volleyball players are churning out victories. Remember, the girls defeated the Koreans in a dramatic fight and won the Olympic license? And now the men have enjoyed similar success. Not in the sense that the Koreans were beaten, but in the sense that they got a license. Unlike basketball players, volleyball players do not have the problem of finding new leaders...

On November 26, the cult Moscow club HotDog's Bar"n"Grill hosted an anniversary gala concert of the legendary rock vocalist, leader of the MONOMAKH group Vasily AKIMOV, dedicated to the artist's fiftieth anniversary and the first concert of the mega-popular rock band MONOMAKH, which he revived again in the 90s.
A democratic and cozy atmosphere developed from the very first minutes of the show. Long before the start of the program, numerous guests began to gather - artists, family, friends of Vasily Akimov and just spectators.
The musicians and performers worked on stage in one breath until the very final chord. The host of the concert program, the fiery and elegant singer Ekaterina Bocharova, invited everyone present to take a brief historical excursion into the 80s and 90s, the period of the creation of MONOMACH, and presented her song to the hero of the day.

Vasily Akimov began the concert program with an hour-long set with the legendary hits of the MONOMAKH group, which were received with a bang by the applauding audience, who had the opportunity to once again hear their favorite compositions in the style of good old rock. On the same wavelength, several compositions were performed by the participants of the 2011 project called “Aerobatics”: Vasily Akimov - vocals, Dmitry Chetvergov - guitar, Sergey Vasiliev - guitar, Fedor Vasiliev - bas guitar, Tim Ivanov - drums.
Well, then - all those artists who came to congratulate Vasily Akimov and take part in a four-hour non-stop concert marathon took to the stage: Pascal, Nikolai Agutin, Nikolai Arutyunov, Masha Kats, Sergei Mudrov, Igor Braslavsky - Giovanni (ex-Doctor Watson ), Veronica Danilova, Igor Rakhcheev, Natalya Treya and musicians of the new composition of the rock group MONOMAKH - Sergey Kashirin, Dmitry Belousov, Igor Rusakovich, Dmitry Vlasenko.
In the finale, all participants of the concert program took the stage and performed “Closing the Circle” and several other world-famous compositions to enthusiastic applause from the audience.
Among the guests were also noticed: Yuri Gavrilov (the first line-up of the rock group MONOMAKH), ​​Natalya Boyko, Russian couturier Nelly Agafonova, Sergei Grushevsky, producer Alexey Muscatin, singer Alexandra Germanovna, Alena Anders, singer Sergei Kama and others.
Sound designer of the concert - Andrey Vazhny, sound engineer - Matvey Bulatov.
Organizers: creative art agency LIVETIME Tina Kostikova and Maria Vazhnaya.
GENERAL PARTNER - SIVMA Group of Companies
Article by Maria Goryunova.

They took part in the concert, recalled the period of formation of domestic rock, and congratulated Vasily Akimov and his newly assembled group of friends and colleagues of the hero of the day. In particular, the artist Yakov Pulnov congratulated the hero of the day and presented him with a portrait in which Vasily is depicted with his favorite guitar.

Yakov Pulnov: “The artist Vladimir Volegov introduced me to Vasily Akimov and the MONOMAKH group in 1989. Then Volodya, at the MELODIA company, made the artwork for a record for the rock group MONOMAKH and painted a poster commissioned by bass guitarist Yuri Gavrilov. The design of almost all records, magnetic albums, discs and posters of the group “MONOMAKH” is the work of Vladimir Volegov.

I was already familiar with the work of musicians Yuri Gavrilov and Arsen Zakharov when in 1988 in Yalta I saw posters about the tour of the rock group “INTERVIEW”. And I first saw Vasily Akimov on TV when the festival “YURMOLA - 89” was broadcast. Akimov was remembered for his powerful, bright vocals and I was surprised that Vasya did not become the winner in the final. And what was my surprise when I saw with my own eyes Vasily, Yuri and Arsen as members of the rock group “MONOMAKH”!!! More than twenty years have passed since then. And I am grateful to Vasily that he invited me to his anniversary and asked me to film this significant event for him.
It so happened that Vasya entrusted me with the video shooting of the wedding, an equally significant event for the Akimovs. And I was always very interested in filming everything that was connected with the rock band in which Vasily Akimov sang. I saw with my own eyes, or rather most often with one eye through the lens of a video camera, the sound recording of songs such as “Queen of the Night”, “Russian Cross”, “I Knew” and others. Subsequently, these songs were included in the legendary CD, which Arsen Zakharov and the group “MONOMAKH” proudly showed on TV screens throughout the country. It was the “MONOMAKH” group that received the honor of being the FIRST (!) of all Soviet rock groups to release a CD on the “MELODIA” company.
I also had the opportunity to film Vladimir Rozdin’s “Drumming School”, rehearsals and performances of the “MONOMAKH” group in “Alla Pugacheva’s Christmas Meetings”, participation in the “Steps to Parnassus” festival and a tour in Istanbul. It was cool! Lots of impressions! And I liked that at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the “MONOMAKH” group, Sergei Tushin called me “The Sixth Man in the Team”. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen the rock band MONOMAKH in its entirety on the same stage since 2004.

Thanks to Vasily Akimov for constantly performing the songs of the legendary rock band “MONOMAKH”! For the fact that he is reviving this group. And if he or Yuri Gavrilov can bring everyone together, write new material, or at least perform some of his best songs, then that would be great. Congratulations to Vasily Akimov on the anniversary of his creative activity and once again on his fiftieth birthday! I wish you creative success. Well-being. And so that all his dreams and plans come true!”

Vasily Akimov was born in the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk region. Laureate of the competitions “Jurmala-89”, “Steps to Parnassus”. He worked at the theater of A. B. Pugacheva, took part in “Christmas meetings”. Today Vasily Akimov is a teacher at the Moscow State School of Pop and Jazz Art. Recently, Kvadro-disk released an album of the best songs. The record contains 16 amazing tracks written at different times by different authors from Alexander Vertinsky to the Zubkov-Arsenyev tandem. Collaborates with composers M. Dunaevsky, nomination “Glory”, A. Chernavsky, I. Zubkov and others. Songs performed by Vasily Akimov “Sorrows Melted”, “You Can’t Forbid Living Beautifully”, “Cinderella” and others are indeed constantly heard on radio stations, such as Radio Chanson.

Vasily Akimov: “I was lucky. I am doing something that I know how to do and love. Given the current situation on the stage, I am not going to change my attitude towards the choice of repertoire and follow the lead of the fleeting pop fashion. Life shows, and experience proves: the more you believe in what you are doing, the greater the likelihood that this is your purpose, your present. What I do is my very sincere choice. I am who I am and I like it."

The rock group "MONOMAKH" was formed in June 1989 in Moscow. The group's concert debut took place in August 1989 in the premises of the Church of St. Blaise on Old Arbat. The phonogram debut took place on the Yunost radio station in September 1989 with the song “Our God is with us.” In addition to Yuri Gavrilov (bass guitar) and guitarist Arsen Zakharov, the group included vocalist Vasily Akimov (who joined the band after Vasily became a diploma winner at Jurmala-89), keyboardist Sergei Tushin, and drummer Vladimir Rozdin. "MONOMAKH" participated in Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings" (1990, 1991). Together with her theater in the summer of 1991 and 1992 he made large concert tours. Participated in the first domestic telethon (January 1990), took part in the Children's telethon, the “Children of Armenia” concert, in the charity show “A World without Wars”, in the “50X50” program. At the “Step to Parnassus” television festival in March 1992, the group won third prize.
The history of this group began in 1982 in the city of Simferopol, where the “Interview” group was created. The initiators were three experienced musicians: guitarist Arsen Zakharov, who accompanied dancer Makhmud Esambaev for a long time; bass guitarist Yuri Gavrilov and drummer Vladimir Kozinenko. The last two worked at one time in the group “Second Half” and took part in the festival “Spring Rhythms. Tbilisi-80". The group was completed with keyboard players Mikhail Lvovsky, Sergei Gladun and Nikolai Shevchenko.
The newly created team began to work from the Tula Philharmonic. The group played art rock, fusion, jazz rock. In 1982, Shevchenko left for Dialogue and a period of change began. For five years, keyboardists and vocalists changed constantly. In 1985, the group began to lean towards melodic, keyboard-oriented hard rock. Until 1986, Viktor Sorokin, who later worked with Joker, sang in the group. Together with him, the first magnetic album “Interview I” was recorded in 1986. By 1988, the group finally switched to hard rock positions. She left the Tula Philharmonic and began working at the Gamma Center (Moscow). The lineup was completed by keyboardist Sergei Tushin and drummer Nikolai Rudenko. In 1987, the second magnetic album “You Are Divided” was released. In 1989, “Interview” began work on a disc for “Melody” in the spirit of “Christian” metal and at the same time changed the name to “Monomakh”. The lineup stabilized with the arrival of vocalist Vasily Akimov and drummer Vladimir Rozdin.

Synopsis from the CD cover:
“Despite all the grimaces of musical fashion, there are still many bands left in the Soviet Union that strive for good old hard rock. Starting from a common idea, each group finds something of its own in this music, sometimes achieving completely different results. Once upon a time, the musicians of the Monomakh group tried to make music combining a hard core with elements of art rock. In 1986, they released their first magnetic album under the old name “Interview”, and a year later their second album “You Are Divided” was released. And soon after that the group changed its composition and name. Naturally, the music of “Monomakh” also became different. The leaders of the group, Arsen Zakharov and Yuri Gavrilov, while preparing a new program, turned to the eternal themes of world culture, leaving aside the political realities of our life today. There are quite a lot of such groups abroad, but here “Monomakh” is one of the first groups that confidently rushed along this thorny path. The fight against lack of spirituality and lack of faith is the main theme of the work of the Monomakh group, this can be judged at least by the titles of the songs: “Repent”, “I Believe”, “Keep Me”, “Russian Cross”. But we probably shouldn’t go to the extreme of considering the compositions of “Monomakh” to be propaganda of religiosity. The musicians' task is both simple and complex at the same time - they want to sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal... Now the rock group "Monomakh" is actively collaborating with the company "Gamma International". The first album of the group "Monomakh" is an album with a clearly expressed religious theme, bright melody and rich vocals, rare for representatives of Soviet hard music."

From the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" 03/07/1990:
"According to Yuri Gavrilov (bass guitar), the change in name ("Interview" on "Monomy") is due to a change in concept and the fact that the debut album recorded on "Melody" turned out to have a Christian theme. That is why it is not surprising that its The group called “Monomakh” gave its first concert in the Church of St. Blaise together with a chamber music ensemble. The group still plays heavy music, and if we draw a parallel with the West, then groups of a similar direction, preaching the ideas of Christianity, also have a specific name for their style - “white metal.” So “Monomakh” is perhaps the only representative of this trend in the Soviet Union.”

Beautiful solos not accompanied by a soundtrack - such a rarity in the current digital web! I truly enjoyed having recently attended one of the performances by the leader of the Monomakh group, Vasily Akimov, at the Golden Dragon restaurant. For some reason I remembered a phrase from the famous movie “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you”: “Oh, how he sings! He takes the soul out of me. A little more and I won’t be able to kill him.” For a couple of hours in a row, without stopping, in one breath, Vasily inspired the public, tired of the New Year holidays. "Unloved" brought the weaker half of the guests to tears. "The best woman" got the couples up for a slow dance. "Soldier of Fortune" received thunderous applause from discerning musical gourmets...
- Vasily, at one time there was a wave of information that you were reviving the Monomakh group. Revived? How can you characterize the period of the group now?
- Two years have passed since then. We started getting invited everywhere again. I started promoting the group seriously. Thanks for the support to my wife! We resolved many issues regarding the repertoire and musicians. Recently they also started performing with the same lineup that they toured with Pugacheva. In the early 90s, we worked with Alla Borisovna for several “Christmas meetings”...
- The revolutionary wave that recently swept across the country gave impetus to rock musicians to create vivid images. For example, the song “Freedom” by DDT. Has the spirit of struggle been reflected in your work?
- Absolutely not. I have an extensive repertoire, but I am a rocker to the core, outside of politics.
- Doesn’t rock itself contain something contrary, some kind of protest?
- Rock was oppositional in the 60s. Now rock is the same kind of commerce as everything else around it, in which various currents are splashing. Creativity depends on individuals. Whoever is drawn to something shows himself that way.
- They say that you are the exclusive creators of “white metal” in Russia. What do you think this white metal is?
- Yes, I wouldn’t divide into white or black. Someone needs to divide something all the time and come up with labels - well, let them call us that. In rock, wherever you take it, you can play it that way. You can start in a blues direction and end the improvisation with some kind of ballad. You can make a hard noise, or you can make a reef version. I think rock is so inclusive that a musician can bring anything to the stage! This is probably the only style that has not changed globally since its appearance. Of course, there are many directions now. Even rap rock. But, as practice shows, the most lasting hit is a snotty rock ballad! And 90 percent of the groups were promoted on it!
- Recently, it has become fashionable to record songs, and even entire albums of songs by Vladimir Vysotsky. Do you sing them at concerts?
- No. I try to do what I'm good at. Sing Vysotsky? I am different. I am impressed by him as a person, as a poet, as a singer. But I'm basically different.
- On the eve of Valentine's Day, I can’t help but ask about love. What is Vasily Akimov’s love like?
- My love is true. Of course, I am a sinful person, but I think that the highest manifestation of love is when it is true. Everything in this world is turned upside down. Alcoholics and libertines are called macho men and hero lovers. Being decent and faithful is much more difficult than drinking and running around with girls, making a mess around. But a person who knows how to do good and love truly is much more difficult. That's the feat!
- Everything is clear to everyone about the “Queen of the Night.” How is “King Day” by Vasily Akimov going?
- My day traditionally starts with freshly ground coffee. Then - a jog in the yard, at a nearby stadium or through the forest, depending on your mood. I like to read something. For example, I was recently fascinated by Montaigne’s Essays. In the chapter on vanity, the philosopher talks from the point of view of the life structure of Ancient Greece, but I got the impression that it is talking about today’s Russia. It is very funny to read such wise old books and observe similar situations in the life around you. Everything is concentrated on the inner world of a person, on his desires and impulses. I highly recommend it.

Willy Tokarev died

He participated in the very first “Chanson of the Year” award ceremony in 2002. He was touching in his earflaps and with a fishing rod at Razgulay in 2009. He looked colorful in a yellow and purple suit at Razgulay in 2010. He was touching and sincere at “Chanson of the Year” in 2016, when he was accompanied by a live piano. We will remember him like this: a luxurious suit, a lush mustache, the aroma of expensive cigars and a unique voice...

Mikhail Bublik, one of the most beloved performers among Radio Chanson listeners, celebrates his birthday today. Misha is a person who knows how to enjoy the work to which he has dedicated his life: “I do my job and I want to do it well. As for the burden of responsibility, I think that...”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has once again published statistics on accidents on Russian roads. Sadly, federal highways remain the most dangerous, where 60 percent of all fatal accidents occur. As for the regions, the situation with accident rates is worst in the capital and the Moscow region. Last year, more than 18 thousand people died on Russian roads.

While our basketball players are losing leaders one after another: first Mozgov, then Shved - and significantly darkening the prospect of a successful performance at the upcoming World Championship, volleyball players are churning out victories. Remember, the girls defeated the Koreans in a dramatic fight and won the Olympic license? And now the men have enjoyed similar success. Not in the sense that the Koreans were beaten, but in the sense that they got a license. Unlike basketball players, volleyball players do not have the problem of finding new leaders...

Akimov’s friends and colleagues are planning to take part in the concert, remember the period of formation of Russian rock, and congratulate Vasily and his newly assembled band. Among the guests and participants of the gala concert:

Musicians and performers: Pascal, Victor Saltykov, Gia Gagua (Ex-BB-Giya), Nikolai Arutyunov, Masha Kats, Irina Shvedova, Teimuraz Bojgua, Yuri Almazov (BUMMER), Anatoly Aleshin, Sergei Mudrov, Giovanni (ex-Doctor Watson) , Dmitry Chetvergov, Sergey Vasiliev (ex-Zemlyane), Gennady Martov, Dmitry Sevastyanov, Natalya Boyko, Veronica Danilova, Alena Avers, Igor Javad-Zade, Fedor Vasiliev; legendary rock band "Monomakh"- Yuri Gavrilov, Vladimir Rozdin, Arsen Zakharov, Sergei Tushin;

Film and theater actors: Timur Efremenkov, Pavel Novikov, Igor Ivanov (starring in the musical "Beauty and the Beast");

Sports elite: football club of stars Artist sound designer Andrey Vazhny

Vasily Akimov was born in the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk region. Laureate of the competitions "Jurmala-89", "Steps to Parnassus". He worked in the theater of A.B. Pugacheva, took part in the “Christmas Meetings”.

Today Vasily Akimov is a teacher at the Moscow State School of Pop and Jazz Art. Relatively recently, the company “Kvadro-disk” released an album of the best songs. The record contains 16 amazing tracks written at different times by different authors from Alexander Vertinsky to the Zubkov-Arsenyev tandem. Collaborates with composers M. Dunaevsky, nomination "Glory", A. Chernavsky, I. Zubkov and others.

Songs performed by Vasily Akimov “The Sorrows Melted”, “You Can’t Forbid Living Beautifully”, “Cinderella” and others are constantly heard on radio stations.

Vasily Akimov:“I was lucky. I am doing something that I know how to do and love. Given the current situation on the stage, I am not going to change my attitude towards the choice of repertoire and follow the lead of the fleeting pop fashion. Life shows, and experience proves: the more you believe in what you are doing, the greater the likelihood that this is your purpose, your present. What I do is my sincere choice. I am who I am and I like it"

Rock group "Monomakh" Formed in June 1989 in Moscow. The concert debut took place in August 1989 in the premises of the Church of St. Blaise on Old Arbat, and then on the Yunost radio station in September 1989 with the song “Our God is with us.” The group included Vasily Akimov (vocals), Yuri Gavrilov (bass guitar), Arsen Zakharov (guitar), Sergey Tushin (keyboards), Vladimir Rozdin (drums).

“Monomakh” participated in Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings” (1990, 1991), and together with her theater made large concert tours in the summer of 1991 and 1992. And also: in the first domestic telethon (January 1990), in the Children's telethon, in the “Children of Armenia” concert, in the “World without Wars” charity show, in the “50X50” program. At the “Step to Parnassus” festival in March 1992, the group won third prize.

Anniversary gala concert of Vasily Akimov: November 26, 21:00, Moscow, HotDog's Bar"n"Grill

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