Unified State Examination in Social Studies, section “Social Relations. Ethnicity and nation

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Are the following statements about national politics true?

A. National policy is subject to study as a theoretical problem of modern society.

B. National policy relates to pressing practical problems of our time.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


National policy is a set of political and organizational measures carried out by the Russian authorities in relation to peoples of different nationalities (national minorities) living on its territory.

Answer: 3

Artyom Volkov (Moscow) 16.02.2015 18:07

Statements A and B contradict each other. In the first statement, national policy is called a theoretical problem, and in the second, a practical one. They can't both be right.

Are the following statements about the nation true?

A. An important factor in the education and development of a nation is the state.

B. A special role among the characteristics of a nation is played by the community of economic life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts and ways to resolve them

Are the following judgments about an ethnic community (ethnos) correct?


B. Separate parts of a formed ethnic group can retain their ethnic identity if separated by political and state borders.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Ethnicity is a group of people united by common characteristics: origin, language, culture, territory of residence, identity, etc.

The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3


B. People belonging to the same nation speak the same language and are united by common historical and cultural traditions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


A nation is a socio-economic, cultural, political and spiritual community of the industrial era. There are two main approaches to understanding a nation: as a political community of citizens of a particular state and as an ethnic community with a common language and identity.

Nationality is a historical community of people that arises from individual tribes during the collapse of tribal relations, at the early stage of feudalism based on a subsistence economy, before the emergence of strong economic ties and a unified economy. It is characterized by the unity of language, territory, customs and culture. A higher level of development of society is the people.

The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following judgments about ethnic groups true?

A. The leading feature of an ethnic group can be considered the commonality of historical experience, cultural and mental traditions, and language.

B. Representatives of one ethnic group can live in the territory of many states.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. A natural prerequisite for the formation of one or another ethnic group is a common territory.

B. Separate parts of a formed ethnic group retain their ethnic identity if separated by political and state borders.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


An ethnic community is a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory who have common features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, and differences from other similar entities. As follows from the definition, common territory is one of the prerequisites for the formation of an ethnic group.

Individual parts of a formed ethnic group can indeed retain their identity (i.e., consider themselves to be one ethnic group or people) if separated by political and state borders. An example is the existence of two states of the German people after the Second World War (West Germany and the GDR), the settlement of the Sami, who retained their ethnic identity in Russia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

Therefore, both judgments are correct.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Ksenia Ermakova 05.06.2013 20:11

The first statement says that common territory is the only prerequisite for the formation of an ethnic group, but this is one of the prerequisites, along with language, culture, etc. , that is, statement A. is incorrect

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Read carefully the conditions of the task, not the ONLY one, but the NATURAL one.

Therefore, both statements are true.

Are the following statements about ethnic communities true?

A. Nationalities are formed on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties.

B. People belonging to the same ethnic group speak the same language and are united by common historical and cultural traditions.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Types of ethnic communities: clan, tribe, nationality, nation. Nationalities are formed on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties.

An ethnic community is a historically established stable set of people in a certain territory who have self-knowledge and historical memory, common features and stable characteristics of culture, language, mental makeup, awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, and differences from other similar transformations.

Thus, both judgments are correct.

The correct answer is indicated under number: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Social relations. Ethnic communities

Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

Interethnic relations in modern society

A. are built on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, dialogue of cultures.

B. They are distinguished by the complete absence of conflicts, overcoming national intolerance and interethnic hatred.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The main trends in the development of interethnic relations in the modern world: interethnic differentiation (the process of separation, confrontation between different nations, ethnic groups) and interethnic integration (the process of gradual unification of different ethnic groups, peoples and nations). Indeed, interethnic relations should be built on the basis of mutual respect for the dialogue of cultures, but conflicts cannot be avoided.

The correct answer is indicated under the number: 1.

Answer: 1

Subject area: Social relations. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts and ways to resolve them

Guest 18.04.2013 14:13

Dear test compilers! Do not create illusions that "interethnic relations of modern society...are built on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance, and dialogue of cultures." This is not so, especially in the vast expanses of the former USSR. The Baltic states, Georgia, Chechnya are not isolated examples of this... In the world - Israel, Why are there millions of refugees in the world today escaping ethnic cleansing? Why is the principle of equality before the general law of representatives of different nations often violated in the Russian Federation? Having answered these questions, you will understand that there is a lot of untruth in this academic discipline... Therefore, answer 4 is correct, both judgments are incorrect.

Nations and national relations.

1. The most developed historical and cultural community of people This

1. Rod. 2. Nation. 3. Tribe. 4. Nationality.

2. Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. A natural prerequisite for the formation of one or another ethnic group is a common territory.

B.Sthe emerging ethnic group retains its ethnic identity even if it lives outside its historical territory.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) Only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. The concept of “ethnicity” includes:

1. A set of people who have a common culture and are aware of this commonality.

2. The most developed historical and cultural community.

3. A set of people who have common traditions, customs, and religion.

4. Historically established community of people.

4. Ethnicity is:

1. Tribe. 3.Nation.

2. Nationality. 4. tribe, nationality, nation.

5. Common language, historical memory, folk art, customs, traditions, norms of behavior, habits - signs of community

1) demographic 3) territorial

2) ethnosocial 4) confessional

6. Nation is:

1. A community of people living in the same territory.

2. The totality of citizens of one state.

3. A community whose members recognize themselves as carriers of a common culture.

4. A group of people related by blood.

7. The main characteristics of a nation include (choose the correct combination)

1. Unity of origin.

2. Community of territory.

3. General culture (symbols, values, traditions).

4. Common citizenship.

5. National identity.

6. General rights and obligations towards each other.

A. All answers are correct;

B. 1, 2, 3;

V. 1, 2,3, 5;

G. 2,3, 4.

8. An exogamous group whose members are prohibited from marrying is:

1. tribe

2. gender

3. community

4. clan

5. family

9. A historically established community of people, the main stages of development of which are tribes, nationalities, nations, is





10. Name the main trends in the development of nations and interethnic relations.

A. Differentiation. B. Assimilation. B. Development of culture. D. Merger

D. Integration

E. Development of national identity

Options: 1. A, B, D, E

2. B, D, D

3. A, D

4. A, B, C, D, D, E

11. Contributes to overcoming national contradictions

1) concentration of all power in the center

2) policy of assimilation of small nations

3) ensuring civil rights and freedoms

4) deepening economic differentiation of the population

12. Interethnic integration leads to:

1. Expanding connections between different nations.

2. Development of the national economy.

3. Internal improvement.

4. Exchange of national values.

13. The natural desire of a nation for self-development, national independence is

1. National integration. 3. National differentiation.

2. National adaptation. 4. National migration.

14. Interethnic differentiation strives for:

1. Development of the national economy.

2. Development of national writing.

3. Development of national statehood.

4. Development of national identity.

15. Interethnic differentiation strives for:

1. Expansion of interethnic relations.

2. Breaking down national barriers.

3. Deepening economic relations.

4. Self-development.

16. Assimilation is:

1. Evaluating other cultures through the prism of our own.

2. Gradual merging of minority groups with the dominant culture.

3. A situation in which a racial group is discriminated against.

4. Creation of a socially homogeneous society.

17. Interethnic integration presupposes:

1. Development of national independence.

2. Development of national culture.

3. Self-development of nations.

4. Expansion of interethnic relations.

18. Are the following statements true?

A. Discrimination is the restriction or deprivation of the rights of a certain category of citizens on national, racial, or religious grounds.

B. Discrimination is the destruction of certain groups of the population.

1. A is true. 2. B is true. 3. A and B are true. 4. Both are false.

19. Genocide is:

1. Destruction of certain population groups based on gender and age.

2. Depriving people of the right to vote.

3. Destruction of population groups for racial, national or religious reasons.

4. Restrictions on receiving education based on nationality.

20. Racism is characterized by the following features:

1. Gradual merging of minority groups with the dominant culture.

2. A situation in which a racial group is discriminated against, exploited, or oppressed.

3. The tendency to evaluate other cultures through the prism of one’s own.

4. Denial of the uniqueness of other ethnic groups.

21. Destruction of certain population groups on racial, national or religious grounds is:

1. Racism. 2. Apartheid. 3. Chauvinism. 4. Genocide.

22. The subjects of ethnopolitical conflicts include:

1. Social groups. 2. States.

3. Ethnic communities and ethnosocial organizations.

4. International organizations.

23. The humanistic approach to ethnic problems is characterized by:

A. Search for consensus (agreement).

B. Development of democracy and legal principles in the life of society.

B. Refusal of national violence in all forms and manifestations.

D. Priority of individual rights over the rights of the nation.

Options: 1. A, B, 2. A, B, C, D 3. C, D 4. B, D

24.The main idea of ​​a humanistic approach to solving national problems is:

1) ensuring the rights and freedoms of national minorities

2) recognition of the priority of individual rights over the rights of the state and nation

3) the right of nations to self-determination

4) cultural-national autonomy

25. Define the concept:

    desire to increase national self-esteem;

    the desire to gain or strengthen national authority;

    availability of certain information about the structure of the surrounding ethnosocial environment;

    determining the possibilities for the existence of a group or individual in a given ethnosocial environment;

    an emotionally charged subjective attitude towards a certain national status.

26. Define the concept:

    arbitrary establishment of national-territorial boundaries;

    restrictions on the use of the national language;

    dissatisfaction with a nation that does not have its own statehood;

    imperfection of legal protection of the honor and dignity of people of one or another nationality;

    ban on opening churches.

27. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

“The main historical types of social communities of people are clan, tribe, ________(1), nation. They are also called ________(2) communities. A clan is a union of people based on ________(3) connections. A tribe is a social community that arises from the union of clans. During this period, associations of people take shape according to________(4) characteristics. Instead of a tribal community, a neighboring community appears, a division of labor appears, the appropriation of surpluses, ________ (5), a layer of managers and managed. Tribes turn into nationalities during the period of formation

institutions________(6), social classes, property,

law, written culture."

Select from the list below the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Each word (phrase) can only be usedone once. Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) ethnic D) demographic

B) territorial E) inequality

C) nationality G) state

D) consanguineous 3) community

I) economics

The table below shows the pass numbers. Write it downunder each number there is a letter corresponding to the selectedto your word.Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the form


Social science. A complete course of preparation for the Unified State Exam Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3.4. Ethnic communities

3.4. Ethnic communities

Socio-ethnic community is a historically established stable collection of people in a certain territory, which is connected by a common language, culture, psychological make-up and self-awareness. Prerequisites for the formation of ethnic groups: community of territory; community of language; the unity of such components of spiritual culture as values, norms and patterns of behavior, as well as the associated socio-psychological characteristics of people’s consciousness and behavior; ethnic self-awareness is a feeling of belonging to a particular ethnic group, awareness of one’s unity and difference from other ethnic groups.

Types of socio-ethnic communities

1. Tribe- a type of ethnic community inherent primarily in the primitive communal system and based on consanguineous unity. The tribe had its own territory and a large number of clans and clans. People are also united in a tribe by common religious beliefs - fetishism, totemism, etc., the presence of a common spoken dialect, the beginnings of political power (council of elders, leaders, etc.), common territory of residence. A tribe has the beginnings of an internal organization: a leader or council of leaders, tribal councils that decide matters and issues that are important to everyone (for example, organizing a hunt, a military campaign, a religious ceremony, etc.).

2. Nationality- a type of ethnic community that arises during the period of decomposition of the tribal organization and is no longer based on blood kinship, but on territorial unity. Nationalities are characterized by a higher level of economic development, a certain established economic structure, and the presence of folk culture in the form of myths, tales, rites and customs. The nationality has an established language (written), a special way of life, religious consciousness, institutions of power, and self-awareness.

3. Nation– historically established highest type of ethnic community, which is characterized by the unity of territory, economic life, culture and national identity. Nations begin to take shape from various tribes and nationalities during the period of development of capitalist economic relations and the unification of local markets into a national one.

The process of ethnicity formation is called ethnogenesis. In science, there are two main approaches to the study of ethnic groups:

1) natural biological ( L. N. Gumilyov): ethnicity is the result of geographical development;

2) sociocultural ( P. Sorokin): a nation is a complex and heterogeneous body, breaking up into a number of social elements, which is caused by their combined action.

Concept ethnic stratification expresses socio-ethnic inequality of various ethnic groups associated with their income, education, prestige, amount of power, status and place in the general hierarchy of ethnic communities.

Features of ethnic stratification: the boundaries of the stratum are more distinguishable, and the degree of mobility between them is minimal; ethnocentrism; competition between groups; different access to power among different ethnic groups.

Ethnic stereotypes- a set of simplified generalizations about a group of individuals, which makes it possible to distribute group members into categories and perceive them in a stereotyped way, according to these expectations (for example, all Germans are punctual, the French are gallant).

Ethnic prejudice:“Having bad thoughts about other people without good reason” ( Thomas Aquinas). Examples of ethnic prejudice include anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of ethnophobia.

Ethnocentrism (W. Summer) - a view of society in which a certain group is considered central, and all other groups are measured and correlated with it. Ethnocentrism promotes group cohesion and the emergence of national identity. Extreme forms of manifestation of ethnocentrism are nationalism and contempt for the cultures of other peoples.

Ethnic discrimination– restriction of rights and persecution of people based on their ethnicity.

Ethnosocial stratification has a strong conflict potential. Against this background, interethnic conflicts often arise, which represent an extreme aggravation of contradictions between national groups in the course of solving political, economic, religious and other problems.

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