Elena Yakovleva left Sovremennik because the role of her dreams went to Khamatova? Elena Yakovleva: “I’m not Galina Volchek’s favorite. We had a good, respectful relationship between Volchek and Yakovleva conflict

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The hot Moscow summer of 2011 will be remembered by the capital's theatergoers for a large number of scandals in Moscow theaters.

Before the public had time to get used to the idea that the actors of the legendary Taganka and the great director and founder of the theater Yuri Lyubimov had finally quarreled, when suddenly a new blow - the famous actress Elena Yakovleva decided to leave the no less legendary Sovremennik.

The People's Artist of Russia submitted her resignation from the Moscow theater on May 20, but this information was publicly confirmed only now.

“Yakovleva believes that the reason for her departure, voiced to the director of the theater Leonid Erman, is that Sovremennik did not take good enough care of her professional development. Indeed, the last premiere with the participation of Elena Alekseevna was the play “Five Evenings,” staged in 2006,” about This was reported to ITAR-TASS on June 29 by Evgeniya Kuznetsov, assistant artistic director of the theater for literary affairs.

Elena Yakovleva is known to audiences for such famous films as Intergirl, Retro Threesome, My Stepbrother Frankenstein and the television series Kamenskaya. She is also one of the leading actresses of one of the best Moscow theaters.

According to a representative of the theater, the lack of new roles is only a “formal reason, naming which, the actress “forgets” that during these five years she refused three roles, among which was the role of Tamara in the play “Enemies: A Love Story”, as a result of which she brilliantly played by Evgenia Simonova, as well as two arch-leading roles in two other plays." As a result, Sovremennik was forced to give up the right to first stage one of these plays in Russia, and now it is being launched “in another, extremely respected Moscow theater.”

“Having written a letter of resignation, Elena Yakovleva promised the director of the theater that she would play all the performances announced before the end of this season,” noted the assistant artistic director. “However, on June 5 and 7, replacements were performed instead of performances with the participation of the actress. The reason for this was problems with her voice. On June 11, in “The Cherry Orchard,” Maria Anikanova urgently played the role of Varya. Elena Yakovleva repeatedly contacted the artistic director with a request to replace her in this performance.”

As a representative of the theater said, Elena Alekseevna, in a conversation with the artistic director of Sovremennik Galina Volchek on June 14, confirmed that her statement about leaving the theater remains valid, and promised not to let the producer of the Yekaterinburg tour and play all four performances there.

“However, on the morning of Sunday, June 19, the departure of the production on tour was postponed, since Elena Yakovleva, citing a doctor, said that for health reasons she could not take part in the performances,” Kuznetsova noted.

“Since the actress is sick, the theater management does not consider it possible to take any administrative steps, including signing an unrevoked application, until Elena Yakovleva recovers,” concluded the artistic director’s assistant.

“I don’t want to comment on anything,” Yakovleva herself said and hung up, Express Gazeta reports. The actress said these few words in an incredibly upset, tear-stained voice.

Galina Volchek also refused detailed comments, but when asked by Izvestia why Yakovleva was leaving, she answered with natural frankness and frankness: “I don’t know. I can’t even guess. I would never believe that Lena Yakovleva, with whom we have been with for so many years we work together, whom I love so much and always set as an example to everyone - that her filming never interfered with the theater - and suddenly she wanted to leave? the main roles and refused three. Everyone would be such victims... We started when she first came to Sovremennik, with Roshchin’s play “Twin” and Neelova played the main roles. And then there were “Pygmalion”, “Murlin”. Murlo", "Steep Route"..."

There is a rumor among the theater public that Yakovleva did not share one of the new roles with the young actress Alena Babenko.

The actress’s theater colleagues, Liya Akhedzhakova and Igor Kvasha, flatly refused to discuss Yakovleva’s demarche.

Actress Lyudmila Ivanova, remembered for her role as the gossip Shurochka in Ryazanov’s hit “Office Romance,” hinted that she herself suffers from lack of demand in “Sovremennik,” but is saved by writing and working in her own theater.

Artist Evgeny Gerchakov also shared his speculations about Yakovleva’s departure: “Two years ago, Galina Volchek was actively talking about the need for a generational change in her theater. Then Kvasha and Gaft just got sick. She began to call me to work. But, on reflection, I refused . I listened to the opinion of my colleagues that Sovremennik is a women's terrarium of like-minded people. I remember Liya Akhedzhakova complaining to me: “I’m not Volchek’s favorite. She can do anything with me, despite my popularity and titles. .

Actress Maria Selyanskaya, daughter of Evgeny Evstigneev, who at one time was the husband of the head of Sovremennik Volchek, also added her 5 cents into the background of the high-profile departure.

“The conflict happened before my eyes,” said Maria. “The rehearsal was just underway. Lena found out that she was preparing to stage many new performances, but she was nowhere to be found. So she wrote a statement in her hearts. Unfortunately, Galina Borisovna does not value anyone! I think that Yakovleva will change her mind and return to the theater."

By the way, in 1986, Elena Alekseevna left Sovremennik for a while and worked at the Ermolova Theater. But three years later she returned.

Yakovleva entered Sovremennik immediately after graduating from GITIS. In the theater, the actress played about twenty roles. Among them are Evgenia Semyonovna in “Steep Route”, Eliza Doolittle in “Pygmalion”, Kabanikha in “The Thunderstorm”, Maria Stuart in “We Play... Schiller!” and others.

Many did not believe that you would return to Sovremennik - you left so decisively with your husband. How did it happen that you returned?

Firstly, I have only returned to this performance so far. Galina Borisovna Volchek and Marina Mstislavovna Neelova persuaded me. Perhaps they were conspiring to lure me onto this ship called the Sovremennik?

Honestly, I’m returning for the first time - and only for the sake of the role of Mary Stuart and thanks to the persuasion of Galina Borisovna, who did a lot for me. For the sake of any other performance, I would think carefully about whether to return or not. When leaving the theater, my biggest regret was that I would not play the Queen of Scots. Probably, if you really want something, it will work out. I really, really missed Maria.

What did Rimas Tuminas say about your return?

Rimas was at rehearsals, gave us instructions, but did not evaluate anything. Maybe he'll say it after the premiere.

What kind of rosary are you holding?

Rimas Tuminas gave me this rosary before the premiere in 2000. He brought them from the Baltic states and, as it were, blessed me with them. I kept the rosary, and now they came in handy for the role.

Elizabeth is reasonable, cold, and Mary is impetuous and passionate. Which temperament is closer to you?

I don't know about passion. Elizabeth, in my opinion, is a more passionate person than Mary, she just hid all her impulses and put a taboo on them. I'm closer to Maria. Consistency is not my trait. Not a single thing that I started in my life was ever completed. I quit everything as soon as I get bored. I don’t have a single hobby, because I can’t collect, organize, multiply, or get anything.

Have you changed over these seven years?

Every day something changes. And there is hope that this new thing will make Maria in my performance even more beloved by the public.

What were your feelings when you returned to Sovremennik?

We hug and kiss everyone, we miss each other very much. It feels like these seven years never happened. But I repeat - “Mary Stuart” is a special case. We often lose something, gain something, and sometimes without loss there can be no gain. But if it is yours, the present, given from above, then the return is inevitable.

You said that you have no hobbies. What do you love?

Lying on the sofa with a book in hand. Fortunately, my husband doesn’t drive me off the couch and doesn’t demand anything. Our long and prosperous marriage is a fortunate coincidence of circumstances, and not my merit. And Valera is not my first husband, which also refutes the myth about my constancy. It so happened that he finds the strength and desire to endure me and my antics for so long. I look so white and fluffy, but in life, believe me, I’m far from sugar.

Nikolai Lebedev, with whom you starred in the film “Crew,” is starting to film the novel “The Master and Margarita.” If he offered you the role, would you accept?

It’s unlikely that I could refuse such a wonderful person as Nikolai Lebedev. Although I don’t think there are roles for me there.


Elena Yakovleva is a theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia. She graduated from GITIS, after which she became the leading actress of the Sovremennik Theater. She starred in the films “Intergirl”, “Black Square”, “New Christmas Trees” and other films. In 2011 she left Sovremennik, and now she has returned as a guest actress.

At the beginning of June, a message appeared on the forum of the Sovremennik Theater website that Elena YAKOVLEVA had written a letter of resignation. Fans of the actress sounded the alarm: performances with the participation of their favorite began to be urgently replaced with others, and Elena Alekseevna did not go on the planned tour to Yekaterinburg. The theater administration explained: “The replacement is due to the serious illness of the people’s artist, as a result of which she completely lost her voice.” Agree, they painted a terrible picture! Know-it-alls from the theater crowd began to blame Alena Babenko. They say that it was with her that “interLenochka” did not share the long-awaited role and, in her hearts, threw her resignation letter on the table of the chief executive Galina Volchek. I tried to get a first-hand comment. “I don’t want to comment on anything,” Yakovleva answered and hung up. The actress said these few words in an incredibly upset, tear-stained voice. There was still hope that Babenko would bring clarity. But unlike her colleague, she was completely out of reach. Director Vitaly Babenko, her ex-husband, expressed his opinion: “I heard that Yakovleva is leaving the theater, but I’m sure this has nothing to do with Alena.” I think Elena’s decision was caused by her small workload at Sovremennik. It is not surprising that Vitaly does not see Alena’s fault in Kamenskaya’s dismissal - they are still relatives, albeit former ones. The theater's old-timers, Liya Akhedzhakova and Igor Kvasha, refused to discuss the actions of their colleagues. But Lyudmila Ivanova, in the voice of Shurochka from “Office Romance,” hinted that she herself was suffering from lack of demand in “Sovremennik”, but was saved by writing and working in her own theater. Alas, Yakovlev has not been spoiled with new roles for five years. The last premiere of the play with her participation - “Five Evenings” - took place already in 2006! Valery SHALNYKH, Elena’s husband and stage colleague, is very worried about her“Two years ago, Galina Volchek was actively talking about the need for a generational change in her theater,” artist Evgeny Gerchakov admitted to me. - Then Kvasha and Gaft just got sick. She started calling me to work. But, on reflection, I refused. I listened to the opinion of my colleagues that Sovremennik is a women’s terrarium of like-minded people. I remember Liya Akhedzhakova complaining to me: “I’m not Volchek’s favorite. She can do anything to me, despite my popularity and titles. You have to keep your eyes open with her. It’s Neelova who can do everything, but I can’t.” Previously, Volchek loved Yakovleva, she bet a lot on her, but, apparently, over time, Lena became not interesting to her. Lenochka was not allowed to celebrate her anniversary, by the way, and neither was Lydia Ivanova. Alena BABENKO is in favor with the chief executive On free xl :)x For more than 20 years, actress Maria Selyanskaya, daughter of Evgeny Evstigneev, who was at one time Volchek’s husband, has been working at Sovremennik. Of course, Selyanskaya knows firsthand about all the intrigues within the team. She also connected Yakovleva’s departure with her disagreement with Galina Borisovna. “The conflict happened before my eyes,” Maria said. - The rehearsal was just underway. Lena found out that many new performances were being prepared for production, but she was nowhere to be found. So I wrote a statement in my heart. Unfortunately, Galina Borisovna does not value anyone! I don’t think that Yakovleva will change her mind and return to the theater. By the way, in 1986, Elena Alekseevna left Sovremennik for a while and worked at the Theater. Ermolova. But three years later she returned. Now there are rumors that Yakovleva may be invited to the Theater. Vakhtangov. Sergei Makovetsky is supposedly ready to provide her with protection there. - These rumors are nonsense! - the artist commented. In fact, at the Theater. Vakhtangov employs exclusively graduates of the Shchukin School. It is unlikely that this law will be forgotten for the sake of Elena, who graduated from GITIS. “Most likely, Lena will be a free artist,” says Selyanskaya. - She takes off a lot and won’t be left without a piece of food:) VOLCHEK is pursuing a strict personnel policy following the example of Oleg EFREMOV, with whom she created Sovremennik.

“The theater was very upset with me. My hair just stood on end when I read some things. I thought: well, this is not at all friendly, not human,” Elena Yakovleva shared with Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya...

Ekaterina: Len, almost two years have passed since you left Sovremennik, and there is still no explanation on your part. So what actually happened?

Elena: The decision has been brewing for me for a long time. From forty to fifty years old, that is, at a good acting age, when I still have strength, I received only one new role - in the play “Five Evenings”.

The only one in ten years! It turns out that for nine years I played only the old, familiar roles: Varya in The Cherry Orchard, Eliza Dolittle in Pygmalion, and yet they are both just girls! At my age, it’s already somehow embarrassing to run on stage as a girl. But there were never any roles that would correspond to my age and experience. And so it began to seem to me that I was living in vain... Of course, I understood that I was working in a team, that in the theater they should not only think about me. And yet, it’s hard to feel like some kind of robot, whose whole life is programmed and there will be nothing new in it. Well, the last drop that overflows the glass was the announcement of the theater’s plans for the next season. Once again I discovered that I was not there...

Ekaterina: Didn’t you complain to Volchek that you wanted something new?

Photo: Mark Steinbock

Did you just sit and wait?

Elena: Exactly, I sat and waited. I probably should have gone. But I didn’t know how to explain to her... After all, it can’t even be said that nothing new was offered to me at all. From time to time, some proposals arose, but too insignificant, which it was impossible to agree to after my roles in “We Play... Schiller!”, “Pygmalion”, “Five Evenings”! In general, I refused, and I already began to get the impression that every little thing was being offered to me purely formally, in order to offer at least something... And then suddenly Galina Borisovna called me herself and said in a very intriguing tone: “Lena, I’ll give you one read a novel..."


And he hands over Singer’s book “Enemies. Love story". From which I conclude that Sovremennik will stage this and that I am being offered a long-awaited, big, new role. "Great!" - I think. And, like any actress who is given a novel or play to read, I mentally choose a character for myself. While I was reading, I managed to live with “my” heroine my whole life! All summer I was copying out some nuances, details, important lines from the book... And then it turns out that they didn’t dream of me in this role at all. Perhaps my expectations and ideas were wrong - I don’t argue with that. After all, they didn’t initially tell me what role I was being offered, and there are three female lines in the novel. But still, it’s hard not to feel disappointment and resentment if you were me. And then, as luck would have it, I find out that I am being transferred to the third role!

The other day there was information in the media that Elena Yakovleva wrote a letter of resignation from the Sovremennik Theater. Performances with the participation of the actress were replaced with others, and Elena did not go on the planned tour to Yekaterinburg.


The theater administration explained that the replacement was due to “the serious illness of the people’s artist, as a result of which she completely lost her voice".

Representatives of the theater community began to claim that Elena Yakovleva did not share the long-awaited role with Alena Babenko and wrote a letter of resignation addressed to the main director of the theater Galina Volchek.

The daughter of Volchek’s ex-husband Evgenia Evstigneeva, actress Maria Selyanskaya, has been working at Sovremennik for more than 20 years. The artist knows firsthand about all the intrigues within the team. Maria shed light on the circumstances of Yakovleva’s dismissal. “The conflict happened before my eyes. A rehearsal was just underway. Lena found out that many new performances were being prepared for staging, but she was nowhere to be found. So she wrote a statement in her hearts. Unfortunately, Galina Borisovna does not value anyone! I don’t think that Yakovleva will change her mind and will return to the theater,” Express Newspaper quotes Selyanskaya.

As already written Days.Ru, Sovremennik changed its tour program, canceling performances with Yakovleva’s participation “Five Evenings,” “Playing Schiller” and “Pygmalion.” Instead of the planned productions, a creative evening by Sergei Garmash and a meeting with Marina Neelova and Valentin Gaft will be held in Yekaterinburg. They will also show the tragicomedy “God of Carnage” by Sergei Puskepalis, starring Olga Drozdova, Sergei Yushkevich, Alena Babenko and Vladislav Vetrov.

In March, Elena Yakovleva celebrated her 50th birthday. “I always liked being congratulated. On this day you hear the most beautiful things about yourself, even if they are false.. Everyone calls you, but there are a lot of pleasant calls. Why deprive yourself of the opportunity to listen to something pleasant? And gifts again,” Elena said in a recent interview.

On her 50th birthday, the actress gave herself a gorgeous present to her beloved. “I already bought myself a gift - a BMW car. White. I always liked a white car, but I understood that this color was impractical in our dirt and weather. But then I thought that at least once in your life you can afford white", admitted Yakovleva.

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