Shocking – what is it? Shocking How to understand a shocking person.

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Yulia Zelenskaya

Why do we strive for everything unusual? Why does our memory best perceive unusual episodes, phenomena and images? You can ask such questions as much as you like - one fact remains: the brighter and more individual an object looks, the more attention it deserves from others. Isn’t this the primary task of such a science as public relations?

Capture attention, surprise, sometimes discourage - and now your client is interested in you, in your business and your ideas. A competent approach to such a phenomenon as EPATAGE opens up a whole sea of ​​​​opportunities for involving consumers in the circle of their interests and gradually making them your regular customers.

Why are we talking about “competent shocking”? Because it would be more correct in any sense to use it as a tool to attract attention to a product or person. This is a way to declare yourself and your business, your existence, finally. In everyday practice, this word is often used to describe any attempt to differ from the environment, which sometimes looks like an end in itself that does not carry any deep meaning. In this understanding, there is no idea for the sake of which shocking behavior is started.

The possibilities of shocking are revealed right now, when mass culture is strong, and the desire to get away from it is strong. This manifests itself both on the podium, stage, in cinema, and in PR business, politics and in everyday life. Among several designers, for example, offering clothes for the office, the one that intrigues the public, confuses them, and uses shocking style will most likely receive more orders. This is an almost guaranteed way to become recognizable among competitors and gain attention to a person or company.

How to distinguish shockingness from other methods of attraction, since their identification is primarily reflected in the image? How not to confuse it, for example, with provocation or kitsch, sensation or simply audacity? Outrageousness stands out from all of the above phenomena and has very specific characteristics. The main thing here is a sense of proportion and a deep understanding of the idea that should be realized through shocking behavior.

It is important, of course, to count on the psychology of the people exposed to your influence. A correctly selected target audience, time period and correlation with the selected goals allows you to foresee the results of the shocking action and evaluate its effect on the image. It is important to remember that this tool should be used carefully, since the striking effect that is talked about so much is precisely the sudden appeal to shockingness. You should not try to use its magical effect too often, just as you should not abuse medications. After all, shocking is hard work, and only a few of those who have chosen this instrument as a way of life can “keep up the brand” to the end. In addition, its effects usually have a long-lasting effect, sometimes just one application is enough to make you go down in history!

So, if you are sure that the quality of your product or service is at the highest level, draw attention to it with the help of shocking, but be prepared to endure post-shocking syndrome: public opinion will make you feel under a microscope. Only internally liberated managers and administrators, capable of taking risks and possessing impeccable taste and a sense of proportion, have enough reason to resort to shocking behavior. This tool will immediately highlight your ideas and interests and create an image of the innovation and uniqueness of the services you offer.

The definition of shocking or what might be more difficult...

The term “shocking” comes from the French verb e’pater - to stun, to bring into the greatest amazement. The literal meaning of this word is “to break off the stem of a glass, to deprive one of a leg” (the word patte translates as “paw”), it means to discourage, to knock the foundation out from under one’s feet, to turn everything upside down. This is what those who seek to destroy certain canons do in order to draw attention to the product, give it a new meaning and force the target audience to distinguish it from a similar set of products. At the same time, the basic postulate of the science of public relations is observed: information about a product is true, but it shocks, surprises and remains in the memory for a long time.

Shocking - a planned, extraordinary, self-sufficient violation of generally accepted norms beyond the traditional perception, aimed at attracting attention to a product or service and developing the perception of the product or service in terms of innovation and confident superiority over competing products and services. Andrei Kononov’s variation in his “Reflections of a radiophile grumbler” is as follows: “Epatage appears when there is a certain norm, rule, taboo, recognized either by the whole society or part of it. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most taboo topics are chosen for shocking: sex, some physiological processes, death. Outrageousness helps to kill outdated attitudes and prejudices, helps to release steam and aggression, and helps to find new creative methods in art. Most likely, you just need to not go too far. But this can be difficult to do, because shocking is dancing on a razor’s edge.”

Necessary signs of shocking or how to highlight this phenomenal phenomenon

It's time to consider the difference between shocking as a PR tool and its other attractive methods. And now our main task will be to reveal 10 main signs by which we can distinguish the phenomenal phenomenon of shocking with its impeccable reputation.

  1. Contrast with the environment

    Modern life, like two hundred years ago, is a set of public and unspoken rules. The textbook “What will Princess Marya Aleksevna say?” everything is as relevant as in the time of Griboyedov. Why do I turn to the classics? Yes, because the most fertile ground for shocking is a clearly established set of rules, a schedule of social life, a certain “classic relationship”. It is precisely in the presence of an even background of established norms that shocking, with its audacity, which runs counter to the usual course of life, causes a fever in public opinion.

  2. Disposability

    Back in 1970, Alvin Toffler noticed that the industrial and post-industrial world had turned toward disposable consumption. Paper napkins, plastic bottles, dishes - everything in the house is used and mercilessly thrown away. From birth, the child is immersed in a disposable culture. The same thing happens with the spiritual life of people: the relationship between a person and an event is reduced in duration. This psychological consequence led to the cessation of long-term attention to certain processes and, moreover, a reduction in attention to similar processes that arise after mastering a new product! In this regard, shocking is always welcome! After all, disposability is one of its main features! With modern dynamics, everything becomes outdated very quickly, especially the information that we try to convey using such a tool as shocking. Information cannot be fresh twice. However, disposability in this case should not be understood too narrowly. We are not talking about a single, unique application of this or that idea. It’s just that it can be used in a completely different place, just as unexpected as when it was first shown. You can also demonstrate your shocking behavior to a completely new target audience each time, also following the postulate of disposability. However, it is important to remember here that in this case there must be a technical superiority of the shocker over the shocker in the so-called “intra-shop shocking”. I’m talking about targeting your behavior, the correct selection of the target audience, where people can appreciate your “antics that violate public behavior.” Otherwise, shocking has the appearance of an unconstructive scandal, which is usually aggressive in nature and does not meet with understanding. “At ease,” shocking achieves its main goal: breaking outdated patterns, overthrowing idols, developing a new perception of a product or service.

  3. Demonstrativeness

    I would also add publicity. This feature follows from the feature of contrast with the environment, because in order to achieve a result, you need an environment (that is, a viewer) that has certain permanent properties (in our case, traditions and a set of postulates). It is behavior designed for the public that attracts attention. How to achieve this? Typically, such behavior is filmed on video and a camera, subsequently reproduced in appropriate sources, and an advertising campaign is carried out to attract attention to a particular action or process. It is desirable that the action take place in places where the target audience “congregates” or “hangs out”.

  4. Expensive and chic

    In the era of disposable culture, cute little things appear every year that create a real sensation, but they disappear as quickly as they appeared. I'm talking about hala hoops, rubber balls, false eyelashes, Humphrey Bogart posters and so on, that is, a lot of trinkets and fancy things that bring in eye-popping profits in a short time. However, the appearance of such things can be called a sensation, a stir, a fashionable fad, but cannot be called shocking. Shocking is not a cheap thing that will disappear before it has time to take hold in memory for a long time. Therefore, outrageousness is a tool for public relations, since it establishes a more or less durable connection with a particular product or service. Its task is to win the buyer’s heart, force them to discuss the phenomenon, draw conclusions, motivate the consumer to try to match this product, and lead an appropriate lifestyle. After all, shocking carries a new culture or a new look at an old culture, and not an activity for one day or hour.

  5. Special role, purpose of the shocking element

    How do you know that the shocking element has become significant and carries something special? The indicator is the expansion of the influence of the shocking action without any effort to promote its impact on the target audience, when the reach becomes available to everyone. A special example of an eccentric personality is the behavior of Andy Warhol in 1969, when several American artists were supposed to place their drawings on a computer chip that was sent along with Apollo 12 to the moon. Warhol, after some thought, decided on his own initials: “If there are people there, it’s worth starting a PR project right away.” Warhol, as he saw himself, is first and foremost a name; The pinnacle of a career is to become a name in general! The shocking element must become so significant for the surrounding world that it feels its special role.

  6. Game element

    For shocking to be genuine, it lacks such an element as play, no matter how paradoxical it may sound! After all, a person or organization that starts a shocking event thereby offers to play a game. Like an actor and a spectator. It is even proposed to accept the rules of a certain game, which are established by the shocking subject. In life, each of us plays (!) a certain social role, so why not play an extravagant, interesting game that carries deep meaning for five minutes? Moreover, it is the element of the game that allows subjects under the influence of shocking behavior to primitively (from the English word primitive - primary) perceive the ideas inherent in such behavior, and force opponents to treat your idea at least condescendingly! After all, this is just a game, a demonstration event!

  7. Inaccessibility to others

    In shocking, more than anywhere else, the monopoly on the possibility of painlessly carrying out behavior that is non-standard by social standards is valued. That is, the shocking subject must have resources that no one will ever own after he uses them. From this point of view, it is quite easy to explain such a sign of shocking as inaccessibility to others. I'm talking about a monopoly on the gift of discovering trends in the mood of your target audience, the right combination of the right elements that will create the impression of a new stream of ideas, miraculously generated and intertwined in your head. This combination of ideas is not available to others because it is in your skull. As you might guess, others cannot see at all what is inside you. Therefore, firstly, we take into account your ability to combine ideas, manipulating which you can create a new image. Secondly, your entourage, on whose opinion you can rely (“the king is made by his retinue”). Here you are free to involve relatives, acquaintances, friends and even enemies with big names, because if they talk about you, it means you compete with them. Finally, thirdly, we pay attention to the cost (material and spiritual) and rarity of the material used: if the material is “beaten,” it is not suitable for you. Look for recently appeared materials (fabrics, approaches to business, amazing tools, style of speech) - everything that makes you think about history, “complete” the image with the help of your own imagination. When you have collected several materials that are exclusive to your understanding, feel free to combine them in accordance with your taste and sense of comfort. By doing so, you will create a monopoly image, especially if you are a creative person.

  8. Matching or ahead of time

    In other words, this sign of shocking could be called, quoting Andy Warhol, who, with his behavior: appearance, statements, relationships with people, showed the “high school of shocking”: “the right thing in the wrong place.”

    The essence of this sign is an appeal to the present and future, but in no case to the past. Shocking is new, it’s an invention, like Levi’s jeans with a small pocket... If we transfer something old from the past to the future, it cannot be called shocking, and the action itself will be kitsch or imitation.

  9. The effect of surprise

    The phenomenon of shocking is always associated with such a property as surprise. This can be deciphered both as the general unexpectedness of this or that action in a given situation and at a given time, and the presentation of an unprecedented action by a person from whom no one expected it. However, we are not talking about the speed of impact of shocking behavior; the shocking element does not necessarily have to act quickly and rush unbridled at its victims. The main thing is that the speed of his actions is strictly opposite or different from that which has developed in his environment!

  10. Proportionality and sense of proportion

    Unlike other attractive tools that are used in life to fight for a place in the sun, there can never be too much shocking. The sufficiency of the phenomenon is not supported “for accuracy” by additional actions and actions within the framework of one shocking behavior. Shocking is urgent in terms of providing an impact, although the duration of the effect can be very long (it is necessary to distinguish between these concepts). In the few seconds during which a person sees the source of shockingness, studies it, correlates its unusualness with the realities of his environment, the shocking person celebrates triumph. After the effect has been produced, it is not required and not even recommended to add or reduce an active explanation of what is happening. If this kind of impact needs further explanation or accompaniment with additional images, it can no longer be called shocking. This may be a scandal, but not shocking. In shocking everything is sensitively balanced, he is not persistent in his desire to impose - only to present and is more oriented inward than outward. That is, this is a strictly individual search for inner harmony, where everything seems interconnected and mutually balanced.

Fight to survive...

The outrageous man is not alone: ​​he has competitors in the fight for people’s attention. It is known that naming an enemy means killing him. However, those directions that will be discussed cannot be the enemies of shocking in the literal sense of the word. Most “outrageous people” use them as a complement to shocking behavior, and sometimes as substitutes. This depends, first of all, on the available resources, as well as the possibilities of their use.

So, let's focus on the following tools:

  • His Majesty Kitsch, which is said to be the “threshold of mass appeal”;
  • desperate provocation, originating from the “revolutionaries of postmodernism”;
  • Madame Sensation, which is translated from French as “sensation”;
  • just a scandal.
  1. His Majesty "Kitsch"

    What do kitsch and shocking have in common? Why can and should they be compared? Where are the zones of their intersection, and where should they be strictly demarcated?

    I hope that the table below allows us to understand the fundamental importance of shocking compared to kitsch, as well as the capabilities of both instruments.


    Both kitsch and shocking act in real time, almost interactive: “here and now” to produce an external effect, to stun and amaze. They are not looking for the past - they are even running from it. The present is the surest guide for them.

    Both kitsch and shocking are quite persistent and intrusive in their proposals to society. There are always so many of them that in order not to accept them or not pay attention, you either have to be blind or try very hard.

    Both shocking and kitsch change the idea of ​​the obsolete elements of social foundations (only the mechanisms differ). They force you to see something in dogma that will disgust the audience and force you to see the usual process from an unexpected angle.

    Both shocking and kitsch are a social mechanism of development, pushing the public to change thinking and develop relationships.


    1. It has a “mass orientation”, it is a popular pseudo-art, it can be seen both on the fence and in the exhibition hall.1. Clearly targeted at the target audience, place, time, environment are important, available only once, cannot be replicated.
    2. Contains only answers, pre-prepared clichés, does not evoke spiritual quests, but strives to create unclouded, self-confident calm.2. Violates standards and stereotypes, turns consciousness upside down, makes you doubt the objectivity of generally accepted norms, and look for other options.
    3. Imitating high artistic examples, deliberately reduces them to banality and vulgarity.3. He himself is an art and a model, has high long-term goals in relation to the subject of shocking, the basis of actions is style.
    4. Flag of kitsch - fashion and pop.4. The Bible of outrageousness - a sense of proportion, inaccessibility to others.

    Based on this table, we can say that kitsch is a tool of shocking rather than its competitor, or a companion in the good sense of the word. On the other hand, shocking in the case of kitsch can be perceived as a consequence of kitsch, a certain trail of influence, impression. That is, the very feeling that remains after interacting with kitsch culture is shocking. But, again, the desire to SHOCK the public leads to the use of some tools, in particular, kitsch, although in themselves they are self-sufficient.

  2. Desperate "Provocation"

    “Provocation” is translated from English as challenge, excitement, irritation. And indeed, if we consider its nature, provocation is aimed not at the action itself, but at its consequences. The main questions are: What next? What will this lead to? How will you digest this? A provocation is not even an act, but a whole action that has a beginning and a continuation. She also motivates those around her to do something, to react somehow to what is happening.


    Both provocation and shocking are local, operating within a specific audience. They are short in duration and have a limited impact on the public. Very expensive in terms of cost per effect. The demonstrative nature of the actions is both provocative and shocking. The differences are shown in Table 2.



    1. An action aimed at feedback, impact and reaction on the part of the viewer, the challenge must reach the heart and mind of the recipient and return to the provocateur in one form or another.1. Method of self-identification. The main thing for a source of outrageousness is to perceive oneself to others and demonstrate this to the target audience. Feedback isn't that important.
    2. A high proportion of aggression and even cruelty towards the audience and methods of conquering it.2. A fairly democratic tool that invites others to accept or not accept the source of outrageousness; in any case, it is impossible not to notice it. Has a clear internal orientation
    3. Unscrupulousness, unceremoniousness and outright violation of moral standards.3. Plays on “taboo” topics (sex, death...), but does not desecrate them, does not vulgarize them, but tries to change attitudes towards them.
    4. Desperately assuring the audience of the veracity of what is happening.4. Gaming orientation.

    Shocking, so to speak, is “purer” than provocation. He does not seek to convert everyone to his side, but suggests reconsidering his worldview. Provocation, on the contrary, puts pressure on the individual, asking him to immediately make a decision. It is this feeling of spontaneity, which entails the rashness of decisions made by recipients and spoils the whole picture.

  3. Madame "Sensation"

    The concept of sensation is much broader than shocking, which is why they are probably sometimes confused. A sensation is news, some new information that has never existed before. A prerequisite for sensation is to influence the sensory side of perception: the presentation of material is carried out with an appeal to moods, thoughts, rumors in society (in this it is close to a scandal) rather than to intense mental work, rethinking existing orders (to which shocking is prone). If I may say so, the sensation is superficial, aimed exclusively at the public.

    In addition, if we talk about novelty, then the sensation, its forms and sources are always expected, familiar to the public - naturally, the source, content and scale change. Speaking about shocking, one must not assume that it has already happened somewhere: shocking is an ultra-new, hitherto unknown phenomenon: a phenomenon, an action, an attitude, a way of dressing, treating people and the rest of the world.

    The sensation has a one-way connection, since it strives exclusively to influence the public and for the public. This one-way connection in the source-audience-source chain is referred to as audience-source (main link). Shocking is revealed precisely in the source (the first and last link), since what is most important is the internal state of the shocking artist, his attitude and satisfaction if the audience has accepted his ideas.

    In essence, the sensation poses the problem in a new way. Outrageousness poses a new problem. However, the similarity between sensation and shocking is obvious:

  • The desire to shock the audience, surprise, throw them out of their usual rut;
  • Draw attention to the source of the action and its ideas;
  • Playing on “taboo” topics (sex, death, minorities);
  • Surprise, unusual approach in a specific situation;
  • Demonstrativeness.
  • Just a scandal

  • This is probably the most popular means of maintaining interest among “stars”: Nicole Kidman is divorcing Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz did not stay for a party at the Cristian Dior house, Natalia Vodianova (now a popular top model) married an English lord, and so on. . A scandal always smacks of “yellowness”, imposition, it is inflated by exaggeration. It is diligently disguised as shocking (the effect of surprise, inaccessibility to others, high cost, stunning demonstrativeness, an outstanding event), but again it has significant differences from shocking: incomparability (it is always “too much”), there is no special role of the source and it is characterized by reusability (the same reason can be used several times: divorces, weddings).

    Sandpiper - the animal of the future...

    Shocking, as a tool of public relations, is extremely important and in demand in the field of culture and art. Since, in fact, shocking is also a method of management that is aimed at establishing contact between the subject of shocking and the public and plays the role of an “early warning system” about emerging trends and changes in public consciousness, shocking uses open forms of activity and informing the target audience.

    This follows from the main functions of shocking as a PR tool, confirmed by research into the activities of one of the most shocking people in the modern world - sculptor, artist and photographer Oleg Kulik.

    1.Informative function. The information carried by one or another shocking element notifies the public about the following things:

    • the world has stagnated and requires renewal in one of the areas;
    • the subject of the outrage has information about how to resolve the current situation;
    • the subject of shocking shows how this can be done;
    • the subject changes internally and does not demand, but invites the environment to pay attention to the problem.

      To enhance this function, shocking uses: linking information to a specific event, combination with a socially important issue, presence and attraction of influential people, intrigue.

    For example, in his performances at different periods of his life, Oleg Kulik wanted to inform people about pressing problems: at the beginning, about the decline of culture, when generally accepted value systems do not apply; then about the attitude and love towards our smaller brothers and, finally, about the relationship between people themselves, who, according to Oleg, are not far removed from animals.

    2. Analytical function. It consists of a gigantic preliminary brain work of the shocking element to rethink and see the problem in a new way. The prevailing dogmas do not apply here and are immediately discarded - a conceptually new approach is required, distinctive, iconic, recognizable. Oleg commented on this as follows: “Initially, it is important for me to realize the image, the metaphor. And this is also a certain sacrifice, torment... Christ pursued his idea, which required a certain sacrifice, he did not perceive his crucifixion as PR...” The shocking element analytically examines the importance of the idea and compares it with the sacrifices that he is ready to make. This is serious internal work, which sometimes forces you to give up a traditional career and the recognition of old friends.

    In addition, the analytical function is also visible in the impact on the public. At the last stage of shocking, the viewer swallows the shock and begins to think about the essence of the phenomenon seen or experienced: analysis of one’s own attitudes and their degeneration into new forms is evidence of the effectiveness of shocking. It was this quality of shocking that allowed Beach Kuriger, publisher of Parquet magazine (the most luxurious contemporary art magazine in Europe), to shake Kulik’s hand and say: “I’m happy to know you” only a long time after he was completely naked guarded the entrance to the Kunsthaus Museum in Zurich, depicting a watchdog guarding art!

    3. Mobilizing function. Since shocking is an expensive phenomenon, it requires the mobilization of many resources: human resources, agreeing with the organizers on the possibility of shocking, finding like-minded people (Oleg’s wife and Marat Gelman), selecting assistants and accompanying people (Mr. Brener started together with Kulik, but later they broke up); financial (after Oleg, in the form of a dog, bit the public, Gelman sat in the gallery and paid compensation to the “victims”: Marina Bessonova $120 for a jacket, $200 for a dented hood and $120 for a broken part of someone’s car... And storage of the famous composition “Fertility”, depicting a mating bull and a cow, costs $30 per month!); informational (much attention is paid to working with the press, since everyone will come to the performance, but not everyone can conceptually comprehend this and describe what all this was started for); material (the materials used should also be new and demonstrative (once Oleg covered himself with pieces of mirrors from head to toe and spun for several hours under the disco ceiling instead of a mirror ball).

    4. Function of liberation. The readiness to shock encourages a person to seek confirmation of the correctness or at least justification of his actions. And it is always there. A person needs support so that he does not feel alone in a shocking impulse. Sometimes just knowing about a particular fact is enough to make it the “last straw” for putting your actions into practice. For example, when Oleg Kulik was confronted with complaints about his dog wife, he boldly replied: “If a homosexual can hold the post of mayor of Paris, why can’t an artist be married to a dog? Everything looks very democratic.” Outrageousness suggests opening up completely, perceiving only the present moment of the action, and being completely accessible in explaining your objections to postulates and dogmas. Liberation involves finding a fulcrum that will allow you to easily and completely freely carry out shocking actions. After carrying out a shocking action, a second round of emancipation begins, because there is no turning back: you have declared yourself as a shocking subject, and further “return” will be perceived as a shame and a rejection of your position. Be careful! Shocking will require you to liberate yourself for the rest of your life! It draws in and absorbs, and it is subsequently impossible to retreat from it!

    5. Update function. This function is understood as the process of “promoting” the topic, popularizing the problem, proving that the issue is really ripe and now requires a solution. An outrageous artist “makes” the problem relevant, pressing, hot, acute, and discussed. This is what Kulik did during the “Piglet Gives Gifts” event in 1995 during the animalistic festival, when the issue of abolition of the death penalty was being discussed with might and main in the USSR (and all deputies voted against). The purpose of the action was to show the inhumaneness of killing animals for food. The room was divided by a partition into two sectors: in one the spectators were sitting, in the other the butcher was killing a pig, which was then cooked and offered to the guests to eat. During the murder, everyone could hear the terrible screams of the pig, and on the monitor they could see what was happening behind the screen. Kulik was convinced that if you eat animals, you should see how it happens - through killing. You kill trembling creatures by ordering pork in a restaurant, and at the protest there was “tearing off of all kinds of masks.” Kulik made the problem urgent: is cynicism that people don’t want to see this, or that a butcher kills a pig? After all, she was bought at the market and would have been stabbed to death anyway! Moreover, the relevance of the problem was enhanced by the fact that Oleg took a pig - the animal most similar to a person.

    The functional aspect of shocking consists in disclosing very pressing problems to the audience, trying to draw the public's attention to them, and highlighting sectors that need fundamental changes.

    How was shocking used in practice? How were its components selected that made Oleg an iconic figure of our time on an international scale? It was by communicating with Oleg and getting into his little secrets that I was able to not only understand that shocking events can be planned, carefully prepared, but also divided into several stages. So, let me introduce the composition of the shocking story.

    Stage 1 - formulating the problem and presenting it as socially significant

    At this stage, the subject clearly identifies an area in which he is not satisfied with existence. For Oleg, this is art, an attitude towards an artist and simply towards a modern person.

    Stage 2 - appeal to the image

    The most important thing at this stage is to choose an image, appearance and style of behavior that can determine the basis of shocking actions for a long time.

    Kulik chose (and explained why) the image of a dog that would protect art; later he used this image in imitation of the “symbol of a united Europe” (when irritated dogs (united European countries) barked around him, and he symbolized the enemy, without whom this union would never have happened).

    Stage 3 - transformation

    The most important stage: at it the concept of the performance is determined, the main ideas are formulated and detailed, the costume is prepared, moral preparation for action occurs: internal overcoming, internal awareness and acceptance, approval, the beginning of action - a decisive step.

    Stage 4 - performance

    It is directly a shocking action, an action, a complete performance. There is no clear script here - there are only prepared ideas, and their implementation is spontaneous, through impromptu. Here it is important not to retreat and “increase” the situation, gaining satisfaction.

    Stage 5 - audience reaction

    NOT “This is what life has brought him to,” but surprise, attention, disgust, rethinking, discussion.

    The audience should be very representative: people who make decisions or are able to influence through the media. Any strong reaction will make people talk about the subject of the shocking action and remember his name - and this is already a big part of the matter.

    Stage 6 - background formation

    There is an assessment and rethinking of the problem and one’s behavior. The question is whether to continue this line or find another way. The baggage includes developments and feelings, attitude towards oneself after the action and towards the problem.

    Stage 7 - changing the consciousness of the audience

    At this stage, a shift in social consciousness occurs, although it is not the goal. The main task is to attract people's attention to the fact that there is another point of view, and not to convert them to your faith. If this did happen, and the audience adopted the thoughts and began to act in accordance with the shocking plan, this means that they are just ripe in order to independently change the situation and information flows, solving this problem. Thus, shocking “re-establishes” relations with the public, forms new streams of consciousness and establishes new contacts between subjects of public life.

    Conclusion. Conclusions...

    Public relations establishes contacts with the target audience, allowing two or more entities to freely communicate and negotiate with each other. Shocking, as a PR tool, seeks to attract attention to a particular source of information and establishes a flow of information that is radically different from all other flows. With the help of demonstrativeness, disposability, unusualness and breaking of standards, a different kind of connection is fixed, different from those that have existed so far between the subject and his public. Therefore, we define shocking as a planned, extraordinary, self-sufficient violation of generally accepted norms beyond the traditional perception, aimed at attracting attention to a product or service and developing the perception of the product or service in terms of innovation and confident superiority over competing products and services.

    Plus, it has such qualities as contrast with the environment, high cost and chic, inaccessibility to others, ahead of or in keeping with the times, surprise and a sense of proportion, the presence of a playful moment, a shocking element plays a special role here.

    Among such attractive methods as kitsch, provocation, sensation or scandal, shocking stands out by forming positive flows of information, without imposing its program, but offering it, just as a talented PR specialist invites journalists and other members of the target audience to take advantage of the information provided.

    It was this approach to shocking that allowed the artist, photographer and sculptor Oleg Kulik to take advantage of his growing popularity. You can also take a risk and try the sweet fruit of outrageousness in your daily activities, transforming them in accordance with YOUR ideas and train of thought! Remember?

    1. Formulating a problem and presenting it as socially significant.
    2. Appeal to the image.
    3. Transformation (internal overcoming; internal awareness, acceptance and approval; decisive step).
    4. Performance (non-retreat; “aggravation” of the situation; pleasure and independent assessment of the image).
    5. Audience reaction.
    6. Formation of background.
    7. Changing the consciousness of the audience.

    The use of shocking gives two advantages: the inevitable activation of fans and expansion of the circle of followers, and also, depending on the scale of the performance, good coverage in the media! If you're comfortable with this approach, go ahead!

    The only thing that can make you “come to your senses” is the inability to predict and evaluate the approximate effect of shocking behavior. You can only put the sign of this effect (plus or minus).

    So, if you are sure that the quality of your product or service is at the highest level, draw attention to it with the help of shocking, but be prepared to endure post-shocking syndrome: public opinion will make you feel like you are under a microscope. Only internally liberated managers and executives, as well as people of other professions, capable of taking risks and having impeccable taste and a sense of proportion, have enough reason to resort to shocking behavior. This tool will immediately highlight your ideas and interests and create an image of the innovation and uniqueness of the services you offer.

    0 People have an inherent need to show themselves from the best side, men do this to give themselves greater status in the eyes of others, while women do this " lure"To get someone who can feed their offspring. Therefore, it is not surprising that fashionable things and accessories play one of the most important roles in our society today. However, in order to attract the attention of other people, this is not enough, you need" get up to something"truly strange and often ridiculous things, so that the media will talk about you and pay attention on the Internet. Such behavior is called in one word - Shocking, which means you can read a little lower. Please note that on our resource you can find a lot more interesting and educational information. Therefore, be sure to add this site to your bookmarks so that " absorb"Only useful, kind, eternal.
    However, before I continue, I would like to show a few interesting publications on random topics. For example, what does Hermit mean, what is the Land of the Dead, how to understand the word Neglige, what Tete-a-Tete means, etc.
    So let's continue Shocking, meaning? This term was borrowed from the French language" épatage", which translates as " shocking", "stunned", further from the verb " épater"(to shock, to break off a leg, that is, to knock the ground out from under your feet).

    Shocking- this is what they say about shocking or unusual actions, stunning statements or strange appearance, that is, about what goes beyond generally accepted decency, norms, and established ideas of society about behavior in society, literature, painting, art and fashion.

    Synonym for shocking: pretentiousness, pretentiousness, scandalousness, deliberateness.

    Shocking- this is a violation of all conceivable norms and rules, turning the idea of ​​morality, aesthetics and ethics upside down.

    Nowadays, it is quite common to see, read or hear the word " Shocking", but not many users and viewers know its meaning and meaning, associating it with fashion and style. If this word is mentioned in the “cut” of art, then here we can observe non-standard perception, pronounced expression, and other harsh effects. Now It has become very fashionable to create paintings that contain elements that deliberately disturb the viewer from a calm state. Such provocative works include scenes of homosexual love, " nudity", depictions of violence or other motifs that may cause the viewer to fear and tremble.

    There are different opinions about whether shocking behavior is really necessary in society. And if some researchers consider it a completely new direction, revealing unfamiliar facets of our reality, others suggest that shocking behavior will ultimately lead to the destruction of family values ​​and foundations, leading society to degradation and self-destruction. As you understand, such extraordinary art will always cause heated debates and holy wars.

    It is worth noting that in the 60s, when essentially shocking and shocked audiences began to develop at a tremendous pace, it was, although unusual, essentially sweet and innocent art. However, in our time, everything has changed dramatically, and now the performances of Western stars are turning into some kind of satanic rituals. Moreover, this is no longer hidden, and various symbols, numbers, images flash in a variety of videos, starting from Miley Cyrus ( Miley Ray Cyrus) and ending with rapper Snoop Dogg ( Snoop Dogg). Actually, the most famous and popular Western performers worship Baphomet, about which there are many indirect facts and eyewitness accounts. However, this is a topic for another post, so I'll bow out and all the best to you.

    After reading this short article, you learned what is shocking, and now you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation if you suddenly find this beautiful word again in articles or on the Internet.

    In the section on the question Shocking personality? who is this given by the author Fragrant hops the best answer is Examples from the “stars”: Borya Moiseev, Ksenia Sobchak, Sergei Zverev. Shocking (French epatage) - a scandalous prank or defiant, shocking behavior that contradicts the legal, moral, social and other norms accepted in society, usually considered by the majority in society as reprehensible, unworthy or unacceptable. The term “shocking” comes from the verb e' pater - to stun, to amaze. The literal meaning is “to break off the stem of a glass, to deprive a leg” (French patte - “paw”), which means to knock the ground out from under one’s feet, to turn everything upside down.

    Answer from User deleted[guru]

    Answer from Yatyana[active]
    Zhirinovsky =D

    Answer from SERG[guru]
    Well, for example, V.V. Zhirinovsky

    Answer from Ksana[guru]
    Zverev, Moiseev, Oguzarova are those who, with their manners or actions, are able to shock the common man.... often this is just an image. sometimes character traits. We can treat them in two ways, but they don’t let us get bored!

    Answer from User deleted[newbie]
    A shocking personality is a person with scandalous antics or defiant, shocking behavior that is contrary to social norms.
    If you need more then:

    Answer from Loriel[guru]
    Shocking behavior is shocking behavior.. However, I would not interpret shocking behavior in an unambiguous negative way. For example, there were girls standing in the middle of Seoul, covered only with lettuce leaves, there was some kind of green protest, I don’t remember what. Shocking behavior? Or, for example, the gopniks are sitting, annoying everyone, and then there are 8 ninjas, or one Batman, or...

    Defiant, shocking, scandalous Dictionary of Russian synonyms. shocking adj., number of synonyms: 5 defiant (67) ... Synonym dictionary

    shocking- oh, oh. epatage m. Defiantly scandalous. Both prefer to transparently hide their qualities behind pretentious, shocking, deliberately rude or stupid words and actions. LG 2.12.1987. James Rice's frank and shocking article is quite surprising... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    shocking- shockingly... Russian spelling dictionary

    - (from Latin future) one of the main directions in early avant-garde art. 20th century It was most fully realized in the visual and verbal arts of Italy and Russia. Began with publication in Paris. newspaper “Figaro” 20 Feb. 1909… … Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    See bully... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. defiant, cocky, arrogant; igniting, suggestive, bold, recalling, cheeky, conditioning, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Inglorious, hysterical, shameful, shameful, staircase, shocking, scandalous Dictionary of Russian synonyms. scandalous see shameful Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandro ... Synonym dictionary

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surname Kruglov. Boris April (Boris Kruglov) At the presentation of the debut album Incognito Basic information ... Wikipedia

    - (b. 1962) Russian. prose writer Born in Odessa (now Ukraine), graduated from Leningradsk. Higher Marine Engineering School in 1983. Worked in the Morsk system. Fleet. Since 1985, he participated in a seminar for young science fiction writers under the leadership of Boris Strugatsky.... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    NON-CLASSICAL POST-NON-CLASSICAL historical types of philosophizing, meaningfully differentiated according to the following parameters: 1). In relation to the interpretation of its own subject area, K. can be characterized as a ‘philosophy of identity’, seeing the world in... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    - (or art of action) A generalized concept to denote the dynamic, procedural practices of contemporary art (art practices), POST culture (see: POST), in which the emphasis is transferred from the result of art activity to its process. First A.... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies


    • The Drunken Ship, Arthur Rimbaud. The outrageous French poet Arthur Rimbaud destroyed the classical canons of versification. His juicy, biting word raised to the rank of an artistic phenomenon what previously seemed base.…
    • Candy, Southern Terry, Hoffenberg Mason. A shocking, deliberately obscene novel about the sexual adventures of a simple girl who dreams of great love, but at every step finds herself in very piquant and even dangerous situations.…

    Shocking is an indispensable technique when you need to get millions of people to talk about you. It is not surprising that many celebrities create scandals, shock the public with outfits and ridiculous antics, devoting themselves to this matter with all the passion of a creative nature, turning provocation into a genre of art.

    Zhanna Aguzarova

    Zhanna Aguzarova is the queen of outrageousness in Russian show business. The former lead singer of the Bravo group loves to appear in public in outfits bordering on kitsch, and in interviews with journalists she can easily talk about her connections with the Martians and her divine origin.

    Whatever Aguzarova does, she always looks provocative, but at the same time very organic.

    It is worth noting that fame came to the singer primarily thanks to her excellent vocal abilities, and not to her shocking behavior and tacky outfits. Now the singer performs concerts in small clubs and enjoys painting.

    Lady Gaga

    The famous American singer Lady Gaga is famous for her very unusual performances of songs, non-standard makeup and creative stage costumes. For example, she once came to a ceremony wearing a costume made of real meat.

    She allows herself to choose outfits according to the dictates of her soul and easily destroys all stage stereotypes, appearing on stage in ten different costumes in one show. Fans imitate her with pleasure, coming to the concerts of their beloved “mother of monsters” in the most unimaginable form.

    At the same time, Lady Gaga is a very versatile person who made her way to the musical Olympus with talent, and not with shocking antics. She designs clothes, acts in Hollywood films, generously donates funds to charity and tries to live by the principles of spiritual leader Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh).

    Anastasia Volochkova

    At the peak of her career, Anastasia Volochkova was the prima of the Bolshoi Theater and was compared to Maya Plisetskaya. Since 2003, the ballerina has been working on solo projects and is a frequent guest on television.

    Her scandalous fame came from the whirlwind romances that the tabloids love to savor, as well as from very revealing photographs that Anastasia willingly shares on social networks, demonstrating ballet stretches and a chiseled figure.

    Sergey Zverev

    Sergey Zverev went through a difficult path from a simple Moscow hairdresser to a fashion stylist. In the mid-90s, he was in a car accident and suffered serious injuries, after which he was forced to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

    Despite his very modest (according to many critics) vocal abilities, Zverev recorded several hits, one of which was dedicated to Alla Pugacheva.

    Sergei Shnurov

    The leader of the Leningrad group gained popularity using the image of a marginal alcoholic. Despite the simplicity of the lyrics and music, the songs of “Leningrad” are very popular, and Sergei Shnurov is included in the Forbes ranking as one of the highest paid musicians in Russia.

    One of the singer’s discussed antics was his appearance on stage dressed as Adam. In the Izvestia Hall concert hall, during the final song, Shnurov invited the audience to remember him naked and simply took off everything unnecessary.

    Nikita Dzhigurda

    Nikita Dzhigurda actively exploits the image of a brutal macho, and journalists called him “the great freak of Russian show business.” The actor’s most striking role was his work in the film “Love in Russian,” however, when they hear the word “Dzhigurda,” people often remember not creativity, but funny incidents.

    A mixed reaction was caused by clips of the “family video” format, filmed at the time of the birth of his wife Marina Anisina, as well as Nikita’s dance in a kilt on Red Square. In 2016, the outrageous Dzhigurda announced that he had changed his first and last name to Janatan El-Air Bratash Ji Pogorzhelsky von Gan Eden. The network often discusses the showman's hairstyle and ridiculous outfits, and also wonders whether his quirks are the result of a mental disorder, or are started solely for the sake of PR.

    Dance of Dzhigurda on Red Square

    Boris Moiseev

    Boris Moiseev worked as the chief choreographer of the Lithuanian orchestra "Trimitas", danced in Alla Pugacheva's show, but real fame came to him after he started singing. Without having outstanding vocal abilities, he skillfully exploited a shocking image, and correctly selected makeup, grotesque costumes and a well-staged show made Boris Moiseev a real star.

    Conchita Wurst

    Conchita Wurst is a drag queen. This is the name given to artists who perform on stage in women's clothing. The singer's real name is Tom Neuwirth. The image of a bearded woman, which he exploited in order to draw attention to the problem of homophobia in society, did not prevent him from becoming the winner at Eurovision 2014. The sight of Conchita shocked many, but that was the purpose.

    Tom's official website states that Conchita is his alter ego and a person with a destiny different from his own. He emphasized that the individual Neuwirth and the singer Conchita each live their own lives, but they are united by their love for the stage and music.

    Ksenia Sobchak

    The country's main socialite, the daughter of the first mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, gained wide fame thanks to one of them - “House-2”, where she acted as a presenter for a long time. Valentina Yudashkina Sobchak wore a light beige dress made of feathers. The wind played a joke by blowing on the outfit and showing the world neat flesh-colored panties.

    The moment was captured by paparazzi, and users left a lot of caustic comments. In response, Sobchak posted a photo of her butt on Instagram, writing that this part of her body looks better than the faces of some people who run the state.

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a prominent politician, leader of the third largest political party in Russia. He was elected to the Duma five times in a row. He always stood out for his ability to dress stylishly and for his very colorful interviews.

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