Philip Kirkorov: An artist should always be disliked. When everything is good, you don’t even feel like singing! Confession of the King: The hunted Kirkorov made a confession Kirkorov interview

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Philip Kirkorov loves to try himself in new roles. The singer has acted in 35 television and film projects. On the eve of March 8, Philip Bedrosovich will present his fans with another surprise: the musician starred in a special holiday episode of the Voronin television project on STS. The artist will appear on the screen in the image of... himself, but here too the artist will appear from an unexpected side.
Our interview with the artist took place during a break from filming the sitcom, but we talked not only about this small role, but also about many other things, including raising children and Disneyland at home. And also about how Kirkorov is going to celebrate his 50th anniversary, which is just around the corner.

— Philip, you haven’t appeared at any social event for almost a month and a half. Fans could only follow you on social networks. Where have you been?

- I was resting. I have the right to this! (Smiles.) I worked hard last year, and I have a lot of work ahead of me - after all, my anniversary is in April! Joke or not, cool or not cool, but 50 years is a date that needs to be lived through. Although for me this is just a good reason to meet with the audience, put on a beautiful show to perform in the Kremlin, and of course, celebrate my anniversary with friends on April 30 - invite everyone, don’t forget anyone, and have a good time there! Although I repeat: for me, 50 is just a reason and a number. I don't feel like I'm that age.

— Where did you vacation, if it’s not a secret?

— I was in America, traditionally went to Disneyland, then went to Las Vegas, where I met Celine Dion. It was very important for me to see this amazing singer once again. After all, it was she who once introduced me to the director of the show, Franco Dragone. I showed her some excerpts from our program - and with a feeling of accomplishment, I went to Moscow, stopping on the way to Dubai, where I shot a video for my new song. It was not an easy shoot: due to the difference in time zones, I really wanted to sleep. But the video turned out to be very beautiful; the charming “Miss Russia” Vladislav Yevtushenko starred in it. She played the role of a girl who enters a garden where women are prohibited. The heroine decides to do this, and a terrible punishment overtakes her. In the video we show how it all ends. The result is a mystical story with a very beautiful natural setting: desert, live camel...

Philip Kirkorov

— What are your immediate plans?

— One of these days I’m flying to St. Petersburg, where I’ll shoot a video again. As you can see, life is in full swing! Ahead are Tashkent, Bishkek, Astana and a little bit of central Russia, in order to gain emotions and energy. And already in April I’m preparing to give a record number of concerts at the Kremlin Palace and celebrate my 50th anniversary! And I'm proud that at 50 I'm in pretty good shape. (Smiles.)

-You really are in great shape!

- What, will you give me 50? Of course not! I’m not even embarrassed to compliment myself. This is what a profession means: it makes you look young and be in such a cheerful state of mind. You understand that you are in demand, that people love you, and you live for this. And how can you not take care of yourself? After all, in people’s memories you are the one they loved you with. I was loved 30 years ago, when I was 20. I, of course, do not pretend to retain my youthful appearance. But I am obliged to try to keep myself in shape for the sake of my profession. And it can’t be any other way!

— What brought you to the set of the series “Voronin”? By the way, your show business colleague Nikolai Baskov has already taken part in it.

“This is not surprising to me, because “Voronins” is a popular series. Eight years ago, when this project first appeared, it immediately attracted my attention, and I began to watch the life of this family with interest. And I found a lot of things that were in my family. It is not for nothing that he enjoys such popular love - after all, everything in him is taken from life. It’s the same with artists: if your creative path lasts 30-40 years, and you still arouse interest, it means that you have found some secret of how to remain in this people’s love and audience loyalty. I would like to wish the series “Voronins” longevity. Maybe after some period of time I will star in its sequel again, or my children will play in it - if they grow up and become actors. Who knows?! Life is unpredictable!

Philip Kirkorov on the set of “The Voronins”

— In your series, you have a stylish suit, designed in silver and black tones. Did you choose this image yourself?

- In fact, now I don’t have a problem choosing clothes. If before I poked my nose everywhere - including into the wardrobe - now I have a wonderful professional in this matter named Arsen. He also takes care of my wardrobe: he receives technical specifications from the directors on the eve of filming, prepares options for me, then he and I sit down and choose from the proposed 10-15 options one with which we will present a certain role in this case. It was the same this time.

— Were there any problems with the text?
- Come on, I still remember! (Smiles.) No, there were no problems.
— I noticed that you slapped Georgy Dronov, who plays Kostya, in the face quite strongly...
— For me it was the most disgusting moment. Because I don’t like to fight and I don’t know how. Although all these years I have often been credited with such a character trait as pugnacity. But that's not true. And even if in plays or films, as now, it is necessary to do something like this, for me it becomes torture. But I convince myself that the profession of an actor is this: you need to complete the task. And although with difficulty, I cope with this mission.

— Is it difficult to play yourself?

- But I’m not playing - I’m making fun of myself. If I played, it would probably be monstrous. The easiest way to embody your image on the screen is to parody yourself, use irony, laugh at yourself and your shortcomings.

— Which of the characters in the series do you like the most?

— We are friends with the performer of the role of Vera Ekaterina Volkova and her husband Andrei Karpov. They are a wonderful couple. Andryusha is an excellent professional dancer. True, now he is more involved in architecture. By the way, he is designing my home children's Disneyland.

- How interesting! Tell us more about this, please!
- This will be a very beautiful project. Who can I trust with such warm household items? Exclusively to my friends. Andryusha and Katya are just my friends. And I hope that we will soon implement what Andrey came up with. I believe that his talent as an architect will make it possible to realize the dream that I had as a child, and will now be realized for my children.
— By the way, Michael Jackson also had his own Disneyland.
“But he built it for himself.” And I think about the children.
— What will be in your Disneyland: carousels, slides?

— I can’t say that yet. But the main task is for children to gain strength and health while playing. That is, there should be a swimming pool, some kind of children's exercise equipment, a dance class - those things that are associated with the correct physical development of children.

—Are they already doing something with you?
— Alla-Victoria and Martin now go to tennis, dancing, karate and English classes. They have an extended “working” day, which begins at seven in the morning and ends at nine in the evening. When I’m not on tour and I’m in Moscow, I try to accompany them everywhere after kindergarten.

Children Philip Martin and Alla Victoria with grandfather Bedros Kirkorov

— Did your children ask to go to the shoot with you today?
- No, they don’t know where exactly I am. I protect them from secular public life.
— Do you take them to your concerts?

— Only those that take place in Moscow. Last year they wanted to go to the “New Wave” in Sochi, since they were invited there. But I didn’t want to create a fuss around them. Let them grow up a little more.

—Have they told you yet that they want to play in films or go on stage?

- Give the children a normal life! Let them grow up and determine their own path. We already have what kind of children to play: Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko have Gnome Gnomych - our growing star, Ani Lorak has Sofia, my goddaughter, rushing to the stage. For now, let mine work out in dance studios, learn and choose their own path. So that it doesn’t happen that their dad pushes them on stage. If they want to choose such a path for themselves, let them do it themselves; if they don’t want to, I won’t force them.

— Do you plan to have more children?

- Undoubtedly! But I understand perfectly well that first we need to raise these. Let's see... After all, I'm young! (Smiles). Today, age is not a hindrance in this matter - people become fathers even at 75 years old. Therefore, I still have at least a quarter of a century left - both on the stage and in life!

Philip Kirkorov: “The profession makes you look young!” published: October 26th, 2018 author: Madame Zelinskaya

Philip Kirkorov, he comes on stage, and you are completely overwhelmed by a powerful wave of incredible energy.

It seems to radiate light that penetrates the entire space from the stalls to the very last row of the gallery. The first chords sound, and in a hall of many thousands, always filled to capacity, real magic begins. The enthusiastic eyes of the audience are fixed only on him, because for millions of fans around the world he is the most beloved and only one. And Philip never lets them down or betrays them. For 30 years now, he has never ceased to amaze with his songs, his life, his art. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, Philip Kirkorov is singing for you.

The long-awaited meeting took place, of course, in the courtyard of the State Kremlin.

Dmitry Kirillov: Thank you very much, Philip, for being on our channel “Public Television of Russia”. This is truly a great happiness.

Philip Kirkorov: This is a great happiness for me, because as much attention as I have felt towards my person in recent days... I have always been not deprived of the audience’s attention, the attention of journalists, but recently everyone has become so active, because suddenly for some reason it became creepy for everyone and a wild surprise that I am 50 years old.

Dmitry Kirillov: When you turn 50, spiteful critics begin: “Oh, sixty…”

Philip Kirkorov: Pension, right?

No, this is a passport data, so to speak. According to my passport, I am 50 years old. On April 30, 1967, I was born, but in my heart I will always be at least 30, because this is the most stellar time in my life - a time of discoveries, accomplishments, and colossal takeoff. And I decided to freeze in this state, and I talk about it openly, without hiding it. Why hide? For me, 50 years is a number, and just a reason to do something very beautiful, and once again meet with the audience, tell me what’s going on with me, and in general how I came to this life. And now my 50th anniversary spring has presented me with a lot of pleasant surprises, surprises and meetings, including on public Russian television, on which I am a rather infrequent guest. And I probably have something to say and talk about today.

Dmitry Kirillov: Philip, your life is just some kind of series, fascinating, long.

Philip Kirkorov: I have a feeling that this is Santa Barbara, Game of Thrones and much more rolled into one. In general, this is Indian cinema, I would call it. My life is Indian cinema, beloved by Soviet viewers, the kind I grew up watching. "Disco Dancer" is my favorite movie. Therefore, everything that happens in my life is, of course, the life story of a non-human. But I’m human, and all this is real, and everything in my life happened like in a movie.

Dmitry Kirillov: Confidential tone, confessional singing - is this from Pugacheva?

Philip Kirkorov: Sincerity has always been especially valuable to us on the stage, and it was this that was the key to the hearts of millions of listeners and fans. It’s just that someone finds this key, someone never finds it, so someone becomes such a legendary artist like Pugacheva, like Bernes, Utesov, Shulzhenko, and someone doesn’t, someone just babbles, and It doesn't bother anyone.

Of course, Alla taught me a lot, and watching how she sincerely lived every song, it couldn’t help but touch me, first of all, as her fan as an actress. In general, this has always lived in me. I really loved the confidential intonation in the song. And if I still came across a good song - and I was lucky with good songs over all these 30-odd years - then it was precisely what was called trust. But we can say that Alla Pugacheva, of course, became a teacher in this direction for me.

Dmitry Kirillov: Do you still secretly love soda, sandwiches, and fries?

Philip Kirkorov: I will answer “yes”, because I can open up now, and the more common answer to this question is that when you are getting ready, when there is something ahead, some important event, then give up everything - both soda and sandwiches...

Dmitry Kirillov: It's such a shame, isn't it?

Philip Kirkorov: But the life of an actor, artist dictates and requires maximum composure and maximum physical fitness. Where there is physical fitness, there is no soda, no sandwiches, although I absolutely love it all.

Dmitry Kirillov: That is, do you ever say to yourself: “Stop, Philip”?

Philip Kirkorov: I just know how to say “Stop” to myself. I have a strong character and willpower, although sometimes I really want to do such a zigzag, and break all the diets, and tell them to go to hell.

Dmitry Kirillov: Do you believe in horoscopes and take them seriously?

Philip Kirkorov: No, no, no. I once read a horoscope about my zodiac sign - Taurus, everything became clear to me. I am a typical Taurus, born in the year of the Goat, and this is my canonical image, and my whole character is from this canonical image of the horoscope Taurus.

Dmitry Kirillov: Such a classic.

Philip Kirkorov: In all these other times - the Moon went down, the Moon declined, the Moon gained profit, and today Mars and Venus...

Dmitry Kirillov: Some live without... Yes.

Philip Kirkorov:...yes, and they make their plans after the Sun has risen and gone. No. I live for others. I live by emotions, I live by mood, it doesn’t affect me. The sun is shining - thank God. There is no sun - we ourselves are the sun.

He finds his happiness in going on stage, because, in fact, it has become the main place in his life. There is no longer such an artist in Russia who is ready to work 24 hours a day. Maybe that’s why Philip Kirkorov is accompanied by success everywhere.

The king of the Russian stage is not empty words. He was crowned by the audience, recognizing him as the best on our stage. Isn't that right? You won't find another artist like him. Philip Kirkorov in our country.

Dmitry Kirillov: Sing with soul, can you learn this?

Philip Kirkorov: No. Hardly. It is either given or not given. Either it comes from the heart, or you don’t feel it. Although, I know, there were examples when people with ideal lives did not succeed in art. And as soon as some tragedy occurred in their lives, they suddenly began to sing correctly and found the intonation that was missing in their psychophysics. And this tragedy helped them to reveal their “I”.

Dmitry Kirillov: Life has taught me, it turns out.

Philip Kirkorov: Life has taught me, yes. In general, I don’t know how to learn on my own. As for sincerity, it is given from above.

Dmitry Kirillov: The words in the song don't matter. Is the music the main thing?

Philip Kirkorov: I thought so when I was young, I was turned on by the rhythm and did not think so at all. Well, texts and texts. And then, when I met Leonid Derbenev, the poet who wrote my first songs, I realized that poetry is the main thing. But if you’re lucky with the music, then that’s great. It turns out to be a hit, it's a success. It’s rare to have such a combination when everything matches: the song, the music, the lyrics, the place where you performed the song, the time, and even the weather, even the season. Everything matters when the song comes out.

Dmitry Kirillov: Still, words are needed, it turns out, right? So now you are saying that they matter?

Philip Kirkorov: Today they are already needed, and especially when you have something to say with these words.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are great songs being written in Russia these days?

Philip Kirkorov: They write, and have written, and will write. We have wonderful authors.

Dmitry Kirillov: There is simply a widespread opinion that everything remained in the Soviet Union, when we knew these songs that we sing at home at the table, and what is written now is mostly ephemeral.

Philip Kirkorov: Why? I don’t think that my song, for example, such as “Tough Love”, or the song “Just Give” from my repertoire are some kind of throwaway songs. I didn’t even know that love could be cruel... Or... Love is like a dream... These are all songs written 5-10-15 years ago, and nothing. They were not written in Soviet times, they were written when Russia already existed. And beautiful. And there are very recent, very beautiful songs. The same song “Snow” (I’m talking about my repertoire). They can also say that about other people's songs. I have some favorite songs performed by Meladze, Irina Allegrova, not to mention Pugacheva. Indeed, very beautiful songs were written there in the 1960s and 70s.

Dmitry Kirillov: There was a golden age.

Philip Kirkorov: Arno Babajanyan and Magomayev’s songs are... “Give me back the music”, one song alone is worth it. But everything has its time. The time was more subtle, although the Iron Curtain, everything seemed so gray. But the songs were really very beautiful. Now, perhaps, they do not appear in such quantities, and perhaps they are not needed in such quantities. Crazy rhythm and tempo expects completely different music from us, and we must keep up with a completely different rhythm. Rap, techno - everything is different. But when a beautiful ballad appears, it becomes as popular as in the 1960s, 1950s, and touches hearts.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are there any songs in your repertoire that have been covered many times and already make you shake?

Philip Kirkorov: No, all the songs are my favorite. When I feel like a song is getting boring, I just put it aside for a while and take out another song from my baggage. But then, when I miss it, I definitely return it. Fortunately, this is a program, this is a show. Today's show "I" makes it possible to periodically change one song to another depending on your mood, condition or simply desire. Well, I missed you. For example, I haven’t sung the song “My Only One” for almost a year now, although all these years, almost all 20 years, including the show “Other,” it has been played.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are you in quarantine?

Philip Kirkorov: But in the show “I”, for some reason she went to the side. And now I'm thinking, maybe, maybe I should return it. Although not yet, I’m not bored yet. I really have it... When I realized that I was singing “My Only One” and didn’t feel anything, I stopped singing it.

Dmitry Kirillov: This is how people are treated, right? Some kind of feeling.

Philip Kirkorov: And songs are people, they are a living organism, they are my children. Every song is my child.

Dmitry Kirillov: Someone said that if you have money, you can stay on the stage for a long time.

Philip Kirkorov: Money really matters today. Thanks to money, you can make a beautiful show, shoot an expensive video. But if this video is made by an artist, gifted by God, then it’s all one to one, and if it’s some kind of whim of a rich wife, or son, or daughter, then, well, he’ll make a video, well, okay, well, they’ll show it for money on air. Well, what next? Who is stroking their ego? Only a family who is happy that their son or daughter was shown on TV. But money cannot make the viewer fall in love with you. No matter how much money you have, and no matter how much you fill the airwaves with yourself, and whether you buy this airwaves from head to toe with all your giblets combined, and whether you show yourself day and night for money, it is impossible to force people to come to the hall and pay money to watch you. Therefore, money talks, but it is impossible to buy people's love with money.

Dmitry Kirillov: Suffering, experiences, are they necessary for a creative person?

Philip Kirkorov: Yes! Certainly! An artist must always be hungry and unloved. And when everything is good, you don’t want to sing, you want to bathe in love and sit at home. Now it’s very difficult to get me on tour, because you can’t lure me out of the house, because the children don’t let me at all. They see that dad is leaving - that’s all, and they don’t let him take a step at all. How to leave home? But I need to come to you for an interview. And now I would gladly sit at home.

Dmitry Kirillov: But then you return, and they will run to you. What a joy!

Philip Kirkorov: You will return, but these two hours will pass without them.

Dmitry Kirillov: Certainly. I agree. It’s healthier to be with your children, that’s true.

Philip Kirkorov: Certainly.

Dmitry Kirillov: It feels like you approach the song like a dress, like a suit. So, in my opinion, Pugacheva chose, then tailored it to suit herself. For example, the author brought text and music.

Philip Kirkorov: That's the only way. For yourself, yes.

Dmitry Kirillov: She says: “No, no, I don’t need this.”

Philip Kirkorov:"Let's change it," yes.

Dmitry Kirillov: Do you work the same way?

Philip Kirkorov: Yes, yes, yes. We change arrangements a lot, painfully, and sometimes choose words. And sometimes a song comes along and everything is fine.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are there really songs in which you didn’t edit anything?

Philip Kirkorov: Eat. The same "Tough Love" as it was, even with the instrumental arrangement it was the same as recorded straight away.

Philip Kirkorov: Nothing even changed there. And there are such remade ones as “My Bunny”.

Dmitry Kirillov: Complex?

Philip Kirkorov: It was a melody, it became a rap. This is actually the first rap in the country - “My Bunny”. There is "My bunny, I am your bunny."

Dmitry Kirillov: Why should there be any refurbishment? There, in principle, there is “Bunny” on two notes.

Philip Kirkorov: Well, how? There was music, there was a melody.

Dmitry Kirillov: There was a chorus.

Philip Kirkorov: There were other words. We came up with alogisms and neologisms there. We worked quite seriously on this song.

Dmitry Kirillov: But it caught on with the people, of course. This story is long. Mega hit.

Philip Kirkorov: And what a cartoon clip it is. The first cartoon video in the country.

Dmitry Kirillov: By the age of 50, there is a reassessment of some values. If we take the scale of your values, is there something that is most dear to you, the most valuable?

Philip Kirkorov: Love, of course. Love must be inside, warm, because if this feeling is absent, no matter who, then it must live. It may even be unrequited, but it must be, because if not, then you turn into a callous lump of meat.

Dmitry Kirillov: Has having children changed you?

Philip Kirkorov: At first I didn’t realize it, but then, when some time had passed, I probably realized that, naturally, it changed. In any case, it changed my lifestyle. I don’t know about me, because at 45 it’s difficult to change, almost impossible, but my lifestyle has changed to some extent.

Dmitry Kirillov: After all, they also dictate their own rhythm, they grow, they need to be given more and more attention.

Philip Kirkorov: I try to pay attention, and I try to take them with me somewhere to concerts as much as possible, so that they get some kind of emotional surge, because my concerts still bring goodness. That’s why there are always so many children at concerts, especially in the summer in Sochi and Yalta. A lot of children. Parents take their children with them, knowing that it will be a carnival. But, unfortunately, I am limited in these possibilities, because their appearance somewhere immediately causes an unhealthy stir, and this is stress for them, and I try to protect them from this stress. But when I know that there is no one, I secretly bring them, and they sit and watch with delighted eyes how their dad works and sings.

Dmitry Kirillov: In one of your interviews, you said that for about five years in a row you celebrated the New Year alone. It was so heavy...

Philip Kirkorov: Yes, that was the mood.

Dmitry Kirillov: What is this connected with? Is this when a person gets to the top, but there is emptiness around him?

Philip Kirkorov: Yes, this is a kind of public loneliness. But everything coincided there. And I didn’t want to see anyone, and I didn’t want to... How can I explain it to you? I didn’t want to convey my bad mood to anyone on New Year’s Day. That's why I sat like a grandma. Everyone came up and said: “Well, why are you like this? What’s wrong with your mood?”, pity. And what I hate most is when people feel sorry for you. I prefer alone at home...

Dmitry Kirillov: Close.

Philip Kirkorov: Yes. And on January 1st, go somewhere, adapt, accumulate, and come back in shape.

Dmitry Kirillov: So that no one would even think about it.

Philip Kirkorov: So that no one would believe that I am lonely.

He is not afraid to be himself on stage. Each of his songs is a piece of life, essentially a confession. And, at the same time, this is a theater where there is always a place for acting. After all, no one canceled the show, and Philip Kirkorov has no equal in this matter.

Dmitry Kirillov: You delight the audience with bright shows. Now a new program is appearing - the show "I". Is this just another show?

Philip Kirkorov: Well, how? No. For me this is a whole stage. I've been going to this show my whole life. I've been waiting for this director Franco Dragone all my life.

Dmitry Kirillov: How did you hook him?

Philip Kirkorov: Did I hook him? I saw the show he did first. First of all, all these wonderful Cirque du Soleil shows, this is the Celine Dion show in Las Vegas. We met there. I waited and prepared for him for a long time, because working with such a master is a test, it’s not easy. It was necessary to mature internally. He watched all these shows, Franco Dragone studied all my work and said: “I’m fireworks! I’ve never seen such an artist,” I’m a little uncomfortable talking about myself, “in my life, who changed so radically, tried, experimented, successfully, unsuccessfully.” , but it was always bold and very bright. But behind this I saw everything except you.” I say: “But it seems to me that no one is interested in my self.” He says: “On the contrary, let’s show it. This is a very interesting “me”.” I say: “Yes, I am the same “me” as everyone else.” He says: “This is interesting. Let’s leave it, let’s show it, let’s bring it into everyone’s consciousness that you not only have an excellent command of all the attributes of show business, from feathers, rhinestones, to floating, disappearing scenery, light, animation , computer graphics, but you are you, and that’s also much more interesting than all this tinsel.” I say: "Well, let's take a risk. I trust you." And I was not mistaken, and he was not mistaken. And I was not mistaken in trusting and believing him.

There is a certain minimalism present in this show, it forces you to be completely naked, that’s why the show is called “I”. There you can’t hide behind rhinestones, feathers, or anything. It's me and no one else in this show. Yes, the whole show is a colossal ballet. I have never had so many ballets and actors on stage. But my essence is absolutely not hidden there. Here I am, as I am, with all the feelings, intonations and special sincerity in this show. I didn’t hide here for anything, not for any scenery, and you can’t hide. The show runs almost 2 hours 40 minutes. And every song is you in full view. That is why it is called “I”. At the same time, “I” is woven from thousands of people, millions of people who have looked at me over the years and made me so. If there were no public, then there would be no spectators, there would be no me, and there would not be this “I”, who is now coming out at 50 years old, and has the right to sing about something, to convey some message, some... then an emotional message, to set people up for goodness, for joy. There is so much gray around, rain, darkness, not only literally, but also figuratively. Therefore it is very important to me. Maybe that’s why people still come to my concerts in such numbers, and for three decades I don’t know what it’s like to not be sold out, thank God. I don't know how long this will last. I didn’t know that I would stay for so long, but maybe that’s why they have been coming to me for so long over the years, that they know that I will not deceive them, they know that I will give them sun, joy, holiday , I'll show them myself. Thanks to my songs that they love, they remember their lives, because in these 30 years there have been many songs, and in every stage of life everyone has their own favorite. Even “Bunny”, for some “Atlantis”, for others “You you you”, for others “The One”, for others “Diva”, for others “I will die for you”, some have “Just Give”, “Snow”, “Cruel Love”, “Let’s Fly”, “I’ll Be Your Cloak”. Doesn't matter.

Dmitry Kirillov: Its own.

Philip Kirkorov: Everyone has their own favorite song, and probably everyone has their own love story - sad or happy - connected with one of my songs, because a lot of them have been sung over 30-odd years.

Do you hear the music?

Dmitry Kirillov: Yes.

Philip Kirkorov: This is the start of our rehearsal. We have almost no time left. But, if you want, after our interview I’ll show you and invite you to take a look at how we’re putting it all together...

Dmitry Kirillov: How is everything going?

Philip Kirkorov:... and how everything is rehearsed.

Dmitry Kirillov: Thank you.

Philip Kirkorov: Doesn't the music bother you?

Dmitry Kirillov: No, not now!

Philip Kirkorov: Well, that's all. Shall we go?

Dmitry Kirillov: Let's go.

Philip Kirkorov: Here's our scene, by the way. She's getting ready now. Today about 50 people work here. Our group consists of 89 dancers and actors. The whole theater.

Dmitry Kirillov: And you have to check almost everything yourself?

Philip Kirkorov: I have assistants, I have those people who are responsible for the music, for the lighting, for the decorations.

Look how beautiful the hall is. Amazing! The chairs were red when I was there before. And now they are blue, very beautiful, cozy, warm. A colossal hall with 60,000 seats, and a huge stage with all its beauty.

I didn’t think that I would stay so long - more than 30 years. We'll see what happens next. But today I am a happy person. So thank you, dear viewers!

Dmitry Kirillov: Thank you, Philip!

Philip Kirkorov: Thank you!

Dmitry Kirillov: Thank you! Health, and happy birthday!

Philip Kirkorov: Thank you!

Ani Lorak, singer:

Philip is kind and attentive to others. I think because since childhood I myself was enveloped in parental love. Philip believes in God and teaches me: “Treat people the way you want them to treat you.” He is caring. If he notices that I’m sad, he’ll definitely ask: “What happened? Tell me!” “Everything is fine,” I’ll answer, so as not to bother him with problems. But he doesn’t lag behind: “I see!” He is such a mirror man. And I learned to feel Philip. If he is angry, I know how to cheer him up. Need Coca-Cola. And gifts. Although he probably has everything one could dream of, he, like a child, rejoices at any sign of attention. If souvenirs are given at an event, he always takes them with him and always reminds his assistants: “Where is my gift? Don't forget! Filya also loves sweets. He has a favorite chocolate ice cream, it’s called “Give-Give.” In one restaurant where we go, they serve us such a dessert. What would I like to wish him? Hello! He works so hard. And human powers are infinite. But we have the one and only. He is a natural phenomenon.

Lera Kudryavtseva, TV presenter:

Philip and I have known each other for twenty years. I don’t even remember how we met. And we've been friends for a long time. For two days we sat on the phone with Kirkorov, discussing his future anniversary. It’s easy for us, both Taurus, always on the same wavelength: a close sense of humor, stupid, local jokes. Philip, although he is considered the king of our stage, is a very kind man and, despite all his stardom, he is such an adult child at heart. Maybe, like a child, he will be offended by some little thing. Very receptive. And no less responsive. We can always call each other at any time, even in the middle of the night. Philip helped me many times with advice, contacts, people, connections. I have been suffering with my back for a long time, and when I was looking for a good doctor, I was deciding in which country it was better to get treatment and from whom, it was Philip who suggested to me a doctor in Germany with whom he had been friends for a long time. And how hospitable Philip is! When guests come to his house, it is important for him that everyone feels comfortable, cozy, so that nothing bothers anyone.

I'm still thinking about how to congratulate him. But I know that Philip is a big shopaholic. It seems to me that several apartments are needed to fit all his clothes. But if you give him an item from some new collection, you probably won’t go wrong. In general, Philip is pleased to give gifts. He himself is not greedy. He can present both an incredibly expensive thing and a cute but pleasant trinket, which shows that it was purchased with soul and to a specific person.

Nikolay Baskov, singer:

Philip, you are a great artist. I have incredible respect for your talent and endless hard work. I want to wish you good health, although I know that you have excellent health. I also wish you to regulate your hard work. You always work your butt off. Learn to relax! Philip, you simply must learn to take care of yourself, because you are also the head of the family, the father of two children, which means you need to live a long time. I value my friendship with you, because you also know how to be friends. At important moments in my life, you are always there. So I stepped onto the stage of the Kremlin in a show that I had been working towards for 20 years, and I see you in the front row of the stalls. I know that I came to support me, and this is important.

Before the start of the most difficult part of the conversation with journalists, Kirkorov sighed heavily. “Then only the children go upstairs, and there must be silence,” the singer gave instructions before making a sensational statement.


“This is very personal, has nothing to do with show business. Why bother the public once again,” the artist began. However, the king of pop had to speak out.

The film crew of the program “New Russian Sensations” on NTV managed to get answers to many personal questions. For example, Kirkorov spoke about his attitude towards Eurovision, enmity with Timati, bullying and betrayal. However, all the sensational confessions remained behind the scenes - until the next release of the program.

I am not a supporter of lies. The easiest thing is to always tell the truth - you will never lie

Journalists raised other issues during their conversation with Kirkorov. The singer told how he decided to have a second child. It turns out that he was inspired by his own example. “As a child, I always wanted a brother or sister,” he admitted.

Kirkorov also made excuses for dragging children around on tour. According to the artist, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to be there. “I’m not at home very often. Maybe someone judges me, but this is the only opportunity to be with them in these most beautiful years of their formation,” said the singer.

Shocked the public by announcing that he had a daughter. The king of the Russian stage named the girl Alla Victoria and did not hide the secret of her birth for a long time: to become a father, he resorted to the services of a surrogate mother. The very next year, in June 2012, during a concert in Sofia, Philip proudly announced the birth of his second child - son Martin-Christine. The happy star dad dotes on his offspring and never tires of repeating that they are the meaning of his life. However, there were all sorts of rumors about who the mother (or mothers?) of Kirkorov’s children was. It looks like the singer decided to dot all the i’s.

Philip Kirkorov gave an exclusive interview to the program’s journalists "New Russian sensations", in which he told the whole truth about how his son and daughter were born. True, the recording of the conversation was not without incidents: the artist lost his temper, tore off his microphone and left the set. However, he was still able to pull himself together and continue the conversation on a topic that was sensitive to him.

Philip Kirkorov with children Alla-Victoria and Martin-Christin

In an exclusive interview with journalists from New Russian Sensations, Philip Kirkorov spoke about how he decided to have a surrogate mother give birth to his children: “I’m not the first, I’m not the last in this life to make such a decision... Families that do not have the opportunity to become 100 percent happy (and 100 percent family happiness is when children’s laughter is nearby), they have been deciding this issue for a long time in our civilized world. And I am not, let’s say, a pioneer. It’s just, perhaps, in our country someone who openly spoke about it, wasn’t shy, didn’t hide behind various legends about supermodels who gave birth to your child and then disappeared somewhere, leaving the child in your care. I am not a supporter of lies. It’s easier to always tell the truth, because you will never lie. Then someday you will need to tell your children something. And you will have to lie somehow. For what?"

Let us recall that on December 1 of this year, Philip Kirkorov, in his microblog on Instagram, congratulated his daughter on her birthday a little belatedly and published a video in which the girl’s younger brother Martin-Christine reads a poem to his sister. “And this is how my beloved brother MARTIN congratulated his sister ALLA-VICTORIA on her birthday!!! The holiday begins, DEAR guests are gathering!” - the king of pop commented on the video.

By the way, last year Philip Kirkorov celebrated Alla Victoria’s fifth birthday on a grand scale. Celebrity guests came to congratulate the birthday girl: the girl’s godfather Andrei Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva, Stas Mikhailov’s wife Inna with their daughters, Yana Rudkovskaya and many others. Baby Alla Victoria received congratulations in a luxurious silver dress.

Philip Kirkorov with his daughter Alla-Victoria

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