Ugly duckling meaning. See what "The Ugly Duckling" is in other dictionaries

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The title of a fairy tale by the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). It says that one day among the hatched ducklings there was one ugly one - the “ugly duckling”, unlike his brothers. They laughed at him, bullied him, but the time came, the duckling grew up and turned out to be... a beautiful swan.
The fairy tale ends with a moral aphorism: “It doesn’t matter to be born in a duck’s nest if you hatched from a swan’s egg!”

Meanings in other dictionaries

Ugly duck

1. Unlock About a person who is unfairly judged below his merits, which are revealed unexpectedly to others. BMS 1998, 589; BTS, 191, 1405. 2. Jarg. they say Joking. Male genital organ. ZHEST-1, 141. /i> The title of the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen (1805-1875). ...

Ugly duck

Who. Razg. Joking. About a child, a teenager, whose virtues unexpectedly appear. The ugly duckling... The wisdom of this fairy tale is the wisdom of life itself, which turns an awkward teenage girl into a lovely girl (P. Nightingale. Two voices). - From the title of the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling.” Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Ugly duck

THE UGLY DUCKLING (Danish: Den Grimme filing) is the hero of H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” (1843). The ordeal of the ugly “duckling,” who is actually a swan, is usually interpreted as a metaphor for the artist’s fate. Meanwhile, the innermost meaning of this philosophical fairy tale by Andersen, close to a parable, is in the eternal clash of two forces: good and evil. Transformation of a once ugly chick into beautiful swan...

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Main character fairy tales by H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling” is a chick from one large duck family. He differed from his brothers and sisters in his unsightly appearance and large size. The inhabitants of the poultry yard immediately disliked him and tried to peck him harder. Even the girl bringing food to the birds pushed him away from the rest of the chicks.

Unable to bear such an attitude, the chick ran away from the poultry yard. He got to the swamp and hid there from everyone. But he had no peace in the swamp either - hunters came and started shooting geese. The poor traveler hid all day from hunting dogs, and towards nightfall he ran away from the swamp.

He came across a dilapidated hut in which an old woman lived. The old lady had a cat and a chicken. The old woman couldn't see well, and she mistook the big ugly chick for a fat duck. Hoping that the duck would lay eggs, she left the chick to live in her house.

But over time, the chick became bored in the hut. He wanted to swim and dive, but the cat and chicken disapproved of his desire. And the duckling left them.

Until the fall he swam and dived, that's just forest dwellers they didn’t want to communicate with him, he was so ugly.

But one day large white birds flew to the lake, at the sight of which the chick was overcome with strange excitement. He passionately wanted to be like these handsome men, whose name was swans. But the swans shouted, made noise and flew away warmer climes, and the chick remained to spend the winter on the lake.

The winter was cold, and the poor duckling had a hard time. But time passed. One day he again saw beautiful white birds and decided to swim out to them. And then he saw his reflection in the water. He was like two peas in a pod like the snow-white swans. He was a swan too!

Who knows why the swan egg ended up in the duck's nest? But because of this little swan I had to endure a lot of difficulties and drink a lot of grief. But everything ended well, and now everyone loved him and admired his beauty.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” is that you cannot guess what a child will be like when he grows up. Perhaps now the child is unsightly and ugly, inept and awkward, but as he grows up, he will be completely different. Everything comes on time to those who know how to wait. The fairy tale teaches us not to rush things, to draw conclusions on time. As for children, there is no need to choose the beautiful one among them. If a child sees love and kindness towards him from childhood, he will be able to grow up and become beautiful in both soul and body.

In the fairy tale, I liked the character of the duckling, because difficulties did not break him, he turned out to be strong in spirit.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”?

No matter how much a duck cheers up, it won’t be a swan.
Everyone thinks their geese are swans.
You won’t know in advance where you will find it and where you will lose it.

Who among us has not admired the proud and graceful birds - swans. These majestic and snow-white beauties with excellent posture immediately resemble the fairy tale of the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”. This work is simply a miracle! The story of the ugly duckling who turned into a beautiful swan has touched the souls of many children and adults. Great storyteller was able to very deeply and sensually describe all the adventures of the poor, unfortunate chick, until he turned into a majestic bird.

The world of fairy tales of the great Danish master

Already from childhood, most people recognize the author of “The Ugly Duckling” - Hans Christian Andersen. The world of his fairy tales is very diverse. “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “The Nightingale”, “Wild Swans” - these are real masterpieces that are known in all corners of the world. Many characters from Andersen's fairy tales became household names during the writer's lifetime. Hans Christian did not consider himself a children's writer; many of his works raise very deep problems for adults. What are they, the fairy tales of the author of "The Ugly Duckling"?

Among huge amount Andersen's works there are many creations with happy ending which children love very much. The collection also contains serious stories that only adults can understand. The minds of children and their parents are mesmerized wonderful story called "Thumbelina" about a tiny girl who grows up in a flower bud. The motif of the miraculous transformation of heroes is a favorite in the fairy tales of Hans Christian. So, in the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea,” readers see an inconspicuous girl who became a princess.

The writer depicts true love and self-sacrifice in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”. The girl Eliza risks her life to save her brothers from the spell evil stepmother. This work is already more dramatic. But the story of the young Mermaid, who sacrificed her life for the sake of her beloved prince, is filled with special tragedy. Great power true art Andersen showed in the fairy tale "The Nightingale". The writer reflected the ostentatious grandeur and spiritual emptiness in his work “The King’s New Dress.” It is impossible to imagine the fairy tales of the great Dane without the mysterious little man who gives wonderful dreams to obedient children - Ole Lukoje.

Literary fairy tale concept

The creative heritage of H. H. Andersen mainly consists of literary fairy tales. They brought it to the author of "The Ugly Duckling" world fame. At first, the Writer retold some folk tales, and then began to create his own works in this genre. A literary fairy tale is called narrative genre having magical and fantastic content, fictional or real heroes, fairy tale or real reality. Writers raised moral, aesthetic, social problems society.

The early fairy tales of H. H. Andersen are similar to the works of the Brothers Grimm: they have a simple and natural intonation folk narrative. His first collection was called “Fairy Tales Told to Children,” which contains a lot of similarities with folklore. He based the collection on 10 tales that he was told as a child. From these works, readers discover the beauty and spiritual essence of the world.

What is the main author's credo of the author of "The Ugly Duckling"? The writer appreciates sincere souls and immediate feelings. In depictions of the tragic sides of life, good still prevails. Andersen believes that the divine principle always wins in man himself. The storyteller himself believed very much in good God. He believed that every event in a person's life indicates that he belongs to the Lord. According to the writer, only those who will experience many trials and hardships in life will see the light and become better.

The most voluminous literary fairy tale by Hans Christian is “The Snow Queen”. In it, the author touches on very deep problems. The main thing that the storyteller showed is the all-conquering power of love, capable of overcoming any obstacles. The brave girl Gerda not only saved her brother Kai from the palace Snow Queen, but also returned his good heart.

The difficult fate of the writer and autobiographical moments in the fairy tale

In Denmark there is an ancient town of Odense. It was there that the author of The Ugly Duckling, Hans Christian Andersen, was born in 1805. His father was a simple shoemaker. He lived in a poor apartment, was surrounded ordinary people, ate the most meager foods. But he saw miracles in the simplest things, and loved to listen to the stories of older people. He often looked at theater posters. He did homemade dolls and performed entire performances.

Such fantasies led Hans to theatrical activities. He arranged puppet show right at home. He wrote the scripts himself, made the scenery and paper suits. After his father’s funeral in 1819, the young man moved to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. Dreaming of becoming happy, he tries to fulfill his dream of becoming an actor. Good people helped him get into the gymnasium. The fourteen-year-old boy had to sit at a desk with students much younger than him. Andersen received a lot of ridicule and humiliation from his classmates. Hans passed the test and graduated from high school. Then he entered the university. It was this period of his life that the writer depicted in the book “The Ugly Duckling.”

Being famous master words, Andersen himself understood that he was benefiting the world. That's why he felt happy. Each new fairy tale brought a lot of joyful emotions to his readers. Hans Christian began to read fairy tales himself ordinary people. He was not at all ashamed of his low origins, but, on the contrary, wanted his books to be read by children from families as poor as himself. Most of all, the writer hated empty, ignorant, boastful and lazy representatives of high society.

The noble people whom Andersen ridiculed in his books were unhappy with his caustic ridicule. They could not understand how the son of a shoemaker could make fun of them. After all, he even has a surname of low origin. Only on his 50th birthday was the author recognized for his hometown Odense. On the day he was awarded the title of honorary citizen, the townspeople lit the illumination.

Hans Christian published his tale in 1843. Many children wonder who wrote The Ugly Duckling, and this is not surprising. After all, the problems raised by Andersen in this tale are still relevant today. Translated into Russian by Anna Ganzen. In accordance with the plot and semantic sections of the fairy tale, the work “The Ugly Duckling” can be divided into five parts:

  1. The hard life of a duckling in a poultry yard. It was during the sunny summer season . One old manor, among the fluffy burdock leaves, a mother duck hatched her ducklings. It is already becoming clear that the heroes of “The Ugly Duckling” are animals. Little children looked at the large leaves around them with delight. The duck reassured the children that the world is much bigger than these plants, and she herself has not yet seen it all. An experienced duck approached the young mother and inquired about the situation? The mother was pleased with her cubs, only one chick from the largest egg still could not hatch. The ducks decided that a turkey egg had accidentally fallen into the nest. Finally, this moment has come. From the last egg a chick appeared, which was very different from the others, even the mother did not like it. She decided to check if he could swim like all the other ducklings.

  2. The beginning of wanderings. Duckling meets real friends. One sunny day the whole family went to the lake. All the kids were yellow. There was only one last one gray, but swam no worse than the rest. After bathing, the duck decided to show off her brood and took everyone to the poultry yard to show it to the “society.” Before this, she taught the children how to behave in front of the inhabitants of the courtyard and bow to them. What were the residents of the courtyard like? The ducklings watched as they fought over the head of a fish thrown to them by their owners. There was a terrible scream in the yard. Then one Spanish duck gave a positive opinion new family. Only one, the most “awkward” cub, irritated her and everyone else. The mother duck initially defended the gray duckling, saying that he would grow up to become a prominent drake. Then all the kids went to play. Everyone wanted to offend the gray duckling. They pecked at him every now and then. Over time, even his brothers, sisters and mother hated him. The duckling was exhausted from humiliation and ridicule. He didn't know how to get out of this situation. His only salvation was to run away from home.

  3. Meeting with geese. The duckling somehow managed to get over the fence. There he immediately met wild ducks, they also began to make fun of his unsightly appearance and worry that he would not ask to be their relative. A few days later, two important ganders flew to the lake. Appearance They thought the new guy was funny, and they even decided to show him to their wives. Only this was not destined to come true: the hunters began to shoot at the geese, and two new friends turned out to be dead. Then a hunting dog came running to the lake to collect the prey. The gray duckling was very scared. But even the dog didn’t like him: she didn’t touch the chick. In fear, he sat in the reeds until evening, and then decided to run away.
  4. The suffering of a duckling in the harsh winter. The poor chick wandered all day. Finally he saw the hut. An old woman, a chicken and a cat lived in it. The owner decided to keep the chick with her, hoping that it would lay eggs. The cat and the chicken laughed at the duckling in every possible way, but he never laid eggs. One day the chick felt that he was very drawn to swim, so he went to live by the lake. One day there he saw a very beautiful birds. These were swans. They screamed and the chick screamed back. He did not dare to approach the important birds, fearing that they would reject him like everyone else. And then I came Cold winter. To avoid freezing, the duckling had to constantly swim. But this did not save the poor fellow. He was completely exhausted and froze to the ice. One peasant saw a duckling and took it home. The chick was unfamiliar with the new environment. He was afraid of the little children who wanted to play with him. While running away from them, the duckling spilled milk and got dirty in flour. He had to spend the winter in the bushes near the lake. It was cold and hungry.
  5. Spring awakening and the unexpected transformation of the duckling. One spring, a chick climbed out of the reeds and flew away. Near the blossoming apple trees he suddenly noticed proud and beautiful white swans. The duckling became sad. But then, remembering all his wanderings, he decided to approach these birds, even if they pecked him. The duckling went down to the water and began to quietly swim towards the flock of swan, and they swam towards him. The duckling sullenly lowered his head in front of the swans, expecting to be killed. And suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. Who was the ugly duckling? It was a beautiful majestic swan! Other birds swam by handsome young man and stroked him with their long beaks. They gladly accepted him into their flock. Children came running, began throwing pieces of bread to the birds and calling the new one the most beautiful swan. Previously, the duckling had never even dreamed of such happiness.

This is the summary of The Ugly Duckling. The sad fairy tale turned out to have a happy ending.

Analysis of "The Ugly Duckling": genre, theme, writer's style

It is believed that in this tale Andersen veiled his biography. The name of the creation itself is very unusual and is an oxymoron. The same hero appears both ugly and beautiful. Who wrote “The Ugly Duckling” and in connection with what is already clear. In what genre is the work written? Of course it is literary fairy tale. But she has others too distinctive features. There are motifs of myth in it, since the theme of the exile was very close to ancient myths. Very often the hero of such works cannot control his destiny - other forces dominate over him.

The fairy duckling acts as a representative wildlife, which instinctively survives even in the harshest conditions. Wild natures are desperately fighting for existence. The reason for the duckling's expulsion was not because he was ugly, but because he was different from the others. No one knows how the swan egg ended up in the nest. The author shows what trials the hero had to go through before everyone began to admire his beauty. The main topic"The Ugly Duckling" is a fight between good and evil. The transformation of a nondescript chick into a snow-white beauty is only a shell, but not the main meaning of the fairy tale. Andersen showed that the soul of a little duckling is open to love and kindness.

The author's style reveals a special dynamism. All events develop with special tension. For a skillful and lively narrative, the writer uses many different phrases: “they fell dead,” “the reeds moved,” “the hunters surrounded,” “the fog enveloped,” “the reeds swayed.”

Psychological coloring of the fairy tale

The work "The Ugly Duckling" is very unusual. Andersen not only shows the fate of the hero, but describes his state of mind in different situations. He did this through monologues. The duckling constantly wonders why he is so ugly. The author shows him either tired or sad. Shown especially clearly psychological condition duckling at the moment of transformation into a beautiful swan. His joy knew no bounds. Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" is very sensual; it overwhelms readers with feelings for the little hero.

The idea and problems of the work

The hero of Andersen's book "The Ugly Duckling" had to suffer a lot and humiliate himself, but, having gone through such a lonely and difficult life, he was able to truly appreciate his happiness. Ideological meaning fairy tales are expressed by the following concepts:

  • Not everything in life is simple and easy; sometimes there is suffering and joy, roughness and beauty.
  • For an acute perception of happiness, a person needs wandering and suffering.
  • Sensitivity of soul and inner talent necessarily rewarded by fate.
  • Nobility and generosity appear after suffering and unexpected happiness. After all, this taught the duckling to forgive his offenders.

It should be noted that in allegorical form the tale shows the struggle that Andersen had to wage on his path to fame.

Conclusions about the personality of the author himself

The title of the fairy tale has long grown into a metaphor. Such a common noun as “ugly duckling” refers to unprepossessing teenagers whose appearance is still in its infancy. From this autobiographical tale the following conclusions emerge about Andersen:

  • The writer, like his hero, suffered a lot of suffering, misunderstandings and ridicule of rude people.
  • Andersen had a very vulnerable and sensitive soul.
  • Like the hero of a fairy tale, the author was a generous person who forgave his offenders and enemies.
  • Andersen had great faith in the victory of goodness, beauty and justice.

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