Gdz on history 7 modern time. Useful workshops on Russian history for seventh graders and workbooks for them

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  • Teacher A. Ya. Yudovskaya developed a workbook on Modern History together with L. M. Vanyushkina. The manual (part 1 and 2) for the 7th grade Federal State Educational Standards textbook includes a variety of tasks - seventh graders will have to fill in empty columns of tables, select answers from a list, complete sentences, fill in contour maps.
  • Methodologists and teachers note the value of notebooks for learning - repetition, deepening knowledge, improving work with maps. However, some seventh graders, finding it difficult to make decisions, give up and are upset by receiving bad grades.
  • Benefit GDZ serves as a real magic wand for such students - completed tasks are easily checked, and an online mode is provided. The text of the notebook is given in full; if you lose the manual, you can work with the electronic version. If a task seems incredibly difficult, you can use a workbook to understand the cause of the difficulties. The main thing is that the solution turns out to be impeccable, there is enough time for the remaining disciplines, and seventh-graders have a lot of lessons.
  • It often helps parents GDZ- a manual, reliable verification of remote sensing is provided. Parents decide for themselves whether to allow a student to use a workbook. When used wisely, the benefit brings tangible benefits.
  • New history - useful workshops for seventh graders with solution books

  • Experts call the vast period of world history - from 1500 to 1800, covering three centuries - the Modern Age. During this period, countries were formed and began to actively develop, which today play leading roles on the world stage. By carefully and thoughtfully studying the New Age in world history, one can understand and analyze the roots of today's international problems and conflicts, the possibility of overcoming them, and stabilizing the sphere of political and economic development. It is this period that is studied in world history lessons by seventh graders. Since, according to statistics, many 7th grade students take part in subject history Olympiads and competitions, for quality preparation they need effective educational materials and workbooks for them.
  • Planning and implementing work on GDZ, follows:
    - objectively assess your initial level of knowledge;
    - decide on goals, priority and secondary;
    - formulate a plan based on the assigned individual tasks;
    - from time to time, regularly, carry out self-monitoring, assessing the results achieved, their dynamics, promptly identifying and eliminating problems, adjusting plans;
    - select the optimal set of teaching aids for each specific case.
  • A specialist - a tutor, the head of a history club, a subject teacher - can help solve the last problem. The main emphasis should be on workshop manuals that allow a deeper and more meaningful understanding of complex theoretical material. It is not necessary that the collection of practical tasks be part of the teaching materials used at school - the main thing is that the sections and topics roughly coincide, and the exercises themselves differ in level of complexity and format.
  • Among the effective collections, experts name a workbook on the history of modern times for grade 7, compiled by A. Ya. Yudovskaya and L. M. Vanyushkina. The workshop contains a variety of practical tasks and materials:
    - historical information;
    - logic problems and crosswords;
    - analytical material;
    - tests, the format of which is similar to that offered for the discipline at the OGE.
  • The tasks presented in the manual vary in difficulty level. Those that belong to an advanced level and are suitable for preparing for the Olympiads are marked with an asterisk.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation).
The workbook corresponds to the content and structure of the textbook by A. Ya. Yudovskaya, P. A. Baranov, L. M. Vanyushkina on the history of modern times for grade 7. It includes tasks of various forms and levels of complexity, by completing which students repeat and deepen the knowledge acquired in the lesson, consolidate and improve the necessary skills. Contour maps and assignments for them will help students develop skills in working with the historical atlas and textbook maps. You can work with the notebook both in class and at home.
The workbook is intended for 7th grade students, teachers and methodologists.

Define the following concept and answer the questions.
Social contract theory -
1. Who created this theory and when?
2. Why did this theory arise in England?
3. What new did T. Hobbes introduce to this theory?

Using the material in the paragraph, outline the main provisions of the teachings of Adam Smith.
1. What distinguishes them from the ideas of other educators?
2. Why do you think these ideas were born in England?
3. In the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin writes that Onegin “... read Adam Smith and was a deep economist...” What does this mention indicate?
4. What ideas of Adam Smith have not lost their relevance today?

§18-19. International relations in the XVI-XVIII centuries
§20. Great Enlighteners of Europe
§21. The world of artistic culture of the Enlightenment
§22. Towards the Industrial Age
§23. English colonies in North America
§24. War for independence. Creation of the United States of America
§25. France in the 18th century. Causes and beginning of the French Revolution
§26. French revolution. From monarchy to republic
§27. French revolution. From the Jacobin dictatorship to the 18th Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte
§28. States of the East: traditional society in the early modern era
§29-30. States of the East. Beginning of European colonization
Key dates.

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Download the book Workbook on the history of modern times, grade 7, Part 2, Rumyantsev V.Ya., 2017 -, fast and free download.

  • Workbook on the history of modern times, grade 7, Part 1, Rumyantsev V.Ya., 2017
  • Universal educational activities, workbook on the history of modern times, grade 7, for the textbook by A.Ya. Yudovskoy, P.A. Baranova, L.M. Vanyushkina, A.A. Iskenderov “General History. History of modern times. 7th grade", Federal State Educational Standard, Chernova M.N., Rumyantsev V.Ya., 2020

The older children get, the greater the burden on them, but GDZ in history for grade 7 Yudovskaya will help the student save time preparing for classes and make it easier to do homework. The workbook will also be useful for parents: often a new work program turns out to be a difficult test for adults. If the book is used wisely, the lesson will be learned and reinforced, and parents will be calm.

  • 4 chapters with paragraphs;
  • test papers;
  • tests and questions after each section;
  • tests for self-control;
  • creative projects.

Correctly presented material systematizes knowledge, helps to understand and consolidate what has been learned. It is enough to find the desired chapter number and the child will be able to independently study the topic, and parents can only rejoice in preparing for the lesson.

Advantages of this resource

In that history collection for the seventh grade Yudovskaya, Baranova is described simply and concisely - each student can easily check their completed assignment online. The following advantages of using this resource can be highlighted:

  • simple navigation;
  • free access at any time of the day;
  • clear explanation of what you read.

A seventh-grader will learn to correctly formulate an answer to a question, cope with complex exercises, and prepare for independent tests or tests. The book contains tasks of different difficulty levels: increased difficulty is marked with an asterisk. They will prepare the child for the Olympiad or competition and increase erudition. You can check the results online - this will allow you to monitor your child’s learning process.

Teachers and methodologists can also use the GD - create a work program for classes, formulate questions, and analyze what they read. Having a ready-made solution to tasks at hand is convenient, especially if you use the tips wisely.

Order the solution book and it will soon be on the website

  • Facilitating admission to university. You can give your child the ultimate goal of the entire educational process, thereby convincing him of the need for good study. Parents often tell their children that if they study poorly, they will not be able to acquire a good profession in the future, and will become janitors.

  • Meals at school should be well organized. The student must be provided with lunch and a hot breakfast in the canteen. The interval between the first and second meals should not exceed four hours. The best option should be for the child to have breakfast at home; at school he eats a second breakfast

  • A certain relationship has been established between children's aggression and difficulties in the learning process. Every student wants to have many friends at school, have good academic performance and good grades. When a child fails to do this, he does aggressive things. Every behavior is aimed at something and has a meaning.

  • In any Olympiads and all kinds of competitions, a child, first of all, expresses himself and realizes himself. Parents should definitely support their child if he is passionate about intellectual competitions. It is important for a child to recognize himself as part of a society of intellectuals, in which competitive moods reign, and the child compares his achievements

  • A picky child may not like school food. Often, this is the most common reason for a schoolchild to refuse to eat. It all happens because the menu at school does not take into account the taste needs of each individual child. At school, no one will exclude any product from the diet of an individual child in order to

  • In order to understand how parents feel about school, it is important to first characterize modern parents, whose age category is very diverse. Despite this, most of them are parents who belong to the generation of the nineties, which was a difficult time for the entire population.

  • The first school gatherings remain forever in the memory of each of us. Parents begin purchasing all the necessary office supplies starting in August. The main school attribute is the student uniform. The outfit must be carefully selected so that the first grader feels confident. The introduction of school uniforms is justified for many reasons.

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