Heroes of fairy tales. What fairy tale character are you? Fairy-tale hero advisor

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International Festival “Stars of the New Century” - 2012

Humanities (8 to 10 years)

“Baba Yaga is a positive hero or a negative one?”

Anosov Igor, 10 years old

4th grade student

Head of work:

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1 named after"


In the month of April, our gymnasium traditionally hosts the “Ponaroshkin World” competition. This year our class presented a musical composition in which the main role was played by hedgehog grandmothers from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.

Then there was a drawing competition “Fairytale Forest” and almost all the children from the class drew a forest in which the main character Baba Yaga. Looking at the guys’ work, I wondered, what kind of Baba Yaga is: good or evil?

So, target my research to answer the question: Baba Yaga is a positive hero or a negative one?

To do this I set the following tasks:

2. conduct a survey among students in my class on this topic;

4. compare the information received and draw a conclusion: Baba Yaga is a positive hero or a negative one.

To solve the problem, I put forward the following hypothesis:

Baba Yaga is more of a positive character than a negative one.

Progress of the study:

I.Questioning classmates.

Before testing my hypothesis, I decided to conduct a survey among students in my class. I was interested to know what the guys thought about this. To do this, I conducted a survey, which consisted of 3 questions:

1. Baba Yaga is a positive hero or a negative one (underline what is appropriate)?

2. What character traits does Baba Yaga have negative?

3. What are Baba Yaga’s positive character traits?

After processing all the questionnaires, I got the following result :

The opinions of my classmates differed, but what do they write in scientific literature.

II.Studying scientific literature.

Vladimir Dal in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” writes:

YAGA or Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga, yagaya And Yagawaya or yagishna And Yaginichna, a kind of witch, an evil spirit, under the guise of an ugly old woman. Costs Yaga, horns in the forehead(stove pillar with crows)? Baba Yaga, bone leg, in a mortar rides, presses with a pestle, covers the trail with a broom. Her bones come out from under her body in places; nipples hang below the waist; she goes for human meat, kidnaps children, her mortar is iron, she is driven by devils; there is a terrible storm under this train, everything is groaning, the cattle are roaring, there is pestilence and death; whoever sees the yaga becomes dumb . Yagishna The name is an angry, scolding woman.

in the book “Myths of Pagan Rus'” he writes: BABA YAGA - initially - a positive character of ancient Russian mythology, the ancestor of the family, the keeper of its living space, its customs and traditions, way of life, who also looked after the younger generation. One of the most significant beregins. As Christianity was introduced in Rus', Baba Yaga, like other gods of the pagan worldview, increasingly began to be attributed negative traits and intentions.
From the guardian of the clan, Baba Yaga transformed into a vile, malicious old woman of tall stature on a bone leg, with a wooden stick, with a beak-shaped nose and teeth protruding from her mouth, with disheveled shaggy hair. Sometimes she is depicted with her nose hanging all the way across the garden bed. (“Baba Yaga is sitting - a bone leg, her legs are from corner to corner, her lips are on the garden bed, and her nose is rooted to the ceiling.”)

Baba Yaga usually moves like a witch or an unclean spirit. So, in fairy tales she rides in an iron mortar, pushing it with a pestle and covering her tracks with a broom. Sometimes it can move from place to place, taking the form of a whirlwind or storm; in general, she, like a witch, can turn into a snake, a mare or a cow, a tree, various objects, natural phenomena, etc. Reptiles (snakes, frogs, lizards, etc.) were considered servants of Baba Yaga, like the servants of the witch. , black cats, ravens and crows; It was also believed that she was subordinate to devils and, in general, all kinds of evil spirits, as well as various fantastic creatures (for example, the fabulous Cat Bayun, endowed with a voice that can be heard seven miles away, and is able to see seven miles away, and with his purring induces a witchcraft dream, almost indistinguishable from death).

Author of the electronic mythological encyclopedia Anastasia Alexandrova writes that BABA-YAGA (“forest woman”, cf. Old Serbian ega, “disease”, “nightmare”, etc.), in Slavic mythology, a forest crone-witch. According to the tales of the Eastern and Western Slavs, made another assumption. He noted that Baba Yaga’s main activity is due to her close connection with wild animals and the forest. She lives in a remote thicket, animals and birds obey her. Therefore, the researcher connected the origin of Baba Yaga with the image of the mistress of animals and the world of the dead.
Baba Yaga (Yaga-Yaginishna, Yagibikha, Yagishna) is the oldest character in Slavic mythology. Initially, this was the deity of death: a woman with a snake tail who guarded the entrance to the underworld and escorted the souls of the deceased to the kingdom of the dead. In this way, she is somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greek snake maiden Echidna. According to ancient myths, from her marriage to Hercules, Echidna gave birth to the Scythians, and the Scythians are considered the most ancient ancestors of the Slavs. It is not for nothing that Baba Yaga plays a very important role in all fairy tales; heroes sometimes resort to her as the last hope, the last assistant - these are indisputable traces of matriarchy.
According to another belief, Death hands over the deceased to Baba Yaga, with whom she travels around the world. At the same time, Baba Yaga and the witches subordinate to her feed on the souls of the dead and therefore become as light as the souls themselves.
They used to believe that Baba Yaga could live in any village, masquerading as an ordinary woman: caring for livestock, cooking, raising children. In this, ideas about her come closer to ideas about ordinary witches.
But still, Baba Yaga is a more dangerous creature, possessing much greater power than some kind of witch. Most often, she lives in a dense forest, which has long instilled fear in people, since it was perceived as the border between the world of the dead and the living. It’s not for nothing that her hut is surrounded by a palisade of human bones and skulls, and in many fairy tales Baba Yaga feeds on human flesh, and she herself is called the “bone leg.”
Just like Koschey the Immortal (koshch - bone), she belongs to two worlds at once: the world of the living and the world of the dead. Hence its almost limitless possibilities.

This image of Baba Yaga, an evil sorceress, was typical for many, but not all folk tales.

So, I also did not receive a specific answer to my question in the scientific literature. Opinions vary. You'll have to act yourself.

III.Reading and analysis of fiction.

To prove my hypothesis, I had to read and analyze several books, a little more than a dozen:

Based on the literature I have read, I would divide this character into two images: Yaga the Kidnapper (negative hero) steals children, sometimes throwing them, already dead, onto the roof of their home, but most often taking them to their hut on chicken legs, or into an open field, or underground. (fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, “Zhiharka”). From this strange hut, children, and adults, escape by outwitting Yagibishna, while doing good to all living and inanimate objects that surround Baba Yaga.

For example:

· in the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, a mouse helped to escape from Baba Yaga, and she warned that “...Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, steam you, put you in an oven, fry you and eat you, she will ride on your bones herself...”

· in the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” Vasilisa’s stepmother sent Vasilisa to Baba Yaga (she is related to her stepmother) for fire. Baba Yaga didn’t just give the fire, but gave Vasilisa a job: “... Well,” she says, “Vasilisa, take a bag of millet, and sort through the grains, and if you don’t do it, I’ll eat you.” Vasilisa did all the work, but Baba Yaga did not keep her word and ordered the black girl to light the stove so that she could fry Vasilisa.

· Baba Yaga is presented in the same way in the fairy tale “Marya Morevna.” She gives various tasks to Fedor Tugarin, but does not keep her word, the main character has to run away from her.

· in the fairy tale “Baba Yaga,” the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to her sister for a needle and thread, and the sister turned out to be Baba Yaga. She politely greeted her niece, promised to give her a needle and thread, offered to work for now, and at that time he gave the task to his worker: “..I’m going to bed now. And you go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece. Look, wash it thoroughly: when I wake up, I’ll eat it...” The girl heard these words and asked the worker and her cat brother for help, they helped her escape.

But, in most of the fairy tales I read - Yaga - donor or Yaga-adviser (positive hero)- this is a mysterious, wise old woman, she warmly greets the hero or heroine, gives tasty treats, soars in the bathhouse, gives useful advice, she is ready to help the guest: she hands over a horse or rich gifts, for example, a magic ball leading to a wonderful goal, etc. Yaga herself, as a guard, usually does not have the right to leave her post for the sake of the hero. She only verbally introduces the guest to what he will have to face along the way. But her advice is vital for a traveler. For example:

· in the fairy tale “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what” Baba Yaga is the mother of Princess Marya. When she finds out that Andrei is her son-in-law (her daughter’s husband), then “... Then Baba Yaga prepared dinner, set out all sorts of dishes, wines, honey, sat down next to her and began to ask questions.

If only you could help me, grandma!

Oh, son-in-law, even I had never heard of this wonderful thing. One old frog knows about this...” When Andrei went to bed, Baba Yaga took two goliks (a broom without leaves), flew to the swamp, found a frog, and asked her for help. And in the morning she woke up her son-in-law, gave him a pot of milk in which a frog was sitting, gave him a horse and gave him some advice.

· in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” Baba Yaga revealed the secret of Koshcheeva’s death “...I know, I know,” Baba Yaga tells him. - your wife is now with Koshchei the Immortal. It will be difficult to get it, it will not be easy to deal with Koschei: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, the egg is in a duck, the duck is in a hare, that hare sits in a stone chest, and the chest stands on a tall oak tree, and that oak Koschei the Immortal, like protects your eye"

· in the fairy tale “About rejuvenating apples and living water,” the royal son Ivan the Tsarevich asks for advice from the three sisters Baba the Hedgehog “...Give your head to my mighty shoulders, guide me to the mind, how can I get living water and rejuvenating water from the maiden Sineglazka apples." For his politeness, none of the sisters refused to help him.

· The same situation occurs in the fairy tale “Finist - the Clear Falcon”, a beautiful maiden, in search of her beloved, also meets with the Grandmother sisters - hedgehogs. He receives gifts from them: a golden saucer, a silver apple, a silver hoop with a golden needle, a crystal hammer and diamond studs, a magic ball. All these items helped the girl return her Finist, the clear falcon.

· Baba Yaga is presented as kind, honest, and fair in the fairy tale “Two Sisters.” Because of her stepmother, her stepdaughter had to jump into a well, and she ended up in Baba Yaga’s house. She greeted her very warmly: “... Don’t be afraid of me, girl, stay with me; If you do all the work in the house well, you will live well. And you won’t get your head cut for bad work...” A year later, Baba Yaga sent the girl home and also rewarded her. The stepmother saw this and sent her lazy daughter to Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga punished her for laziness and ignorance.

· in the fairy tale “The Enchanted Princess” Baba Yaga calls on natural phenomena to help “... Wait a little; So I will call all my winds and ask them. After all, they blow all over the world, so they should know where she now lives ... "

· in the fairy tale “Beloved Beauty,” all living things are subordinate to Baba Yaga and she asks them for help and advice for Ivan the Tsarevich “...The next day the old woman got up early, washed her face, went out with Ivan the Tsarevich onto the porch and screamed in a heroic voice and whistled With a brave whistle, she shouted across the sea:

Fishes and water reptiles, come here!..."

Conclusion: Of the books I have read, in five books Baba Yaga is presented as a negative hero. In the remaining 7 books, this is an assistant, an adviser, without whom the main character will not be able to defeat evil forces. Therefore, my hypothesis that Baba Yaga is more of a positive character than a negative one was confirmed.

Most likely, adults understood this too. They stopped scaring children with “Don’t cry, the baba will take it away,” where Baba Yaga played instead of the baba, and began to create computer games where the main character is Baba Yaga, who teaches children to read or count.


1. V. Dal “Beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people”

2. Brief encyclopedia of Slavic mythology

3. M. Vlasova "Russian superstitions"

4. "Myths of pagan Rus'"

5. B. Rybakov. "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs"

Russian folk tales:

6. Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.

7. Geese are swans.

8. The princess is a frog.

9. The tale of rejuvenating apples and living water.

10. Finist is a clear falcon.

11. Vasilisa the Beautiful.

12. Marya Morevna.

13. Two sisters.

14. Beloved Beauty.

15. Baba Yaga.

16. The Enchanted Princess.

17. Zhiharka.

Source of illustrations:

1. http://images. *****/yandsearch? text=%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1%8B%20 %D1%8F%D0%B3%D0%B8&stype=image&noreask=1&lr=976

2. http://images. *****/yandsearch? text=%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0+%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5+ %D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0 %BA%D0%B8&rpt=image

Warm-up Name fairy tales in which the heroine was, for example, a fox. (“The Golden Key”, “The Wolf and the Fox”, “Kolobok”, “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “Mitten”, “The Fox and the Jug”, “The Fox and the Crane”, etc.)

A selection of “fairytale” questions with answers on original and Russian folk tales.

Fairy tale quiz

1. In which fairy tale by K. Chukovsky are two fun events described at once: a name day and a wedding?
2. Which of the listed characters was the heroine of one of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales: The Frog Princess, Cinderella, The Swan Princess?

3. Where did Carlson live?

4. What was Karabas - Barabas the director of?

5. What small object kept the princess from sleeping all night?

6. What was the first wish of the Scarecrow that Ellie granted?

7. Which month gave your stepdaughter the opportunity to collect snowdrops?

8. Why did the flock of geese still allow Nils to travel with them?

9. In the fairy tale “The Little Flower of the Seven Flowers,” what things were there 7 of each?

10. Who gave the girl a red riding hood?

11. What animals went to Bremen to become musicians?

12. How many hours did each pair of ducks hold a twig with a travel frog in its beak?

13. What object moved the heroes of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” from place to place?

14. Where did Uncle Fyodor get the money to buy a tractor?

15. Who gave Cinderella this name?

16. What animals did the cannibal turn into at the request of Puss in Boots?

17. What was the name of the giant who visited the land of Lilliput?

18. What was the name of the city in which Dunno lived?

19. What fairy tale are we talking about: jungle, wolves, child?

20. What was the name of the bear-poet?


1. “Tsokotukha fly.” 2. The Swan Princess. 3. On the roof. 4. Puppet theater. 5. Pea. 6. Took it off the pole. 7. March. 8. Saved the geese from the fox Smirre. 9. Bagels, petals, polar bears. 10. Her grandmother. 11. Donkey, rooster, cat and dog. 12. Two hours each. 13. Gold ring. 14. Found a treasure. 15. Her stepmother's youngest daughter. 16. Into the lion and the mouse. 17. Gulliver. 18. Floral. 19. Mowgli. 20. Winnie the Pooh.

Quiz on Russian folk tales

1. In which fairy tale did a predatory fish make wishes come true?

2. Whose hut did the dereza goat occupy?

3. Did the man give the roots or tops to the bear when he dug up the turnips?

4. Who was fourth in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

5. Did the heron accept the proposal to marry the crane?

6. Who climbed into a cow’s ear and came out the other, and thus performed difficult work?

7. Ivanushka became a little goat by drinking water from a goat’s hoof. How did he turn into a boy again?

8. In which fairy tale were the bears' names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Mishutka and Nastasya Petrovna?

9. Who did Frost – Blue Nose – try to freeze?

10. What products did the soldier ask the old woman to cook porridge from an ax?

11. What musical instrument did the cat play at the fox’s hut to save the cockerel?

12. Where did Thumb Boy sit when he plowed the field?

13. What was the name of the girl whom Koschey the Immortal turned into the Frog Princess?

14. What dish did the crane offer the fox to try by pushing the jug towards her?

15. Why did the old man take his daughter to the forest in winter and leave her there?

16. What did the grandfather use to make a tar bull for his granddaughter?

17. How did it happen that Ivan Tsarevich rode a wolf and not a horse?

18. What tree did the witch gnaw to get Tereshka?

19. How did the old people get a daughter, Snegurochka?

20. How did the fairy tale “Teremok” end?


1. “At the command of the pike.” 2. Bunny. 3. Tops. 4. Bug. 5. No. 6. Tiny Khavroshechka. 7. Flipped over his head three times. 8. “Three Bears.” 9. Man. 10. Cereals, butter and salt. 11. On the harp. 12. In the horse's ear. 13. Vasilisa the Wise. 14. Okroshka. 15. So the old stepmother ordered. 16. Made from straw, sticks and resin. 17. The wolf ate the horse.18. Oak. 19. They made it out of snow themselves. 20. The animals built a new house.

Competition "Name of a Fairy Tale"

A representative of each team takes from the presenter a piece of paper with the name of the fairy tale. You need to use your fingers, arms, and legs to depict the letters that make up the name. One person - one letter. If the audience was able to read the title, then the team gets a point. (“Turnip”, “Puff”, “Treasure”, “Hare”, “Mowgli”, etc.)

Game for everyone “One letter”

The presenter names the letters of the alphabet in order (except: й, ъ, ы, ь). Children shout out the name of the fairy-tale hero based on the letter they say. For example, “A” - Aibolit, “B” - Pinocchio, ... “I” - Yaga.

Competition "One letter"

A letter of the alphabet is selected (you can poke a pencil into a book without looking, or one child says the alphabet to himself and when he is told “Stop!” he voices the letter he stopped at). One player from each team comes out. The presenter asks any 6 questions in turn. The player answers with a word starting with the chosen letter.

For example, the letter "K".

- Your name? (Kolya, Katya)

– What’s your last name? (Kovalev, Kovaleva)

– What city do you live in? (Kursk, Kyiv)

- A good fairy-tale hero? (Kolobok)

– An evil fairy-tale hero? (Koschei)

– Favorite fairy tale? (“Chicken Ryaba”)

1. Don't open doors to strangers.

2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower regularly.

3. I ate, wash the dishes after myself.

4. Don't walk through the forest alone.

5. Help your friends in difficult situations.

6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and don’t talk while eating.

7. Don’t fulfill requests from people you don’t know.

8. Drink only clean water.

9. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not panic, but try to find a way out of it.

10. Study well.

11. Read fiction and science books.

12. Don't eat a lot of sweets.

1. Seven kids. 2. Moidodyr. 3. Fedora. 4. Little Red Riding Hood. 5. Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. 6. Chicken from the fairy tale “The Bean Seed.” 7. Kolobok. 8. Brother Ivanushka. 9. Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” and Gerda. 10. Pinocchio. 11. Znayka. 12. Winnie the Pooh.

Quiz "How much?"

1. How many fairy-tale heroes pulled turnips?

2. How many months did you sit by the New Year’s fire?

3. How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians?

4. How many eyes does Bastinda have?

5. How many kids did the wolf steal?

6. How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read?

7. How many times did the old man make requests to the goldfish?

8. How many gold coins did Karabas Barabas give to Pinocchio?

9. How many heroes proposed marriage to Thumbelina?

10. How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor?

11. How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep?

12. How old is the crocodile Gene?

Answers: 1. Six. 2. Twelve. 3. Four. 4. Alone. 5. Six. 6. Four. 7. Five. 8. Five. 9. Four. 10. Five. 11. One hundred. 12. Fifty.

Relay "Yes" or "No"

The leader along the chain names the names of famous people, and the children answer “Yes” only if this person wrote fairy tales. In all other cases – “No”.

Chukovsky (“Yes”), Tchaikovsky, Uspensky (“Yes”), Gagarin, Perrault (“Yes”), Andersen (“Yes”), Marshak (“Yes”), Shishkin, Grimm (“Yes”), Kipling ( “Yes”), Nekrasov, Pushkin (“Yes”), Lindgren (“Yes”), Rodari (“Yes”), Krylov, Carroll (“Yes”), Nosov (“Yes”), Yesenin, Bazhov (“Yes”) "), Bianchi (“Yes”), Schwartz (“Yes”), Mikhalkov (“Yes”), Chekhov, Volkov (“Yes”), Gaidar (“Yes”).

Quiz on fairy tales from Yulia Belka

  • What number appears most often in fairy tales? What other numbers are found in fairy tales?

(Number 3 – three brothers, three horsemen, kingdom far away, three years. TWO more from the casket, SEVEN kids, etc.)

  • What riders did Vasilisa the Wise meet on her way to Baba Yaga? Who was it?

(Red, white and black horsemen. It was a white day, a red sun and a dark night)

  • Which fairy-tale character used their tail as a fishing rod?

(Wolf in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”)

  • The fabulous owner of, perhaps, the first aircraft.

(Baba Yaga)

  • What other fabulous vehicles do you know?

(Emelya’s stove, flying carpet, walking boots)

  • A unique recipe for a tasty and nutritious dish made from construction tools?

(Porridge from an ax)

  • How many people were involved in harvesting the bumper turnip harvest?

(Three. All the rest are animals)

  • Who helped the brother and sister from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” escape from Baba Yaga?
  • She can be alive or dead.
  • What is susek?

(A chest or compartment in a barn for storing grain and flour)

Where is Koshchei's death kept?
(At the tip of the needle)

  • A musical instrument on which storytellers played along with their stories in ancient times?
  • What happened to the Fox’s hut in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”?

(It melted because it was made of ice)

  • What kind of dishes did the Fox and the Crane serve each other from?

(From a plate and jug)

  • What fish did Emelya catch?
  • Remember another magic fish. True, it is not from a Russian folk tale.


  • Why did brother Ivanushka turn into a kid?

(I didn’t listen to my sister and drank from the hoof)

  • At what time of year does the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” take place?

(Winter, since the pike was caught from the ice hole)

  • Who was Khavroshechka's assistant?


  • Who managed to drive the Fox away from Zayushkina's hut?
  • Who owns the saying: “the beaten one brings the unbeaten one”?

A couple of more difficult questions:

Firebird - Aries

She is light and beautiful. Her fiery plumage shines with silver and gold and attracts mere mortals to her like a magnet. The feathers dropped by her attract no less than she herself. Sometimes they drive greedy and evil heroes crazy, but for the honest and kind they turn into real gold over time. Catching this free bird with bare hands is too dangerous - you can get burned in no time. However, this is not her fault. Her fiery feathers burn on their own, although the Firebird is a completely benevolent creature.

She loves freedom, bright colors, light and beauty. Living in the Garden of Eden of Iria, she lives in an unlocked golden cage and feeds on rejuvenating apples, for the sake of which she is ready to go on the most dangerous and long-distance flight.
The firebird is trusting, and it won’t be difficult to lure it into a golden cage and onto rejuvenating apples. After all, she is sure that the cells are not locked. Millet and wine can also help the catcher. It is almost impossible for the Firebird to escape from captivity. Because of this, she can be sad and shine less, because her life is a flight.

The Enchanted Prince - Taurus

He appears under the guise of a frog, a dog, a falcon, and even just an animal of an unknown breed. If you find such a handsome man and cast a spell, then the brave girl will get a ruler in five minutes or, at worst, a charming owner of a castle and a bank account at the nearest Gringotts.

Even at a young age, he already has a beautiful palace, which speaks of this guy’s thriftiness and ability to conduct business. He either received an inheritance, or - what is even more honorable - conquered his patrimony on his own. The enchanted prince is smart and interesting, he knows about his merits and loves when he says them. After the spell is lifted, he is calm and confident. It is difficult to unbalance him, however, not in the case when spoiling with attention and recognition takes over. Before the spell, a spoiled prince may persist in his delusions. It is possible to force him to retreat from the wrong path, but to do this you will have to convincingly prove him wrong. For example, using transformation.

The second reason for a sudden curse may be external attractiveness. The enchanted prince has good taste and knows a lot about beauty. It costs him nothing to win the favor of not only princesses, but also fairies, but fairies are not used to being rejected and immediately punish for frivolity and narcissism.

The ability to debunk his misconceptions and patience helps the prince after his transformation. He can wait for his beloved for years and even centuries, methodically and stubbornly bringing princess after princess to his enchanted castle, sending out the next “uncaught” young lady and again waiting until he gets lucky. The enchanted prince is easily charmed and attracted, but falls in love for a long time. Who knows how many beautiful girls manage to visit his palace before he truly falls in love. However, having found his one and only, he will turn out to be a very sensual, faithful and devoted lover.

Bird Maiden Gamayun - Gemini

The dual nature of twins coexists perfectly in such a legendary creature as Gamayun, the bird maiden, who brings happiness with singing, and the news of an imminent storm on her wings. She is elusive and changeable.
Her songs are sometimes sad, sometimes joyful. Her face is human and at the same time she is covered with the wonderful plumage of a bird. Gamayuna combines opposite qualities and her mood is very changeable. A mortal who encroaches on her freedom and rights may experience her claws on himself, but with someone who is worthy of respect, she will be affectionate and supportive. Gamayun always gives what he deserves. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to deceive her. She feels people well and almost accurately guesses their intentions.

Princess Nesmeyana - Cancer

She rarely laughs, and because of this, she is often considered gloomy and unresponsive, and people try to make her laugh, not realizing that she is simply looking at the world realistically or even shy. Nesmeyana is very careful, and therefore will not give even her laughter to someone unknown. She has good self-control, and who knows what plans she is contemplating while sitting in silence. In any case, Nesmeyana will never tell anyone about them, even if they ask.
There are always enough people around the Princess who love her. A friendly environment does not allow her to become gloomily sad, although sometimes her realism still develops into pessimism.

It is impossible to stir Nesmeyana against her will. Despite her outward passivity, she is in control of the situation and will pay attention to the world when she needs it. No one has a chance of not noticing this fact; however, Nesmeyana may change her mind at the very last moment. No matter who tries to achieve her smile, in fact, only the Princess herself chooses her savior. She can be pleased by someone who is in tune with her inner world and to whom she can open her vulnerable soul. When this man appears, she will not miss her chance and will love him as if he had saved her not from melancholy, but from a real voracious dragon.

Tsar Father - Leo

Born ruler, military leader. He is wise and knows not only who to give his daughter as a wife, but also who to call so that she can be saved from the Serpent Gorynych. Father Tsar strives for the best. His courtyard is the most magnificent, the jesters are the most cheerful, and the feasts are always the noisiest. And if there are better wonders somewhere, then it’s not a sin to send your sons for them - to serve the royal service. He always has everything to do.

The Tsar Father steadfastly defends his own. His army is ready to defeat any enemy, and the epic heroes will always come to its aid. The Tsar Father generously gives gifts to those he loves and those in favor. His kindness and nobility often end up in legends, and his sincerity in actions deprives evil courtiers of the chance to intrigue against others. But it happens that the Tsar is also visited by doubts, and then the wise and most chosen advisers help him, which fortunately he always has. This ruler is more endearing than anyone else. Many heroes strive to enter his domain - to amuse the heroic strength, and the red maidens - for protection and patronage.

Often the Tsar Father is married more than once, because the company of beautiful ladies is very pleasant to him. His repeated choice is even more prestigious and beautiful, but is not always clear to children from his first marriage. Proving to him that his stepmother is not the best woman in the world is unlikely. He is stubborn and does not like to leave his chosen path. Often the Tsar Father thinks about prestige more than about the inconveniences of his offspring, which should strengthen their will.

Ivan Tsarevich - Virgo

Being the youngest in the family, this young man is the most trainable and inquisitive. He enjoys reading the inscriptions on the sign stones and thinking about where he should direct his horse. He will carefully and patiently listen to all the wise advisers that he meets on the way, even if it is Baba Yaga.

Fame and wealth have little attraction for Ivan Tsarevich. He performs his exploits not out of self-interest, but in the name of goodness, justice or love. Ivan is modest, but because of this it is very easy to identify him. If you happen to meet a shoemaker's apprentice who looks and speaks like a noble gentleman, but at the same time is diligently learning from the master, then you can be sure that this is Ivan Tsarevich. Essentially, he is a hard worker and a loner, and maybe that’s why he doesn’t really strive to get home from the next trip, having more and more adventures in it. And this is all with consistency and accuracy.

This fellow is also phenomenally lucky. Keep in mind that even if you are a gray wolf and ate his horse, then it is not him who has the problem, but rather you. However, it is very difficult to call Ivan Tsarevich a slacker; he himself suffers from his mistakes and often torments himself with worries, treating himself as critically as he does others.
He is sincere in his feelings and will always rush to the aid of both his friend and his lover.

Vasilisa the Wise - Libra

She knows how to understand and sympathize with everyone like no one else. Vasilisa is welcome in any society; her sincerity, sincerity and sacrifice captivate both arrogant crowned heads and hardened villains like Koshchei. Vasilisa is ready to help, she cares about Ivan Tsarevich’s problems more than anyone else and expects the same from him. When, in response to all the benefits, the unlucky Vanya burns her frog skin, she is very disappointed and may even go to Koshchei in frustration.

Vasilisa the Wise has a talent for communication. She has friends among flora, fauna, and sea creatures. She knows countless bird and animal languages ​​and is a true intellectual, understanding things that her Ivanushka would never have thought of. Because of all this, Vasilisa sometimes feels a well-deserved sense of superiority, but since she is the Wise One, she does not openly show it.
Vasilisa the Wise is a master of reincarnation, so imagining herself in the place of someone else costs her nothing. This is where her understanding of people comes from and her ability to adapt to circumstances. Even in frog skin and in a swamp, she will not betray herself. In this long-suffering, Vasilisa the Wise is very similar to the Enchanted Prince.

Sometimes Vasilisa the Wise chooses not the best acquaintances for herself - such as Koschey. Despite the fact that she has a strong mind and sixth sense, Vasilisa trusts her intuition more easily than her reason. But intuition can be misleading, and first impressions often turn out to be deceiving. Fortunately, the heroine has quite a few reliable friends who are ready to help her.

Koschey the Immortal - Scorpio

He despises death itself and believes that he has conquered it by locking it in a chest on a tall oak tree. Koshchei the Immortal has reason to consider himself omnipotent, because it is indeed very difficult to defeat him. He knows how to go one step ahead of his opponents and not give in to emotions when making decisions.

His actions are thoughtful and devoid of blind rage. Koschey the Immortal always chooses the most opportune moment to regain Vasilisa the Wise, waiting for the next Ivan Tsarevich to make a mistake. He is confident of success, and, in his opinion, not a single beauty can refuse him - the owner of a hypnotic look, immortality and countless treasures.

Other people's opinions are of little interest to him; he lives only by his own laws, seeing the truth, no matter how unsightly it may be. He is always happy with himself, no matter what others think about him. The love of wealth constantly spurs Koshchei's financial genius. Gold is always found in his chests and is strictly accounted for. His experience and magical insight allow him to win many battles, but self-confidence sometimes does not bring him any good. Koschey the Immortal achieves what he wants by all available means. He is firm and adamant in his aspirations and is ready to fight for them to the end, however, from the height of his power, he sometimes underestimates the enemy.

The time of Koshchei the Immortal is night. His passion and ardor know no bounds. Being at the mercy of his feelings and desires, the Immortal expects complete devotion and obedience from the next Vasilisa, and not receiving what he wants, he can become cruel, evil and turn the rebellious one into a frog or even lull her into an enchanted sleep. As a passionate nature, he is ready to do anything, as long as his beloved is completely in his power.

Sadko - Sagittarius

He is a true leader and mentor who needs to live for people and big goals. He likes to appear at royal feasts and be included in the best society. Sitting on the throne is boring for him, but he knows how to dominate minds very well and does it more willingly. He wants to transform the world and make it a better place. Always passionate about something, Sadko is able to inspire others with his ideas. He has a kind heart and a broad soul, he is an optimist and therefore is almost always cheerful.

Sadko is always sincere in his speeches and feelings. He is not familiar with cunning malice. He can express everything he thinks to anyone, be it a noble boyar or a mere mortal. Sadko is a real adventurer. He is able to go on a campaign for Happiness, surrounded by followers, and open the barns of the city to distribute all available supplies to the poor.

New knowledge and impressions attract Sadko every minute; he can visit a variety of countries from Africa to the North Pole and collect a variety of magical objects. Over time, he gets a samogud harp, a wonderful horse, and riches. He cannot be called a money-grubber, because everything that Sadko gets does not serve him, but the great cause of spiritual growth.
He attracts women with his charm, adventurism and easy-going character. It is pleasant for him to be a ladies' man, but due to the fact that he is an addicted person, it is difficult for Sadko to make a choice between his beloved and all his interests.

Gray wolf - Capricorn

He knows how to achieve his goals, even if the most dissolute of the Prince Ivanovs travels with him. Together with the Gray Wolf, the result will be achieved. When they stroke his fur, appreciating his merits, the wolf feels contented like no one else. Gratitude to Gray is always very pleasant, but he is too proud to clearly show it.

This mysterious hero does not like to attract attention to himself and interfere in conversations. He keeps himself apart even from other fairy-tale characters, probably because he considers them not the best company (and this is true, if you remember Baba Yaga, Koshchei and Gorynych). Moreover, among Gray Wolf’s acquaintances there are quite a few royals and other good fellows and red maidens. The gray wolf can hardly be called a charmer, charming everyone. On the contrary, his sharp teeth, burning eyes and protruding fur do not make the best impression at first. In addition to this, Gray Wolf is quite critical. He will not forget to remind Ivan Tsarevich of his mistakes, but when a difficult situation arises, the wolf is able to take on any task and complete it with honor, because he is very hardworking, perspicacious and thinks sensibly. That is why those around him always respect the Gray Wolf and trust his organizational abilities.

Alyosha Popovich - Aquarius

Service is his path, although he is a completely peaceful hero and not very militant. His power lies more in curiosity, eloquence and cunning than in strength. However, Alyosha is ready to make the world a better place and perform any tasks that contribute to this, just like his older friends. Having defeated Tugarin's next snake, the hero is truly happy.

Friendliness always helps Alyosha Popovich get closer to people. A variety of people gather under the roof of his house, whom, due to their easy character, Alyosha is ready to consider friends and rarely changes his opinion about anyone. He is shrewd enough to choose his friends correctly. But all this is far from military affairs.

Often Alyosha Popovich has to communicate only with like-minded people, comrades in arms, and this is why they have the same way of thinking. Sometimes Alyosha likes to brag about his achievements.

Aquatic - Pisces

Even if Vodyanoy was born in a swamp, he at least dreams of flying. It is not surprising that he was the one who knew how to build a flying ship. This hero is very artistic and dreamy. He is talented in creativity, loves to sing something, compose something and is happy when he finds someone who understands his aspirations and dreams. The merman does not shy away from communicating with people. People reach out to him, come for advice, and unlike Baba Yaga, he will never try to eat the newcomer first.

The merman is a calm and quite peaceful character. It is little bothered by the presence of a fish tail and is not bothered by gills. If you tactlessly mention this difference, Vodyanoy will be able to sarcasticly in retaliation like no one more masterly. He is used to seeing the best in the world around him and is quite pleased with it. It is unlikely that the Vodyanoi will ever want to leave his body of water, but if he decides to fight for the best, he will be able to find everything he wants, including the love of a beautiful maiden and a pair of legs in addition.

The merman may also be the King of the Sea, but in the case when the crown was inherited by him. He doesn't like to fight with his neighbors. The maximum harm that can be suffered from him is the persistent invitation of girls from the nearest seaside village to the underwater palace, and then only for the sake of art, dedication and company. The merman is very inquisitive, but does not want to cause inconvenience due to his natural delicacy and sentimentality. He will easily release his captives after a touching story about his relatives, friends and loved ones who remain on earth.

It is connected with the fact that anyone can become kind in them - a narrow-minded son, a spoiled prince, and even a gray wolf. One of the most popular positive fairy-tale images is the hero, who has remarkable physical strength, stamina, courage and good nature. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich are heroes who were not afraid of the three-headed Serpent Gorynych, Nightingale - and combine a brilliant mind, ingenuity and cunning.

Often in Russian fairy tales there are also kind animals - a horse, a wolf or a dog, which symbolize intelligence, cunning, devotion and fidelity.

Another well-known fairy-tale hero is the collective image of a simple Russian guy, Ivan. Ivan Tsarevich is always noble, brave and kind. He shows unprecedented heroism and reigns from evil forces. Ivanushka the Fool is another favorite positive Russian folk tale - most often he is the youngest son in the family, but the most talented and unique. He knows how to understand animals, and they willingly help Ivanushka fight evil.

The kindest fairy tale hero

Answer the question “which hero of Russian fairy tales is the kindest?” It is possible only by specifying the purpose of good deeds. So, undoubtedly, Ivanushka can be called the kindest, who bravely goes into battle with dark forces, without thinking about his own well-being. True goodness is, first of all, determined by selflessness, since a hero who performs noble deeds for profit turns into a simple mercenary.

Traditionally, good heroes in fairy tales help the world restore the natural balance of good and evil, preventing the antagonist from realizing his insidious plans.

Therefore, a real good deed can be performed only when the hero is guided solely by the breadth of his soul. Such characters are Morozko, Grandfather Frost, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Cinderella's fairy godmother and other heroes who do good for the sake of good, without expecting any reward in return.

Thus, the title of the kindest fairy-tale hero can be awarded to each of these characters, since in the fight against evil it is not so much skill that is important as intention, and the intention of each of them is undoubtedly the most noble.

Heroes of fairy tales, loved ones in childhood, left a big mark on our consciousness and, unnoticed by us, formed some of the attitudes of our behavior.

I invite you to evaluate your adult life from the point of view of the fairy tale of your childhood. We say the phrase: “Favorite fairy tale of my childhood”! Catch the first association. What fairy tale story do you remember? Let's pay attention to it, analyze the relationship of its plot with your real life situation.

It’s not for nothing that you remember this particular one, and it’s not for nothing that you re-read it (or had it read to you) several times. Subconsciously, you identified yourself with a specific situation and its heroes, and especially one of them. This happened under the influence of your life experience, problems, desires.

Write down all the heroes of the chosen fairy tale. Now play some association games. Which friend or family member is best suited for this or that position? Distribute all roles. Determine who you are in this fairy tale. Choose your role not from the point of view of the desired position, but relate yourself to the real situation. Who are you? A leader or a subordinate, a victim, a smart adviser or a simpleton, a hard worker or a lazy person, a giver or a supplicant, etc.

Here you don’t have to be afraid to be honest with yourself. Confidence and positivity starts with accepting yourself for who you really are.

Now catch your feelings!! Do you like being like this? If yes, I congratulate you! YOU live in complete harmony with yourself.

If not, then. Who would you like to be in this fairy tale (and, accordingly, in real life). Enter this image. Imagine that you are this hero. Live first an hour, then a day, and then further, if you like, in the role you choose. Clearly understanding how you walk, communicate, feel... in relation to the character of your hero.

To get out of a boring social role or increase self-esteem, it is very useful not only to dream about it, but also to try on other behavior and other sensations. Heroes children's fairy tales They will help us with this very well and not intrusively.

Fairy tales contain and preserve all the main Life Roles that we, people, pass on to each other from generation to generation. In them you can meet all the masks of our personality and get acquainted with all the hidden corners of our soul, and with all its possibilities.

Let's look at an example using the Russian folk tale "Kolobok". The character of the main character Kolobok is comparable to the character of a teenager (using the example of a psychoanalytic approach), who does not yet have sufficiently thorough life experience, does not listen to his elders (runs away from home) and wants to live an independent life. Without knowing all the dangers, you end up in a very unpleasant situation. Many of us remain in adolescence throughout our lives and do not accept a life position based not only on independence, but also responsibility, with an unformed locus of control (when other people or circumstances are to blame for my troubles, but not me MYSELF).

At the same time, Kolobok is naive and trusting and rather inflexible, acting (with a hare, with a wolf, with a bear and with a fox ((in a changed situation. So he was eaten...

And remember, no matter who you associate yourself with, if this role helps you in life (there are no bad and good, there are things that help me and things that hinder me), then everything is fine with you!

I wish you a comfortable social position.

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