Year of the Yellow Earth Dog: what it promises and what to celebrate. What does the coming year promise us?

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The year 2014 in the Chinese calendar is marked by the symbol of the Blue Wooden Horse. This unusual animal will begin its reign on January 31, 2014. Based on the name of this horse, it becomes clear that the material of the year is wood. It is worth taking this into account when choosing gifts.

What does 2014 promise us in terms of feelings? There are a lot of contradictions: love and jealousy, passion and composure. The love encountered this year promises to be emotional, sensual, and will last, if not for a long time, then for a lifetime.

But the Horse also has a downside. A horse is, first of all, strength, sensitivity and a desire to work. So don't try to deceive her. The Horse will be favorable to those who love work. But don't delude yourself. Many may change jobs. Therefore, astrologers advise being more economical in the coming year.

What does the 2014 Year of the Horse promise for travelers? A lot of good things. This is an extremely favorable time for tourism and travel. There is every chance for your travel plans to come true. You can safely start planning your future vacation.

The horse will be favorable to you if you celebrate the New Year with your family. And after the holiday, you can continue the fun at a party with friends.

The best symbol and amulet this year is undoubtedly the horseshoe. But a wooden figurine with a picture of a horse is also suitable for decorating both the New Year’s table and the interior as a whole.

Future parents can be congratulated this year, because a child born in 2014 is promised a life full of success, love and prosperity. Those who are just planning children should hurry up, because this year is considered the best for conceiving and giving birth to a child.


What does the year of the Horse promise for the first sign of the zodiac - Aries? This year promises to be favorable in love. You can safely start searching for your soul mate, as well as start a family. If representatives of this sign want to return to old relationships, then there is no need to rush. First, you need to make sure that your feelings are sincere.

At the beginning of 2014, there may be an interesting business offer that you should not miss. Changing your field of activity will also be useful. Unemployed Aries should hurry up with their search; before April there is a chance to get a promising position.
Aries who have their own business or hold a high position should be careful in matters related to investments or spending. But overall, the year promises to be financially stable.

Health deserves special attention. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. For prevention, you need to use a healthy diet and exclude junk food from your diet.


In the new year 2014, Taurus may experience a change in life priorities, which will help change their life as a whole. Many Taurus will find an additional opportunity to earn money. At your main job, there may be situations where you will need to assert your authority. In spring, there is a high probability of receiving high income and increasing capital. You should also not refuse job offers abroad.

Hard-working Taurus may face scrutiny from their partner. Still, it’s worth visiting home more often and paying more attention to your family, which so needs your care. Spring will be a good time to start a romantic relationship. But don’t persist, let the relationship develop into a lasting love union.

The working year will be busy, so don’t forget about rest. Overwork is contraindicated for you. On weekends, try to relax not only physically, but also mentally.


This year will not be clear for Gemini. Before the start of the year, it is necessary to complete all unfinished matters, be it work or relationships. It is not recommended to leave the previously chosen path; there is a high probability that it will be difficult for you to return back.

Significant changes are possible in love relationships at the beginning of 2014. Both separations and, conversely, strengthening of relationships are likely. Married twins may be puzzled by procreation. Lonely Geminis can expect to meet their chosen one in the spring, but they should not start short-term romances.

Being energetic and active, Geminis will be able to achieve unprecedented heights in their careers. There is also a high probability of career advancement.

As for finances, you should be careful so that the profit you receive does not fall into the hands of scammers who want to profit at the expense of others.

Your health must be monitored especially carefully in the Year of the Horse 2014. Avoid extreme sports. Eat right. Don't starve, but don't overeat either. Eliminate fast food. Otherwise, there is a high risk of gallstone disease.


In the new year 2014, Cancers need to be positive, because the year promises to be interesting and eventful. There may also be a desire to change interests and friends. But don’t tempt fate, avoid risky situations and long trips.
Old conflicts in your relationship with your partner may intensify. Don't run away from this problem, but try to find a compromise. It is necessary to learn not only to speak, but also to listen. Single Cancers have every chance of meeting a soul mate if they themselves want to.

If you decide to change your job, the most favorable period for this will be autumn.

At the beginning of 2014, Cancers may receive bonuses or any other financial rewards. But don't relax. To avoid going into the red, try to be more economical.

Health risks cracking in winter, when viral and cold diseases are most active. Strengthen your immunity and don't get too cold.

a lion

This year will be generally favorable for fiery natures. Spare no effort, and your efforts will be justified. It is also worth re-evaluating those around you and surrounding yourself only with trusted people.

As for romantic relationships, you should not open your soul to the first person you meet. Check how your crush behaves in different situations. Married Leos may doubt their choice of a chosen one. But don't rush to leave. Try to restore the former sharpness of feelings.

Those Leos who devote themselves to science will be lucky in their work activities. The rest need to be diligent and persistent so as not to miss the chance to realize their ideas. Leos can achieve a high position only through honest work, otherwise any fraud can greatly damage their career.

In the field of finance, the situation is difficult to call unambiguous. There may be disagreements on the part of colleagues and business partners. But don’t worry, everything will get better with time.
In terms of health, Leos have nothing to fear if they rest.


For Virgos, 2014 will be a calm and conflict-free year. There is the possibility of reconciliation with old friends. Think positively and don’t forget to draw conclusions.
This year promises to be rich in love surprises. There is a chance to meet an interesting representative of the opposite sex, thanks to whom Virgos will develop new emotions and sensations. Virgos in marriage will feel that they have chosen a reliable partner.

As for work, Virgos need to complete unfinished business as soon as possible. It is possible that your business partners will end their cooperation with you. But don’t worry, they will be replaced by better offers.

In material terms, despite all the troubles, everything will turn out to be quite stable and very significant profits are expected. With it, alas, costs will also increase.

There will be no significant problems in your health. But don’t forget about prevention and a healthy lifestyle.


For Libras who are engaged in self-education, this year will bring advancement in the service. The changes awaiting you in the summer of 2014 will give you unprecedented self-confidence.

Big changes are coming in love. Many Libras will want to get married, and those who are already married will want to add to their family. The Year of the Horse will be very supportive of these decisions. Lonely Libras, who have prepared themselves for a fateful meeting, will certainly meet their soul mate. But to do this, you need to let go of past relationships, if there were any.

If work does not bring Libra joy due to conflicts, then it is worth considering the option of changing it; the Year of the Horse will give Libra tempting prospects. The stars will help you in new endeavors if you show hard work and perseverance.

Financially, some problems are expected, so Libra should be more careful with spending and should always leave funds in reserve just in case.

Libras who play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle should not have any health problems. Good rest, vitamins and sports are what you need this year.


Astrologers advise Scorpios not to be lazy in 2014. By studying and gaining new knowledge, you will be able to implement previously planned ideas. Take your time, do everything step by step. The main thing is that the goals pursued are realistically achievable.

On the love front, Scorpios will experience unprecedented success. The stars advise you to take a closer look at those who show sympathy, otherwise you may miss a true mutual feeling. For those who have already found their love, there is a risk of losing it. Be careful and tactful, and problems will pass you by.

Scorpios may have conflict situations at work. But if you moderate your ardor and listen to the opinions of your colleagues and superiors, then everything will work out. Don’t take criticism with hostility, take note and start working on yourself. August and June are the most favorable for this.

There is nothing to fear financially; you will always remain in the black. You have a chance to purchase real estate or go on a trip to warm countries.

In spring, Scorpios are at risk of colds. Sexual health should not be neglected either. In any case, do not try to cope with it yourself; seek help from a doctor.


Sagittarius will benefit from new acquaintances and communication in 2014. By making the right contacts, you will save yourself from various unpleasant situations in the future. And by starting to engage in self-development, your chances of success will increase dramatically.

Significant changes await Sagittarius in his personal life. Already this spring 2014 will give you long-awaited happiness. Many will decide to get married. In terms of love, the year will be bright and positive.

With amorous affairs, you should not forget about your career. By working tirelessly, you will certainly earn the authority of your superiors, which will ultimately bring you a good income. It is better to wait a little while buying real estate, because offers that are tempting at first glance may later have their pitfalls.

Sagittarius's health is not expected to deteriorate, but do not forget about rest and walks in the fresh air. Take care of yourself.


This year will bring many meetings for Capricorns, so be with friends more often and do not shy away from the social environment. In general, representatives of this sign will have a successful year.

Capricorns can expect many new acquaintances, because they are full of energy and charm. It will not be a problem for you to win the attention of the opposite sex. Those Capricorns who are married should be careful; their partner may be alarmed by such unprecedented popularity. To avoid jealousy, do not give free rein to fleeting impulses, because your happiness, accumulated over the years, is still more important.

In April, Capricorn will find new professional acquaintances, thanks to which they will be able to advance up the career ladder. In June, to avoid conflicts at work, try to remain calm and not provoke scandals.

In the spring of 2014, there is a high probability of receiving unexpected profits, be it a bonus or winning the lottery. By properly planning your expenses, you will avoid unnecessary expenses.

By following a daily routine and eating right, Capricorns will maintain good health.


At the beginning of the year, Aquarius has a high probability of committing not very good deeds, which will entail many problems. It is worth adopting the motto “if there is a goal, the means will be found.”

In the love sphere, everything will remain quite quiet. Aquarians who meet interesting people are unlikely to start anything serious with them. Aquarians with families should show their imagination and do an unpredictable act that will pleasantly surprise their other half.

At the beginning of 2014, Aquarius will be absorbed by their main work, but the Year of the Horse will be a good time for implementing new projects. In the summer, a pleasant surprise is expected for representatives of the air element in the form of a promotion.

Aquarius should be more careful in finances. There is a risk of being deceived by scammers. Avoid major purchases and dubious activities.

Your health condition will be stable, but do not be lazy to go to the doctor if necessary. It is better to refrain from risky sports.


Pisces should not engage in planning at the beginning of 2014, because factors may arise that interfere with the implementation of their plans. Trust your intuition and act “according to the situation.” Focus on one thing, don't try to do several things at the same time.

Pisces' uncharacteristic sense of purpose in amorous affairs will undoubtedly be appreciated by their partners. Married Pisces should learn to defend their positions. If there are problems with relatives, then the stars advise finding a compromise.

Do not take part in dubious professional projects. Things that seem profitable may not turn out in your favor.

In the field of finance, Pisces will have a pleasant surprise. You can count on a bonus and other material benefits. A source of additional income will also help improve your financial situation.

To protect themselves from diseases, Pisces need to maintain hygiene, avoid overcooling and eat more foods rich in vitamins.

This is what the Year of the Horse 2014 promises us. Be happy and don’t be upset if the forecast is not too favorable, because only we decide our own destiny!

Let's look at each zodiac sign.

The year 2018 according to the Eastern calendar will come into effect on February 16th. It will be held under the auspices of a good totem - the Yellow Earth Dog, which will replace the scandalous Fire Rooster and bring peace and tranquility to people. The symbol will relate to the peaceful element of the Earth, changing the destinies of people and their way of life for the better. And the star horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs confirms this, promising good luck in career matters, love and creative achievements.

The coming year of the Yellow Dog will bring many changes to this symbol. It will take all your perseverance and stubbornness to change your life for the better without making serious mistakes. In 2018, Aries will have to lose his balance many times, so he must learn to be more restrained and tolerant of relatives and work colleagues.

In terms of health, there won’t be any particular concerns, but moderate physical activity certainly won’t hurt. The stars advise you to relax more and maintain relationships with your family. In love, astrologers predict success for Aries, strengthening family relationships, and reconciliation with former lovers.

The stars for Taurus in 2018 will turn out well in all areas of life. You shouldn’t expect big changes in family and financial terms, but there will be a lot of positive emotions, and in various areas of activity. However, you will have to be vigilant more often to avoid falling into the hands of scammers.

At work, Taurus will have stability and an average salary, so they will need to be smart about spending. This zodiac sign is susceptible to colds, so astrologers recommend strengthening the body in 2018 and increasing immunity in various ways. In love affairs, everything will remain as before; new relationships are possible only with a decisive attitude.

The horoscope for Gemini in 2018 promises good luck in financial and love affairs. Any undertakings will be successful, talents will be recognized and appreciated. Thanks to their sociable nature, Geminis will find new friends and maintain good relationships with colleagues. However, quarrels in the family and cooling of relations between lovers due to money issues and trips are not excluded.

It is important to see a doctor on time, pay loans on time and monitor the health of loved ones. With due effort, your superiors will appreciate your work, so career growth and transfer to another position are not excluded. Also, 2018 is a good year for marriage, having children, and creating new relationships.

The Year of the Dog will bring changes to this zodiac sign. In which specific areas depends on age and place of work, here the totem animal chose to maintain intrigue. Astrologers advise making repairs, traveling, making new acquaintances, and moving towards your goal even in small steps.

Business Cancers can think about running their own business - the stars favor undertakings, even the most risky ones. Any business will be successful if you make an effort. The symbol of 2018 advises single and unmarried representatives of the zodiac to settle down and start a family. There will be no changes in health.

The planets for this sign are positioned in the most successful way. Any undertakings will not be in vain, and workload, perseverance and systematic work will bring the expected results. The main thing is to enlist the support of like-minded people and relatives, and take into account the comments of colleagues. In the coming Year of the Dog, it is important to trust your intuition, especially when preparing documents.

Also, in 2018, Leos will have to monitor their reputation and avoid compromising situations. In summer it is worth relaxing away from home, with your family or children. It is not forbidden to occasionally pamper yourself with expensive gifts, but significant expenses should be avoided. In love, everything will remain unchanged if new acquaintances and communication with flirting do not arise before February.

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Virgos should think about their health and take care of their nerves. The emotional state in difficult situations can be unstable. Outdoor trips, get-togethers with friends, and new acquaintances are recommended. Married people need to devote more time to their other halves, and single people need to choose their partners more pickily.

It will be useful to spend more time in the gym and start doing exercises in the morning. It is possible to climb the career ladder if you keep your emotions under control. In love, the stars advise being more calm and trying to maintain the relationship.

The measured life of Libra will be successful in financial and career terms. Astrologers prophesy to the sign the support of the stars in business, new beginnings, and business projects. Good health and cheerfulness will help you achieve all your dreams if you put in the effort. However, you still need to take care of yourself by strengthening your immune system and getting plenty of rest after work.

Also, 2018 promises Libra good luck and reciprocity in love, especially in the summer. It will be more difficult for those who are single - they will have to lower the requirements for candidates, change something in themselves. There will be a lot of positive emotions in all areas of activity if you manage to keep your personal and business life secret from gossipers and envious people.

The stars advise Scorpios in the coming year of the Earth Dog to experience less envy, jealousy, and try to avoid negativity. It is better to direct your seething energy to solving problems, building a career and relationships. It will not be superfluous to take care of the nervous system.

But in Scorpio’s affairs, the implementation of any undertakings and financial growth in profits from investments awaits. It is recommended to focus your ardor not on love experiences and scandals, but on achieving career heights. The other halves will be faithful to this hot-tempered sign, so there is no need to worry about family relationships.

In 2018, this sign will want everything at once, but will not have enough strength for many things. The stars advise setting goals more specifically and discarding insignificant and costly ideas. Otherwise, due to difficulties, problems with health, relationships at work and in the family will arise.

In love, you will have to control your emotions, trying to avoid casual relationships. Inconstancy will lead to scandals and divorce, but is this necessary? It is advisable for Sagittarius to show patience in business too - otherwise they will have to change jobs and prove their professional suitability. Another warning concerns injuries and fractures - there is a high probability of getting damaged this year due to carelessness or haste.

For Capricorns, the Year of the Dog promises development, a surge of strength and efficiency. The stars also advise traveling more, spending time with old and new friends. If you wish, you will find a new job, another rented apartment, and an opportunity for entertainment.

Stability awaits Capricorns in their career, including financial stability. You will have more time to do your favorite things, and there will be a minute left for hobbies. The desire to become more romantic and responsible towards a permanent partner will awaken. There will be no problems with health either, especially if you work out in the gym, run in the morning, and harden yourself.

For Aquarius, the element of Earth has prepared a number of surprises. Firstly, representatives of this fickle sign will be able to complete important undertakings. Secondly, many will achieve success in creative professions, areas of activity related to art, literature, and music.

By combining dreaminess and business acumen, Aquarians will be able to climb the career ladder and win many hearts on the love front. Have you spent too much time in brides and grooms? Feel free to marry your significant other, the stars favor lovers. No health problems are expected. On the contrary, energy, including sexual energy, will be in full swing.

Pisces in 2018 should not go with the flow, but they also do not need to break barriers. The horoscope advises assessing your strengths when planning things, and taking on feasible tasks. A non-standard approach, some cunning and resourcefulness will help. This is the only way to achieve a promotion at work and improve your financial condition.

Single Pisces will be able to meet their love and start a romantic relationship. Perhaps this will be a person who has been in the status of a friend for a long time. The stars favor love, family happiness and marriage. Health will allow you to play sports, yoga or swimming, and make friends while walking together.

Based on materials from open sources

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 will pass under the sign of the Yellow or Earth Pig. The beginning is on February 5, and the end is on January 24, 2020. The friendly Dog will be replaced by the Pig, who is distinguished by prudence, joy and energy. Most people are interested in how to properly organize a meeting for a guest and provide everything for the celebration.

The selection of New Year's toilets and home interior decor in the Year of Pigs is carried out both in yellow and in different colors:

  • amber, saffron;
  • green in all its forms;
  • brownish and its shades.

Decorating a holiday table in these colors is appreciated: the New Year's symbol will treat the inhabitants of the home with favor and bring stability and prosperity.

Christmas tree decorations diversify the interior with lemon and yellowish, brown and golden, emerald colors.

The coming year 2019 is favorable for workers in agriculture and the economic sphere. The pig loves to spend money, but does it wisely. Risks for financiers will be minimized, and the income and efficiency of business projects will exceed expectations.

Among the qualities of Pigs, friendliness and contact are noted. Many will find a boyfriend or girlfriend or see old people with whom they have not maintained relationships and contacts.

They remember the family qualities of the New Year totem. Pigs are distinguished by their large offspring and give preference to strong and healthy families. The period is optimal for marriage or marriage, as well as procreation. But relationships that have become obsolete will be difficult to renew. This is the time to conclude promising and exemplary alliances. Good luck awaits travelers who strive for spiritual and creative improvement.

Like 2018 of the Dog, the coming year is characterized by stability. Kind and patient Khavronya will contribute to success for the energetic and assertive, will help the indecisive and timid in business, and will bring harmony and peace to those who thirst for peace of mind. In the year of the Pig, you need to take care of your health: avoid stress, psycho-emotional stress, and exhaustion.

The sign that completes the zodiac cycle conveys all the positive aspects of the previous 11 patrons. When an animal is respected and not pestered, a successful year is expected, failures and grief will be avoided.

Astrologers claim that 2019 portends tangible changes and development in Russia in the areas of economics and politics, and an increase in the well-being of citizens. The country will enter a new period - an era of spiritual development and prosperity.

Financial sector

The Yellow Pig is confident in the decisions it makes. What you did in 2019 will serve as a solid basis for subsequent steps in any area of ​​life. It is important to make sure that the efforts are correct, reliable and noble - it is not the Earth Pig's rules to achieve what he wants at any cost.

When plans involve foul play or a desire to harm a colleague, failure and retribution inevitably await. A pig will certainly help out if you put your heart into it and fulfill your obligations.

2019 will be more successful in terms of finances. The Year of Yellow is accompanied by:

  • winning;
  • unexpected profit;
  • jackpot;
  • sudden inheritance.

It is better to prepare a large contract or purchase a lottery ticket under the auspices of the Pig.

Those who want to get rich at someone else's expense and plan financial fraud will not be lucky. You should not chase easy money and rely on luck. It is advisable to postpone unsafe agreements with double implications: the Pig will definitely get to the bottom of the truth. You can take out loans for the new year 2019, but carefully and having calculated your financial capabilities in advance.


There is an ambiguity in the health situation for the new year 2019: diets and balanced nutrition will fade into the background, the passion for devouring treats, burst trousers and broken bathroom scales do not cause annoyance. Although Piggy does not mind eating well, she does not sit still, but is energetic and active. We eat, we enjoy and, in addition, we remember about physical education and sports - the symbol of the year will not tolerate excuses. He is waiting for everyone in the courtyard on the sports ground, dressed in a yellow tracksuit.

Matters of the heart

Distinctive features of the year of the Dog: falling in love, romances and having your head in the clouds, then in the year of the Pig a transition to active action will be required. Crowded registry offices are the reality of the coming year. Young couples, as well as experienced lovers, will wish to tie the knot of Hymen. Strengthening the family and thoughts about offspring will begin to visit people who got married last year. In this field, the Pig will develop in full: fertility is one of its main qualities, and well-fed piglets are a gift to the world. Storks are distinguished by their activity and energy in the year of the Earth Pig - neat little packages and envelopes lie everywhere. In addition, more boys will be born in the new year - this is a whim of the Yellow Pig: blue ribbons will be needed and there will be a choice of male names.

In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig the following were born:

  • singers: Mark Bernes, Sofia Rotaru, Ricky Martin, Bryan Adams, Luciano Pavarotti;
  • actors and teachers: Konstantin Stanislavsky, Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Pugovkin, Oleg Tabakov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Ilya Oleynikov, Natalya Varley, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Sergei Yursky, Sergei Bodrov, Winona Ryder, Woody Allen, Alain Delon;
  • poets and writers: Fyodor Tyutchev, Vladimir Nabokov, Samuil Marshak, Mikhail Tanich, Rasul Gamzatov, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway;
  • composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Isaac Schwartz, Gennady Gladkov;
  • film directors: Luc Besson, Alfred Hitchcock;
  • adventurers: Robert McGregor, Alexander Cagliostro;
  • scientists and inventors: Michael Faraday, Gustav Hertz, Mstislav Keldysh, Blaise Pascal;
  • athletes and coaches: Alina Kabaeva, Tatyana Tarasova;
  • political figures: Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III, Otto Bismarck, Anatoly Lunacharsky.

Therefore, it is quite possible that more than one genius will be born in the new year.

Horoscope for all zodiac signs

To more accurately understand what 2019 will be like for you, you should familiarize yourself with your own horoscope by zodiac sign.


The year promises to be difficult for Aries. Many prospects will appear, but achieving them will require considerable effort and effort. Instability of health: the frequency of stress, overload and other negative factors will affect your well-being. You should take care of your senses and cardiovascular system and adjust your diet. Failure to follow the principles of a balanced diet can result in a set of extra pounds and the unexpected development of allergies.

Unstable state of affairs in love: the signs do not foretell the brightness of meetings and the bitterness of partings, but for family Aries, coolness in intimate relationships and divorce proceedings are possible.


The New Year 2019 is protected by the element of Earth, so Taurus is allowed to take whatever they want from life. They will benefit from professional and business connections. Even laziness will be useful in the coming year.

Zodiac signs promise good luck both in new projects and in completing old long-term affairs. Creative ideas will come daily. Taurus will be able to grasp a thought in a timely manner and translate it into reality. Many ideas do not mean 100% implementation when planning at the beginning. But this time the stars claim that the result will be better compared to the project.

The horoscope foretells that at the end of spring or with the arrival of summer, many representatives of the sign will become mothers and fathers. A new addition to the family will bring a lot of excitement and overwhelming feelings.

The stars advise Taurus for 2019 to change their minds in a serious way and think about visiting the registry office, despite some hesitations. There are many couples in love who want to get married in the year of the Pig. It's time to cope with suspiciousness and trust your feelings. However, it is useful to remember about rationality. Taurus never forgets to work and go out, but also to save for tomorrow.

By the end of autumn, Taurus will have accumulated an impressive amount of money to buy a car, a house, or a personal plane. In winter, the horoscope tells Taurus about a short, but very useful business trip to another city or country.

For single Taurus, meeting a soul mate is possible. When he/she has been in a relationship for a long time, it is time to think about creating a family home. For married Taurus, the birth of a baby is not excluded. The coming year for Taurus is a period of new opportunities and free choice.


They will receive a reward for their ease and non-conflict character in 2019. The emergence of obstacles along their path is not an obstacle to further calm progress. The pig promises the sign:

  • good luck;
  • Love;
  • material wealth;
  • personal happiness.
    For Gemini, the time has come to think in order to realize their ideas and realize unusual intentions.


Representatives of the sign have great prospects for the future. Inexhaustible optimism and the right decisions will help Cancers move in the required direction.

It’s time to implement long-conceived plans and creative thoughts in the spring. In addition, astrologers recommend that the sign be postponed until a rainy day in order to avoid hassle in the future.

Seers warn Cancers against communicating with people who are negative. The main thing is to take care of your health: problems with excess body weight and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

a lion

The Year of the Pig will bring luck to Leos in material terms.

Representatives of the sign will be surrounded by honor and attention. They will be promoted up the career ladder and recognized in the workplace.

In the spring of the new year 2019, Leos will do well to:

  • relax;
  • go on a trip;
  • have fun;
  • make new friends.

A fateful meeting with your other half is expected with the arrival of the summer season.

Leos need to start changing their environment and place of residence, starting in August and continuing through September.


The feeling of a surge of strength will not leave Virgo. They will not stop before realizing their ideas, projects, and dreams. The sign in the new year is on the list of lucky ones. Timely reflection on your life, correction of mistakes, and movement towards your goals are valued.

Representatives of the sign are the favorites of the mistress of the year; they are guaranteed success, luck, and respect. Virgos will streamline relationships, experience happy moments, observe amazing events, and experience strengthening connections.

To avoid troubles, it is valuable to control chronic diseases - it doesn’t hurt to get examined. Some representatives will purchase housing in the year of the Pig or will overhaul the old one.


In the year of the Pig 2019, Libra will have many offers that will allow you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of adventure. Changes in February will get rid of destructive connections and promote new contacts, which will bring comfort and pleasure. Libra will want to take courses or turn their favorite activity into additional income. Some Libra will want to change jobs or acquire another specialty. Anyone who follows inspiration will be lucky.

The goals of this period are ambitious; they are set on the verge of possibility and endurance. Ill-considered risks and empty hopes are unnecessary. Only cold calculation and diligence will help you in the fight. Vigilance is valued in order to soberly assess reality. It is important to do what is necessary: ​​gaining self-confidence will allow you to check around and achieve your goals.

Spring will bring bright episodes to your private life:

  • carousing;
  • walking;
  • fun;
  • rest.

It won't be difficult for Libra to find time to relax. This will make people around you jealous. The ability to take a nap at work does not prevent Libra from redoing a lot of things, showing them to be real creators, earning the respect of their colleagues. Such undertakings will bring both the praise of others and a good income. In July, family conflicts may arise due to heavy workload. It is important to remember your immediate surroundings.

You will be happy with your health and there will be no serious worries. In relationships, it is important to show initiative in order to diversify life and bring fresh colors. The manifestation of deep feelings falls in the summer, and the spring months of 2019 are suitable for enjoying freedom. The autumn season is associated with the possibility of profitable deals and the establishment of useful contacts, the likelihood of new skills and professional development. When financial wealth does not increase against this background, it is easy to find how to get additional money


For Scorpios, the year of the Pig will be meaningful. The beginning of the year does not promise fun due to financial difficulties, but they will pass quickly.

With the arrival of March, things will improve for Scorpios, their mood and energy will rise. Purposeful Scorpios will be able to gain material stability by autumn.

During the fall, experts predict love experiences and promise a potential meeting with your other half. Girls need to be more serious this year, and men need to start thinking about the future.

Scorpio women will be lucky in love; they are expected to move to another country after their significant other. Natural intelligence will help you cope with the machinations of your opponents. Intuition will help resolve financial problems.


Not the most prosperous year is expected for Sagittarius. Representatives of the mark will be persecuted:

  • neurological disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • obesity.

It is useful to lead an active lifestyle and control your emotional state. For unmarried and unmarried Sagittarius, Pig has prepared a couple of light and meaningless novels, and married couples will have to go through difficult tests of the strength of marriage bonds. To maintain the relationship, Sagittarius will have to sacrifice. Failures in career growth: the Pig will not offer new prospects; there will be a battle for the position. Not falling into despair is important for preserving what you have. No cash receipts are envisaged, incomes will not increase, therefore they do not waste money, but save.


Those who plan a vacation and like order in their work will enjoy the current circumstances in the year of the Pig. Monogamous people and workaholics will achieve their intended goal, which they have been striving for long and diligently for several years.

Very attractive surprises await Capricorns, which are associated with a new reality and unexpected meetings. Luck will accompany the business. Representatives of the sign will buy their own house, get a husband or wife, and even have a child.

The coming year will answer most questions, sum up the results and open locked doors. Fortune will turn its face. It is important not to sit back, but to notice the omens - success is guaranteed. At the end of the year, Capricorns will manage to do something amazing that will stun and inspire them to new victories.

However, not everything is as good as it seems. Health problems will concern diseases that are related to physical exhaustion and stress. Love yourself first.


It's time for Aquarius to navigate life's priorities. Clearly setting goals and defining tasks will ensure that you achieve what you planned.

2019 will bring good luck in your personal life and communication. Lonely Aquarians will definitely find a chosen one, those in a relationship will strengthen their marriage.

As winter approaches, Aquarians will feel a surge of vigor, which will allow them to work at full capacity and with ease. The material side will please you.


In the Year of the Pig, fans of floating along the flow of a quiet, peaceful river will have the opportunity to continue further movement. For family representatives of the sign, it is useful to plan a trip that falls in the second half of the year. Singles will benefit from a vacation.

Creative Cancers will show themselves to their fullest in the spring:

  • will publish a book;
  • will open an exhibition;
  • will make a film.

The invested effort and effort will not be in vain. The calm pig does not like laziness. Therefore, they adhere to the rule: work not for the sake of salary, but for the sake of quality. In this case, management will see and appreciate it.

Signs for 2019

To attract good luck in the new year, they focus on the beliefs that are characteristic of Pigs. An animal with well-developed intuition is sensitive to signs. To appease the Pig, rituals are followed:

  1. The most important pre-New Year ritual is home cleaning, which is carried out on the eve of the celebration. It is advisable for the house to sparkle with cleanliness and comfort for the New Year.
  2. It is useful to get rid of old things that remind you of negative experiences.
  3. There is no place for lobsters and crayfish on the New Year's menu, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve your goals. Pork dishes are not prepared for the holiday table to avoid troubles.
  4. To attract success, a couple of minutes before the holiday, they peel the tangerine and place it under the tree, but treat it to a slice ahead of time.
  5. The presence of good luck throughout the year will be facilitated by the figurine of a pig in the center of the table.
  6. Grunting three times will lead to voicing and fulfilling your dreams when the chimes strike.
  7. On New Year's Eve and January 1, people do not take out the trash, otherwise poverty will come to the house. Cleaning is not recommended during this period.
  8. To avoid money problems in the coming year, people sit at a festively decorated table in clothes with full pockets.
  9. To attract material luck, a coin in your pocket will help, as well as new things: dishes, bedding, a blanket. You will definitely need to dress up in a new dress for the holiday.
  10. Debts are settled before the festival arrives.
  11. Debts will increase in the coming year if the problem is not resolved in a timely manner before the celebration.

In fact, all people believe in the best. Main:

  • tune in to the positive;
  • wait only for positive moments;
  • work;
  • to love and to be loved;
  • respect;
  • appreciate what you have.

Then 2019 will be unique, and the Yellow Earth Pig will only support you. Even if troubles come, they are perceived as a small test before great happiness. After all, everything doesn’t go smoothly in life, does it?

And make sure the table is properly set so that the animal remains happy and well-fed. Following simple rules is appreciated:

  • don't piggyback;
  • do not grunt unnecessarily;
  • stick to the golden mean.

Then life will turn golden. It doesn’t matter where we live: in a clean barn or a spacious mansion. Piggy is in a hurry to visit us.

Happy New Year!

According to the Chinese calendar, New Year does not occur on January 1st. This date changes every time, so it is important to learn how to calculate the time of the Eastern New Year on your own.

The reason for the shift in the date of 2017 is that in China and neighboring countries, the New Year is celebrated based on the behavior and condition of the Moon. The lunar calendar will help you track the lunar phases.

When is the Year of the Rooster coming?

2017 is just around the corner. It will come on January 28th. This suggests that until January 28, the Fire Monkey will still be relevant. Many people think that the year of the Red or Fire Rooster will begin on January 1, but this is a common misconception.

To learn how to independently calculate the date of the Eastern New Year, you will need a lunar calendar: from it you will find out when the New Moon will be after December 21. December 21 is the winter solstice, which marks the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.

So, after December 21, two New Moons must pass. On the second New Moon, the New Year begins to be celebrated in China. The fifteen-day celebration ends with the Lantern Festival.

The patron animal changes directly on the second New Moon after December 21st. In 2017, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Rooster will take the place of the Monkey.

What does the Year of the Rooster promise us?

It is worth noting that in their moods the Rooster and the Monkey are very similar. The Rooster is not so restless, but no less creative. This year can be very successful for everyone who is engaged in areas that require large intellectual investments.

The Rooster loves to be admired, so be careful with delusions of grandeur. Try not to let high self-esteem cloud your judgment. This can be dangerous both in love and in work. If you don’t want people to turn away from you in the year of the Red Rooster, then always be modest and restrained on the outside. There are five elements in Chinese philosophy: fire, wood, metal, earth and water. The Fire Rooster is an excellent combination in the Chinese horoscope, which tells us that this year we should forget about feelings and emotions. Love, hate, contempt, rage - don't hold back any of it, but be careful, because your colleagues, friends and loved ones may interpret it in their own way. It will not be easy to receive forgiveness in the year of the Rooster, and especially the Year of the Fire. This suggests that you will also have difficulties with this, so try to forget the grievances as quickly as possible.

Try to realize all your most ambitious plans in business, work and, of course, love, because the next such favorable year will come only in 60 years. The Chinese sincerely believe that patron animals give us their strength. Accept it with dignity.

On January 28, don’t forget to make a wish before the Fire Rooster comes into force. Our thoughts already have enormous energy potential, and in the coming year they will be even stronger. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.12.2016 07:30

The red thread can help you attract good luck during Chinese New Year. With its help you...

In the East, there are many legends explaining the origin and meaning of the signs of the Chinese horoscope.

Primitive Chinese astrology existed before our era. Four Chinese manuscripts found by archaeologists provide evidence of the existence in the 3rd–1st centuries. BC. 12 year calendar cycle. Each year of the cycle was associated with a specific animal from Chinese mythology, one of the toughest creatures on the planet. The faith of the inhabitants of the East in the power of these animals was so great that images of the patrons of a certain year began to be minted on amulet coins.

The most popular one reads:

One day, Buddha invited all the animals who wanted to come to his holiday (according to other versions, Buddha invited the animals in honor of his departure from this world), and promised those who came to pay tribute by giving a gift. In addition, as a sign of honor and distinction, each of them was to receive a year, which henceforth would be called only by the name of one animal. Only twelve animals responded to Buddha's call. But in order to get to Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river, and Buddha suggested organizing a competition: whoever swims first will get the first year, whoever comes second will get the second, and so on.

Of course, the mighty Bull came first. But when he shook himself off to appear before the Buddha in proper form, he shook his tail, and a Rat flew off his tail, right at the feet of the Buddha! She still clung to the Bull on the other side, and when he swam, she bit him painfully on the tail so that the Bull would throw the Rat to the Buddha! So the Rat became the first of the twelve animals, and the Ox only the second! Tiger, who was in his third year, was a little behind the Bull. Since then, the Ox and the Tiger have always competed with each other!

The competition between the Ox and the Tiger so captivated the Buddha that he did not consider what kind of animal came in fourth! Or a Cat, or a Hare or a Rabbit. Over the years, it is impossible to establish the truth, and various eastern peoples still have different interpretations regarding the owner of the fourth year. The fifth was the Dragon, the sixth was the Snake, the seventh was the Horse. Here a strip of fog began to flow along the river, and again it was unclear who was eighth - the Goat or the Sheep (or maybe the Ram).

Ninth in line was the Monkey. Why did the nimble monkey come so late? She just didn't want to take any risks and kept a close eye on the swimmers. Only after making sure that the event was safe did she enter the water.

The tenth came the Rooster (and maybe the Chicken, who can sort them out, wet ones). He was delayed because he told his large family at length and in detail how they should live in his absence.

The Dog galloped up eleventh. In the morning she had a lot of household chores to do, and, having barely managed to cope with them, she - heated - rushed into the water. They say she coughed for a long time.

And finally, the last to appear was the Boar (according to other sources, he sent the Pig instead). He was in no hurry: not very ambitious, not too picky. Buddha gave him the last, but the best year: the year of the Pig is distinguished by abundance and tranquility.

Having become the owner for a whole year, the animal passed on its typical features to him. As for a person, now, depending on what year he was born, it was possible to determine his character and fate. A person born under one of these signs also acquired the typical traits of an animal - its strength or weakness, kindness or anger, pride or modesty.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2018 will pass under the sign of the yellow earthen dog. To attract good luck in the coming year, you should prepare for the New Year in advance, knowing the general character traits of the ruler of the coming year. The dog is a restless creature, and will guard our well-being all year. The dog personifies justice, it will never betray, and in the year of its reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair. The dog will not dig up gold bars for us, and will not lead us to a treasure, but those who are hardworking and persistent can expect promotion, encouragement, and all sorts of benefits. In addition, the color yellow is associated with the energy of the sun; it charges us with positivity, cheerfulness and good mood. It is useless to argue with a yellow dog; she will still arrange a fabulous and joyful life for all of us. A hardworking and active dog will find something to do for everyone, its nose is aimed at good luck, and it will help those who believe in their success.

No health problems are expected in the year of the dog; the hardened yellow song will allow us to sneeze and cough. The yellow earth dog loves to travel and change the picture before his eyes; in 2018 you can travel all over the world - there will be many new friends, and we will be filled with impressions for several years to come. In order for the Mistress of the Year Dog to patronize you, it is recommended to wear jewelry with her image; coins, pendants and figurines with the image of a dog will be your amulet, ensuring good health, success and protection. The main thing here is to believe in the miracle housewife of 2018, who will gladly play along with you.

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