Groups of cultivated plants. Examples of names of cultivated plants

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general information


Modification of wild varieties

Cultivated plants. Examples. Classification

​Decorative (rose)​


Division according to branches of agriculture

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

Field varieties

Fruit varieties

​Starchy. First of all, these are potatoes, corn, oats, wheat, buckwheat, rice, millet, rye, sorghum, yams, sweet potatoes.​


Each plant department is divided into classes. Lycopods have only one name of the same name. The class Equisetae belongs to the horsetail family. Bryophytes are divided into sphagnum, phyllophytic, andreaceous, polytrichous, tetraphys, and takaki mosses. The fern-like department includes the class of the same name, as well as salviniaceae and psilotideae. Gymnosperms include ginkgoids, cycads, opiumaceae and conifers or pine.​

What types of plants are there? What groups of cultivated plants are there?

​Without them it is impossible to imagine life on the planet. Plants perform the most important function - photosynthesis, which releases oxygen. It was thanks to these organisms that the Earth's atmosphere became what we know it now - with a high oxygen content and an ozone layer that protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.​

The role of plants

​Fruits (apples, pears, pineapples).​

​Groups of cultivated plants, the list of which will be given below, are grown by humans to obtain feed for farm animals, food products, industrial, medicinal and other raw materials and for other purposes. In accordance with the eighth edition of the International Code of Nomenclature, three categories are recognized today into which the representatives of the flora under consideration are divided. These include, in particular, species, group and grex (for orchids). They are all obtained from wild varieties. In this case, selection, hybridization or genetic engineering methods were used. When searching for wild varieties for breeding cultivated plants and their subsequent use, the doctrine of the centers of origin of agricultural crops was formed. Thus, Vavilov, summarizing the available knowledge, identified 7 main centers. It must be said that groups of cultivated plants, unlike wild varieties, do not have natural distribution zones (areas).​

Scientific classification

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

​CULTURAL PLANTS that provide food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and ornamental plants.​

History of plant studies

Legumes (beans, soybeans)

​Oleaceae (sunflower)​

​Fibrous. Plants that are used to produce threads. These are cotton, hemp, flax, jute.​

​Classes of flowering plants: dicotyledons and monocotyledons. This includes most of the flora representatives we are familiar with. The first class includes legumes, Rosaceae, birch, walnut, pumpkin, willow, umbelliferae, and many other families.​

More about different classes of plants

​They also serve as an important source of organic matter. Plants, one might say, “feed” the entire planet, because in any food chain they are the first link.​

​Vegetables (dill, cucumbers, tomatoes).​
​As a result of selection, wild crops began to produce high yields in a new climate or on new soils - in conditions unusual for them. As a result, some varieties have changed so much that it is now difficult to determine their ancestors. To increase agricultural productivity, people began to use fertilizers. At the same time, pest control was carried out using insecticides and fungicides.​

Classification of plants according to the structure of their vegetative parts

​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​

Other ways to classify plants

​Classification of cultivated plants:​

What plants are called cultivated? give examples


​Vegetables. These are tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, carrots, radishes, celery, parsley, garlic, onions, eggplants and much more.​
​Previously, according to this principle, three groups were distinguished: grasses, bushes and trees. Now it is customary to divide plants into seven life forms. These are herbs, succulents (with very fleshy stems that contain a large amount of water, this includes cacti, aloe, kalanchoe, agave and others), vines, shrubs, subshrubs, trees.​
​All of them are divided into two large groups: higher and lower. The latter include algae (four divisions: red, brown, blue and blue-green). Higher plants include six divisions: lycophytes, horsetails, bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms (flowering plants). The classification of plants is as follows: department - class - order - family - genus - species.​
​Stimulants (poppy seeds, coffee, tea).​
​Decorative (rose).​
There are many options for classifying cultivated plants, based on different principles. The classification of useful (including cultivated) plants according to their economic purpose is quite widely practiced. There are groups of food, fodder, spinning, melliferous, medicinal, dyeing, technical and similar plants. A variation of this classification (less convenient, therefore less often used) is the division of plants into groups according to the substances they contain. With this classification, protein-containing, starch-bearing, sugar-bearing, fatty-oil, essential oil, alkaloid-containing, and fibrous plants are distinguished. Often they resort to a mixed classification: along with food, fodder, and medicinal plants, fibrous, oilseed, and aromatic plants are distinguished. The classification of useful plants given below according to industry principles looks more logical and developed.
​Cereals and cereals (rice, corn, wheat)​
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​
​ULTURAL PLANTS that provide food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and ornamental plants.​
Legumes (beans, soybeans)
​Stimulants and narcotics. These are tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, poppy seeds and more.​
​They can also be divided into cultivated, wild and weeds. The first are those plants that are grown by humans for specific purposes; they can also be systematized. Famous researcher N.I. Vavilov wrote about what groups of cultivated plants there are. This topic is of interest to many others. Cultivated plants can be divided into thirteen groups. They will be discussed below.​

Marriuanuelle Cardell

​What kinds of plants there are has been of interest to many people since ancient times - both scientists and simply inquisitive individuals.​

Elena Bandurina

​Groups of cultivated plants are defined according to various characteristics. Classification according to the economic purpose of a particular variety is quite widely used. Thus, there are groups of medicinal, melliferous, dyeing, spinning, fodder, food, technical and other cultivated plants. A variation of this classification (less convenient and, therefore, rarely used) can be a division in accordance with the substances present in them. In this case, they distinguish, for example, alkaloid-containing, protein-containing, fatty-oil and others. A mixed classification is also often used: along with food, medicinal, and fodder, oilseeds, fibrous, spicy and aromatic groups of cultivated plants are also distinguished. However, the most logical and fully developed system is considered to be classification in accordance with the industry principle.​
​Breads and grains (e.g. wheat, corn, rice).​
​Usually field, vegetable and fruit crops are distinguished according to three branches of agriculture - field farming, vegetable growing and fruit growing. It is equally natural within this classification to separate grapes (viticulture) and ornamental plants (floriculture) into a separate group.
Legumes (beans, soybeans)
​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​
​Classification of cultivated plants:​
​Starchy foods (yams, potatoes)​
​Feed. These include clover, turnips, turnips, rutabaga, and alfalfa.​
​So, what groups of cultivated plants are there?​
The ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in 370-285, rightfully deserves to be called the “father of botany”. BC e. He was one of the first to begin researching the topic of what types of plants there are. He divided them into different groups according to appearance, flowering period, etc.​
​Experts distinguish groups of cultivated plants according to the type of agricultural activity: fruit growing, vegetable growing and field cultivation. Accordingly, there are fruit, vegetable and field varieties. The latter, in turn, are divided into root crops (radish, carrots, beets), leaf crops (lettuce, spinach, cabbage), fruit crops (cucumber, tomato), stem crops (asparagus, kohlrabi), and bulbous crops (garlic, onion). In many cases, flavoring (spicy-aromatic) cultivated plants (parsley, dill) are considered as a special subgroup. Tubers are varieties with edible tubers. Staple foods include potatoes (in Europe), cassava and yams (in Africa).​
Legumes (soybeans, beans, etc.)

Egor Ivanov

​Field crops include: grains (these include: cereals, such as wheat, rye, etc.; cereal crops - buckwheat, millet; legumes - peas, soybeans, lentils); tubers (potatoes) and root vegetables (beets, turnips); oilseeds (sunflower, peanuts, mustard); spinning (cotton, flax, hemp); forage grasses (timothy, clover, alfalfa). Field crops sometimes include melons (watermelon, melon, pumpkin), but, apparently, it is more convenient to consider them as a separate group or as part of vegetable crops. It is advisable to separate into special subgroups such specific plants as tobacco and shag, essential oils (coriander, lavender) and medicinal plants (digitalis, valerian).​
​Starchy foods (yams, potatoes)​
​Melons (watermelons)​
​Stimulants and narcotics (tea, coffee, poppy seeds)​
​Decorative (rose)​
​Sugar-bearing crops (sugar beets)​
​Rubber-bearing. This group includes hevea, wormwood, dandelion, and spurge.​
​Inulin-bearing. Plants that contain a polysaccharide called inulin. This substance is used in medicine and is also used as a sugar substitute for diabetics. This group includes dahlias, chicory, and Jerusalem artichoke.
Also, a large-scale study related to plants was carried out by the ancient Roman scientist Dioscorides. He lived in the first century BC. e. He owns a work that describes the properties of about six hundred medicinal plants.​
​This group of plants includes grain crops (cereals - rye, wheat, legumes - lentils, soybeans, peas, cereal varieties - millet, buckwheat, root crops (turnips, beets), tubers (potatoes), spinning crops (hemp, flax, cotton), oilseeds (mustard, peanuts, sunflower), forage grasses (alfalfa, clover). In some cases, melon varieties are also considered field varieties: pumpkin, watermelons, melons. But, as a rule, it is more convenient to consider them as separate crops or in combination. composition of vegetable cultural groups. According to experts, it is also advisable to separately identify medicinal varieties (valerian, foxglove and others), essential oils (lavender, coriander), as well as specific species (shag, tobacco).
​Sugar-bearing vegetables (sugar beet).​
Vegetable crops are divided into leaf crops (cabbage, spinach, lettuce), root crops (beets, carrots, radishes), stem crops (kohlrabi, asparagus), fruit crops (tomato, cucumber), and bulbous crops (onion, garlic). Spicy aromatic (flavor) crops (dill, parsley) are often considered as a special subgroup.
​Sugar-bearing crops (sugar beets)​

Koziy Elena

​Vegetables (tomatoes, dill)​

Alexey Torganov

​CULTURAL PLANTS that provide food, clothing, fuel, building materials, and ornamental plants.​
​Cereals and cereals (rice, corn, wheat)​
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
Wood technical and medicinal. This includes eucalyptus, cinchona, bamboo.​
​Fatty oilseeds. These are plants used to obtain various oils. This includes sunflower, sesame, rapeseed, safflower, etc.​
​The scientist who created the first classification of all living organisms was Carl Linnaeus. His life lasted from 1708 to 1778. His work “Systems of Nature” also contains materials about what types of plants there are. He systematized flowering plants by the number of stamens in them.​
This group includes agricultural crops that produce juicy fruits. They, in turn, are divided into stone fruits (apricot, plum, cherry), pome fruits (quince, pear, apple tree), and berry fruits (currants, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries). In some cases, this group includes citrus fruits (orange, lemon) and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts). In fruit and berry varieties, a subgroup of subtropical varieties is sometimes distinguished. These include, in particular, medlar, pomegranate, and figs. Crops such as rose hips, sea buckthorn and other vitamin-rich crops are considered close to fruit and berry crops.
​Starchy foods (potatoes, sweet potatoes).​
​Fruit (fruit and berry) plants include cultivated plants that produce juicy fruits. They are divided into pome (apple, pear, quince), stone (cherry, plum, apricot) and berry (raspberry, strawberry, currant). This group often includes nut (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts) and citrus (lemon, orange) crops. Among fruit and berry crops, a subgroup of subtropical crops (figs, pomegranates, medlars) is sometimes distinguished. Close to fruit and berry plants are vitamin-rich plants, the cultivation of which has been developed in recent years (sea buckthorn, rose hips)
​Oleaceae (sunflower)​
​Fruit plants (pineapples, coconuts)​
​Classification of cultivated plants:​
Legumes (beans, soybeans)

Nature has given man the opportunity to change the world around him on his own. And this applies not only to the development of many technologies, but also to the invention of new forms and types of plants, as well as the improvement of existing crops. This is how humanity has learned to grow wild plants in limited spaces, increasing their quality and fruiting. Such representatives of the flora are used by people as food, as well as for feeding in agriculture, making medicines and even industrial raw materials. What cultivated plants grow in Russia? So, let's begin our mini-report on the topic “cultivated plants in Russia.”

A huge number of different plants are cultivated on the territory of Russia, and the areas and zones for their cultivation are selected depending on climatic conditions, as well as the needs of the population.

The most common, of course, are those cultivated plants that are widely used for food - cereals (wheat, oats), buckwheat, peas, potatoes, beets, cabbage, etc. However, crops intended for feeding animals and making medicinal products are also very popular. compositions and industrial applications.


Corn is considered one of the most common cultivated plants. It is cultivated in almost all regions of Russia. This crop is used not only for grain production, but also for silage and green mass. Corn is used to produce flour (which does not contain gluten), as well as cereals, flakes and for the production of canned food. This plant is also used for the industrial production of starch, alcohol, dextrin, beer, glucose and molasses. Syrups and butter are prepared on its basis. Vitamin E, as well as ascorbic and glutamic acids are extracted from corn. Based on the pistillate columns of such a plant, many medicines are prepared that are used in medicine to treat liver and kidney diseases, as well as to stop bleeding. Seed germs are the raw material for corn oil, which has a powerful choleretic effect.

Castor bean

This crop is mainly grown in the North Caucasus, as well as in the Rostov region, but its crops can also be found in other regions of Russia. The castor bean is an oil-bearing plant, from which castor or castor oil is industrially extracted. The first product is actively used in the leather, textile and other industries, and the second has found its application in pharmaceuticals. Typically, castor oil is used for laxative purposes, for skin and hair care, as well as for the treatment of joint ailments.


It is one of the most common and important forage and food plants. It is cultivated in forest and forest-steppe zones, including in areas with insufficient precipitation. Oats and its products are actively used in children's and dietary nutrition. Cereals, cookies and biscuits are prepared on its basis; oatmeal is also widely used.

However, the main application of oats is fodder. This product is suitable for all types of animals.

Among other things, oats are actively used in medicine. Various remedies are prepared on its basis, but the most popular of them is considered a decoction that has a diaphoretic, antipyretic effect, helps optimize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cure ulcers and gastritis, as well as pancreatitis and hepatitis. Oat grain and meal from it can be purchased in pharmacies.


This is a very popular and widespread fodder plant, which is grown in many parts of our country, being an excellent predecessor. The green mass of alfalfa is characterized by the highest feed value; vitamin hay, haylage, grass meal and combined silage are prepared from it.

Alfalfa is also actively used in medicine. It has an excellent diuretic and laxative effect, helps improve digestion and optimize hormone levels for a variety of hormonal disorders. Alfalfa-based tincture is sold in almost any pharmacy.


This crop is cultivated mostly in the southern regions of Russia for its leaves and inflorescences, which contain essential oil. This product is actively used in medicine. Peppermint oil has choleretic, vasodilating, and analgesic properties. It is also used in cosmetology, perfumery and the food industry.

Gray mustard

This cultivated plant is widespread in the Volga region, in the territories of the North Caucasus, as well as in Western Siberia. Blue mustard is a product for obtaining valuable fatty oil, which is widely used in the production of margarine and many canned foods, as well as in confectionery production and baking bread. This oil is also used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Mustard seeds are the raw material for preparing table mustard (in the form of paste, whole grains and seasoning).

Doctors use this culture to make well-known mustard plasters, which help not only with colds, but with headaches, hypertensive crises, angina pectoris, the threat of stroke, neuralgia and muscle pain. Baths, rinses, etc. are usually prepared using dry mustard powder.

The mini-report on the topic of Russian plants is completed. We have considered only a small number of useful cultivated plants that are cultivated in Russia.

In cultural studies, there is no consensus on what should be considered types, forms, types, or branches of culture. The following conceptual diagram can be proposed as one option.

Industries cultures should be called such sets of norms, rules and patterns of human behavior that constitute a relatively closed area within the whole. Economic, political, professional and other types of human activity give grounds to distinguish them into independent branches of culture. Thus, political, professional or pedagogical cultures are branches of culture, just as in industry there are such branches as the automobile industry, machine tool industry, heavy and light industries, the chemical industry, etc.

Types of culture should be called such sets of norms, rules and patterns of human behavior that constitute relatively closed areas, but are not parts of one whole. For example, Chinese or Russian culture are such original and self-sufficient phenomena that do not belong to a really existing whole. In relation to them, only the culture of all humanity can play the role of the whole, but it is more of a metaphor than a real phenomenon, since next to the culture of humanity we cannot place the culture of other living beings and compare with it. We must classify any national or ethnic culture as a cultural type.

Ethnic culture- this is a culture of people connected by a common origin and living together (so to speak, united by “blood and soil”). Its main feature is local limitation, strict localization in social space. It is dominated by the power of tradition, once and for all accepted customs, passed on from generation to generation at the family or neighborhood level. Being a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an ethnos, ethnic culture ceases to be such in relation to the existence of a nation. It is necessary to distinguish between ethnicity and nation, without thereby reducing ethnic culture to national culture.

Unlike the first one, national culture unites people living over large areas and not necessarily related to each other by consanguinity or tribal relations. The boundaries of a national culture are set by the strength, the power of this culture itself, its ability to spread beyond the boundaries of communal tribal and local territorial formations. National culture arises due to a fundamentally different method of interhuman cultural communication, directly related to the invention of writing.

The term “type” assumes that national cultures - Russian, French or Chinese - we can compare and find typical features in them. Types of culture include not only regional-ethnic formations, but also historical and cultural ones. In this case, Latin American culture, post-industrial culture, or hunter-gatherer culture should be called cultural types.

Forms of culture belong to such sets of rules, norms and patterns of behavior of people that cannot be considered completely autonomous entities; Nor are they constituent parts of any whole. High or elitist culture, folk culture and massive culture are called forms of culture because they represent a special way of expressing artistic content. High, folk and mass culture differ in the set of techniques and visual means of a work of art, authorship, audience, means of conveying artistic ideas to viewers, and the level of performing skills.

Elite, high culture (elite, French - chosen, best, chosen, selected) - written culture; created primarily by the educated part of society for their own consumption; proactively uses artistic techniques that will be perceived by wider layers later, with a cultural delay; at first it is avant-garde, experimental in nature, remaining alien to the broad masses. Its essence is associated with the concept of elite and is usually contrasted with popular and mass cultures.

Folk culture - the sphere of non-specialized (non-professional) cultural activity of oral tradition, existing according to folklore type in the past And present, passed on from generation to generation in the process of direct interaction (joint labor, ceremonial, ritual, holiday actions). Created by anonymous creators, usually without professional training.

Mass culture - a type of “cultural industry” that produces cultural products on a daily basis on a large scale, intended for mass consumption, distributed through channels that include technologically advanced media and communications; a product of the industrial and post-industrial era, is associated with the formation of a mass society. The time of its origin is the first half to the middle of the 20th century. Mass culture appears as a universal, cosmopolitan culture, moving into the phase of global culture. As a rule, it has less artistic value than elite And folk

Types of culture we will call such sets of rules norms and behavior patterns, which are varieties of moregeneral culture. For example, a subculture is a type of dominant (national) culture that belongs to a large social group and is distinguished by some originality. Thus, the youth subculture was created by the age group of people from 13 to 19 years old. They are also called teenagers.

The youth subculture does not exist in isolation from the national one; it constantly interacts and is fueled by it. The same can be said about the counterculture. This name is given to a special subculture that is antagonistic towards the dominant culture.

TO main types of culture we will refer to:

Dominant (national, national or ethnic) culture, subculture and counterculture;

Rural and urban culture;

Ordinary and specialized cultures. Dominant culture - a set of values, beliefs,

traditions and customs that guide the majority of members of a given society.

Subculture - part of the general culture, a system of values, traditions, customs inherent in a large social group; is part of the dominant culture, but has distinct or opposing features, adding to the range of values ​​of the dominant culture new ones that are characteristic only of it.

Counterculture- a subculture that is in conflict with the dominant values ​​of the dominant culture.

Rural culture- culture of the peasantry, village culture, characterized by uneven workload throughout the year, personification of interpersonal relationships, lack of anonymity of behavior and the presence of informal control over the lives of members of the local community, the dominance of intra-community information over official state information.

Urban culture- industrial, urbanized culture, characterized by high population density, diverse cultural space, anonymity of social relations, individual choice of style of social contacts, and a uniform work rhythm.

Everyday culture - this is the totality of all non-reflective, syncretic aspects of social life, mastery of the customs of everyday life of the social environment in which a person lives (mores, customs, traditions, rules of everyday behavior). This is a culture that has not received institutional reinforcement. The process of a person’s assimilation of everyday culture is called general socialization or personal enculturation.

Specialized culture - the sphere of social division of labor, social statuses, where people manifest themselves in social roles; culture that has become institutionalized (science, art, philosophy, law, religion).

Enculturation -the process of assimilation of traditions, customs, values ​​and norms of behavior in a particular culture; studying Andtransmission of culture from one generation to another.

Socialization -the process of mastering basic social roles, norms, language, and national character traits in modern society.

Spiritual and material culture cannot be classified as branches, forms, types or types of culture, since these phenomena combine all four classification features to varying degrees. It is more correct to consider spiritual and material culture as combined or complex formations standing apart from general conceptual scheme. They can be called cross-cutting phenomena, permeating industries, types, forms, and types of culture. A variety of spiritual culture is artistic, and a variety of material culture is physical culture.

In our article we will get acquainted with the cultivated plants of Russia. Man has long used them in his economic activities to obtain valuable nutrients and food products.

Cultivated plants: names and definition of the concept

For a long time, people have been selecting species with valuable properties, crossing them and selecting them. The result of such activity is modern cultivated plants: grains, vegetables, industrial plants.

The famous Russian scientist Nikolai Vavilov made a great contribution to the development of ideas about this process. It was thanks to his expeditions that it was possible to collect a huge collection of cultivated plants and name the centers of their origin.

Scientists were able to establish many interesting facts. Do you know the names of cultivated plants such as rye and oats? So, initially they were weed species that grew in wheat crops. And modern cultivated rice is the result of the domestication of two wild species - African and Asian.

Ornamental crops

The names of cultivated plants are now clearly defined in the International Code of Nomenclature. Their main category is variety. Cultivated species are classified according to the purpose of their cultivation.

One of these groups is ornamental plants. They are used to decorate various areas: parks, squares, gardens, residential premises, areas for recreation and entertainment, as well as aquariums.

Most of them are grown for their beautiful flowers. These are roses, tulips, petunias, gerberas, dahlias, periwinkle and many others. Popular indoor species are anthurium, uzambar violet, and gardenia. That's what they call them - beautifully flowering ones. Some crops are valued for the aesthetic appearance of their foliage, fruits or needles.

Cereals and cereals

Wheat, rye, oats, barley, sorghum, corn, millet... These are the names of cultivated plants that belong to the Cereals family. People have long cultivated them for grain, to obtain cereals and flour, to bake bakery products, and to obtain food for domestic animals. An example of cultivated plants is buckwheat. In economic activities, whole and crushed grains and flour are used.

Cereals are high in carbohydrates and proteins. Their high nutritional value is also determined by the content of enzymes, B vitamins and PP.

Legumes and starches

Examples of cultivated plants that have been grown by humans for a long time are soybeans, peas, lentils, and peanuts. Since they are rich in proteins, their energy value is not inferior to meat products. Soybeans and peanuts contain a supply of vegetable fats, so oils are obtained from them.

The most famous starch-bearing plant is the potato. It is not for nothing that they call it “second bread”. For a long time people thought that potatoes should be eaten as food. Therefore, it did not receive much distribution. In fact, underground modifications of shoots - tubers - are edible. Potatoes are used in cooking to obtain medicines against inflammation and burns.

Starchy crops also include sweet potato, corn, cassava, and yams. The record holder among them is rightfully considered the sago palm. More than 100 kilograms of starch are extracted from the trunk of one such tree.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetable crops are important agricultural plants. It's hard to imagine your daily diet without tomatoes, cabbage, and sweet peppers. They are grouped by the name of the organ from which the vegetable develops.

Depending on this, leaf, root, bulbous and fruit and vegetable crops are distinguished. Examples of the first group are lettuce, spinach, sorrel, and borage. Nutritious root vegetables develop in carrots, beets, rutabaga, radishes, celery, and parsnips. But there are especially many examples of cultivated plants that belong to the group of fruits and vegetables. These are eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, physalis and others.

A separate group of cultivated plants consists of fruit species. They are grown for their berries, fruits and nuts. Many of them are tree-like. These are cherries, apricots, sweet cherries, peaches, apple trees. These are perennial plants, the fruiting period of which begins after several years of development.

Shrubs also produce valuable fruits: pomegranate, dogwood, hazel, currant, gooseberry. Grapes are a vine plant, and strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries and cloudberries are perennial herbs.

In tropical countries, various types of palms are widespread: date, coconut, and oilseed. Many people believe that bananas also belong to this group. In fact, this plant is herbaceous.

So, cultivated plants are the species that people grow to produce agricultural products. It is used as food, animal feed, and raw material for the processing and pharmaceutical industries.

Structure of culture. Culture as a social institution

Culture in sociological knowledge

Types and forms of culture.

Structure of culture. Culture as a social institution.

Culture in sociological knowledge.


There are more than 150 definitions of the concept “culture”.

Culture (originally from the Latin cultura) - “cultivation”, “processing” (from “cultivation of the land” in Ancient Rome to “upbringing and education of a person.” Gradually, the term “culture” acquires not only personal, but also social meaning.

Culture– a system of values ​​shared by members of society, normative and other regulators of social interactions;

This is a way of organizing and developing human life, presented in its material and intangible products, passed on from generation to generation.

Society and culture are quite difficult to distinguish, since they “live” in each other, and their interpenetration is multifaceted.

This can be confirmed by cultural subjects, which are the main types of social communities - society (if it is considered as a type of the broadest community), nation, social group.

So, for example, we can talk about Russian and American cultures as the cultures of their respective societies; about Tatar and Chuvash cultures as national cultures; youth culture, teaching culture, etc. as cultures of specific social groups (demographic, professional, etc.).

Society and culture, meanwhile, may not coincide with each other, which makes it possible to separate these phenomena.

This is confirmed by the following:

1) not all members of society share its cultural values ​​and norms;

2) some cultural patterns extend beyond the borders of a particular country and are perceived in other countries (for example, Roman law);

3) cultures that are sometimes significantly different from each other can coexist in one society.

The structure of culture, its main elements: values, norms, customs, language, activities.

Social values– significant phenomena, objects, processes as patterns accepted in a given environment, with the help of which people relate their interactions in a social community. Values, as the “core” of culture, unite material and intangible culture. Values ​​act as social-normative regulators of social life and people’s behavior. Values ​​are the basis for norms and standards of behavior.

Norms are rules of behavior, expectations and standards that govern interactions between people. There are norms: moral (socially accepted rules of behavior that require the performance of certain actions and prohibit others, for example, the 10 commandments), institutional (carefully developed, in contrast to moral ones, with established rules for following them, since each institution has its regulatory framework), legal (strengthened formalized norms that require strict implementation, which is ensured by coercion from the state), norms of etiquette, everyday behavior, etc.

Customs– patterns of behavior accepted in society (communities) (inherited stereotypical modes of behavior), which are constantly reproduced and are familiar to its members. In traditional societies they are the main regulators, and their violation is strictly punished. In modern societies there are more customs, their violation is not punished very harshly and concerns, first of all, elementary norms of behavior (how to eat, sit, greet each other, etc.). Customs include taboos - prohibitions.

Language- a system of communication carried out on the basis of sounds and symbols that have conventional but reasonable meanings. Language serves as the main means of translation and transmission of culture, because To a large extent, her creations are presented in symbolic form.

There is a special “language of culture”, i.e. in order to penetrate into the essence of a work, it is necessary to master its language (the profession of a composer, artist, sculptor, etc.).

Language is a social phenomenon, i.e. Language cannot be acquired outside of social interaction.

Language, like culture, develops generally accepted meanings that make up the content of oral and written speech. Language is objective, but speech is subjective; language is social in nature, and speech is individual.

Activity consists in the creation (production), assimilation (consumption), preservation, dissemination (distribution) of cultural goods, values, norms. Activities in the field of culture in sociology come down to the following types: reading, visiting movies, theaters, watching television, participating in creative activities (art, music, etc.). etc.

Cultural activity in a broad sense is the (self) realization of a person’s essential powers, his abilities, talents, needs and interests. Thus, cultural content can be identified in any sphere of social activity - work, family, everyday life, education, politics, leisure.

Culture as a social institution performs the following functions:

1) spiritual production (providing the necessary prerequisites for spiritual creativity, the creation of spiritual values);

2) preservation, replication and broadcast of newly created or reproduced values ​​(in an effort to make them mass property - the work of publishing houses, printing houses, film studios, etc.);

3) socio-regulatory (regulation of the process of creation, preservation, distribution of spiritual goods with the help of normative and value mechanisms - traditions, customs, symbols);

4) communicative (organization of interaction between institutions and groups of people during the production, preservation and distribution of spiritual values);

5) social control over how the creation and distribution of products of cultural institutions is carried out.

Types of culture:

1. Material and immaterial (spiritual) culture

Material culture includes physical objects, or artifacts, created by people, which are given a certain meaning (car, building, furniture, etc.).

Intangible (spiritual) culture includes spiritual values, language, beliefs, rules, customs, government system, science, religion.

2. Civilization, cultural-historical type, those. culture as an integral historical phenomenon (the so-called “great cultures” - ancient, Indian, Chinese, European, etc.): characterizes certain historical eras, or specific societies, nationalities, nations. These are ethnic, territorial, economic, linguistic, political, psychological communities that “extend” in time and space, going through stages of origin, development, prosperity and decline.

3. Subculture- a system of activities, values ​​and norms that distinguish the culture of a certain social community from the culture of the majority of society. The subculture does not reject the culture of the majority, but deviates from it (youth subculture, subculture of doctors, subculture of students, etc.).

4. Counterculture- a subculture that is in conflict with the dominant culture. Counterculture creates norms and values ​​that contradict the main aspects of culture. Sometimes counterculture values ​​permeate the mainstream culture and become less controversial.

Forms of culture:

Elite (high) culture, the works of which are perceived by a relatively small segment of the population; a set of cultural creations that are complex in content and difficult to understand for an untrained person, for example, fine arts, classical literature and music;

Folk culture is a set of myths, legends, tales, songs, dances, created, as a rule, by anonymous authors;

Popular culture is a generally accepted set of cultural patterns and ideas supported by the media, e.g. pop culture, rock culture.

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