Characteristics of Maria and Dubrovsky. Characteristics of Masha Troekurova from the novel "Dubrovsky", when she found out that deforge is Dubrovsky

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The main character of the novel “Dubrovsky” grew up in the family of a tough, callous and completely ignoble man, her father, Kirill Petrovich Troekurov. She lost her mother at an early age and grew up surrounded by books and servants. Her father was always surrounded by pitiful, greedy and low people like him.

Masha is her father’s daughter only biologically, she is not at all like him, she does not need material values, cynical entertainment and her father’s wealth, she sees happiness in spiritual values. She respects Kirill Petrovich, but does not consider him her friend or a person close to her spirit. The novels she read made her a real dreamer and a noble girl for whom honor is above all, which will affect the outcome of the novel.

As soon as Deforge, aka Dubrovsky, begins to teach it to his younger half-brother, she pays attention to him, because he is not like anyone from his father’s circle. And when he starts teaching music to her, she begins to admire him and very soon falls in love. This feeling arises largely due to the fact that Dubrovsky was noble, honest, purposeful, brave and indifferent to material values. According to Masha, Dubrovsky bore all the features of a real knight. At the moment when Dubrovsky defeated the bear, her feelings for Vladimir reached their apogee; it was after this situation that she fell in love with the hero, whom she considered to be from her favorite novels.

After Masha finds out that Deforge is the fugitive robber Dubrovsky, she does not renounce her love for him and even decides to escape, which ended in defeat for her. Her father wants to marry her to a rich man, for whom Masha herself feels nothing but disgust, so she hopes in every possible way that on the wedding day, right before the wedding, Dubrovsky will save her from this marriage, and they will be together for the rest of their lives. Before the wedding she hopes to see Dubrovsky, but he is still not there. She gets married, thereby crossing out all hopes for the future next to Vladimir.

Only after her wedding does Dubrovsky come to her and ask her to run away with him, but Masha refuses: not because she has stopped loving him, but because honor is higher for her than love. If she is legally someone’s wife, then she simply has no right to run away from this person, it’s all over. The image of Masha evokes an incredible feeling of sympathy and respect: she delights the reader with her actions, thoughts and words.

Essay by Maria Kirillovna Troekurova

Pushkin in his works glorified the gentle image of a woman - all his heroines, such as Masha Troekurova in Dubrovsky, Tatyana in Eugene Onegin and Masha Mironova in The Captain's Daughter, were owners of such sweet feminine traits as vulnerability, romance, innate nobility and daydreaming.

Masha Troekurova appears before readers as a romantic and sweet creature. She is young and beautiful, the hallmarks of her character are gentleness and sentimentality. Her character is the complete opposite of the character of her father, the vengeful and cruel landowner Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. The father, although he loves his daughter madly, is distinguished by frequent changes of mood - either he is rude and cruel to her, or under the influence of a momentary impulse he agrees to fulfill all the whims of his daughter.

Masha's mother died when the girl was still a baby. A kind and gentle nanny replaced Masha’s mother and taught the girl to be kind to others, opened her soul, putting into her compassion for other people - that wonderful human character trait that Marya Kirilovna’s own father completely lacked.

The girl has an inquisitive mind and books replace her friends. Sensitive to rudeness and vulgarity, Masha did not find worthy interlocutors either among her family or around her father. Human communication began to replace reading novels for her. Masha read sentimental novels, which added romantic moods to her gentle character. Yearning in anticipation of great and bright love gave impetus to Masha’s rapprochement with a young teacher, the Frenchman Deforge. The educated and well-mannered Frenchman, who introduced himself to Masha as the son of a neighbor offended and ruined by her father, liked the girl and over time, she began to experience far from friendly feelings towards him. Masha fell in love with Vladimir Dubrovsky, who, under the false name Deforge, began to often visit the Troyekurovs’ house.

When it turned out that Vladimir was none other than a local robber and troublemaker who was wanted for arrest, Masha was frightened, but did not renounce her lover. After a conversation with Dubrovsky, she decides to run away with him, thereby trampling the boundaries of morality and realizing that life with a fugitive will be difficult and dangerous. But the escape did not take place.

In the next conversation with Dubrovsky on a secret date, the confused and heartbroken Masha tells Vladimir about the upcoming wedding. Her father decided to marry her to the elderly but very rich Prince Vereisky.

And this wedding still took place. Masha looks depressed and unhappy during her wedding to the prince. However, a sense of duty does not allow her to betray her legal, even unloved, husband. She refuses to run away with Dubrovsky because she spoke the holy words of the oath before the altar and is unable to break the oath of allegiance. Honor and sense of duty do not allow her to trample on her principles. Masha is forced to sacrifice love in order to maintain her dignity.

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Female images in the works of A. S. Pushkin are presented almost identically. These are young girls with intelligence and attractiveness. They are dreamy and noble. This is exactly how Maria Troekurova appears in the novel “Dubrovsky”.

Child's portrait of Masha

The girl spent her childhood on the family estate, surrounded by rural silence and the beauty of nature. She was raised by a commoner who replaced her parent who died early. The kind peasant woman tried to convey only the best to the girl.

Troekurov’s daughter grew up completely different from her father, an impressionable person, responsive to other people’s troubles and misfortunes. As she gets a little older, she becomes interested in novels. She lives in an imaginary world, dreams of a happy life. Passion for books only strengthened such qualities as sensitivity and meekness, dreaminess and kindness.
Her father loved her very much, but showed it in a very strange way. He either indulged her most insignificant whims, or scolded her extremely harshly for any action. Such changes led to the fact that the girl did not find a friend in her father, she only revered him.

Masha's love story

By the age of 17, Masha had turned into a sweet, sentimental girl, dreaming of passionate and beautiful love. Raised on novels, she did not see her father among the guests as a suitable candidate. Hunting, profit, drunken revels - that’s what occupied them in the first place. Masha Troekurova's love could not be like this. Therefore, when a young and noble teacher appeared in the house, she immediately realized that he was her hero. She was greatly impressed by the scene with the bear, when Deforge bravely and bravely defended himself. Talking with the teacher, the girl realizes that proud pride and courage are not only the prerogative of the rich class.

Upon learning that the teacher is not who he says he is, Masha gets scared. She has heard about Dubrovsky and knows about his hatred of his father. However, the hero manages to convince her of his sincere feelings. The image of Masha Troekurova on the second secret date appears in a different light. Having learned about her father’s desire to connect her fate with a prince who is much older than her, she decides to hide with Dubrovsky. This speaks of her strong feelings and determination. But chance intervened and the escape did not take place.

Nobility and fidelity to the oath

The girl waited until the last moment for help from her lover. Before the wedding itself, she was pale and shuddered when touched. Her gaze was meaningless and vague. She didn't see or hear anything. Even during the wedding, until the moment of pronouncing the words of the oath, she was still waiting for Dubrovsky.
The characterization of Masha Troekurova was truly revealed at the moment when she refused the help that arrived late. True spiritual nobility, a sense of responsibility, duty to her husband, albeit an unloved one - all this outweighed the feeling of love for Vladimir. She is not able to break her oath to God, because for her, these are not just words. This is a great mystery performed in heaven.
The love story of Masha Troekurova is quite typical for the life described in the work. From early childhood, the girl learned to be responsible for her actions. Her moral responsibility did not allow her to break the oath of allegiance. This is one of the main advantages of the heroine, which is also her life drama.

The heroine of the story, Marya Kirilovna Troekurova, is the type of beautiful noble daughter who was raised by her father Kirila Petrovich, and who grew up “in the eyes of her parent.” The environment that raised Masha was tense, “her father loved her madly, but treated her with his characteristic waywardness, sometimes trying to please her slightest whims, sometimes frightening her with harsh and sometimes cruel treatment.” Such a wayward upbringing made Masha distrustful; she got used to hiding her feelings and thoughts from her father. Her character was also influenced by the fact that Masha grew up without friends. In her free time, the young lady is left to her own devices. To pass the time, Marya Kirilovna chose novels to read. Pushkin speaks with a smile about this choice; many young ladies at that time read novels, inventing and fantasizing about the embodiment of beautifully described stories.
So Masha, with the advent of the Frenchman Deforge, encountered a romance in her life. At the beginning, Masha gives the impression of a soft, meek, modest girl, but with aristocratic prejudices, since at first she does not pay any attention to the young Frenchman “the teacher was for her a kind of servant or artisan, and the servant or artisan did not seem like a man to her.” Deforge, on the contrary, was in love with her, but Masha did not notice this.
The story with the bear made a great impression on Marya Kirillovna, “from then on she began to show the young teacher respect, which became more attentive hour by hour,” “Masha fell in love with him, without even admitting it to herself.”
Deforge's confession and his unexpected disappearance make Masha stronger, reality is harsher than the events in the novels. The sudden news of her engagement to Prince Vereisky greatly wounds Marya Kirillovna. Dubrovsky gives Masha hope. She decided to have a serious conversation with her father, the main thing was to avoid a hated marriage. Having passed on the secret sign, the girl waits for her savior. Pushkin sincerely feels sorry for her at these moments, affectionately calling her a poor beauty, a young recluse.
On the wedding day, Masha is pale and motionless. She bided her time as best she could in the hope that her salvation was about to appear.
For Alexander Sergeevich, as for Masha, the wedding day is gray, cold, empty, and completely hopeless after the irrevocable words of the priest. Masha is no longer waiting, she is trying to come to terms with her new fate. Unable to break the oath taken in the church, Masha rejects Dubrovsky.

Masha Troekurova is a 17-year-old beauty, Dubrovsky’s lover. Living in the family of the tyrant Troekurov, M. is internally lonely, secretive, and has a strong character. Her only joy is a huge library made up of French novels from the 18th century.

The main character of the story is a beautiful noblewoman's daughter, who was raised by her father Kirila Petrovich, and who grew up “in the eyes of her parent.” The environment that raised Masha was tense, “her father loved her madly, but treated her with his characteristic waywardness, sometimes trying to please her slightest whims, sometimes frightening her with harsh and sometimes cruel treatment.” Such a wayward upbringing made Masha distrustful; she got used to hiding her feelings and thoughts from her father. Her character was also influenced by the fact that Masha grew up without friends. In her free time, the young lady is left to her own devices. To pass the time, Marya Kirilovna chose novels to read. Pushkin speaks with a smile about this choice; many young ladies at that time read novels, inventing and fantasizing about the embodiment of beautifully described stories.

At the beginning, Masha gives the impression of a soft, meek, modest girl, but with aristocratic prejudices, since at first she does not pay any attention to the young Frenchman “the teacher was for her a kind of servant or artisan, and the servant or artisan did not seem like a man to her.” Deforge, on the contrary, was in love with her, but Masha did not notice this. The story with the bear made a great impression on Marya Kirillovna, “from then on she began to show the young teacher respect, which became more attentive hour by hour,” “Masha fell in love with him, without even admitting it to herself.”
At the holiday, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin introduces Masha as attentive, observant, she is used to listening, taking notes for herself. Marya Kirilovna is interested in Deforge and Dubrovsky. She is in love with the teacher, and stories about the robber fascinate her. Pushkin has not yet mentioned Marya Kirilovna’s feelings; the girl herself has not yet figured out herself. The author speaks about Masha’s experiences only after Deforge was exposed, but there are many doubts and contradictions in them.

Deforge's confession and his unexpected disappearance make Masha stronger, reality is harsher than the events in the novels. The sudden news of her engagement to Prince Vereisky greatly wounds Marya Kirillovna. Dubrovsky gives Masha hope. She decided to have a serious conversation with her father, the main thing was to avoid a hated marriage. Having passed on the secret sign, the girl waits for her savior. Pushkin sincerely feels sorry for her at these moments, affectionately calling her a poor beauty, a young recluse. On the wedding day, Masha is pale and motionless. She bided her time as best she could in the hope that her salvation was about to appear.

For Alexander Sergeevich, as for Masha, the wedding day is gray, cold, empty, and completely hopeless after the irrevocable words of the priest. Masha is no longer waiting, she is trying to come to terms with her new fate. The nobility of her soul, an extraordinary sense of responsibility and duty to her husband, although unloved, and to God forced Masha to refuse Dubrovsky’s belated help. Masha is no longer waiting, she is trying to come to terms with her new fate. Unable to break the oath taken in the church. The morality that the girl learned from childhood and with which her whole soul was imbued, taught her to be responsible for her words and actions. This is the dignity and life drama of Masha Troekurova.

The characterization of Masha Troekurova is very important for understanding one of the most famous novels by A. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”. This heroine, being the main female character, occupies a central place in this work, since it is with her that the love line, the main intrigue of the novel, as well as its denouement is connected. In addition, the girl played an important role in the development and evolution of Dubrovsky himself, since his love for her forced him to abandon his plan of revenge.


The characterization of Masha Troekurova should begin with a description of her social place in society. She was the daughter of the landowner Kirill Petrovich, who was known throughout the area for his tough and capricious character. His feud with the protagonist's father led to the death of old Dubrovsky, which provoked a conflict between these two families. However, the girl clearly did not take after her father. The characterization of Masha Troekurova shows the versatility of her personality.

She was kind, gentle and sympathetic, although she was not without some class prejudices characteristic of people of his circle. So, for example, when Vladimir appeared in her father’s house as a teacher, the girl initially looked at him as an ordinary servant. But at the same time, she was able to appreciate his intelligence and nobility: when the imaginary Frenchman, during Troekurov’s next prank, was not afraid of the bear that attacked him, and at the same time, instead of running away, was not confused and shot the predator, the girl changed her opinion about him and since then She began to respect him for a time (as, indeed, all the other inhabitants of the estate).

Upbringing and education

The characterization of Masha Troekurova will help students understand the conditions in which Russian young ladies lived and were raised in the provinces in the first half of the 19th century. At that time, knowledge of French was considered a rule of good manners for nobles. The heroine, unlike her father, was very good at it, so she served her father as a translator in communication with the imaginary teacher. She took piano lessons from Vladimir, who called himself Deforge.

At the time in question, it was believed that every young lady should be able to sing and play a musical instrument. During these classes, Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova quickly found a common language and in the end became friends.

Relationships with family

The heroine loved her father, but from the text of the work the reader understands that at the same time she was very afraid of him and almost never dared to disobey his instructions. And only when Kirill Petrovich decided to marry her against her will to the old, but rich and influential Prince Vereisky, did she first show disobedience. By that time, Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova had already fallen in love with each other, so the girl resisted her father’s decision with all her might. However, she could not fight him on her own and, without waiting for help from Vladimir, who was late, she married the prince. The girl loved her younger brother, although the author shows this in just one scene. However, the episode in which the boy offers to help her is quite important - it shows their affection for each other.

Love line

The image of Masha Troekurova is fully revealed in her relationship with Dubrovsky. As mentioned above, the young girl sincerely became attached to her music teacher, not suspecting that under the guise of a modest Frenchman was hiding a formidable leader of robbers.

She also noticed that she herself made a rather strong impression on him, and expected from him a love confession, which was not slow to follow along with the revelation of the identity of the imaginary teacher. The girl had the courage not to betray her interest in Dubrovsky in any way; moreover, she decided to remain faithful to him, despite the ambiguous situation in which the lovers found themselves.


The image of Masha Troekurova occupies a central place in the work along with the main intrigue of the novel. At the critical moment, when Troekurov decided to arrange her marriage, the girl showed firmness and determination, which was difficult to expect from her. She even once forgot herself and threatened her father that she would call Vladimir for help. However, without the latter’s effective help, the girl, of course, could not do anything.

Therefore, when Dubrovsky was late with help for unknown reasons, she married the prince. In the finale, the heroine refuses to run away from her husband with him, explaining this act by saying that she cannot break her oath and break the moral law. This scene showed all the nobility and firmness of the girl who waited for help until the last minute. However, having become Princess Vereiskaya, she did not break her oath (Tatiana will do the same in the novel “Eugene Onegin”).


One of the most significant works in Pushkin’s work is the novel “Dubrovsky”. The story of Masha Troekurova is no less interesting than the intrigue associated with the adventures of the main character. You could even say that it turned out to be more believable and lifelike.

The author clearly borrowed the dramatic story of the noble robber from French novels that were popular at that time. However, the main character had a real prototype, and the story of a nobleman who was forced to become a robber served as the basis for the work. However, the life of Masha Troekurova is described very realistically, since her fate is a collective story of many provincial young ladies of the 19th century, which makes her image especially interesting for a reader interested in the lifestyle of Russian nobles.

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