Kharlamov broke up with Asmus because of his wife. Garik Kharlamov: “Yes, I’m dating Kristina Asmus

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Philip Kirkorov was unable to skate

The ninth season of the TV show “ glacial period" Ilya AVERBUKH and Alexander ZHULIN again brought eminent athletes onto the ice and famous artists. No less famous relatives came to cheer. And Garik KHARLAMOV worries about two people at once: his wife Kristina ASMUS and his friend Timur BATRUTDINOV.

Resident "Comedy Club" Garik Kharlamov was noticeably worried when his fragile wife Christina, like a doll, was spun in his hands and lifted in support by the titled figure skater Alexey Tikhonov. Garik wrung his hands and muttered something under his breath. After the performance, Christina approached her husband, and the couple began to kiss passionately. Then Kharlamov reached for his wallet.
“Go buy something to eat,” he told his wife, holding out two hundred-dollar bills. - I spent a lot of effort. We need to restore it.

TV presenter Alla Mikheeva literally fluttered around the ice rink. The white airy outfit clearly suited the woman. Close to your partner Maxim Marinin she looked fragile and feminine.
- Allochka, we love you very much! - admired from the jury box Tatiana Tarasova. - I watch all your programs.
Tatyana Anatolyevna did not yet know what surprise awaited the jury and the audience. Alla and Maxim famously skated their program, and at the end of the performance, a rain of... wine fell from the ceiling on Mikheeva. The red amber instantly spread throughout the room. Alla stood there, soaking wet.
- Oh, oh, oh... Ilyusha, quickly change the girl’s clothes! - Tarasova turned to the Averbukh.
Specially trained people then spent about 20 minutes struggling with a huge red spot on the ice, scraping it off with whatever they had to.

Galustyan has matured

The rules of the project generally remain the same,” Ilya Averbukh told us. - But it’s not about them, it’s about the participants. Our lineup this year is interesting. True, it’s a pity that some of the invited artists did not coincide with our schedules. For example, I couldn’t perform Irina Grineva. Participants we are with Sasha Zhulin selected based on recognition. We leafed through the press and looked at who was the most popular this year. I'm always interested in artists with tricks. I would like to see among the participants Kirkorov, he has his own trick. Philip tried to put on his skates, but immediately took them off.
“No, Ilya,” he said sadly, “it’s definitely not mine.”
At this point our training stopped.

- We have five or six strong couples, - Alexander Zhulin joined the conversation. - I don’t want to single out anyone yet. That's last year Yaglych And Kislov They seemed clumsy, but then they rolled! It also always made me happy Misha Galustyan. He was very original on the ice.
- So let him dance! Why did you put him on the jury?
- Misha has already grown a belly. He has other things to do now. But he also has his place on the jury.
An intimate conversation with Alexander Zhulin was interrupted by a ringing bark. There was a feeling that at least a dog sled was approaching us, and we retreated to the sides. But there was only one dog: Tatiana Tarasova’s poodle, Shurochka, loudly asked to come outside during a break in the filming of the program...

Under the leadership of AVERBUKH, workers Ice Palace CSKA carefully removed the red stain from the wine rain...

A new author's show of residents is launching on the TNT channel Comedy Club Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov. About the new project, personal life and the ubiquitous paparazzi, Garik Kharlamov told KP

I try to protect my parents from my creativity.

Many actors test their creativity on the people closest to them - parents, beloved women. Do you have this? Or do you rely only on your opinion?

If I tested all the jokes on my family, it seems to me that they would go somewhere far away from me (laughs). Of course, we have humor in our lives with our parents, but I try to limit them from such a flow.

I treat criticism normally when it is normal and adequate. Not when there is some direct insult, but to the point. Of course, I primarily accept criticism from my colleagues - people who understand what I do.

Yuri Stoyanov, in a recent interview, talked about the beginning of his collaboration with Ilya Oleynik. That they had grinding in at the first stage. It was important for everyone whose last name came first in the credits or title of the program. Do you have similar quarrels with Batrutdinov?

We went through this too. At first we also had quarrels and squabbles: who was telling what joke. Especially in KVN. Everyone wants to say something, stand out. And this, of course, is a complex process. Everyone has different tempers. But over time this all disappears. Now I already understand what it is kindergarten just.

How do you take harsh jokes towards yourself? What can hook or offend you?

It’s a shame when people are unfairly insulted, when they get personal. The most frustrating thing is that your message is, in principle, to make people laugh, to give pleasure, but sometimes the reaction is different. Let's say if you bake bread, everyone liked it, but one girl didn't like it. In this case, they don’t come to you, saying, you’re a beast, what did you feed me?! They may say: I didn’t like your bread. And that's okay. But getting personal and insulting is already low. That's why things like this hurt.

Steamer from Pavel Volya

Recently, a respected glossy TV guide published an article saying that you got married to actress Kristina Asmus (Garik is currently in divorce proceedings with his wife Yulia, but has already managed to find new love- star of the TV series “Interns” - Ed.)...

First of all, I have a negative attitude towards such statements, and this irritates me. Because this is nonsense and outright nonsense. I found out from my mother. My mother calls me and says: “Why didn’t you invite me to the wedding?” They also wrote there that Pasha Volya gave Christina and me a steamer for our wedding.

Then I ask Pasha, where is the steamer? (laughs.). Pasha says: “I’m such a miser! I just gave you a steamer for your wedding!” Where did the journalists get this wedding from?

All this time we were filming new episodes of Comedy Club for TNT; there was no time for weddings, actually.

So many things come up, and usually everything is presented to readers in a distorted form. Like, he and Christina met whole year, then he left his wife and she suffers. This is all untrue. I hate that people read this and believe it. After all, there are, for example, citizens who believe in the “Hour of Judgment” program. They think that everything there is real. And these same people, reading about my personal life, think that Kharlamov and Asmus really flew to the Maldives, and then had a wedding, where they were given a steamer.

I called this magazine and asked, where did you get the information about the wedding? The answer I received was: “A friend of our editor-in-chief was at this event.” Aaaah! Then the question is removed, then please. Let's assume that I'm pregnant, I'll soon have a daughter (laughs). Unfortunately, it is impossible to fight this.

That’s why you decided to write on Twitter, saying that you’ve been in a divorce for five months, no one took you away from your family, but you’re dating Kristina Asmus...

Yes, because only on Twitter I can write, like, guys, this is already beyond the limit. I had to speak out there when the attacks on Christina began...

Regarding my divorce, it seems to me that it is wrong for a man to make excuses in such a situation. I don't want to prove anything to anyone.

“No one is to blame for divorce”

You understand that for your fans the news that you are now free is just “Bingo!”

- (laughs.). Yes, but that’s not why it was done. This, unfortunately, is life. Millions are getting divorced and getting back together. Yes, this is happening to me now. I believe that no one is to blame for this. I don’t want to blame anyone for what didn’t work out for us, under no circumstances. It's just part of life.

Plus, I really don’t like putting my personal life on display. Therefore, when Christina and I were photographed by the paparazzi, it was terrible for me. I'm driving in the car, they take pictures of us from another car. They followed us for a very long time. Then my patience ran out, I jumped out of the car and ran towards them, because I wanted to figure out what it was. This is crazy, but unfortunately this happens all over the world. I began to understand famous people, who are constantly under such surveillance. Well, it’s okay, they’ll talk, they’ll talk, I think that’s where it’ll all end. I only feel sorry for the parents who, poor people, worry very much about this. But you just have to get over it.

- Now you are free. Are you not going to get married?

There are no such plans yet. There is no rush in this regard.

“I would like to play a serious role”

A few years ago, in an interview with KP, you said that the Comedy Club is changing in better side. Has anything changed in the humorous genre now?

I don’t know if anything has changed or should change. If anything has changed, it has become over time great amount humorous programs that never existed before. What happened before? KVN, “Full House”, “Town”, “ false mirror" That's all. "Full House" - for adults, for students - KVN, for both - "Gorodok". And rightly so. After all, time goes by. And television is developing. Now there is a Comedy Club. Why did it blow up like that? Because for the audience for which the Comedy Club was invented, there was nothing at all. No one spoke to them in their language, no one spoke: the iPad came out, the Internet. In other programs they joked only about “perestroika,” which no one remembers a long time ago. Or on student topics, without opening the curtain. And of course, Comedy Club was something new. Therefore such big success. Now there is a huge amount of this on every channel. Now the viewer himself chooses what to watch, what he likes, what he doesn’t like. Everyone has their own fans. This is amazing. This is evolution. New round. And in in this case new project“HB” is our common dream with Timur to create our own separate show. These are our fantasies that had no place within the framework Comedy show Club. In "HB" the humor is light, reckless, we experiment, some things are for adults, age category the audience will be quite harsh, but the youth will laugh. This is not intellectual humor, our program will be on quite late, on Fridays at 23.00.

The famous showman Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov broke up with Christina Asmus, who was tired of his scandalous showdown with his wife. Kharlamov can't get official divorce from his ex-wife, which demands 300 million from her ex-husband, furniture, equipment and paintings. Meanwhile, Asmus began to feel burdened by the role of a homewrecker and left Kharlamov.

The media are excited about new gossip about the personal life of showman Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov - it turns out that he is not only divorcing his wife with a scandal and dividing the pots, but also broke up with his latest passion - the star of "Interns" Kristina Asmus.

In general, Kharlamov clearly has no luck with women, and, according to his ill-wishers, the Comedy Club resident himself, who is too fickle in relationships, is to some extent to blame for such fatal bad luck.

The fact is that whirlwind romance Asmus Kharlamov got involved with the beauty, being not only officially married, but even married to his wife Yulia Leshchenko.

Now the offended wife is trying to sue Garik for almost three hundred million rubles, and is also dividing kitchen utensils and furniture. In addition, Yulia is trying to obtain Kharlamov’s surname through the court, regretting that she did not take care of this earlier.

Kharlamov resists because, in his opinion, since his wife did not work, she has no rights to his money. Julia appeals to the court, assuring that she devoted all the years of marriage to her husband, completely forgetting about herself, and for this she is entitled to compensation.

The spouses are actively suing, filing counterclaims against each other, and there is no end in sight. In any case, there is no official decision on divorce yet, although it is clear that in the heat of a quarrel so much has been said to each other that there is no talk of any reconciliation.

Yulia, according to her lawyers, is ready to let her husband go only after suing half of the money her husband earned during the marriage (about 300 million), as well as property that is dear to her in the form of kitchen utensils and household appliances for one and a half million rubles, a sofa, cabinet and coffee table for 1.2 million, and expensive curtains for 50 thousand rubles. In addition, the offended wife intends to sue her ex-husband for a painting by artist Shilov worth one and a half million rubles.

Having received what she required, Yulia may leave Russia, since according to media reports the girl received some tempting offer from abroad, for the implementation of which and for a comfortable life she needs money.

As for relationships, the actress is tired of feeling sideways glances at herself for dating married man, and in general is actually a “homewrecker”. Concerned about her reputation and career, Christina decided to break off relations with Kharlamov at least until he received an official divorce and became free. Materials used from the portal

Video: wedding of Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Leshchenko from official group in Vkontakte".

December 16, 2016

The comedian told why he loves his wife.

Kristina Asmus has been married to Garik Kharlamov for three years. During this time, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. The actress rarely publishes on the microblog family photos and shares details of her personal life with fans, but her husband often gifts his beloved with bouquets of flowers and gladly confesses his feelings to her. In a recent interview, Kharlamov admitted that he fell in love with his eyes. “I’ll say banal things: a man loves with his eyes. Same thing about my wife: I liked her hair, eyes, nose, ears, hands, incredible legs. In short, I liked everything!” — Garik recalled with a smile the moment he met Christina. The comedian said that there is no place for jealousy in their couple, since the showman does not pay attention to other women.

“I only pay attention to my wife, period,” he shared in an interview with Maxim magazine. Let us remember that Kharlamov was previously married to an employee of one of the capital’s clubs, Yulia Leshchenko. Unfortunately, the couple's marriage broke up due to the lack of children. According to the Comedy Club resident, it was in his relationship with Christina that Asmus Garik found true family happiness.

“What he does on screen is his image. In real life, he doesn’t look even two percent like his on-screen self. He is a different person - serious, wise, educated, well-read, very erudite. He is, of course, the master in our house. And it seems to me that he does his job, creating an image on stage, simply wonderful. But, of course, we have enough time at home for humor and jokes, but these are jokes not below the belt, not the kind that are often heard on the air,” the actress said about her husband in one of her recent interviews.

In the next issue of Comedy Club Garik Kharlamov decided to ask his wife in detail about what she does in her free time from raising her daughter. Do not miss! November 18 at 21.00 on TNT

Residents' wives often visit their husbands at work. Practically, Garik Martirosyan’s wife Zhanna does not miss a single episode of Comedy, Demis Karibidis’s wife Pelageya often appears among the guests, Pasha Volya’s wife Laysan Utyasheva came a couple of times, and finally, it was Christina Asmus’s turn. The actress spoke about latest news from his creative life. For example, that she recently starred in a new video of the Jukebox trio, not alone, but together with Panufnik. This mysterious word made me very alarmed Comedy host Club, and part-time Christina’s husband, Garik Kharlamov. Not being an ardent fan of “DANCES” on TNT, he had no idea what Panufnik was, assuming that it was ancient pagan holiday. Volya came to the rescue and explained that Panufnik is an animate object - namely, the winner of the show “DANCE. Battle of the Seasons." It seems that Garik has calmed down, but how the conflict developed outside the Comedy Club remains unknown.

But it is known for sure that the next World Cup will be held in 2018 in Russia. True, judging by the national team’s past friendly matches, the chances of successful performance very small. Representatives of children's education will come to visit the residents football club“Football”, whose task is to prepare a team to win the world championship in 2038. By the way, this team already includes the children of some Comedy residents, for example, Garik Martirosyan’s son Daniel.

Next on stage will appear Comedy residents Club. The greatness of our country, if you look at it from London, was remembered by the Yekaterinburg nugget Alexander Nezlobin, the traffic cop Kozhoma stopped the automobile activist Pyshnenko on the highway and very much regretted it, the St. Petersburg trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev” will talk about the difficulties of the transition, or what on actually happens to the subscriber after he switches to another operator.

Immediately after the premiere episode of Comedy Club, another semi-final “Comedy Battle”. It has finally become known that this battle season will be the last in the history of the show. Sergei Svetlakov's place on the jury was taken by Ruslan Bely, who was joined by Semyon Slepakov and Yulia Akhmedova. They will decide who will make it to the finals and compete for 7 million rubles. Among the contenders for winning is the Komsa trio with an incredibly bold and poignant number about a competition of Putin's doubles, Ossetian Khetag Khugaev with a stand-up about how he is going to become a Muscovite, a man with stone-faced named Vanya will tell you why he absolutely needs to get into the women's restroom, one of the winners of last season Zoya Yarovitsyna explained why women go into politics, and musical duet"Neighbors" will sing a song about strong male friendship and love at the Grushinsky festival.

Spend your Friday evening on TNT
21.00 Comedy Club
22.00 “Comedy Battle”

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