Interactive learning – modern methods of acquiring knowledge. “Interactive technologies in preschool education Interactive lesson in preschool

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Interactivity inter - between active from act - to act, action Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person). Consequently, interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of the student with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience.

The main objectives of training and education are the development of children's initiative, independence, cognitive motivation; -Formation of the ability to learn and independently obtain information; -Integrated content of working with children; -Partnership relationships between children and adults; -Active involvement of the child in society, etc.

Advantages of interactive learning - it solves the information problem, since it provides children with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities; - develops general educational skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, etc., that is, provides solutions to educational problems; - provides an educational task, since it teaches you to work in a team, listen to other people’s opinions; - relaxation, relieving nervous stress, switching attention , change of forms of activity, etc.

Developmental learning technologies - problem-based learning technologies, project activities - case technologies - TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) - multi-level learning technologies - game technologies - integrated lesson - ICT technologies - environmental variability, the presence of different spaces, ensuring children's free choice and others Interactive technologies - a tool for the professional activity of a teacher

The results of interactive learning activate the individual intellectual activity of each preschooler; interest and desire to participate in work increases; the ability to express one’s opinion and defend it; interpersonal relationships develop, children learn to overcome communication barriers in communication (stiffness, uncertainty, a situation of success is created); conditions are created for self-education and self-development of the personality of each child.

“Cluster” Cluster translated from English (cluster) means a bunch, a brush. A cluster is a method that helps you think freely and openly about a topic. This is a non-linear form of thinking. The breakdown into clusters is very simple. 1. Write a keyword or sentence in the center of the sheet. 2. Start writing down words and sentences that come to mind in connection with this topic. 3. As ideas come to you, start making connections. 4. Write down as many ideas as come to mind in the allotted time. The breakdown into clusters is a flexible structure; it can be carried out both in a group and individually, depending on the purpose of the lesson.

“Cluster” A picture depicting a key word is posted on the board and children are asked to name words related to this word. This method can be used both in a group and individually with each child, who is offered several pictures and finds a connection between them. WINTER Christmas tree skating rink New Year skiing holiday Santa Claus snowman sled gifts

Cinquain 1st line: Topic in one word (usually a noun) 2nd line: Description of the topic in two words (two adjectives) 3rd line: Description of the action within the framework of this topic (three verbs or gerunds) 4th line: Attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions (phrase of four words) Line 5: Repetition of the essence of the topic in one word (synonym of the topic) MOTHER Kind, beloved Cares, loves, feeds I love my mother! KINDNESS translated from French – 5 lines. Cinquain is a blank (unrhymed) verse that helps synthesize information.

Basket method basketball (basket) method of teaching based on imitation of situations. basket Basket method allows you to assess a child’s ability to work with information and the ability to make decisions based on available information. The basketball method evaluates and develops the ability to analyze, systematize and select the most important factors and their classification, taking into account importance and urgency, to formulate ways to solve various problems.

Brownian movement Goal: development of skills to transform and enter into an unusual role. Goal: developing the skills to transform and take on an unusual role. All participants, at the command of the leader, begin to move in a chaotic order, imitating animals (elephant, monkey, hare, etc.) All participants, at the command of the leader, begin to move in a chaotic order, imitating animals (elephant, monkey, hare, etc. .)

Analysis of practical situations is a method of teaching decision-making skills; its goal is to teach children to analyze information, identify key problems, create alternative solutions, evaluate them, choose the optimal solution and formulate action programs.

Interactive board The interactive board significantly expands the possibilities of presenting information and allows you to increase the child’s motivation. Methods of using an interactive whiteboard in joint activities between a teacher and children in kindergarten can only be limited by imagination. With the help of an interactive whiteboard, learning for preschool children becomes more attractive and exciting.

Interactive table A sensory interactive developmental table helps to attract the child’s attention and interest in the learning process, develops motor skills, and introduces the child to computer technology. The children's sensory table can be used both for a group of children and individually. The desk technology allows multiple users to simultaneously interact with the sensor, creating an atmosphere for teamwork.

Projectors Using a projector allows you to make full use of your computer's capabilities. The image on the projector screen compares favorably with traditional forms of visualization: it is large, bright and can be perceived by a large number of people at the same time. An interactive sandbox is a box with sand, equipped with a computer, special sensors, a projector, and developed software. A depth sensor connected to a computer measures the distance to the sand, a special program processes the data received from the sensor and sends commands to the projector with what color to highlight a specific area of ​​the sandbox. Real textures of water bodies, mountains and other surfaces are projected onto the sand. Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural child activity. An interactive sandbox allows children to show their imagination, create, and create their own world. Children enjoy “drawing” in the sand in a special mode. It has been proven that playing with sand has a positive effect on the emotional state of children, helps get rid of psychological trauma, develop imagination, and facilitate the functioning of the psyche. Playing with sand gives the child the opportunity to express himself and at the same time be himself. They can be used as a method of corrective action in the presence of emotional disorders of a neurotic nature, and as an auxiliary method that helps reduce tension and develop sensorimotor skills.

LEGO constructors. Robotics. Mastering work-construction skills for preschoolers occurs in several stages: 1. familiarization with the construction set and assembly instructions, studying the technology of connecting parts. 2. At the second stage, we learn to assemble simple structures based on a model. 3. Assembling complex models and connecting them to motors.

Interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions are distinguished by the fact that learning takes place in the process of equal dialogical communication, and the content of educational material is for joint search and solution of educational problems. Such interactive technologies in preschool education can model the content of professional activities and effectively contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills, and competencies. It is possible to include interactive educational technologies in preschool education, in almost all educational areas, and also to design taking into account interactive methods.

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Interactive technologies in preschool education: specific application

When organizing direct educational activities using interactive technologies in preschool education for the development of preschool children, there are several technological and psychological features. Naturally, it is impossible to take training or brainstorming and its methodology without processing it, without changing it, and apply it to working with preschool children. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of thinking, the peculiarities of perception of information, and the activity of preschool children. At the first stage, it is necessary to immerse the child in the plot of direct educational activities. For example, by creating gaming motivation through developmental conversations, they will help them cope with the task. Further, at the main stage, the child’s mental process is included in the activity, perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech, imagination are included, therefore, interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions work.

Interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions: project method

Many practitioners use a method called the project method. This method involves close interaction, and it can be said that it is probably the most accessible for preschool children, because creating something together is impossible without interactive interaction. In general, to say that in preschool childhood interactivity is something new, purely innovative, will not be entirely true, because it is impossible to organize education with children in any other way, except through active interaction with them. Also, other interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions are also available to one degree or another for preschoolers, for example, brainstorming.

Interactive technologies in preschool education: brainstorming method

Elements of brainstorming can be used to develop fantasy and imagination and to emancipate the minds of children. Here you can show children that one problem has many different solutions, and each is correct, possible, but only for its specific conditions. You can teach children not to be afraid to express their thoughts, remove the fear of criticism and the fear of making mistakes. You can teach to listen to your comrades, and also to respect your own and other people’s opinions; you can use these methods to make friends with a group of preschoolers. You can also raise the status of a timid child, you can make him more courageous and relaxed if you pay attention to his decisions, even if they are not strong enough. You can teach children positive criticism using interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions. Of course, rather, if we talk about the use of these methods, we should talk about older preschoolers.

Advantages of using interactive technologies in preschool education:

If we begin to introduce such interactive teaching methods in preschool educational institutions from a very early age, then we will come to the point that a person, as he develops, will carry within himself the grain of interactive methods. All the design features of these methods will appear in later life. This will help the child effectively establish interactions in any area of ​​his activity, be a good conversationalist and be able to perceive information, and also teach him to independently work through, process and use information, and use interactive technologies in preschool education.

Application of interactive methods to work with adult participants in the preschool educational process. You can also use interactive ones when working with parents to activate them, to show them the features of your work. You can, if you are the head of an educational institution, organize your pedagogical councils in this way; this will be perhaps more effective than simply transmitting information using classical methods.

Gaming technologies are successfully used in the field of education. Previously, they were mainly used in elementary grades, but now teachers insist on the need for regular use of innovative gaming technologies in kindergarten.

Interactivity presupposes the ability to interact with people and technology in the mode of dialogue and conversation. It is a form of cognitive activity that is entirely based on the psychology of human interactions and relationships. The technology of playful learning in kindergarten helps to attract the attention of children and arouse their interest in learning about the world around them.

Why use interactive technologies in kindergartens?

Interactive educational technologies in preschool children's institutions are necessary for the development of communication skills of preschool children. It helps children strengthen interpersonal relationships, overcome stiffness and uncertainty by creating a situation of success. As a result, conditions are formed that are necessary for the development of the child’s need to constantly develop.

Basic interactive technologies for preschool educational institutions

Since kindergartens are attended by small children, it is necessary to use not particularly complex technologies. Modern gaming technologies in kindergarten include:

  • "Work in pairs." This form allows children to develop communication skills, work together on tasks, and negotiate.
  • "Round dance". As part of this exercise, the teacher, using an object, teaches children to take turns completing a task. This technology is necessary to teach children not to interrupt their friends and to listen carefully to the answers.
  • “Chain” involves the sequential solution of one task by each of the participants. To achieve a common goal, the guys have to communicate with each other and offer different options for solving tasks.
  • "Carousel" is used to organize work in pairs. It helps to develop cooperation skills and mutual assistance.
  • "Tree of Knowledge". As part of this exercise, the teacher hangs sheets with pictures, tasks and diagrams on a tree. Children are divided into groups and complete tasks. After this, one child demonstrates the results of the group’s work, and the rest analyze them and give an assessment.
  • "Big Circle" The goal of this technology of playful learning in kindergarten is to teach every child to speak out, develop communication skills, and draw conclusions.

The impact of computerization on the interactive learning system

Innovative gaming technologies in kindergarten are often organized using computer technology. Technical means help speed up the transfer of social experience to a child, improve the quality of learning, and develop children’s motivation for cognitive activity.

Only computer classes should be conducted no more than 3 times a week. Their duration should be no more than once a day. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect, having a negative impact on the health of children.

Is there an alternative to computers in preschool educational institutions?

Recently, computers have been inferior to modern gaming technologies in kindergarten. Interactive panels are increasingly being used. They are very convenient to use during the educational process. The panels work without projectors. They are based on large LCD monitors. As a result, good quality of the equipment is guaranteed. The image it produces is excellent. Interactive panels are manufactured in two modifications, with different mounting methods. The monitor can be wall-mounted, or it can have a rolling stand, thanks to which it can be easily transported from one group to another.

The interactive panel is equipped with a built-in PC, which helps to demonstrate illustrative material to children and take digital notes. To do this, just touch the panel with your finger. Innovative gaming technologies in kindergarten with an installed interactive panel become more interesting and accessible. Especially for this, there is a whole collection of interactive games that allow you to simulate this or that real-life situation. The use of interactive technologies at this level allows children to socialize faster.

Is it worth using modern gaming technologies in kindergarten?

Interactive technologies are indispensable in a modern preschool. Today's children actively use computer technology and play educational games from a young age. Therefore, the explanatory and illustrative method, which was previously actively used in educational institutions of any type, is absolutely irrelevant for them.

It is possible to interest a child and involve him in the process of actively learning about the world around him only with the help of play-based learning technology in kindergarten. This is necessary in order to develop in the child the qualities necessary for cognitive activity: attentiveness, activity, and the ability to work in a team. Without these properties, it will be difficult for the child to continue studying in secondary school. Modern computer technology, which provides for the active influence of the child and virtual reality, can help to master new knowledge.

Teachers need to actively introduce modern interactive educational technologies into the learning process in order to keep up with the times.

At present, with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, there is a need to modernize the content and structure of all areas of preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational Standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and their introduction that became the impetus for the introduction of interactive learning and interactive technologies into the work of preschool institutions. The article reveals the essence of interactive learning and presents interactive technologies.




At present, with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, there is a need to modernize the content and structure of all areas of preschool education. This is reflected in the new educational Standards. It was the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and their introduction that became the impetus for the introduction of interactive learning and interactive technologies into the work of preschool institutions.

First, you need to figure out what “interactive learning” is?

In pedagogy, there are several teaching models:

1) passive - the student acts as an “object” of learning (listens and watches)

2) active - the student acts as a “subject” of learning (independent work, creative tasks)

3) interactive - inter (mutual), act (act). The concept of interactive learning is “a type of information exchange between students and the surrounding information environment.” The learning process is carried out in conditions of constant, active interaction of all students. The student and the teacher are equal subjects of learning.

The use of interactive technologies allows us to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity.

Term "interactive technologies"can be considered in two meanings: technologies built on interaction with and through a computer and organized interaction directly between children and the teacher without the use of a computer.

The introduction of computer technologies in a new and entertaining form for preschoolers helps solve problems of speech, mathematical, environmental, aesthetic development, and also helps to develop memory, imagination, creativity, spatial orientation skills, logical and abstract thinking. The use of an interactive learning model eliminates the dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea.

The use of interactive technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions presupposes the presence of interactive equipment.These are computers, interactive whiteboards, multimedia equipment and much more.In addition to equipping the institution with this equipment, it also requires trained teaching staff capable of combining traditional teaching methods and modern interactive technologies.

A teacher must not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources and widely use them in his teaching activities.

Let's consider the second direction of interactive learning - this is organized interaction directly between children and the teacher without the use of a computer. There are a huge number of such interactive learning technologies. Each teacher can independently come up with new forms of working with children.

The introduction of interactive technologies into work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

II junior group– work in pairs, round dance;

Middle group – work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;

Senior group – work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (threes), aquarium;

Preparatory group for school– work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (triples), aquarium, large circle, tree of knowledge.

Let us give a description of each technology.

"Work in pairs"

Children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and perform work together. Interactive learning in pairs helps develop cooperation skills in a private communication situation.

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, because Children cannot complete the task one by one on their own. The teacher, with the help of an object, teaches children to complete a task one by one, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other. The interactive technology “Round Dance” promotes the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children.


The interactive technology “Chain” helps preschool children begin to develop the ability to work in a team. The basis of this technology is the consistent solution of one problem by each participant. Having a common goal, one common result creates an atmosphere of empathy and mutual assistance, forces you to communicate with each other, and offer options for solving the task.


This technology is being introduced to organize work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this

stimulates communication between children. The interactive technology “Carousel” develops in a child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance and cooperation skills.


At the stage of consolidating or generalizing knowledge, summing up the results of the work, the interactive technology “Interview” is used. Thanks to the use of this technology, children actively develop dialogic speech, which encourages them to interact “adult-child”, “child-child”.

“Work in small groups” (threes)

In the interactive learning mode, preference is given to groups of preschoolers of three people. The use of group work technology “in threes” makes it possible for all children to work in class. The guys learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, communicate, and help each other. The principle of cooperation in the learning process becomes the leading one.


“Aquarium” is a form of dialogue when children are asked to discuss a problem “in front of the public.” The interactive technology "Aquarium" is that several children act out a situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze. What benefits does this technique give to preschoolers? The opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thoughts, how they resolve an impending conflict, how they argue their ideas.

"Big Circle"

The “Big Circle” technology is a technology that allows each child to speak out and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem.

"Tree of Knowledge"

For the child to successfully master communicative activities, the “Tree of Knowledge” technology is being introduced. It develops communication skills, the ability to negotiate, and solve common problems. The teacher draws up leaflets - pictures or diagrams and hangs them on the tree in advance. Children come to an agreement, unite in small groups, complete the task, and one child talks about how they completed the task, and the children listen, analyze and give an assessment.

Case technologies

Case technologies include: the method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations, situational tasks and exercises; case stages; case illustrations; photo cases); incident method; method of situational role-playing games; method of parsing business correspondence; game design; discussion method. The essence of case technology is the analysis of a problem situation. Analysis, as a logical operation of thinking, contributes to the child’s speech development, “since speech is a form of existence of thinking, there is unity between speech and thinking” (S.L. Rubinstein). In the process of mastering case technologies, children: learn to obtain the necessary information in communication; the ability to relate one’s aspirations to the interests of others; learn to prove their point of view, argue an answer, formulate a question, participate in a discussion; learn to defend their point of view; ability to accept help.

Case technologies develop children’s communication skills: children develop teamwork skills; ability to conduct dialogue with adults and peers; develops the ability to respond adequately in emerging conflict situations; interaction with the child’s life and play is ensured; learn to apply independently, without the help of an adult, the acquired knowledge in real life without difficulty.

In conclusion, we can say that interactive technologies allow you to successfully solve problems: develop free communication with adults and children; develop all components of children’s oral speech; contribute to students’ practical mastery of speech norms.

The use of interactive technologies in direct educational activities relieves the nervous load of preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, and switch attention to the issues of the topic of the lesson.

Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, promising direction in pedagogy. It helps to realize all the possibilities of preschool children, taking into account their psychological capabilities. The use of interactive technology makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults, and encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations.

"Interactive technologies in preschool education"

The introduction of interactive pedagogical technologies into the educational process is aimed at developing the integrative qualities of preschoolers, mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them in accordance with the tasks set by modern Federal educational state standards

What is interactive learning technology?

The definition itself is related to the concept of “interactive”. Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person).

Interactive, according to B.Ts. Badmaev, is such training, which is based on the psychology of human relationships and interactions.

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive


The essence of interactive learning is that almost all children are involved in the learning process.

Interactive technology is aimed at developing new qualities and skills in preschoolers:

The individual intellectual activity of each preschooler is activated;

Interpersonal relationships develop, children learn to overcome communication barriers (stiffness, uncertainty), a situation of success is created;

Conditions are created for self-education and self-development of the personality of each child

The introduction of interactive technologies into work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

II junior group - work in pairs, round dance;

Middle group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;

Senior group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (triples), aquarium;

Preparatory group for school - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel, interview, work in small groups (threes), aquarium, large circle, tree of knowledge.

Let us give a description of each technology.

"Work in pairs"

Children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and perform work together. Interactive learning in pairs helps develop cooperation skills in a private communication situation.

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, because Children cannot complete the task one by one on their own. The teacher, with the help of an object, teaches children to complete a task one by one, thereby developing in them such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

The interactive technology “Round Dance” promotes the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children.


The interactive technology “Chain” helps preschool children begin to develop the ability to work in a team.

The basis of this technology is the consistent solution of one problem by each participant. Having a common goal, one common result creates an atmosphere of empathy and mutual assistance, forces you to communicate with each other, and offer options for solving the task.


This technology is being introduced to organize work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this

stimulates communication between children.

The interactive technology “Carousel” develops in a child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance and cooperation skills.


At the stage of consolidating or generalizing knowledge, summing up the results of the work, the interactive technology “Interview” is used.

Thanks to the use of this technology, children actively develop dialogical speech, which encourages them to interact “adult-

child", "child-child".

“Work in small groups” (threes)

In the interactive learning mode, preference is given to groups of preschoolers of three people. The use of group work technology “in threes” makes it possible for all children to work in class.

The guys learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, communicate, and help each other. The principle of cooperation in the learning process becomes the leading one.


“Aquarium” is a form of dialogue when children are asked to discuss a problem “in front of the public.” The interactive technology "Aquarium" is that several children act out a situation in a circle, and the rest observe and analyze.

What benefits does this technique give to preschoolers?

The opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else’s thought, how they resolve an emerging conflict, how they argue for their thoughts.

"Big Circle"

Big Circle technology is a technology that allows everyone

the child can speak out and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem.

The use of interactive technologies in direct educational activities relieves the nervous load of preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, and switch attention to the issues of the topic of the lesson.

Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, promising direction in pedagogy. It helps to realize all the possibilities of preschool children, taking into account their psychological capabilities. The use of interactive technology makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults, and encourages children to actively interact in the system of social relations. L.A. Popova. “Interactive forms of working with preschool children

Children's interactive games

The question of choosing this method when working with preschoolers is debatable. In our opinion, the possibility of its use in kindergarten depends on the preparedness of the teacher, first of all, on mastery of the features of this technique. Of course, it is impossible to analyze all aspects of the problem in a short article. The author’s task is to expand the educator’s understanding of the specifics of using the interactive game method in working with preschoolers.

Let's start with a short excursion into the history of the issue. The concept of “interactive” came to us from the English language (interactive: inter - between, between; active from act - to act, action). It means the ability to interact, have a conversation, dialogue with someone. In contrast to active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of preschoolers not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of preschoolers’ activity in the learning process.

The role of the teacher in an interactive game practically comes down to directing the children’s activities to achieve their goals and developing a lesson plan.

The main thing in organizing an interactive game with preschoolers is to create conditions for them to gain meaningful experience in social behavior. By interactive play we mean not just the interaction of preschool children with each other and the teacher, but jointly organized cognitive activity with a social orientation. In such a game, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand themselves and others, and gain their own experience.

There are many options for interactive games, but the way they are played is quite universal and is based on the following algorithm:

  1. Teacher selection of tasks and exercises for a group of children. (It is possible to conduct a preparatory lesson.)
  2. Preschoolers are introduced to the problem to be solved and the goal to be achieved. The problem and purpose of the task must be clearly and clearly formulated by the teacher, so that children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and uselessness of what they are going to do. Children are informed about the rules of the game and given clear instructions.
  3. During the game, children interact with each other to achieve the goal. If some stages cause difficulties, the teacher corrects the preschoolers’ actions.
  4. At the end of the game (after a short pause designed to relieve tension), the results are analyzed and the results are summed up. The analysis consists of focusing on the emotional aspect - on the feelings that the preschoolers experienced, and discussing the content aspect (what they liked, what caused difficulty, how the situation developed, what actions the participants took, what the result was).

It is important that children enjoy the game by trying themselves in a new situation. An interactive game should not be confused with a role-playing and business game. Role-playing is essentially like theater: in it, solving a problem is not the main thing; the main thing is that there are those who play roles and observers. During the business game, professional skills are formed on the basis of acquired experience and personal qualities.

We bring to your attention several options for interactive games for children of middle and senior groups.

Option 1. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip”
Before the game, a preparatory lesson is held, during which children become familiar with the text of a Russian folk tale and discuss what they have read.

Issues for discussion

  1. What is a turnip? (Turnip is a vegetable that is grown in the garden.)
  2. Why couldn't the grandfather single-handedly pull the turnip out of the ground? (The turnip grew very large, and one person was unable to pull it out of the ground.)
  3. Who helped grandfather? (Grandfather was helped by his grandmother, granddaughter, Zhuchka the dog, cat and mouse.)
  4. What does a fairy tale teach? (Only together can we accomplish even a very difficult task.)

The teacher invites the children to color the illustrations for the fairy tale.

To play the game, you need to form two or three teams of six to seven children, prepare in advance several identical sets of cards depicting the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip,” pencils, felt-tip pens, and plasticine.

The teacher clearly formulates the task. In the next room on the table there is a painted (modeled from plasticine or clay) or real turnip. Each child takes turns going into the next room and remembering the fairy tale; then everyone works together to create a mosaic, arranging the characters as they acted in the fairy tale. (Teams are given a set of cards depicting heroes. Each player chooses one hero and places him on the table depending on how he acted in the fairy tale.)

The teacher warns children about the need to comply with the following conditions:

  • work no longer than 10 minutes;
  • You can communicate only through facial expressions and gestures (non-verbal).

After completing the task, the teacher suggests moving on to the next stage of the game: each player must “create” an object that is in the next room (draw, make a turnip).
At the end of the game, the preschoolers, together with the teacher, analyze the results of the work (they talk about what worked, what didn’t, whether everyone coped with the task, who found it difficult, why).

Option 2. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok” (the game algorithm is the same)
Before the game starts, we conduct a preparatory lesson in which children remember (or become familiar with) the text of a Russian folk tale and discuss what they read.
Issues for discussion

  1. Where was the tower? (In field.)
  2. Who was the first to live in a mansion? (Little mouse.)
  3. Which of the animals lived in the tower? (Mouse-norushka, frog-frog, bunny-runner, fox-sister, spinning top-gray barrel.)
  4. Why did the bear climb onto the roof? (The bear could not fit into the tower, since it is very large.)

Then the children are asked to color the illustrations for the fairy tale (the selection of illustrations for coloring is carried out by the teacher)

Then they move on to the next stage of the interactive game “Teremok” (see option 1).
After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to build their own tower (the material is prepared in advance by the teacher himself or brought by the children). At the end of the game, just like in option 1, the results are analyzed.

Using interactive games in teaching preschoolers, the teacher faces the problems of motivating participants (preschooler’s interest, “falling out” of the game, etc.), development and use of this method in teaching and educating preschoolers (game development, methodological literature, teacher qualifications, etc.) .

Option 3. Interactive game “Pet”
As usual, before the game, a preparatory lesson is held, during which children are introduced to the selected animal (in our case, a chicken) through various types of art, asked to guess riddles, name Russian folk tales, remember cartoons, poems, ditties, tongue twisters, and the main character. which is chicken.

He appeared in a yellow fur coat.
Goodbye, two shells! (Chick.)
The white round lay there for a long time,
Suddenly it crackled... (Egg and chicken.)
There was a white house
Wonderful house
And something knocked inside him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy
And gold. (Egg and chicken.)
I wake everyone up on time
At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster.)
Gets up before everyone else
“Ku-ka-re-ku!” - sings. (Rooster.)

The teacher reads K. Chukovsky’s poem “Chicken” and asks which chicken the poem is about.

I had a beautiful hen.
Oh, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,

She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.
And when he manages, he sits at the gate -
He will tell a fairy tale, sing a song.

Children are read the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen” and asked what it is about. Then the children are introduced to the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken". They offer to answer the questions: “How did the chicken behave? Why? Who consoled him?
“Once upon a time there lived a chicken. He was small. Here it is.
But he thought that he was very big, and raised his head importantly. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.
His mother fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.
One day the Black Cat attacked my mother and drove her away from the yard. And there was a Black Cat like this.
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big rooster flew up onto the fence, stretched his neck like this. And he shouted at the top of his lungs: “Crow!” And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daredevil? Aren’t I great?” The chicken really liked it. He also craned his neck. Like this. And with all his strength he squealed: “Pi-pi-pi-pi! I'm a daredevil too! I’m great too!” But he tripped and fell into a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed: “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from being a rooster! And there was a frog like this.
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity and caressed him. Like this".

Then the teacher moves on to the next stage of the interactive game, the purpose of which is to diversify children’s ideas about a pet, teach them to see a living creature in different aspects. Children (half the group) are placed near a table on which there are colored and white paper, scissors, glue, plasticine, and construction kit parts.

The task is to jointly create the image of a chicken. Children should not communicate verbally with each other. Depending on the readiness of the children, the teacher can make changes to the game. If preschoolers find it difficult to complete a task, they are asked to determine who wants to create which part of the bird and from what material (make legs from plasticine, cut out wings from paper, assemble a head and body from construction kit parts). The teacher’s task is not to invent anything for the children, but only to direct their imagination in a creative direction.

After finishing the work, the children share their impressions and evaluate the results of their work. The second group of preschoolers must guess what was created by the children of the first group.
Option 4. Interactive game “Forest Animal”

Before the start of the game, a preparatory lesson is held, during which preschoolers are introduced to the selected animal (in this case, a squirrel), they are asked to guess riddles, listen to a fragment of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” by A.S. Pushkin and the fairy tale by L.N.

Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf".
Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a cone at the kids
And into the bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light? (Squirrel.)
I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest,
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel.)
You and I recognized the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *

Next, the children are read a fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy’s “The Squirrel and the Wolf” and offer to answer the questions: “What did you learn about squirrels from this fairy tale? How did the squirrel behave when it encountered a wolf?
“The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.

Wolf said:
“Okay, I’ll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful.” I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re up there all playing and jumping.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and said from there:
“You’re bored because you’re angry.” Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.”

In conclusion, the teacher reads a poem about squirrel, written by an unknown author especially for children; asks what qualities distinguish squirrels from other forest animals.

Who plays burners there?
These are red squirrels:
Golden fur coats,
The tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, naughty girls

They carry pine cones into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hostesses.

In this case, an interactive game acts as a tool that allows you to significantly diversify the form of knowledge of the surrounding reality. Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a cone at the kids
And into the bushes through a stump
Flashed like a light? (Squirrel.)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest,
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel.)
You and I recognized the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *
Know that this is not a trifle: a spruce in the forest, a squirrel under the spruce,

The squirrel sings songs and gnaws all the nuts,

And the nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden,
The cores are pure emerald...A.S. Pushkin

Who plays burners there?
These are red squirrels:
Golden fur coats,
The tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, naughty girls

They carry pine cones into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hostesses

tell friends