Interesting scenarios for a mass event at a camp. Scenarios of events for children's camp - games, opening and closing of shifts, etc.

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Musical kaleidoscope. Script for
I. Opening remarks.
Leading. Hello guys!
Do you love music?
What does music consist of? (from notes)
How many notes are there? (seven notes)
These seven notes make up the scale. Our task is to compose this scale.
To do this you need to complete seven tasks. Are you ready?
For each correct answer you will receive a music token. That,
Whoever collects the most tokens is the winner. We answer,
just by raising your hand. Your teachers will be my assistants. They
They will tell you which of you raised your hand first.
II. Competition program.
1. Competition “Guess the melody”.
You need to guess 10 melodies. (I hang up a note)
2. Competition “Sing a song based on the proposed picture.”
I will show pictures: raspberries, school, clock, apple. According to them the participants
must remember and sing a few lines of songs.
3. Competition "Song according to a hint."
The third note is in front of you,
Guess the songs yourself.
Teams need to sing a song according to the prompt:
1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat
(“If it takes a long time...”).
2. A song about a spirit who lived in a swamp and helped build a flying ship
(“I am a merman, I am a merman...”).
3. A song about a strange toy that no one noticed (“I was once
strange, wooden toy...").
4. A song about an African island where life is easy and simple

4. Competition “Auction of songs with names.”
The fourth note is in front of you,
It is dedicated to songs with names.
Teams must perform 12 lines from songs in which
any name is mentioned.
5. Competition "Changes".
Here's the fifth note
And a new job awaits you.
It's the turn of the changelings,
Guess 'em, people!
You must give an answer: what song is “hiding” behind the changeling?
1. The pink truck is flying and oscillating. (The blue carriage runs and sways.)
2. Blizzard told him a poem: get up, cactus, hum.
(The snowstorm sang a song to her: sleep, Christmas tree, bye bye.)
3. There were locusts lying on the tree. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.)
4. Past the black peach of the sun. (Past the white apple of the moon...)
5. “Let motorists walk deftly on dry asphalt” (“Let them run
clumsy pedestrians through puddles")
6. “It’s sad to swim alone along a narrow corridor” (“It’s fun to walk together
across the open spaces")
6. Competition "Clip".
Here is note six in front of you,
There is a new task in it.
Now I’ll turn on the soundtrack, and you all have to show the clip on
1 Karoche
2. I’ll forget your beloved name
7. Competition “Musical riddles”.
Leading. The seventh note is also for you,
We'll open it now.
"Musical riddles."

1. Seven vocal girlfriends,
Seven silver bells
They live happily together
Songs are sung loudly (notes)
2. He stands on three legs,
Himself black in black boots
White teeth, pedal
It's called... (piano)
3. Her whole soul is wide open,
And even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt
Not a turkey, but pouting
And it’s not a bird, but it’s pouring (an accordion)
4. Here are the keys, like on a piano,
But for them to play,
So that the song is not bad,
You need to stretch the bellows (accordion)
5. Dad has it with six strings,
Setting it up is difficult.
And so as not to upset dad,
It's better for us not to configure it. (guitar)
6. Three strings, plays loudly
That instrument is a cocked hat.
Find out quickly
What is this? (balalaika)
7. Letting go of the hammers
On iron leaves
And a cheerful sound flies.
What's ringing? (glockenspiel)
8. A group of musicians who play together
And they play music together
It can be string or wind,
Pop, folk and any other. (orchestra)
9. I'm on stage in the twilight
I'll go out in an elegant tailcoat
I'll wave a thin stick
The violins will begin to sing
The harpist will shake the string
The pipes will respond
How the orchestra plays so well!
Well, I’m the most important one in it! (conductor)
10.The name of which instrument contains two terms “loud” and “quiet”?

Show program “musical horizon”. Scenario for summer camp

The stage is decorated with posters and photographs of popular pop performers. The evening begins with the introduction of the teams. Fans of each team prepare amateur performances that will be shown during musical breaks. Teams are invited to take part in the following competitions.

"Use your brains"

Each squad is given an improvised “disc” (made of cardboard) on which letters are written. Task: use these letters to form the name of the group. Who's faster? The jury assigns star points: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest - 0.

Answer: “Disco “Crash”.


Each squad prepared a musical number (clip, song, dance). A draw is held among the teams. Teams will perform in order of rotation, but... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate the performances using a 5-point system.

Star alphabet

In 1 minute, teams must write as many performers, groups as possible whose names, surnames or names begin with the letter “A”. Then, by drawing lots, they are called out loud. Whoever fails to name leaves the game.

There is a beginning - there will be an end

Leading. I take turns telling the teams the beginning of the artist’s name (name of the group, song), the team must continue:

“Inveterate... (scammers)”,

"Hands up)";

Alla... (Pugacheva);

Irina... (Allegrova, Saltykova);

“Ivanushki... (International)”;

"Agatha... (Christie)";

“Golden... (ring)”;

“Tea... (together)”;

“Hai... (fi)”;

“Tender... (May)”;

“Prime Minister... (Minister)”;

“Mumiy... (troll)”, etc.

Guess the melody

One player per team participates. Karaoke music is turned on, and the participants guess the melody. Whoever raises his hand first answers. For the correct answer, the team receives a star point.

Star Quiz

One by one, the teams are asked “star” questions about the work of famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For the correct answer the team receives

1 -2 points.

1. Which group used the coach’s team in its name during physical education classes (“Hands up”)

2. The name of which rock band is directly related to the name of the English writer, author of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. Which pop singer told in one of her songs about her feelings about her lover going into the army? (Alena Apina)

4. Which song did Alsou debut at Eurovision? (Solo)

5. What is the name of the flight attendant who became famous thanks to the song by Vladimir Presnyakov? (Jeanne)

6. Who won the musical project of Channel 1 “Star Factory - 3”? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Choose an antonym for the phrase “White Cossack” and get the name of a popular song. ("Black Boomer")

8. The name of which group is associated with an enterprise that produces various products, for example, a clothing company? (Factory group)

9. Who won the musical project of Channel I “Star Factory - 1”? (group "Roots")

10. Which song became the anthem of the musical project “Star Factory”? (“Cool you got on TV”)

Unusual singing

Leading. Many people know how to sing correctly. But sometimes stars are not interested in singing “the right way.” Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with a condition... about which a little later. For now, choose a song.

When the children are ready, they go on stage, the presenter gives the task.

Sing your favorite song:

- holding a match between your teeth;

- holding your nose with your fingers; - pull your cheeks inward;

- biting your lower lip;

- covering your ears;

- lying on the floor;

- smiling from ear to ear;

- clasping your hands like a mouthpiece at your mouth;

- putting a lollipop or lollipop into your mouth;

Leading. The entertainer is the person who announces the names of the artists during the concert. In addition, the entertainer fills the pauses between numbers by telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all entertainers have a beautiful voice timbre and excellent diction. But there are situations when neither timbre nor diction matters. This happens when the entertainer loses his voice. Imagine yourself as an entertainer who has lost his voice, and try to announce the next number with facial expressions and gestures, and the team must guess. So it comes out:

— “Factory” group;

— show ballet “Todes”;

— group “Tea for Two”;

- toothless Shura;

— Alla Pugacheva;

— Verka Serduchka;

— Nikolay Baskov;

— Valery Leontyev:

— Tatu group;

- group "Lyceum".

And now the jury is given the floor to sum up the overall results and award the winners.

Jury speech, awarded

The presenters come out.

1st presenter.

Hello my friends,

We are glad to meet you.

Who is there in the hall!

We send greetings to you all now.

2nd presenter.

We are glad to start our holiday,

We will sing and dance.

And the song contest is here, friends,

I declare it open.

1st presenter.

Dear guys! Today we have a Song Contest. You all prepared for this competition in advance. We will choose the best performers, the best dancers. For this we rely on our jury. (Jury Presentation)

2nd presenter. Now we will draw lots for the participants. (The drawing of lots is carried out.)

1st presenter. So, let's start our concert.

2nd presenter.

Everyone around knows this song.

And both adults and children sing it.

Because with the song like this

It’s interesting to live, friends, in this world.

I will now remind you of the words,

What you will find out right away without error:

“The river begins with a blue stream,

Well, friendship begins with a smile.”

The phonogram of the song “Smile” is turned on and those present sing it together.

1st presenter. And now the participants speak. Let's welcome them.

The concert part is underway. At the end the results are summed up. The winners are awarded.

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development of children. The Musical Rainbow program is designed for children attending day camp.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 5

city ​​of Belorechensk


on preparation, organization and conduct

Summer recreation and health improvement for children

Musical director Gorbulina T.G.


Explanatory note

“There are no vacations in education” - this pedagogical formula is the main rule for the teaching staff of MBOU Secondary School 5.

We consider education in summer conditions not as a targeted pedagogical influence, but as the creation of conditions for interaction and cooperation between children and adults. In the summer, the child becomes active, a participant in a collective activity, and not a passive contemplator. Various methods and pedagogical technologies are used, but their essence is the same - the child’s self-development in joint creative activity.

It is very important that by participating in the program, a child can increase his knowledge and skills, which he could later be able to apply in practice. Work in a children's team is aimed at children mastering certain teamwork skills, at demonstrating and developing their personal qualities, children gain self-confidence, discover their talents, and gain performing culture skills.

Summer holidays are part of the social environment, therefore, using the potential of summer free time, we want to solve the problems of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development of children. Summer holidays are, on the one hand, a form of organizing children's free time, and on the other hand, a space for the health and development of the child. We provide children with the opportunity to gain additional knowledge and skills, spend their free time profitably, and protect them from bad habits. We teach you to take care of your health.

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift - a voice. It is the voice that helps a person communicate with the world around him and express his attitude to various phenomena of life. The singing voice apparatus is an extraordinary instrument, fraught with an exceptional wealth of colors and various shades. A person begins to use a singing voice from childhood as his ear for music develops.

From an early age, children feel the need for emotional communication. It is during this period that it is important to realize the child’s creative potential, develop singing skills, and introduce children to the art of singing, which contributes to the development of creative imagination. Each child finds an opportunity for creative personal expression through solo and ensemble singing, singing folk and modern songs with musical accompaniment.

Relevance of the program

Singing is a very effective method of aesthetic education. In the process of studying vocals (including pop), children master the basics of vocal performance, develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, and learn the basics of acting. The shortest way to emotionally liberate a child, relieve tension, teach feelings and artistic imagination is through singing, playing, and fantasizing. It is precisely so that a child, endowed with the ability and desire for creativity, the development of his vocal abilities, can master the skills and abilities of vocal art, self-realize in creativity, learn to convey his internal emotional state with his voice, a program of additional education for children “Musical Rainbow” has been developed, aimed at on the spiritual development of students.


creating favorable conditions for the life of children during the holiday period, as a purposefully organized environment for personal growth and self-affirmation, health improvement and employment of children, introducing students to the vocal art, teaching singing and developing their singing abilities.


1.Organization of recreation, health improvement and employment for children.

2.Search for new forms of involving children in various types of creativity, instilling useful skills, and developing independence.

3.Unleash the creative potential of children through musical performance and play activities.

4. Prevention of antisocial behavior.

The program was developed taking into account the needs of children, their parents, the capabilities of teachers and the institution.

Expected results:

For teachers:

Improving the content and forms of recreation, health improvement and employment for children;

Self-realization assessment of the creative potential of program participants;

Generalization of best practices in using effective forms of working with children during the holiday period;

Social, psychological and practical assistance to children in adapting to society;

Family support.

For children:

Health-saving skills: a reasonable combination of various types of activities;

Skills and abilities acquired in music classes;

Introduction to various types of gaming activities;

Acquiring skills and abilities to conduct musical games;

Acquisition of abilities and skills of individual and collective creativity.

The teaching staff relies on the following priority principles:

Main directions of program implementation:

I Organizational and methodological.

II Organization of creative activities with children.

I. Organizational and methodological work

Target: updating the system for organizing summer recreation, health improvement, employment of children during the summer health period, increasing the professional skills of teaching staff, timely provision of methodological assistance to all categories of teaching staff

I.Organization of creative activities with children

The Musical Rainbow program is designed for children 8-14 years old attending a day camp. We divide children into groups, which are formed depending on the age of the pupils. The camp has a name, motto, emblem and song.

Team Rule:“Together, friendly and with enthusiasm!”

The program includes the followingareas of work:

I Artistic and aesthetic:

Musical lessons (vocal work).

II Entertainment and gaming:

1. Educational activities (games, educational and entertainment, competitive programs, situational and creative games).

2. Concert programs.

Forms and mode of classes

Classes can be held with the whole team, in subgroups, or individually.

Conversation, which presents theoretical information, which is illustrated with poetic and musical examples, visual aids, presentations, and video materials.

Practical lessons,where children master musical literacy and learn songs by modern composers.

Lesson-production, rehearsal:Concert numbers are practiced and children's acting abilities are developed.

Final lesson, completing the topic - a lesson-concert. It is held for the children themselves, teachers, and guests.

Planning the work of a music club

Musical association(classes 1 time per week, duration 2 hours, total: 8 hours).

Lesson topic

Number of hours


  1. Musical classes - preparation for the concert program “Summer Mood”


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Concert program “Summer Mood”


  1. Learning songs for events
  1. Music classes - preparation for the concert program “Smile and Laughter - Health for All”
  1. Game "Guess the melody"


  1. Music and game program

"Smile and laughter - health for everyone"

  1. Concert program “It’s fun to walk with a song”




Methodological support of the program

1. Availability of a special room (music room).

2. Availability of a rehearsal hall (assembly hall).

3. Piano, synthesizer.

4. Music center, computer.

5. Recording phonograms in “+” and “ modes- ».

6. Electrical equipment.

7. Sheet music, collections of children's songs.

8. Audio, video recordings, CD, MP3 format.

Musical director. Hello, dear guys! Tell me please, what is your favorite holiday? When do they give a lot of gifts? That's right - it's a birthday. Here we are at your birthday. And who is the hero of the occasion? Well, let’s listen….. (Music sounds)…….. children’s answer. That's right, our birthday girl is Music.

Guys, do you think you can paint a picture with the help of music?

Children read poems about music.

1. What is beautiful in the world -

Music can convey everything to us:

And the sound of the waves, and the singing of birds, and the wind.

She can tell us everything

2. Then he laughs with a ringing drop,

Then it will sweep it up like a blizzard, dust it up,

The spring rain will pour joyfully,

Will swirl with golden leaves.

3. Children sing, dance, have fun

And they just listen with their eyes closed.

It's wonderful that there is music in the world!

We can't live without her! M.V. Sidorova

Children perform the song “World of Music” lyrics. and music E.V. Myshechkova Magazine “Bell” No. 44. 2010.

Guys, what do you think is the difference between a musical picture and a picture drawn by an artist?

Children's answer.

Music hands . That’s right, the composer creates a musical picture with the help of musical sounds and writes it down in notes, and the musician then performs it. But the artist paints his pictures using paints.

Music hands And now we’ll watch a fairy tale about how Brush and Treble Clef argued.”

Film-presentation “How the Brush and the Treble Clef Argued”

There is a magical picture

but not everyone can see it.

it is seen by those who hear

and someone else who breathes correctly.

they dance and sing in it,

They play rainbow.

the sounds in it go side by side,

the colors sparkle.

There is a magical picture

She plays with colors

As you look at the picture, the colors come to life.

Music hands It is customary to give gifts on birthdays. What do you think we can give to Queen Music? Well, of course, our games, songs, poems and riddles.

Veselushka appears in the hall to cheerful music

I am a cheerful girl, I am a song - Veselushka

I came to you for a holiday,

brought joy with me

If we succeed,

Even the music laughs

Plays loudly and cheerfully

He invites us to dance!

General dance. Song “I sing...” (New children's wave) music I. Krutoy

The children sit down.

Veselushka . I'll tell you riddles, musical riddles

Just don't yawn

Answer in unison!

1. Wooden girlfriends are dancing on the top of his head.

They beat him, and he thunders - he tells us to keep pace


2. Even though it has three strings, they can be heard far away

Play more cheerfully, my faithful friend... (balalaika)

Without him the best choir cannot sing

We will answer in unison - this is... (conductor)

3. On a piece of paper, on a page - either dots or birds

Everyone sits on the ladder and chirps songs. (notes)

4. Carved in the forest, smoothly hewn

Sings - bursts into song, what is it called? (violin)

Music hands (shows violin)

Every violin has a bow

He is a loyal, devoted friend

When the violinist leads the bow,

And the violin cries and sings

And the brilliant Paganini will glorify his name with his play.

Children perform the song “Play, Musician”sl. and music M.Yu. Vasilyeva

Veselushka . I know that in our kindergarten the musicians are top class!

The rhythm is clearly beaten, surprising the whole neighborhood!

Musical and rhythmic game "Smeshariki"

Veselushka. Louder flutes. Louder than a violin

There is no song without a smile

There is no dance without a smile

There is no friendship without a smile!

Game "Don't forget to smile"

Rules of the game:

The guys stand in pairs in a circle facing each other. One stands with his back to the center of the circle, the other with his face. Two circles are formed: internal and external.

bars 1-7. The children of both circles turn to the right and walk one after another clockwise, raising their right hands and bowing to greet passing partners.

8 bars Both circles stop and the couples turn to each other.

9-12 measures. They extend their right hands to each other, then their left.

13-16 measures. They hold hands and jump and spin around in place.

17-24 bars. Movements of 9-16 beats are repeated.

At the end of 24 measures, the partners change places: those standing in the inner circle move to the outer one and vice versa. The game starts over.

The children sit down.

Musical director:

1. Music is a wonderful job,

to move people's hearts,

It’s not enough to learn a piece from notes,

I need to learn how to cast magic.

2. You need to understand the language of snowflakes,

write down what drops sings about

or suddenly on the wings of a crane

fly to distant lands.

1. You have to turn into a bear cub.

climb a pine tree, growling,

or flutter a thin blade of grass

near a clear forest stream.

2. The one who knows and can do this,

he brings happiness to every home.

try to get there soon

a good musician - a sorcerer.

Children are given notes with candy attached to them.

Tell friends