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Miraculous words: prayer to make friends in full description from all the sources we found.

In order to find reliable friends!

  • In order to find loyal, reliable friends, perform the following ritual on the waxing moon. Place a handful of sunflower seeds into a deep metal plate. Light a blue candle and say the plot out loud 9 times:

“The number of seeds I poured into the bowl, the number of friends I made.”

  • Then pour the seeds onto a white piece so that the seeds do not spill out, and say the spell 3 times:

“Just as you, seeds, will lie faithfully with me, you will be just as faithful to my friends.”

  • Put out the candle and put the seeds in a secluded place so that no one will find them.

© Orthodox prayers, special spells, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

How to find a new friend or bring back an old one with the help of a magic spell?

A loyal and reliable friend is a rather rare occurrence. Especially in the modern world, where everyone strives to find personal gain. But it also happens that a simple friend can be turned into a best friend by using a little magic. For such cases, conspiracies are provided with the help of which friendly sympathy arises. As a result, it develops into strong friendships, allowing you to build relationships with others. What else can be achieved using magical spells for friendship, we will tell you in this article.

By reading magic words in a special created environment, you can radically change the attitude of one or several people towards yourself. As a result, you will have reliable friends in your life that you can rely on at any time.

What are the rituals?

All friendship conspiracies, with the help of which you can make friends, are divided into three groups. Each of them is represented by specially prepared texts that can be applied in a specific situation.

So, conspiracies to create friendly relations can be:

  • attracting friends - for lonely people who have not yet found a good friend;
  • supporting an existing connection - used after scandals and quarrels to establish and restore friendship between people;
  • evoking friendly sympathy - to attract new friends and acquaintances in order to choose among them a suitable candidate for a best friend.

Conjure fresh flowers to find a friend

If you want to gain the favor of a specific person who does not want to be your friend, you can use this conspiracy. It will help correct the current situation between you and another person (or several people at once).

So that approval from the victim, as well as friendly sympathy, will soon appear on the part of the object of the conspiracy, acquire:

Having prepared a bouquet, go to the temple. Buy a candle and place it near the icon called “Taming Evil Hearts.” Say the following words over her, holding flowers in your hands:

“The snakes will not spare anyone, they will sting with their tongues, they will poison me with poison, but let them hug me and leave me alone. Let them show me mercy and love me in society, let them only say good things about me. Our Great Lord will help these words come true. Help me, Lord, the servant of God (your name), condescension and blessing have come. Amen".

After saying the friendship spell three times in a row, leave the bouquet under the icon. Now you can return home. The result should become noticeable within a month. The first signs of the effectiveness of the ritual will be the good attitude of enemies and good communication in society.

To make peace

If you quarreled with your best friend and want not only to restore the relationship, but also to return to a strong friendship, perform this ritual. To organize it, prepare:

For the plot to be effective, perform the ritual at sunset, in the light of the setting sun, for twelve days in a row. In the evening of the first day, light one candle, placing it in a saucer. Say the following words of reconciliation over the candle flame:

“Lord Almighty, help, bless and send your condescension to the servant of God (proper name)! An angel walked from the throne to the church. And at the church gates the Mother of God and the Archangel Michael met him. They had swords and sabers in their hands, with which they drove away evil spirits from the angel. They dispersed all the squabbles, quarrels, scandals, and returned peace to the friendship of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name of the friend). So let peace and friendship reign from now on, and peace settle in their souls. From now on, their friendship will become strong and will never be destroyed or broken under the influence of vile speeches and evil glances. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

Leave the candle to burn out, and repeat the same steps in the following days. If you manage to make peace and restore friendship before the 12 candles run out, do not interrupt the ritual. Follow all the steps now to strengthen your relationship. If you can’t make peace with your friend, even when all the candles run out, take the initiative. By apologizing, you will establish a friendly connection and win your friend back.

Speak a potential friend's thing

If in society your attention is attracted by one person whose favor you have not yet achieved, mention his personal thing. Even if the item was only in the victim's hands for a few minutes, it will also work.

In the evening, take the thing and read the friendship plot over it:

“May we become friends and never run away, never quarrel, never go to different sides. Help me, heavenly powers, to preserve friendship and overcome the obstacles destined by fate. From now on, let it be so forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the enchanted item in the farthest corner. You need to hide it securely so that no one finds the item and destroys the magic.

To find a friend

If a person is completely alone and does not have a true friend in his life, you can use this ritual. With its help you can make new acquaintances, buddies and friends. To perform the ritual you will need:
  • a handful of sunflower seeds;
  • wide metal bowl;
  • church candle;
  • a piece of natural white fabric.

In the evening, sit at the table. Place the candle on the table and light it. Place a bowl nearby and pour the seeds into it. Next, read the plot to attract friends seven times in a row:

“The number of sunflower seeds in a bowl is the number of friends I will have. How many seeds I poured into this bowl, so many people will step on my threshold and become friends.”

Next, transfer the seeds one at a time from the bowl to the cloth. When all the seeds are on the cloth, tie it so that not a single seed falls out. Take and hide this package in a secret place, while saying:

“How quietly and faithfully you lie, how faithful and good my friends can be. Amen".

And remember, for the ritual with the reading of a friendship plot to be effective, carry it out during the waxing moon. During this period, the heavenly body will favor new achievements and help you find new friends and strengthen friendships.

Effective spells for a friend

Most people believe that friendship never fades. Moreover, magic is absolutely not needed for friendship. This opinion has several interpretations, because even the closest friend can betray. Making friendships is easy, but keeping them in perfect condition is much more difficult. There are situations when all friends have turned their backs on an acquaintance, and it is not possible to make peace. And sometimes a person makes a new girlfriend.

Conspiracy on friends

It is never possible to predict the behavior of your closest friend. It is in such situations that it is customary to use a spell on a best friend or friend. It was always quite easy for a child to make new friends.

A little information

Never carry out a conspiracy on friends if you have known the person for a fairly short period of time. First, just chat and get to know the person better. If after some time you are confident that you have met a true friend who will never betray and will support you, then you can use magic to strengthen the bonds of friendship. There are rituals that are directed against bad friends.

If you understand that you want to build a friendly relationship with this person, but your bonds are crumbling quite quickly, then you should not hesitate to solve the problem that has arisen. This ritual does not require special knowledge in the field of magic. You don't have to spend all your energy to complete it. White magic is designed in such a way that it cannot cause harm. It is aimed at improving the life of an ordinary inhabitant of the planet to the state that the performer dreams of.

You don't have to worry about the consequences. There is no specific time to perform this ritual. The only important thing is that your actions must have a certain sequence. The ritual is allowed to be performed an indefinite number of times. It all depends on your desire.

Conspiracy for long friendship

When creating a conspiracy against friends, the result is imprinted not on one victim, but on a certain number of people. You can use special attributes.

  1. A voodoo doll. Each doll must represent a specific person. It is desirable that she have at least a few similar parameters to a real person. If you are unable to carry out these manipulations, then you can glue a photo of the participants in the ritual to each doll to make new friends.
  2. An item that belongs to your new friend. A conspiracy is cast on this item, after which it must be returned to the owner.
  3. Photos of the participants. Photos must be recent. It is important that there is only one person in the image. There should be no strangers in the photo.

“I, the servant of God (name), read this conspiracy in order to forever tie myself with bonds of friendship. We will never be able to leave each other. We will become one so that no one can separate us. Higher powers will be on our side and will help us be friends throughout our lives. I ask the person to run around and try to bring about reconciliation. I'm even ready to send an invitation to my home. Amen".

Love spell for a friend

If your goal is to acquire one specific like-minded person, then this method is especially for you. This is an excellent magical option for attracting a new friend. Buy a small gift for your desired friend and read a special spell for him.

“I ask the Lord to help me in a certain situation. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a good friend in the person of the servant of God (name). May our destinies intertwine and remain connected forever. I don't want to lose this person from my life. May no one ever be able to separate us. We'll be like Bonnie and Clyde. Always together, always close. Amen".

The enchanted item must be given to the right person and make sure that he will keep it at home. If you have the opportunity to visit the house, you can bring any item with you and put it in a place where no one can find it.

To bring back a former friend

You can bind a person to yourself with the help of prayer. An excellent option for sending your son to you who has stopped treating you like a human being. If you need to bring back an old friend, then this ritual is used. Take a mirror and place it in front of you. Place a photograph of the victim in front of the mirror. Place three candles nearby and light them. Now you need to read the plot.

“Please, Lord, help me bring back my former friend. It so happened that we lost contact with each other. Most likely, out of stupidity, because they were young. Now I have realized my mistake, and I ask for help in restoring our friendship. Make sure that it never gets destroyed again, but on the contrary, only gets stronger. Let my son come to me for advice, I will always come to his aid. My words represent the key to friendship that I will never give to anyone. Amen".

The ritual lasts twelve days. It is prohibited to interrupt it, even if reconciliation has occurred. It is best if you take the first step towards him, rather than wait for a step from your friend. This will only speed up the process.

Final part

With the help of magic you can get rid of your husband's or son's bad friends. If you don’t like the environment around your husband or son, then perform a special ceremony that will forever quarrel even the best friends. Trying on in such a situation is impossible.

Our group in VK: https://vk.com/thomas_and_friends.

ZOOBE bunny Cool Happy New Year greetings! Zago

Recently, a whole collection of conspiracies has appeared that help bring about reconciliation with a former friend, or acquire a new like-minded person. There are many situations in which, besides magic, there is no other way to solve the problem. Remember that white magic is powerful. She has a large number of ways to bring back old friends and make new ones. It is better not to use black magic at all, because it has a number of negative consequences. If you nevertheless turn to black magic, you will bring disaster not only on yourself, but also on your friend. Therefore, use white magic, because it represents goodness and happiness.

How to attract love and friendship into your life?

We live in a modern world with developed technologies, which, unfortunately, while providing convenience in everyday life, greatly separate people. Many of us experience loneliness very acutely and the question of how to get rid of it in our time is very relevant.

Methods of rituals

You can get rid of loneliness using white magic spells. They do not have negative consequences and with their help it is impossible to harm either yourself or another person. Any conspiracy against loneliness has a targeted effect.

Rituals are used to attract into your own life:

  • A partner to start a family;
  • Friends for communication;
  • Ensuring internal harmony.

To bring the meeting closer

If you want to bring your meeting with your loved one closer, then you should perform the following ritual, which involves the use of additional attributes.


  • Petals of seven red fresh roses;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Pens;
  • Church candle.

The ritual is performed on a full moon by candlelight, in a separate room and silence.

You need to do the following:

  • Write on a piece of paper: “Love, happiness, reciprocity!”
  • Circle the words with a line in the shape of a heart and cut them out;
  • Sprinkle rose petals on an improvised heart;
  • Say the following spell seven times, while holding your hands above the petals:

After the ceremony, the paper heart must be hidden in a secret place, and the rose petals must be dried and also stored until you meet your loved one.

A simple ritual for friendship

A very simple magic spell can help you find friends. To do this, all you need is to read the plot three times during the waxing moon at midnight in a secluded place.

His words sound like this:

The ritual must be performed seven times every day. This conspiracy against loneliness, spoken sincerely, is very effective. Therefore, soon you will begin to make new acquaintances and completely forget about past sorrows.

Conspiracy for inner harmony

To find inner harmony, you should carry out a special conspiracy that will balance your inner world.

For this you will need:

  • Dried collection of various herbs, collected independently:
  • A piece of fabric;
  • Needles;
  • Threads.

First you need to sew a bag out of fabric, where you put the dried herbal collection and carefully sew it up. The resulting bag needs to be spoken.

The words of the conspiracy must be said five times:

The charmed bag must be kept in a visible place and periodically picked up.

Before choosing a ritual to get rid of loneliness, you should analyze the current situation and carefully think about whether you can cope with the problems that have arisen on your own without magic.

Conspiracy on friends

I bring to your attention a powerful conspiracy against friends, which was shared with me by a familiar village healer.

It will allow you to direct streams of positive energy to people dear to you and strengthen existing friendships.

If you haven’t found them yet, then it’s time to perform a simple ritual.

My friend's shoulder will become a strong support,

No one will separate us with an angry quarrel.

In difficult times, let's support each other,

Let's drive away trouble and the hateful blizzard.

Let betrayal pass by,

You will be with me and I will be with you.

May I meet friends along the way,

I call on reliable comrades.

I swear I'll be there for you on your hard days

I will help them, they will help me.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

1). Go to the church shop and buy seven expensive candles.

2). If it is not available, purchase an icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

3). Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light candles.

Place Orthodox icons nearby.

4). Look at the burning flame and mentally imagine your friends in good health, drawing images of those who are not yet in your life.

This way, you will attract positive energy aimed at meeting a reliable friend.

5). Read a magic spell on friends seven times in a row from a page.

6). After the candles burn out, get rid of their cinders.

7). After some time, the ritual can be repeated.

I wish that only reliable and decent people meet in your life.

Little children are little troubles, and with older offspring the scale of the problem increases exponentially. Coping with a disobedient child is not at all the same as convincing a thirty-year-old man to be right. But for a mother, even the most brutal macho or adult woman with her own family will always remain children. The trouble is that often both sides refuse to acknowledge the other's position, which causes misunderstanding to grow. In such a situation, you can resort to conspiracies for respect and reconciliation with children.

What prayers and conspiracies are there for the respect and love of children?

It is believed that mother's love for children is unconditional. Ideally, the child also loves his mother not for any qualities, but simply because she is his dear and the only one in the whole world. But the high demands of matter are crushed by harsh reality. Cases where parents and children are in a state of hostility are not uncommon. There may be many reasons for this, but the consequences are always sad, for both sides. If the problem has become neglected and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, try to cast a magic spell on it.

Rituals for calm and obedience of a child:

  • To return filial love to mother;
  • To reconcile with your daughter, gain her love;
  • To respectful attitude of grown children.

Before using a spell, keep in mind: building relationships is always a dialogue. For children to hear your words, you need to listen to their comments too. Pride or strong resentment often prevents people from finding a common language. Prohibitions, mutual accusations, harsh things expressed in the hearts can nullify all efforts to restore peace, including magical rituals.

On the love of a son for his mother

Raising a real husband from a little boy is a difficult task, perhaps the most difficult of those faced by a woman who has become a mother. But it is beyond the power of a native child to realize this, especially at a young age. Unfortunately, even upon reaching adulthood, not all men are able to appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of their mother. All this leads to quarrels, which is why mother and son are constantly at odds or do not communicate at all. What should a woman do in such a situation, whose heart ache for her own blood? A plot to return filial love could be the beginning of a truce or even the end of the Cold War.

To regain the respect and love of your son, read the cherished words to the moon in the waning phase. The conspiracy itself is pronounced in the daytime. Say the following:

“God, take away, take away the filial anger from me, the servant of God (name), so that he, the servant of God (name of the child), does not curse, reproach, or offend his mother, but loves and begins to help. Just as a river fish does not open its mouth, remains mute, does not curse anyone, so may my little blood come to me, his mother (your name), for good. Send, God, filial love to me. Amen!"

After the spell, wash your face with clean water. Very soon the “prodigal son” will appear on your doorstep.

If conflicts with your son arise due to the fact that he is in adolescence and at the same time behaves as if a thousand devils have moved into him, it is necessary to subtract a conspiracy and a prayer for the teenager’s obedience. Its text includes the following theses:

“Let my child live in obedience, let anger and resentment leave him! Let your parents live in honor, so as not to indulge in unnecessary care. May peace reign in my home! God, grant me patience and my son peace. May he be filled with your will, may a clear conscience awaken in his soul. Let him not shy away from obedience to his parents in your glorious name, merciful God! Amen!"

Remember: prayer for the son to obey his mother, is read only at the moment when the child is in the house.

For a daughter's love for her mother

It is believed that there is a special bond between mother and daughter. And it’s not even about the energy of one sex: women are more emotional, sensitive and understand each other perfectly, especially their relatives. This should be ideal, but what if the relationship between a mother and her most precious girl in the world is far from perfect?

Childhood grievances, misunderstandings on issues of freedom, an attempt to get rid of control - this and much more directly leads to conflicts. Resolving them peacefully is not so easy, because an insult inflicted by the closest person hurts doubly. How to return your daughter's love? If ordinary words don't work, try a magic spell. It sounds like this:

“In the fast river the waters are dark, and the banks are yellow; near my house the rapids are low. Let the feet of my daughter (name) step on them so that she can look at me, the servant of God (your initials), for a glimpse. May my daughter (name) begin to honor, love, remember day and night, and not abandon her in illness and grief. Most Holy Theotokos, take that water from the wild river and wash the thresholds of my house with your holy hand. Call my daughter (name) to come along the road from holy water to my dear mother (your name). Amen (3 times)."

The ritual does not require special preparation. It is enough to say it, looking in the direction where your daughter lives, standing on the threshold. If the request is heard, she will begin to treat her mother more tenderly, and will begin to call and come to her parents’ house more often.

To respect adult children

Wars between parents and grown children are the motive for hundreds of books and even more films. The conflict between fathers (in this case, mothers) and children is always a tragedy. It is possible to smooth out misunderstandings and achieve due respect from the offspring with the help of a special conspiracy.

The mother should recite the spell to respect adult children twice a day, at dawn and after sunset. There are different ways of waiting for it to take effect, bringing peace to the family. A disobedient child may realize the mistake in a couple of days, but for some it takes years. Do not be discouraged, hope is the best medicine for a wounded soul.

Remember that doubting and tormented by mental anguish during magical rituals is not only wrong, but also dangerous. Higher powers may perceive the message in a different way and react to it unpredictably. Be firm in your thoughts and make decisions in a calm, balanced state.

Before starting the conspiracy, get rid of bad thoughts and resentments. The last emotion is generally unacceptable for the one who reads the plot: an offended person attracts negativity like a magnet. Get in a positive mood and remember the happiest moments spent with your children. Believe that such bright moments are not your past, but your near future.

He who has many children is not forgotten by God - that’s what they say in the North. Our families are large, there are many children in them. And children, like everywhere else, get sick, their mothers are not allowed to sleep at night, and as they grow up, the worries only increase. In the city, we don’t even know how to look after one child, but how did they manage to raise daughters and sons in the old days? We know this secret, and it’s not even a secret - conspiracies against children are remembered in every northern Family.

Conspiracies against children persist in families in the Russian North

Perhaps you remember how your grandmother once bathed you and told you, read simple children's spells. Did you remember the words of the cherished spells for children, or were they lost at the bottom of a deep well of memory? Today we will share simple spells for children and the rules on how to read them.

When is it permissible to read conspiracies against children?

When we shared maternal spells for children at Northern Fairytale last summer, we received many questions about whether a mother’s spell could be read by a father and whether such a ritual would be suitable for a thirty-year-old son. Let's tell you in order when and who reads children's conspiracies:

  • Conspiracies for children are read by mother, father, grandmothers, and other relatives - with the permission of the child’s parents or the Knower. It just so happened that children’s conspiracies were passed on to each other by women, which is why they are traditionally called maternal. However, such a plot can be read by the child's father. Grandmothers also read spells to children. It happens that older sisters or other relatives do the same, but here parental permission is needed. A knowledgeable person is sometimes called to read a children's spell, but most often in the case of a child's severe illness.
  • Conspiracies for children are suitable for children under 14 years of age, after which an adult conspiracy is needed. If a child was named before the age of 14, then from the moment of naming, adult spells are read for him and only with his consent - like for any adult.
  • Children's conspiracies can be read from the very birth of the child, but this should not be done unless absolutely necessary for the baby. Up to a year, it is better to read conspiracies only to the mother or the Knower, after which it is possible for the father and grandmother. For a child under 5 years old, body amulets are not used. The reason is simple: the baby may accidentally swallow the amulet. Therefore, for children under 5 years old, amulets in the form of stripes on clothes or those that hang above the crib are suitable.

We read children's conspiracies only for children under 14 years old, then there will be adult rituals

What children's conspiracies do we know?

Spells for children are often very simple and short. Especially those that are read in the presence of a child. You cannot persuade a baby to sit quietly for a long time during the Slavic ritual, which is why our mothers and grandmothers know the short whispers that they read to the child. Most often, conspiracies were read using water that was used to run over a child, or even a children’s conspiracy was read in a bathhouse.

They begin to wash and say three times:

“Mother Ladushka, the Queen of Heaven, washed and steamed her Son - and left some water for you, (child’s name).

Or we know such a conspiracy-whisper:

“Ice King, Water King, give me some spring water to wash myself and take a steam bath. After the steam bath, after the steam bath, give you (child’s name) meekness and humility and God’s mercy.”. They say while washing the child to be calm.

If there is a baby in the family, the mother and grandmother certainly know the children's spell for healthy sleep. Many charming words have been preserved from “night howl”, “night and daytime commotion”. These are the words in our North that a mother reads on the porch in the evening, holding her baby in her arms.

After sunset, a woman with disheveled hair and wearing only a nightgown carries a child to the porch, placing his head on her right hand. Stand facing east, leaving your left foot in the entryway, and place your right foot over the threshold on the porch and say the words:

“Zarya the lightning, red maiden! Here's your baby (child's name) who has insomnia, but give him a good night's sleep. Evening dream, night dream, midnight dream, morning dream, don’t sit, don’t toil, don’t amuse yourself with this baby, but toil and amuse yourself with your born children.”

Say the words three times, after each time spit three times through the child. Treat in this way for three evening dawns.

They especially talked the child away from the evil eye, ghosts, from “the mother’s bad thoughts and the father’s bad thoughts,” therefore, so that the anxieties of the mother and father would not “stick” to the baby. There were many ways to do this. The spells are simple, short, read in the presence of the child while washing in the bathhouse, like other children's spells. Place the coal in water and wash the child off the coal:

“Just as nothing sticks to a coal, so nothing sticks to a baby (child’s name): no illnesses, no slander, no sentences.”

If it was necessary to protect a child for a long time, they did it differently: first they washed off any bad things with water, then they read the children’s charm for the amulet, reinforced their words, and gave the amulet to the child to wear or hung it over the crib. So maternal protection will always be with the baby.

May your children be healthy and happy!

And in “The Northern Fairy Tale” we have collected special children's rituals: a simple spell and a talisman for a child. To remove the evil eye and damage, for good health, for protection from evil, for happiness and beauty!

In this article:

Your child has just as many problems as you. The period of carefree childhood can be very unpleasant for a child, especially if he is often sick, is bullied at school, and cannot make friends. Then all your efforts will not be crowned with success, and his life will be full of unpleasant surprises. You can help solve all problems and cope with troubles.

There is a proven conspiracy so that a child is not offended. He will help drive away offenders and bullies, and friends will reach out themselves. If the baby is often sick, then use a spell for the child’s health. It boosts immunity and you can forget about diseases. So that he studies well, sleeps without problems, develops quickly, and demonstrates obedience. There is magical help for all occasions. These conspiracies are harmless; they will only guide your son or daughter on the right path to life.

Children have childhood problems

Children's problems are no less significant than adults'. You may have difficulties with work, personal life, colleagues, loans. These are all important adult matters that the child does not yet know anything about. Don’t think that the time of carefree childhood is so easy and pleasant. They also have their own problems, no less significant than yours:

  • academic performance, authority at school;
  • communication with friends, quarrels, disputes;
  • dissatisfaction with one's appearance;
  • first love;
  • shyness;
  • bullies, offenders, ridicule.

None of this sounds serious to an adult who is busy with his own life. Well, it happens, it will pass, it will change. The biggest thing a parent can do is change schools. But this is not a solution, because everything can continue there.
Besides, that's not all. If there are no problems with communication, but on the contrary, the parents themselves suffer. Obedience, study and communication with loved ones suffers. The young man just wants to walk, have fun, and play on the computer. He will give up on studies and respect. This is a problem, because every parent wants their child to study well.
This is just part of what can happen to a child before he enters adulthood. The parent's job is to protect him from problems. This can be done quietly, with the help of good conspiracies. They will not harm, but only help.

It’s the parents’ job to help the child.

Mom and Dad can do more than they think. Only they have this unique connection with their child. As a child, my mother rocks me to sleep and helps me sleep well at night. Then, she can give advice, scold and scold.
In any case, these conspiracies should be done by parents. Moms usually take these things more seriously, so don't be surprised if your husband doesn't take it to heart. It is best to carry out all the rituals yourself. They are made at home.

Every mother can help her child, for this she has her own strength.

Don't ignore his problems, always listen. It costs you nothing to listen to him, even if the problem seems stupid and far-fetched to you. You shouldn’t brush it off if your daughter complains about her appearance. You are the only person who can restore a child's faith in himself.
If you have problems with your studies, quickly use proven conspiracies. They will help you concentrate and fall in love with the subjects that were most difficult for you. Spells for a child always work, because you use the best forces of your soul.

For all occasions

There are a variety of difficult situations in the life of parents. You need to help the child first. There are many interesting and simple spells that can be used without harm.
To study well, sleep without problems, be able to make friends and study excellently. Give it a try. This help will be accepted with pleasure. Your child does not have to know that you performed the ritual, and the result will surprise him very much. Help your child believe in himself, his strengths, and his skills.

Conspiracy to study well

If your son or daughter does not want to study, this is not unusual.

A little help in the form of a conspiracy or a whisper never hurts

Well, who at 10 or 15 years old wants to sit behind books while friends are walking, there are interesting programs on TV, or you can just play on the computer? Especially if after school the child is left to his own devices and the parents are at work. This is complete freedom. In order for the child to start learning, he thinks about everything else only after school, if there is a good remedy. Simple spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How the constellations of the Lord's sky do not leave their place
without the knowledge of the Almighty, so is the mind of the servant of God (name)
do not abandon common sense and may the strength of his mind be replenished.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Virgin Mary, so be it.

You need to read it in the place where the child is doing his homework. Stay there alone, without prying eyes. Light a church candle if the child is baptized. You only need to say it once, but put all your soul, love and forgiveness into this text. From this day forward, do not be angry with your child, do not scold him for bad grades.
Your patience will help you, because you are a parent. This conspiracy has been known for many years to those who want to help children. It is pronounced, helps and guides the child in learning.

A spell to make a child sleep all night

Helps both small children and adults.

A spell for a good sleep is a common practice that has been used at all times.

In order for a child to sleep well and not suffer from insomnia, you need to cast a spell on his pillow and blanket for three days in a row:

“I roll the bread and drive away trouble from God’s servant (name). I roll out, lure, drive out all fears, admonitions, lessons, evil eyes, invitations, envy, insincere praise, secret malice. I drive it out of the arms, from the legs, from the head, from the cheeks, from the veins, from the veins, from the white curls, from the clear eyes. Fright, fear, go away! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Place a blanket and a pillow on it. Speak in a measured, quiet voice. Let it sound like the lullaby you sang to him as a child. This can help you fall asleep on time.
If the child is still very small, has slept poorly for several nights, and is exhausted, then read directly above him in the crib. Helps very quickly. The enchanted bed linen will become truly magical, because as soon as the child puts his head on the pillow, he will immediately want to sleep.

From diseases

If your child is often sick, then you need to help him. Cook compote from berries, apples or other fruits, even dry ones. Tell:

“Boiling water so that my child can grow! Just as water does not last on the elbow, so illness does not last on the baby of God (name). Redeem, cross over! Lord, save my child (name) from illness! Amen."

You need to speak over a still warm pan. You need to repeat the plot 3 times, cross. Now give this drink to him alone, don’t drink it yourself. It helps a lot, and the taste is pleasant. Your child will be happy to drink it. You can do it several times a year, and especially in winter, when you need vitamins and good immunity.

Whispering while drinking is a useful and simple practice

This spell came from village magic. Previously, there were no medicines, vitamins, or syrups that could be used to treat. Then they took everything good from nature, and so women learned to cook this aromatic, tasty medicine for their babies. If you dry plums, apricots, and cranberries yourself in the summer, then in winter you can cook your own dried fruits. They contain not only the power of summer, but also your love. This medicine is 100 times stronger and better.

For childhood insomnia

Insomnia occurs not only in adults, but also in children. They are also prevented from sleeping by heavy thoughts and their experiences. This exhausts the child, and then he cannot wake up, go to school, or concentrate on classes.

“In an open field, the morning dawn rises, the evening dawn sets. I will stand facing east and my back to the west. I look to the east - 3 doves are flying, carrying 3 gold castles. They locked the waters with locks: rivers and streams, blue seas and springs, downpours and rains. They locked and closed the bladder. Just as the earth is dry without rain, so let (name)’s bed be dry both at night and in the moonlight. My words are strong and strong now and forever. Amen."

It must be recited 12 times on the first day of each month. Then the child’s sleep will normalize and the problems will go away. You need to talk in his bedroom in a whisper.

So that the child eats well

When your son or daughter doesn’t want to eat, refuses food and is capricious, then you can correct this situation very simply. Prepare your child's favorite food. It doesn't matter what it is. I need to give it to him for lunch.

Talking about food can be very useful not only for children

And before you put it on the plate of food, say this text:

“This water is for washing, wiping, bathing and lamenting. So that the baby of God (name) grows strong and sculpted. He ate, grew up, and didn’t know any troubles. So that he doesn’t get capricious, doesn’t get sick, gets healthier day by day. I call this water healthy, I call on the child of perception to convey its power. As soon as this water touches a child, all good things will spill over him. Amen."

When a child eats his favorite dish with appetite, the spell will take effect. Now he will eat everything with the same pleasure, and even ask for more. This is a good help for any mother.

Conspiracy against insults and beatings

It’s a very sad, scary situation when a child is bullied at school. Do not start this, as soon as the child begins to complain about this behavior of classmates, take action immediately. Talking with teachers doesn’t always help; after that, all the nagging and grievances will be secret, but will not end. Maternal protection can help. You need to say to the child in a whisper:

“My baby’s angel, most bright, kind. I release my child to you. Guard him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Say each new month once. Then all this will quickly end, and the child will have new good friends who will definitely not give offense.

To avoid harming the child

Do whatever you think is necessary, but always think ahead. Spells and talismans help those who know their true meaning. If you decide that these conspiracies are not strong enough, you want to use others, always pay attention:

  • who do you contact during a conspiracy? If it is to Angels, Saints, Guardians, then this is a light conspiracy. It can be used even for a small child. If the appeal goes to evil spirits, it is better to immediately forget them;
  • in the conspiracy there should be no hints of coercion or suppression of will. If you want your child to sleep well, then this is your good wish, not compulsion;
  • do not promise the soul or body of a child in exchange for completing your plan. Such conspiracies carry a lot of negative energy.

It is best not to resort to magic when you yourself can help solve the problem. If you see that the child has begun to turn onto the “crooked path”, no one can tell him anymore, then solve the problem quickly. Conspiracies are not a universal answer to all questions, but in a difficult situation they help well.

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