What are the components that make up an image? Personal image: external and internal image of a business person

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Image is an image, a stereotype, a set of certain qualities that has developed in people’s minds that are associated with an individual. The concept of reputation is very close to this concept.

Initially, the concept of image was used in the business environment as the main means of influencing consumers. Later, image began to be understood as the most important category in socio-political sciences and psychology.

Stereotypes have been created in people’s minds for years under the influence of what they read in newspapers, magazines, books, seen on TV and heard in groups. The policy of the country’s leadership, the intellectual level of the individual, and the general economic level of the country play a significant role in the formation of such stereotypical ideas.

For example, a large number of actors, having played one role that is most memorable to the audience, often complain that the image and reputation of the movie hero has spread to the actor in real life. That is, even close people, acquaintances and friends stopped perceiving the actor in isolation from the role he played. In fact, a comedic or tragic character in the minds of people became inseparable from the artist who performed him on stage or in films. For many actors, it was impossible to change the image of a movie hero even until the end of their lives.

Another example of image and reputation is the idea of ​​expensive cars as a symbol of social success, happiness and material wealth. The image of great opportunities and position in society is also ensured by expensive real estate.

Recently, the topic of image formation (of a person, a company, a show business star, a businessman, a state or a politician) has acquired significant importance in life. And this is understandable, because what each subject demonstrates and puts on display has a significant influence on most of his environment. Therefore, the right approach to the formation of a personal image is the key to the success of many events.

Image is the same thing as a name, a concept inextricably linked with the idea of ​​a person. This is a person's calling card. This is the impression that other people recreate in their memory when they remember you.

Rules for image formation in the modern world

First of all, you need to define the image, what it is. The concept of image is not only appearance, the ability to look good, to choose a hat for shoes and lipstick for a handbag, it is also the adequacy of reasoning, competent speech, and manner of communication.

If attracting the opposite sex is important, then image and reputation will play a vital role. Not only among acquaintances, but also in the family, at work, in relation to older people, in love for the younger generation.

Each social class of society has its own idea of ​​the concept of image. It is important to understand that your opinion may differ. Clothes, the way you speak, the way you carry yourself, gestures, and the intonation of words and sentences are a great way for an employer or future spouse to form an opinion about you.

You need to start working on building your image and reputation with an adequate analysis of yourself and your capabilities.

A stylist will help you change your appearance, a makeup artist will tell you how to properly care for your skin and do the right makeup, a psychologist will help you accept yourself and your own “I,” and a dance teacher will teach you how to move and walk correctly. It’s never too late to change your image; it’s important to correctly assess yourself and the situation.

What else you need to know about image formation

The image should be changed in accordance with the emerging changes in life. If, for example, your social status has changed, then you should think about changing your clothing style. Sometimes your image needs to be changed in accordance with the dress code of the company you transferred to.

The main condition for achieving professional success is the constant activity of a person’s inner world, continuous work on oneself, on one’s spiritual development. Just as people train their body and pump up their muscles, it is also necessary to train their memory, ability to think and analyze. First of all, books will help here. Professional and fiction literature not only preserves knowledge, but also teaches how to think, increasing competence and positive productivity. Professionalism implies confidence and the ability to control the situation. Together with economic success, professional and career success provide a person with a high social status.

The social status itself is determined by age, education, profession, position, prestige, material security, personal freedom, level of legal and moral security, career and personal prospects.

Components of image

  • Clothes, hairstyle, accessories, tattoos, piercings can say a lot about a person. As you know, you meet a person by his clothes. Therefore, clothes can characterize a person even before he says anything or introduces himself.
  • Also equally important are the issues of personal hygiene - well-groomed hair, nails, correct and appropriate makeup. A person’s appearance, first of all, affects his image and reputation in society.
  • A person’s facial image is his facial expression, smile, gaze. Facial expressions reveal a person’s friendly or negative attitude. Many people know how to mask and carefully hide their feelings and emotions from others, but the position of the lips, eyebrows, and facial expression can tell a lot about how a person really feels.
  • The kinetic image of a person is gait, posture, movements, gestures. Slouching people, adopting inappropriate postures, holding their heads too high will not make the most pleasant impression. The way you move, hold your head, straighten your hair is another way to let other people know your positive, kind attitude.
  • Verbal image and reputation lie in the manner of speaking, as well as what words a person uses, how rich or poor his vocabulary is, whether he emphasizes words well, what intonations he uses, and whether he is able to reason logically. This type is similar to a mental image, characterizing a person according to his social, religious and ideological beliefs.

The last component is by no means the least important. This is a material image, that is, all a person’s well-being: clothes, a car, an apartment, a villa by the sea, books, paintings, family jewelry and jewelry.

The materialized image also echoes this component - poems, books, dissertations, decorations, business cards, software products, patents, Christmas tree decorations, confectionery - everything that was invented, made, embodied, created by man.

Internal and external image structures

All three structures are closely intertwined in a person’s self-image. Image and reputation help each person determine their individual style if they are harmonious and form a single image of a person.

Purpose of image in life

The main purpose of image and reputation is to achieve the effect of personal attractiveness.

It is important for a person to win over people, no matter what he does. To run a business, to defend a dissertation or an important project, to find a husband or to shop in a store - everywhere it is important to be able to make a good impression and win people over. Without this skill it is truly impossible to achieve outstanding success. Therefore, it is so important to know what an image is and, if necessary, to be able to change the image.

Specialists work on creating the image: makeup artists, psychologists, dance teachers and yoga trainers, PR people and marketers, producers and sociologists, speech therapists and stylists. There are schools where they teach how to correctly achieve what you want using the visual effect of a person. Practicing psychologists conduct training in such schools. In addition to the visual component, they will teach you a correct understanding of the world and self-image, talk about ways to accept yourself and increase the attractiveness of a person’s inner appearance.

Today there is a new profession - image maker. This professional will tell you how you can change your image to achieve maximum success at work, when running a company or when managing household affairs. Also, famous people can resort to the services of this specialist in order to form a scandalous image of themselves.

Image makers advise accepting your outer shell (image) as a means to achieve your plans. Every day you need to be well dressed in public, neatly combed, with the right makeup, behave adequately, watch your words, gestures and even gait. That is, his reputation must be conscious and thought out to such small details as, for example, clothing, accessories, greetings, topics of conversation, attitude towards other people, everyday positive mood and gratitude.

For company managers it can also be energy, steadfastness, for subordinate employees - punctuality, for housewives - caring, etc. Then the person will make a good impression. And he will be successful in all plans and affairs, and not just in personal relationships.

The purpose of the image is mainly to assert oneself in one’s own eyes and improve one’s own sense of self, to take a better position in society, that is, if possible, to correspond to certain stereotypes in a social group, to achieve a certain goal in a career plan or in financial environment.

Socio-psychological analysis of image

The concept of image with a high degree of confidence can be called an interdisciplinary concept, since its formation occurred in many sciences simultaneously, generalizing knowledge in accordance with the goals and objectives of each science. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the process of formation of this concept was studied mainly by psychologists and sociologists.

A person today, in the twenty-first century, living in a new information society, is valuable only as an individual capable of self-expression and having undeniable success in all areas of his life. At the same time, the individual expression of each person occurs increasingly with the help of information technologies: social networks and virtual communication. Living human in this case is simply replaced by symbolic communication for the purpose of exchanging information.

The roles that a person performs every day in the family, at work or in a cafe also become symbolic. A certain image and reputation of an individual are created depending on the environment in which a person has to be on a daily basis.

A person, mainly due to the influence of the media, has formed his own idea of ​​​​the concept of image. This is the image of a person through the eyes of other people, a whole range of stereotypes attached to our personality in people’s minds, as well as our idea of ​​ourselves, which in one way or another can be transmitted to others; a person's overall image on social networks and his attractiveness to other people, read through “likes” on his social network profile.



Course: “Fundamentals of Imageology”

« What is image"


The problem of image and technologies for its implementation is dealt with by the scientific and applied branch of human science called imageology. The main purpose of imageology is to scientifically substantiate how to create an attractive image, how to build models of decent behavior that are adequate to the life situations in which we find ourselves.

Imageology is a call addressed to everyone to be charming and be able to bring light to people. It contributes to the external manifestation of a person’s deep need to be a worthy person.

Priority destination imageology like the science of personal charm technology– to equip people of different ages with image knowledge and provide assistance in mastering and skillfully using it when building interpersonal and business relationships. The more we succeed in creating a positive image, the richer the repertoire of our behavior and the more effective the management of people's impressions, the more successfully we can construct various spheres of social communication, arouse sympathy for ourselves, and enjoy respect.

The concept of “image” has been around for a long time. As unexpected as it may seem, business economists were the first to actively work with him. It is a well-known fact that the American economist Baldwing introduced the concept of “image” into business circulation in the 60s of the 20th century and substantiated its usefulness for business success.

Nowadays, image has become a hot commodity for everyone involved in business and especially political activity. Huge amounts of money, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars, are spent on its acquisition during election events in the country. The image is in high demand on the stage and in the theater. Thanks to the image, political and trade advertising has become one of the developed service industries. The growing demand for image has given rise to a new profession - image maker. This is a specialist in constructing the image of an individual, business and political structures (for example, a political party or public organization).

Image – an external reflection of a human image, a visually expressive “slice” of his personal characteristics. In this regard, his attributes such as behavior patterns, clothing, and hairstyle are of great importance in his statement.

Undoubtedly image - it's not just a change of clothes. Pursuing the goal of looking a certain way in the eyes of others and influencing them, we adjust our gestures, postures, manner of speaking, select the accessories we use (from a lighter to a car), and think through the interior in which we are seen. Of course, we take into account the characteristics of those for whom it is designed: age, gender, social status, interests and needs of people. We also need to know the “laws of the genre,” that is, the specifics of the sphere in which our image will “work”: business life, artistic bohemia, student audiences, etc. But each of these areas has its own characteristics. The method of influence is also determined - shocking or confidential, mysterious - detached or accessible.

Image - a collective concept. This is the appearance, the form of human life manifestation, thanks to which powerful personal and business qualities are exposed to “people.” Image also acts as human recognition and evaluative attitude. The image is formed both consciously and involuntarily.

Image creation

The man himself, his surroundings

consciously involuntarily consciously involuntarily

Image creation technology:

1. Behavior model optimization

2. Choosing the right role

3. Making communication playful

There are the following types of image:

1) personal;

2) professional;

3) kinetic;

4) verbal;

5) dimensional;

6) materialized;

7) environmental;

8) mental.

Image is a holistic image made up of many factors. Psychologists, PR specialists, advertisers, protocolists, sociologists, choreographers, stylists, makeup artists, and producers are working on its creation. When they talk about a person’s image, they mean image of the environment (what his office, study, car looks like), materialized image (items he created) verbal image (from Latin verbalis - “verbal”; this is his manner of speaking and writing), kinetic image (his gestures, facial expressions and body movements), residential image (from Latin habitus - “external”; includes costume, hairstyle, jewelry, etc.) mental (your ideological, moral and ethical positions).

Possible types of image (according to role orientation):

1. Image - native “I”

2. Image - ideal, desired “I”

3. Image - a necessary but alien “I”


Situational Constant

Without changing its essence, about - For friends, family,

communicating with different people, work, etc.

the person adjusts

according to the partner's expectations and

for your purposes (puts on

Stages of image creation:

1. Imitation image- work of imagination, mental analysis, embodiment of an ideal image on paper, audio and video tape, selection of manners, analysis of their compatibility with one’s personality.

2. Role image- practical development, acquisition of the primary experience of “being” in the image. Construction of manners, training in their mastery, generalization, evaluation.

3. Life image- stereotype of behavior in the created image, full immersion. Running in manners, fixing, adjusting.

For a successful image, you need to consider:

Its brightness, attractiveness;


Its compliance with the expectations of the social environment (tastes, hopes, traditions, etc.)

In our time - the time of the cult of intellect and spiritual strength - priority characteristics, components of the image stereotype are:




Their skillful presentation in an exclusively unique manner in any social environment reliably works to establish a personal image. The skill of presenting yourself can be developed if desired. A person is also able to change his image, win his favor and recognition of people. In addition to realizing your own importance, this requires vivid imagery and a release of emotional energy. The one who succeeds in communication is the one who gives people pleasure in the form of emotional ecstasy, satisfies (and sometimes first stimulates) people's need for psychological interaction and empathy. A healthy psyche is of no small importance for successfully creating an image. Good luck accompanies those who know how to manage their psyche using self-regulation, self-relaxation and self-hypnosis. The result of this skill is a stable vitality, manifested in the form of goodwill and a restrained response to troubles.

Translated from English image is an image, an image. In fact, it is directly or intentionally created visual impression about personality or social structure. It is an impression, and not an assessment, as a rational fact of the activity of consciousness. The image most often ends with such a preliminary operation of our cognition, which is recognized performance. The image, as a rule, is “located” in the lower levels of our psyche - in its subconscious sphere or in the layers of everyday consciousness, which is what makes it extremely accessible to people and the tenacity of its presence in their consciousness. If we talk about the image as a specific psychological products, then it acts as a social attitude, as a value stereotype, as a fashionable symbol. The possibility of its simultaneous manifestation in all named spheres of the human psyche cannot be ruled out.

In political advertising and show business, the image often appears as an image endowed with characteristics that lie beyond the spiritual essence of the individual. It is no coincidence that the image is understood as a “legend” or as an idol of the times. In show business such concepts as playboy, superman, star are known. All this, however, is unacceptable for management activities, because this type of activity is not a theatrical stage or a political arena. It has different rules for communicating with people and providing targeted influence on them. Meanwhile, this does not free the manager, especially the highest administrative levels (commanders), from underestimating the role of personal image in business practice and the need to painstakingly work on it.

Scheme of image components.

Human visual perception Degree of physical attractiveness; the degree of expressiveness of manners and their attractiveness; clothing and accessories (as a reflection of personal originality, elegance)
Human intellectual perception Impressive personality characteristics manifested in conversations and actions
Person's status perception Assessment of his stratification status (position in society); Profession; Job title;
Social background influencing the perception of a particular person Personal characteristics of the environment: family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues; Stratification characteristics of the environment (which social group belongs to and the degree of prestige of the position of this group)
The influence of the interior on human perception Quality, style; Color design; Sound design; Spatial characteristics

Thus, the choice of clothing color and its relationship with the background against which the subject appears largely determines his image and success.

The life of a modern person is closely connected with his activities. Success in any business, and especially in business, depends on many factors. Some of them are difficult to influence. But there are also those that make it easier or more difficult to move up the career ladder. One of these factors is the overall appearance of a person and everything that is directly connected with it: hairstyle, clothes, accessories.

Residential image - what is it?

It's hard to deny the importance of first impressions. It is believed that an opinion about a person is formed in the first five seconds of communication. But during this time you can only say a few words. Our appearance speaks for itself - physique, accessories, style of clothing, hairstyle, general grooming - all this is a habitual image.

The influence on others through appearance cannot be underestimated. Those planning a career should learn how to look right in any environment. Matching the situation is one of the components of the image that business people adhere to. A formal suit at work, a tuxedo or evening dress at a reception, always appropriate accessories and a car that suits your status.

Components of a residential image

As mentioned above, the habitual image consists of many components. The other person is perceived as a whole image. Therefore, self-feeding technology requires the most conscious and thoughtful approach. Not a single element should stand out from the created image, so as not to create dissonance.

The residential image includes a number of elements:

  1. Features of the human figure. It is well known that subconsciously we endow a stranger with certain character traits, depending on the parameters of his body. Moreover, these characteristics may not correspond to reality at all. If you are planning a public career, then you should think about bringing your figure to the accepted standard.
  2. Clothing is one of the leading components - the correct formation of a business image depends on it.
  3. Hairstyle. This concept includes hair color, haircut, styling, cleanliness and healthy appearance. The head should be washed, the roots should be dyed, the haircut should be selected according to the type of face.
  4. Every element of the wardrobe. Accessories and surrounding things. You should pay special attention to them. The bag, watch, belt, jewelry must be of good quality and recognizable brands. The surrounding elements that create a residential image include a car, an office and the office itself with furniture.

Features of the image of a business person

Any person, whether he wants it or not, creates his own image and thereby broadcasts to others his position and attitude towards the world. There are quite a few professions in which success and career advancement directly depend on appearance. Or more precisely, from the ability to present oneself correctly and create a habitual image.

There are no unimportant things in business. Everything that surrounds a person works either for him or against him. The overall image of a business person will differ from the image of an athlete or an artist. It is distinguished by the special thoughtfulness of all elements, the overall restraint of the color scheme and discreet elegance. An important factor is the cost of the suit and accessories. The high cost of the image should not be obvious, but at the same time be quite noticeable.

Business image of men

A man engaged in business or pursuing a public career must consciously form the correct appearance. He should take into account all the necessary components in order to always be on top.

  1. Business attire is a suit combined with a shirt and tie. It is very important to choose a jacket and trousers that fit your figure. They should be slightly loose and of optimal length. The legs of the trousers should not expose the ankle, but at the same time they should not touch the ground. The sleeve of the jacket should reach the wrist bone, so that the cuff of the shirt is visible. The color should be chosen based on the season. For autumn-winter - dark, for spring-summer - light. Pure black and boiling white should be avoided - these shades are too specific.
  2. Business people wear long-sleeve shirts and a tie with their suits.
  3. Shoes must be appropriate for the season, with closed toes and always lace-up. Sneakers, moccasins, sports slippers with Velcro, and sneakers are not allowed.
  4. A business man should very carefully monitor the condition of his hands and especially his nails; dirty nails with burrs are unacceptable. Among the jewelry on your hands, a wedding ring and a high-quality expensive watch are acceptable.
  5. Hair should be well-groomed and neatly cut.
  6. For business documents and personal items, you should purchase a high-quality leather briefcase.

Business clothes for women and other features of the overall image of a business woman

For women pursuing a career, it is much more difficult to create a business image appropriate to the situation. Most often they have more choice, but this is often confusing. In addition, any lady wants to look quite feminine and at the same time feel comfortable in a work environment.

To fit into a work image, business clothing for women must meet the following parameters:

  1. You should maintain a calm color scheme: darker in winter, lighter in summer. Bright colors in clothing are only allowed in accessories, for example, a neckerchief.
  2. Clothes should not be see-through. If in doubt, look at the wardrobe detail towards the bright light. Choose thick, lined fabrics.
  3. Women do not have to wear a business suit, but they should pay attention to the overall appearance of the outfit - it should be fairly closed.
  4. In a work environment, bare shoulders, revealing necklines, miniskirts, too-tight trousers and other elements that make the image frivolous are unacceptable.
  5. Shoes should be selected with closed toes and heels. A heel is not a mandatory attribute of a business woman's image.

When creating a business-like image, a woman should pay enough attention not only to clothing, but also to the image as a whole:

  1. Hair should be natural color. If you use paint, shade the roots in a timely manner. It is acceptable to wear shoulder-length loose hair as long as it is styled neatly, otherwise it should be tied up.
  2. Neat and discreet makeup for a business lady is a mandatory element of her image.
  3. Decorations should be small. Gold and precious stones should not be worn during the day, with the exception of a wedding ring. The ideal option is semi-precious stones and high-quality jewelry.
  4. The aroma of perfume should be soft and unobtrusive.
  5. A business woman's hands should be well-groomed, with a neat manicure. The decorative coating on the nails should be discreet.
  6. Choose your business accessories carefully.

The influence of body type on image

One of the most important elements of the overall image is bodily parameters. Unconsciously, we perceive and evaluate people based on their body type. A large person seems more significant and trustworthy. However, an overly large body is beginning to rather frighten and cause mistrust.

With the right selection of wardrobe, you can smooth out the first impression a little. It is worth striving for average parameters. If you are overweight, you should contact nutrition and sports specialists, this will help normalize it and definitely improve your business image. Fit and athletic people inspire the greatest confidence.

Perception of hairstyle and its influence on image

Hair is one of the most important elements of any person’s image. The visual perception of the interlocutor often begins with the head. Hairstyle plays a crucial role in creating the desired impression. It sets the main sound of the image and either harmoniously combines or creates strong dissonance.

Basic rules for a competent hairstyle for a business person:

  1. First of all, the hair must be clean. It is absolutely unacceptable to appear in polite society with a greasy, bad-smelling head. This is a sign of a careless attitude not only towards yourself, but also towards others. If you don’t have time for hygiene procedures at all, use dry shampoo.
  2. Hair should either be neatly trimmed or tied up. Long hair, for all its beauty, creates a completely frivolous and non-working image. You should carefully monitor your haircut and visit the hairdresser regularly.
  3. Gray hair can look very dignified, it adds solidity and confidence. If you prefer to paint over or tint your gray hair, regularly renew the color on your roots.

The importance of the right accessories for creating a business style

A business image consists of many elements. Of course, the main thing is clothes. But don't underestimate the importance of accessories. They are the ones who make the image complete. Properly chosen, they can greatly improve or completely ruin the first impression.

Business accessories include:

  • watch;
  • briefcase or ;
  • bag for other things;
  • pen;
  • glasses;
  • belt for trousers;
  • headdress and scarf;
  • cufflinks for men;
  • jewelry for women.

When choosing certain accessories for your work outfit, pay attention first of all to quality and style. Things should be laconic and at the same time look quite expensive. Rhinestones and excessive brightness are unacceptable. Products made from yellow gold are considered a sign of bad taste. The exception is the wedding ring.

The belt and briefcase should be made of genuine leather of a single color. It is advisable to have several sets of different colors that match the season and clothing. The frame of the glasses should, first of all, look harmonious on the face; medium-sized glasses fit best into a business image.

A watch is one of the most important business accessories. Don't buy cheap knockoffs of expensive brands. You can buy a high-quality replica from a trusted manufacturer, but it’s better to get the original. A watch is a status item, and having spent once, you will receive quality for many years.

When it comes to jewelry, follow the rule - less is more. Earrings, bracelets, beads and rings should be present in a business attire very sparingly. It is best to get by with a couple of elements, for example, discreet earrings made of silver metal and a small string of pearls. For your daytime wardrobe, it is advisable to make sets of high-quality costume jewelry, and leave items made of precious metals and stones for special occasions.

Errors in the formation of a residential image

Even fairly experienced business people can make mistakes when creating their corporate image. These flaws can be perceived as nice features, provided that they are few and not fatal.

Main mistakes when creating a business image:

  1. Lack of understanding of fashion trends. for all its considerable conservatism, it is subject to fashion trends. For example, a few years ago it was difficult to imagine a businessman with an unshaven face, but current realities are such that wearing a beard has become an element of style. However, trendy trends should also be avoided. This is especially true for accessories and colors.
  2. Inconsistency of style elements. Strict business style does not allow sporty relaxation or shocking brightness. Some relaxations are acceptable in the afternoon or during a business trip. For example, a combination of strict, smooth fabric and moccasins or sneakers would be a gross violation of business style. This also includes sports bags, excessively large and bright jewelry, and unnatural hair color.
  3. Failure to comply with hygiene standards. Social norms require a person to be clean. All parts of the body should be neat and well-groomed. Clothing should be changed when soiled, and underwear, socks and shirts/blouses should be changed daily. At any time of the year you should use deodorants or antiperspirants, but make sure that their smell does not mix with the aroma of perfume.
  4. Be careful when using perfume. Remember that your business partners may react to the smell in completely different ways, including allergies.
  5. For a business woman, a big mistake is completely ignoring or, conversely, being overly enthusiastic about makeup. Decorative cosmetics should softly and carefully emphasize facial features, but at the same time look as natural as possible.

These are basic style mistakes; they create dissonance in the image, and others will no longer be able to take such a person seriously. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and remove anything that catches your eye. An impeccable business reputation and business image are the key to a successful career.

Who does not need to artificially create a business image?

For many people involved in the business sphere, there is no particular need to create a business-like overall image. Enough comfortable and practical clothes and suitable accessories.

These include:

  • telephone consultants;
  • remote employees;
  • employees not directly related to working with clients;
  • student interns.

Important note: all further discussions about style and image refer to the meanings of these words,
that fashion designers use. stylists, image makers in their professional activities.

1. Image and image. Perhaps it’s worth starting with an explanation of what image and image are. These two concepts are inextricably linked, and one does not exist without the other. At the same time, it is important to learn to distinguish between them.

So, in a broad sense, image of a person is a system of signs that a person transmits at some point in time, and which reflect the individual properties of his personality, the accentuated social role and current communicative attitudes. This system of signs consists of elements such as physique, facial features, gait, gestures and manner of movement, speech patterns, voice and manner of speaking, facial expression, gaze, hairstyle, makeup, clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, degree of grooming and neatness, and etc. and so on. The list can be expanded to include a car, a house, a social circle, and the like. A broad interpretation of the image, taking into account the broad context and all communication channels, is used by image makers in their work.

In a narrower sense, which is usually used by fashion designers and stylists, image - this is a set of signs transmitted by a person, expressed visual tongue. Thus, interpreting the concept more narrowly, we can limit ourselves to working with appearance, clothing, hairstyle, makeup, etc. At the same time, it is important to be aware that you are working on only part of the image.

Image is often confused with image. The confusion is especially heightened by the fact that image can also be translated as “image”. But in Russian it is customary to distinguish between image and image. So, image - this is an evaluative opinion about a person that has formed in the minds of another person or group of people. The image is formed on the basis of information about a person, including from himself. The image has a decisive influence on the formation of the image.

The key quality of the image is the sign: positive or negative. The image sign determines the readiness of the target audience for certain actions in relation to the bearer of the image.

1. Image and image.

So, an image is a simplified external reflection of a person’s inner essence. Image is an assessment of a person in the minds of a certain target audience.

2. Creating an image. Stylists and fashion designers are engaged in professional image creation. Such work is carried out primarily using artistic means (shape, color, relationships, accents, etc.). The stylist takes into account the client’s appearance when working with his image. A fashion designer can start from any source of inspiration (person, film, music, book, visual image, etc.) and create a costume (and then the image of a person in a suit), following his associations. But that's a separate topic :)

The main question when creating an image is “what do I (or my client) want (want) to say about myself in this situation?” This message becomes the basis of the image and a filter for the choice of expressive means.

2. Creating an image.

3. Creating an image. As you can easily guess, image makers are professionally involved in creating an image. This is a caste of specialists, noticeably different from stylists and fashion designers. The essence of the difference is that they are primarily specialists in interpersonal communication. Working on a client’s appearance is not an end in itself for them, but just a means of achieving certain social goals.

If creating an image is relatively easy, and the result is well controlled, then with the image everything is ambiguous and sometimes unpredictable. The fact is that it is impossible to directly penetrate the brains of the target audience and form the necessary opinion there. To persuade people in favor of you (your client), you can only carefully filter and beautifully arrange information about yourself (your client), but the target audience will still make the final conclusions themselves. Sometimes the reaction is not at all what we would like.

3. Creating an image.

4. Is it possible to do without image and image? No. Even if you don’t think about your image and your image at all, they still arise and exist regardless of your desire and participation. And it is quite possible that, unbeknownst to you, they are interfering with the achievement of some of your goals.

5. Style. Clothing style is a set of template visual solutions that form a recognizable image. In the event that we are dealing with a global style (known to many people), the image, in turn, has an established interpretation, and even in a certain context has an image sign.

For example, everyone knows what a classic-style men's suit looks like (rigid shape, close to a rectangle, collar with lapels, complex neutral shades, etc.). Any person can offhand name the associations with personal qualities that the sight of a man in a suit evokes in him (businesslike, formal, classic, conservative, etc.). When a person in a suit finds himself in a situation where these qualities are positive and valuable, his image automatically shifts to a positive one.

Thus, global styles help make image making much more predictable than in the case of creating a new, never-before-seen image.

4. The connection “style - interpretation of the image - image”.

To be continued....

Many people, undoubtedly, have heard more than once about image, how important it is for a person, about its creation, change, etc. Most people don’t even realize that it’s not just about appearance or clothing style. And this term applies not only to a person, but also to various objects, companies or entire organizations. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

The word “image” itself comes from the English language and when translated means face, image, image. This is the impression that a particular object makes on others. And the attitude and trust towards you depends on it. But one should not be confused, the image is not at all a mirror of a person’s soul and his internal qualities, it is an external picture projected in the minds of other people. Typically, a person's image and personality differ significantly. But this does not deny its importance, because what we demonstrate to others has no small influence in our lives. And that is why your success depends on the correct creation of your image.

A person's image is his calling card. Some of its facets are given to us from birth: appearance, abilities, talents, intelligence, and some have to be honed over a long time. Learn to make a good first impression, maintain and subsequently improve your image. It is very difficult to become what you want, but it all starts with a very strong desire to change and a willingness to begin to develop your abilities, hone your demeanor, your ability to hold on, develop cheerfulness and optimism.

“You have to be able to change yourself in time! Changing your image is a fundamental step towards favorable changes.”

The wider the circle with which a person needs to contact, the more global the level of tasks assigned to him, the more important his business image is. That is why this question is especially relevant for people in a certain field of activity, for businessmen, show business stars, politicians, and executives. But still, the image is important for every person, the scale of influence of the image created by him simply differs.

The main components of the image

Appearance: clothes, accessories, style, hairstyle, manicure - these are the first things that catch people's eyes. Don’t forget that “you meet people by their clothes...” therefore, always take care of yourself. The first opinion, the further impression of others, and the formation of your image depend on how you look.

Posture, gait, gestures, movements - these are all components of the kinetic image. According to research, the verbal part of communication is -35%, but the non-verbal part is as much as -65%. Jumping, stooping or shuffling, or excessive gesticulation will not help you create a positive image. If you don't like your gait or posture, sign up for dancing or play sports, very soon you will see changes for the better.

Facial expressions, smiles, facial expressions are components of a person’s facial image. Watch how well you master facial expressions, because your face is a reflection of your feelings and emotional state. Stand in front of the mirror and rehearse some phrases, see what happens to your eyebrows, forehead, lips, nose. Were you able to convey with your facial expressions what you wanted to convey with your words, and how do they correspond to each other?

The most important component of the facial image is, of course, the eyes. You should make eye contact with your interlocutor as often as possible. Imagine: he has a dot on his forehead and look there when talking - this will show your attention and serious attitude and improve your image. 70% of communication depends on gaze. Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to communicate with a person wearing sunglasses and with a blank look? So never forget about this rule when creating an image.

Underestimate the importance of lip position. Closed lips are an indicator of isolation, a raised corner is sarcasm or doubt, stretched into a smile is joy, goodwill. Don't forget about the magic of a smile: people don't like gloomy, gloomy, stern interlocutors. As soon as you smile, you are immediately included in the number of pleasant and attractive people.

Here are some speech rules that will help you create a positive image:

Respect your interlocutor. This means not only listening and not interrupting, but also your appearance and mood matters.
- Avoid templates and clichés, try to be original.
- Use lively speech, use metaphors, comparisons, and rhetorical questions more often - this helps create a modern image.
- Lower the tone; changing it highlights the desired phrase well.
- When working with the public, it is better to avoid impersonal verbs. Instead of “offering a wide selection of products,” it is better to say “I offer you a wide selection of products.”
- Know how to dilute your speech with an appropriate joke, because humor helps bring the public closer together and creates a positive image for the speaker.
- As already mentioned, do not forget about your gaze, it should be directed towards the audience; if you are asked a question, do not look away in order to better concentrate, by doing this you can create the image of an insincere person.
- Use subjunctive moods less if you don’t want to look uncertain or indecisive.

The surrounding or material image is your office, room, car. This is both the exterior and the interior - the style of the house as a whole, the color of the wallpaper, furniture, books, paintings. All this complements and tells more about you as a person. Therefore, look around and think about whether your home or office can create an unfavorable impression of you or, on the contrary, contribute to a change in your image.

Mental image – outlook on life, ethical and moral values, religiosity, worldviews, stereotypes. Everything you say shapes your personality in the eyes of others.

Accompanying or background image - reviews about you from the mouths of others. To put it simply, what will be said about you when you leave the room. If a person is public, then newspapers, magazines, television, the Internet (that is, the media) are added to this list.

Orthobiosis or healthy lifestyle - support for physical and mental health. Health affects not only your well-being, but also your appearance, image, performance, and mood. As the Latin expression, familiar to everyone, says: a healthy mind in a healthy body. You will be more likely to earn a positive image if you project charm and attractiveness.

Eat regularly, preferably less, but more often, take into account seasonal, age and climatic features. In addition, it helps maintain normal body weight, which also plays an important role in a person’s image. To maintain good physical shape, you need not only proper nutrition, but regular visits to the gym.

What else do you need to know about image?

First of all, it is integrity, each of the components creates the overall picture. As soon as one component is removed, the multi-layered image will collapse. None of the components should deny each other, but rather complement each other harmoniously.

Do not forget that the image and first impression are formed in a person’s mind in a few seconds, and it will take a very long time to change something later, so be always ready to show the created image.

It is necessary that the external manifestations of the image correspond to the internal state. Everything you put out there must come from you.

Analyze yourself, because everything starts with self-knowledge, highlight your own abilities and shortcomings, having studied them, you can consciously control yourself and improve yourself. You must master all the indicators of your image, and not just demonstrate them.

The created image either helps you establish and consolidate success in relationships with people, or, on the contrary, holds you back and hinders you. Therefore, the image should be logical, consistent and prepared in advance, and not random and spontaneous.

Image and style

Contrary to popular belief, image and style are two different concepts, but they cannot coexist without each other. If image is a role, then style is a reflection of a person’s inner “I”, his way of self-expression. Competent style is the ability to express yourself in the language of clothing and be understood. Once a person finds his style, he finds himself, his point of view and can demonstrate and defend it. If you are careful, then by the haircut, the cut of the jacket or the pattern on the shirt, you can easily figure out the style that a person prefers and the image that he strives for. Do not neglect accessories, for example, watches, earrings, a bracelet or a scarf, which can say more about the owner than any words. The chosen perfume reveals a person's personality and who he wants to appear to be. The relationship between the external and internal “I” of a person is reflected precisely in style. And style shapes image.

Perceiving and using criticism

It is impossible to improve or change your image without contact with people. Naturally, being in society, we hear criticism addressed to us. If you present yourself as a confident, successful, bright person, and understand that your image is successfully accepted by the public, then your image is confirmed. But if others perceive you as insecure, dependent and unreliable, then your image may be shaken. In other words, to support the image, you need outside support and the approval of other people.

Image of a business person

Due to increasing competition in the labor market, it is no longer enough to be a competent and qualified specialist in your field. If you want to move up the career ladder or keep the long-awaited position you have already received, you need to carefully and thoughtfully create your image.

In addition to all of the above, the image of the company or organization itself affects the image of its employees. The company's image consists of: trust, respect, status, financial position, authority, quality of services provided, etc. From this, the image of the company is formed and clients understand what kind of organization it is and what its goals are.

The image of the leader plays an important role; a holistic and consistent image must correspond to the values ​​and expectations of the target group, in this case the team. Thus, the creation of an image occurs with the aim of modeling the way the boss is assessed in the minds of subordinates. According to reviews, employees want to see a good mentor and protector in their boss. That is why, in office legends, the leader is spoken of in exactly this way.

Another important point in forming the image of a business person is the depth of knowledge in the area where you directly work. Strive to learn as much as possible about the organization where you work, about its competitors and your colleagues and managers. Study internal policies, image and rules. Stay up to date with events and new changes in the industry in which the company operates.

You must not only be a competent professional in your field, but also be able to carry on a conversation on other topics. Be it the results of a football match, this season's fashion, a modern image, a newly released film or environmental pollution issues. Or advise a colleague in what style to decorate the room for the upcoming holiday. The breadth of your knowledge is the next factor important for the image of a modern person.

Also, never forget to be sincere, honest and enthusiastic while performing your duties. If your colleagues and subordinates sense your positive spirit, they will involuntarily pick it up, which, among other things, has a positive effect on your image and reviews.

There are three types of image - positive, negative and veiled. Most people strive to create a positive image, but there are many examples of scandalous and negative images: these are politicians and representatives of show business, and less often the heads of commercial structures. A veiled image does exist, but it is created rather to support intrigue and mystery and is soon revealed.

The main function of a business person’s image is the compliance of the manager’s actions with the expectations of his employees. The stimulating and motivating function helps subordinates follow the leader and develop. The normative function of image is that the leader sets the rules and norms of interaction in the organization. If they are supported by the majority of employees, this contributes to further team unity, creating a pleasant climate and improving performance. Representative function - consists of the “internal” and “external” image of the leader. Internal image is the relationship directly within the company with employees. The internal image already forms the external image or positioning of the company in the external environment. This is a relationship both with clients, customers and persons in contact with the organization, and with the public, which has no contact with it.

By the way, one of the fundamental factors in the image of a business person is marital status. This should not be neglected, because it shows what kind of person you are, your seriousness and focus. Family values ​​disseminated by the leader contribute positively to the formation of his business image.

Psychology and temperament

Now let's understand the psychology of image formation.

Even from school lessons, we know that there is no clear division into extroverts or introverts, it’s just that for some people, one or another indicator prevails. It is the ratio of introversion and extraversion that plays a big role in the formation of the image.
Introverts are immersed in their own internal reality. It is a great pleasure for them to spend time alone, to reflect, during which their goals and objectives are formed. His understanding of his image includes the recognition of his own ideas by those around him.

Extroverts are in external reality. They enjoy spending time in large company; they want to please others; unlike introverts, they are people of action. Understanding your image includes recognition by others of your knowledge of people.

Let’s not forget about temperament; it plays a huge role in shaping the image of both a business person and a person in general. Anyone can become a leader, regardless of their temperament type, you just need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your type and use them correctly in a given situation.

People in leadership positions with different types of temperaments have to make different efforts when creating an image. For representatives of the melancholic type of temperament, this is the most difficult to do, but they are the ones who least strive to be leaders. The most suitable temperament for the position of leader is a sanguine person, but its representatives need to make additional efforts in forming an image.

You will not be able to change your temperament, but by studying yourself you can easily disguise your weaknesses and emphasize your strengths. In different situations, the same parties can be both a weak and a strong side when creating an image. An important point is to choose the right profession for your type of temperament. Most make their choice at the level of intuition, but if it has let you down or you feel difficult when choosing an activity, you can turn to a psychologist for help.

We all know that a leader is always a leader, but depending on temperament, the areas in which he will be useful may differ significantly. A choleric person will be very successful in the field of marketing if he successfully creates a team together with a phlegmatic person, who will be an excellent analyst. This will help him maintain a positive image in the eyes of his subordinates. The phlegmatic person will also be able to control the work process and the manager himself. It will help the leader avoid mistakes that may arise due to his impulsiveness. A person with a phlegmatic temperament type will successfully manage a scientific department as a manager.

Basically, when they talk about a woman’s image, they only talk about the image of a business woman. But a housewife, a teacher, and a secretary can also successfully create their own image.

Create a positive image for yourself by developing your communication skills, taking care of your appearance and honing your manners.


A woman with an image should always look impeccable, be it a trip to a nearby store for bread, a business meeting with partners, or a date with a loved one. This means daily hygiene procedures, beautiful hair, clean underwear, an ironed shirt, polished nice shoes. No broken, bitten nails or chipped nail polish. Excess hair is always subject to immediate removal; pedicures, elbows, knees, feet, and heels are subject to regular care. If you don't want to lose the image of a modern woman. Makeup should always be in moderation, emphasizing the strengths and hiding the imperfections of the face. Elegantly defined eyebrows can change the proportions of the face for the better and draw attention to the eyes. You should not touch up your makeup or comb your hair in public. A woman should monitor her appearance and take care of her appearance and image always, and not just on the eve of an important meeting.

But looking great isn't always enough.

A graceful, confident gait, a straight back and a radiant smile will help you look dignified in the eyes of others. All these are important components of a woman's image.

Once a woman is satisfied with her appearance, her self-esteem increases and she feels comfortable. This attracts positive attention from others.

When forming an image both in your personal life and in your career, every word, movement, gesture, and mood plays an important role. No wonder Napoleon Bonaparte said that those who do not speak well will not climb the career ladder. A pleasant, melodic, gentle voice combined with clear articulation and good pronunciation is the key to being heard by your interlocutor and attracting the attention of others. This is one of the important points when creating an image. Maintain correct posture while talking - this will improve the flow of air, and your voice will become more pleasant and speaking will be easier.

There are many people who are not satisfied with their voice. Naturally, we need to work on it. Of course, there are voices that you like, listen to them, try to reproduce them in your head and then pronounce them. Read aloud for 20 minutes every day. Do not ignore tongue twisters, they will improve articulation, and you will not be afraid of getting into any embarrassment or ruining your image. Pay attention to timbre, tempo, beat, expressiveness, try recording yourself on a voice recorder. Listen and try to understand what is wrong, what is the problem and repeat this for so long until you like the recorded voice.

Woman at work

A woman must remain a woman in any conditions, she must always maintain femininity and dignity. It’s unlikely that anyone will like the image of a rude “butch” when choosing a business partner or employee. A married woman will certainly experience pressure: on the one hand, family circumstances, on the other, work pressure. A businesswoman must always do her work carefully, but at the same time, household chores fall on her fragile shoulders. To maintain a positive image, it is better to carefully disguise problems in your personal life and continue to work conscientiously, and preferably better than your male colleagues. Unfortunately, I don’t want to admit it, but almost no woman has yet found happiness after abandoning her family. So, having taken on a responsible position, do not allow work to the detriment of your family.

Your appearance should not conflict with your workplace and image. Lacy stockings, deep neckline, provocative makeup are not acceptable. In winter, have spare office shoes, do not sit in outerwear or a hat, this is not nice, both for clients and employees.

Change of image

We have already talked about creating an image, let's look at changing the image, in what cases it is necessary and why. If you changed your job, moved to a new team, climbed the career ladder, realized that you had greatly transformed internally, changed your social position or moved into a new age-old category (for example, a woman who has crossed the 30-year mark is no longer suitable for the image that was before). Also, changing your image is a good cure for depression, helps you discover new sides of your personality and look at the world with different eyes.

You can change your image yourself or use the services of image makers, but not everyone can afford the latter. So how can you do it yourself? First, think about the image you are striving for, write it down in detail on paper, or type on the computer what you want to change or add. Be guided by your desires, but do not forget about the environment where you live - work, family, social status. Now compare your current image and the one you are striving for. Don’t skip this stage, because this way you can identify the weaknesses of your image and prevent mistakes in the future, as well as save time and money.

It is advisable that the list be compiled in ascending order, from the smallest changes to the most significant and cardinal, so it will be easier for you to get used to the changes in your image and achieve your goal. But if your plans include significant weight loss and public speaking training, then you need to start right away with them, because this is a long process that will take a lot of time and effort. It's not two shopping trips and one to the hairdresser. This way you can change your style, but not your image.

A good place to start is by deep cleaning your home. Immediately get rid of old or unnecessary things; they are not needed in your new life. It’s not for nothing that Eastern sages say: “clean your house, cleanse your mind.” After this, the second phase of change begins - clearing the memory. Forget old grievances, get over it, because the negative energy inside you primarily harms you and your image.

After getting rid of internal and external ballasts, you should rethink your life guidelines. Do what you have been putting off, what you have been dreaming about for so long. Read books, study other cultures, go to the gym, attend image training, take a photography course, or start crocheting. In general, do everything to expand your horizons, do not let the everyday routine drag you into its depths. Try keeping a journal where you write down your thoughts on what you have done on your list of changes. You will see positive changes in your image and when you give up and decide to give up everything, flip through its pages and you will see how long you have been walking and how stupid it would be to stop halfway.

Another important step when changing your image is changing your appearance. All changes happen when a person changes his image. After all, your appearance reflects your personality. All changes are harmoniously interconnected: there will be no external changes, there will be no internal ones and vice versa. You can buy a couple of magazines or watch a program about changing your image and appearance. Also, now there are a lot of training videos with practical advice on the Internet. But if you are afraid of getting into trouble, seek advice from the salon. A professional will help, taking into account your individual characteristics, choose makeup, haircut, hair color, which will create a positive image for you. She will share advice on the style that will suit you, the style and cut that will hide flaws and highlight your strengths.

Be ready for changes and let new sensations and emotions into your life. And you won't regret it!

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