Famous virtuous people are famous for what. The kindest people in the world

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How they do it:

“The world has become smaller,” some will say. “People have become cruel,” others will confirm. And only a third will object: “Russia is not without good people.” WITH last expression One cannot but agree after reading the stories of these five individuals.

Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev

During his lifetime, nobleman Fyodor Mikhailovich Rtishchev received the nickname “gracious husband,” and his name was recorded in the synodics (memorials) of countless monasteries and churches in gratitude for his activities and financial investments.

Fyodor Rtishchev was a friend and ally of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his life, he built many schools, shelters for the poor, hospitals, and became the founder of St. Andrew's Monastery. This man, seeing a drunk lying on the pavement, could easily pick him up and take him to a shelter. During the Russian-Polish War, Rtishchev achieved success in peace negotiations with representatives of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the battles, Fyodor Mikhailovich carried both his own and the enemy from the battlefield. He hired doctors with his own money and bought food for the wounded and prisoners.

F. M. Rtishchev at the Monument “1000th Anniversary of Russia” in Veliky Novgorod.

Most of all, his contemporaries remembered the incident when in 1671, during a severe famine in Vologda, Rtishchev sent there 200 measures of bread, 100 gold and 900 silver rubles. These donations were proceeds from the sale of part of the nobleman's property. When Fyodor Mikhailovich found out that the residents of Arzamas were in desperate need of land, he simply donated his possessions to the city. When Rtishchev died, his “life” appeared in monasteries. This was practically the only case when the righteous life was described, not of a monk, but of a layman.

Anna Adler

Anna Aleksandrovna Adler devoted her entire life to helping children with disabilities. In the 19th century, the activities of charitable foundations were mainly aimed at satisfying only the physical needs of disabled people for food and shelter. They were deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in society.

Anna Adler herself was involved in educating the blind in order to prove to others that they could study and earn their living just like everyone else. This woman mastered the Braille system, found funds to purchase a printing press in Germany and began creating teaching aids for the blind. In addition to teaching literacy, in schools for the blind, under the patronage of Anna Adler, boys were taught to weave baskets and rugs, and girls were taught to knit and sew. Over time, Anna Alexandrovna translated the notes into a form understandable for the blind, so that they could learn to play musical instruments. The first graduates of the school for the blind in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with the active assistance of Anna Adler, were able to find work. This woman managed to break the established stereotypes about the incapacity of the blind.

Nikolay Pirogov

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov became famous as a brilliant surgeon, naturalist, and teacher. Already at the age of 26 he was appointed professor at the University of Dorpat. Pirogov devoted his entire life to saving people. The soldiers called him a wizard who performed miracles right on the battlefield.

Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to distribute the wounded on the battlefield, immediately deciding who would be sent to the hospital first and who would get off lightly. This practice has made it possible to significantly reduce the amputation of limbs and the mortality rate of soldiers. During operations, Pirogov was the first in Russia to use anesthesia, thereby relieving the wounded of excruciating pain.

In addition to performing his direct duties, Nikolai Pirogov carefully ensured that warm blankets and food were delivered to the soldiers. When after graduation Crimean War Nikolai Ivanovich had an audience with Emperor Alexander II, and in his hearts he began to talk about backwardness Russian army and its weapons. After this conversation, Pirogov was sent from the capital to serve in Odessa, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the sovereign’s disfavor.

Pirogov did not despair and directed all his energy to pedagogical activity. The scientist zealously opposed class education and the use of corporal punishment. “Being a human being is what education should lead to,” this is exactly what Pirogov believed. Unfortunately, Pirogov met with decisive rebuff from officials. All students spoke of him as a brilliant teacher who cared not only about their education, but about instilling high moral qualities.

Sergey Skirmunt

In the second half of the 19th century there lived a certain Sergei Apollonovich Skirmunt. He was serving as an army second lieutenant when a fortune fell on him. From a deceased distant relative, the 30-year-old officer received 2.5 million rubles, land and farmsteads. But, unlike many people who suddenly became rich, Skirmunt did not go to great lengths.

He donated part of the money to charity. On his Crimean estate, the newly-minted landowner decided to improve the living conditions of the peasants. New houses were built to replace the dilapidated shacks. A hospital and a school also appeared there. Needless to say, the residents of the estate prayed daily for the health of the landowner.

Vladimir Odoevsky

The noble origin of the writer and philosopher Vladimir Odoevsky did not prevent him from showing sincere participation in the destinies of people of the lower classes. The prince actively advocated the abolition of serfdom.

Odoevsky organized the Society for Visiting the Poor, which provided assistance to 15 thousand poor families. Those in need or the elderly could go to the community and receive medical care there. Prince Odoevsky was called a “strange scientist” whose main quality was virtue.

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We have collected a real dozen stories about how celebrities (even evil rockers) are people too. And kind ones. Especially when there is grief next to them.

Marilyn Manson

Many people call him a pervert, many do not understand his style and music. And many don’t even know who he is. And this, by the way, is not just a legendary rock musician, but one of the most good celebrities in the world. In 2000, he visited a teenager with terminal cancer. Moreover, Manson brought a bunch of memorabilia for the boy, and stayed with the child in his house for several hours. The guys chatted, played video games, played the guitar, and even read comics. And three weeks later the boy died. At the time of his death, he was wearing a Manson T-shirt.

Catch one of the best (according to the editors) Manson clips:


This happened in 2009. 85-year-old American Margaret claimed that Metallica's hits saved her from cancer. The story created so much hype that even the members of the ensemble found out about it. The guys were not at a loss and invited Margaret to their concert (for which, by the way, tickets had long been sold out). Then, before the performance, they took the old lady backstage and chatted with her there. The final touch - James Hetfield (vocals, guitar) dedicated “Nothing Else Matters” to the lady.

Source: revoradio1041fm.net

Cristiano Ronaldo

In March 2014, a family wrote a letter to Cristiano Ronaldo asking for a pair of signed sneakers and a jersey. They needed these items to auction off and pay for their 10-month-old baby's surgery. The baby needed an operation to survive, and the cost of the operation was 66 thousand euros. Ronaldo sent them signed sneakers, a T-shirt and... a check for 83,000 euros.

Source: genius.com

Steve Buscemi

Before becoming a Hollywood star, Steve Buscemi worked as a firefighter in New York. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, Buscemi returned to the New York Fire Department and worked 12 hours a day for a week with other New York firefighters clearing the wreckage of the World War II. shopping center. Steve even refused an interview. He said that he did not do it for self-promotion.

Source: Pinterest

Colin Farrell

A true story from the life of an Irish actor. During the filming of the film “The Recruit” in Toronto, a local radio host announced a competition:

  • will give $1000 to anyone who brings Colin to the radio station.

Colin was at first upset: they say this is a direct attack on his personal life. But then the actor did go to the studio, accompanied by a certain homeless man, Dave. Like, I decided to help the poor guy. Dave won his thousand, but he didn’t drink it away, but “got back to his feet.”

A few years later, Colin returned to Toronto, found Dave, and was convinced that his generous act had changed the homeless man’s life. And even for the better.

Source: screenweek.it

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise came out of the situation gracefully and generously in 1996. He witnessed an accident in which a driver hit a girl and fled. The actor did not go home, but stopped, called an ambulance, and was with the victim until the rescuers arrived. Then it wasn’t enough for Cruz and he went to the hospital to get the carriage. Like, he wanted to make sure that the young lady was okay. And when he found out that the girl did not have insurance, he paid her $7,000 hospital bill.

Source: stereogum.com

Keanu Reeves

When it came to splitting the money for the second and third Matrix films, Keanu decided to give part of his profits to the team that worked on the special effects and costumes. I thought they deserved it. Bottom line: Reeves “donated” $75 million. The actor doesn’t regret it one bit.

Request text: "Thank you! I like about something human - the kindest, most sympathetic, most humane... :)"

Are there people on our Earth who know neither wars, nor violence, nor murders? Amazing discovery made by scientists - anthropologists. In 1971, on the Philippine Islands, where, it would seem, everything had been explored far and wide, an unknown tribe of people was discovered. It lives separately and does not know that it exists the world, where there are also similar ones. This tribe was called the Tasadei. Tasadao is a mountain above the entrance to a cave on the slope of one of the hills in the wilds of the island of Mindanao. There the Tasadei spend the night.

These people have a very primitive life. Every day they live is not much different from the previous one. Waking up at sunrise, they go down to the stream to wash and have breakfast. Thanks to the rich flora and ponds teeming with tadpoles, small fish and crabs, they always have food at hand and do not need to stock up.

The Tasadei sit down on sun-warmed rocks and begin their meal, feeding each other their prey. At noon, the tribe moves into the shade and spends the rest of the day in peace and quiet.

Only at sunset they go in search of plant food and after a vegetarian dinner (lunch) they take refuge in a cave for the night. Their undisturbed sleep lasts about 12 hours.

This tribe knows neither quarrels nor enmity. When making any decision, they quickly come to general opinion, so there is no need to appoint chiefs and elders.

Due to the fact that the Tasadeans do not have much good memory, they do not remember random insults and do not hold grudges against their brothers. Couples are created only for love. One marriage for life. The feeling of jealousy is unknown to this amazing people, since they also don’t have betrayals.

In this group of people everyone is equal. After all, they have no property, and they don’t know what money is.

Another remarkable quality of the Tasadei is the absence bad habits(smoking and drinking alcohol). Scientists believe that these people are good-natured and forgiving from birth.

This is how Akimushkin describes their life:

(Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin(May 1, Moscow - January 1, Moscow) - writer, biologist, popularizer of biology, author of popular science books about animal life.)

In the depths of the cave, two fires burn day and night. The Tasadeans do not have a special position of “priests of fire”, who would be in charge of maintaining it. And in general there are no positions or responsibilities: everyone, without coercion, does what he does best or what he likes best.

Let's see how the Tasadays spend their day, what their simple life is like.

As soon as the sun rises, the Tasadei, rubbing their eyes and stretching, slowly descend down the natural potholes and ledges of the lava tuff that makes up the foot of the cave. Mothers carry or lead their children by the hand. The Tasadei have no hierarchy, no advantage or privilege to enter and exit the cave, no ceremonial order.

Let us note here for memory that monkeys have a hierarchy. Obviously, it was also among the Neolithic people - the Cro-Magnons. But their predecessors, judging by the Tasadays, did not. This means that hierarchical “bureaucracy” and “honor of rank” are not genetically inherent in people, but developed later, with the formation of a primitive communal and class society (although some anthropologists believe otherwise). We will return to this issue a little later, when we talk about human aggressiveness.

After this small but important for understanding the basics human psychology retreat let us return to the Tasadays who have awakened from sleep.

Still sleepy, smeared in soot and soot, they go down to the stream. Adults wash themselves and wash off the soot; children are bathed by their mothers.

Then the search for food begins. Tasadei do not stock up on food: the surrounding nature is generous and supplies in abundance everything necessary for food. They find their breakfast right at the doorstep of the house. Children sit on the bank of a stream and hold bags made of leaves in their hands. Men catch fish, crabs, and tadpoles with their hands (the latter are the main dish on the Tasadei menu).

Children and adults settle down where the stones are heated by the sun, where it is warmer. They eat slowly. No one claims to have the most satisfying and plentiful piece. They readily share with each other everything they caught in half an hour.

Basking in the sun. They remember with laughter the successes and failures of the morning hunt for tadpoles. Tasadeans have a short memory, as they say. They remember only recent events, and completely forget what happened 5-6 years ago. In general, good things are remembered better than bad things. Therefore, they do not hold a grudge against each other for long. Involuntary offenses are easily forgiven. I say “involuntary” because the Tasadei do not know how to deliberately cause offense.

Five hours pass unnoticed. The sun rises to its zenith, and the Tasadays move to a shady place. They sit in a close group, usually silently. They don't have any work. There is little entertainment. The midday hours are spent as if in nirvana.

However, one entertainment repeated day after day amuses them during these hours.

Although the Tasadei always keep fires burning in their caves, they can quickly rekindle dry moss if they die out. This is making fire (whose moss will ignite sooner!) and practice, and competition between men, and teaching children so necessary in life primitive man business.

Fire is produced by friction. A pointed stick is inserted into a recess in the board and quickly rotated back and forth in the palms until the wood begins to smoke. Immediately they press dry palm bark and moss to the hole, blow on them, and a fire breaks out! This procedure takes about five minutes.

Shortly before sunset (in the tropics this happens at about 6 p.m.), some Tasadays get up and go into the surrounding jungle in search of fruits, fruits, and most importantly, tubers of wild yams. However, their journey through the forests is not long: they do not go further than three or four kilometers from their native cave. They'll be back soon. The long leaves of uprooted yams hang in a dense pile behind the men's backs.

Yam tubers are washed in water, baked in hot ashes and eaten.

Lunch and dinner at the Tasadeans, as you can see, are vegetarian. At night, the Tasadei move into a cave to plunge into a peaceful sleep until the morning. They sleep, therefore, almost twelve hours a day, from evening to dawn.

Tomorrow will be the same as the last.

This is how the Tasadeans live “in peace with each other and in harmony with the surrounding nature.” They have no enemies either among people or in nature. Large predators are not found in the Philippines. Only snakes are afraid of the Tasadei. They don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, and generally don’t fight or kill. They don't even have any weapons! And stone tools are very simple (Paleolithic type).

Tasadays do not engage in agriculture. They don't have pets either. No crafts, no clothes. Several orchid leaves fastened together replace their loincloth, which is all that covers their body.

The Tasadei have no chiefs or elders. Decisions are made jointly, after a short discussion, and then acted in solidarity. They have no property, neither rich nor poor. They don’t know what money is, what work is (in our understanding). They also do not know divorce, adultery, blood feuds or jealousy. Marriages are made for love, once and for life. And although there are more men in the tribe than women, no one breaks the strong bonds of marriage.

"Who watched them quiet life the anthropologist believes that they belong “to the very meek people on Earth" (E. White and D. Brown).

- No, only Tasadei special case, Lorenz’s followers continue to object. - Their primitive life is not a primary phenomenon, but a secondary one: the Tasadeans relatively recently separated from common root Filipino peoples, lost in the wilderness of the wilds of the island of Mindanao, forgot the cultural skills they possessed, and sank to a much lower level of development.

Therefore, the Tasadays cannot serve for anthropology as a model of our actual ancestor - man of the Old Stone Age. It's just a tiny big family” of the Filipinos, who once left their labors and worries into the wild wilderness of the jungle. They are people who fled from people, and not the original links in human evolution.

- Well, what does it matter if the Tasadeans are genetically not an ancient link in the chain of human generations, but a modern one? Their way of life can still serve as a model of the behavior of the very first people, since the Tasadays were placed in the same living conditions as in ancient times, and because of this, according to the law of convergence, they acquired many features of life primitive people

Some anthropologists believe that the first people were just as meek from birth. They led the same life as the Tasadays. Later, those of them who migrated to the north, to regions poor in food and rich in enemies, armed themselves with a club and a spear. But even here people remained non-aggressive for a long time. Fratricidal fights, robberies, and wars began much later with the development of the primitive communal system.

However, there is another point of view in science.

Some scientists, including such a famous ethologist as K. Lorenz, believe that aggressiveness is immanent in humans, it is a heavy legacy of our animal ancestors. Aggressiveness, according to Lorenz, will always possess a person and manifest itself in violence and other bad deeds, if society does not find another reasonable expression for it. If he doesn't find it, it will be terrible! Man's natural aggressiveness will destroy him in the end.

What's interesting here is this. The discovery of the Tasadeans and the study of their way of life tilts the opinion of most scientists in favor of the first hypothesis: man was not born with an animal nature! He is a peaceful creature in his original essence.
Let them argue...

Every person should do good deeds, no matter how global they are. Someone will say that these stars did not do anything special and in their situation everyone would have done the same, but not everyone can boast of even such a manifestation of kindness and compassion for their neighbor, because for the most part people think only about themselves.

Keanu Reeves

IN last years What came to light was that Reeves doesn't care much about money. In fact, he went so far as to give $80 million of his Matrix royalties to the special effects team and costume designers who worked on the trilogy. He explained his action by saying that he believes that the success of the film series is due to these people, and not to him.

Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry has touched not just one life, but countless others with his openness about his mental health struggles. Although many see such problems as a stigma that harms their careers, Fry speaks openly about his problems and became president charitable organization mental health Reason, which raises public awareness of mental illness and is a voice for those who suffer from it.

Russell Brand

Brand talked about how he knows what it's like to be at the bottom of his life as a former alcoholic and heroin addict, which is why he spends time with homeless people in his area. He has been photographed and spotted countless times with homeless people - taking them to breakfast and helping them in every possible way.


Will.i.am recently donated his entire salary from The Voice (around $750,000) to The Prince's Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) education to disadvantaged children in the UK. He hopes for the same success that this program has had in his hometown, Los Angeles County, which is now open modern center STEM.

Woody Harrelson

While attending a great party in New York, Woody was approached by a homeless woman looking for alms. Instead of turning her down, Woody decided to give the woman $600. According to the Daily News, when the woman recognized the actor, she said, “Thanks Woody! White people can still jump!”

John Cena

This athlete fulfilled the most wishes for charitable foundation“Make your dream come true” - he has 400 wishes (100 of which were fulfilled from June 2013 to February 2014).

Ryan Gosling

A British journalist was rescued by an actor when she almost walked onto the road in front of a taxi in New York. She tweeted about the incident, saying she was looking the other way as a lifelong Londoner when Gosling grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto the pavement.

Mila Kunis

When a man who worked in her house collapsed on the floor from an attack, Mila came to his aid. After she supported him until the ambulance arrived, Mila even offered to go with him to the hospital to make sure he was safe.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is known for the fact that she uses her popularity to promote self-belief, despite how different we are from others. After she heard that one of her fans committed suicide because he was mocked about his sexual orientation, she dedicated her concert to him and his photo was on the screens everywhere - it was an act of unity with the fan and other people around the world suffering in similar situations.


This rapper gave up everything to convince a man not to commit suicide. The police tried to reason with the man to come down from the parapet. He considered it necessary to help, telling the man that everything would be fine and that not everything in the world was as bad as it seemed.

Angelina Jolie

Jolie remains a great philanthropist even after years of success and incredible popularity. She even decided as her directorial debut make In the Land of Blood and Honey, a film that tells the story of women who were subjected to mass rape during the Bosnian war. This choice was clearly not made with the aim of becoming famous, since it was filmed and written in Bosnian.

Zach Galifinakis

Zach saved a homeless woman. Mimi, a woman Zach knew from the local laundromat long before he became famous, found herself on the street. As soon as Zach found out about this, he offered to pay the apartment rent for her. He even took her with him to the premiere of the film Bachelor Party: Part III.

Patrick Dempsey

According to TMZ, the teenager lost control of his Mustang, and after the car flipped several times, it finally stopped in front of the actor's house. Dempsey ran outside to help the young driver and used a crowbar to free the teenager from the car, after which he called emergency services.

Johnny Depp

After 9-year-old Beatrice asked Depp to help her rebel against teachers, the actor came to a London school for precisely this purpose.

Tyler Perry

After hearing that a woman suffering from cerebral palsy had her customized 2000 Chrysler Town & Country stolen from her home in Georgia, director Perry offered to give her another van.

Gary Sinese

Since playing the role of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump, Sinise has been committed to helping disabled veterans and their families. He recently took 50 war-wounded soldiers on an all-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland in California.

Tom Cruise

One day, while he was relaxing on his yacht, Cruise saw a sinking, burning sailboat. Instead of waiting for someone to save them, Tom himself swam to the sailboat and helped the victims escape.

True stories from the lives of people with different destinies, lives and worldviews, but united by one big heart.

1. Dima is a teenager, no different from other guys like him. Nothing but kindness and sensitivity to absolutely to strangers. One day he needed to visit the military registration and enlistment office. He didn’t have money for the bus, so he had to walk. It was in February. Having walked quite a bit from the house, from a distance he saw a woman lying in the snow. At first Dima thought that she was drunk, but when he approached her, he saw an elderly woman. Although there were many passers-by on the street, no one except Dima paid attention to her. The teenager came up and slowly picked her up. She said she was walking to church when she slipped and fell. Dima brought the woman home, although he had to deviate from the given route by two stops. As a sign of gratitude, she tried to give the guy money for travel. But Dima refused - that’s not why he helped her.

2. Love for animals can be limitless. Steve Craig, an accountant from Denver, knows this firsthand. A month after the death of his beloved dog, he began to feel depressed. Then Steve decided to take old, sick dogs from the shelter, who are unlikely to attract anyone's attention and whose fate, alas, is predictable. First, he adopted a twelve-year-old Chihuahua with a heart murmur and painful joints. Now he has 10 elderly dogs living at home. “I’m very happy that I was able to make these animals happy,” says Steve.

3. It’s no secret what exotic food they eat in South Korea. At their meat market you can find any animal, including dogs. Two-year-old dog Chi-Chi, hanging upside down in a dark room, was constantly beaten to make her meat more tender. However, for unknown reasons, it did not become another delicacy on someone’s table. She was simply left to die in a garbage bag. Fortunately, Chi-Chi was saved, but all of her legs had to be amputated. And after two months at the veterinary clinic, the dog found a family in Phoenix, Arizona.

4. Dreams tend to come true. It also came true for twelve-year-old Emily Tammen, who suffers from autism, attention deficit disorder and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The girl's joints suffer due to this disease. Emily came to the concert of her favorite singer Adele with a poster “My dream is to sing with Adele.” The singer noticed this ad and invited the girl to the stage, offering to perform the hit “Someone Like You.”

5. You don't need to be a superhero to save lives. At one of the baseball games, player Andrew McCutchen from the Pirates team slipped his bat. It flew straight into the boy's forehead. An unknown “superhero” wearing glasses deflected the blow of the bat by putting up his hand. Having flown around the boy's head, the bat still hit him on the back of the head. But this was not at all the blow that the unfortunate guy could have received.

6. Friendship between a penguin and a human is possible. In 2001, a pensioner saved a tiny penguin. He lay dying on the rocks, covered in oil. The man picked up the poor animal, cleaned its feathers of oil and fed it fish every day until the penguin gained strength. This was the beginning of their long and strong friendship.

7. There are also firefighters among dogs. Burnt puppy Jake, rescued from a fire by Bill Linder, became a firefighter. Baby Jake was just a few weeks old when he found himself in a burning barn. He received burns on 75% of his body, which forced his owners to abandon him. Then Bill's family decided to take him for themselves. Now Jake teaches lessons with his owner fire safety in schools.

8. “You can’t see the most important things with your eyes,” said Exupery. Mr. Kuroki, a Japanese dairy farmer, spent two years trying to lift his blind wife out of depression. Having planted a giant flower bed, he pulled her outside, thereby making her smile.

9. Sometimes even a fire can end a wedding. A firefighter rescued a girl from a burning house. Unfortunately, he suffered a leg injury; doctors said that the man would no longer be able to walk normally. But 28 years later, he walked their daughter down the aisle.

10. “Five years ago I adopted a dog from a shelter that was about to be euthanized. Now this dog saves my life every day. I suffer from a neurological condition that causes seizures. My dog ​​knows in advance about the next attack and warns me about it.”

Maria Ryzhova
Photo: avivas.ru, dailymail.co.uk, mediaLeaks.ru, blognews.am, 4tololo.ru

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