Why your finger itches: folk signs. Why does the thumb on the left hand itch?

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Itching of the base, pad, or fingertip on the right or left hand is an important sign that can promise financial well-being or warn of unpleasant encounters. The interpretation applies only to those girls and men who do not have irritation on their hands and skin rashes, fungus, as well as other dermatological and psychological problems. In addition, you need to pay attention to the time, day of the week and location of the itching.

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Why does the finger on my right hand itch?

Which finger is itchy and what does it mean:

  • The little finger is a bad omen, promising a person many troubles and misfortunes that will affect both work matters and relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Nameless - the girl will soon get rid of her obsessive admirer. For men, itching in the ring finger, on the contrary, indicates the appearance of a secret admirer who will cause the guy a lot of problems.
  • Medium - for easy money. This is not yet a reason for joy, since the money will be spent, as well as received, in vain.
  • Indicative - to promotion on the career ladder and brilliant prospects in professional activity.
  • Large - to incredible luck and luck. All the things you start doing on this day are doomed to success.

If the skin between the fingers is very itchy, then good luck will soon smile on the person. Feeling an itch near the nail is a sign of pleasant meetings and romantic acquaintances. Itching at the base of the index finger or thumb - sympathy will not be reciprocated. The pad of the ring finger or thumb itches for a long time - good luck will accompany you both in love and in business. These signs apply to both the right and left hands.

Why do the fingers on your left hand itch?

Interpretation of superstitions about itching in the fingers of the left hand for women and men:

  • Big - to unexpected gifts from a loved one and stunning surprises. In the near future you will have a stable financial situation and no financial problems will arise.
  • Little finger - the conceived plans are not destined to come true. You should not start new things on this day: it is better to postpone them for several weeks.
  • Medium - for long-awaited purchases and valuable acquisitions. This could be either a long-desired dress or the purchase of real estate or a car.
  • Nameless - to unexpected expenses and huge expenses that cannot be covered in the near future. For single guys and girls, this sign promises a fateful meeting.
  • Index - to temporary difficulties. In this case, it is worth remembering that life consists of victories and defeats - everything will get better soon. Plans may be hindered by other people's interference, so you should be vigilant.

Time of day and days of the week

Why does the finger on the right or left hand itch depending on the time of day:

  • Morning - the day promises to be pleasant.
  • Day - for serious conversations of a personal nature.
  • Evening - for love adventures.
  • Night - someone longs to meet.

Descriptions of the days of the week are presented in the table.

Of the observations and events identified over centuries, the most interesting are those signs that relate to different parts of the hands. Often, signs have different meanings depending on where exactly the hand, palm or fingers itch. Itching of the index finger is a very favorable and promising sign of fate.

Itches on my right hand

If the index finger of your right hand itches, expect an interesting offer from management in the near future. Frequent itching means career success.

Following another sign, the index finger of the right hand itches in anticipation of an imminent fight for the leading place. For example, in a sports competition or you will have to prove your rightness in a dispute, professionalism when looking for a job.

Ancient signs say that the index finger of the right hand often itches in strong-willed people. Moreover, the more often the itching is felt, the faster a fateful event in life will occur.

Itches on my left hand

Itching on the index finger of the left hand means that you need to fight for the leading place. The success of the event will not come immediately; be prepared for envious gossip behind your back. The stronger the sensations, the greater the likelihood of problems on the way to the goal.

The meaning of itching in different areas

  1. The tip itches - expect to meet a good person who will become a great friend.
  2. Pillow - for good news or a letter.
  3. Between your fingers - today you will have good luck in everything.
  4. Closer to the bottom, a romantic date awaits.

Explanation of itching depending on the time of day

To find out more accurately about the near future, it is important to pay attention to the time when unpleasant sensations occur:

  • morning - prepare for the bustle of work, many things will have to be resolved quickly;
  • lunch - give up the road, cancel work trips. Chances are that traveling today is extremely dangerous;
  • evening - you missed an important detail.

Interpretation of itching of other fingers

  1. Thumb. If your right hand itches, your luck has turned. Expect to receive a large sum in the form of an unexpected win or inheritance from distant relatives. On your left hand - you will soon receive a small gift. Read more.
  2. Average. The middle phalanx of the right hand itches for quick material enrichment with further prospects. On the left hand - forgotten money will return. For example, an old debt or you will find a stash.
  3. Nameless. On the right hand - expect career advancement with a significant increase in material wealth. On the left hand - to small expenses or pleasant company with a good friend. For lonely people, an itchy ring finger means a fateful meeting with a loved one. Find out more about the interpretation of itching of the ring finger in the article -
  4. Little finger. On the right hand - to short-term troubles. On the left hand - troubles will haunt you for a long time; it is worth postponing the resolution of the most important matters and issues for this period. If it is on Wednesday or Friday, the belief has a good sign and is interpreted as a quick pleasant holiday in the company of good people.

Look at the itching as fateful clues. And if they have a negative meaning, don't despair. After all, only knowing what lies ahead does a person have time to prepare.

A finger on your right or left hand is itchy, this is an important sign. The Slavs were convinced that this is how higher powers send signals indicating serious changes in our lives. Signs will help you find out what awaits you.

Beliefs for the right hand

If the anxiety is not provoked by an allergic reaction, then it can be interpreted with the help of signs. Superstitions relatively indicate a meeting and a pleasant acquaintance, but itching in the fingers on it is more related to money.


Fortune will smile soon. Success will accompany you in all areas of life. If you had a quarrel with your loved one, make peace. Gather all your strength, in the near future you will be entrusted with a major project. You will need to show your best side.

There is another interpretation - a traitor is hiding among your friends. It's better not to reveal your plans to your friends. This may not be good for your career.


Prophesies a promotion up the career ladder. You may be able to make friends with superior colleagues who will help you achieve your desired position. Don’t forget to thank your patrons, otherwise you won’t get any more help from them.

A schoolchild or student's finger itches is a chance to achieve the desired heights in studies.


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Itching on the middle finger indicates receiving a large sum of money. This could be winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or receiving a large profit. This money will not bring happiness. They will cause a quarrel with friends or close relatives. Unfortunately, conflict cannot be completely avoided.


Indicates obsession, hostility. There will be a person nearby who will try to impose his attention. Don’t waste your time and nerves on him, he will soon disappear from your life.

For those who are lonely, the good news is that there is a secret admirer who will soon decide to open his heart. Don't push this person away. Over time, he will show how open, caring and responsive he can be.


The Slavs believed that this meant the collapse of hopes, fraud, and participation in a conspiracy. Perhaps the person himself will participate in illegal activities and get caught or become a victim of thieves.

To neutralize negativity, you need to put a gold ring on your little finger and do not take it off until your finger stops itching. Try not to take part in dubious fraud.

Why did you itch on the left?

predicts receiving a large sum of money, winnings, a pleasant surprise. If the fingers of your left hand begin to itch, you should not ignore this sign either. Perhaps by deciphering the phenomenon you will receive an important prophecy.


Success in the material sphere. Expects to receive a large sum of money, expensive gifts from fans or patrons.

In other areas of life, troubles are coming, quarrels with relatives are likely, troubles that will be very annoying, clarification of relationships with your significant other, illness. Sometimes for single girls it means getting an engagement ring.


Luck depends only on you. No one will be able to help in this situation and the burden of responsibility will pass on your shoulders. When making a decision, be guided by your mind, not your heart. Unfortunately, the people who surround you can betray you at any moment. Therefore, when making a decision, rely on cold calculation.


Everything will be successful: you can sign an important contract, make peace with your relatives, do something nice for your significant other, she will appreciate your attention. For the next few days, fortune will be on your side.


Large expenses, unplanned expenses that will hit your wallet hard. Probably a trip, a business trip. For single people, it portends a romantic meeting.

Little finger

Joy happiness. In the near future you can take on any business, everything will be a success. You can even take a risk, fortune is completely on your side.

Other signs about fingers

  • If it itches between several fingers, expect to receive a cash prize or reward. Fortune favors you, in the near future you can make almost any deal, everything will work out.
  • If your toes are worried - a journey that will end with the receipt or transfer of a large sum of money. Perhaps someone will ask you to borrow money or lend it to you.
  • It doesn’t matter which finger itches, but if it’s near the nail, it indicates a romantic encounter.
  • Itching of the middle phalanges indicates a meeting with a friend, an acquaintance with a person whose life goals you will support. A romantic relationship will not develop between you, but friendship is quite possible.
  • Fingers itching at the base indicate failure on the love front. Perhaps your significant other will cheat. If you are the unfaithful person in the couple, they will finally find out about the cheating.

As you can see, there are many superstitions about fingers. Most of them have good meanings, but there are also those that warn of negative events.

If you turn to folk signs, you can find out what awaits in the future, what you should be wary of and what to be prepared for if a certain finger itches. It is important to pay attention to which hand or foot the finger itches and which one. There are many folk signs that interpret this phenomenon, and often the day of the week on which the itching was especially annoying and where it arose is important: at the base or at the tip.

If your finger itches from a mosquito bite or a nettle burn, you should not turn to sources and look for an interpretation. What matters is only long-term, persistent itching for no apparent reason.

To get a clue from fate, you need to pay attention to the time of day. If your fingers itch in the morning, this is not a good sign; obstacles will arise on the way to achieving your goal. And evening time promises good luck in all endeavors.

Why can the right or left cheek itch according to signs?

2 Nameless

According to the signs of ancient times, itchy ring finger of the right hand for an unmarried girl - a sign that she will soon unite her heart with her chosen one and put on the treasured wedding ring. A meeting with a person who can change her fate is just around the corner, even if the girl is already desperate and does not believe in the possibility of family happiness.

And for married ladies who are happily married, the itchy nameless one promises quick profit. Moreover, wealth will come to you on its own, without forcing you to make extra efforts: this is either winning the lottery, or receiving an inheritance, or an unexpected promotion.

If the ring finger of your left hand is haunted by constant itching, you should expect serious expenses. These expenses are not always associated with problems and troubles; perhaps you will have to spend money on a trip or on a purchase that you have been dreaming about for a long time, so the impressions in the end will be favorable.

If the ring finger on the right hand of a young man or girl itches, then this is a good omen; a new acquaintance awaits ahead, which can develop into serious feelings.

Why does the left palm or arm itch in men and women?

3 Little finger

If the little finger of your right hand is constantly itching, you should expect minor troubles that will quickly end without causing significant harm to the person. You can use the secret of our ancestors and neutralize negative energy. To do this, you need to put a gold ring on your finger and not take it off for a long time.

The little finger itches on the left hand - the person will be haunted by troubles. But good news predicts an itch on Friday or Wednesday.

What does the folk sign mean when your nose itches?

4 Medium

On the right hand, it suggests that a person will have success in all endeavors and good luck ahead. On the left hand - you should pay more attention to your family, your significant other and children need support. For lonely people, this sign portends a change of scenery ahead. If your middle finger itches, then don’t worry, the sign is positive.

5 Index

The index finger of the right hand itches is a good sign: a person will experience success in business, career growth, promotion, and students or schoolchildren will expect successful admission or passing exams. On the left hand - to minor health problems.

The itch tells you: to achieve your goal, a lot of effort will have to be made, problems and ill-wishers will constantly arise along the way, but the person’s willpower and his desire to win will be stronger. Fate gives him the opportunity to prove himself in this situation. An itchy index finger tells a man to fear health problems.

6 Big

This finger of the right palm tells you that now is not the time to remain in the shadows, active actions are necessary, luck will accompany you in everything. A big win in the lottery, a promotion, or a successful deal are possible.

The thumb of your left hand itches - you should take a close look at your surroundings; there is a secret lover nearby, who is timid and afraid to take his first steps. A constantly itchy thumb tells you that business will be successful, and young girls will receive an unusual gift from a boyfriend, even a marriage proposal.

7 Toes

Itchy fingers on the lower extremities often have a mysterious meaning, the knowledge of which will allow us to lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

Finger Right leg Left leg
Big For a long trip To solve an important issue
Pointing You should avoid a long trip, there is a high probability of problems on the road Portends an imminent change of residence
Average Predicts a pleasant journey filled with joyful emotions There is a high probability of making a mistake at work, you should be as focused as possible
Nameless Portends financial losses, significant expenses The upcoming trip will be pleasant
Little finger A very good sign, a person will be lucky in all matters, financial well-being and happiness in the family await him Moving ahead, new sensations, joyful moments

You should also pay attention to the time of day when the itching of your toes was felt. If it’s morning, then you should prepare for the bustle and a lot of things to do. Daytime itching warns that the trip should be abandoned, it will not be favorable. Feeling the urge to scratch your finger in the evening means not paying attention to some important detail. Fate dictates that a person loses sight of something important.

8 Attention to detail

It is very important not only to remember the finger that causes discomfort, constantly forcing you to scratch it, but also to pay attention to where exactly the itching occurred:

  • if this is the tip of a finger, then there is a high probability of a new interesting acquaintance, which can be very useful;
  • pillow - good news awaits a person;
  • if the base itches, there is a meeting ahead with a friend from a past life, with whom many memories are associated;
  • between the fingers - a person will have great success in all endeavors;
  • in the area of ​​the ring - in the near future a person should expect an invitation to an important event.

An itchy finger is a hint from fate, so you should not worry or despair after reading a negative interpretation. Understanding what awaits him ahead, a person will be able to prepare and adequately repel the blow.

And a little about secrets...

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There are many reasons why your hands itch.

The most common causes of itching are:

  • dermatological;
  • allergy;
  • psychological.

The first reason is the most common. First you need to carefully look at the skin of your hands, palms and fingers. If everything itches and there are large or small areas of redness, dryness, cracks, then this is definitely a reason to consult a specialist, a dermatologist. There is definitely no point in delaying this, since such rashes and itching can be associated with serious skin and viral diseases (urticaria, neurodermatitis, scabies, lice, etc.).

Itching on hands

Often the reason that the left or right hand itches is an allergy. It can occur due to the consumption of an allergen in food or interaction with it in the external environment.

We encounter external allergens all the time. If you have increased sensitivity, then even short-term contact with products made of wool or synthetic materials can cause severe itching of your fingers. In addition, severe hypothermia and, conversely, overheating can provoke allergies. These may be manifestations of contact dermatitis.

It is worth paying attention to hand care products. Perhaps it was the cosmetic products that you use every day that could cause severe itching between your fingers. If this happened completely unexpectedly for you, then you shouldn’t be surprised; some allergens need to accumulate in the body for an allergy to appear.

If you notice that your hands are itchy and you are currently taking any

Taking medication

medications, then it is worth looking at the instructions for the drug, perhaps it will contain a side effect in the form of an allergic reaction or rash. In this case, you should consult your doctor; you may need to change the drug.

Sometimes persistent itching of the palms, between the fingers or on the pads, may indicate problems with internal organs and systems. Also, a lack of vitamins, such as calcium, can cause a violation of the integrity of the skin and cause itching. Therefore, to find out why your hands itch, it is best to consult a doctor.

The reason that your hands itch can also be psychological stress. You can often hear the expression that “all diseases come from nerves.” So itching is no exception. People whose nervous system is easily excitable may experience some sensations accompanied by itching. Often these are imaginary reactions. As a rule, the palms and pads of the fingers itch.

What to do if itching is severe

Itchy hands

If your hands itch quite badly, and a rash and cracks begin to appear on your fingers, then consult a doctor immediately.

But some home remedies and tips can help relieve mild itching:

  1. Apply cold to relieve itching on your hands a little. For example, wrap a piece of meat in a thin towel and place it on the area that itches.
  2. Many people recommend using an oatmeal solution to relieve itching. It is necessary to pour one glass of cereal with boiling water (1 to 3), wait for the water to cool and only then dip your fingers or the entire palm into it. Keep your hands in this solution until the itching goes away, or at least 20-25 minutes.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. Make it a habit to always wash your hands after getting dirty. Choose a gentle soap with a minimum of cosmetic fragrances.
  4. Protect your hands from both boiling water and very cold water. Water at room temperature does not cause itching.

And in order to completely prevent itching, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • choose the right cosmetics for your hands, with a minimum of harmful substances and fragrances;
  • When cleaning, contact chemicals only with gloves;
  • mittens and gloves in the cold season should not be wool or synthetic;
  • limit consumption of strong food allergens (citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, nuts).


Folk signs

No matter how surprising it may be, even today people are prone to various superstitions. Signs that came to us from ancient times are still remembered by many of us. There is a particularly large list of those related to hands. Even now you can often find queries on the Internet “why is the index finger of your right hand itching?” So let's look at the signs that are associated with hands. Since ancient times, there have been significant differences between the signs associated with the left and right hands.

Left hand

More often, the left hand is not considered as lucky as the right, but still, according to signs, it can bring good luck and happiness. Also, the left hand, due to its closeness to the heart, can lead to predictions in love affairs.

If your thumb on your left hand itches, then perhaps a nice gift or money will soon await you. And beautiful ladies can expect a ring for a finger, and perhaps not a big one at all.

Why does your index finger itch? If the index finger on your left hand itches, then expect success in business, but the road will be long. On the path to success, ill-wishers may appear. And here’s another reason why your left index finger itches: it’s possible that the girl made the wrong choice of her lover. And if a man’s index finger itches, then there is a high risk of some disease.

The middle finger, regardless of your hands, will bring you material well-being.

The nameless one is itching, which means you will need to spend money, but spending may not always be unpleasant.

Right hand

The thumb on the right hand itches means equally great luck. We can safely say that fortune is on your side.

Why is my right index finger itching? This sign also promises you success in business and work, and the main thing is that everything will work out easily and quickly.

If the nameless one is itching, then expect a replenishment in the family budget.

It's nice to believe in omens if they promise you something good. And it doesn’t matter which finger itches, index or ring, the main thing is that the itching does not turn out to be the cause of any disease.

A finger on your right or left hand is itchy, this is an important sign. The Slavs were convinced that this is how higher powers send signals indicating serious changes in our lives. Signs will help you find out what awaits you.

Beliefs for the right hand

If the anxiety is not provoked by an allergic reaction, then it can be interpreted with the help of signs. Superstitions regarding an itchy right hand indicate a meeting and a pleasant acquaintance, but itching in the fingers on it is more related to money.


Fortune will smile soon. Success will accompany you in all areas of life. If you had a quarrel with your loved one, make peace. Gather all your strength, in the near future you will be entrusted with a major project. You will need to show your best side.

There is another interpretation - a traitor is hiding among your friends. It's better not to reveal your plans to your friends. This may not be good for your career.


Prophesies a promotion up the career ladder. You may be able to make friends with superior colleagues who will help you achieve your desired position. Don’t forget to thank your patrons, otherwise you won’t get any more help from them.

A schoolchild or student's finger itching, according to academic subjects, is a chance to achieve the desired heights in studies.


Itching on the middle finger indicates receiving a large sum of money. This could be winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or receiving a large profit. This money will not bring happiness. They will cause a quarrel with friends or close relatives. Unfortunately, conflict cannot be completely avoided.


Indicates obsession, hostility. There will be a person nearby who will try to impose his attention. Don’t waste your time and nerves on him, he will soon disappear from your life.

For those who are lonely, the good news is that there is a secret admirer who will soon decide to open his heart. Don't push this person away. Over time, he will show how open, caring and responsive he can be.


The Slavs believed that this meant the collapse of hopes, fraud, and participation in a conspiracy. Perhaps the person himself will participate in illegal activities and get caught or become a victim of thieves.

To neutralize negativity, you need to put a gold ring on your little finger and do not take it off until your finger stops itching. Try not to take part in dubious fraud.

Why did you itch on the left?

An itch in the left hand predicts receiving a large sum of money, a win, a pleasant surprise. If the fingers of your left hand begin to itch, you should not ignore this sign either. Perhaps by deciphering the phenomenon you will receive an important prophecy.


Success in the material sphere. Expects to receive a large sum of money, expensive gifts from fans or patrons.

In other areas of life, troubles are coming, quarrels with relatives are likely, troubles that will be very annoying, clarification of relationships with your significant other, illness. Sometimes for single girls it means getting an engagement ring.


Luck depends only on you. No one will be able to help in this situation and the burden of responsibility will pass on your shoulders. When making a decision, be guided by your mind, not your heart. Unfortunately, the people who surround you can betray you at any moment. Therefore, when making a decision, rely on cold calculation.


Everything will be successful: you can sign an important contract, make peace with your relatives, do something nice for your significant other, she will appreciate your attention. For the next few days, fortune will be on your side.


Large expenses, unplanned expenses that will hit your wallet hard. Probably a trip, a business trip. For single people, it portends a romantic meeting.

Little finger

Joy happiness. In the near future you can take on any business, everything will be a success. You can even take a risk, fortune is completely on your side.

Other signs about fingers

  • If it itches between several fingers, expect to receive a cash prize or reward. Fortune favors you, in the near future you can make almost any deal, everything will work out.
  • If your toes are worried - a journey that will end with the receipt or transfer of a large sum of money. Perhaps someone will ask you to borrow money or lend it to you.
  • It doesn’t matter which finger itches, but if it’s near the nail, it indicates a romantic encounter.
  • Itching of the middle phalanges indicates a meeting with a friend, an acquaintance with a person whose life goals you will support. A romantic relationship will not develop between you, but friendship is quite possible.
  • Fingers itching at the base indicate failure on the love front. Perhaps your significant other will cheat. If you are the unfaithful person in the couple, they will finally find out about the cheating.

As you can see, there are many superstitions about fingers. Most of them have good meanings, but there are also those that warn of negative events.

“Owl, Owl, why is my back, head and legs itching?” “You, Hedgehog, should wash yourself”... Despite the popularity of the anecdote, which sober-minded realists always remind lovers of superstitions, interest in the superstition does not wane. Many people wonder every day what itching in one or another part of the body portends. And signs are always ready! They will tell you, give you advice, and make a forecast for the coming days and weeks.

Itchy fingers

We remake an incredible amount of things with our hands. Career, love relationships, hobbies - fingers are involved in everything. And according to the conviction of our ancestors, they also have a presentiment of what they have to do. Is this where the expression “my hands itch” comes from?

On the left and right hand

Most often, signs make different predictions for the right and left sides of the body. At the same time, the right one is traditionally considered lucky, although in half of the interpretations the left one turns out to be no less generous with good predictions.

What can the ring finger predict if not love?

The prediction of the little finger may still soften if it reminds itself on Wednesday or Friday. For “itchy magic” these are the most successful days, promising continuous positivity.

Tip or pad?

  • An itch on the tip of your finger hints at the opportunity to meet someone new and interesting. Don't miss the moment, you will find a new friend.
  • Itching at the base, closer to the palm, appears before meeting a person you know and love well.

All fingers itch

If the tickling under the skin has spread to the entire hand, or even both, run to the doctor! This sign has no mystical meaning, but in reality it promises an exacerbation of allergies, fungus and anemia.


It turns out that legs help maintain marital fidelity!

Itchy feet generally says:

  • In the morning - about the endless running that awaits you. Things won't let you rest until dusk.
  • In the evening - that you have overlooked a small but important matter. Your legs can’t wait to run where they need to go and help you fix everything.
  • During the day - signs require you to cancel your planned trip, as it will bring you disappointment.
  • And the left leg also reproaches you for wanting to cheat on your other half! If you really catch yourself having naughty thoughts, it’s better to throw them out of your head.
  • The right leg often itches, signifying good changes. It is not known in what area of ​​your life they will happen, but they will make you rejoice.

What about fingers?

  • Big toes feel ticklish before a long journey or journey on water. On the other hand, you may not even leave the city limits. You just need to step outside the threshold for a very unexpected reason.
  • The little toe on the right foot is a real magician. If he is itching, your happiness is wandering somewhere nearby. Don't miss out!
  • The little toe on the left foot predicts moving. Moreover, it is believed that the finger is itching, rejoicing at the opportunity to drown in soft carpets or spank on high-quality expensive parquet. In any case, your living conditions will be excellent.

All toes generally behave restlessly when the weather changes. Or to a long and dull kidney treatment. And this is not a sign, but the opinion of doctors! Check your health before it's too late.

Neutralizing bad predictions

Any unfavorable prognosis associated with fingers is removed by a simple action. Put a gold ring on the “prophet” and his prediction will be neutralized. Do the same with your toes, just remember to pull on the sock so as not to lose the decoration. Walk around like this in the evening, and troubles will fly away like midges from Mosquitol.

Whether to take folk signs seriously is a personal matter for everyone. But studying them can be very entertaining! In any case, now you know what event each finger itches for, and you can always check the veracity of this or that sign through personal experience.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, people often do not pay attention to the fact that they have an itch. In fact, since ancient times, there have been signs that interpret, for example, why a finger itches. If the itching is too severe and constant, you should consult a doctor. Dermatological problems cannot be excluded. In other cases, you need to remember which finger itches and when it happened.

Select interpretation:

If the fingers on your left hand itch

The left hand is considered more connected to the heart. Therefore, folk signs are more associated with love affairs, experiences, and loved ones. The closer to the tip of the finger the place of itching, the more truthful the signs about scratching the fingers. What does this phenomenon mean?

  • on a large scale - someone is in love, but is afraid to admit it; you should take a close look at your surroundings;
  • on the index - the choice of the lover was made incorrectly, the risk of betrayal is high, in a man such an itch also promises illness;
  • on average - your beloved person hesitates in relation to you. For those who have children, the interpretation has a different meaning - there will be a reason to worry about them;
  • on the unnamed: non-family people should wait for a marriage proposal, for those who are married - an addition to their social unit;
  • on the little finger - there will soon be a chance meeting, which can develop into a serious romance or remain at the level of flirting.

Why do the fingers on your right hand itch?

The right hand determines the direction of development of a person’s life. Therefore, signs of scratching fingers are more global in nature. It is believed that the closer to the base of the finger the itching occurs, the more likely the fulfillment of symbolic meanings is. It should be interpreted like this:

  • big - soon the housing issue will be resolved: sale or purchase of real estate, you need to be more careful with the preparation of documents during transactions;
  • indicative - you need to think about changing jobs, which will give you more prospects;
  • average - someone hesitates about an important decision, which prevents the person from moving forward and achieving his goal;
  • unnamed - spouse doubts their partner, betrayal is possible (in this case you can use);
  • little finger - promises additional reward or a pleasant gift, perhaps even from a stranger.

What to do if the toes on your right foot itch?

This is very inconvenient, especially if you don’t have the strength to endure the sensation, and the situation is not conducive to taking off your shoes (it’s much easier to scratch your finger). Therefore, people usually remember this event well. Folk signs should be considered depending on which toe itched unbearably:

  • large - to inclement weather or;
  • index - to problems on the road, it is possible that a car or other vehicle may break down while driving;
  • medium – a long journey or trip is expected, may be associated with;
  • unnamed - big expenses are coming, which may not bring the expected pleasure;
  • little finger - there will be an unexpected visit from guests, and if there is a child, then signs indicate a possible illness.

For older people, only the signs associated with the 1st to 3rd toe are valid.

Signs about the toes on the left foot

Usually, if any toe of the left foot itches, then in the near future you will have to go many ways. This may be due to bureaucratic delays, pleasant walks, etc. Women need to especially remember which finger itches, because for them these signs are more reliable:

  • little finger - portends diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • indicative - a pleasant walk is expected, possibly at sea;
  • medium - pay more attention to work matters, so as not to make an irreparable mistake, which will set aside the issue of promotion for a long time;
  • indicative - it is worth exploring the possibility of moving to another city, where there will be more success;
  • big - a man nearby is plotting something against a woman, gossip and slander are thickening around.

Other signs about fingers

Interpretation can also be carried out based on what day of the week the itching was observed. These signs do not take into account the location of the itching, but they are convenient if you want to know why your finger is itching, and the details of the event have been erased from memory:

  • Monday – many meetings and interesting acquaintances are expected;
  • Tuesday - does not foretell anything special if there was no itching on two or more fingers at once. If so, then an interesting business will appear that promises good profit in the end;
  • Wednesday - clouds are gathering, an unpleasant conversation or trial related to work or property is coming;
  • Thursday - a loved one will appear or a proposal to start a family will be received;
  • Friday – it is necessary to prepare for a trip or the arrival of guests from afar;
  • Saturday - promises extra troubles;
  • Sunday - portends a change in weather, especially if the itching was on the leg.

If the ends of the arms or legs suddenly became numb or stopped bending for a few seconds, then someone was trying to break through the energy field of this person, perhaps even.

During the period from Tuesday to Friday, signs come true more accurately. By the days of the week you can also notice your future health status. Itching on Saturdays means recovery, and on Sundays, on the contrary, the acquisition of a new disease.

How to neutralize bad omens?

If, according to the interpretations of the signs, something bad comes out, then this situation can be corrected. You should always keep it at hand. Then do this:

  • a thread is tied around a finger that was itching;
  • cast a spell:

    “Pull, pull, thread, everything bad, everything bad, take away, thread, all the rubbish from my hut, from my soul. I don’t let you in through the gates, I don’t approve of evil, I don’t let in good, no matter what I say in my heart.”

  • spit on your finger three times;
  • wear the thread on your finger for 24 hours. If you need to hide it from others, you can cover it with a band-aid or close it with a ring;
  • remove the thread and throw it away outside the house or premises where people often visit (for example, an office).

The red thread should be made of cotton. Synthetic threads cannot take away the natural energy of a person. If you don't have thread, a cotton ribbon will do. Wearing it is more problematic, but the effect is the same.

Knowledge that was previously passed down from generation to generation, in the modern world helps to prevent the development of bad events, and also to better prepare for what cannot be avoided.

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