The best way to make money on sports betting. How to make money betting on football with minimal risk

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Is it possible to make money on bets?
My experience
Your opinions

I’m interested in what place do bets occupy in your life, how much time do you devote to this business and do they bring you any kind of permanent income? What is this for you: just entertainment, excitement or a source of passive income? In your opinion, is it really possible to make money from betting? And if so, what strategies do you follow and what is their effectiveness?

I hope that there will be those who will unsubscribe in the comments below and share their thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, I will share mine.

Engage in betting I started seriously three and a half years ago. I first became interested in this matter in my first years at university, when during important matches of the Champions League, some of my classmates came with tickets from bookmakers for these matches and discussed those on which they had bet. I was immediately interested in this business, since my specialty is of an intellectual nature, and I have always been looking for sources of additional income that can be acquired simply thanks to my knowledge in a certain field. And additional income was really necessary, since a lot of money was spent on studying and living in the capital, and my family was not wealthy. Therefore, I often asked those involved in this to explain to me the rules of betting, the meaning of certain symbols in the bookmaker’s lines, but initially everything seemed like a “dark forest”. Before I decided to look into this issue seriously and independently via the Internet.

Very quickly I began to delve into all the intricacies of the betting sphere and it turned out that all the designations in the bookmakers’ lines are extremely simple and logical. For a long time I had the idea of ​​really trying to get involved in betting, but I didn’t dare, because we all know what a stereotypical vision of this kind of activity is in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In this regard, I also had doubts whether this was a scam, or a siphoning of money, since by making predictions for matches without placing bets, everything worked out so well and it seemed to me that everyone could easily win a lot of money from the bookmaker. However, if everything is so simple, then why have I never heard of many people doing this and having a permanent income from betting.

So I put it off for a long time, but one fine day I finally decided to deposit my first 100 hryvnia into the online bookmaker and place a bet with odds close to two. Well, as they say, beginners are always lucky, and the first bet turned out to be winning, but it was with a big “validol”. This gave me a lot of hope. The next couple of bets also went through, but then one by one the bets began to fall away, and often the teams began to present surprises in matches. It turned out that it is easier to guess events when you don’t place bets, but when you do, something seems to go wrong on purpose. At this moment you understand that luck is one of the key factors for success in betting, and since in life I am not lucky in winning matters, the idea of ​​​​taking up this hobby began to disappear. In addition, through a series of victories and defeats, I successfully lost my first deposit.

That day I decided that it was a bad idea and I needed to forget about it. However, in my head I keep thinking about what went wrong, where I miscalculated and which bet option has a better chance of winning. I stopped betting, after which all my predictions for matches began to come true again, which annoyed me quite a bit, since by not betting, I was missing out on good profits. This thought haunted me.

While I was wondering if I should try betting again, I started spending more time watching matches of different European clubs, since I had not been an avid football fan before. In any sport, I always had favorite teams or players, so I always watched only matches with their participation, rooting for my own, but did not pay enough attention to others, which is unacceptable in the world of betting, because when betting on a game you need to know the level, potential , players and form of the opposing team. Initially, I bet on those clubs that I supported and knew, not on purpose, of course, I was just not familiar with the capabilities of other teams. Even then it became clear to me that this was the wrong approach, the same as betting only on your favorite teams. I have always been objective and balanced in all matters, never giving in to passion. I knew my purpose for betting and tried to find an approach that would bring positive results. For this you had to study.

I started following all the football clubs in the top Premier Leagues and, in some leagues, some teams in the lower divisions. I also tried to get into tennis and basketball. I read the forecasts and analyzes of sports experts, began to grasp the strengths and weaknesses of certain teams, got acquainted with football players with great potential, their skills and the potential of their contribution to the development of the game of their club.

Watching the matches was not enough, as I understood the importance of developing my betting strategy, so I started reading articles by famous handicappers regarding the principles and discipline of betting, and also became familiar with various betting strategies. I did one of the most important actions, which is key in any lesson - I thoroughly mastered the information.

While I was working on informatization, I started betting again, trying various strategies that I managed to learn about on the Internet. Each of them has a place to exist, each can be profitable in a certain period. I tried completely different bets: on totals, on outcomes, with handicaps, special offers. Unfortunately, every strategy and betting style is hit by a crisis at one point. And you, having suffered a significant series of defeats, see no other way but to switch to a different strategy. So I moved from one to another, to the third, fourth, and again returned to the original one. That’s when I realized that there was no perfect strategy that would work like clockwork and really bring in a constant income.

Over these one and a half to two years, I won, lost, withdrew small winnings (just as I bet small amounts), which allowed me to make some additional purchases (which created a positive effect from betting); however, then he made deposits again, started all over again, and as such there was no “big win” effect. Initially, I wasn’t looking for it, I thought through betting I could earn an extra hundred or two for simple daily needs. However, over time, I wanted more, but the analysis of wins and losses over the years when calculating showed that I was actually in the red. The minus was small (about 1-1.5 thousand hryvnia), which did not upset me, since, in my opinion, for acquiring any experience you will pay your price one way or another, and mine turned out to be not that big. At the same time, I understood that the final indicator is a minus in the long run, so it would not be possible to build passive additional income from betting. I had to accept this fact and look for other ways.

The need for passive independent income increased at the moment when I set myself a new high goal, the achievement of which requires a lot of funds that no salary today (taking into account all monthly living expenses and needs) is capable of providing. In this regard, I tried to look for new schemes and ways of making money, which in the end did not suit me, but played a role in my approach to betting and its perception.

Motivation that came from outside also played an important role in returning to betting. From everything I read and watch, I always try to take something useful or motivating. I also get a lot of interesting ideas from feature films, which are often based on real events and depict various options for acquiring income in a quick way.

So, in one of the cool films "On the Edge" I caught a phrase from one of the characters that sounded something like this “... I love my country because here everything that I had and lost, I can always return twice as much...” Something like that. And this idea just settled in my thoughts.

I immediately made an analogy with betting. After all, there are always good bets on the line for any match with odds of 2 or close to it. This prompted me to divide my bank into several parts and play principle of compensation. That is, if I lose my fixed bet, then I make the next one with odds. 2, but the bet size must be twice the size of the lost bet. Thus, if you win a new bet, you return the amount that you lost, and in addition, you also gain a profit by exactly the same amount as the size of the first lost bet. This strategy turned out to be quite good, but soon I lost my entire bank when a “dark streak” came (which always happens to everyone). And so, after 4 losses in a row, I simply did not have enough money for a new bet with compensation for the lost ones. As a result, I had to put this strategy on hold.

At the same time, it is quite wealthy and profitable, but for this you need to have a lot of funds available, then you can guarantee that you not only will not lose your invested funds, but will also significantly increase them. I think this strategy is ideal for wealthy people.

The most significant and most motivating thing for me to formulate a new approach to betting was film "Focus" , namely that scene on the football field where Will Smith’s smart and calculating hero bets against an avid gambler (a Chinese rich man, businessman) and loses all the time. He raises the bets until he hits a big jackpot (having won everything he had + everything the Chinese bet). Thus, Will Smith seems to have doubled the 1.2 million he had. And despite the fact that the last winning bet was a setup, when asked by his companion what he would do if he didn’t win this time, he replies that he would double up to win.

This moment, the thoughts and logic of the main character forced me to pay special attention to the study of the theory of probability in the field of betting. No matter how much you would like to, you won’t lose all the time. And if you decide what to bet on, then you need to calculate the percentage probability of a certain event occurring in the match.

Many other films and literature with similar themes helped shape basic principles of betting . They are: excellent knowledge in a particular sport; discipline; lack of excitement; calmness and patience; development of competent bank management (which will leave only a 10% chance that the bank will be merged); fixed rate; ban on Va-Bank bets; focus on profit at a distance; calculation of the probability of a bet (chances) and the feasibility of its application; application of statistics.

Only by adhering to these principles can I really slowly but surely make a profit from sports betting.

Successful betting does not allow you to take into account only your awareness in a certain sport, on a team, etc. Also taken into account statistics must be included , which works, perhaps, more often than any information about an upcoming match. In addition, it is necessary take into account current trends and team motivations , and assess the chances of a particular event occurring . AND all these elements inseparable, their needs to be assessed in symbiosis , since scoring on one parameter makes your choice vulnerable.

For example, you may know that Barcelona is one of the top teams in the world, it has star players (Messi, Neymar, Suarez, etc.), and you once followed the games of this team and thought that she has no equal, but a year later, waiting for the return match of the Champions League between Barça and Juventus, you bet on the victory of the Catalans and at least two goals scored, while at the same time wondering why the bookmaker gives such big bets on these events coefficients. Based on your available information, you are missing statistics that indicate that the team is currently in crisis with execution, that Barça failed to score against Juventus in the first match, and that the opponents are in excellent shape and is playing his best defensive game this year. By missing statistical indicators and current trends, you are deliberately miscalculating the chances of the team you are going to bet on.

Based on probability theory, I chose the main position for your bets . I very rarely bet on teams to win, and then more often on a victory with a handicap (0), because I believe that any game is unpredictable, the ball is round, the field is green, and you never know how the game scenario will turn out: in the last seconds the opponent can snatch a draw, or a red card can confuse the team’s entire mood and plans for the game. In those matches where the winner is almost always clear, the odds are so low that it is not possible to place a bet, and where they are high, the probability that the team will not win is high.

On bets Total Under (TM) I also never bet, since practice shows that if I bet on the TM in a match where, logically and with all the analysis, there should not be more than 2-3 goals (as in the RFPL, for example), as luck would have it, they stuff the basket full.

In this regard, my choice fell on bets on goals and individual totals . I consider it the most rational bet, since the essence of a football match comes down to the fact that if a team wants to win and take three points, it must score. The whole point of football is to score more goals than your opponent. In connection with the above, betting on goals looks the most rational.

When placing bets along the line, I pay attention to matches where good odds are given for the teams that are most likely to score in a certain confrontation. If the odds on a team’s goal are too low, then I often take a bet “over (1)” if I think that the team will definitely be able to score a goal, but is able to score more. Often bets on such events are given when more or less equal opponents meet and the odds for the victory of one fluctuate around 2, and the second 3-3.40. If you have a good understanding of the team's abilities, the skill of its key players and its current form, then such bets always turn out to be profitable, especially if you include several of them in a parlay.

So, in my opinion, the value bet was on more than one Real Madrid goal in the Champions League final against Juventus. The coefficient was 1.70. I was sure that Real would definitely score one goal, because the team scored in every match throughout the year and more than once. The restraining factor was that Barça was never able to score a goal against Juventus in two matches, but although I support Real Madrid, I am always extremely objective when it comes to betting, so I understood that the current Barça is not managed to score because the team gets lost under constant pressure from the opponent, they don’t know how to play as number two, so Juve’s opposition bore fruit and dispersed the opponent. And to be frank, in my opinion, Barcelona is a team of one great player, which, with solid resistance, can only hope to win if its great player works a miracle, bypasses the entire defense and scores a goal on a silver platter.

Real Madrid is, first and foremost, a team, despite Cristiano Ronaldo’s big role in it. He was not noticeable for half the season, for which he again came under criticism, but his team is currently so well-coordinated and each of the players is so skilled that they calmly won without him. Sometimes playing with the reserve squad, the team's results were even better. Thus, I had every reason to expect that Real would still score against Juventus. If Ronaldo had not done this, just anyone could have done it: Marcelo, Benzema, Modric, Isco, James, Vazquez, Ramos, Asensio (which he did), and others. This is explained by the high individual skill of each of the players of this club, ingenuity in attack, and most importantly, the lack of fear of playing second in a match in order to lull the opponent’s vigilance and “shoot” at a moment when no one expects.

As we all know, my assessment of this bet was more than justified.

In addition to pre-match line bets, I consider them very profitable live betting . They probably come in more often than pre-match ones. In live, you can place bets on goals from favorite teams that lose during the match, and the odds on their goal increase, or place bets in the second half on another goal scored, if all the prerequisites for this are present.

All my bets start at odds of 1.50, otherwise they are simply not practical for accumulating profits. Each rate must be fixed, no more than 10% of the available Bank. Not a single bet, no matter how “sure” or “reinforced concrete” it is, is worth making an all-in bet. As soon as you make such a bet, it sneakily doesn’t go through. Therefore, you need to take into account that proper bank management is the basic rule of any earnings.

Having formed all the basic principles and rules of my betting, I decided to apply to them the approach and attitude that I mentioned earlier.

I identified sports betting with trading on stock exchanges , on which brokers successfully make money. As here, on stock exchanges, bets are made on an increase or decrease in the value of shares, goods or currencies. In turn, exchanges seem much more complex and unpredictable, since the fall or rise in the exchange rate can be influenced by certain global or smaller events in the world of economics, politics and corporate management. However, none of the rates that go down in the distance guarantees that at one fine moment, just when the time for your bet expires, it will not decide, for unknown reasons, to jump for a couple of seconds and then continue its fall. In this regard, I consider betting to be a more predictable, predictable and expedient investment.

Then I came across an article by one person who suggested a way to save the necessary amount (up to a million) by putting aside small amounts each month into your savings account at interest. The analysis of his method seemed to me quite good, safe and rational, but unbearably difficult and time-consuming. It was necessary to save for many, many years to achieve your goal. In addition, this method did not take into account the fact that at our level of life and salaries, in which one salary is not enough for a month, the idea of ​​saving will end sooner or later at the first lack of money, difficulties, etc. However, the idea and direction itself seemed correct to me. Based on this, I came to check whether my bank in the BC office could function according to "Deposit" principle.

For this purpose I carried out analogy with a real bank deposit.

Let's say I make a deposit into a bank account in the amount of 10, 20 or 100 thousand rubles. The amount is not important at the moment; for clarity, I’ll take 10,000 rubles. The bank opens deposits from 10% to 25% per annum (approximately) for the deposit amount. Thus, if you invested 10,000 rubles. at 25% per annum, then in a year you will receive only 12,500 rubles, or if this is a deposit for three months, then from 3% to 7% of the deposit. Your benefit looks negligible, even if you invested one hundred thousand rubles in relation to your contribution, and in financial terms it does not bring you any income.

Using the same principle, I decided to conduct an experiment and invest 10,000 rubles. to the bookmaker account (conditional), set a goal for myself and check how long it will take me to achieve it with careful bets according to my strategy, and whether I will succeed at all. The main rule was not to withdraw funds from the account until the final goal is achieved or until failure, similar to a bank deposit.

Bets based on the “Deposit” principle.

Type of bets: line + live.
Coefficients: from 1.5 to 2.5 (on average).
Initial bet amount: 1000 rubles (10% of the bank).
Pot size goal: 100,000 rubles.
Number of bets per day: from 1 to 7.

In the first month of betting, I made bets of 1000 rubles. The average betting odds were 1.7-1.8. As a result, taking into account that during this period there were both series of winnings and not very successful days of betting, in exactly one month my initial bank increased by 120%, I already had 22,000 rubles (with kopecks) in my account.

When the bank reached 30,000 rubles, I increased the fixed rate to 2,000 rubles, which was already less than 10%. I didn’t want to raise it to 10 percent, so that there would be a better chance of not losing the bank and following the age limit. In my opinion, it’s better to go slowly, but without fear of burning out. As a result, somewhere around the mark of 50,000 rubles in the bank, I increased the amount of the fixed bet to 3,000 rubles and set this bet size until I reached my goal - 100,000 rubles (that is, the size of the fixed bet was 4-5% of the bank.

Thus, by placing bets according to my clear rules and system, I managed to increase my initial bank by 1000% in 3 months and a few days. Which bank will offer this to you? Yes, it requires a lot of patience and discipline, but this format can really help you save a substantial amount in just one year. And our goals and dreams, I think, are worth setting aside some 10,000 rubles for one year.

According to my calculations, in a year it is possible to reach more than 1 million.

Having conducted many such experiments, I am still inclined to argue that sports betting, with the right approach and self-control, can be a full-fledged source of income. Moreover, they can become the basis of your financial independence, but for this you need to devote a couple of years to this. Although in this matter everything depends on the size of your initial bank. The larger the bank you start with, the faster and more significant your profits will appear.

Personally, I do not yet have an alternative honest method of passive income that could realize my goals and needs.

An orderly betting system, when rationally planned and maintained, can actually make money bring money;)

These are MY thoughts regarding the issue raised for discussion.

I published this article here because there are a lot of people on the Intelbet website who have much more experience in betting, and I would like to hear their thoughts on whether it is possible to really make money on bets or is it just entertainment. If you have any examples from your own experience and life, do not be afraid to share and comment. I need to know the opinion of people who have devoted themselves to this field for many years.

Thanks everyone for your attention! I hope at least someone will share their thoughts.

It is possible to make money on bets. However, to do this you will need to adhere to some rules, love sports, and know the teams and players. You should understand that you won’t be able to really earn money on bets without putting in enough effort. Professional bettors have been studying their business for years, increasing their chances of making a profit without risk.

How much can you earn from this? A small part of betters earn more than 40-50 thousand per month on bets. There are people who have gotten rich from betting, but they are less than 0.1%. There are people who have won a million on sports bets. But novice bettors should not rely on this.

To get a stable income, you need to avoid beginner mistakes and study the commands more carefully. Large sums are often won on bets on football, fighting, tennis, hockey and basketball.

Professionals give beginners three main tips on making money on bets:

  • It is necessary to choose the right bookmaker;
  • then choose your line of play;
  • and analyze events.

Neglecting these three rules is the biggest mistake beginners make.

What to look for when choosing a bookmaker?

Most people look at reviews. This is the wrong step! On the Internet there are a huge number of both positive and negative reviews for each office. Often they are written not by the clients themselves, but by companies, praising themselves and belittling their competitors.

Here is one of the praising reviews that is on the review site:

There are a large number of such implausible reviews. Often, beginners who want to make quick money believe this and make the wrong choice.

There are three main indicators of a bookmaker’s reliability:

  • how many years has he been working;
  • number of clients;
  • financial turnover.

Your own line of play

Some people like to bet large sums on games with small odds, justifying their decision by the fact that this is a 100% way to make money on bookmaker bets. It is also called the oligarch strategy (this is a private strategy from an experienced player). But this option does not always bring profit. It happens that the clear favorite loses or the match ends in a draw. Therefore, everyone needs to develop their own plan before placing a bet.

Event Analysis

The following factors should be taken into account:

  • weather;
  • the importance of the game. For some teams, certain matches decide their fate, while others will be happy with any result;
  • player injuries and athletes' physical fitness;
  • Derby;
  • emotional background. This is affected by a change of coach, owner, etc.;
  • game schedule.

How to place a bet?

For people who have not previously contacted bookmakers, it is better to follow the instructions.

In order for all trades to be profitable, players should only place bets for which the confidence is equal to or close to 100%. But often most of them are committed by players without proper analysis of the game. In addition, many are beginners who do not have any forecasts for sports.

How do bookmakers work?

A bookmaker is a person who accepts bets on various events. This is an intermediary who receives a certain percentage for his services. The percentage is called margin. To earn your money, the bookmaker offers not 50 to 50, but 47 to 47 (a conditional figure). Where did the 6% go? The bookmaker's office takes them for itself for representing the services of an intermediary. It should be noted that this 6 percent is not the main source of profit for the office.

The bookmaker also earns income by adjusting odds according to cash flow and public opinion. To put it simply: the bookmaker in most cases knows what bet the players will make and independently underestimates the possibility of this result.

Bookmaker rating Top 10

  1. 1xbet has been operating since 2007. In 2016, it changed its name to “1xBet”. Has more than 300 cash desks in Russia. This bookmaker is a great way to start making money on bets, as it is one of the most popular reliable bookmakers in the Russian Federation. In addition, “1xStavka” is one of the first companies included in TsIPUS.
  2. Fonbet is one of the oldest bookmakers. It was created in 1994 and is still operating. Not a single bookmaker rating is complete without Fonbet. There are more than 100 points in the Russian Federation where beginners and professionals are invited to place bets. In 2011, Fonbet began accepting online bets.
  3. "Leon" is a legal and young company, created in 2011. Starting from November 3, BC is a member of TsUPIS.
  4. “Betting League” is a time-tested office that anyone who has bet on sports knows about. Since 2007, it has been helping Russian-speaking audiences place bets on sports. Almost any payment system is accepted. Often people who make money on football bets turn to the Betting League.
  5. Winline is one of the largest bookmakers in Russia. Considering its “modest” age (it was created in 2009), it has established itself as a reliable bookmaker. After registering, Winline gives you a chance to receive 2,000 rubles.
  6. "Olympus" is one of the reputable bookmakers and a sponsor of the Russian Football Super Cup. Clients are offered video broadcasts, large odds and guaranteed payouts.
  7. “888” is one of the newcomers to the domestic bookmaker market, founded by the owner of the 23BET organization.
  8. "Baltbet". The main difference from other bookmakers is the presence of a chat for all events. Winnings are transferred to the details within three hours.
  9. Betcity. Starting in 2017, this bookmaker opened a website with the “.ru” domain and joined the self-regulatory organization of bookmakers. From now on, any transactions related to finance will go through TsUPIS, which is an additional guarantee.
  10. Marathon-bet is one of the most popular and oldest bookmakers in Russia. Operating since October 1997. Until 2006, when Federal Law No. 244 was issued, Marathon-bet owned 50% of the entire bookmaker market in the Russian Federation. They have 4 licenses allowing online activities.

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Betting strategies from experienced players

Betting is a battle of wits and ingenuity between bookmakers and players. In this process, be sure to adhere to tactics. There are many betting strategies, let's name the most commonly used ones.

1- Gaming. WITH betting on events is used as a tool for winning; The principle of trying to predict the outcome of the game applies here.:

  • “Value Betting” is a mathematical strategy for an undervalued event whose odds are overestimated;
  • “Bookmaker's fork” is the ability to place a bet on different outcomes of a match, in different bookmakers, and receive funds thanks to different percentages. The main advantage is that if the bet is made correctly, the bettor will make a profit regardless of the outcome of the game. Therefore, it is recognized as one of the best earning schemes;
  • “Dogon” is a type of bet in which the amount of the next bet is determined by the previous one. The main goal is to return the lost amount and earn money;
  • “Corridor” is a bet on a different outcome in different offices. The final strategy is the difference between the results (called the corridor). The difference from the “bookmaker's arb” is that the “arbers” are guaranteed to receive income, and the profit from the “corridor” system is only if the “bet” works. This bet has a number of subtypes;
  • “Playing live” involves attending a match, analyzing the team, the condition of the players and other factors. Such observation gives the bettor a more complete picture of the outcome of the game. Therefore, he can make a trade during the game and is more likely to win. This is one of the most profitable strategies;
  • “Pre-match analysis” is one of the types of bets in which you will need to fully review all the conditions that may affect the game. First of all, they pay attention to the latest games, the health of the main players, the change of coach, etc.

2- Financial (mathematically planned rates):

  • “Flat” is a scheme for making money on bets, based on managing the amount that was allocated for bets. The main principle is the same fixed size of all bets over a long period;
  • “Fixed profit” – allows you to get a certain income amount by changing the bet amount. The formula used is B = W / (K - 1); where “B” is the bet, “W” is the predicted return and “K” is the size of the odds of the event in question;
  • “Martingale Strategy” – the goal of the strategy is to double the next bets until you win. To make a profit, you will ultimately need to choose a bet whose odds are at least two. To use the strategy, the bettor will need to allocate a certain amount and set the size of the first bet. Having learned both values, it is not difficult to calculate the maximum number of bets that can be used within this strategy;
  • “Kelly Criterion” - the point is to divide the bank into several parts to determine the optimal amounts that need to be bet.

  • “Bookmaker errors” – when betting, not often, but there are errors in calculations. They can often be seen in a live game. If you use this to your advantage, there is an opportunity to make money.
  • "Bonushunting." Players receive income from bonuses from bookmaker employees. To have such privileges, the better needs to play a large number of times. Each company has its own unique conditions for regular and new customers. To earn money consistently from this, you need to register accounts. However, if you do this too often, the bookmaker may block your account.
  • Advertising and partnership are the most realistic ways to earn money without investment. Almost all bookmakers give people the opportunity to earn money by participating in affiliate programs or through advertising of their company. To attract more people you will need to create accounts on social networks, communicate with subscribers, make a good website and look for people through YAN, etc. Each bookmaker pays differently for attracting a new player, so it’s best to check prices with the bookmaker’s staff.
  • Scheme of earning money on bets

    Features of online betting

    People looking to make money from sports betting are more likely to consider online deals. Any beginner can make them. The main feature of online betting is the speed of betting and the fact that you can calmly make a decision without being subject to psychological pressure. In addition, there are other advantages of online bets:

    • financial security. It depends only on the user's behavior. The websites of the offices are protected by a security certificate from hacking and each participant has a personal login and password;
    • comfort. To participate in bets and increase your earnings, there is no need to collect a package of documents or get a job. Anyone can place a bet immediately after a simple registration;
    • legality. In 2017, a law was passed aimed at legalizing the activities of sports bookmakers. Now the offices provide their services officially, deducting 5% of their profits to the state.

    The absence of force majeure circumstances is an additional pleasant bonus for those who want to replenish their wallet with bets.

    You can make money on the Internet in different ways; now is the most favorable moment for implementing a variety of financial ideas. And one of the most reliable, profitable options is sports betting in bookmakers, which have their own websites on the network.

    How to make money on bets at bookmakers and what you need for this:

    1. Develop knowledge of a particular sport, for example, football - learn the rules, understand the terminology, study the characteristics of teams or athletes, analyze statistics.
    2. Develop your own betting strategy or stick to already proven sports financial and gaming strategies.
    3. Have 3-4 hours of free time during the day and stable access to the Internet. Fast Internet is especially important if you are going to make money on sporting events by betting live.

    Fixed matches for sports

    Fixed games– these are sporting events, the outcome of which is predetermined even before the start of the competition.

    Negotiations are played according to an agreement between rival teams, sometimes judges and representatives of bookmakers also take part in this.

    Fixed matches are the most common in football, so football insiders appear on the Internet regularly. To make money specifically on matched football bets, you don’t need to waste time on analysis and training. It is enough to have a small initial capital, since insider information is not cheap.

    Eat two options how to make money on agreements:

    1. Put on the outcome of the match– such information costs an average of 10,000 rubles.
    2. Put to the exact score– in this case, the price of the bet is an order of magnitude higher, as are the odds for the outcome. There is a strategy for exact counting.

    Keep in mind that bookmakers are closely monitoring players who bet big money on the correct score or unpopular outcomes. Therefore it is necessary tread carefully, do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself from the bookmaker’s security service, bet on agreements in different (5-7) offices.

    Making money on sure bets

    Another way to make money on sports betting is to search forks. Forks or arbitrage situations are bets on the same event, but on different outcomes. Under certain circumstances, betting on opposite outcomes brings a guaranteed profit.

    Forks are formed for various reasons – analyst mistakes office or not fast enough information update about the situation before or during the match.

    Also, often an arb is created by the better himself, who bets on one outcome before the start of the event, and on the opposite outcome during the match.

    1. An example of a fork - one bookmaker has a high odds on P1, and the other has an equally high odds on P2 of the same event.
    2. When betting on both P1 and P2, the better wins.
    3. Usually the amounts are small - up to 15% from the bet amount, but this guaranteed profit.
    4. Searching for suitable events can be done manually, but this is a long and painstaking process.
    5. You can also use various programs And services to search for forks.

    In this case, you also need to be careful and arb wisely. Bookmaker's employees also monitor the occurrence of arbitration situations, often identify arbers and cut their limits or block accounts.

    Bonus hunters in sports betting

    Bonus hunters are a certain type of players who earn money not so much on sports betting, but on withdrawal of bookmaker bonuses.

    As you know, almost all bookmakers offer first deposit bonus, and not small. As well as bonuses for other actions. However, in order to withdraw the bonus, you need to fulfill certain conditions, they are different in each bookmaker.

    • The bonus hunter registers with the office, replenishes the deposit and fulfills the conditions for receiving the bonus.
    • Then cashes out bonus and does not make any more bets.
    • To increase their earnings, bonus hunters also do multi-accounting.
    • That is, they register many profiles in BC using fake documents or documents of friends and relatives.

    Bonus hunters feel most comfortable at bookmakers that operate in the .com domain zone. There is no need to go through such bookmakers multi-level verification personality. But inexperienced and overly active bonus hunters are sometimes identified.

    Even though it's enough profitable activity, you need to be very careful in the process of collecting and cashing out bonuses.

    Make money from bookmakers' mistakes

    This is an excellent option for making a profit; there are a lot of opportunities to make money on bets when the bookmaker makes mistakes. There are technical or system errors on bookmaker sites, but more frequent problems arise due to the human factor.

    Examples of earnings on bookmaker's mistakes:

    1. Search underrated or overvalued sporting events – value bets.
    2. Earning money live. Turn on the function " 1 click bid", enter the bet amount. Watch the match from your laptop live, but not on the bookmaker’s website, where the broadcast is delayed. Once someone scores, you have 3 seconds to place your bet" goal K1 or K2».
    3. Often mistakes occur when setting odds for totals - analyze the bookmaker’s line.

    In order to make money from bookmakers’ mistakes, be careful when choosing a bookmaker. The larger it is, the wider the line and painting, the greater the likelihood that that an error will occur. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a software problem or the inattention of a bookmaker employee, you still remain in the black!

    Summary of earnings on bets

    Make money on sports betting anyone can. To do this you need knowledge of sports, several hours of free time and free Internet access.

    And if you want to earn money with a minimum of effort - use arbs, bets on fixed matches, bonuses and bookmaker errors.

    – this is freedom, a chance to give free rein to your imagination, to fulfill your cherished dreams. Financial independence can give you a long-awaited “portion” of happiness. But! Money should be obtained easily, and not through hard daily labor. People who work in factories and hardly earn their pennies will never spend money on unnecessary things - everything is “put to work.” Well, what am I talking about? The question is where to find these same “”? The answer is simple - in bookmakers. Making money on bets is more popular today than ever before. Every day thousands of gamblers appear, ready to spend time and money for the long-awaited financial freedom. Let's figure out how to make money on bets, and whether it is possible in principle.

    Bookmakers: difficulty of choice

    There are hundreds of bookmakers on the Internet and in real life. These organizations are engaged in accepting bets on various events. The areas are very diverse - sports, politics, culture and so on. There are more and more betting opportunities every day. But something so active baffles the average person. A logical question arises: “How to choose a bookmaker?” We will not delve into the jungle of this issue, and will highlight only the main requirements. The office must have a good reputation and license, provide the best odds, a complete list of events and the maximum number of outcomes, and most importantly, be simple and reliable. The presence of bonus programs and other little things is, of course, very useful, but does not play a key role in the choice. The main thing is that the bookmaker allows you to play, win and pay money upon the first request. Therefore, before making your final choice, carefully browse the Internet and carefully study the information and reviews. Helps a lot.

    Is it possible to make money on bets?

    Before we look at some secrets of making money, I’ll make a reservation right away – you can make money on bets. But you need to treat this as a hobby, without fear of losing money. This doesn't mean you should bet recklessly. Responsible attitude to business and analysis come first. Remember that betting has many similarities with roulette. Here the powerful force of passion comes into play, because of which you can “lower” all your emotions in an instant. To make money on bets, you need to use not only logic and reason, but also intuition. People with a real “feeling” are always at the peak of popularity. They know “the fifth point” what to bet on and where there might be a catch. The main thing is to listen and hear the signals from within. Anyway. We are already moving into the field of psychology. Let's talk about “earthly” things.

    Secrets of making money on bets

    Let me point out right away that the methods I have given do not always work. I will say more - there are no 100% methods in this matter. Otherwise, all bookmakers would go bankrupt within a few months. It's more about probabilities. The more likely you are to win, the better.
    Way to make money on bets #1. Bet on outsiders
    This method is banal, but it’s perfect for beginners. A coefficient is set for each event. The lower it is, the more likely it is that the event will happen (at least that’s what the bookmaker thinks). Your task is to place bets on several events with minimal odds, that is, on the obvious favorites of the confrontation. Let's say Barcelona happens to meet Spartak. The odds for Barcelona's victory will be somewhere around 1.1-1.3, for Spartak's victory – 3.5-4. You bet on Barcelona to win and a number of other favorite teams. The total odds can turn out to be quite good, and the chances of winning are quite high. By the way, this method often does not work, because one of the leaders loses.
    Way to make money on bets No. 2. Take control of the situation
    No need to guess - think and use your intuition. You can make money on one event with an average odds, but you will have to work for it. For example, two equal teams are playing, and the odds are approximately equal. But you carefully read sports newspapers, talked to the right people and learned useful information. For example, disqualification or injury to the main scorer is sometimes enough to shift the balance of power. Remember that victory consists of many factors.
    Way to make money on bets No. 3. Look for forks
    This method often works, but you have to work hard to find a decent fork. What's the point? You place bets at different bookmakers and on different outcomes of one event. The point is that each office gives different odds. Your task is to calculate the bet amounts in such a way that in any case you are in the black. I’ll be honest right away – searching for “arbs” manually is unrealistic. You will lose many hours, nerves and bleed your fingers doing calculations on a calculator. There are special scripts that analyze information in several bookmakers at the same time and provide suitable options. But!!! Such programs are far from free. In addition, you will have to open accounts with at least 10 bookmakers. Well, the most important thing. Where is the guarantee that the bookmaker will not refuse payment at the last moment?
    Way to make money on bets No. 4. Benefit from the wisdom of other experts
    If you don’t know how to analyze yourself, use the work of other people. Today there are many specialists who analyze matches and make forecasts. The work of such “masters” costs money. Are you ready to pay for potential success? - Please. But there are no guarantees here either. A similar situation arises with the so-called “agreements”. You are given information about allegedly fixed matches with the planned result. All that remains is to use the received data correctly. Again, no guarantees. Firstly, don't trust the odds , which are given by the bookmaker. Place your bets based on your own analysis of the situation. Playing with luck does not lead to success. The probability of winning in this case does not exceed 50%, and often even less. Secondly, if you are a gambling person, do not play. Lose all your money on the first day and curse everything in the world. Bets must be made with cold calculation and knowledge of the matter. Third, making money on bets is a risk

    . Always remember this. Good luck in your endeavors!

    Stay up to date with all the important events of United Traders - subscribe to our , It is definitely possible to make money on bookmaker bets, just enter names like Jim Boyd into the search bar

    Kyle Hunter, Bob Voulgaris to understand that some people make millions betting. Just don’t think that everything is simple in this matter; forecasting sporting events is, heavy.

    daily work

    For example, the required quality is patience And excerpt.

    The success of the strategy and forecast statistics are assessed over a distance. Therefore, you need to prepare for the fact that several years will pass before the bettor reaches a more or less stable income.

    • It is also better to engage in sports betting only for those who are into sports understands.
    • After all, you need excellent know the rules, and teams or athletes.
    • That is, to know the strengths and weaknesses of teams, the game strategy of which the coach adheres, and many other details, aspects, little things, without which the better’s predictions are unlikely to be successful.

    Is it possible earn money on bets without knowledge of sports? For those who do not understand any sport, there is a way out - buy forecasts from a professional sports analyst - capper, the main thing is to choose a reliable forecaster with good forecasts at least 70%.

    What skills do you need to have?

    To become a successful bettor and make money on sports betting, you need to obtain or develop the following skills and qualities:

    1. Patience– you often have to wait “ his"match or overcome" black stripe».
    2. Perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to delve into information, structure it, analyze it, and draw the right conclusions.
    3. Psychological stability, sobriety of thought, emotional stability. You need to be able to not deceive yourself, not turn a blind eye to the obvious risk, getting carried away by attractive odds.
    4. You can't make emotional bets, only cold calculation and strict adherence to the strategy makes it possible to earn money.

    When placing bets regularly, set yourself a goal, for example, earn 100 USD per month, then sooner or later the necessary skills and qualities will develop.

    Sports betting strategy

    A gaming, financial or mixed strategy in betting is a set of methods and techniques that allow you to make money on bets and solve a set of problems.

    Strategy- this is like an action plan for a better in a given situation.

    For example, a certain strategy is aimed at ensuring that each successful bet not only brings money, but also recaptures losses from previous ones.

    • Financial strategies can be aggressive, aimed for quick money.
    • But they are best used by experienced betters or people with an unlimited deposit in a bookmaker.
    • There are also strategies for smooth and safe increase account at a bookmaker's office.

    There is also a subtype of strategy - gaming, that is, bets are placed on the occurrence of a certain situation or outcome. Most strategies universal, but there are those that are designed for a specific sport. For example, the strategy of betting on corners was invented for football. In this case, you need to bet on corners - one or both teams, on total corners or individual total.

    Conclusion about earnings on bets

    Is it really possible to make money on bets? Quite really, there would be a desire. The first year or two will probably be hard, have to give 100%, invest.

    • And be prepared for what stable income– this is the result of a careful study and analysis of statistics, pre-match situation, and bookmaker lines.
    • And also patience, a minimum of emotions and a little luck.

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