How to improve your relationship with the person you love? Psychological types of temperament: how to build relationships with their representatives.

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Phlegmatic is one of the four types of human temperament. It has amazing natural endurance - it is almost impossible to “start” it. He is laconic, calm and balanced. What else distinguishes a person of phlegmatic temperament? What is a characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person?

Phlegmatic character

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably identified in a crowd. Its characteristic feature is seriousness. A phlegmatic person does not like quarrels and always tries to nip the conflict in the bud. Therefore, he will be ready to accept the opponent’s point of view in order to avoid a collision. At the same time, outwardly a phlegmatic person will look calm. For some reason, he definitely won’t show his emotions.

Another characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person is prudence. He will never rush into making decisions. First, he will weigh the pros and cons and thoroughly consider the consequences. And after that it will be finally decided.

A person of phlegmatic temperament is distinguished by conservatism. He doesn't like changes in life because he has a hard time adapting to them. In a new team, a phlegmatic person will spend a lot of time making friends. After all, he carefully chooses his environment and looks closely at a new person for a long time.

Those who believe that aggressiveness is a characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person are greatly mistaken. On the contrary, nature endowed him with emotional balance. Therefore, a phlegmatic person does not even need to make an effort to control himself. In addition, if he quarrels with someone, he will be the first to ask for forgiveness.

What do phlegmatic people look like?

Phlegmatic is slow, unhurried. Outwardly of a dense build, he loves to eat tasty food. Chews slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. He speaks slowly, the facial expressions and gestures of a phlegmatic person are inexpressive and monotonous. He does not interrupt the interlocutor, listens carefully, nodding in agreement. Always ready to give advice.

A characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person is that he is not one of those who chase fashion. But at the same time, he is dressed neatly, preferring a business style of dress.

Working with a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is not inclined to lead. Due to his slowness, he takes a long time to get into work. But he will never let his boss down or miss deadlines. In addition, he will not leave unfinished work because he does not like to leave things halfway. It works slowly, but efficiently. He does not know how to switch quickly, so he is not suitable for work that requires speed and quick decisions.

A characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person is peacefulness. It's no wonder that his team loves him. After all, a phlegmatic person is able to get along with everyone. It’s easy to come to an agreement with him, he will give in, meet people halfway, understand and forgive. If someone quarrels, a phlegmatic person will reconcile them. Because he can't stand conflicts.

Relationships with a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is an ideal family man! He gives his entire salary to his wife. Instead of lounging on the beach, he will spend his vacation renovating the bathroom. Treats children warmly. They love him for his prudence, gentleness and justice.

In relationships, the phlegmatic is calm and balanced. It is about him that one can say: “With him, it’s like behind a stone wall!” He prefers long-term relationships because he does not like separation.

A phlegmatic person is constant in his feelings and becomes strongly attached to his partner. Often he begins love relationships with friendship. Sex in the life of a phlegmatic person does not occupy the most important place. He may even forget about it if his partner does not tactfully remind him.

Friendship with a phlegmatic person

Friendship with a phlegmatic person is easy and pleasant. He is calm, balanced, does not impose his opinion, does not gossip. Values ​​honesty in relationships. Therefore, many people want to be friends with a phlegmatic person. He has many acquaintances, but his true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Often such a person has one close friend, but for the rest of his life.

The phlegmatic person chooses his friends carefully. Happy is he who can call him his friend. A characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person is his attentiveness to friends. He will always find time for them, despite his busy schedule. He will listen, support, console, and give practical advice. He can always “cry into his vest,” while the phlegmatic person himself rarely shares his problems.


Many people are interested in: “A characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person is..?” The answer is simple: “Patience.” And also peacefulness, kindness and loyalty. The phlegmatic person interacts well with all types of temperament. It can have a beneficial effect on an active sanguine person; he will not be enraged by a violent choleric person and will not be driven into depression by a melancholic person. He does not like to show his emotions to others. However, this does not mean that a phlegmatic person is an insensitive cracker. He is a wonderful husband, friend and colleague. Everyone feels comfortable in his company: both adults and children.

Why do some of us get excited from the first gentle touch, while others, even after the most passionate kisses and hot caresses, remain calm and unperturbed? What is the secret of our sexuality, what does it depend on? Doctors say that our sexuality also depends on our temperament. Sanguines, melancholics, cholerics and phlegmatics absolutely differently behave in bed. So take a closer look at your partner: are you temperamentally compatible? Although life is much more complicated than a simple scheme, sometimes there are such unions that you are simply amazed. But they live happily!

Answer the questions of this test with your partner and you will find out what kind of temperament you have:

1. Do you like to visit?
2. Is it easy for you to address a stranger on the street?
3. Do you like work that requires quick reactions?
4. Do you like to tell jokes?
5. Have you ever played pranks on your friends?
Count your “Yes” answers and write down the intermediate result: from O to 2 - your type “M” from 3 to 5 - your type N Now answer the remaining 5 questions:
1. Do you have sharp and sudden mood swings?
2. Do you often have regrets? because of what you something did they say it or did it without thinking?
3. Are you easily offended?
4. Are you worried about your health?
5. Do you care about the opinions of others?
Count up your "Yes" answers and write down another intermediate result: from O to 2 - your type "O" from 3 to 5 - your type "P" Now add the results together and you will find out your temperament: "MO" - you are a phlegmatic person , “MR” - you are melancholic, NO - you are sanguine, NP - you are choleric.

Perpetual motion machine

Sanguine- just a bundle of energy, a kind of perpetual motion machine that does not need recharging. Moreover, this energy is always positive, because sanguine people are good-natured and cheerful. They are the soul of any company, because they love and know how to joke and create a festive atmosphere. Their motto is no boredom or sadness! The same applies to sex. Sanguine people are passionate and loving, ready to have sex for days on end without feeling tired. Sanguine women Usually a long foreplay is not required - they flash instantly and do not go out for a very long time. Sanguine people always manage to come up with ideas something something new, adding variety to your intimate life, which greatly pleases your partner. However, if a partner comes across as boring and does not like sex, the sanguine person with a light heart will go in search of a new chosen one who will enthusiastically support all his “bed” endeavors.

Looking for your other half

If you - sanguine, ideally your partner should also be sanguine. Then you will never be bored in each other's company, and sex will not turn into a routine. A good sexual union will also work with a choleric person: the latter also has a strong temperament. A phlegmatic person is boring for a sanguine person. Therefore, such a sexual relationship most likely will not last long. If your chosen one is sanguine: never reproach a sanguine person for being too sexy - this will offend him. If you value him as a partner, support all his love impulses. Show initiative from time to time - a sanguine person will like it. More passion and fewer complexes - and your sexual partner will be crazy about you!

Ideal family man

Phlegmatic people- ideal family men. Women completely dissolve in their husbands and children. Men always give their entire salary to their wives and patiently renovate the bathroom on their vacation instead of going on vacation to exotic countries. Phlegmatic people are the calmest and most balanced people; it is almost impossible to get them angry. The prudence of phlegmatic people also affects intimate relationships. Sex for them is far from the most important part of life. They can forget about it for a long time if their partner does not remind them in time. It is quite difficult to excite a phlegmatic person - unlike sanguine and choleric people, he needs much more time for love foreplay. But if he really gets the taste... When making love, a phlegmatic person usually does not allow himself the “antics” of sanguine and choleric people, such as “indecent” moans. Sex among phlegmatic people is not replete with extravagance; they prefer to do everything the old fashioned way, without various excesses that, in their opinion, are unnecessary.

Looking for your other half

Ideal for a phlegmatic person. This couple will make love rarely, but conscientiously. True, there is a possibility that after living together for several years, they may forget about sex. But, according to doctors, if this situation suits both, there is nothing to worry about. Phlegmatic people also have good alliances with melancholic people. But with a sanguine person who cannot imagine life without intimacy, getting along is very problematic. If your chosen one phlegmatic person: “stimulate” his sexual desire. Just remember that not all means are good for this. So, to the excursion to sex shop he will most likely react disapprovingly - this is too bold for him. You will have to look for other, more conservative methods. Time-tested means will help to stir up a phlegmatic person: beautiful underwear, gentle whispers in the ear that he the very best, erotic literature accidentally left in plain sight.

Who can resist such an onslaught!

Knight of the Sad Image

Melancholic people are known to be sensitive and vulnerable - they take every little thing to heart. They are characterized by deep inner experiences. If they are in someone fall in love, they shower the object of passion with love messages, poems and flowers, and promise to give the Moon and the Sun in addition. In a word, they look after them very beautifully. But in sex, one can hardly expect from them the playfulness of a sanguine person or the assertiveness of a choleric person. Melancholic people wait to be conquered and caressed. They often prefer platonic love to carnal love. Melancholic men In bed they are sentimental and tender, they can give you a wonderful romantic night. Looking for your other half Melancholic people They can be a couple for sanguine people who like to take the initiative themselves. An alliance with choleric people is less preferable: the unpredictability of the choleric person will increase the mental torment of the melancholic person. A couple “melancholic and melancholic”, unfortunately, will become infected with negative emotions from each other. What kind of sex can there be here! If your chosen one is melancholic: you will have to take on the responsibilities of a leader. Melancholic people will gladly give them up to you, just don’t forget to compliment him more often. Try not to pay attention to his whims, and especially not to cause scandals for him. More tact and understanding, and then everything will be fine in sex!

Mysterious person

Cholerics are very sexy. They are temperamental, but unlike sanguine people they are prone to mood swings. And then they have no time for sex. A choleric person can attack his partner with reproaches and create a scene of jealousy. His emotionality is reflected in his intimate life. Choleric loves sex, but he always thinks that he something not given, so he rarely receives complete moral satisfaction from making love. However, if he is in a good mood, then in sex he is able to show aerobatics. Cholerics have a weakness for all kinds of innovations; sex with them is varied and original. True, choleric people are unlikely to be able to stretch out the pleasure throughout the night: they quickly get excited and fade away just as quickly. So strike while the iron is hot!

Looking for your other half

Sexually, a choleric person is absolutely incompatible with a choleric person - this will be a conflicting couple. The choleric person’s “shaking” from side to side, sooner or later, can enrage both the good-natured sanguine person and the eternally sad melancholic person. The only one who can endure his impulsive character for a long time is a phlegmatic person. However, a choleric person will most likely still seek new experiences. If your chosen one choleric: when a choleric person is not in a good mood, do not pester him with sex - this will anger him even more. Better help cope with a bad mood. Delicious lunch, kind words, massage. You never know what you can think of to give your loved one maximum pleasure! Cholerics love affection, so some kind degree you will have to become a sexual altruist.

But the efforts will not be in vain! Your partner will appreciate your zeal and repay you handsomely.

Self-instructor in psychology Obraztsova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Phlegmatic temperament

Phlegmatic temperament

At first glance, a phlegmatic person is the exact opposite of a choleric person. Upon careful examination, many similar traits are revealed in the owners of these temperaments. This is, first of all, their persistence and desire to always achieve their goals. The only difference is the speed at which they do it. If a choleric person always overcomes obstacles on his way “at once,” quickly and recklessly, then a phlegmatic person acts very slowly and carefully, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons before doing so. Plans never “emerge” in his head, he painstakingly builds them, then nurtures them for a long time, and only then, after praying and rolling up his sleeves, he begins to implement them.

A phlegmatic person is not a warrior, but a creator. He is very peaceful, or at least too passive to enter into conflict. But this does not mean that he will obey all the demands of those around him: in terms of stubbornness, phlegmatic people are perhaps superior to representatives of any other temperament. If you express your dissatisfaction with his actions and try to change his plans, he will not argue or bicker with you - he will simply silently and persistently continue to follow his chosen path.

It is very difficult to make a phlegmatic person angry, and we do not advise you to even try to do this: if your attempt is crowned with success, then this “success” will be not only the first, but also the last - an angry phlegmatic person will not leave a wet spot on you. A slow and complacent, awkward and slightly funny phlegmatic person in a state of rage is transformed beyond recognition; he will simply crush the one who dares to disturb his peace. Fortunately, it is almost impossible to bring a phlegmatic person to such a state.

Portrait of a phlegmatic man

Closed, reserved, silent; peaceful, reliable, constant; slow, conformist; purposeful, patient, persistent, stubborn, pragmatic.

How to communicate with a phlegmatic person:

- do not demand quick decisions and actions from him - quick reactions are completely inaccessible to him. This is a biological property, and not laziness, absent-mindedness or anything else of the like. All meetings and events in which a phlegmatic person takes part should be planned taking into account this feature;

- Likewise, be sure to notify him of all your plans in advance: he needs time not only to get ready for a visit, but also to generally get used to the idea of ​​the upcoming visit. Phlegmatic people do not tolerate any surprise;

– never try to “re-educate” him. This should not be done with anyone at all and never, but with phlegmatic people such behavior is especially unacceptable. If a sanguine person has a very developed ability to adapt to the demands of others, and a choleric person can at least be interested and captivated by something extraordinary, then a phlegmatic person recognizes only his choice and his own path. At best, you will waste your time and energy trying to convince him, and at worst (if your complaints about him reach some critical mass) you will provoke an explosion of indescribable force.

Strengths and weaknesses:

The phlegmatic is the most efficient of all temperament types, and his labor productivity turns out to be the highest. This remarkable performance can be damaged by frequent changes in working conditions and contradictory requirements. The need to quickly make decisions puts a phlegmatic person in a very uncomfortable position, but this does not mean that he can only be good as a performer. Where it is necessary to maintain stable processes (and not search for new opportunities), a reliable and confident phlegmatic person can cope well with leadership work.

"Typical" appearance

A dense, well-built figure, massive build, well-developed muscles, arms and legs of short or medium length, often a tendency to be overweight, a short and wide chest; wide angular skull, large nose, short neck.


M. I. Kutuzov, I. A. Krylov

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