How to paint a Christmas tree in watercolors. Drawing a Christmas tree: ways to draw a Christmas tree, a step-by-step master class on drawing a Christmas tree with children

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For some people, depicting objects on paper is a problem. If a person does not know how to draw a Christmas tree, this article will be of help. Detailed master classes will help solve this problem.

Christmas tree made of geometric shapes

For beginning artists, there are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree. Most often, geometric shapes are used in symbolic drawings.

Several partially overlapping triangles arranged in a pyramid with a small brown rectangle at the bottom (trunk) perfectly symbolize the Christmas tree.

Since you can draw a Christmas tree in a more simplified version, you should consider the option of using one triangle in the image. The corners can also be smoothed or sharpened and elongated.

There is another option for how to draw a Christmas tree symbolically. For such an image, geometric shapes are not used. It is enough to draw branches using straight segments that are directed either downward at an angle or upward.

Symbolic Christmas tree for postcards, making interior items and decorating clothes

Here the designer simply needs a way to depict a tree using geometric shapes. You can even smooth out the corners of the contour of the tree or, conversely, sharpen it and slightly stretch it, lift it from above. After all, any tree in early period growing branches stretch towards the sun.

The outlines of such a Christmas tree can be used as appliques for decorating clothes and making rugs, for developing patterns for making jacquard patterns on knitted items, for sewing sofa cushions and creative Christmas trees from pillows, making patterns for wallpaper and in many other interesting ways.

Master class for kids

Usually children easily cope with the task of depicting a Christmas tree. But if difficulty still exists, you can also teach drawing to children using this master class. It gives a clear idea of ​​how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step.

  1. First, several triangles are drawn so that each one located above is slightly smaller than the previous one. Usually three figures are enough.
  2. For very tiny artists, the process of learning to draw the outline of a Christmas tree can be completed at this point and they can begin painting the object. If adults show how to draw a Christmas tree step by step for older children, for example, 3-4 year olds, then the task can be made more difficult. Let the child do sides triangles concave inside the figure, and the base curved out.
  3. Remove with an eraser auxiliary lines.
  4. A rectangle is drawn below, which represents a tree trunk.
  5. Next comes the application of color to the object. You can only use one shade of green and brown for the trunk. But you can make each top triangle lighter than the previous one.
  6. If desired, the tree can be decorated with toys and beads. Then the drawing will be in the New Year's version.

Naturalistic image of a spruce

For drawing serious paintings with a pencil - for example, landscapes - you need to know how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. The interesting thing is that they begin to depict the object in the same way as in children's master class, from the auxiliary triangle. Then, inside the main contour sketch, “rows” of branches are made - these are pyramid-shaped smaller triangles partially overlapping each other.

The bases of the triangles should be made “torn” and uneven. Yes, and the sides need to be transformed. Let them become not continuous straight lines, but consisting of interrupted segments that have a slightly different angle of inclination. By applying shading to the spruce in this way, the artist creates the effect of tree thorns.

Particular work should be done on the barrel. First it is drawn in the form of a rectangle. Then the lower part is slightly expanded, turning it into a trapezoid. The lower base of the trapezoid is made “torn”.

Now you need to apply the final shading so that in the middle the tree is lighter than at the edges. Some branches may “break out” from the main contour - these are young branches that have not yet sagged under the weight of their weight, reaching towards the sun. A sharp branch-top sticks out from above.

Winter landscape

More often coniferous trees attract artists in winter. After all, everything around in the forest is bare, and only the evergreens stand, as if cold and snow do not exist for them. Such landscapes look beautiful both in black and white and in color.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step was described in detail in the previous master class. Having mastered this algorithm, the artist can depict a winter landscape where snow caps and collars lie on the branches of fir trees. Making tree “robes” is quite simple. You just need to make an outline of a snowdrift on a ready-made spruce, and then remove all excess with an eraser.

Sometimes another option is used to depict fir trees. It is suitable for drawing large perennial trees. Spruce trees are not drawn with solid shading, but are made more “transparent” by drawing each branch or group of branches separately.

There is less than a week left until the most important holiday of the year, so more and more people are getting creative and creating for themselves Christmas mood. And it is for such people that below are several master classes on how novice artists can draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step.

Before you get started, you should have the following things in advance:

  • White list A4 or even more;
  • simple soft pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sharpener (just in case);
  • colored pencils or paints if desired.

And here are the main stages of work:

A large triangle is drawn on the sheet - its size determines what the future Christmas tree will look like at the very end. If necessary, you can use a ruler to make the lines as straight as possible.

Afterwards, the top of the future tree is drawn in the form of wavy lines, as shown in the figure below.

Now it’s worth drawing the branches below in exactly the same way. They should not be a single whole, but seem to be scattered.

At the next stage, the most magnificent part of the tree is completed and the auxiliary triangle is erased. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to erase too many necessary details. Of course, after that they will need to be completed again.

Straight lines draw a short but reliable tree trunk. Since the Christmas tree is not on the street, it is transplanted into a pot that appears on paper at the same stage.

Now comes the interesting part. The tree needs to be decorated with garlands, as shown in the example below. But you can also use your imagination and decorate the Christmas tree at your own discretion.

On last stage finishing drawings New Year's toys, snowflakes and any other New Year's attributes at the discretion of the artist.

All that remains is to decorate the resulting drawing so that it becomes “alive” and looks more interesting in a frame on the wall.

Now you know how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, but this is not the only lesson for beginners in our article today.

Little Christmas tree

The next option is a little lighter than the previous one, and the festive tree looks very cute and attractive. Even children can handle this drawing.

So, in order to show all your drawing capabilities, it is enough to go through the following steps:

Sheet A4 is placed vertically and a straight line is drawn on it in the middle vertical line. Its size will correspond to the height of the future Christmas tree, so this point should be thought through in advance. In the same way, you can draw several small Christmas trees on one sheet.

At the very top, just where the depicted line ends, a Christmas star is drawn. It will become the main decoration and should be quite large. Also, for fun, you can add eyes or a funny face on it.

If I may say so, the tree will have three tiers that complement each other. At this stage, the upper level begins to be drawn on paper in the form of a mountain with jagged ends.

Then the next part of the New Year tree is drawn. Everything is done exactly the same as in the previous step, only this time the “mountain” should be a little larger.

The penultimate stage is a detailed drawing of the lower part of the tree. Of course, it will be larger and more magnificent than all the previous ones. Now you need to finish drawing the visible trunk and horizon line below so that the tree does not “hang in the air.”

At the very end, all sorts of new Year decoration and garlands that will sparkle with colorful lights.

Most often, for beginning artists, it is important not only how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, but also in what color scheme it will be presented. So it's time to pick up pencils and trust your inner voice.

Cartoon Christmas tree

IN Soviet time Many holiday cartoons dedicated to the New Year were produced. And we all probably liked the festive spruce, whose branches were crushed with snow and decorated to such an extent that sometimes it dazzled our eyes.

It’s very easy to draw a similar Christmas tree yourself. And you can do this in just 4 steps:

According to a familiar pattern, a triangle is drawn on a sheet of paper. An auxiliary horizontal line is carefully drawn from its very top. With its help, you will be able to harmoniously draw a tree trunk, stars and a stand for a spruce tree.

It's time to start drawing the left side. To do this, smooth lines with pointed tips are drawn on paper. Sometimes they bifurcate, sometimes they remain united. This way the branches will look more harmonious. At the same stage, a pointed star is drawn on the top of the tree and its lower branches.

According to the same pattern, it appears on paper right part Christmas tree and both sides are connected to each other wavy lines. All that remains is to finish drawing the trunk and stand, as well as New Year's toys or a small amount of snow.

After it became clear step-by-step principle drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil for beginners, all that remains is to erase the additional lines and paint the resulting masterpiece with paints or pencils.

Such a drawing can be a good basis for a homemade New Year's card or a gift for parents. You can also hang it in a frame on the wall or send it to creative competition young talents.

The latest holiday version of the drawing

Whatever it may seem at the very beginning, there is nothing difficult about drawing a Christmas tree yourself with a pencil. How to do this step by step will be shown below for beginning artists.

To do this, you only need a pencil, paper, an eraser, a little time and self-confidence. And even if it doesn’t work out the first time, this is not a reason to quit creative activities.

So, let's start with the simplest:

  1. A straight horizontal line is drawn in the middle of the A4 or A1 sheet. To do this, you can use a ruler.
  2. Based on the example below, a star is carefully drawn, which will become the main decoration on the festive Christmas tree. It can be supplemented with interesting elements.
  3. Now two arc-shaped lines are drawn from the star - they should smoothly diverge to the sides and be connected to each other by a zigzag stripe. There is no need to rush at this stage.
  4. Below, a similar element is drawn, which should start from the second zigzag on the right, and then on the left side.
  5. The third part of the tree is drawn using the same principle, but is larger in size. Then the trunk visible from under the branches is drawn.
  6. All that's left to do is paint it green New Year's beauty and the drawing will be complete. For harmony and " interesting image“It is recommended to decorate the top part of the tree with light shades, and the rest with dark tones.
  7. As soon as the paint dries, you can finish painting holiday toys on the tree branches with multi-colored paint, as well as depict beautiful background with snow.

Now everyone can draw Christmas tree and even use different variations for this. But don’t stop there – use your imagination and don’t be afraid to be original.

Master class for children 5-8 years old “Beauty Christmas Tree”

Ostanina Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution DS KV "Raduga" SP "Silver Hoof"
Target: Making New Year's crafts.
Tasks:- learn to draw a Christmas tree;
- learn to use available materials in your work;
- develop Creative skills children;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache and glue.
Purpose: Drawing is an interesting process. This master class will allow creative people it’s easy to draw a winter beauty, and for educators and teachers working with preschool and younger children school age, will serve as a guide to teaching your students a simple and understandable way to draw and decorate crafts for the New Year.
Description: The master class will show everyone a simple option for drawing a Christmas tree and then decorating it. In our work we will use available materials, which will make our craft accessible to everyone: white napkins - for making snow on the legs of the Christmas tree, and tinsel - bright sparkles to complement the image. The process of making crafts is accompanied by detailed photo.
Materials: white sheet of paper, colored cardboard, gouache, brushes No. 5 and a glue brush, scissors, a pencil, an eraser, a glue stick, PVA glue, silver tinsel, white paper napkins.

Soon soon New Year
He will come to visit the children.
Soon, soon in every home
The Christmas tree will light up!
The lights will sparkle
Just a miracle - look!!!

In anticipation New Year's miracles I really want to make my home a little brighter, a little more interesting. Every adult remembers his childhood, when he had the opportunity to take paints and brushes and draw a wonderful Christmas tree with toys and a bunch of gifts under it, hang it on the wall and delight everyone with his creativity. As adults, we lose this opportunity due to lack of free time or indecision, because not all of us know how to draw beautifully and are sometimes embarrassed by it. But we have a unique opportunity - to give the children around us the opportunity to believe in themselves and draw a wonderful Christmas tree and decorate it with improvised materials, and in the end it will turn out beautiful New Year's craft, capable of decorating our home and giving it a festive atmosphere. Feel free to take your gouache brushes and start painting!!!

And as a parting word to us, a wonderful poem by Tatyana Volgina, because this is exactly the kind of beautiful Christmas tree we will now make:
“It’s winter before the holiday...
Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
Green suits her
Yolka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!”
1. Let's start by making the background. To do this, we need a white sheet of paper and a bright background, such as red. We need the white sheet to be smaller than the red piece of cardboard. To do this, use scissors to cut 2 centimeters from both sides of the white sheet.

2. Now let’s place it on a red piece of cardboard.

We won't glue it yet, we just checked how it looks.
3. Now let's start drawing. We need to draw the base. To do this, using a pencil and a ruler, draw a large triangle with a convex base, stepping back approximately 2 centimeters from the top of the sheet and from the lower corners. It’s just important not to draw the lines clearly, try to choose a soft pencil and don’t press on it - the lines should be slightly noticeable, we’ll erase them later.

4. Now we will divide the triangle with transverse lines into 4 equal parts in height.

5. Now let's draw arcs instead of straight lines, our Christmas tree should turn out beautiful! On the outer sides of the Christmas tree the lines are concave, and on the transverse lines the arcs are curved down.

6. Now erase the extra lines.

7. For drawing we need gouache Green colour, a glass of water and a brush.

8. We put gouache on the brush and apply long strokes, as shown in the photo.

9. We try to apply the strokes evenly, placing them slightly on top of each other at the beginning, and at the bottom of the tree exactly next to each other, trying not to leave gaps so that the tree turns out fluffy.

10. Now we draw the second tier of branches in the same way as the first.

11. Now the third tier. We make sure that the strokes overlap the transverse arcs and maintain the same length of strokes.

12. Now we draw the top of the head. We start strokes from one point, trying to make the crown sharp. The Christmas tree is ready.

13. Now, using the very tip of the brush, we will make the Christmas tree fluffier. Using small strokes, apply short needles to the top of the Christmas tree.

14. We continue to draw the needles of the Christmas tree. You can take more gouache dark shade. Using short vertical strokes, apply needles along the bottom of each tier.

15. The Christmas tree is ready.

16. Using pencil glue, glue our drawing onto a base of colored cardboard.

“Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
She seems more beautiful than everyone else
Everything is greener and lush.
A fairy tale hides in the greenery:
The white swan is swimming
The bunny slides on a sled
The squirrel gnaws nuts.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the brilliance of radiant lights!
We are all dancing for joy
On New Year's Day under it!
Such wonderful words were written by Valentina Donnikova and they perfectly describe our beauty.
But to complete the look, let’s add some sparkles and white fluff!
17. To make snow we will need white paper napkins. We tear them into small pieces.

18. Roll into small balls.

19. Now, using a brush, apply PVA glue in the form of droplets onto the Christmas tree.

20. Now we place the resulting lumps on the droplets of glue and press lightly. Let it dry and a snowball fell on our Christmas tree.

21. Now a little magic and sparkles will appear on our Christmas tree!
Take silver tinsel and scissors. Carefully cut off the ends of the tinsel.

We try not to scatter them, but put them in one pile.

22. Now, using a brush, apply PVA glue, but not in dotted droplets, as before, in small horizontal strokes.

23. Now pour silver sparkles onto the glue. After you have sprinkled the sparkles, you can turn over the leaf with the Christmas tree and shake off the excess sparkles, and then sprinkle them again on the glue that is visible.

The Christmas tree is ready!

Such a wonderful Christmas tree will become a worthy exhibit at an exhibition of children's creativity.

Master class: “Drawing spruce using watercolor technique”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach - on - Don.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a master class: “Drawing spruce using watercolor technique” for children 5-7 years old. The material may be useful to educators, children and their parents, teachers additional education, teachers.

Purpose: The drawing will serve a good gift, can be used for interior decoration.
Target: Drawing spruce using watercolor technique.
- Teach children to draw a spruce, achieving an expressive representation of the needles (drawing with the end of a brush);
- Improve skills and techniques for working with watercolors.
- Cultivate accuracy during work;

Spruce is an elegant, slender tree. One cannot help but admire its crown, which has the shape of a regular narrow cone. This cone is especially pronounced when trees grow freely, not constrained. The long lower branches bend somewhat towards the ground, as if they are unable to bear the heavy load of needles. The top of the tree is always sharp, it never becomes dull, even when the tree is old. The crowns of the fir trees look like the tips of giant peaks aimed at the sky.
Spruce is a symbol of courage, boldness (to the point of insolence, recklessness), high spirits, fidelity, immortality, longevity, arrogance, and royal dignity. IN Ancient Greece spruce was considered the tree of hope. The Christmas tree symbolizes the beginning annual cycle and life in general. fir cone- a symbol of the fire of life, beginning, restoration of health. Spruce is an amazing plant: it can be used for healing various diseases entirely. Cones, needles, branches and buds have unique beneficial properties. Essential compounds boast bactericidal and antiviral properties. As aromatherapy, spruce essential oil is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to improve immunity and prevent acute respiratory infections. In addition, spruce oil can eliminate overstrain and nervousness, enhance the protective properties of the skin and increase the overall tone of the human body. While indoors, a short time essential compounds of spruce neutralize harmful microorganisms, filling the house with oxygen and a healing microclimate and weakening electromagnetic radiation from household appliances.
Spruce has wide application V national economy. Large quantities of its wood are used, for example, to make paper. In our age of rapid progress of civilization, the need for paper is extremely great and it is necessary great amount. Statisticians have calculated: in one year, all countries of the world produce so much paper that if one whole sheet of normal thickness is made from it, it will have fantastic dimensions - you can “wrap” the entire Earth like a wheel of cheese! In global paper production most of accounts for the share of spruce.
Materials and tools:
- watercolor paints;
- brushes No. 12, No. 2, squirrel;
- drawing paper;
- a simple pencil, eraser;
- watercolor paints, sippy cup;
- frame for decoration.

Stages of work:
We take a simple pencil and drawing paper, which we place vertically. Let's start drawing the spruce from the trunk. Its trunk is straight and thin.

We will draw the branches in three tiers. We draw the first tier from below with straight lines emanating from one point on the trunk, as in the figure.

We draw the second and third tier similarly to the first, shortening the lines of each tier.

Add a horizon line.

Using a wide brush, paint the sky with blue watercolor.

We paint the ground with light green watercolor.

Using brown watercolor we draw the trunk of the spruce tree.

We draw the branches with dark green watercolors.

Using the end of a thin brush and dark green watercolor, draw the needles on each branch. The thicker the needles, the more magnificent the spruce we will get.

For splendor, add small twigs to the branches.

Draw the needles.

We draw young needles on the tips of the branches with light green watercolors.

Using black watercolor we add a shadow on the trunk.

Use dark green watercolor to paint the grass in the foreground.

The spruce drawing is ready. We put it in a frame.

The common spruce is arrogant from afar,
and nearby is a cozy house...
Here we will wait out the rain.
Yu. Nasimovich.

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