What is the name of the theater award? "connoisseurs of literature and art

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The National Theater Award and Festival "Golden Mask" was established by the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation in 1994. The first presentation of the award took place on March 13, 1995 following the results of the last Moscow theater season. Starting next year, the Golden Mask Award acquired the status of a national the only one in Russia that unites all types and genres of theatrical art: opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musicals, drama theater and puppet theater.

“Golden Mask” professional award, awarded by peers to their colleagues as a sign of respect and recognition of their outstanding achievements. The award has no monetary content and is expressed in a memorial sign made according to a sketch by the famous set designer O.A. Sheintsis.

To create a competitive festival poster, an expert council is formed, consisting of leading theater critics from different directions. Based on the results of the festival, which takes place every year in Moscow, a professional jury, which includes actors, directors, artists and other theater workers, awards prizes for the best works of the past theater season.

The Golden Mask Award is awarded in competitive traditional categories: the best performance of the season, director, conductor, artist, choreographer, male and female role, etc. Among the award winners are outstanding masters of the Russian theater: Anatoly Vasiliev, Lev Dodin, Konstantin Raikin, Oleg Tabakov, Pyotr Fomenko, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Ulyana Lopatkina, Valery Gergiev and others. In 1997, a new prize was established in the category “Innovation” for the search for new expressive means of modern theater.

In addition to the competitive ones, special prizes are awarded, awarded by decision of the Secretariat of the Russian Federation. “Golden Mask” “For honor and dignity.” Among the laureates are Galina Ulanova, Yulia Borisova, Mikhail Ulyanov, Kirill Lavrov, Yuri Lyubimov, Mikhail Bushnov, and other outstanding theater figures.

In 1997, two more awards were established: the award “For a state and public figure, organization, representative of the business world for supporting the theatrical art of Russia” laureates in this nomination were the Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov, the Governor of the Samara Region K.A. Titov, the President of the Republic Tatarstan M. Shaimiev, Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation), Governor of St. Petersburg V.A. Yakovlev, Governor of the Oryol Region, Chairman of the Federation Council E.S. Stroev, Alfa-Bank; “Golden Mask” “For the best foreign performance shown in Russia”, the winners of this award were Eimuntas Nyakroshus (Lithuania), Rimas Tuminas (Lithuania).

Since 1996, a special prize has been awarded to “Critics and Journalists” accredited at the Festival. Thus, the opinion of the professional jury is also checked by the judgments of professional spectators.

The Golden Mask Festival is an area for communication between professionals from all over the world. With the support of the British Council, the Goethe Institute, the French Cultural Center and the Representative Office of the European Commission in Russia, a serious international program began to be created and successfully operate, including master classes, lectures and seminars, led by prominent theater teachers from Russia and Europe. In 2000, for the first time, as part of the international Golden Mask program, a non-competitive screening of the best Russian performances of different years, “The Russian Case,” was held. The guests of this program were directors, producers and entrepreneurs of famous international theater festivals, such as BITEF, Avignon, Edinburgh, Holland, etc.

"Crystal Turandot".

The award was established in 1991 by the Association of Cultural Workers “Muses of Freedom”, headed by Boris Belenky. The association, which includes prominent figures of Russian culture - writers, musicians, theater workers, journalists, etc., considers its main task to celebrate the most striking phenomena in the theatrical life of Moscow. The award has the status of a private, independent award, awarded annually based on the results of the past Moscow theater season. The prize has no monetary content and is expressed in a commemorative rock crystal figurine.

To identify the “best of the best,” an expert council is formed, which represents candidates in various nominations: best director, set designer, male and female role, as well as in the special nomination “For long-term and valiant service to the theater.” The jury, formed annually from famous cultural figures, makes the final decision on the approval of the laureates. The awards ceremony takes place at the Sheremetev Count Palace in Kuskovo.

Over the years of its existence, the Crystal Turandot Prize has been awarded to Yulia Borisova, Evgeny Evstigneev, Pyotr Fomenko, Mark Zakharov, Natalya Gundareva, Henrietta Yanovskaya, Kama Ginkas and other Russian theater stars.

Stanislavsky Prize.

Established by the K.S. Stanislavsky Foundation to reward creative theater workers, as well as representatives of administrative bodies and commercial structures who have made a significant contribution to the development of theatrical art. The prize is awarded to actors, directors, stage designers, composers, playwrights, theater teachers and critics, theater organizers and patrons of the arts. One of the goals of establishing the award is to support new names in all areas of theatrical art.

The Stanislavsky Prize is awarded annually by a jury consisting of prominent theatrical and public figures in Russia. The composition of the jury is approved by the decision of the founders.

Prizes are awarded in the following categories: best male role of the season, best female role, director's work, stage design of the play, music for the play, best theater teacher, critic, playwright, prize for organizing theater business and creating a new theater. The prize winners were Alexander Devotchenko, Evgenia Simonova, Mark Zakharov, Anatoly Vasiliev, Inna Churikova, Evgeny Mironov, Oleg Tabakov, Zinovy ​​Korogodsky, Alexey Bartoshevich and other theater figures. Three special prizes are also awarded for special contribution to the development of theatrical art in Russia (laureates Angelina Stepanova, Andrey Goncharov, Zinaida Sharko, Valentin Pluchek, Kirill Lavrov), CIS countries (Bogdan Stupka, Alexander Grigoryan), world theatrical art (Peter Stein, Giorgio Strehler , Ian McKellen).

Since 1997, the Stanislavsky Foundation has established the monthly Moscow Premiere Prize, awarded for the best acting or directing work in the premieres of the month.

To reward representatives of the business world patrons and sponsors of the theater a special “Honorary Stanislavsky Prize” was established. It does not include monetary compensation. Among the laureates is Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Inkombank.

The recipient of the Stanislavsky Prize is awarded a commemorative symbol “Golden Seagull” and a monetary reward.

Smoktunovsky Prize.

Established by the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and the East-West company in 1995. Prize winners are determined at the annual festival of performances of the classical repertoire of Moscow theaters. Prizes are awarded to the best director, for the best performance of a male and female role, set designer and for selfless and dedicated service to the theater. The prize winners were V. Gaft, V. Gvozditsky, A. Feklistov.

According to Stanislavski, what is a continuation of a hanger?


The most pleasant noise for actors during a performance is... What?


The part of the auditorium closest to the buffet is... Which one?


As the Russian satirist Emil Krotky said, opera for the deaf is... What?


Finish the comic definition of opera: “Opera is when a person is killed, and he still ...”


In Shakespeare's time, all female roles in the theater were played by men. If the performance was delayed, the jokers would say about the performer of the queen’s role: “Queen...”. What do they think the queen is doing?


What Russian verb (past tense, singular, feminine) sounds like the name of the Italian opera house in Milan?

(“Lascala” - “La Scala”.)

What advantage did the lady who had a theater box on the balcony have over the lady sitting in the stalls?

(If a lady had a theater box on the balcony, she could wear a hat with feathers of any size. But those who sat in the stalls could not afford anything like that.)

Between the mountain ranges - Trans-Ili Ala-Tau and Kungey Ala-Tau - there is a city, more than half of which is occupied by... a theater for children! Find it on the map.

(Ak + Youth Theater= Actyuz.)

What are the actors of the Youth Theater called?

(Tyuz Emtsy.)

In which theater do actors not stay long?

(In school and student theaters. The artists graduate from the educational institution - and goodbye to the theater.)

Which character in Tolstoy's fairy tale sold the ABC and bought a theater ticket?


What kind of theater did Karabas Barabas own?

(Puppet theater.)

The most important theatrical invisible person is... Who?


A theatrical racketeer is... Who?


Which theater and which performances can you go to in slippers and bathrobes?

(For radio plays in the regional theater, for television plays in the television theater, because these performances are listened to and watched right in our homes.)

Makeup artist- is this a researcher of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

(Theater worker doing makeup for the performers.)

Comedian- is this a person living in the Komi Republic, or an actor performing comedic roles?

(A comic actor or simply a person of a cheerful disposition. And a resident of the Komi Republic is a Komi, both in the singular and in the plural.)

Artichoke- is it the artists’ shock at the failure, disruption of the performance, or a herbaceous plant with edible inflorescences?

(Delicacy plant.)

Ratification- is this the process of preparation and admission to the RATI (Russian Academy of Theater Arts) or the approval by the supreme power of an international treaty?

(Approval of the agreement.)

Why don't kangaroos ever go to theatres?

(Because in theaters it is customary to check bags in the cloakroom.)

What is the time for eating sweets at a theater buffet called?


Name Chekhov's heroine and the wittiest of Soviet actresses.

(Ranevskaya from “The Cherry Orchard” and Faina Grigorievna Ranevskaya.)

Which actress said after an illness: “If a patient really wants to live, then doctors are powerless”?

(F.I. Ranevskaya.)

About which ballet by Prokofiev there was a saying: “There is no sadder story in the world than Prokofiev’s music in ballet”?

("Romeo and Juliet".)

Is an arrogant dancer a dancer who excels in the technique of lifting, or is he arrogant and swaggering?


The most ballet skirt is... What?


How does La Bayadère differ from La Bayadère?

(“Bayadère” is an operetta by Imre Kalman, and “La Bayadère” is a ballet by L.F. Minkus. In the linguistic sense, “Bayadère” and “Bayadère” are equal - this is an Indian professional dancer.)

Say the phrase “One working farm animal” in one word, if this word is the pseudonym of a famous Russian playwright.

(Vol-one is Volodin Alexander Moiseevich. Real name is Livshits. The plays “Elder Sister”, “Five Evenings”, which became films, the script for the film “Autumn Marathon”.)

To whom did Alexander Ivanov dedicated these lines: “The Bolshoi Theater without your legs is literally like without arms”?

(To Maya Plisetskaya.)

Fans of which “Tabakerka” actor were dubbed “sleeveless” by journalists?

(Bezrukov Sergey.)

What is the name of an amateur comic-humorous performance?

A. Watermelon. IN. Skit.

B. Carrot. G. Lemongrass.

How does the catchphrase end: “Talents must be helped, mediocrity...”?

A. And so it goes. B. A sponsor will help.

B. They will make their way on their own. G. And so not bad.

What was the name of one of the ancient Greek muses who patronized comedy?

A. Chest. B. Thigh.

B. Waist. G. Biceps.

What do pretenders and insincere people “break”?

A. Comedy. B. Tragedy.

B. Drama. G. Fars.

(To break the comedy.)

What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates?

A. "Wig." V. "Mask".

B. "Makeup." G. "Role".

What is the name of the variety of caramel with mint flavor, known since Soviet times?

A. “Artistic.” V. "Theatrical".

B. "Director's room." G. "Balagannaya".

What is the name of the subdivision of an act in drama?

A. Painting. B. Engraving.

B. Icon. G. Poster.

Which celestial body is used to identify famous and famous actors?

A. Asteroid. B. Comet.

B. Star. G. Planet.

What is the name of the German single-action hand grenade launcher for fighting tanks?

A. Faustpatron. V. Hamletpatron.

B. McBethpatron. G. Lirpatron.

Name the famous American playwright.

A. O'Neill. V. O'Gang.

B. O'Don. G. O'Sena.

How does the aphorism end: “There are no small roles, only small ones...”?

A. Actors. B. Directors.

B. Playwrights. G. Spectators.

How does the title of A.S.’s comedy end? Griboyedova: “Woe...”?

A. Fedorino. B. Crazy.

B. Onion. G. From the mind.

What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

A. “Foreman.” V. "Master".

B. "Brigadier". G. "Helper".

(But this does not mean the head of the construction team, but a person with a military rank above colonel.)

How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

A. Let's sing. B. Let's get used to it.

B. Let's be numbered. G. Let's call you.

What is the name of the comedy by N.V. Gogol?

A. "Auditor." V. "Inspector".

B. "Inspector." G. "Racketeer".

What play does V.V. have? Mayakovsky?

A. “Shower.” V. "Bath".

B. "Sauna." G. "Moidodyr".

Name one of the famous comedians of Russia, Sandunov.

A. Strength. B. Power.

B. Pressure. G. Current.

(Sila Nikolaevich Sandunov, 1756-1820. His wife, Elizaveta Semyonovna Sandunova, was an excellent opera singer.)

What is the theater school at the State Academic Maly Theater often called?

A. Shavings. V. Sliver.

B. Stump. G. Plywood.

(Shchepkinsky School - named after M.S. Shchepkin)

What theater award exists in our country?

A. "Golden Bolt".

B. “Highlight of the season.”

V. “Theater cog.”

G. "Actor's hairpin."

(This is what the Union of Theater Workers of Russia called their award. It looks like a nail, only crystal.)

What is the name of the part of a ballerina's costume?

A. Kipa. B. Stack.

B. Tutu. G. Bunch.

What quality should a good ballerina have?

A. Eversion. B. Fidgetiness.

B. Resourcefulness. G. Clumsiness.

What was the name of the American dancer Isadora Duncan in the 20s?

A. The Great Sandal. B. The Great Sandal.

B. Great slipper. G. Great pointe.

(Since she danced without shoes.)

What is a collective visit to a theater, museum, or cinema called?

A. Cultural cruise. B. Cultural trip.

B. Cultural visit. G. Cultural Run.


According to Stanislavski, what is a continuation of a hanger?


The most pleasant noise for actors during a performance is... What?


The part of the auditorium closest to the buffet is... Which one?


As the Russian satirist Emil Krotky said, opera for the deaf is... What?


Finish the comic definition of opera: “Opera is when a person is killed, and he still ...”


In Shakespeare's time, all female roles in the theater were played by men. If the performance was delayed, the jokers would say about the performer of the role of the queen: “Queen...”. What do they think the queen is doing?


What Russian verb (past tense, singular, feminine) sounds like the name of the Italian opera house in Milan?

(“Lascala” - “La Scala”.)

What advantage did the lady who had a theater box on the balcony have over the lady sitting in the stalls?

(If a lady had a theater box on the balcony, she could wear a hat with feathers of any size. But those who sat in the stalls could not afford anything like that.)

Between the mountain ranges - Trans-Ili Ala-Tau and Kungey Ala-Tau - there is a city, more than half of which is occupied by... a theater for children!

(Ak + Youth Theater= Actyuz.)

Find it on the map.

(Tyuz What are the actors of the Youth Theater called?


In which theater do actors not stay long?

(In school and student theaters. The artists graduate from the educational institution - and goodbye to the theater.)

Which character in Tolstoy's fairy tale sold the ABC and bought a theater ticket?


(Puppet theater.)

What kind of theater did Karabas Barabas own?

The most important theatrical invisible person is... Who?


A theatrical racketeer is... Who?


Which theater and which performances can you go to in slippers and bathrobes?

Makeup artist(For radio plays in the regional theater, for television plays in the television theater, because these performances are listened to and watched right in our homes.)

- is this a researcher of the Brothers Grimm or a theater worker?

Comedian(Theater worker doing makeup for the performers.)

(A comic actor or simply a person of a cheerful disposition. And a resident of the Komi Republic is a Komi, both in the singular and in the plural.)

Artichoke- is it the artists’ shock at the failure, disruption of the performance, or a herbaceous plant with edible inflorescences?

(Delicacy plant.)

Ratification- is this the process of preparation and admission to the RATI (Russian Academy of Theater Arts) or the approval by the supreme power of an international treaty?

(Approval of the agreement.)

Why don't kangaroos ever go to theatres?

(Because in theaters it is customary to check bags in the cloakroom.)

What is the time for eating sweets at a theater buffet called?


Name Chekhov's heroine and the wittiest of Soviet actresses.

(Ranevskaya from “The Cherry Orchard” and Faina Grigorievna Ranevskaya.)

Which actress said after an illness: “If a patient really wants to live, then doctors are powerless”?

(F.I. Ranevskaya.)

About which ballet by Prokofiev there was a saying: “There is no sadder story in the world than Prokofiev’s music in ballet”?

("Romeo and Juliet".)

Is an arrogant dancer a dancer who excels in the technique of lifting, or is he arrogant and swaggering?


The most ballet skirt is... What?


How does La Bayadère differ from La Bayadère?

(“Bayadère” is an operetta by Imre Kalman, and “La Bayadère” is a ballet by L.F. Minkus. In the linguistic sense, “Bayadère” and “Bayadère” are equal - this is an Indian professional dancer.)

Say the phrase “One working farm animal” in one word, if this word is the pseudonym of a famous Russian playwright.

(Vol-one is Volodin Alexander Moiseevich. Real name is Livshits. The plays “Elder Sister”, “Five Evenings”, which became films, the script for the film “Autumn Marathon”.)

To whom did Alexander Ivanov dedicated these lines: “The Bolshoi Theater without your legs is literally like without arms”?

(To Maya Plisetskaya.)

Fans of which “Tabakerka” actor were dubbed “sleeveless” by journalists?

(Bezrukov Sergey.)

What is the name of an amateur comic-humorous performance?

A. Arbuznik . IN. Skit.

B. Carrot . G. Lemongrass.

How does the catchphrase end: “Talents must be helped, mediocrity...”?

A. And so it goes. B. A sponsor will help.

B. They will make their way on their own. G. And so not bad.

What was the name of one of the ancient Greek muses who patronized comedy?

A. Chest. B. Thigh.

B. Waist. G. Biceps.

What do pretenders and insincere people “break”?

A. Comedy. B. Tragedy.

B. Drama. G. Fars.

(To break the comedy.)

What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates?

A. "Wig." V. "Mask".

B. "Makeup." G. "Role".

What is the name of the variety of caramel with mint flavor, known since Soviet times?

A. “Artistic.” V. "Theatrical".

B. "Director's room." G. "Balagannaya".

What is the name of the subdivision of an act in drama?

A. Painting. B. Engraving.

B. Icon. G. Poster.

Which celestial body is used to identify famous and famous actors?

A. Asteroid. B. Comet.

B. Star. G. Planet.

What is the name of the German single-action hand grenade launcher for fighting tanks?

A. Faustpatron.V. Hamletpatron.

B. McBethpatron. G. Lirpatron.

Name the famous American playwright.

A. O Nile. V. O Ganges.

B. O Don. G. O Seine.

How does the aphorism end: “There are no small roles, only small ones...”?

A. Actors. B. Directors.

B. Playwrights. G. Spectators.

How does the title of A.S.’s comedy end? Griboyedova: “Woe...”?

A. Fedorino. B. Crazy.

B. Onion. G. From the mind.

What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

A. “Foreman.” V. "Master".

B. "Brigadier". G. "Helper".

(But this does not mean the head of the construction team, but a person with a military rank above colonel.)

How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

A. Let's sing.

B. Let's get used to it. B. Let's be numbered.

G. Let's call you.

A. "Auditor." What is the name of the comedy by N.V. Gogol?.

V. "Inspector"

B. "Inspector." G. "Racketeer".

A. “Shower.” What play does V.V. have? Mayakovsky?.

V. "Bath"

B. "Sauna." G. "Moidodyr".

Name one of the famous comedians of Russia, Sandunov. A. Strength

. B. Power.

B. Pressure. G. Current.

(Sila Nikolaevich Sandunov, 1756-1820. His wife, Elizaveta Semyonovna Sandunova, was an excellent opera singer.)

What is the theater school at the State Academic Maly Theater often called? A. Shavings.

V. Sliver.

(Shchepkinsky School - named after M.S. Shchepkin)

B. Stump. G. Plywood.

What theater award exists in our country?

B. “Highlight of the season.”

A. "Golden Bolt".

V. “Theater cog.”

G. "Actor's hairpin."

(This is what the Union of Theater Workers of Russia called their award. It looks like a nail, only crystal.)

What is the name of the part of a ballerina's costume?

A. Kipa. B. Stack. B. Tutu


G. Bunch.What quality should a good ballerina have?

A. Eversion


A. The Great Sandal B. Fidgetiness.

B. Resourcefulness. G. Clumsiness.

(Since she danced without shoes.)

What was the name of the American dancer Isadora Duncan in the 20s?

. B. The Great Sandal. B. Great slipper. G. Great pointe.

What is a collective visit to a theater, museum, or cinema called?

A. Cultural cruise.

B. Cultural trip.

(Animation. Translated from Latin, this word means “multiplication.” To create a small film, you need a lot of drawings and frames.)

What is animation now increasingly called?

(Animation. This word translates as “animation” - after all, all cartoons are made to live by artists and voiced by actors.)

The name of which cinematic profession is translated into Russian as “giving life”?

(Animator is a cinematographer working in animation.)

What do the drawings on ancient Greek vases have to do with animation?

(On them, artists often drew individual phases of human movement. These drawings are probably the first harbingers of the birth of animation on earth.)

Which theaters can be called the big brothers of animation?

(Puppet theater and shadow theater.)

Who invented hand-drawn cartoons?

(French artist Emile Reynaud. In 1880, he opened the “Optical Theater”, where a stream of Parisians poured in. Reynaud combined a strobe light with a projection onto the screen. Reynaud’s cartoons ran for 15 minutes, each tape had 500 drawings.)

Take a sheet of white cardboard, cut out a circle and draw a bird on one side and a cage or tree on the other. Hang the cardboard on a thread, twist it and release it. The cardboard will begin to rotate quickly, and you will see a bird... Which one?

(Sitting in a cage or on a tree. This toy is called a tumatron.)

The artist must make 1440 drawings, and you will enjoy this spectacle for just one minute. What kind of spectacle is this?


Whose animated films are still the most profitable in the world?

(These are films from the Walt Disney film company. “The Lion King” grossed $770 million, “Aladdin” $480 million, and “Toy Story” grossed $355 million.)

At the Disney studio, in addition to artists, there were gagmen. What were they doing?

(They came up with funny tricks and gags. During the premiere screening, a timekeeper was seated in the hall. He monitored how often the audience laughed. Ten seconds without laughing? The picture needs to be remade!)

When were Disney films first shown in Russia?

(In 1933. Soviet animators were immediately required to produce films no worse. And in 1936, we had the Soyuzmultfilm studio, where masterpieces of Russian animation were created.)

Which famous cartoon character first appeared in the silent film Airplane Crazy?

(Mickey Mouse.)

For the creation of which legendary cartoon character did Disney receive his first Oscar in 1932?

(For the creation of Mickey Mouse.)

Which cartoon character is the symbol of Walt Disney Studios?

(Mickey Mouse.)

How many Oscars has Disney received for his creative work?


On Hollywood Boulevard, next to the handprints of Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone, a print of his webbed feet recently appeared. Who is this?

(Donald Duck.)

Which American animator made a film adaptation of Prokofiev’s symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”?

(W. Disney.)

Which oldest Soviet animation director was the teacher of many hand-drawn animation directors?

(Ivan Petrovich Ivanov-Vano. People's Artist of the USSR. His cartoons: “The Skating Rink”, “Moidodyr”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Swan Geese”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Stolen Sun”, “Twelve Months” , “Lefty”, etc.)

In what cartoon does Fyodor Khitruk talk funny and sad about the “magic of filming”?

(“Film, film, film!”)

Name the founder of plasticine technology in animation?

(Alexander Tatarsky.)

The London premiere of this animated film by Alexander Petrov took place on July 11, 1999 and was timed to coincide with Hemingway’s 100th birthday. What movie are we talking about?

("The Old Man and the Sea".)

Which animated film, created by Russian director Alexander Petrov based on Hemingway's story, won an Oscar in 2001?

("The Old Man and the Sea".)

Alexander Petrov's cartoon “The Old Man and the Sea” collected a whole bunch of prizes.

The unique technique of painting on this material also helped. Which one?


The Disney cartoon "The Little Mermaid" was based on which writer's fairy tale?

(H.K. Andersen.)Which Disney cartoon characters used the Young Woodchuck Encyclopedia?


The cartoon “The Enchanted Boy” was based on the fairy tale of which Swedish writer?

(Selma Lagerlöf.)

What was the name of the goose, Nils' friend, in the cartoon "The Enchanted Boy"?


What rodents did Nils save the city from in the cartoon “The Enchanted Boy”?

(From rats.)

Name the cute girlfriend of the rescuers Chip and Dale, who is not familiar with Vintik and Shpuntik.


On which island did the cartoon lion Alex end up with his friends?


The characters from the cartoon "Madagascar" escaped from the zoo of which American city?

(New York.)

Julian was the king of which animals in the cartoon Madagascar?


On which islands did the girl Lilo live in the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch"?

(In Hawaii.)

What kind of bird was Valiant in the cartoon about the feathered special forces?


Which cartoon character married Princess Fiona?

Hollywood star Antonio Banderas admitted that, at his daughter’s request, he sometimes purrs like this character from “Shrek 2.” What kind of character is this?

(Puss in Boots.)

This cartoon by the outstanding animator Yuri Norshtein was recognized as the best in Los Angeles twenty years ago, and recently in Tokyo it became second after his “Hedgehog in the Fog.” What kind of cartoon is this?

(“Tale of Tales.”)

In 1835, the Parisian Guibus invented a folding cylinder on a wire frame. What is the name of this invention, if we are sure that it is not a hat, but an old-age mischief from our cartoon?


Which cartoon character did the Japanese really love, calling them “Russian Pokemon”?


Which cartoon character regrets that “birthdays only come once a year”?

(Crocodile Gena.)

In which cartoon based on the fairy tale by E. Uspensky did his characters build the House of Friendship?

("Crocodile Gena".)

Which cartoon character said: “We will survive this trouble”?

(Leopold the cat.)

Which artist voiced the parrot in the cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot”?

(Gennady Khazanov.)

What was the name of the bully boy in the cartoon “Return of the Prodigal Parrot 2”?


Based on which novel by A. Dumas was the cartoon “Dog in Boots” created?

("Three Musketeers".)

What cartoon characters sing a song about the island of Chunga-Changa?


Which cartoon animal counted all the passengers on the sailboat to ten?


Who voiced the role of the cat Matroskin in the cartoon “Vacations in Prostokvashino”?

(Oleg Tabakov.)

What was the name of the series of Soviet cartoons in which the wolf always chased the hare?

("Wait for it!")

Based on the story of which writer was the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet” based?

(Kir Bulychev.)

What was the name of the earthlings' spaceship in the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet"?


In the 2004 cartoon by Konstantin Bronzit, this epic hero is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent. Name the hero.

(Alesha Popovich.)

What was the name of the beloved of the main character of the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”?


The main characters of which full-length cartoon are clown fish - father and son?

("Finding Nemo".)

What skin color is the cartoon character Shrek?


Name the predecessor of animation:

A. Ovoskop. B. Kaleidoscope.

B. Strobe. G. Microscope.

(Strobe - from the Greek “circling” and “looking.” The phases of the movement of a person or an animal were depicted on the drum; when the drum rotated quickly, the phases merged, and there was a feeling that a man was jumping over a rope on his own, and a hare was galloping briskly through the snow .)

What is the name of the technological technique in animation, especially widespread in the 50s of the twentieth century, with the help of which, for example, the cartoon “Kashtanka” was created?

A. Meringue. V. Eclair.

B. Cracker. G. Croissant.

Who in the animated film “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog” helped the old dog return home?

A. Bear. V. Fox.

B. Wolf. D. Greenpeace employee.

There were four heroes in the fairy tale. And when a cartoon was made based on this fairy tale, another one appeared. What cartoon are we talking about?

A. "Teremok".

B. “Musicians of Bremen.”

V. “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”

G. "Quartet".

(The new hero who was not in the fairy tale is the Troubadour.)

What character from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen" Not Was it in the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm?

A. Troubadour. B. Dog.

B. Rooster.

G. Donkey.

Who invented Gromozeka from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”?

A. A. Volkov. W. W. Disney. B.K. Bulychev.

G. N. Nosov.

(Like all the other cartoon characters.)

Which of these cartoons is directed by Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin?.

A. “Well, wait a minute!”

B. "Puss in Boots."

V. “Crocodile Gena.”

G. "Bremen Town Musicians".

What was the name of the lion who spent his holidays in a very original way?

A. Lambert. V. Simba.

B. Boniface


G. Leon.

(“Boniface’s Vacation.”) What is the name of Yuri Norshtein's cartoon?

A. “Film of films.” V. “Song of Songs.”

B. "Tale of Tales." G. “Fable of Fables.”.

Which of these characters is not in the cartoon "Tail Charger"?

A. Baby Elephant.

V. Donkey B. Parrot. G. Monkeys.

What kind of cat did Eduard Uspensky come up with?

A. Cheshire cat.

V. Cat Matroskin.

B. Leopold the cat. G. Kitten Woof.

Who voiced Sharik in cartoons about Prostokvashino?

A. O. Tabakov. V. O. Anofriev. B. L. Durov

. G. G. Vitsin.

Which cartoon character was invented by the writer G.B. Oster?

A. Kitten Woof

. B. Puppy Meow.B. Piglet Mumu. G. Chicken Quack.

How did Cheburashka meet the crocodile Gena?

A. On the advice of a biologist.B. On instructions from the CIA..

B. By advertisement

. G. Based on a tip from Shapoklyak.

Which cartoon character became the mascot of the Russian team at the 2004 Olympics?

A. Crocodile Gena.V. Cheburashka

The heroine of which Disney cartoon is called Aurora?

A. "Aladdin."

B. "The Little Mermaid".

V. "Sleeping Beauty" .

G. “Beauty and the Beast.”

What was the name of the princess from Disney's Aladdin?

A. Lilac. V. Rose.

B. Jasmine. G. Orchid.

Rafiki, the character from the Disney film The Lion King, belongs to what genus of monkeys?

A. Orangutan. V. Chimpanzee.

B. Mandrill.

G. Gibbon.

What animal was Timon in Disney's The Lion King? A. Possum..

V. Meerkat

B. Wombat. G. Columns.

Walt Disney doesn't have a cartoon with what name? .

A. "The Lady and the Beast"

B. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

V. “The Lion King.”

G. “Sleeping Beauty.”

Which of these Disney cartoons was created first? .

A. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

B. "Bambi."

V. “Cinderella.”

G. "Pinocchio".

What is the name of Disney's flying elephant? A. Bamsi..

V. Dumbo

B. Bimbo. G. Simba.

Which of these cartoon characters is a rabbit? A. Bugs Bunny

. V. Dafry Duck.

B. Porky Pig. G. Woody Woodpecker.

Which of these Disney cartoon characters was a puppy?

A. Mickey. V. Donald. B. Goofy

. G. Bambi. Not“Which of these full-length American cartoons was created

at the Disney film studio?

A. "Pinocchio." V. “The Lion King.” B. "Pocahontas.".

G. "Anastasia"

What is the name of one of the rescuers in the cartoon "Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers"? A. Shmyak..

V. Zhik

B. Chpok.

G. Bryams.

What color is the cartoon character Shrek? A. Blue. V. Red.

B. Green

. G. Yellow.

  2. /Quiz/
  3. In the famous romance based on poems by M.I. Tsvetaeva repeats the phrase “I like...” several times. And what word was repeated 37 times by A.S. Pushkin in the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”? (There)
  4. Some proverbs are not folk at all. For example, the expression “Reading is the best teaching” belongs to the great Russian writer and poet. To whom? (A.S. Pushkin)
  5. In one writer’s work they were scarlet, and in another they were white. What is this? (“Scarlet Sails” by A.S. Green, “The Lonely Sail Is White” by V. Kataev).
  6. From what work are these lines: “An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea...”? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin)
  7. “A young man entered the city in a green, waist-length suit. His powerful neck was wrapped several times in an old woolen scarf, and his feet were in patent leather boots with an orange-colored suede upper. There were no socks under the boots. The young man held an astrolabe in his hands.” Who entered the city? (Ostap Bender, hero of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”)
  8. What was the name of the ship that carried the “Scarlet Sails” in A.S. Green’s work? ("Secret")
  9. A type of theatrical art that combines the performances of acrobats, trainers, and clowns. (Circus)
  10. What is the name of the drawing in the book? (Illustration)
  11. Speech addressed to oneself. (Monologue)
  12. Who invented the detective Hercule Poirot? (Agatha Christie)
  13. What was the name of Don Quixote's lover? (Dulcinea Toboso)
  14. Which collection includes the fairy tale “Sinbad the Sailor”? (Thousand and One Nights)
  15. Name of Odysseus's wife. (Penelope)
  16. Who invented the prince who visited different planets? (A. de Saint-Exupéry)
  17. The writer who, near Tula, created a school for peasant children and wrote an encyclopedia in four volumes called “ABC”? (L.N. Tolstoy)
  18. Name the author: his literary baggage includes poems, fables, fairy tales, film scripts, plays and texts of the anthems of the USSR and Russia. (S.V. Mikhalkov)
  19. Who said: “The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors”? (W. Shakespeare)
  20. What theater is depicted on the 100-ruble banknote? (Big theater)
  21. An artist who throws and catches several objects at the same time. (Juggler)
  22. Which literary genre necessarily contains morality? (Fable)
  23. What is the fictitious name used by the author of a work called? (Nickname)
  24. The most famous teenager in the world, officially recognized, along with Shakespeare and the Queen, as a symbol of Britain. Students of the School of Magic and Wizardry, undergoing a lengthy initiation, struggle with dark forces and defeat them with difficulty. (Harry Potter)
  25. What was included in Harry Potter's magic wand? (Phoenix Feather)
  26. What helped the heroes of the story “The Sorcerer’s Nephew” (C. Lewis, “The Chronicles of Narnia”) move between worlds? ( Magic rings)
  27. Name the film that has become a kind of symbol of the New Year in Russia. ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!")
  28. What dance became the heart of the Latin American carnival, which takes place annually in Rio de Janeiro? (Fiery, passionate dance of love - samba)
  29. What is the motto of the Musketeers (“One for all and all for one”)
  30. What is the real name of the Count of Monte Cristo? (Edmond Dantes)
  31. What was the name of Edmond Dantes's lover? (Mercedes)
  32. In which castle was the Count of Monte Cristo imprisoned? (If)
  33. How does the aphorism end: “There are no small roles, only small ones...”? (Actors)
  34. How does the title of A.S.’s comedy end? Griboyedova: “Woe...”? (Out of my mind)
  35. What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina? A. “Foreman.” V. "Master". B. "Brigadier." G. "Helper".
  36. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."? (Let's be numbered)
  37. What is the name of the comedy by N.V. Gogol? A. "Auditor." IN . "Inspector"."Inspector". G. "Racketeer".
  38. What play does V.V. have? Mayakovsky? A. “Shower.” IN. "Bath". " Sauna". G. "Moidodyr".
  39. What is the theater school at the State Academic Maly Theater often called? A. Shavings. IN. Sliver. Stump. G. Plywood. (Shchepkinsky School - named after M.S. Shchepkin)
  40. What theater award exists in our country? A. "Golden Bolt". B. " The highlight of the season." V. “Theater cog.” G. "Actor's hairpin." (This is what the Union of Theater Workers of Russia called their award. It looks like a nail, only crystal.)
  41. What is the name of the part of a ballerina's costume? A. Kipa. B. Stack. B. Pack. G. Bunch.
  42. What was the name of the American dancer Isadora Duncan in the 20s? A. Great sandal. B. The Great Sandal. B. Great slipper. G. Great pointe. (Since she danced without shoes.)
  43. What is a collective visit to a theater, museum, or cinema called? A. Cultural cruise. IN. Cultural trip. B. Cultural visit. G. Cultural Run.
  44. What was Sherlock Holmes's hobby? (Chemical experiments and playing the violin)
  45. What word did Kai make from ice floes from the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen"? ("Eternity")
  46. Conversation between two persons (Dialogue)
  47. Colorfully designed and highlighted first letter of the text (Initial Cap)
  48. Who created the Forsyte Saga? (J. Galsworthy)

List of used literature:

Zvereva, S.V. One for all! / S.V. Zvereva // Read, study, play. – 2013. - No. 6. – pp. 21-26.

Miroshnichenko, I.A. Literature connoisseurs / I.A. Miroshnichenko // Read, study, play. – 2013. - No. 2. – P. 6-8.

Peshkun, L.G. Welcome to the country of Chitalia!/ L.G. Peshkun // Read, study, play. – 2013. - No. 2. – P. 27-33.

Saraeva, S.Yu. In the networks of an insidious web / S.Yu. Sarajeva // Read, study, play. – 2013. - No. 10. – P. 107-109.

Prepared by:

librarian of the youth department of the Central Library named after. N. Krupskaya Vorobyova E.K.

The most prestigious theater award in the world. It was first established in 1986 in the Italian city of Taormina by the charitable organization Taormina Arte. The first prize was awarded to the master of the French avant-garde Ariane Mnouchkine and her Theater du Soleil. The award has acquired patrons in the form of the European Union and the International Association of Theater Critics. In 1990, she received a daughter prize - “New Theatrical Reality”, the first winner of which was the founder of the Russian “School of Dramatic Art”, experimental director Anatoly Vasiliev. A festival of winning performances was timed to coincide with the award ceremony, thanks to which Taormina, proud of two ancient theaters, the large Greek and the small Roman, saw the works of the best directors in Europe. Among them were Lev Dodin, Heiner Müller, Christophe Marthaler. The award has a monetary dimension: “Europe to theatre” is 60 thousand euros, “New theatrical reality” is 20 thousand euros.

Ariane Mnouchkine

2. Tony Award
Theatrical Oscar.
The oldest and most prestigious theater award in the United States, the Tony Awards, was established by the Wing Theater and owes its name to the actress, director, producer and leader of this theater, Antoniette Perry. At the first ceremony, which took place on April 6, 1947, prizes were awarded to laureates in 7 categories; honorees included playwright Arthur Miller, actress Ingrid Bergman and director Elia Kazan. Over the past half century, the number of nominations has grown to 22. Jury members are nominated by the League of Dramatic Arts, the Council of Dramatic Arts and Critics. The Tony Award is a medal featuring masks of tragedy and comedy on one side and a profile of Tony Perry on the other side. The award ceremony, which takes place on a larger scale every year, is broadcast by CBS, one of the central channels in the United States. American theater is first and foremost a musical, and only then a dramatic theater. Therefore, throughout the world, the Tony Award is considered the main award in the field of musical theater.

3. "Golden Mask"
The main prize of Russia.
The National Prize of Russia and the festival of the same name are celebrating their fifteenth anniversary this year. This is the loudest and largest of all national awards in the world. Experts and theater critics select nominees in all areas of the theater: drama, opera, puppet theater, ballet and modern dance, operetta and musical. Innovative performances that arose at the intersection of genres are collected in a separate nomination “Experiment”. The special program “Russian Case” for foreign guests, festival directors and experts, critics and producers offers a cross-section of Russian theater in its most expressive manifestations. The festival is held in spring and lasts 2 weeks. The last and separate performance of the “Golden Mask” is the award ceremony, where the laureates are presented with porcelain masks decorated with semi-precious stones by theater artist Oleg Sheintsis.

4. Laurence Olivier Award
British Oscar
Olivier Awards are the equivalent of the American Tony Awards. It has existed since 1976 and is awarded to nominees in the sections of musical, drama, opera, ballet and dance. Initially, the award was called “The Society of West End Theater Awards” and introduced an element of competition into the work of theaters in the commercial West End, the hierarchical top of the British theater. Off-West End theaters such as the Old Vic, Young Vic and Royal Court competed in a separate category. Since 1984, the award has been named after Sir Laurence Olivier, the great English actor and creator of the National Theatre. The prize is a bust of Laurence Olivier as Shakespeare's Henry V (the role the actor played at the Old Vic in 1937). The largest number of awards (7) were collected by composer Andrew Lloyd Weber and actress Judi Dench. Since British theater is traditionally considered one of the strongest in the world, the Laurence Olivier Award has a high status.

BITEF is one of the main names in the family of European theater festivals, and it is a rare festival that is competitive in nature. The Belgrade International Theater Festival originated in 1967 at the experimental theater Atelier 212 and remains an influential forum for experimental theater. BITEF awards its winners the Grand Prix, Special Prize and Public Prize. Over the past 40 years, the festival has gone through different times, but did not close even in 1999 during a US military special operation. Thanks to this, he himself was awarded a special prize at the main European award “Europe for theatre”. From the list of Bitef winners, which Jerzy Grotowski opens, one can study the history of the modern European avant-garde.

6. Theatertreffen
Germany today is the most important theater center; directors of the caliber of Christophe Marthaler, Thomas Ostermeier, and Michael Thalheimer work here. But Germany does not have a national theater award: for well-known historical reasons, the Germans associate any competition on a national basis with Nazism. The main award in German-language theater is participation in the Berlin festival Theatertreffen (“Theater Meetings”). Every year, from several hundred performances shown per season on stages in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 7 jury members select the ten best to participate in the festival. There is no competition at the festival, so the prize "Stiftung Preussische Seehandlunng" is awarded for a variety of reasons. In 2004, it was given as a consolation to Marthaler, who was fired from the Zurich theater for political reasons.

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