How to introduce France. Holiday script in French “Walk into the fairytale forest” in the senior group (based on the fairy tale Sh

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Goals: to familiarize students with the traditions of different countries and peoples; expand children's horizons and creativity.

Decor: images of the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, Arc de Triomphe, Pantheon, sculpture “The Thinker” by O. Rodin; portraits of J.-B. Moliere, V. Hugo, A. Dumas, J. Verne; images of the emblem, coat of arms, flag, Great coat of arms of France; audio recordings of songs by Mireille Mathieu.

Preparation for the event: the class is divided into three teams of arbitrary size, which prepare homework “The most famous technical inventions of France”, “Guide to the country”.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Presenter 1. Hello guys! Today we are going with you to travel to the heart of Europe - brilliant France. This country occupies the entire western part of Europe.

From the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The lands of what is now France began to be inhabited by tribes that the Greeks called Celts and the Romans called Gauls. It was the Gauls who formed the basis of the French people, and the country in ancient times was called Gaul. By the end of the 5th century. The Franks conquered all of Gaul, giving their name to the country and people. The West Frankish Kingdom occupied approximately the territory of modern France. And from the 10th century. the country began to be called France.

Presenter 2. France gave the world great scientists, artists, writers, philosophers, and politicians. For many centuries it was one of the cultural centers of Europe. In the 16th century Under Louis XIV - the Sun King - French became an international language. Diplomats spoke it; knowing it was considered good manners in the high society of the European powers.

In the 18th century In the living rooms of Europe, books by French writers Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, and Montesquieu were discussed, and the music of French composers Cherubini, Berlioz, Gounod, and Saint-Saëns was heard. In the 19th century Europe started talking about a new movement in fine art - impressionism, the birthplace of which was France. French impressionism includes paintings by Monet, Renoir, Degas, etc.

France has always been considered a trendsetter. Fashionistas all over the world dreamed of French graceful, elegant clothes and shoes.

II. Competition "Inventions". Homework

First team performance

Self-study material

Eiffel Tower

The “famous Frenchwoman” - the Eiffel Tower - today serves Paris as a radio and television center, a powerful transmitting antenna. And during the years of its creation, it simply decorated noisy Paris and served people as an observation tower...

However, “decorated” is too strong a word. Many contemporaries considered the Eiffel Tower ugly, spoiling the appearance of the “capital of the world,” vulgar and tasteless. Among the most irreconcilable critics was the writer Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), whose authority is beyond doubt. And yet, over time, they got used to the appearance of the tower, and then fell in love with it as the most elegant, slender “Parisian woman”. Indeed, the most beautiful creation of human hands. A majestic and slightly frivolous monument to... the Tsar? Colonel? Tyrant? No - to engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel!

What determines our destiny? Of course, heredity. No amount of educators can turn, say, a chess player into a painter or a sprinter into a thinker. Somewhere in the DNA chain is written information about all our ancestors who lived hundreds of generations ago. What they looked like and what they gravitated towards. Education can only develop our inclinations, but it is unlikely to create anything from scratch. A teacher is also unable to change natural talent. To interfere, to slow down - yes, to prevent - no. This natural movement can only be stopped by circumstances - illness or war...

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) was, of course, a born artist. But at the same time, he was an outstanding design engineer. Somewhere in the past, the paths of his distant ancestors crossed - a builder and a poet, a mechanic and a painter. Or maybe this extraordinary talent accumulated bit by bit - from generation to generation, and Eiffel’s ancestors did not stand out in anything special? Maybe they just knew how to see beauty and that was enough? Who knows?

In 1855, Gustave Eiffel graduated from the College of Arts and Industry in Paris. His specialty is the construction of steel structures. The first construction was a steel bridge in Bordeaux, erected in 1858. 11 years later, Eiffel builds openwork arched structures made of steel for the building of the gallery of machines of the Paris Exhibition.

In the 1980s, Eiffel built an openwork steel dome for an astronomical observatory and designed the steel frame of the Statue of Liberty. This statue is an enlarged copy of a sculpture installed on the Seine River in Paris. The creator of the statue is the sculptor Bartholdi. In 1876, the French government donated the statue to the people of the United States to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

In 1887, the French government announced a competition to create a symbol for the upcoming World Exhibition of 1889, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The competition committee received more than 100 projects, but the winner was the project of Alexandre Gustave Eiffel - an openwork steel tower.

The base of the tower is deepened into the ground by 5 m. The lower part consists of four interconnected arches, which rise upward with a bend and turn into a single tower. There are observation platforms on the three lower tiers. To lift spectators to the observation decks, the Eiffel Tower was equipped with American electric elevators of a rather unusual design. They moved first along the inclined supports of the arches, and then along the vertical guides of the tower.

Until 1930, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world. Together with the antenna installed on its top, the height of the tower is 322 m.

After the construction of the world's tallest tower, Gustave Eiffel became interested in aerodynamics, and then aeronautics. At the beginning of the 20th century. he builds the first aerodynamic laboratory near Paris, which played a huge role in the development of aviation.

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel died on December 28, 1923 at the age of 91. In the center of Paris, at the foot of his greatest creation, there is a golden bust of Eiffel. In this way, compatriots thanked the creator of the main attraction of the French capital.

Second team performance

Self-study material


In 1850, a Parisian and aeronautics enthusiast, watchmaker Julien, created a 3-meter model of a cigar-shaped hot air balloon with a spring engine equipped with a pair of “air wheels”. Having filled the shell with hydrogen, Julien started the mechanism, and the model rose into the air.

Having learned about the watchmaker's "toy", Julien is visited by two friends - aeronaut Eugene Godard and locomotive engineer Henri Giffard. The model delights Godard, who has made many balloon flights, and Giffard, who is well versed in technology, decides to build a full-size airship and equip it with a steam engine.

The tests took place at the Parisian hippodrome. In the presence of an astonished public, Giffard flew into the air to a height of 1800 m. The speed of movement did not exceed 10 km per hour - the engine power was not enough for more, so the headwind first stopped the airship, then began to drift towards the nearest forest. The engine was running at full capacity, but the airship was moving backwards with its tail. Giffard unsuccessfully fought the wind, but was carried to the suburb of Trapp. By nightfall, the pilot extinguished the firebox, opened the valve, released gas from the shell and landed safely.

Thus, the first flight did not live up to the name of the device “airship”, which translated from French means controlled. But Giffard immediately builds a new device, larger in size with a more powerful engine. This time the tests begin quite successfully, the airship picks up speed and obeys the rudder well. But then the shell leaks, and the flight almost ends in disaster. The pilots - Giffard himself and his mechanic Gabriel Ion - were saved by a miracle, jumping out of the gondola in time. The success of Giffard's airship caused a real wave of inventions in the field of airship construction.

Finally, what had to happen sooner or later is happening. The French designer and aeronaut Charles Alexandre Renard (1847-1905) and his like-minded people are building the airship "France", which for the first time in the history of aeronautics managed to return to the take-off point. And the airship actually becomes a controlled aircraft.

Third team performance

Self-study material


On December 28, 1895, the first film show in history took place in the basement of the Grand Café, which was located on the Boulevard de Capucine in Paris. The film inventors brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière showed the film “The Arrival of a Train at La Suitte Station” to a curious public. The session lasted only a few minutes. When a huge steam locomotive moved from the white screen into the darkened hall, the audience jumped out of their seats in horror. The impression was so strong that rumors of the new invention instantly spread throughout Paris. The era of cinema began - the most popular art form of modern times.

Already in 1898, having shot a total of 1800 films, Louis Lumiere announced the cessation of filming. The decision was not easy; the pioneers of cinematography realized that they could not compete with real artists - primarily with theater directors who were engaged in a new form of art. And they decided to remain just inventors. The Lumières introduced moving camera photography into practice - the brothers filmed views of Venice by placing a film camera in a gondola floating along a canal. From the very beginning, film shows were accompanied by playing the saxophone or piano. The reason is not at all to give the film any special expressiveness. The essence of the action taking place in the films was explained by text inscriptions - captions. The audience read the credits out loud, and there was an indistinct rumble in the hall, which was drowned out by the music.

Old tapes from the early 20th century. leave a strange impression. The world is moving at an accelerated pace. The fact is that at first the shooting was carried out at a frequency of about 16-20 frames per second.

The first film show at the Gran Cafe not only opened a new type of art, but also gave scientists a powerful tool for studying nature. One of the first discoveries came from filming a running horse. No one could have imagined that the horse does not run, but... flies! When a horse begins to gallop, at some point it lifts all four legs off the ground and literally floats. Slow-motion film with a frequency of 1 frame per minute is called rapid filming. It allows you to see the process of plant growth.

III. Competition "Country Guide"

Presenter 1. See Paris and die! In this aphorism lies the dream of thousands of people to visit the capital of France - Paris. The cities of Nice and Cannes are also famous throughout the world. Each team prepared its own guide to these French cities. Let's listen to their stories.

Scenario of the French Culture Festival

  1. Introduction

Chers camarades(sher kamarad)!Bienvenus à notre festival de la culture franç aise. We are glad to welcome you to school No. 161.

We would like to say right away that we, the hosts of the festival, do not study French. But we are close and interested in the culture of France. Thanks to this festival we can expand our knowledge about this beautiful country.

Alors, commençons notre program!

Like any average Russian, we have certain stereotypes about France. France is the country that gave the world such great people as Voltaire, Rousseau, Napoleon. This is the country where the Louvre is located, a museum with the richest collection of art masterpieces. This is a country of high fashion and luxury perfumes. Famous cheeses, Napoleon cognac and champagne are produced in France. Paris for many is the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysees and Notre Dame Cathedral. But today we want to step back a little from stereotypes and, with your help, see France from the other side.

  1. We will start traditionally from the capital of France, Paris,since Paris is the place where France begins.

Poem by Louis Calafert “Je vois"I see" in performed by school No. 125 student Evgenia Beregovaya.

  1. The main street of Paris is the Champs Elysees.

Champ-Elise is one of the best streets in Paris, although very expensive. Few of the townspeople live there. On the Champs-Elysees there are offices and shops of world-famous companies. Joe Dassin's world-famous song “Champs Elysées” is dedicated to this street.

Let's walk along it to the song “Champs Elysé es performed by 8a grade students from school No. 161.

  1. It is very pleasant to sit in a Parisian cafe in the morning.

Drink a cup of coffee, eat a crispy croissant and watch the ordinary life of the French, see how French women dress. As you know, French women are examples of taste, and French women are wonderful mothers and grandmothers. In France, as in Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated annually in May. Find out more about what they are like - French women will help us students of school No. 58 Svetlana Burdygina and Ekaterina Kochetova. They will show the presentation “Les femmes""Women" and read a poem by Jacques Prévert"Le dejeuner du matin" "Morning breakfast".

  1. Streets of Paris, embankments of the Seine.

How many faces they are! You won’t see anyone there: artists, mimes, and street singers. There is one young French singer, Zaz, whose real name is Isabelle Geoffroy, who can be seen singing on some Parisian street. There she often shoots videos for her songs.

Zaz's songJe veux“I Want” is performed by 11th grade students of school No. 161 Anna Permyakova and Ksenia Kirsanova. We would like to note that these girls do not study French.

  1. Now let's move with you to the island of Cite, which is located on the Seine River.

As everyone knows, “Notre-Dame de Paris”, Notre Dame Cathedral, is located there. One of the works of Victor Hugo is associated with this majestic architectural building of the Classical era.

An excerpt from the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” by Victor Hugo will be read by Olga Osipova, an 11th grade student at school No. 59.

  1. Imagine that we are not far from the Champs Elysees.

Near the Palais des congrès building. In this building you can watch the most famous French musicals “Notre Dame de Paris” and “Romeo and Juliet”.

As for Romeo and Juliet, this is the most popular French musical production. Its author is Gerard Presgurvic. This musical has received various international awards. Songs from the French version topped the charts. More than a million people attended the performances.

An excerpt from the musical “R. And D." we will hear performances by students of school No. 126 Ekaterina Nikiforova and Oleg Shishkin.

  1. We leave Paris and say: "Au revoir, Paris

And we go on a trip to the French province, because the province will allow us to learn more about the culture and traditions of France.

Poem by Jacques Prévert “Voyage“The Journey” will be read by a student at school No. 59, Kristina Salnikova.

  1. And now you will see a comic dramatization “Les trois petits chiens quittent Paris”.

A group of sixth-graders from school No. 58 will show and tell you how three little dogs leave Paris.

  1. You and I will not follow the example of heroes. We board the high-speed express train.

It reaches speeds of up to 300 km/h. Feel the speed and freedom of movement of this vehicle for us A student from school No. 124, Ekaterina Kaznova, will help. She will perform Maurice Carême’s poem “Liberté” “Freedom”.

  1. Just as Moscow and St. Petersburg are not all of Russia, so Paris is not all of France.

The French province promises us quite a few discoveries.

Danila Mironov, a student of school No. 58, will perform a guitar solo “Enchantat les vieux airs" This work will help us plunge into this fascinating world called “la province franç aise”.

  1. What songs do you think they sing in the French countryside? for example, in Brittany, Provence, Champagne or Alsace?

A medley on the theme of French folk songs will be performed by a group of 5th graders from school No. 58.

  1. Now imagine that we are in Lyon.

Lyon is the gastronomic capital of France, the capital of silk. The Lumière brothers lived and invented cinema here. Lyon is also the birthplace of Marie Roger de Saint-Exupéry. In Lyon, on Place Bellecour, there is a monument to the world famous writer of the 20th century and the hero of his work, the Little Prince. The monument was created on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth. It consists of a white marble column on which the writer sits. The Little Prince stands behind him, holding his hand on his shoulder.

Let's listen to an excerpt from Saint-Exupery's "The Little Prince" performed by students of school No. 126 Anastasia Myrsina and Daria Leontyeva.

  1. All people, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, all come from childhood.

French children's poetry is proof of this. Poems by French authors such as Jacques Charpentreau, An Silvestre, Maurice Carême and others are childlike spontaneity, a pronounced mood, a bright feeling of cheerfulness and universal happiness. Let's plunge into the bright and sweet world of French children's poems.

1.St-e “Bienvenus - “Welcome” by Jacques Charpentreau will be performed by Tatyana Gordeeva, school 58 .

2. A comic children's song “Ma tante“My Aunt” is performed by 6b grade students from school No. 58.

3.Do you know how to draw a snowman correctly?Anastasia Vodinova from school No. 58 will teach us this. She will read us the poem An Sylvester “Pour dessiner un bonhomme de neige”.

4.Poem "Les fenetres" "Window"will be performed by 4a student of school 170 Anastasia Peskova.

5. Poem “Souris, souris“Mice, Mice” will be performed by Kirill Nikiforov, a 4a student at school 170.

XIV. Preparing for the festival, we interviewed several dozen students and asked them one question: “What do you associate France with?”

30% of respondents answered that France is associated with romance and love. This is true: the French, like no one else, know what romance and love are. In addition, they know how to convey their feelings through poetry and songs.

Song “Je ne sais pas” - “I Don’t Know” will be performed by 8th grade students from school 170.

  1. French songs or French chanson, they warm the heart and caress the ear.

French songs retain the specific rhythm of the French language, thereby differing from songs written under the influence of English-language music. Primary importance is given to poetic texts, and the author is usually the performer himself. French chansonniers are Yves Montand, Mireille Mathieu, Joe Dassin, Mylene Farmer. This list can be continued endlessly. Among our contemporaries, Isabelle Geoffroy can be called a French chansonnier, who writes poetry and music for her songs, and performs them herself.

The song Zaz or Isabelle Geoffroy “Tombe la pluie” - “Rain is Falling” is performed by a student of school No. 161 Alina Starkina.

  1. To paraphrase the lines of Jacques Prévert “Oh, how I wish that the joy of former days when we were friends would not be forgotten...”, we would like to wish that you do not forget those moments that we spent here.

Our festival is ending. Don't forget the new things you learned. We wish you to have new acquaintances with French culture! And our festival, the festival of French culture, is ending. Bon chance! Au revoir! With you were students of the 10th grade of school No. 161 Ksenia Kornilova and Ruslan Ragimov.

And finally, to the song of Isabelle Geoffroy, students of grade 9b of our 161 school will perform a dance, which could be seen somewhere in the Latin Quarter or on the Seine embankment, or any other street in Paris.

The hall is decorated with the flags of France and Russia and an image of the Eiffel Tower. Music is playing. /Song in FrenchYvesDuteil "Lalanguebelle"/. The presenters come out to the music. The music stops

Presenter 1: Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs!

Presenter 2: Bonjour, mes amis! Filles et garçons, on vous salue aussi!

Presenter 1: Nous sommes ravies de vous voir dans notre école.

Presenter 2: C΄est vraiment super que nous sommes là.

Presenter 1: Nous nous sommes réunis à l΄occasion de la fête de la langue française.

Presenter 1: Je passe la parole au professeur de français de notre école Egorova Larissa Victorovna.

Egorova L.V.: Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs! Bonjour mes amis!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, guys and teachers!

Welcome to our celebration of the French language. Students from secondary school No. 25 and art school No. 1 prepared a festive program. In our program we tried to answer one question:

“Why do you need to learn French?”

France is a country of great cultural traditions in the fields of art, literature, gastronomy, fashion...

In addition, France and Russia are united by long-standing historical ties. Proficiency in French in the 18th-19th centuries. was a kind of calling card in Russia, the main sign of a good upbringing, an integral feature of an educated person. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the French language is the language of poetry and love. He is harmonious and pleasant to the ear, ready to express the subtlest thoughts - from the simplest casual conversation to the most sublime lyrics.

French as a second foreign language ranks second after English among the most studied languages ​​in the world. French is spoken on all five continents. It has the status of an official (or second official) language in 51 states and 34 countries. In recent years, the presence of France in the regions of Russia has become more and more noticeable due to the opening of the Alliance-Française network, covering almost the entire territory of our country.

Today, for a celebration of the French language at our school, we invited French teachers from city schools, children who study French, parents, and those who still dream of learning to speak French.

After the performance there is music - a song in French

« Lalanguebelle” the presenters come out to the music. The music fades out.

Presenter 1: Nous sommes enchantés que les professeurs de français avec leurs élèves et tous ceux qui aiment la langue française, la France, sa culture sont venus chez nous.

Presenter 2: Vive le français!

Presenter 1: Vive le français! Tous ensemble. Vive le français!

Presenter 2: Au debut je voudrais vous présenter notre ville.

La poésie "Ma ville natale" /slides with views of his native city are shown/
J΄aime beaucoup ma ville natale
Ses musées, ses cathèdrales

Ses usines et ses fabriques

Ses collines magnifiques

Ses héros et ses savans

Son passé et son present

Presenter 1: Les élèves de l΄école No. 25 et leur professeur, unis par leur amour pour le francais ont organisé cette fête pour les parents et pour vous, nos amis.

Presenter 2: Je voudrais que tout le monde ait la possibilité d΄apprendre le français.

Presenter 1: Samik, et pourquoi faut – il apprendre le français?

Presenter 2: Pour être intelligent et instruit.

Presenter 1: Les élèves de 4-ième et 5-ième classes vous saluent aujourd΄hui en français.

La chanson "Salut, ça va!"

Salut, why?
Bonjour, ça va.
Salut, salut, ça va?
Bonjour, bonjour, ça va.
Au revoir à plus tard.
Salut, why?
Bonjour, ça va.
Salut, salut, salut, ça va?
Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, ça va.
Au revoir à plus tard.

Presenter 2: Et quelles sont les raisons pour apprendre le français?

Presenter 1: Je pense qu΄il faut apprendre le français pour danser et chanter la chanson des sabots à la manière française. .

La danse "Sabots"

Presenter 1: Le français c΄est un très bon remède pour se faire plaisir quand on fait des courses aux magasins de Paris.

Presenter 2: Oui, bien sûr. Surtout pour les jeunes filles.

La chanson “Les courses” /performed by students/ see. application

Presenter 2: Et moi, je crois qu΄il faut apprendre le français pour comprendre les poésies de Jacques Prévert et d΄Arthur Rimbaud.

Presenter 1: Je suis d΄accord avec toi. Je propose d΄écouter les vers des poètes français.

La poésie de Jacques Prevert “Le cancre”

Il dit non avec la tête
mais il dit oui avec le coeur
il dit oui a ce qui l΄aime
il dit non au professeur
il est debate
on le questionne et tous les problems
sont poses
soudain le fou rire le prend
et il effect tout
les chiffres et les mots
les dates et les noms
les phrases et les pièges
et malgré les menaces du maître
sous les huées des enfants prodiges
avec des cries de toutes les couleurs
sur le tableau noir du malheur
il dessine le visage du bonheur.

Presenter 1: On m΄a dit qu΄il faut apprendre le français pour unir tout ce qui est separé.

Presenter 2: Le français c΄est la langue de la chanson, c΄est ma langue pour toujours.

La chanson "Ma mélodie d΄amour" /performs student /

Presenter 1: Charles Bigot a dit: “La langue française est harmonieuse elle est douce à l΄oreille, elle se prête à exprimer les nuances les plus fines de l΄esprit et du cœur.”

La chanson "Fais semblant" /performs student /

Presenter 2: Et moi, j΄apprends le français pour deguster l΄air de Paris...... à Paris.

La poésie de V.Hugo "Paris" simultaneouslyWithshowing slides

"Attractions Paris »

1. Cetteville
Aux longs cris
Qui profile
Son front gris
Des toits freles
Cent tourelles
Clochers greles
C'est Paris.

2. Les quadrilles
Les chansons
Melent filles
Et garcons
Quelle fete
Que de tetes
Sur les faites
Des maisons.

3. Le vieux Louvre
Large et loud
Il ne s?ouvre
Quéau grand jour
La couronne
Et bourdonne
Dans sa tour.

4. La cohue
Flot de fer
Frappe, hue
Remplit l?air
Et profonde
Tourne et gronde
Comme une onde
Sur la mer.

La danse d΄Esmeralda de la comedie musicale “Notre – Dame de Paris”

Presenter 1: Pour comprendre les chansons d Édith Piaf, de Joe Dassin et d΄autres chanteurs et chanteuses.

La chanson "In Tango" / performs student /cm . application .

Presenter 2: Et moi, je veux parler aux Français, les comprendre sans peine.

Presenter 1: Oh oui, et pour trouver des amis en France. Le français c΄est la langue de belles lettres, c΄est la langue de l΄amour.

Music by E.M.orricon "Wind.Cry". Underquietmusic:

La poésie de Jacques Prévert “Pour toi mon amour”

J e suis allée au marché aux oiseaux
Et j΄ai acheté des oiseaux
Pour toi, mon amour.
Je suis allée au marché aux fleurs
Et j΄ai acheté des fleurs
Pour toi, mon amour
Je suis allée au marché à la ferrail

Et j΄ai acheté des chaines
De lourdes chaines
Pour toi, mon amour
Et puis je suis allée aux marché aux esclaves
Et je t΄ai cherché
Mais je n΄ai pas trouvé
Mon amour.

Presenter 2: Et moi, j΄apprends le français pour trouver un trésor culturel.

Presenter 1: Á propos, on compte aujourd΄hui plus de 169 millions de francophones dans le monde. On parle aussi francais dans les pays d΄Afrique et une petite africaine va vous chanter une chanson.

La chanson "A moi le monde" /performs student /

Presenter 2: Il faut apprendre le français pour savoir l΄histoire de la France en lisant les livres en français.

Scene de la piece de J. Anouilh « L ΄ Alouette »

Le choeur:(lentement, comme un écho): Jeanne, va au secours du roi de France et rends-lui son royaume.

Jeanne: J΄ai peur ,Seigneur, je suis une pauvre fille, vous vous êtes sûrement trompé.

Le choeur : Jeanne, Jeanne. Qu΄attends-tu? Le royaume de Franceest plongé dans le maleur.

Jeanne:Pitié! Pitié!Seigneur! Je suis une petite fille. Le royaume de France est trop pour moi. C΄est trop lourd, la France.

Le choeur:Tu es forte!

Jeanne:Pitié,Seigneur! (Se redresse.) Pas de pitié .On est déjà parti et moi, j΄ai la France sur mon dos……….

Le père: Tu entends des voix maintenant? C΄ est combination!Ma fille entend desvoix!(…)

Jeanne: Il va falloir maintenant que je leur dise oui,elles disent que cela nepeut plus attendre.

Le père: Qu΄ est –ce qui ne peut plus attendre, imbecile? Qu΄ est-ce qu΄ elles teDisent de faire tes voix?Ses voix! Enfin! Il vaut mieux entendre ça qued΄ être sourd!

Jeanne: Elles me disent΄ aller sauver le royaume de
France qui est en grand danger de périr.(…)

Le père: Sauver la France? Sauver la France? Et qui gardera
mes vaches pendant ce temps-là?Tu crois que je
t΄ ai fait tous les sacrifices que j΄ ai faits pour
toi, pour que tu t΄ en ailles faire la fête avec les
soldats, sous prétexte de sauver la France,
maintenant que tu as enfin atteint l΄ âge de te rendre
utile à la ferme? Tiens! Je vais te l΄ apprendre, moi,
à sauver la France. (detache son ceinturon.)


  1. Tukhulova I.A. Holiday at school. A book for a French teacher. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1987, pp. 75-76
  2. Newspaper “French Language” No. 6 -2004, Publishing House “First of September” - p.8-10.
New Year's event scenario:
"Travel through New Year's France."
Prepared by the class teacher of grade 5b Klimeshina I.V.
Leading 4 people.
Music design: Patricia Kaas “France”, French New Year songs, Schubert “Ave Maria (mp3), song “Christmas” (Fidgets), Malikov “Snowflake”
Ved.1 Good evening!
Ved.2 We are glad to welcome you to this hall!
Ved.3. And today we will introduce you to France on the eve of the New Year holidays. (Greetings in French)
Ved.4. France is the official name of the French state in Western Europe. The capital is the city of Paris.
Each country has its own laws, its own traditions, its own favorite holidays. They are all different, unique, tied to certain dates and events. However, there is one holiday that is celebrated in all corners of the globe, by all peoples; a holiday that unites the people of our planet and gives them the expectation of a miracle, faith in a wonderful future. Of course, it's New Year and Christmas
Light the New Year's candles,
Light all twelve - one after the other!
May there be light this evening -
You and I cannot repeat it.
Let the midnight waltz spin,
The lanterns are blinding with pearly fire.
There's something in the eyes that's on purpose
I left that year, leaving forever.
Ved.2 New Year is a special holiday. Why? Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today we will go traveling with this fairy tale. For all participants of the competition, we have prepared a ticket for our fabulous trip to France.
Ved.1.France is a country refined in all respects. Imagine Paris - a modern city with a centuries-old history. During the New Year holidays, the city is transformed. The streets are decorated with shining garlands, shop windows shimmer with exquisite colored lights, most squares of the city have exquisitely decorated Christmas trees, and the famous Eiffel Tower shimmers proudly and uniquely over the entire city.
Ved.3. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas in France begins long before the end of December. The unforgettable traditions of celebrating the New Year in France are rooted in the distant past.
Ved.4. Christmas celebrations in modern France last for a whole month. Beginning on December 6, St. Nicholas Day, it comes to an end only on January 6, King's Day. This period is the most joyful and enjoyable of the year for both adults and children.

(New Year's French songs - background)

Ved1. On December 6, the French Santa Claus - Pere Noel - brings small gifts to children, and already on Christmas, celebrated on the night of December 25, he returns with large gifts.
According to the old custom, children put their shoes near the fireplace so that Father Christmas (Per Noel) will give them a reward for good behavior at night.
(children put their shoes on)
Wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts, he arrives riding a donkey and, leaving the animal outside, enters the house through the chimney. He puts the gifts in shoes, which the children leave in front of the fireplace in advance.
(children stage Pere Noel's entrance)

Ved.2.Pere Noel is a kind of kind Santa Claus, rewarding with gifts those children who behaved well during the year. But there is also an evil image of Santa Claus - Per Fuetar, who punishes those children who were naughty in the past year. Fuetar is an angry grandfather with a rod who tells Per Noel how the child behaved during the year and what he deserves more - gifts or a spanking.

(children run out, and Fouétard runs after them with rods)
Ved.3. Another Christmas character is Petit Noel - the child Jesus, who also comes to houses where there are children with gifts.

(takes the offended children by the hand and gives them gifts)
Ved.4. The French usually celebrate Christmas with their family. In cathedrals and churches, ceremonial services are held with unrivaled illumination and the live sound of the organ. Of course, the best of them is in the heart of the French faith - the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral.
Ved.1.After midnight mass, people gather for a festive dinner - Reveillon. Symbolically, Reveillon means awakening, awareness of the meaning that Jesus Christ was born.
Ved.2 Children in France sing the Christmas song “Come, Père Noel.” (song sounds, children dance)
Ved 3. (reads poetry quietly)
It's a wonderful Christmas night
The snow spreads its white cover
And, raising my eyes to the sky,
Kneeling down, little children
Before you close your eyes,
Reading the last prayer
Santa Claus
When you come down from the sky
With thousands of toys
Don't forget my shoe
But before you go,
You will need to dress warmly
You'll be cold outside
It's a little bit about me.
I can't wait for the day to come
To see if you brought me
All these beautiful toys that I dream about
And which I asked of you.
The sand merchant passed by
The children will go to bed
And you can start
With a bag on my back
To the sound of church bells,
Distribution of gifts.
And when you're on your beautiful cloud,
Come down to our house first.
I wasn't very obedient all the time,
But I apologize to you for this.
Ved.2. New Year's French cuisine
Each French province has its own culinary characteristics and preferences:
In northeastern France, the head of the table is usually a goose.
In Burgundy - turkey with chestnuts.
Brittany - buckwheat scones with sour cream.
In Paris - oysters, lobster, foie gras (usually in the form of a Christmas log) and champagne.
In Provence, Christmas dinner is symbolically marked with 13 desserts representing Christ and the 12 apostles.
(the children come out and take out the tree with fruit)
Ved.3 Not only the streets and squares, but also the houses of the French are full of bright outfits and festive decorations.
Ved4. Spruce is a tree that has long been an object of cult. As a symbol of eternal life, the spruce was an integral element of decorations during the Saturnalia. The tradition came to France from Germany, first spreading to Alsace, probably in the 16th century, and then to Lorraine.
(children get up from the table and decorate the Christmas tree with toys, then go backstage)
Ved.1. Once upon a time, spruce was decorated only with fruits, most often apples. In 1858 there was a very bad apple harvest. Then glassblowers in Lorraine created glass balls to replace apples. This is where the tradition of Christmas tree decorations came from.

Ved.2 The doors of the houses are decorated with mistletoe (the second most popular Christmas tree after spruce), the windows are decorated with multi-colored light bulbs. The French hang a branch of mistletoe over the door of their house, believing that it will bring good luck for the next year. And residents of France always decorate their homes with flowers - flowers are also placed on the festive table.
(the child comes out again and brings out a vase of flowers)
Ved3. Also an element of decoration are kresh - Christmas manger - a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. Usually the layout is filled with human figures - figures of saints - santons. These are figurines symbolizing the Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, Joseph and the Magi.

(children come out and build a crash: The girl, the image of the Virgin Mary, stands up and places the cradle with the baby on pre-cut straw from corrugated paper, a boy stands next to him, portraying the role of Joseph, other children come up behind them, portraying the role of the Magi and cover the entire crash from above with pine branches, the scene freezes)
Ave Maria plays in the background

(children leave on stage, children appear depicting a family (mother, father, two children), they have a log in their hands. The father pours oil on the log, everyone worships the log and puts it in the fireplace, the children watch and sit next to the fire, after which everyone sits down table and show the roll)
Since the 12th century, in France there has been a tradition on Christmas Eve to make a Christmas log - Bouches de Noel - from fresh wood in the courtyard of the house. It was believed that a tree trunk cut down had magical properties and could affect the harvest. With certain ceremonies, the log was solemnly brought into the house. The head of the family poured oil and heated wine over it, and the whole family offered prayers. Little girls set fire to the log using wood chips left over from the previous year's log (according to legend, the ash and wood chips obtained from burning the Christmas log protected the house from lightning and the devil's tricks throughout the year; therefore, family members collected them especially carefully and carefully stored them). Gradually, the tradition of burning Bouches de Noel died out, although today it is followed in houses with fireplaces.
In some provinces in France, it was customary to hide gifts for children, especially sweets and dry fruits, in the Christmas log.
Ved1.Today we want to present such a log as a gift to our school as a symbol of eternal prosperity! (children give the decorated log to the director)
Ved2. Currently, these traditions are observed only symbolically: in many homes you can find figurines of Bouches de Noel on festive tables. In addition, birthday cakes and rolls are baked in the Bouches de Noel mold.
Sweet bouches de Noel is a Christmas gift for our jury!
After the festive revueillon, it is customary to leave a lit candle for the Virgin Mary.
(The introduction sounds, a girl comes out with a candle in her hands, the children have already lined up for the song)
Song “Christmas” (take out a burning candle, slides with Mary and Jesus)
Dance scene!
After the song everyone goes backstage.
Ved3. In France, the New Year is called “St. Sylvester’s Day.” If Christmas in France is a family holiday, then the New Year is celebrated with friends somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. During New Year's dinner, people dance, joke, put on pointed hats with stars and throw handfuls of confetti or streamers at each other.
Ved4.On New Year's Eve, a mass celebration takes place on the Champs Elysees in the capital of France - Paris. On a festive night, it is as bright as day because of the many colorful light bulbs hanging on the trees.
And on New Year's Eve, you should definitely make a wish while looking at the Eiffel Tower. We invite you to make a wish for everyone now and let it come true! Turn your gaze to the Efileev Tower (a minute of attention), make your deepest wish...

Playing with the audience.
And now we invite you to try yourself in the role of Per Noel and play the game “Frosty Breath” with us.
Ved.2 Two people are invited to the stage. Your task is to blow away the snowflakes, we start on command

(Before each Santa Claus, a sufficiently large paper snowflake is placed on the table. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. This continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes.)
Ved.3 (summarizing) The winner is not the one who was the first to blow away his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because his breath is so frosty that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”
Ved4. Our journey through New Year's France has come to an end and as a farewell we would like to tell you now: New Year is a time when miracles happen: sometimes incredible, but always very pleasant and joyful.
Children read poetry:
1 Thu. On New Year's Eve
Open the doors wide
Even though the blizzard is blowing
And the blizzard roars.
On New Year's Eve
Happiness comes to people.
Let it come to you too.
2Thurs. May the New Year come to your home
With nice mood.
And may you have a whole year in everything
Luck comes with it.
Let every day warm you with warmth,
And it will bring a lot of happiness.
And all doubts will be dispelled
New Year arrived at midnight!
“Snowflake” by Malikov (children sing and dance)

Outline of extracurricular activities in French

Topic of extracurricular activity:

"Virtual tour of France"

Goal: sociocultural development of students

    educational: at the end of the lesson, students will be able to name the main attractions of Paris, symbols of France;

    developing: contribute to the development of students' horizons; develop the ability to analyze;

    educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the country of the language being studied; developing students' curiosity, increasing motivation to learn French.

    sociocultural: to form students’ ideas about the culture of France, to summarize linguistic and cultural material on the topic: Paris is the capital of France.

Lesson equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, Power Point presentation, background music, map of Paris.

Form of the event:

A conversation with children is organized based on a presentation created as a visual accompaniment to an extracurricular activity.

Progress of the event:

Bonjour mes enfants! Je suis ravie de vous voir. Comment ça-va ?

Cheres amis! Aujourd'hui nous faisons une excurtion à travers la France. Tout d'abord nous faisons connaissance avec les symboles nationaux de la France. Regardez au tableau. Le drapeau français est tricolore: bleu, blanc, rouge. Cet animale représente la France. Qui est-ce? Oui, bien sûr. C'est le coq. L'emblème national française est le coq galois. Chaque pays a son l'hymne national. En France l'hymne nationale est la Marseillaise.

So, we found out that the national emblems and symbols of France include the tricolor flag, the anthem of the Marseillaise, and the Gallic rooster.

The blue, white and red flag of France was born from the combination of the royal colors (white) and the colors of the city of Paris (blue and red).

As for the French national anthem, the La Marseillaise was born as a military revolutionary song in 1792 after the king declared war on Austria. The French officer Rouget de Lisle, who served in Strasbourg, composes the "War Song of the Army of the Rhine", and its popularity is such that on July 14, 1795, it was proclaimed the national anthem. At the same time, during the French Revolution, the first images of a woman wearing a Phrygian cap, which is an allegory of Freedom and the Republic, appear. Her name is Marianne and today she takes on the faces of the most famous French actresses. At different times, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Sophie Marceau and Laetitia Casta, Patricia Kaas posed for Marianne's portrait.

And finally, the Gallic rooster, whose image can already be seen on ancient coins. It became a symbol of Gaul and the Gauls as a result of a play on words, since the Latin word "gallus" means both "rooster" and "gaul". The Gallic cockerel is a symbol of French national pride.

The Gallic rooster has been used as a symbol of French national teams in various sports for almost a hundred years.

Cet animale représente la France sur l'émblème de l'équipe nationalle de football. Le talisman de l'équipe de football est le coq galois footix. Savez-vous le nom de ce célèbre footballeur? Zinedide Zidane. C'est un personnage legendaire! Il a été le capitin de l'équipe nationalle. En 1998 l'équipe française est devenue le champion du monde. En cette année Zidane a été déclaré le meilleur joueur au monde. Il a reçu le ballon d’Or du meilleur joueur en Europe. L'étoile sur l'émblème de football symbolise cette victoire. After the French victory at the 1998 World Cup, an asterisk was added to the rooster, symbolizing the world champion title.

Pour moi la France et la culture française s’associent aveс la musique française. Quels chanteurs français savez-vous?

E 1: Stromae "Alors on danse".

Oui cette chanson est en français, mais son chanteur est belge d'après la nationalité. This is a modern Belgian singer. Est-ce que vous avez encore quelques variantes? Regardez le tableau. Et pour moi la France c'est plutôt les chansons d'Edit Piaf, de Charle Aznavour. Qui est-ce?

E 1: Patricia Kaas

M: Oui, c'est ça. Qui est-ce?

E 2: Mireille Mathieu

M: JoeDassin. ses chansons les plus connues sont: A Toi, Et Si Tu N "existais Pas, les Champs-Elysées, Salut, l'été indien. C'est Lara Fabian, voici Dalida. Jean-Jacques Goldman, le chanteur et le compositeur français . C'est Alizée. C'est un chanteur contemporain français Benabard. Contemporary and popular French singer.

We introduced you to the legends of French song. What else certainly comes to mind when you start talking about France?! Of course, its famous capital. What sights of Paris do you know?

E 1: Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame

Yes, indeed, these are symbols of Paris. And the Eiffel Tower is not only the visiting card of the capital, but of the whole of France. Do you know what the city emblem looks like? This is a boat on a red background, with lilies at the top, symbolizing royal power. The city has its own motto. In Russian it sounds like this: “It swings on the waves, but we don’t sink.” The city's flag, as you can see, consists of two colors: blue and red. The Eiffel Tower needs no special introduction. This is the calling card of Paris. The tower was built for the opening of the World's Fair in 1889. After 20 years, the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, the author of this fantastic project, promised to demolish it: there were many opponents of this iron “cuttlefish”. But he saved his brainchild by finding an important use for it, installing a radio broadcaster and a weather station. Today there is also a television signal coming from here. To the delight of tourists, the observation deck of the tower offers a magnificent view of the Champ de Mars park and Paris. Now we will take a tour of Paris, and in order to orient ourselves well in this amazing city, I will give you its plan. During the excursion, you can write down the names of the attractions you like, and at home color in those attractions on this plan where you would like to visit first.

Et maintenant, nous faissons une promenade à travers la capitate de la France. Comme vous voyez la Seine divise Paris en deux parties: la rive gauche et la rive droite. Les monuments les plus connus de la rive gauche sont: la Tour Eiffel, le Quartier Latin. Latin Quarter. The oldest university in Paris, La Sorbonne, is located here, which is why the Latin Quarter is also called the student quarter. Luxembourg Palace and Park Complex in the center of Paris, a famous landmark of the city. The former royal and now state palace park in the Latin Quarter of Paris covers an area of ​​26 hectares. The park contains the Luxembourg Palace (le palais du Luxembourg) and the Luxembourg Gardens (le Jardin du Luxembourg). La tour Montparnasse, elle est ici. The Montparnasse Tower is the only skyscraper located inside the city limits of Paris. From the height of this tower there is a panoramic view of most of the city. There is an ironic saying that the most beautiful view of Paris is from the top of this skyscraper, since then the skyscraper itself will not be in sight. Since the construction of the Montparnasse Tower in the historical part of the city, the construction of skyscrapers was stopped, and a decision was made to create a business center in the Paris suburb of La Défense.

On appelle l'île de la Cité le berceau de Paris. Regardez il est ici. L'ile de la Cite. The Ile de la Cité is called the cradle of Paris, the heart of Paris and the place of its founding. Since time immemorial, people have settled on the island of Cité; even before Caesar, the capital of the Celtic tribe of the Parisians, Lutetia, was founded here. There are no residential buildings on the Ile de la Cité. This is a tourist area. Here stands the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral, the Palace of Justice. Je veux parler des curiosités de la rive droite. Voici L'Arc de Triomphe, Les Champs-Elysées, la Place de la Concorde, Le Louvre, la Basilique du Sacré Cœur, l'Opéra.

M: Je donne la parole à E 1. Il est notre guide.

E 1: Je veux parler de Notre-Dame. Notre Dame is the most famous cathedral in Paris, made in the Gothic style, built on the Ile de la Cité back in the 12th century. Opposite this cathedral is kilometer zero, the starting point of all kilometers in the country.

M: Merci à E 1 .Maintenat, je donne la parole à E 2 .

E2: I'll tell you about Sacre Coeur. It is the second most popular church in Paris after Notre Dame. There are always a lot of tourists around Sacré-Coeur, especially everyone loves to take pictures on the long staircase at the foot of the church. Sacre Coeur ("sacred heart") is located on the Montmartre hill near the center of Paris. There are always a lot of tourists here, since in addition to the magnificent cathedral, Montmartre is also known for the artists' square.

M: Not far away, in the wall near the house where Marcel Emme, the French writer and playwright, lived, there is one of the most original sculptures in Paris. It depicts a man half emerging from the wall. The monument is an illustration to the story of M. Eme about a man who knew how to pass through walls and one day lost this ability.

Notre excursion continues. E 3 prend la parole.

E3: One of the richest museums in the world, the Louvre dates back to the 12th century. In 1190, King Philip Augustus built a powerful fortress along the Seine River for defensive purposes. In the 14th century the fortress was turned into a royal residence. At the end of the 19th century, the Louvre acquired the appearance that has been preserved to this day. Nowadays it is a world famous museum with a unique collection of works of art.

M: Merci, prends ta place. Regardez le jardin des Tuileries.

The Tuileries Garden connects the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde, from which the Champs-Élysées begins. The Tuileries is a garden of indescribable beauty with ponds, parks, attractions and benches. Place de la Concorde - one of the most beautiful in Paris - occupies a vast area between the Tuileries Garden and the Champs Elysees. The obelisk decorating the square is a gift from the Egyptian Viceroy Mehmet Ali. It was brought to Paris from the Temple of Amun in Thebes. The age of the monument is approximately 3600 years. The obelisk is carved from pink granite. Its height is 23 meters, weight is 230 tons. On four sides it is covered with hieroglyphs glorifying the pharaohs Ramses II and Ramses III. Look, in the distance you can see the famous Arc de Triomphe, which E 4 will tell us about.

E 4: The Arc de Triomphe is located in the center of Place Charles Degaulle or Place des Stars. Twelve wide avenues converge at this point in Paris and form a star.

M: Merci, prends ta place. Maintenant nous jouons avec vous. J'ai préparé une victorine pour vous. Repondez à mes questions.

. La quiz

1. Paris est la capitale de:

2. Le symbole de la ville de Paris est:

3. Le fleuve qui traverse Paris s"appelle:

4. Quel est le nom de l'hymne national?

b) La Marseillaise

5. Quel animal représente la France?

6. Je suis l "hymne national de la France. Qui suis-je? La Marseillaise.

7. Je suis un personnage de bandes dessinées. Mon meilleur ami s"appelle Obélix. Nous sommes deux Gaulois très forts et très courageux. Qui suis-je? Astérix.

Les curiosities de Paris

1. C "etait une fortresse, puis le palais des rois de la France. Aujourd"hui c'est le plus grand musée de la France. (le Louvre)

2. C "est la plus grande avenue de Paris, ou ce trouvent des grands cinemas, des restaurants, des banques et des magasins de luxe. (Les Champs Elysees)

3. C "est une des plus belles et des plus grande places du monde. Elle est célèbre pour son obélisque egyptien. (La place de la Concorde)

4. C "est un monument sur la place de Charles de Gaulle (Place d" Etoile). De la place il y a douze avenues qui font une etoile. (L" Arc de Triomphe)

5. C"est une belle eglise sur Monmartre. D"ou on voit le panorama de Paris. (Sacre Coeur)

Vous avez bien travaillé aujourd'hui. Au revoir et bonne chance.

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