What happened to the participants in the show “The Bachelor” in different countries? The fate of the most successful participants in domestic reality shows (25 photos) Who writes songs for them

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Six seasons of the program have passed, the essence of which is the search for a bride by the main character. And of course, after each finale, viewers are interested in questions: did at least one bachelor marry the chosen girl after the show, and how did their life and fate turn out outside the project? Let's look at each groom's story after filming.

Evgeniy Levchenko - personal life after the show “Bachelor”

Evgeniy Levchenko, a participant in the first season, in the final chose between the serious Olesya Ermakova and the lovely Irina Volodchenko. He made his final choice in favor of the first. The young people were even planning to get married, but the wedding did not come to fruition and they separated. In 2015, Zhenya decided to return to his ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko and they recently had a son, Kiy. Although the couple is not officially registered, it is now difficult to call Evgeniy a bachelor.

The fate of Maxim Chernyavsky after the show “The Bachelor”

Maxim Chernyavsky, the groom of the second season, chose Maria Drigola in the final. The couple had a very romantic relationship, but it didn’t last long after the project either. Now Maxim devotes all his time to his daughter from his first marriage, Monica.

Did Timur Batrutdinov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Fans of the program could see whether Timur Batrutdinov could arrange his personal life in the third season, where the main character chose between Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Daria Kananukha. An adult man could not resist the still very young beauty Daria. The couple's relationship also could not pass all the tests and ended very quickly. The Comedy Club resident is still looking for love and is in no hurry to go to the registry office.

Did Alexey Vorobyov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

Alexey Vorobyov, a participant in the fourth season, is perhaps the most memorable groom, since in the finale he did not choose a single girl and did not propose, and remained a bachelor. Alexey did not go to the TV show to play, but wanted to meet his love, he believed that he would succeed. But when, at the end of the project, he realized that not a single young lady treated him sincerely, he decided to remain alone. The man is still searching for his other half.

Once Alexey and Timur were at the same event and took a photo as a souvenir. In the photo they show off the ring fingers on their right hands. Thus showing that neither of them has married yet. The men came to the conclusion that the project should be renamed, since its name was somehow fateful. Maybe the organizer should think about this?

Did Ilya Glinnikov get married after the show “The Bachelor”

In the fifth season, viewers watched the young actor Ilya Glinnikov and his relationships with the participants of the famous program. The man even had to be persuaded to take part in the project.

The artist managed to choose only one from all the contenders and his feelings were mutual. they lived together for some time and planned a modest painting and wedding in the man’s homeland - in Georgia. The Interns star even proposed to his beloved outside the cameras. But unfortunately, the couple’s fans did not wait for the promised wedding, after a year of relationship. The former Season 5 groom is currently single.

Did Yegor Creed marry Daria Klyukina after the project?

The youngest hero in the entire history of the Russian version of the program took part in the sixth season. It is known that Egor has been invited to this program more than once and, finally, he found free time in his schedule and took part in 2018.

Before finals two models arrived - Victoria Korotkova from Kaliningrad and Daria Klyukina from the Urals. The singer chose to give the ring to Dasha, although he very much doubted her throughout the entire show. After all, everyone knows who watched the fifth season with Ilya Glinnikov, that this made the new hero not trust her. Apparently, after filming, the artist could not fully believe in the sincerity of his chosen one, or maybe there is another reason, but the fact is that. Now the ex-participant of the popular television project is not married.

The largest television song competition “The Voice” started on Channel One in the fall of 2012. Then the Russian analogue of the “The Voice” project created a real sensation among connoisseurs of quality music. It was the audience who, through SMS voting, chose the best vocalist in the country for five seasons in a row. “StarHit” decided to find out how the fate of each of them turned out.

Dina Garipova

Russian Adele - that’s what Dina was nicknamed after participating in a popular TV show. Then almost a million messages were sent for the charming girl from Alexander Gradsky’s team, which exceeded 50 percent of the total votes. In the same year, Garipova was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan”, and already in 2013 the singer took fifth place at the international Eurovision competition.

For more than two years, the beauty has been a soloist in the theater of her former mentor, Gradsky Hall, and regularly performs not only in Moscow, but also in other cities as part of tours. But the celebrity carefully hides the details of her personal life from outsiders. Dina admitted that for a long time she could not get used to the excitement caused by her victory on “The Voice”. True, she still told fans that in 2015, together with her lover, she performed Nikah, a Muslim wedding ceremony. Only the closest couples were present at the sacrament. Some time later, the couple went on their honeymoon to Cuba.


A talented singer from Belarus was able to win people's love from the first broadcasts. Volchkov’s professionalism and velvety timbre were appreciated by Alexander Gradsky, who served as the artist’s mentor for several months. After winning “The Voice,” Sergei performed at major events in the capital, including in the Kremlin. The man is proud that Pakhmutova and Dobronravov wrote the song “Hail, Moscow Region” especially for him.

Like Dina Garipova, Volchkov tries not to advertise her personal life. He believes that such topics should remain only between lovers. A few months after meeting my soul mate Natalya, they got married. According to rumors, it was thanks to his wife that Sergei was able to realize the importance of family in a person’s life.

Alexandra Vorobyova

Once on Gradsky’s team, the fragile blonde with a powerful voice could not leave the audience indifferent. Alexandra captivated fans of the TV show not only with her vocal capabilities, but also with her performance of famous compositions in foreign languages. The star mentors were especially impressed by the number “Waltz about the Waltz,” sung by Vorobyova in French. Then the jury members noted that not every artist is able to reproduce foreign words with such speed and hit the notes. Popular recognition helped the blonde take first place in “The Voice” and still remain one of the most sought-after singers in the Gradsky Hall Theater.

In 2015, the celebrity became engaged to her lover, Pavel Shvetsov. It is interesting that before this the man held the position of its director. The festive ceremony took place in one of the most romantic places in Cyprus. It was there that the couple vowed eternal love to each other. But the young people formalized their relationship a little later, already in Moscow. A small circle of relatives and friends of the newlyweds attended a luxurious dinner in the restaurant.

Hieromonk Photius

A real surprise for mentors and TV viewers was the appearance of a clergyman on stage in the fourth season of the project. Photius appeared before the public in a cassock and performed Lensky's aria from the opera Eugene Onegin. Together with Grigory Leps, the hieromonk thought through the musical image within the framework of the show.

To participate in the competition, Father Photius required official permission from the metropolitan. According to rumors, Channel One sent a request for this. After winning “The Voice”, the monk was congratulated not only by fans and relatives, but also by high-ranking officials - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' noted that the people voted not only for the talent of the performer, but also for the image as a whole. Interestingly, in the next two months the vocalist plans to perform in more than 20 cities of Russia.

Daria Antonyuk

Perhaps the most controversial thing was the victory of 21-year-old Daria Antonyuk in the fifth season of the competition. The beauty was on Leonid Agutin’s team. Until the very end, the girl walked side by side with an already famous artist - Alexander Panayotov. After filming ended, the debate continued for a long time about who should have won in the end. The singer admitted to StarHit that it was not easy for her because of the condemnation from fans of her colleague.

“Someone will hate you anyway. This is normal and I'm not surprised. They write unpleasant comments on social networks, saying that she won unfairly. There are just a lot of people who believed in Sasha’s victory, and then some twenty-year-old girl takes over and wins,” Daria told StarHit.

So far, Dasha has not managed to collect the funds promised for winning “The Voice” - the amount of one million rubles is still frozen. But the singer does not lose hope of spending money on creativity. True, now Antonyuk’s musical career has faded into the background - the star devotes all her time to studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, since this year is her graduation year. Despite this, fans regularly see their favorite at the country's main social events. Her talent has already been noted by the most authoritative people in the domestic show business: Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Ivan Urgant and others.

Composer Konstantin Meladze in a conversation with AiF, he admitted that a TV show today is almost the only door to show business. You can be a very talented person, spend years making your way to a large audience, but still disappear into obscurity. Participation in a TV show not only brings fame, but also gives a powerful boost to one’s career.

Who did it all start with?

In the beginning there was not “The Voice”, but Idol (“Idol”) and X-factor (“X-factor”). Both shows were created in Britain - in 2001 and 2004. respectively. “The Voice” is a copy of these projects. It arose much later in Holland - in 2010, and has been going on in Russia since 2012. The essence of all these Western TV shows, similar to each other, like twin brothers, is the search for musical talents. “The Voice” has its own difference - blind auditions, which add entertainment.

The first channel broadcasting the show does not deal with the further fate of the artists it “tamed” after it ends. The winners enter into a contract with the recording company Universal Music, which helps artists select repertoire, releases their albums, organizes tours and promotes them in the media. After the show, the winners and some finalists go on a tour around the country (from 30 to 50 cities) and get paid for it. The fees, of course, are not stellar at all. But for a beginning artist they are significant. After all, before participating in the project, its winners were participants in amateur art competitions, which were attended by friends and family.

The winner of the first season was the luckiest Dina Garipova, who received everything at once. The title of Honored Artist of Tatarstan (at the age of 21!), keys to the apartment. The icing on the cake was a ticket to Eurovision 2013, where the singer took fifth place. After such PR, Garipova toured constantly for 2 years, giving more than 100 concerts throughout the country, including the capital’s Crocus Hall.

Who writes songs for them?

Dina herself admitted to AiF that she, a modest Tatar girl, was greatly frightened by the blessings that had fallen. Today, the hype around her name has noticeably subsided. She performs infrequently, she has no new bright songs. But sometimes she organizes creative evenings, where she not only sings, but also answers questions.

The second season became a fateful project for Sergei Volchkov from Belarus. “Before the show, a narrow circle of people knew me,” he admitted to AiF. “After winning the project, I had the opportunity to perform on big stages.”

Sergei has already assembled a full Kremlin. “Many artists joked that even at 50 years old there is no guarantee that you will gather such a hall,” he says. “And I did it at the age of 29.” Today masters write for him - Alexandra Pakhmutova And Evgeniy Doga. Next year the artist is planning a tour of 70 cities across the country.

Alexandra Vorobyova also admits: participation in the show became a turning point in her life. “I graduated from the Academy. Gnesins, already worked in her profession. But, of course, participation in this project changed my life. I had the opportunity to show myself as a multi-genre performer, for which I thank my “creative father” Alexandra Gradsky. At the end of the project, he invited me to work in his theater. A TV show is a big school, after which we find ourselves in the world of real artists! I'm currently recording my album. I gathered very cool musicians. We rehearse a lot, looking for a new sound. We have been working towards this for a long time, so we don’t want to release just anything and be like most performers who, unfortunately, chase trends, but in the end they all look alike. In general, the album will be “bomb”!”

Hieromonk Photius(winner of the fourth season) claims that his tour schedule is booked until the end of the year. He even started traveling abroad. And before “The Voice,” Photius sang in a church choir. He did not have any concert activities. The recording company helped the resident of the St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery prepare a program of concert versions of opera arias and classical romances. Moreover, all songs were agreed upon with the diocese. It was important to find a middle ground, because it is not appropriate for a monk to perform songs with sensual lyrics.

Why does the star live in a cell?

Today Father Photius gives concerts with a “small lineup” - he and the accompanist with a piano. But at the concert at Crocus he will be accompanied by a large orchestra. At the same time, the monk continues to lead a monastic lifestyle: he participates in church services and still lives in the monastic cell. Photius donates a significant part of his fees to church needs.

“I now have enormous opportunities for creative realization,” says the penultimate year student at the Moscow Art Theater School Daria Antonyuk. — Now I have three songs in work, which I will release in the near future. But you know, the big problem is with authors. I haven't found mine yet. I don’t like much of what they offer: mostly something weak in voice or weak in meaning.”

Everyone says that young talented performers have nothing to sing from the modern repertoire. That’s why they travel with old Soviet luggage, classics and world hits. So, maybe there will be a show on our television that will search for interesting authors?

The first reality show to explode on Russian television was the scandalous show “Behind the Glass.” The format for our TV viewer was so new and unusual that everyone clung to the screen with bated breath, wondering whether Margot and Max would eventually have sex. More than ten years have passed since then, and reality shows have become commonplace. We decided to find out how the fate of the discoverers turned out - those who were the first to dare to put their personal lives on public display.

"Behind the glass"

The show “Behind the Glass” started in 2001 on the night of October 27-28, live filming lasted 35 days. The show featured seven participants: Zhanna Agagisheva (Zhanna); Denis Fedyanin (Den); Margarita Semenyakina (Margot); Maxim Kasimov (Max); Olga Orlova (Olya); Alexander Koltovoy (Sasha); Anatoly Patlan (Tolya). In the finale, only four heroes remained. Zhanna and Den were declared the winners. For winning the project, they were awarded fifteen thousand dollars each (in rubles), although initially the winners were promised an apartment in Moscow. In addition, all seven participants were rewarded with a week-long trip to Finland.

During her participation in the show, Margarita married another inhabitant of the transparent house - Maxim Kasymov. The couple even had a child. However, the marriage of the “glass” couple turned out to be fragile: Maxim and Margot broke up. After filming was completed, Margarita decided to start her life anew: she began acting for magazines, but subsequently almost stopped leading a public life and acquired her own folklore studio. In one of her last interviews, the star of the first reality admitted that she considers her participation in the show a big mistake, since now this item from her biography greatly harms her reputation. Now Margot is married for the second time, she changed her last name to Volkova. He runs a children's folklore studio in Moscow. On the wave of success, she starred for magazines, received the titles “Vice Miss Playboy” and “Miss Playmate”, but everything quickly faded away. Tried unsuccessfully to enter GITIS.

After the project was closed, Max was engaged in a very low-paying job, and the musical group in which he played soon broke up. He remembers his participation in the project negatively. But Zhanna, who has a rich father, studied at a prestigious university. Met the grandson of Boris Yeltsin. She married a rich man, lives in Rublyovka, and refuses to communicate with the press. After the end of the show, Denis, in collaboration with Olya, wrote a book “diary of impressions” about the project within two weeks, and then began writing the book “Reality” itself.

"Last Hero"

Inna Gomez

The most beautiful and one of the most “tenacious” participants in “The Last Hero” - the Russian adaptation of the show Survivor of the early 2000s. After the project, Gomez entered the Moscow Academy of Arts at the Faculty of Psychology, gave birth to a daughter, starred in films and several television series, and became involved in charity work. She is known for the fact that she almost never appears in the party, leads a rather closed lifestyle and completely ignores social networks.

Marina Alexandrova

Aspiring actress Marina Alexandrova starred in the third season of “The Last Hero.” At that time there were no romances with actors Alexander Domogarov and Ivan Stebunov and Channel One director Andrei Boltenko. Then she was young, tanned and fearlessly participated in the most difficult competitions of the project. As the tabloids noted, it was after the adventures on the desert island that Marina’s film career took off. Returning to the mainland fit and tanned, the actress began to receive a huge number of filming offers. Today she is a mother and one of the most sought-after actresses in Russian cinema.


In the fall of 2003, the TNT channel launched a “survival” show called “Hunger.” Its participants were taken out of the country and placed in a house without food or money. We had to earn a piece of bread ourselves. The winner was promised a prize of $1,000 monthly payments for life. The winner of the prize was a guy from Korolev, Moscow region, Alexander Konstantinov.

Victory in the project brought the guy not only fame, but also gave him the opportunity to fulfill his dream - to enter the theater (the famous “Pike”) and subsequently become a professional actor. After graduating from school, the winner of “Hunger” began acting in theater and TV series. Today, the reality show star’s portfolio includes “Daddy’s Daughters,” “Law and Order: Criminal Intent,” “Euphrosyne” and many other films. In addition, he owes his personal happiness to this show: he met his future wife Karina Sabirzyanova among its participants. Last year they gave birth to twins Klim and Olivia.

"House number 1"

Few people remember that before “House-2” there was just “House”. At that time, married couples lived on the perimeter, who were not building love, but real living space in the Moscow region. The winners in the first project were the spouses Renata and Alexey. They refused the finished house, took the prize in money, and took 8 million rubles home to Perm.

And then a mysterious story happened: the media suddenly declared the Pichkalevs dead. They say local bandits brutally dealt with the couple and took their money. Renata and Alexey really disappeared, but a few years later they suddenly... gave an interview. They simply commented on the news of their murder: “They always write fables about us.” Now the Pichkalevs live in Perm, with the money they won, they organized a cosmetics business and are trying to keep a low profile.

"House 2"

Roman Tretyakov

Roman Tretyakov had a love affair with Olga Buzova on the project. After “House-2” he tried to broadcast on different channels. Now he also organizes events for which he writes scripts. After the project, he married model Svetlana Sokolova, they had a son, but the marriage broke up.

Olga Nikolaeva (Sun)

Olga Nikolaeva, who chose the pseudonym Sun for the project, is engaged in music. He writes songs that were in rotation on Russian radio stations. In addition, Olga graduated from DJ school and now performs in clubs.

May Abrikosov

Olga Nikolaeva on “House-2” had love with May Abrikosov (real name and surname - Roman Tertishny). After the project, he hosted the mystical program “Secrets” on the TV-3 channel, but then Alexey Chumakov took his place. In addition, May took steps in the acting field: he entered the theater school and began acting in films. But then he dropped everything and returned to his native village in the Voronezh region. According to eyewitnesses, he works as a harvester on a collective farm, lives as a hermit, and has become involved in religion. True, recently the guy, after a long break, gave an interview in which he expressed the hope that he would still become a great actor. Mai also said that he has a girlfriend whom he is going to marry.

Anastasia Dashko

No one could imagine that this pretty blonde would end up behind bars. Nevertheless, it happened.


After the project, Nastya went into “business”: allegedly reselling building materials, she took money for them and disappeared. In August 2013, she was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to three years in a general regime colony. Then, on appeal, the term was reduced by a year. After serving her sentence, the girl was released, she got married and gave birth to her first child. Anastasia does not advertise her personal life and does not even maintain Instagram, so what the parents named the boy became known only a month later. Dashko and her husband Konstantin Kuleshov gave their son a rare name - Klim. As for Dashko’s on-screen love, Sam Seleznev, he left for his native Krasnodar and still hangs out there and visits nightclubs.

"Holidays in Mexico"

Rapper Staf, one of the most prominent participants in the project, disappeared for some time. And not only from TV screens, but also from the music sphere. There were rumors that for some channels he had almost become persona non grata. Now Svyatoslav returns to music with new thoughts and plans. And even with a new name - SVЯTOSLAV FINIST.

But for one of Svyatoslav’s on-screen lovers, not life, but a real roller coaster began after the end of the show. It was she, by the way, who became the winner of “Vacation”, however, of the second season. According to Nastya, for the sake of victory, she “was an inadequate person” for two whole seasons. At one time, Nastya worked as a presenter at beauty contests, and then even managed to star in several TV series. Today the girl can be seen at the most high-profile events in Moscow, and she also works as a presenter on the STS Love channel. Nastya dreams of a family, but for now her career comes first.

Diana Makieva became the winner of the first season. True, it turned out that out of a million, Diana got only 600 thousand, and Roman (Roman Nikitin is the second winner) got 400 thousand.
And it was precisely because of her disruptive character that the girl achieved success in her career. During the start of the second season, she became a co-host of Dmitry Nagiyev. At the same time, Diana was involved in organizing various events and collaborated with many television channels and radio stations. Today Diana can often be seen in the “Male and Female” project, and she also works with the Kids radio station. fm, positions itself as a journalist. Recently, the girl dyed her hair blonde, which was an important step for her, because since the days of “Vacation” she said that she would never change her hair color.

Zhenya Petrova, with whom Staff recorded the famous track personifying “Holidays in Mexico,” was remembered by the TV viewer as an objective and adequate girl (compared to all the other brawlers). In many situations, one could really follow an example from her. After the project, Zhenya went home to St. Petersburg, but did not stay there for long. They started calling her from Ostankino and inviting her to appear on television - she didn’t expect this! For some time, Zhenya worked as a presenter on MTV, but still realized that she felt more comfortable in her native St. Petersburg.

Today the girl lives in two cities. She has long established herself as a DJ, goes on tours throughout Russia, but more often, of course, plays in St. Petersburg clubs. She also plays sports and looks great!

Anastasia Yagailova (“Big Brother”)

Nineteen-year-old Anastasia was able to outperform her older and no less strong competitors in many respects and reached the finals. It cannot be said that the victory was easy for Nastya. The girl often cried during the project, clashed with the participants, threw scandals and hysterics. But strong will and desire to win did their job. The treasured ten million rubles were at Nastya’s disposal. After one reality show, Nastya smoothly moved on to another. She was invited to Dom-2. The girl did not stay there long and expressed a desire to leave the project. The affair with Vasily Pechen was not successful. Soon Nastya married another guy. It turned out to be an old comrade Alexey Ryabichkin. The wedding took place in Khabarovsk rather modestly. The bride was in an interesting position. Gradually, Nastya began to change. Now she is busy with her family and rarely appears in public.

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